Of course, the headline is a trick question, for it turns out Rep. Dave Reichert is both a liar and an asshole.
A few days back when I first posted on the Issaquah school bus driver who got fired for flipping off President Bush, I focused on the assholish side to Reichert’s personality… the fact that he’s so proud of his role in getting the driver fired that he made the incident a part of his stump speech. I wrote:
Flip off the President, lose your livelihood. That’s justice in Dave Reichert’s America, and shows you what a mean, sanctimonious, vengeful S.O.B. he can really be.
What could be more assholic than bragging about getting some poor bus driver canned for dissing the President? Hmm. How about fabricating your role in the entire incident?
In a bungled attempt at damage control, Reichert has recently attempted to minimize his role in the firing, telling KIRO-TV that he called the Issaquah superintendent a week after the incident happened because it was “bothering him.” But as David Postman reveals this morning, that’s not what Reichert told a crowd in August. Speaking at the King County Republican picnic, Reichert boasted about getting the driver fired:
And as the motorcade went by, the President and I drove by on I-5, the President was having a great time. He was waving at everybody, he waved at the kids. He got the biggest kick out of the kids leaning out the window to say hello to the President of the United States.
The sad part of it is though, we got to the last bus — and I won’t tell you which school district this was — the bus driver flipped the President off.
So the very next day, you know what I did? I called the superintendent of that school district and that bus driver no longer works for that school.
After raucous applause, Reichert told the crowd:
That’s the old sheriff part of me still around.
Really… cheering over somebody losing their job. What a bunch of assholes. (And if that really was “the old sheriff” part of Reichert, you’d think it would’ve taken 18 years for the driver to be fired.)
So Reichert tells a cheering crowd in August that he called the superintendent the “very next day”, but when the story blows up in his face he tells KIRO-TV that he waited a week to call. One way or the other, he’s lying.
And according to Michael in Postman’s comment thread, Reichert actually heard about the incident from a “school district insider,” prompting him to cook up his version as a stump speech crowd asshole pleaser.
So there you have it. If Dave Reichert really is such an asshole that his phone call led to the driver’s firing, then he lied to KIRO-TV in denying it. But if instead he lied on the stump, boasting about a role in a firing he didn’t really have… well, that just raises his assholosity to a whole new level.
Either way it doesn’t paint Reichert in a positive light. Unless of course, being a lying asshole is exactly the type of job experience you’re looking for in a congressman.
darcy who? is getting her fat ass kicked so it’s time to ‘david irons’ the sheriff.
A HREF=”http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/11/03/D8L5N5R81.html”>Radio Host Fired Over Candidate Insult
Radio Host Fired Over Candidate Insult
Now how do we know the bus driver wasn’t trying to say Bush was #1 and just got his fingers messed up?
AnonymousProudAss…I understand that a fascist like you would like nothing more than to see me fired. You find the truth dangerous, so you want to stifle it. So please feel free to complain to KIRO.
But you should keep in mind that a) I didn’t just launch a slur at Reichert, I demonstrated his assholic behavior; b) as much as I may think he’s an asshole, I’ve never called him one on the air, and have always followed all FCC regulations and KIRO guidelines; and c) KIRO was fully aware of the nature of this blog at the time they hired me, and it was clearly understood that I would not be expected to turn down my language on HA.
So go ahead and complain to KIRO. Let them know you’re listening.
It could have been a peace sign as seen from the side.
Remember Bjorn Lomborg, the Swedish science quack who wrote a book a couple years back called “The Skeptical Environmentalist” that wingnuts slobbered all over because it purported to prove the world has no environmental problems?
Lomborg wrote a whole chapter on oceans and fisheries, complete with footnotes. The already thoroughly discredited Lomborg, who has been acidly rebuked by scientists and academic bodies all over the world, is having another bad day today:
“Overfishing May Threaten Seafood Population
“WASHINGTON (Nov. 3) – Clambakes, crabcakes, swordfish steaks and even humble fish sticks could be little more than a fond memory in a few decades. If current trends of overfishing and pollution continue, the populations of just about all seafood face collapse by 2048, a team of ecologists and economists warns in a report in Friday’s issue of the journal Science.”
For the rest of this depressing story and/or copyright info, see http://tinyurl.com/yxnlkf
Fish stocks are a crucial part of the human food supply. Many other countries – Japan for example – rely on ocean fisheries for protein even more than Americans do. Far more. Lomborg said, no problemo. The oceans can produce even more seafood than they do now, and the planet can support billions of additional people. There’s no environmental crisis.
He’s full of shit.
So are trollfuck liars like Mark the Redneck, who burns up electrons posting mindless-and-thoughtless nonsense about global warming on this board. 99.9% of the scientific community disagrees with him. So does the British government, which last week publicly rebuked the Bush administration’s environmental policies. No problemo, Redneck says. He and Lomborg must be fucking buddies.
This points out a larger issue: The disconnect between what wingnuts say and the unpleasant realities of our world. They think saying something makes it true. No problemo, if they say we’re winning in Iraq, it’s gonna happen! If they say Kerry’s joke was about the troops, not Bush, then it was. Saying it makes it true.
I have a suggestion for every trollfuck on this board and every wingnut in America. Strap on one of these http://tinyurl.com/ygpdts and jump off the tallest bridge, building, or cliff you can find. On the way down tell yourself there’s no such thing as gravity. No problemo.
And let’s not forget that a couple days ago Redneck called our Northern European friends and allies “Scandahoovians.”
Even Lomborg isn’t a “Scandahoovian.” He may be a dumb Swede … but he’s still a Swede.
And you wingnuts living in the 8th CD want to be represented by THIS guy? Shuriff Blowdry? You must hate yourselves … you must hate your children, too. You probably even hate your dogs.
I hate your dogs, too.
In previous topics, lots of people mentioned that it is innapropriate for a school bus driver to use an obscene gesture in front of children. I would agree. I wouldn’t do it myself. If I was in charge of discipline, I would have given the driver a one or two day suspension without pay for that offense. That’s enough to get the message across.
But with regard to Reichart, I’m fairly certain that if he was still Sheriff, and things had gone differently in Ohio in 2004 and Reichart was assisting in the escort of President Kerry to a taxpayer funded campaign event, and a bus driver flipped a bird at Kerry, the story Reichart would have told would have been quite differenet. Reichart would have found it quite amusing, because he would have argued that it showed (a) just how unpopular Kerry really was, and (b) how ticked off drivers/taxpayers/police were at being inconvenienced by a politician using taxpayer dollars to raise money for partison campaigns.
I seriously doubt that the “disrespect for the President” or the “obscene gesture in front of children” would have bothered Reichart at all, as long as the object of the driver’s displeasure was a Democrat instead of a Republican.
Hey there HowcanyoubePROUDtobeanEVILfuckingchristianistBITCH…
…especially TODAY when another christinist hypocrite bites the…ahhh…dust.
You are really a load of crap, lady. You are about the LAST person who should be calling ANYBODY out. Not that THAT ever stopped YOU.
You hypocritical asshole.
The more I see of Dave Reichert, the more unimpressed I become. He lacks the integrity and intelligence we should demand of a congressional candidate. He’s one of those guys that is sanctimonious and smug because he’s too dumb to recognize his limitations. The only reason to support him is for blind partisan purposes. I suspect that Reichert’s lack of integrity and intelligence is precisely the reason you support him–you rightwingers want pliant, principle-free candidates who will do whatever the Administration tells them to do.
Great work, ProudAss! You make a veiled threat against Goldy and don’t even have the guts to sign your fake screen name to it! Typical wingnut yellow-stripe coward.
You know, the abuse of office and incompetent management by the Republicans in just about all areas has gotten so prevelant, we hardly notice it anymore. It seems that every day some new revelation is coming out, which proves our suspicions about things occuring months/years ago, but for which we had little evidence.
My question: Is anybody writing ALL this down? I think it would be helpful to have a record of exactly WHY the American people rejected the Republican party.
Remember that within a year from now, Republicans will be arguing that it never occured, and that Bush is responsible for anything good which happens (even if he is dragged there by a Democratic Congress, kicking and scraming the whole way), and that the Democrats are responsible for everything the Republicans have screwed up over the past six years.
1) Go to the paving project on Aurora Avenue north.
2) Lay down lengthwise in the exact center of the street.
3) Stay there until a car runs over you.
This will save the taxpayers $1.35 worth of yellow paint.
Don’t worry, it’s covered. Four more days.
News Item, Nov. 3, 2006:
LONDON – The United States is seen as a threat to world peace by its closest neighbors and allies, with Britons saying President Bush poses a greater danger than North Korea’s Kim Jong Il, a survey found Friday.
Wait … I guess that should read “New LOWEST levels”. But lower than Kim Jong Il? Man, that’s quite an achievement. Few people can compete on that level.
Dang, forgot to close the italics again. Hope that doesn’t screw up the rest of the posts.
BunnyBoy: “Don’t worry, it’s covered. Four more days. INVESTIGATIONS! SUBPOENAS! FROG MARCHES! TRIALS! PINK JUMPSUITS!”
Is that fantasy to go with the pink elephants that dance in your living room as a result of skipping your meds?
I can’t wait for the HA headlines on the 8th when Goldy launches a tirade about how stupid the country is for not swallowing the Dems line of, “Ideas? A plan? Our plan is… uhhh… the opposite of whatever the other guys say! Oh, and no blood for oil… and… uhhh… Bush sux!”
Perhaps you can invite MorOn.org poster boy and “real” Democrat Ned Lamont to the next Drinking Liberally. You know he’ll have free time on his hands.
RHP @ 18
And yet… To where do millions of non-Americans want to move? And who do they whine to when they’re in trouble?
Gee, somehow the Republicans investigating their own speaker’s conduct in the Foley scandal cannot seem to get a report out in advance of the election, despite working “12 hour days”.
But you can bet if it had been a Democratic who was being investigated, they either would have issued a report within 48 hours proclaiming calling for the Democrat to apologize, then resign, then be publicy pilloried and executed, to be followd later by a trial once all the facts are collected.
And a note to Republicans: working 12 hour days is nothing new to Democrats. That is what Republicans expect of the average working man, so that they (the Republicans) can be supported in the manner to which they have become accostomed.
Remember Bush’s admiration of a woman who complained about having to work a full time and part time job to make ends meet? He said he marvelled at her display of the “the American spirit”, or something like that. He is so far divorced from that kind of reality, he didn’t even understand that she was complaining, not bragging.
Bush sees the appropriate position of the average American worker as the equivilent of a Fraternity pledge. “Please, Sir, May I have Another?” – “Smack!”.
Oops, forgot the link to the article- “No Ethics Report By Election Day”. (Gee, does really that surprise anybody?)
Arrogant republican bastards. No one deserves to be taken down more that this corrupt crew. Outtatheway! We Democrats are going to clean up your train wreck. We’ll stitch back together the shreds of our constitution and get this country back on track. Reichert is toast, and good riddance.
yeah there holding the new poverty numbers till after the elections to
boy i hope so
Hey EvilfuckingChristianistBITCH…I mean ProudAss…I mean”anonymous” (WHATeverrrrr)-
Did You Know-
Your preciously MORAL Republican Party was taking campaign money from
(From the fabulously right wing ABC News)
York, york, york.
We have footage of Bush flipping off citizens at various times. Maybe she thought it was some kind of special salute.
This one’s better!
Mary Carey the Porn Star got a sit down with GW and Karl for giving $5,000 two years in a row to the RNC.
I’d put the link up, but even I have…standards(????)(nahhh, I just don’t want to get Goldy in trouble. Google Mary Carey George Bush Karl Rove).
Fucking dipshits. They deserve to lose.
They will lose. Unless Diebold says different.
Republicans WIN next week!!! Thank you, John “Hate The Troops” Kerry!!!!!!
Hey Goldy, can’t Dave be both a liar AND an asshole? (GOP for a
22 million Rush listeners and 22 million vets and their families will ALL vote Republican next week!!!
You wouldn’t know this, but in the Navy we’d say “5 and a wake up.”
That’s how long you have on HA blog after the Dems clean house in congress.
Commentby GBS […….GBS, You are soooooo short on HA.ORG you can’t see over a dime. Soon you will be nothing but a dumb ass, liberal, socialist Democrat memory. Remember to NEVER address a commissioned officer without first contacting your LPO!!!!]
Hey, the one and only Mark is back. I prefer you over Mark the Redneck who still hasn’t paid the bet he lost to Goldy about a year ago.
But that’s not saying too much.
How about for old times sake you mix in a little Soros with that Moveon.org? We can always use a laugh…
Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooslims for Democrats!!! “Guvment” union hacks for Democrats!!! Black 4th generation welfare families for Democrats!!! [ “Gotsa keep the motha f*ckin check comin!!!!!”]
Moooooooooooooooooslim terrorists want you to vote Democrat!! Welfare hacks and “guvment” workers, too!!! [“gosta gets da guvment check”!!]
Hey “jch”-
Did you know the Republican Congress just FIRED the guy in charge of tracking the MONEY…YOUR MONEY that is being Squandered…I mean SPENT in Iraq?
Oh, you don’t CARE????
I knew that.
18 REPUBLICAN Congressman are under Federal investigation!!!!
More Republicans are sucking at the public tit than welfare recipients.
re 33: How many butt-fucking fundamentalist Christians will be voting Republican?
So lets get this straight….
A King County Metro Bus Driver say Merry Christmas to a passenger, that’s a bad thing and should be punished by terminating the driver.
Some crackpot piece of shit, with a busload full of kid flips off the President of the United States, and Reichert’s to blame?
Seriously Goldy, you are just a fucking weasel
goldy…you of all people are appalled by someone [else] cheering that someone lost their job? what? is your middle name hypocrite? you do this on almost a daily basis…..the name brown mean anything to you?
43 What president? We haven’t had one since January 2001.
1 Anon
Yes, it’s so unfair to report what Dave says and how inconsistent he is in his stories. What fair-minded person wold point out that both stories can’t possibly be true and that he absolutelyly lied either to a local news organization to hide his act or to voters to obtain their vindictive, petty votes?
And Mark1 called ME “juvenile and immature”?
43 Paul
Hre it is. I’l go slow, so you can really, really get it straight. And for bonus points, can you name the logical construct this constitutes?
1. In a published interview, Dave Reichert told KIRO that he waited a week to call the Issaquah school superintendednt, and that the driver had already been fired.
2. In a speech to potential voters, Dave has been recorded as saying that he called the next day and was instrumental in the firing.
3. Both cannot be true.
4. Therefore, Dave Reichert lied either to the press or to voters.
Bonus answer: syllogism.
Yet another inadequate Republican response.
Too little, too late again, Brownie!
Check the P.I.’s updated front page story:
Reichert bragged about getting finger-waving bus driver fired
I’m guessing that calling Goldy a hypocrite or a fucking weasel isn’t going to spin this one your way.
Over at SoundPolitics they are investigating the possibility that Dispy-Doodle-Darcy actually voted Republican in a primary.
She sure does qualify for a Horses Ass award of some kind, doesn’t she?
Note: I think it’s not a syllogism. But I can’t find a good name for it. It may be reductio ad absurdum, because it would be absurd for two contradictory statement to both be true.
50 John425
Darcy can vote however she wants. Jim Webb was a Republican and the Secretary of the Navy under Ronald Reagan, but he’ll be a fine Democratic Senator after he kicks Macaca Allen’s considerable ass back to California.
Who needs to spin anything?
She was fired and she should have been fired.
Who cares if it was infornt of kids. the bottom line is that hse was paid to act in a professional manner and she did not.
I realize that’s hard for your to grasp, but then again, your one who thinks all child molestors are innocent, murderers should have the right to vote, etc…
Clueless @ 35
Well, I’d heard that Soros had backed off of his “nation building” in this country for the time being, so I left him out. Haven’t paid too much attention to him anyway.
Funny thing about “Marks” and bets and Goldy. Goldy actually owes ME a beer for a bet about a year ago. Unfortunately, I’m thinking I can only collect at a DL event and there isn’t enough Benadryl and/or antibiotics in the world to what those folks could give me, so… ;)
I just stopped by for old times’ sake (though I’ve read HA on an off). Too busy running a small business and plowing money back into a growing economy (and yes, I know you can find metrics to say things either way).
Here’s a VERY telling scene told to me by a friend that has only been in the country for a few years, became a citizen earlier this year and registered to vote. They asked my advice and I told them while I had my opinions, the best way to honor their newly acquired right was to read the voters’ guide thoroughly and make a thoughtful decision for themselves. I advised them to look at many DIFFERENT news sources to try and get a balanced view of the candidates/issues and their histories. I told them that there were good Dems & bad Dems; good Reps & bad Reps. I told them I tend to vote Republican, but will readily cross the aisle to choose the best candidate. I told them to ignore the political ads slamming opponents because you can always take things out of context. And that was my “civics” lesson for this new American.
Well… because I’m a Republican, this friend sought the opinion of some of the many Dems they work with. Here is a paraphrase of what I was told afterward: “I’m SO frustrated and upset. I tried to talk to my friends who are Democrats and all they did was talk down to me and treat me like I was stupid. I asked why I should vote for a Democrat and all they kept saying was that the Republicans are evil. They admitted that McDermott was crazy [as I’d mentioned to her], but that I should vote for him anyway because you should only ever vote for Democrats. But they never told me why I should vote FOR the Democrats, just that I should vote against every Republican. Neither party is right on everything and I don’t understand why people don’t vote for the best person.”
As a Moderate, I told her that a lot of people in the country (36% according to one poll) ask the same question.
dady love, go slow all you want, this pig, one of your own little flock, should have been fired.
Who really cares what Reichert said.
Chances are, he does not even represent you.
Yikes. You almost sound reasonable, and you give a hint of humor. Those characteristics preclude you from the Republican club, don’t they? (That’s sarcasm, which tends not to come across well over the internet.) Hopefully, once the Democrats regain some power in the federal government, reasonable people in both parties will start to talk to each other again. Wouldn’t that be grand?
53 55 Paul
And fuck you too.
The school district, as far as I know, can hire and fire anyone they want who is not protected by a union contract, and I for one don’t care a whole bunch. Though I cheer the lawsuit.
I DO care when my representative (and yes, he is) intervenes to get a woman fired to suck up to Idiot Boy, and then later lies about it. And yes, he did lie. You can say you don’t care. Many people, like, say, voters in his district, DO care whether their representative lies to voters or the press.
If you don’t care about lies,
A) You do have a home in Republican Party politics.
B) What were you doing from 1996 to 2000, if you were out of diapers then? I would guess you were screaming at the top of your lungs “THE PRESIDENT LIED!”
Bush’s 1 fingered victory salute.
Maybe the Sheriff thinks Bush should lose his job, too. If only it were that easy.
54 Mark
Republicans aren’t evil. They have just failed.
Jesus Christ.
56 bodies more bodies found today in Baghdad bearing signs of torture. And oh, yeah, seven more Americans killed.
Heckuva job Bushie.
glad to hear that’s your take on this.
I only hope that the RNCC, Tebelius, and the Reichert team share your poor judgement.
I’m inclined to believe that most 8th district voters tend to look somewhat negatively on powerful male politicians who throw their weight around to punish hapless shlubs that get in their way. Even if they only pretend to throw their weight around to impress their asshole pals.
But perhaps I’ve got it all wrong. Perhaps your perspective would be more influential with 8th CD voters:
She’s a pig. She got what she deserved.
Maybe some of us here at HA can help out with the messaging on this one. How’s this: we rent some limos, town cars and a black Hummer or two and head over to Issaquah S.D. headquarters to protest that they didn’t do enough! We’ll make it an old fashioned lynch party in honor of “The Sheriff”. We’ll alert the media, of course, and well ask why she wasn’t arested, beaten, and charged with treason! Afterward we can go mobile with the media in tow and head over to the disrespectful bitches house to continue the street party. Maybe we should call on the Congressman to rekindle some more of that “old Sheriff” in him, by going after her benefits, too.
Hell, futzd the html. Hmmm…
Bush’s 1 fingered vicory salute
Oh well, since I have no power over links today, use The Google for “president bush bird flip”
63 just write the URL into your post.
proud @ 56
I’m sure there are plenty of Republicans who will happily call me a RINO or some other thing.
Your last sentiment would actually be a great thing. I will even admit that there are some more-Left-than-I’d-like politicians who are STILL reasonable and intelligent people. Checks and balances between the parties are a good thing. Unfortunately, I fear that the Dems feel they have a score to settle and either all hell will break loose or things will grind to a halt if they take the House.
What are your thoughts on the “Gang of 14” (Senators) a while back?
Daddy @ 59
Have the Republicans succeeded? At some things, yes. At other things, no. If you or any other Democrat is willing to put forth some real, proactive ideas, I’d be happy to listen and discuss.
By your logic (the Anyone But theory), you’d rather have Billy Bob the farmhand performing brain surgery on you because the neurosurgeon has had people die on the table before.
The Real Mark @ 21:
And yet… To where do millions of non-Americans want to move? And who do they whine to when they’re in trouble?
Almost all the desirable immigration (i.e. students, H1-B, green card applicants, tourists) have been going down post 9/11. Illegal immigration has been going gangbusters, and will continue to do so until the income gap between the US and Mexico closes to something like 5:1 rather than 20:1.
One reason I’m hanging out and sniping at you from Vancouver, BC: we could not get the people we have working here legally employed in the United States. These are high-skill, high value-add people. Somewhere around 150 people pulling $2000/week. A benefit to anyone’s tax rolls. Canada looooves our contributions to the coffers, and lets us bring them in. The United States does not, so we ain’t there.
Mark @ 65
I thought the Gang of 14 was well-conceived. Bill Frist’s challenge to the senatorial power of the filibuster with regard to the president’s judicial choices displayed remarkable disrespect for our system of checks and balances. His shortsightedness was eyepopping. I was impressed that 7 Republican senators were willing to stand up for senatorial power, even though that pissed off the White House. I think the next time we have a Democrat in the White House, some Senate Republicans will be relieved to have the precedent of the Gang of 14. On the other hand, naturally, I felt the Gang of 14 acted with far too much deference to Bush. Roberts was an easy confirmation. By any measure, he was qualified. Hell, I’d have voted to confirm him because the Constitution does give the president the right to choose judges, and opposition to Roberts, given his clear ability, could only be partisan. Alito, however, deserved a far more spirited opposition. His partisanship is career-long, and he does not merit a place on the Court.
66 Mark
Nope, wrong. The analogy is that I have a neurosurgeon who I now know
– has been taking under-the-table payments from the pharmaceutical reps
– has been selling drugs to addict patients for cash
– is blowing off poor patients while giving extra services to the rich ones
– has botched a number of his surgeries (again mostly on poor patients)
And now there is another neurosurgeon available who also has good credentials, and I want to give him/her a chance because for the reasons I mentioned surgeon 1 totally blown it in my eyes.
jsa @ 67
The friend I mention @ 54 is young & high-skill. I don’t know the official stats, but my friend did tell me that while many people from where they came are upset with America’s arrogance (not rising to the level of hate), many of them would love to live here.
I haven’t thoroughly examined the income gap with Mexico, but from the few things I’ve read, a lot of it seems to be a result of corruption and/or governmental mismanagement. And as long as the US acts as an “enabler,” the Mexican government has no incentive to fix things.
Proud @ 68
You DO know what the original name for the “nuclear option” was, don’t you? It used to be called the Byrd Option because the Democrats had used it on a number of occasions to ram through legislation. Are you willing to condemn those actions, too?
Daddy @ 69
You’re missing my point. Your “new neurosurgeon” is unwilling or unable to present what their course of treatment would be. As I said, if you’ve got any ideas other than “the opposite of whatever the GOP says,” I’m open to listening. You can start by telling me how we can tax ourselves to prosperity.
Proud @ 68
Forgot to mention… I’m with you on Roberts and agree that Alito should have received more scrutiny. Unfortunately, the Dems spent their question time of Alito giving long-winded partisan speeches instead of asking questions.
My first choice would have been Maureen Mahoney. What do you think of her?
Wow, Mark and Leftist….you two may just be the future of the country. It’s really nice to two people like you calmly debating and not namecalling.
71 mark
Bullshit. You haven’t been paying attention. For example, Nancy Pelosi has presented the “First 100 hours” agenda. It was kinda widely reported–who knows how you could have missed it:
In addition, the Democratic Party, believe it or not, has its own agenda for 2006. Six points. You can get through it. About as detailed as the Contract on America, and about what Democrats really want to do, in contrast to the Contract, which somehow left out little items they really wanted such as repealing the 1993 Clinton tax hike and Social Security privatization.
BTW, these kinds of pivotal campaigns are ALWAYS about “not these guys.” Always. They are NEVER about the agenda or plans of the other side.
Jeff @ 74
Thank you for your comment. However, if it is true, then the country is in REAL trouble. ;)
Note: Republicans RAN against the Clinton tax hike but repeal was not in the much ballyhooed Contract.
71 Mark
“You can start by telling me how we can tax ourselves to prosperity.”
Well, gee, just like after 1993, when we lived through the longest economic expansion in history.
AND record job creation.
AND record low unemployment.
Well maybe so haha….but at least it’s a start. That kind of meaningful and civilized debate is what this country hasn’t had for a long time. I can only hope that once a change in power occurs debate and civilized discourse will come back. No more of the ‘If you vote for my opponent, you’re voting for Osama’ stuff.
So this election comes down to being against Bush and against Iraq and against the corruption and incopetence we see in both the Congress and the Administration, and that is neither strange nor wrong. They fucked up big time and won’t stop unless we stop them. So we do.
Daddy @ 76
Interesting. I’ll have to read & research your links in greater detail.
On the minimum wage issue… So, you’re saying it is better to have 8 people making a higher minimum wage + 2 people on welfare than 10 people making $6/hr?
All of the great employment increases in recent times have come from the small business sector, so you can’t tell me that the extra salary expense can come by cutting some “overpaid” executive.
BUT… I (and I’m sure most business owners) would be willing to trade. Put a $7.25 minimum wage in place, but make meritocracy instead of seniority mandatory. Set some real, enforceable employment standards and get rid of the $500,000-salary, Town Car-driving corrupt union bosses that still collect their massive salaries while encouraging their constituents to strike and their families to suffer.
Daddy @ 79
Let’s say this together, “Dot… Com… Bub-… ble.”
And, BTW, anything that happened in ’93 and ’94 — good or bad — was unlikely due to the policies of the government in place at the time. Budgets and the like are planned in advance.
Jeff @ 81
Prediction for 2008… SOMEONE — likely a “Goldy” on the Right — will come up with a bumper sticker or T-shirt that says “O
BSAMA” or a similar play on words.Which, of course, would be too bad because the guy seems to have stuff to say.
Daddy @ 82
So “F’ed up big time” is something important to you? Who did you vote for in 1980?
79-80 I wouln’t want to argue about “how much better the Dems ran things” on the basis of the dot-com bubble. How much real wealth was really created is certainly questionable, because an awful lot of it disappeared just as quickly. I was glad to see Clinton simply allowed government’s “take” to turn into a growing surplus and some small payment against the national debt. Some of that could have been used to bolster the social “safety” net and put something into restoring some of our dilapidated and overstressed infrastructure (Can you say “viaduct”? I KNEW you could!), but instead the Bush Gang squandered it on corporate socialism and a sensless war.
This just seems to be the latest exaggeration for the self-described “Knight in shining armor” whose luster is beginning to dull.
First, the media found out Reichert was exaggerating his role in the Green River and that much of the actions he took while sheriff were of the self promoting variety.
And now, there’s busDrivergate.
Can anyone explain to me why we’re not seeing a pattern here of a narcissistic public official out for personal gain?
Barry Commoner
Citizen’s Party
83 Mark
Unions are private organizations who VOTE their officers into power. So shouldn’t we regualte private clubs in teh same way?
How about “real, enforceable [federal] employment standards” for corporate CEOs and other offficers? Why not “get rid of the $500,000-salary, Town Car-driving corrupt” CEOs and VPs?
I was union for years. We VOTE to strike, we do it because we want a better deal than the boss is offering, and we know the fucking consequences. Don’t patronize the union worker.
84 Mark
No, let’s say THIS together:
– Oil at $11 a barrel.
– Low interest rates.
– Strong dollar.
– Deficit reduction.
Um, those were GOOD things that tended to stimulate production and increase economic activity and jobs.
The so-called “dot-com bubble” drove stock prices, but it didn’t create jobs or raise the GDP in any significant way except encouraging venture capital to flow into new ventures.
Art @ 87
While the “senseless war” thing is debatable and the “corporate socialism” thing also lines the pockets of big Dem donors & unions (when the “welfare” goes to unionized corporations), I don’t entirely disagree with you. I’m disgusted with the way the current government has mismanaged the budget. In retrospect and with all of his faults (“the cover-up is far worse than the lie”), Bill Clinton wasn’t the demon the GOP made him out to be.
84 mark
“anything that happened in ‘93 and ‘94 – good or bad” etc.
I’m nt talking about what happened in 93/93, excet that the expansion began in 1992…
But the economy really started to take off in 1995, and it was in 1999-2000 that we were seeing 3.9% unemployment (flabbergasting economists) and seeing even low-income groups feeling the good times with higher wages and more jobs. Balancing the budget (even in the crooked way the US counts it) loked pretty good too.
This “only the rich get richer” economy sucks.
Seems nobody is paying any attention to AG T “Torture” Gonzalez sending out all those election “monitors”.
Give ’em all a Blackberry, 10 secs close to a Diebold and the election is gonna be just fine for Rove & CO.
Hardly any coverage in the “liberal media”….
Hey right wing people, I have a few questions. I’m going to preface this by saying I mean you no malice. But this has been bothering me, so I thought I would ask.
Do you people listen to yourselves? You know what’s been going on in our wonderful country since the current administration took control of the country?
That being said, how do you people live with yourselves? You mean to tell me that you actually believe that anything coming out of the mouth of the Republican party, the President and all his cronies, is fact? Don’t you folks do any research, or are you really the sheep that you give the appearance of being?
I’m just curious.
Not too many of ’em around right now.
And the answers are no, no, what? yes, and neither, we are a race of superior beings.
Just tryin’ to help.
Ahh Dave is ok. Nothing wrong with him, that isn’t also wrong with Goldie.
DL @ 93 & elsewhere…
Have done some quick historical checking of government data (and not from the Centers for Pro- or Anti-Bush Propaganda) and it doesn’t look like things are significantly better or worse now than they were back in the mid/late 90’s.
The GDP chart is steadily and consistently increasing (though the trade deficit is troubling). The last published unemployment numbers at the DOL showed 4.1% for October and similar numbers in the recent past. Also, when GWB took office in 2000, unemployment was already on an upswing. Very interesting, I thought, was the fact that there are fewer employable people seeking jobs now than there were 10 years ago. Disposable Personal Income & the CPI have also increased at a consistent rate. Percentage in Savings, however, has consistently dropped since the Reagan years.
All that said — and even taking into account that my business is up — I’m not pleased with the GOP’s handling of the economy. The excessive spending must stop. You cannot tax yourself to prosperity, so you have to cut expenditures.
Dear Proudofherfatlyingthreatentingass:
I guess that since you found you could not intimidate me, you have turned to threatening Goldy (and I assume anyone else you take a dislike to). Now I don’t know Goldy, but judging from his response, you are not exactly frightening him. When will you learn? When will you stop with the empty, pointless, ignorant, self-absorbed comments that have only served to prove exactly what kind of bitter bitch you are?
I had thought that after the ass kicking you received from me a few weeks ago that you would have learned to shut the fuck up. You don’t like “bad” language? Tough shit! Fuck you!
I have a suggestion for you. Since you don’t like the politics or opinions on this board, fucking don’t read it. Go to (un)SP and post away. Rail against the evilness that you believe this board represents and have like (un)minded people read your shit and applaud you for your “stand”.
If there a bigger fucking moron (JCH does not count, there is at least a method to his madness, he is transparent and harmless) here at HA, I have yet to read him. Well, MTR does come to mind. You two tie for biggest fucking moron. And you should be ashamed. Teaching your children the business of hating what you don’t understand, blindly following when Christ or Jesus is invoked and attacking from behind the safety of your computer screen. You have the moral integrity of Ted Haggard and Mark Foley combined. I am sure it won’t be long before we find you are a lesbian crack whore, who works Aurora Blvd, and whose “children” are wards of the state.
Let me close with these words.
Go fuck yourself. You evil fucking bitch!
98 Mark
“Very interesting, I thought, was the fact that there are fewer employable people seeking jobs now than there were 10 years ago. ”
That’s why the economy can be sort of aimlessly rumbling along, and the jobs reports so often don’t even keep up with the growth in the working population, yet the “unemployment” rate stays low, because so many people have dropped out.
Also, while income has increased, that’s an average. If you look at its distribution across the income percentiles, it’s all up the the very top end. Middle and low income earners are falling behind, but the top 10% are pulling away, and the top 1% is pulling away from teh next 9% a ewell.
#53 – So, may I presume that you would have supported Cheney’s being impeached over telling Patrick Leahy–on the Senate floor– to go f*ck himself? Or are you one of those who believe IOKIYAR? My guess is the latter.
They should feel lucky. The two jack asses only got the bird. In Iraq they would’ve been IED’d.