I suppose I’ve been unfair to Rep. Dave Reichert. In a bold political move, Reichert struck a forceful blow against the abuse of earmarks by, you know… issuing a video news release. And how did I respond? I teased him about being the 419th most powerful member of the House.
Well that’s the sort of deceptive rhetoric that simply isn’t worthy of the name “Horse’s Ass”. It was mean spirited. It was cynical. And well… it was downright wrong. For it turns out that Reichert is not the 419th most powerful member of the House — those were the old rankings. The new rankings came out a few weeks ago, and Reichert has climbed all the way up to 401st. That’s better than 34 other congressman, some of whom aren’t even dead, retired, indicted or behind bars. Congratulations Dave. Another 18 years of attrition and you might actually discover some real influence.
Of course, that still leaves Reichert distantly mired in last place relative to the rest of the Washington state delegation, but when you have a political powerhouse like Rep. Doc Hastings in your ranks, that’s to be understood.
House Power Rankings by Overall Score | |||
Name | Rank in State | Overall Score | Rank in House |
Rep. Dicks (D-WA 6th) | 1 | 39.01 | 22 |
Rep. McDermott (D-WA 7th) | 2 | 34.06 | 39 |
Rep. Inslee (D-WA 1st) | 3 | 29.57 | 72 |
Rep. Baird (D-WA 3rd) | 4 | 16.48 | 212 |
Rep. Larsen (D-WA 2nd) | 5 | 14.92 | 236 |
Rep. Smith (D-WA 9th) | 6 | 13.69 | 258 |
Rep. Hastings (R-WA 4th) | 7 | 11.97 | 301 |
Rep. McMorris Rodgers (R-WA 5th) | 8 | 9.73 | 356 |
Rep. Reichert (R-WA 8th) | 9 | 6.45 | 401 |
So how did Reichert do it? How did he climb 18 rungs on that 435-rung DC power ladder in just one year? Well, of course, all those deaths, retirements, indictments and convictions might have made a little bit of room for him at the top (of the tenth decile), not to mention his impressive use of video news releases. But a closer analysis of the numbers reveals that Reichert’s meteoric rise to the top (of the bottom) is largely based on his growing facility with, you guessed it: earmarks!
Reichert may just be 401st amongst House members in terms of overall power, but his 36 earmarks totaling over $27 million last year ranks him 73rd in terms of “member projects.” But even more impressive, Reichert climbs from a distant 9th place in the overall power rankings within the WA delegation, to a comfortable 3rd place when it comes to their “Earmark Scores”. Again, congratulations Dave! It looks like you’ve finally figured out at least one part of the legislative process.
House Power Rankings by Earmarks Score | |||
Name | Rank in State | Earmark Score | Rank in House |
Rep. Dicks (D-WA 6th) | 1 | 2.51 | 7 |
Rep. Larsen (D-WA 2nd) | 2 | 1.43 | 39 |
Rep. Reichert (R-WA 8th) | 3 | 1.01 | 73 |
Rep. Baird (D-WA 3rd) | 4 | 0.98 | 82 |
Rep. Hastings (R-WA 4th) | 5 | 0.96 | 84 |
Rep. Smith (D-WA 9th) | 6 | 0.95 | 86 |
Rep. McDermott (D-WA 7th) | 7 | 0.75 | 152 |
Rep. Inslee (D-WA 1st) | 8 | 0.74 | 155 |
Rep. McMorris Rodgers (R-WA 5th) | 9 | 0.70 | 167 |
Of course, Rep. Norm Dicks remains by far our state’s earmark champion, but then, Dicks has never been shy about bringing home the bacon and proudly frying it up for his constituents. I mean, if Dicks were to suddenly take a principled stand against earmarks, well, that might be interpreted by the press as the height of hypocrisy. But Reichert, he was the sheriff you know, and so his sudden conversion from needing an appropriations seat “now” to promising his video camera that he’s gonna give up earmarks (during an election year)… well… I guess we should just take him at his word.
I love pork!!! But does anyone know what flavors are these earmarks? BURP!!!!
Reichert is what “irrelevant” looks like. As long as he represents the 8th C.D. in Congress, that district must as well be a desert island in the South Seas.
@1 Just what this blog needs. Another wingnut liar calling himself a “Democrat.” We’re a big tent — but not that big.
Rodgers ranks dead last in the WA delegation’s earmarks score? Now I know why Spokane County has so many dirt roads.
$27 Million? What did those earmarks pay for?
How timly! Speaking of earmarks, Barack Obama got a Million-dollar earmark in 2006…FOR HIS WIFE’S HOSPITAL!!
Now THAT’S some kind of audacity.
s/b timely
I still don’t get why people are so down on earmarks. Just the ignorance of the average Amercian, I guess. There’s nothing wrong with them if you’re not trading them for money.
But if Dave is promising to give them up and isn’t, why that’s…that’s…
…a Republican for you.
5 H
$27 Million? What did those earmarks pay for?
Stuff for which the Congress has already appropriated money. The earmark just gets that already-appropriated money for an already-agreed-upon purpose spent in the 8th CD (or at least Washington state).
I’ll say it again: earmarks don’t add a penny to federal spending.
Earmarks are okay as long as democrats are running congress.
12 W
No, earmarks are OK as long as you’re not selling them like Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, and some other Republicans did.
And if Dave Reichert gets earmarks for his district, I approve. I live in the 8th CD. But if he’s saying that he won’t or that he doesn’t, and then he does, then he’s a fucking liar.
How is it that one the the dumbest members of Congress represents what might be one of the smartest congressional districts? Would voters in the 8th please send Reichert home so we don’t need to listen to him anymore. The guy is a shame on the entire state.
Earmark, smearmark. Congress always has. But it was only under GOP control in the last decade that earmarks got a really bad name, partly because the GOP went on an earmaking frenzy and President Bush let them.
The Administration hates earmarks now. It would prefer to decide who gets what in “grants” from federal agencies. Instead of Congress deciding, political appointees would, under the new GOP scheme.
Political appointees deciding what gets funded, or members of Congress? That’s the choice.
So when a few members of Congress sell earmarks for their personal gain, they get investigated and some of them go to jail. When the administration hands out the money, a few political appointees almost always sell their services, get investigated, and go to jail.
Notice the three GOP members from Washington are all located at the bottom of the influence list – where they belong. Their constituents aren’t getting representation.
15 T
The Administration hates earmarks now.
Are you kidding. President Bush has added millions of dollars in earmarks himself.
here’s the way it looks to me.
Darcy is saying “I am gonna take this seat!” and is announcing the plan she developed (working with leading military experts, policy analysts, national security experts and a group of top-tier Congressional candidates and elected officials from around the country) to pull out of Iraq and rebuild it WITHOUT military occupation in order to take this thing right to Dave Reichert. You can watch it live at http://www.darcyburner.com on Monday at 2:30 PM PDT.
Reichert is scared that he’s gonna lose his seat before he sews up the fat pension and announces that he won’t ask for earmarks beginning next year as a defensive move. If a miracle happens and he wins the seat, think he’s gonna keep his promise? Yeah, right.
Who’s on offense, and who’s on defense? In politics, staying on defense loses.
How can Larsen be so far up the list when HE LOST THE TANKER????
Speaking of irrevelevant!
Remember in November: Larsen LOST 10,000 WASHINGTON jobs!!
Remember in November: McStain LOST 10,000 Washington jobs!
@19: No – it was McCains’s lobbyist (and chief campaign advisor) who WON the tanker.
Norm Dicks rocks it old school.
Ever notice how the righties that like to call Darcy Burner and Patty Murray dumb never bring up Kathy McMorris.
I’ve met Patty Murray, she’s quite smart.
What’sittoya needs to do his research before puking all over himself.
Please check out the earmarks from any time before about 2000.
Then compare 2000 to 2006.
The Pianist
(not a bagpipe operator)
“Who’s on offense, and who’s on defense? In politics, staying on defense loses.”
Tlazolteotl says:
Remember in November: McStain LOST 10,000 Washington jobs!
03/15/2008 at 4:11 pm
I sure will. That is why I am reelecting Rossi.
Of course, that still leaves Reichert distantly mired in last place relative to the rest of the Washington state delegation, but when you have a political powerhouse like Rep. Doc Hastings in your ranks, that’s to be understood.
House Power Rankings by Overall Score
Name Rank in State Overall Score Rank in House
Rep. Dicks (D-WA 6th) 1 39.01 22
Rep. McDermott (D-WA 7th) 2 34.06 39
Rep. Inslee (D-WA 1st) 3 29.57 72
Rep. Baird (D-WA 3rd) 4 16.48 212
Rep. Larsen (D-WA 2nd) 5 14.92 236
Rep. Smith (D-WA 9th) 6 13.69 258
Rep. Hastings (R-WA 4th) 7 11.97 301
Rep. McMorris Rodgers (R-WA 5th) 8 9.73 356
Rep. Reichert (R-WA 8th) 9 6.45 401
No wonder congresses approval ratings is 13%. Harharharhar
@19 “How can Larsen be so far up the list when HE LOST THE TANKER????”
McCain is much more responsible for that than Larsen is.
“irrelevant” That is what the FORMER Democrat (great friend of Gregoire) Spittttzer is!
Did he ever learn in his elite Lawyer schooling what the Mann Act is, which makes prostitution a federal offense when you cross state lines to do it?
Hopefully we’ll (NOT) see him again, throw away the key on another Bill Clinton can’t keep his pants zipped up doomincrap!
Even Susan Estrich finds him a DUMB SHIT in her article “What I Couldn’t Teach Spitzer at Harvard Law”
Undoubtedly we will not again hear of Spitzer in any political position. And he is the definition of a “stupid fucker”
And what does that have to do with anything.
Oh nothing, excuse me for interupting your continual attempts to thrash a decent guy like Reichert with a HorHouse like Spitzer.
re 31: If my kid was one THOUSANDS of dead young Americans because of Bush and his lies and criminal war proteering to the tune of trillions of dollars, I’d be more concerned with the morality of that than some rich bitch New York politician boinking a whore.
Who did Elliot Spitzer kill? No one. Who did George Bush kill — today, tomorrow and yesterday. Get your priorities straight you dumb punk.
@27 Roofus, JBD, other illiterate alzheimer,s trash:
How’a that rapture working out for you, Roof? Did Jebus personally send you out on this Trashtalk for Christ campaign to lie and prevaricate ?
Yeah, I thought so. Democrats are the Antichrist, right, JBD ???
And the Christian thing to do is mislead, slander and snipe, support the pedophile Foleys, the tap dancing Craigs, the infantile coprophiliac Vitters, in the Name of the Blessed Conservative Fundamentalist State Religion, isn’t it?
I mean, any sleazy tactic as long as it’s for JESUS!!!!
You and Puddyweenie, the idiot theological moron who couldn’t tell a 2nd century anti-Caesarist crypticalist from the asshole that’s in his face are gonna bring the Holy Messianic Theocracy to the USA and join with the Christian agitators in Israel working to bring about Armageddon so that JEBUS will come take you to his bosom.
Sounds like you two never made it away from your mother’stit psychologically, but the supporter of dog voting and the WORLD’S GREATETS NETWORK ENGINEER
and POSTER OF ALL WHOM’S RIGHT are gonna make it clear to the rest of us.
What inspirational assklowns we get in here.
Such quality fundies and wingnut snipers.
Makes you want to hasten the ARMANOVEMBER, don’t it boys?
Alzheimer’s, How’s, GREATEST, et al.
You challenged me on network engineering activities. Where did I say I was the worlds greatest? I’ll wait for that answer just like I’ve been waiting for my simple network answers you couldn’t answer as a school teacher.
Now onto Craig and Vitters. Per Clueless Idiot – you know the little man with no brain on this blog always LHAO, said that’s giving orders. We on the right don’t take orders so the Vitters/Craig discussion will be one way.
Now it seems stupidemperer hates Paul who wrote Romans. Sorry stupid, you accept all the Bible or none of it. It is either inspired by God or it isn’t.
I like that “Democrat for Antichrist”. Why not make that a bumpersticker and put it on your car?
Read Revelation simplestupidsemper.
Speaking of earmarks and lobbying How about Rahm Imanuel?
“As House Democrats tackle a lobbying reform bill that they pledged to adopt on the midterm campaign trail, reformers say that a number of the members are privately questioning its necessity after all.”
“Before a Democratic caucus meeting, a Politico reporter asked House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel of Illinois about the language of the bill’s main provisions. After Emanuel demurred on the specifics, this reporter asked — in the effort for openness and disclosure — if a journalist could sit in to hear debate on the language.”
“‘Why don’t you go f— yourself?’ Emanuel replied, as he entered a men’s room in the Capitol basement.” 5/13/07 The Politico.
“[Democrats] are pledging to enact and enforce legislation that will… remove the revolving door by doubling the amount of time Members and staff are prohibited from going from legislating to lobbying.” Pelosi Press Conference, 1/18/06
“House Democratic leaders still face significant doubts within their own caucus over how to handle lobbying reform.”
“Democrats predicted that despite the legislation’s political appeal, it could stanch the flow of important sources of money.”
“’Saying that you can’t become a lobbyist? That’s not democracy. … That’s un-American,’ [Rep. Joe] Baca said.”
“Several members said the Democrats might consider lessening the ban’s impact so that it doesn’t cover all lobbying activities.”
“Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.) said the Congressional Black Caucus has been worried that placing new restraints on bundling might depress a member’s ability to raise money. ‘Many of the programs we’ve launched in recent years resulted from lobbyists collecting contributions for us,’ he said.” 5/16/07 The Politico
“Democrats said they wanted to stop the avalanche of earmarks, which are inserted into bills just before they are voted on and which members often don’t know about.” 11/15/06 from CBS.com,
“Powerful Democrat Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania threatened to deny any further spending projects to a Republican who challenged him over an earmark, a potential violation of House rules.”
“‘I hope you don’t have any earmarks in the defense appropriations bills because they are gone, and you will not get any earmarks now and forever,’ Murtha told Rogers on the House floor, according to the draft transcript supplied to The Politico.”
“Members are not allowed to threaten earmarks or tax provisions.”
“This shouting match follows a similar outburst Murtha directed at Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.) last week.”
“Murtha yelled at Tiahrt on the House floor for voting in favor of Rogers’ motion last week, members and aides familiar with the incident said.”
“The controversy stems from a disagreement between Murtha and the administration about closing the National Drug Intelligence Center, an intelligence gathering facility supervised by the Drug Enforcement Agency.” 5/17/07 From the Politico,
Didn’t Nancy Eplosi talk about earmarks as: Pelosi claimed last year that Congress was “an auction house – For sale to the highest bidder. You have to pay to play.”
I know alot of people say earmarks “don’t add a penny to federal spending” (how that works I have no clue) but the way I see it, if they stop this earmark nonsense and put that earmarked money into SS, medicare, CHIP (hmm that bill would’ve passed) and several other failing programs, the money would be much better spent. Rather than spend earmark money on pet projects (musuem of teapots, a fake full size prison for tourists) spend it where it will make a difference.
A)You never posted questions, unless it was on a thread so old it’s gone from the page
B) I’m not going to answer any, you fucking idiot, it’s quite clearly posted that I consider my title a joke
C) Speaking of jokes, anybody here can read for themselves what I wrote, which was entirely ignored by you in your eternal technique of posting diversionary flatulence and running away.
Who do YOU think has more credibility here, asswipe?
Why don’t you ask?
And by the way, Puddy, few of the Epistles of Paul were written by Saul of Tarsus/Paul. You were aware of that, right?
Nobody but idiots like you takes Revelation as anything other than cryptic references to 2nd century life that almost didn’t make into the present canon, and was roundly condemned by such as Martin Luther, the ORIGINAL Protestant theologian.
You’re an idiot who simply uses the bible to justify your own ends by digging up obscure and discredited passages, and anybody here can easily see what kind of “Christian” you are. You’re known by your fruits, asshole, bitter and withered though they are, and no amount of ranting about the bible will change your appearance one whit.
Ahh, Hannah – couple of points you don’t understand about earmarks:
1. they come from money already budgeted in a particular area – so you can’t switch money to SS from another area.
2. I am against earmarks – but the republicans set the record for earmarks up to 2006 and now they suddenly want to do away with them when the dems are in charge?
I call that hypocrisy. Where was Bush when his buddy Abramoff was lobbying for specific earmarks – nowhere to be found. Where was Bush on the bridge to nowhere and alaska delegation lobbying – nowhere.
That is why his late to the game fiscal conservancy and position on earmarks (after writing and signing the largest budget deficits in history)reak of hypocrisy.
Lucy @44: You should stop reading the first intry into Wikipedia:
“Martin Luther at first considered Revelation to be “neither apostolic nor prophetic”
“During his stay at Wartburg, which he referred to as “my Patmos””
Also Luther wanted to remove James (brother of Jesus), Esther, Hebrews, Jude and Revelation.
History has already proved through excavated artifacts King Xerxes of Esther was real.
BULLSHITTIUM Alert correctnotright@45
Who is the reigning King of Pork correctnotright?
Robert 3K White Sheets Byrd. I posted this six times correctnotright
Do you purposely ignore facts correctnotright? Do you enjoy being proved wrong? Well at least you changed your attack on Dave Richert after PuddyCorrection.
Porker of the year 2006:
Puddy-is there any data on prior year earmarks or 2007 earmarks? I’d like to do some comparisons. i would think with the economy in the toilet, the senate would have voted to ban earmarks for at least a year, unless they were related to safety.
Found 2007 largest earmark holder…Murtha
Now back to Lucy@44: The discounted or discredited Biblical verses are only in your mind.
Why did Jesus say “Behold I come as a thief in the night”?
This proves another PuddyFact. As a previous PuddyStudy proved this name didn’t arrive on this board until January 2008. So how would you know what my previous “Biblical Rants” were, unless you were someone else. And since you are a name morpher, not only proven by others Winston Smith (a previously used name) Col Biff (a previously used name),
Google sempersimper site:horsesass.org thread 4068 January 5th, 01/05/2008 at 10:32 am
Hannah, Citizens Against Government Waste.
Yes John Murtha was Porker (figuratively and literally) of the Year 2007.
See how PuddyFacts work?
Yes Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.) was Porker of the Year 2006. Even the NY Times took umbrage to this porker.
“The New York Times (4/08/06) detailed how Rep. Mollohan directed $250 million to five nonprofit organizations that he set up. Rep. Mollohan surrendered his seat as ranking Democrat on the House Ethics Committee in April.”
Hannah, correctnotright hates sites like this because he’s proven soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wrong soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easily.
Sen Daniel Inouye of Hawaii is also a big defense porker.
Ever hear of the archives, Dumbfuck?
Brilliant Network Engineering at Work.
Puddy … I need you.
It’s great to know someone likes you so much they emulate your name.
SeattleJew, why do they use your blog as a name?
simmeringsemidiot: Yes I use the archives all the time. But you seldom do headless lucy. You just whip out your standard anti-Christian rant.
It must hurt having that sideways corncob up your butt.