Apparently, the following help wanted ad has been circulating Congressional listservs and DC employment pages for weeks, so in my usual bipartisan spirit, I thought I’d just pass it along.
Press Secretary — Congressman Dave Reichert seeks experienced communications professional to manage, coordinate and implement all facets of the member’s daily and strategic communications operations. Works with and maintains contact with local and national press outlets, drafts press releases, talking points, op-eds, newsletters and supplemental materials. Will also oversee and update electronic, internet and other communications, including an aggressive Franked Mail program. Successful candidate will be a strong writer, team player, a self-starter, creative and strategic thinker as well as have campaign experience. Please send resume, cover letter and writing samples to . No phone calls, faxes, or drop-offs please.
“Aggressive Franked Mail program”… talk about an understatement. And don’t forget, “campaign experience” is required, because of course, congressional staffers are completely prohibited from, um, participating in campaign activities on the taxpayers’ dime. Or, whatever.
It is depressing to get Reichert’s self-serving franked-mail political crap in the mailbox. My wife sent him an angry email calling him a cheating,tax wasting, lint- brained shithead.
They emailed back thanking her for the input.
John Fucking Kerry is an arrogant elitist assfuckinghole. Did you guys read the santimonious shit he wrote in today’s Times?
Typical fucking librul… he knows how we should live our lives better than we do, but fails to follow his own advice.
He should lead by example and get rid of the few of the SUVs he drives and stop flying in that carbon spewing private jet.
Oh wait… TuhRAYzzzzzzzzza owns the SUVs doesn’t she? Does she buy “carbon credits” like gawd does?
And yet John McCain wanted to run with Kerry in 2004. So I guess Kerry must be OK in McCain’s eyes.
After he got called out in the press for spending our hard earned tax dollars on frivolous campaign flyers disquised as constituent mail, he has the audacity to literally advertise he’s going to do it again.
Tax dollars going to an overpaid campaign hack who’s job is to send expensive tax payer funded campaign material.
Dave Reichert’s claim of fiscal responsibility is simply a joke.
Experience in cutting and pasting photos of sex offenders into anonymous mailings is a plus.
Apparently the girlz have decided that the taxpayers should ante up a few hunnerd million for another fucking stadium so fucking losers can worship their millionairre heros.
Are you guys proud of yourselves for electing them? Don’t blame me. Not one of them got my vote.
Oh and one more thing — liars are encouraged to apply.
I want to know when Reichert is going to hug a rabbit! Can’t Hairspray figure out how to hug a rabbit? Darcy Burner hugs rabbits! What’s his problem with rabbits, anyway?
Hey, do ya think the girlz will declare an “emergency” for the theft of Producer money to give to the Sonics?
I actually think they don’t give a fuck about the sonics. Seems pretty clear that the Seattle Lez Lobby is behind all this so the dykes in FUSeattle can go watch the Storm and run the two minute movie over and over…
@6 We don’t need another $500 million sports palace. There’s cheaper ways to provide Renton with 20 new jobs.
Why should everyone in King County pay taxes for something only Renton wants, that only benefits Renton?
10 years from now the $500 million arena won’t be good enough and the Sonics will move to Oklahoma City unless we tear it down and build a new one for $5 billion.
Millions for defense, but not one penny of tribute to sports blackmailers!!
Do you actually know how to read?
From the article: Gov. Chris Gregoire says if legislative leaders indicate there’s support for discussing the idea, she’ll call a summit to move the matter forward.
The only suport it quotes is from Sen. Prentice from…Renton.
@9 Redneck, if they’re only plotting to steal from producers, you have nothing to worry about.
P.S., pay your gambling debt, welsher!
The stock market is up 128 points today on rumors the RNC may be bombed any day now.*
* Just kidding! Liberal humor, ya know?
@14 Of course Prentice supports it, and nobody else does. Prentice represents Renton, which has roughly 1/16th of King County’s population. She expects the other 15/16ths of us to reach into our pockets to give Renton a $500 million sports palace! I think the restaurant and rental car tax for this turkey should be paid only by Renton residents.
If Bennett gets a $400 million subsidy for his sports hobby, then I should get a $400 million subsidy for my stock investing hobby! We already have too much socialism for the rich around here. It’s time we shifted some of that funding to socialism for the poor and middle class.
Wabbit – THe girlz say it’s a “smart investment” to buy stadium for millionaires and their loser fans.
Giving you money for your hobby would not be a “smart investment” because you’re a dumfuckingshit.
But I’m sure you could turn it into a “small fortune” though…
What do you have against women? You only refer to the fair sex in a pejorative manner. I’m guessing that women kick your ass in business and mock you in bed. Life as a bitter, mysogynistic, racist, skinflint must be a bit hard. Still, even though I’m a liberal, I don’t feel sorry for you.
Hey Mark….how much better does your Excursion run on $3.00/gallon gas than it did on $1.50/gallon gas?
Hey Messrs Stupid, Clueless, Racist, ArtFart, etc.
Your religion of peace is calling you:
“The Trouble With Islam
Sadly, mainstream Muslim teaching accepts and promotes violence. BY TAWFIK HAMID
Tuesday, April 3, 2007 12:01 a.m. EDT
Not many years ago the brilliant Orientalist, Bernard Lewis, published a short history of the Islamic world’s decline, entitled “What Went Wrong?” Astonishingly, there was, among many Western “progressives,” a vocal dislike for the title. It is a false premise, these critics protested. They ignored Mr. Lewis’s implicit statement that things have been, or could be, right.
But indeed, there is much that is clearly wrong with the Islamic world. Women are stoned to death and undergo clitorectomies. Gays hang from the gallows under the approving eyes of the proponents of Shariah, the legal code of Islam. Sunni and Shia massacre each other daily in Iraq. Palestinian mothers teach 3-year-old boys and girls the ideal of martyrdom. One would expect the orthodox Islamic establishment to evade or dismiss these complaints, but less happily, the non-Muslim priests of enlightenment in the West have come, actively and passively, to the Islamists’ defense.
These “progressives” frequently cite the need to examine “root causes.” In this they are correct: Terrorism is only the manifestation of a disease and not the disease itself. But the root-causes are quite different from what they think. As a former member of Jemaah Islamiya, a group led by al Qaeda’s second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, I know firsthand that the inhumane teaching in Islamist ideology can transform a young, benevolent mind into that of a terrorist. Without confronting the ideological roots of radical Islam it will be impossible to combat it. While there are many ideological “rootlets” of Islamism, the main tap root has a name–Salafism, or Salafi Islam, a violent, ultra-conservative version of the religion.”
Enjoy the rest of the article.
Here is the telling statement with my emphasis:
“Yet it is ironic and discouraging that many non-Muslim, Western intellectuals–who unceasingly claim to support human rights–have become obstacles to reforming Islam. Political correctness among Westerners obstructs unambiguous criticism of Shariah’s inhumanity. They find socioeconomic or political excuses for Islamist terrorism such as poverty, colonialism, discrimination or the existence of Israel. What incentive is there for Muslims to demand reform when Western “progressives” pave the way for Islamist barbarity? Indeed, if the problem is not one of religious beliefs, it leaves one to wonder why Christians who live among Muslims under identical circumstances refrain from contributing to wide-scale, systematic campaigns of terror.”
This is lost on Messrs Stupid, Clueless, ArtFart, Scratchy Voice, Darryl, Will, PelletHead, and the other lost-in-space Moonbat!s.
Sounds like you are deacribing the Christianist Right in America and their retarded clerics.
When Moonbat!s are in control:
Worldwide use of ADHD drugs nearly triples
Spending on meds also increased ninefold from 1993 to 2003, experts say:
Mr Stupid, your favorite news source!
No wonder why kids suck on the WASL!
You’re avoiding my questions on the “It’s good to be back” thread @ 8.
23/23 Actually, it’s not lost on us, although your yammering is likely to prevent you from hearing what we might have to say.
A lot of American feminists heartily supported Bush’s excursion into Afghanistan because, in addition to supposedly hunting down the mastermind of 9/11 and bringing him to justice, they saw the prospect of the Taliban being forced out of power and their instutionalized abuse of Afghan women brought to an end. Some were even bold enough to hope that this might lead to the application of increased pressure upon fundamentalist Islamic regimes, particularly in Saudi Arabia, to pursue some sort of reform.
Disappointingly, none of the above has happened. In the meantime, emboldened by their new political influence, “Christian” extremists in this country have been drooling over the prospect of making America over in their perverse image of a theocracy, which bears many similarities to the excesses of radical Islam.
You know not of what you talk. Progressives hate and oppose barbarity far more than do people of your persuasion. With regard to Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, you say, “so what, it’s for a better cause.” We condemn all barbarity, whether from Islamists–and there is far too much of that–or from our own government. Talk to your own crowd. You do not believe in basic human rights.
Yeah, headlice; we’re still wondering the root cause of your “troubles”!
What? Are you NUTZ? I see no demonstrations of how islamofascists treat women from your ilk! Try again!
28 Puddy, there seems to be scant evidence that you see much of anything, except for whatever talking points you happen to absorb while you’re wanking off over Ann Coulter on Faux News.
Sometimes I wonder about your memory. You’ve claimed thatthere weren’t protests against the Taliban’s treatment of women? Were you hanging out with Mr. Redneck through those years?
How many references would you like?
There are lots more.
The Thumbsucker is just that. . .a self absorbed, self validating, egocentrist. His ego and self involvement blind him to anything else. Facts, other people situations, or opinions, cannot come between his “perfect image” and himself. This allows him to rationalize anything. . .Is it any surprise he worships the supremely self-validating and infantile George W. Bush?
John Barelli: Wow, you can scan the Internet. You call those demonstrations? Where was the million woman march? Where was the Moonbat! MSM? MSNBC missed it? Where was Hilary?
You found links from 1998 and 2000? Nothing more current?
Waaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
FartArt & Julia:
Ann Coulter? Fox News? I am happily married. I don’t “wank” over Ann Coulter even though Voice of Chalk Scratching may have been a classmate of Ann. You have me confused with Mr Stupid. Mr Stupid screws anything with two or four legs in his mind! He’s a legend in his own mind!
I see many things; so many things it blinds Moonbat!s whack-jobs like FartArt! How do I find this stuff unless I see it. I used the MSNBC site FartingArt.
Voice of Chalk Scratching: Why did you not release my post in the ASSPen?
When Moonbat!s are in control:
Worldwide use of A-D-H-D d-r-u-g-s nearly triples
Spending on m-e-d-s also increased ninefold from 1993 to 2003, experts say:
Mr Stupid, your favorite news source!
No wonder why kids suck on the WASL!
Voice of Chalk Scratching: Why is my post on meds being blocked? Hits home?
Froggy: You validate my points about libtards every time you post. I couldn’t say it any better. You project yourself on your political enemies everyday.
Keep posting Froggy. Thank you. You are just like PelletHead. You are who you are!
Mark Redneck reminds me a 6th-grader who learned a new bad word. Go buy a dictionary and try to use real words, sir. If you can’t afford one, I’ll buy one and mail it to you.
And it takes a special brand of _____ make fun of somebody’s first name. What was your point, sir?
I see another series of tantrums from the thumbsucker. Darrell, child, when you support criminal endeavors like the neocons and rethugs, you become one. Grow up, mor get out of the way. The adults are in charge.