Oh, there’s a substansive response, Mark1. Just as substansive as the Congressman, though, I’ll give you that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
FBI Investigating Rightwing Group’s Message To Governors
“The FBI is warning police across the country that an anti-government group’s call to remove governors from office could provoke violence. …
“As of Wednesday, more than 30 governors had received letters saying if they don’t leave office within three days they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. …
“The FBI warning comes at a time of heightened attention to far-right extremist groups after the arrest of nine Christian militia members last weekend accused of plotting violence.”
In other news, a new Quinnipiac University poll found that 60 percent of Americans among both major political parties think raising income taxes on households making more than $250,000 should be a main tenet of the government’s efforts to tame the deficit. More than 70 percent, including a majority of Republicans, say those making more than $1 million should pay more.
Daddy Lovespews:
Tea Partiers (there, I said it). They’re angry, yes. But are they principled independents out to save our country?
They’re just the same old white conservatives who have been throwing tantrums ever since, oh, at least Jimbo Carter’s time. I do remember a bunch of hardhats for Nixon with “Love it or Leave it” signs as welll.
In the late-March poll, the “angry” population overlapped generally with those who identified as Republicans. They were overwhelming white (94 percent) and conservative (73 percent).
TO be fair, because you know, the WaPo is fair, they do quote someone who “said he is an independent but has never backed a Democratic presidential candidate.” You know, because he’s such an independent.
A couple of days ago, Hannity affectionately called his tea bag audience “Tim McVeigh wannabes”, and they cheered.
The right wing has a strategy to generate and harness the energy of hate, ignorance, racism, and violence in order to win in November.
Dave Reichert is part of that strategy.
When asked about the “birther” movement, Reichert, rather than laughing it off, lent credibility to it by saying, “I’m investigating”. No word yet on the results of that investigation.
Reichert issued a “Statement on Senate Passage of Government-Run Health Care”, furthering the lies, deceptions, and misinformation propagated by the right that depend on ignorance and racism to further their cause.
No single payer, no public option, no medicare buy-ins, no expansion of “government run healthcare” of any kind; just an expansion of healthcare provided by private insurers – that’s what Reichert refers to as “government run health care”, playing into the paranoia, ignorance, and idiocy of the right wing base.
This is all they have. All their hopes are pinned on mobilizing the lunatic fringe that thinks Obama is the Anti-Christ, and/or a Muslim, and/or Hitler, and/or a socialist, and/or a Kenyan…
Ignorance is their friend. The more intelligent, educated, and informed the electorate, the worse the Republicans fare.
What a sad circumstance and strategy for the right: The more educated, rational, and compassionate the voters are, the worse for them!
You can meet Suzan DelBene and ask her questions at Drinking Liberally Newport Hills on Monday, April 5th.
See ad to the left!
@6 if reichert is investigating, we should have the results in 20 years.
Ditzy Darcy Burnout(x2): Prefers shiny sparkly things.
Oh, there’s a substansive response, Mark1. Just as substansive as the Congressman, though, I’ll give you that.
FBI Investigating Rightwing Group’s Message To Governors
“The FBI is warning police across the country that an anti-government group’s call to remove governors from office could provoke violence. …
“As of Wednesday, more than 30 governors had received letters saying if they don’t leave office within three days they will be removed, according to an internal intelligence note by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. …
“The FBI warning comes at a time of heightened attention to far-right extremist groups after the arrest of nine Christian militia members last weekend accused of plotting violence.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Looks like the Toddler Right is throwing another temper tantrum. Actually, they’ve never stopped.
He’s a party pooper, and alwasy has been.
In other news, a new Quinnipiac University poll found that 60 percent of Americans among both major political parties think raising income taxes on households making more than $250,000 should be a main tenet of the government’s efforts to tame the deficit. More than 70 percent, including a majority of Republicans, say those making more than $1 million should pay more.
Tea Partiers (there, I said it). They’re angry, yes. But are they principled independents out to save our country?
They’re just the same old white conservatives who have been throwing tantrums ever since, oh, at least Jimbo Carter’s time. I do remember a bunch of hardhats for Nixon with “Love it or Leave it” signs as welll.
But anyway, that’s who they are.
TO be fair, because you know, the WaPo is fair, they do quote someone who “said he is an independent but has never backed a Democratic presidential candidate.” You know, because he’s such an independent.
A couple of days ago, Hannity affectionately called his tea bag audience “Tim McVeigh wannabes”, and they cheered.
The right wing has a strategy to generate and harness the energy of hate, ignorance, racism, and violence in order to win in November.
Dave Reichert is part of that strategy.
When asked about the “birther” movement, Reichert, rather than laughing it off, lent credibility to it by saying, “I’m investigating”. No word yet on the results of that investigation.
Reichert issued a “Statement on Senate Passage of Government-Run Health Care”, furthering the lies, deceptions, and misinformation propagated by the right that depend on ignorance and racism to further their cause.
No single payer, no public option, no medicare buy-ins, no expansion of “government run healthcare” of any kind; just an expansion of healthcare provided by private insurers – that’s what Reichert refers to as “government run health care”, playing into the paranoia, ignorance, and idiocy of the right wing base.
This is all they have. All their hopes are pinned on mobilizing the lunatic fringe that thinks Obama is the Anti-Christ, and/or a Muslim, and/or Hitler, and/or a socialist, and/or a Kenyan…
Ignorance is their friend. The more intelligent, educated, and informed the electorate, the worse the Republicans fare.
What a sad circumstance and strategy for the right: The more educated, rational, and compassionate the voters are, the worse for them!
You can meet Suzan DelBene and ask her questions at Drinking Liberally Newport Hills on Monday, April 5th.
See ad to the left!
@6 if reichert is investigating, we should have the results in 20 years.
@7….will there be strippers and beer?
@9. Sorry, just beer.
fuck it…nevermind then.
Good one.