Tom Daschle, President Barack Obama’s choice to head the Department of Health and Human Services, withdrew his name from consideration for the post after being dogged for days by disclosures that he didn’t pay his taxes on time.
Along with revelations about Tim Geithner and Nancy Killefer, this is now officially a problem for the Obama administration.
Let’s face it, at a time when many ordinary Americans are petrified about job losses and losing their homes, nominating Democrats who somehow manage to not pay the taxes they owe looks mighty bad. There may be reasonable explanations for some of these cases, but what will hit the late night shows and right wing talk radio will be a distilled version that amounts to “what a bunch of hypocrites.”
Having experienced hands on deck is an admirable goal. The problem is that a lot of the DLC-Clinton types were part of the same money-grubbing, corrupt Washington D.C. establishment that we need cleaned up.
The Obama administration has seemed to take pains to court the DC mandarins, charming them personally and making a visit to the House to speak with the GOP leadership. But this ain’t beanbag. The Republican Party will fight, scratch and claw above or below the belt to carry out the directives of their putative leader, Roach Lumpenbaugh, who has decreed that Obama must fail, even if it damages the country. They will take full advantage of any ethical lapses on the part of Democrats, and we simply cannot afford that.
Americans need reform starting now, in all sorts of areas: the financial industry, health care, energy and the way government itself operates. Might as well bring in some real reformers at this point.
Oh, and check their taxes. It’s hard being pure as the driven snow, but it’s not that hard to pay your taxes.
My sources within the Obama administration tell me that Daschle identified the unpaid taxes in June but did not pay them until his nomination for the top post at the DHHS.
He’s the last hope of the trolls.
Like the brainless wonder @ 1
What the Hell was Obama thinking! Dr. Dean is the best choice for HHS.
Go Dean!
“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter.” Sen. Tom Daschle, Congressional Record, May 7, 1998, p. S4507.
So Jon, what he did wasn’t a conscious act of non-patriotism? I know you remember what happened to Linda Chavez.
Yeah Troll, he expected his Democratic accountant to take care of his taxes.
And poster #2 is a fool!
I’m hoping for good things from the Obama Administration and I wish them luck, but for someone of Daschle’s background and stature to not know that a free limo was considered income and thus taxable is totally inexcusable and should disqualify him.
Yes, experienced hands know how to make the old Villagers back off unless of course their hands are somewhat dirty.
This is too silly. When Republicans are in the White House, we always hear “the President should have the team he wants”.
Of course we’re not hearing that now. Tax avoidance is an American past-time. If Americans don’t like their tax bill they have a simple solution – they hire a tax preparer who will formulate a bill they can live with. It’s silly that Obama is letting the Republicans box him like this. You just catch up with your taxes and move on.
There’s tax cheating and there’s tax cheating. This stuff is peanuts.
And “Roach Lumpenbaugh” is the last hope of the brainless wonder @ 5.
He should have paid for the limo and the driver — then it would have been a deduction.
I used to deduct all meals as business deductions. The business discussed was whether the meal was a business deduction or not.
My decision was, YES.
Let’s get one thing straight. Republicans represent corporations that regularly cheat the government out of the taxes they owe. They complain that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world — and they’d have something to complain about if they were actually paying those taxes.
Where is Halliburton headquartered? Dubai, I believe.
When the corporate pigs that Republicans represent start paying their taxes, they may have something to complain about.
This is a PR war. You can count on the fact that we’ll get you back in spades.
I thought you people said it was patriotic to pay taxes.
So why do your leaders avoid paying them?
Daschle needed to go and he’s gone. There’s a lesson to be learned there for the right. That is, if they were capable of learning from their mistakes. There’s been no sign of that coming from them for a very long time.
The hypocritical criticism from you Republicans, who never bothered to clean your own house, is laughable. Go ahead, let Limbaugh lead you to the backwaters of American politics. If you want to be further marginalized and irrelevant, why should we stop you?
4. Blue John spews:
That pretty much sums up Blue Johns lack of intellect! My guess is Dean has a lot of baggage too. He is a doctor, right? Dean is the type of Doc who truly believes he is smarter than everyone else and above the law. Friends in Vermont say this guy has some serious temper and moral problems.
Go ahead and nominate Dean…and let the vetting begin!
Every one of these candidates PAID their taxes, plus any fees and penalties owing, most of them paying said taxes years ago.
This is a ridiculous and meaningless distraction.
@10 “So why do your leaders”
I dunno. Some of them are stupid, I guess. Speaking of which, why do your leaders do this?
I figure it has something to do with a basic lack of moral character. Further, I say it’s the atmosphere of fear and repression permeating the Republican party that attracts this sort of scum. What do you think?
12 Cyn
Yeah, no one ever looks into the background of a presidential candidate. Dean’s just a huge unknown.
You KLOWNS are so blind, you cannot see that Obama is quickly losing political capital with these flawed nominations and the Porkulous Package. Daschle, Geithner & Rangel==TAX CHEATERS! Richardson==Pay-tO-Play Crook.
Who is next??
I still think Holder will prove to be Obama’s biggest humiliation. Time will tell.
Conservatives are on the precipice of making a HUGE comeback. Folks are seeing Obama is a charming, articulate guy who was great at running for office with an absent press…but is now finding being President is HARD WORK filled with land mines. Obama was great with Campaign Slogans and criticizing/second-guessing the past Administration. Now Obama actually has to make DECISIONS and is being held accountable.
Obama blindly pushed the Pelosi/Obey Porkulous Package and looks like a complete asshole for doing so. Lost a lot of fiscal Conservative Democrat support. He blindly wrote that Executive Order using our tax dollars to fund abortions oversees (lost a lot of Christian/Catholic support he worked so hard to gain). Now, all these ill-advised appointments blowing up in his face. I’ve always questioned Obama’s ability to vet and select close advisers. Obama is proving me right…again & again.
13. Daddy Love spews:
No they didn’t. Geithner & Rangel managed to dodge penalties. And they only paid when it was important for them…n
5. Puddybud, Hey it’s the New Year… spews:
Puddy, way to wad up Daschle’s own words & shove them up his ass as he is running away!
Daschle is a two-faced coward and a TAX CHEATER!
7 Naaaaaah….there’s no hope for Puddy whatsoever.
“Friends in Vermont say this guy has some serious temper and moral problems.”
You have friends????
Your reference might also apply to the recent Republican nominee for President. Mind you, I rather like him in spite of that. After all, we’re all sinners on this bus, aren’t we?
I see the Republicans are now taking advice from notorious tax dodger Joe Wurzelbacher.
Policy wonkette David Goldstein has MovedOn from policy to doggie snuff porn, but the First Law of Journalism still holds: man screws dog is not news; dog screws man is news.
Which brings us back to Tom Daschle, editor of Car’n’Driver. Married to one of the fattest of fat cat lobbyists. Too busy a playa to use the Turbo Tax excuse, but not too busy to use the turbo-charged limo. He must make you Donk Congs so proud, but he makes me wonder why he hasn’t earned a felony conviction like Ted Stevens.
Well, Jon you had it mostly right. Instead of “what a bunch of hypocrites” we offer: “What a bunch of FUCKING hypocrites”
Whew! I feel so much better now.
Rasmussen today:
Congressional Performance
54% Say Congress Doing Poor Job
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Voters don’t like what they’ve seen so far as Congress works to lift the troubled U.S. economy.
No President & Congress has ever lost so much political capital so quickly.
Fun to Watch…but bad for the Country.
This is what we get for electing fringe lunatic LEFTISTS.
So the Donk know, Daschle was gonna git an orifice in the white house right next to Rahmbo. Betcha Moonbat!s didn’t know dat.
Rabbit, who is 240 pounds of waste spackled and pasted to your colon walls, projectile farted about the public interest or the public good. As if the public interest were blindingly obvious, and as if the public good were obviously what Rabbit thinks it is.
Normal people and non-fecal rabbits know that ‘public interest,’ ‘public good,’ ‘Constitution,’ and ‘is’ are as elastic as Silly Putty. In fact they are Silly Putty. Stretch ’em, roll ’em into a ball, use them to soak up the faces of B.O. Plenty and Sparkle Plenty in the Sunday funnies, they’ll shape shift like rabbits in a microwave.
But wait! Turns out Rabbit’s right! The public interest has now been officially defined as whatever Barack’s Official Waiverer says it is.
Two weeks ago Barack wanted no lobbyist contamination in his clean, articulate administration. No lobbyists, by Executive Order. Last week, his Waiverer waived the no-lobbyist order and let 17 (and counting) lobbyists move in, for the public interest. … not to be confused with pubic interest, and Brittania is probably Britania. Oh, well ………
Darnit Cynical, you stole my Rasmussen update. Good post though.
But you have to understand the twins moron@2 and bentoversuckinghisdick don’t like Dr. Scott Rasmussen. Why, he’s truthful and correct. Something scary to the twin morons of HA.
Can’t wait for the next Rasmussen report on Obama approval rate.
Yep. When Puddy posted that information 1/2 of the twins‘ lace panties twisted his scrotum.
Never mind our distrust of Congress. Did you get a load of the hopeful spirit of change cleansing the country and inflating our optimism about a future so bright?
Seems public confidence has surged from 13% to 17%. We all feel so much better having a secular saint in the ‘White’ House.
And we feel better since Rush rushed to Hawaii to catch rays and surf on the Obama slipstream. He was becoming too much like a bloated Borgia pope, hurling anathemas. Mostly at Republicans.
This week’s face of the Republican Party is not a losing face, for a change. Lewis and Steyn, Rush fill-ins, impart more useful information in about a minute than Rush does in about a year. Thought Republicans were dead as dogshit (getting back to doggie porn), but a few hours of Jason Lewis and a few thousand screw-ups by Democrat crooks and liars and lawyers and tax gangstas means we maybe have a reason to live.
Bush Republicans & Co spent eight years fucking this country in the ass. Obama’s had ten days to start scooping out the santorum and now he’s a failure. Riiiight.
Congress has been in session less than 30 days and a poll represents the public’s opinion of their CURRENT progress? Riiiight.
It will be Rush Limbaugh for president and Joe the Economist for VP in 2012. Winning ticket? Riiiiight.
Randi Rhodes must have had Bounce Bounce Bounce Daschle in mind. South Dakota bounced the bitch, too. You’d think an old editor of Harvard Law Review, with at least two brain cells to rub together, would have taken the hint.
I say Bad Hair Blago-Palin in 2012. Now More Than Ever.
… and thanks for all the fish. And thanks for all the anthrax.
Every one of these candidates PAID their taxes, plus any fees and penalties owing, most of them paying said taxes years ago.
This is a ridiculous and meaningless distraction.
Don’t be a dope. Daschle paid $128,203 in back taxes in January of 2009:
The heat was coming from all sides, left and right.
Rule One for Clean Articulate Presidents: Don’t scoop santorum into the wind.
I remember something from long ago. We were taught to follow the rule of law. We were taught the infallible idea that law is the highest authority. All men and women, including even the highest government officials, were subject to the same law. Wasn’t this the screech against GWB and the Bush Administration by leadless douchy and other HA libtard morons during the past 4+ years of this blog?
Hey Pelletizer, since you brag about your legal prowess, doesn’t the law, which is usually written, fix legal rights and legal duties? Isn’t one of those duties to pay your IRS taxes on time?
Isn’t the opposite of the rule of law is the rule of man? Isn’t this what we are now seeing in WA DC? When you rule by the rule of man, Obama’s government officials do what they please. Legal rights and legal duties depend on the arbitrary will of government officials. Notice how the public display of all those Donkey senators jock strapping Daschle? That’s so scary man! Hence we see the rush to confirm these tax cheaters and lobbyists. Daschle’s wife is a BIG TIME lobbyist…
Wait a minute… Tom Daschle on His New Role as Lobbyist, National Public Radio, Talk of the Nation, March 22, 2005
He paid with a ray gun to his head. Just like our brilliant turbotaxed secretary of treasury. Taxes are for little people and chumps, and people being vetted by a vet who has a big IRS gun.
This isn’t a distraction. This is progressive Democrat liberalism. Don’t closet yourselves, Donks. Come out. Be proud and loud. Be proud that you can push the lesser classes into paying taxes and paying more taxes while you master the black arts of illegal avoidance.
This about says it all:
(Pardon our mess while we scoop up eight–no, really thirty–years’ worth of accumulated turds.)
BDS is still strong in this one ObiWan
@37: Did you catch NPR’s Morning Sedition yesterday? Cokie gave about 15 seconds to Douche Daschle. Cokie said there was a tax question, but that the Senate loves the man and was ready to whoop him on through.
Can you imagine what tax-supported public radio would have done with this concatenation of crooks and liars if they’d, like, been Republican nominees?
And can you imagine why Barack turns to Republican nominees for DOC and Defense? It’s because they’re the only people clean enough to pass.
Blago-Rezko in 2012.
And just half a day before:
The president, a former senator himself, pronounced himself “absolutely” behind Daschle, and members of the Senate Finance
Committee, after sitting with Daschle for just 15 minutes, lined up at the microphones to absolve him.
“I don’t know of a person more honorable,” said Kent Conrad (D-N.D.).
“It’s an innocent mistake,” added John Kerry (D-Mass.).
“My breast is clear, and my support is strong,” intoned Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.).
“I will vote for Senator Daschle,” the committee chairman, Max Baucus (D-Mont.), read from a prepared statement.
“We support the confirmation of Senator Daschle not because he was a senator, but because of the kind of senator and kind of person that he was, and is,” Kerry added.
Not a one of them seemed to recall the endless campaign pledges to run a different kind of government. And they were remarkably tone deaf to how this was playing on main street.
Cynical is the face of the current Republican goon squad. A black man as AG who states waterboarding IS torture unlike the pasty go-along to get-along predecessor is clearly the next target.
The Republicans are pretty good at being in opposition. They practiced it for 40 years and honed it to perfection in order to propel Raygun into office and eventually take the Congress.
Now look at them. They’re still up to their old tricks boxing Obama into supporting the same failed policies of tax cuts for the rich. Obama thinks he needs them for political cover for his agenda but they’re having none of it.
The Republicans created the crisis and put this country into huge debt and they’re hell bent on making things as bad as possible if it means they get back control of the ball.
The stimulus package will pass but the Dems are very likely going to suffer for it just like they did for Bill Clinton’s plan
Partisanship works wonders for Republicans in opposition and even for a while in the majority but for some strange reason backfires for Dems when they get the stick as it did for Bill Clinton. Obama wanted to try something new but it doesn’t look like it’s working too well. I hope he sees something the rest of us don’t.
@37: OK – I agree we’ll hold you and all others to the rule of law.
Now we need to prosecute all the Bush officials who lied under oath and who broke the law – starting with Gonzalez, Rove and Cheney.
Daschle left on his own accord. Holder is IN – and the republicans caved as usual – maybe because Holder has better credentials and more credibility than the last two criminals who were AG’s.
Republicans cannot hide their vast venality with the fig leaf of a few tax errors on our part.
When Pigs and Limbaugh fly…..
John @43: If the HA Moonbat!s read the morning Donkey loving editorials, even the Mexican financed NY Times said Daschle had to go.
Google “newspaper editorials against Daschle”
:) That’s my story and I’m sticking to it (:
Wow I was just checking the polls – they closed on Nov 4. And guess who won?
D E M O C R A T S!
This Republican BS will only strengthen our resolve to see Bush and Cheney behind bars — preferably, in Turkey.
All of a sudden the right wing cowards and traitors are interested in tax cheats? Why the SUDDEN interest?
What about
Guess these republicans didn’t get the talking points memo from Faux News Channel – they ALL voted for the Dem…
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Crapo (R-ID)
Ensign (R-NV)
Graham (R-SC)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hatch (R-UT)
Shelby (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Voinovich (R-OH)
And who can forget that famous republican shill and well-known tax cheat Joe the Plumber?
I guess it’s okay to be a tax cheat if you’re a cum-drunk Publican.
And look at who has been fucking ever since!
Has there there been an administration implode this much in 13 days?
How many other potential candidates were excluded because of tax issues that we don’t even know about?
When Obama finds a tax cheat does he turn them over to his IRS for prosecution?
Of course not!
@44: YLB
He is just setting the republicans up. He will make a few changes to make the bill more like the Senate version that 75% will support and then the republicans will be left out in the cold. They don’t even realize how they are being used and played. Obama has the intiative and the republicans are just reacting. He is playing their sorry butts and they don’t even realize it.
Obama nominated Samuel for a cabinet position?
Nope you Dope. Useless canard.
Willie Nelson said it well.
Come on Moonbat!s you don’t remember how the IRS went after Willie? Where is the HA Moonbat! knowledge? Maybe if they created a new Cabinet position for Willie he could get his taxes and fees reduced too..
On the Daily Kooks and DUmmy’s site – vetting doesn’t include taxes.
What loons!
Now we need to prosecute all the Bush officials who lied under oath and who broke the law – starting with Gonzalez, Rove and Cheney.
We? Obama has shown absolutely no interest in this, and with good reason.
45 Dr. Correctnotright, you don’t hold yourself to the rule of law?
Compelling argument. I’m sure your patients would love to hear that.
Dr Correctnotright@54: There is a thing called bill reconciliation to reconcile the differences between the two bills.
Don’t bet your parchment on it.
Wow BentOverSuckingHisDick jumps right to the George Soros Kook-aid site Alternet.
Just visited the site. Need a shower now. So were any “cheat” per Lucy Komisar of these in an administration?
Good job proving me right again fool!
37 Pud
“We” were, but Republicans decided that this was just a nuisance, and defend the corruption of their members.
These Democrats committed oversights and not blatant, willful violations. They also made good on their obligations, to the last person. Because we believe in teh rule of law.
I’m not going to pay my taxes this year.
I’m looking forward to getting a job with obama.
Only after right-wing blogs pointed out how democrats didn’t pay their taxes did they make good paying their fair share.
I’m not shocked. How else would the democrats have earned the label, “do as we say, not as we do.”
Daddy Love@61: Give real examples not from the George Soros supported loon kook sites.
Can’t use Alternet, DU, CAP, MoveOn, or Daily Kos.
I’ll wait.
What? You mean “Jonathan Alter’s blog”? From the keyboard of the idiot-in-chief of
What a moron! A moron who “stinks right”.
Marvin, Daschle knew last June and never verified it? What happened to trust but verify?
The trolls are certainly going orgasmic over Daschle. Not so much over Vitter, Craig, Stevens, and every other Republican crook or perv. I assume that comes from their lacking a moral compass.
That’s a lie. Back-tax obligations were discovered through the vetting process.
Don’t worry. I didn’t expect better from you.
Yes I said that rerun@65. You betcha. All the MSM donk are the same to me.
So what? Now answer my 10 Pillars of Communism – Obamunism which caused your scrotum to retract!
rerun the clueless idiot@68:
Your kook-aid sites disagree with you.
On the Daily Kooks and DUmmy’s site – vetting doesn’t include taxes.
What loons!
Typical democrat.
Say one thing, do another.
Say, when is gitmo closing? Or the troops coming home? Promise one thing during the campaign, do another when president.
Typical democrat.
At least obama won’t be cold in the white house with his thermostat up so high like those Americans in Kentucky that aren’t being helped by fema. Does obama hate white people, like his typical white grandmother?
Only 2 weeks and obama’s approval ratings are dropping. Wait until the population learn how far in debt their grand children are going to be because of obama.
Steve, it’s because Daschle thought he was holier than thou. He didn’t care about the rule of law. I’m glad you brought up Larry Craig.
ACLU said his morse code foot tapping it was free speech.
EPIC Fail!
Already called it on Vitter and Stevens. Glad Stevens is gone. We needed to remove that porker.
These Democrats committed oversights and not blatant, willful violations. They also made good on their obligations, to the last person. Because we believe in teh rule of law.
“Only after the Obama transition team flagged unrelated tax issues that would require filing amended returns did Mr. Daschle and his accountant address the need to report the personal use value of the car service — more than $255,000 over three years — as income. Only after he had been chosen to be the health secretary did Mr. Daschle tell the transition team about the unpaid taxes. He paid some $140,000 in back taxes and interest on Jan. 2 to settle several tax problems — and he acknowledges owing more.”
He paid because he had no choice. And if these weren’t “blatant, willful violations” – you can’t possibly know, of course – these people being heralded as “must haves” for the positions were awfully inept.
No matter, it was a growing PR nightmare for Obama, who ran on a “change we can believe in” theme. Remember that?
If a Republican did this, the GOP-controlled Senate would have confirmed him. When Daschle did it, the Democrats shit-canned him. That’s the difference between us and them.
@60 “Just visited the site. Need a shower now.”
Oh? Was it as bad as that Fox Blog that Cynical linked to yesterday that had all of those right-wingers making hateful racist comments about people of your own skin color? Clever, how you accused me of being the one to have made those comments when I was only quoting them. I’ve been meaning to ask, why did you do that?
@37 Republicans laughed at the rule of law. Now you’re preaching to me about the rule of law? Go fuck yourself. Want to prosecute Daschle for tax evasion? Be my guest! You can have any other Democratic tax cheats you or we unearth, too. We’re not gonna protect or defend them. That’s the difference between us and you.
@72 “ACLU said his morse code foot tapping it was free speech.”
LMFAO! Other than that, I’m speechless.
Hey that’s a great article from Alternet. Here’s some facts for our idiot-in-chief:
Ok Stupes. Let’s see you call this swift-boater a TAX CHEAT.
Daschle? Killefer? Geithner? Peanuts.
Oh and he’s still barking orders @ 69.. IGNORED! LMAO!
It doesn’t get more idiotic than Stupes.
Steve@77: Look it up. I was shocked and amazed!
Here’s the deal, though. If Democrats are prosecuted for breaking the law — and they should be, and I hope they will be — then Republicans also should be prosecuted for breaking the law. And I mean all of them, not a couple of token fall guys designated from the get-go to be thrown under the bus. Especially the big boys, but all of them, right down to the secretaries and janitors who tortured people or hooked up wires to illegal wiretaps or laundered money or committed perjury to a court or Congress or got a fucking parking ticket.
the Democrats shit-canned him.
Really? See @43. A mere half day before. Democrats didn’t “shit-can” him. Worsening PR, including Nancy Killefer’s withdrawal and stinging editorials from the right and left, did.
Moron@78: Do you read? Look what I said above.
Figgers you would attack the 10 Pillers of Obamunism and then have no pithy comeback.
You are useless protoplasm to argue against.
“There is no synaptic activity in that specimen doctor.”
“Yes, you’re right. But we can’t operate. He’s HA’s clueless idiot. There is no up or downside with this one!”
How quickly we forget about the multi-trillion dollar quagmire started by Dumbya.
82 – I don’t take orders from the idiot-in-chief.
Puddy & Marvin–
Notice how difficult it is for the KLOWNS to deal with the issues of TODAY??
All they can do is go back in time & dredge up stuff about Joe The Plumber??
What was Jow elected to?
We are talked about Tom Daschle, Geithner, Charlie Rangel, Bill Richardson….prominent Democrats. Not to mention John Edwards and Eliot Spitzer.
You KLOWNS are in charge….and blowing it as usual.
It’s easier to sit back and criticize those in power…it’s hard work to be in charge.
Obamunism is sold based on the charm of the snake charmer who is perpetrating it.
Progressively f*ck things up.
No Administration has lost it’s post-election capital faster than Obama??
Cuz he is a snake…surrounded by snakes.
And the light is shining down upon him!
Rush said if obama pushes socialism then I hope he fails.
Obama has been quoted to say he wants communism not socialism either way America loses.
83 – And if there’s a lot more rich bastards like Sam Wyly who cheat on their taxes, that’ll help ease the debt somewhat.
Obviously you don’t get it, which is not surprising.
It’s not the action, it’s the hypocrisy.
Like the larry craig incident. You’re not against gay democrats tapping feet in public bathrooms, it’s that larry craig was against gay rights/marriage.
He was good enough to parade on stage next to McSame and Sarah Diva.
He was good enough for the crapheads at to send to Gaza. Can’t trust veteran correspondents who’ve covered the region for years, that’s the emessem oh no.
Send Joe the fraudulent Plumber instead.
It’s going to get ugly on this blog as obama screws up.
Say, how many troops died since obama took office. I wonder why the left leaning media no longer talk about the children of america dying in war. Oh yeah, that would make obama look bad for not keeping to his promises so the media have to keep quiet.
He considers him/her for a position in his cabinet and then waits for rush to vet them for tax problems, hiring illegals, and assorted other crimes.
89 – No you don’t get it. When you’re behind on your taxes like Joe the Plumber, you pay your taxes with the interest and penalties and life goes on. Oversights happen.
Sam Wyly deliberately cheated the government out of taxes it could have used to prevent passing on Dumbya’s war debt onto our kids and he instead used the money to help put your hero Dumbya back in for another disastrous 4 years.
A guy like Cynical loathes himself because he’s not as rich as Sam Wyly. Well, sure sucks to be Sam right now.
That’s a huge improvement over a right wing blog that practically CELEBRATES Republican screw-ups.
It’s about the hypocrisy.
Just like larry craig.
Daschle wasn’t hypocritical. He was prepared to pay his taxes like Geithner. But he knew the Republicans smelled blood over this and decided not to risk hurting Obama.
The country could have used his counsel in the government. Now we’ll have to make do with him on the outside.
True swindlers like Sam Wyly continue to get away with their crimes. Hopefully not too much longer. We need their ill gotten gains to pay for the disastrous mistakes of the Republicans.
Welcome home, YLB. Missed you.
How quickly we forget Duh-bya? Actually, eight W years were about seven years too many. Turned many of us into Mr. Cynicals.
Listen to Glenn Beck for an entre into our postmodern postpartisan world. Beck sometimes has so much sense and sensibility you gotta wonder how he made it to CNN.
And has any other admisseration squandered itself so shamelessly in only 13 days? Why, yes. Democrat Clinton almost ejaculated himself to death with Zoe and Kimba and queers.
Excuse me, I meant Gay Americans. Like Mistress McGreeeeeevey.
Of course, blame it on the republicans. Now I see why you democrats mocked republicans for blaming stuff on clinton.
Good, another lobbyist in the obama administration.
Maybe obama should consider him for a cabinet position so he will pay his taxes. It appears the best way to get tax cheats to pay back taxes is for obama to want them on his staff.
Geithner was NOT ready to pay his taxes. When jacked up against the wall, he paid only those taxes that weren’t blown off by a statute of limitations.
IMF sent him statements, every quarter or every year, stipulating that he was responsible for paying taxes on his IMF contract. He signed and returned those statements, attesting that he understood his liability and responsibility. Then IMF remitted payment to Geithner to facilitate payment to IRS.
At least that’s the word on the street.
Then he stiffed the hired help. Then he went to work for hope and change.
What part of Democrat crooks and liars don’t you understand, YLB? Your brain get buzzed once too often?
What lies and what oath? Other than Scootie Libber? (Or maybe you mean Sandy ‘Hot Pants’ Berger, who skated with only a $10,000 fine … what’s with that?)
Not to distract from the wingnut trolls giving each other hand jobs, but who is a good replacement for Daschle?
I’ve seen many suggest Gov. Dean. Now while I love the erstwhile Governor from Vermont I don’t think he’s necessarily the best for the job.
I’m thinking we need someone who can do all of the following:
1. Run HHS
2. Advocate for health care reform on the Hill.
3. Advocate for health care reform in the media.
Dean might do OK at #1 but I don’t think he’s the best for #2 and #3.
Daschle WAS hypocritical. He said it’s patriotic to pay taxes, and said higher taxes are needed to help the poor and homeless. But he didn’t want to pay his own taxes until he was forced to.
My, oh my, I don’t think I’ve seen Republicans so rabid with glee since JFK was murdered.
Prosecute the Bush officials …
OK, but first things first:
– Prosecute Democrat Thomas Jesserson, in absentia, for miscegenation;
– Prosecute Andrew Jackson, Democrat, for genocide. Jackson lied and people died on the Trail of Tears;
– Ditto Democrat Polk who, Lincoln said, lied about the origin of Polk’s preemptive unilateral war against Mexico;
– Get Democrats Pierce and Buchanan for getting us mired in the quagmire of Kansas insurgency and civil war elsewhere;
– Prosecute Democrat Grover Cleveland for sending goons and the 7th Cavalry to kill workers at Haymarket;
– Prosecute Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, for resegregating the exec branch after Republicans integrated it. Prosecute Wilson for prosecuting Americans (10 year terms for criticizing Wilson) during wartime and for unleashing a reign of terror after the war;
– Prosecute Democrat FDR for torturing American citizens in concentration camps. Ever been to Powell, Wyoming, in winter? Way worse than waterboarding;
– Put away FDR for killing antilynching legislation; for trying to pack the Supreme Court with cronies; and for putting a lifetime member of the Klan on the Court;
– Prosecute FDR for paying farmers to destroy food while “one-third of a nation” was going hungry;
– Prosecute FDR, in absentia, for destroying the livlihoods of black sharecroppers in the South;
– Prosecute FDR for his tenure as undersecretary of Navy. He said he broke so many laws and cut so many corners he could have been put away for 999 years. Should have been;
– Prosecute Truman, Democrat, for nuclear genocide against the Japanese;
– Prosecute Truman for allowing Acheson, his secretary of state, to foment the Korean War in which almost 40,000 Americans died and millions of Koreans died;
– Prosecute John Kennedy, Democrat, for sending more than one thousand freedom fighters to die or to be tortured by Castro. Kennedy lied about air cover, and people died;
– Prosecute Kennedy for conducting foreign policy through the Mafia;
– Prosecute Robert Kennedy, Democrat, for wiretapping Martin Luther King;
– Prosecute Democrat LBJ for turning Kennedy’s Vietnam disaster into a debacle;
– Prosecute Johnson, in absentia, for getting rich by manipulating FCC licences;
– Persecute Jimmy Carter, Democrat, for being a fucking idiot who turned the Islamic Middle East into a cauldron;
– Prosecute Carter for building bad houses that fall down;
– Prosecute Carter for his policy of pouring food into gas tanks, and for the current famines his idiot policy caused;
– Prosecute Bill Clinton, Democrat, for raping Juanita Broaddrick and for molesting Kathleen Willey. Let them have their days in court and let him quit hiding behind statutes of limitation;
– Prosecute Clinton for being AWOL during the Cole, Khobar Towers, and the blown-up embassies;
– Prosecute Clinton for not taking bin Laden when OBL could have been extradited from Sudan;
– Prosecute Clinton for spying on Amicans via projects Eschelon and Carnivore;
– Prosecute Clinton for outsourcing torture via extraordinary rendition;
– Re-try Sloppy Sandy Berger, Democrat, for stealing and manipulating evidence in an apparent effort to mislead an inquiry;
– Shout down Clinton, Richard Clarke, and the Air America turd this morning who said careful Democrat planning caught Ahmed Ressam. Ressam was nailed only because he was fortuitously profiled;
– Prosecute Clinton et al. for allowing the 9/11 plot to fester to fruition on their watch;
I’m pure as snow! In fact, I’m often mistaken for Snow White. Then they see my balls and realize I’m not Snow White.
Fine — Then they should nominate Howard Dean. He’s a docter.
Toljah! Howie Dean’s Pork Sausage Stimulus Plan!
Who better to slop the trough than Howlin’ Howie at HHS.
@104 Nah, I don’t think so. We’re in power now, so it’s our turn to push you assholes around.
re 104: You think comparing Lincoln to today’s Republican party of simpleminded zealots is a fair comparison.
“Prosecute Clinton et al. for allowing the 9/11 plot to fester to fruition on their watch”
Good fucking grief!
Don’t forget that Clinton is indirectly responsible for the deaths of 800,000 Rwandans.
I also think he should be investigated to see if he molested Chelsea as a young girl. Some say that older men who have extramarital affairs with women half their age are more likely to molest underage family members, so I think that should be looked into.
@86 We couldn’t begin to fuck things up as badly as you idiots did even if we had the whole century to do it.
3 trillion dollars off the books on the retarded Iraq war — and now these retarded Republicans are trying to appear ‘fiscally responsible’ by opposing money for a bailout of the country they sunk?
The audacity of simplemindedness.
Toljah! Howie Dean’s Pure Pork Sausage Stimulus Plan.
And who better to slop the trough than Howlin’ Howie from the Soviet of Vermont?
Man, there’s some people posting here who’ve got some really heavy drugs.
re 11: You guys need to take personal responsibility for your own actions — yet, you never do.
@97 Whatever Clinton was, he wasn’t queer. Sadly, you morons can’t even get that right.
Fester to fruition … All those jihad lap dances? Atta’s helpful interactions with Dept of Agriculture to fly crop dusters? All happened while Blue Dress Bill was molesting the hired help.
@109 Not remotely. One glance at today’s Republican crowd would have been enough for Lincoln to suspend habeas corpus and maybe even authorize waterboarding.
The Good Ship America is rapidly sinking, and the Republican potentates and their gold-plated “executive” pals have commandeered all the lifeboats. Now they’re proposing handing everyone else a Dixie cup to bail with.
@111 “Don’t forget that Clinton is indirectly responsible for the deaths of 800,000 Rwandans.”
So are you. Why didn’t you go there and stop it?
Is that you, Br’er Rabbit? 240 pounds of toxic waste spackled to our colon walls?
Military gays was a bad way to start a presidency. Seemed to show that the Boy Genius’s priorities were askew.
No wonder Vince Foster went on to better things.
Can’t believe I forgot Rwanda. Can’t believe The First Black President had other priorities.
@118 Clinton wasn’t the guy sleeping on duty when the planes hit the buildings. That was your boy, Monkeyface.
@115 It’s like they’ve come down with rabies or something. That one guy has got the hate on going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson.
Obama popularity rating: 80%
Bush popularity rating: the other 20%
Nuff said. You guys are so out of power.
@122 If you want to spackle me to your colon walls you’ll have to catch me first.
9/11 was a worse way to start a presidency. Much worse! But your organ grinder monkey outdid even himself in finishing up his presidency by inaugurating Great Depression II.
Douche Daschle, bounced baby bounced, said in 1998 that no hell is too hot for fucking tax cheats. Or something like that.
I imagine their glee could only be greater if Obama were to be assasinated or if America were to be attacked under Obama’s watch. It takes a lot of hatred to go down that road. But there they go.
@128 He’ll have plenty of company after we finish hunting down and prosecuting the GOP tax cheats.
OK, you’re the lawyer. But if 9/11 was a bad way to “start,” then 2/?/1993 was a badder or at least sooner bad way to start. Same venue, gaping holes, smoke, blood, body counts …
That creep? I’ll pass thanks.
The HNMT is on a tear in this thread. I’ll leave him to his lunacy and idiocy.
Could the moron @ 104 actually be a Canadian?
I recall how the wing-nuts danced in the streets after RFK was murdered. They were so happy then, like the man’s death was cause for celebration or something. I thought at the time that that was more than just a little un-American of them. Little did I know that they were just warming up and that the real hate would come later.
We don’t want Fandi Rhodes’ Fredo Option for President Obama. Nor do we want another Clinton/Bush Towers attack to blame on Obama.
We wonder, tho, who dopped our president, good man that he is, on his head between election day and today. The candidate of the flawless campaign is a flubbing and faltering president. That’s not good for him or us.
Speaking of Republican tax cheats, they have so good a deal when they’re legal you wonder why they bother to cheat!! $2.5 million exemption for heirs; the working man gets a $3,500 personal exemption. Capital gains and dividends are taxed 1/3 as much as money people work for. Big Shots deduct their private jets as “business expenses”; working stiffs can’t even deduct their parking tokens. Republicans don’t have to cheat. They’ve gamed the tax laws so much they don’t pay any taxes anyway. Only workers pay taxes! Why the hell anyone works under a system like this is a fucking mystery. I don’t work! I sit on my fat rabbit ass posting on all day and get tax breaks for not working! Congress doesn’t want me to work. So I don’t.
I hear that dean is also a doctor.
I’m guessing you voted for obama??
@133 More likely Venutian, or from somewhere outside the Solar System.
Canadian? Say WA? Usually we get your feeble attempts at humor, but this time you’ve gone too far. Better blame Canada.
Danced in the streets in June 1968? Who and where? Maybe the buds of certain Syrian did a little jig, but that’s about it. RFK was treasured even by unreconstructed (Joe, not Gene) McCarthyites. Who could ask for anything more?
Make that: EnRon Sims is no MoRon
Men are from Mars, Valesquez (sp?) is from Venus.
@137 “I hear that dean is also a doctor.”
Who do you think had his finger up your ass at your last prostate exam? Rudolf the Red-Nose Reindeer?
We don’t want you to work, either. Thinking of you doing gainful and productive labor? Minds boggle.
Heard there’s a real good deal on a slightly used private jet. Buy it with TARP money, wipe off the Starbuck’s logo, and take your own damn deductions like the fat cat Democrats do.
“The HNMT”
What’s that? Somebody’s sockpuppet? Cynical was accusing me of sockpuppetry yesterday. Of course, when a Republican accuses anybody of anything, the first thing to be understood is that the Republican is doing the very thing he accuses others of doing. It’s a Psych 101 thing, projection. Even after it’s explained to them they still can’t seem to stop. So I concluded that Cynical was sockpuppeting it around HA these days.
Howard Dean = Doctor Proctor? Better not tell Ron Jeremy …
Is Psych 101 projection similar to Rabbit’s projectile farting, discussed earlier?
I bet that at this very moment Republicans are praying for thousands of our troops to die under Obama’s watch so that Republicans can know happiness, maybe even win an election or two. After all, what’s a few troops sacrificed for the greater cause, that is, Republican victory and rule?
124 Sleeping, my ass. There were at least a half dozen people who tried to tell the White House in unequivocal terms that something big was up, (and likely to involve airplanes). They were all told to shut the fuck up.
146 That’s just part of the way that fascism is the last stop on the road to cannibalism.
Venutian? Anything like Venusian?
As for RFK in 1968, I’m typically clueless, Steve. Wot the ‘ell are you talking about?
Never liked the unlikable man. Not when he was having a sorority spat with Roy Cohn over who would get the last nitey nite kiss from Tail Gunner Joe. Not when he was a hound dog for Kefauver. Not when he was buying West Virginia for his brother. Not when he was wiretapping MLK. Not when he did a Clinton carpetbag to New York. And most particularly not when he Rabbit punched Gene McCarthy. Too many McCarthys in too little time … Good thing Jenny wasn’t on his enemy’s list.
But danced when he died? No way.
Hell no. We’re Americans. We actually support our troops. We’re not the “I’m against the mission but I support the troops.” Democratic. What a sad way to live. We don’t wish anything bad on our soldiers. Don’t equate us with leadless douchy!
Steve@134: Was that a pithy attempt at sophisticated silliness. Who was dancing at RFK’s assassination? Sometimes you say some really stupid things. Stop drinking the Steve’s Stupid Solution dude. You mellowed out when we were discussing the ghetto life then you started drinking your name-sake “tonic” today.
Thanks for the support!
If things get worse, it will be the obstructionist Republicans who will get blamed by the VOTING public.
re 152: It’s mockery. You don’t even get the reference.
Why is it that Republicans were never upset that America was attacked twice under Bush’s watch? Was it because the loss of thousands of American lives was worth it so Bush could be a “War President”? I’ve read countless accusations that it was Clinton’s fault but not one post condemning his successor, George Bush, who actually ignored the terrorist threat until it was too late.
Pelletizer@126: What crack are you smoking; and I’m not referring to female dumb bunnies either.
Overall, 61% of all voters somewhat or strongly approve of Obama’s performance so far while 36% disapprove.
This should piss off the twins rerun@133 and bentoversuckinghisdick: “Most voters say that if Republicans want a return to power, they should return to the views and values of Ronald Reagan.”
So Pelletizer where are you getting your 80% crap from? Your partially furred ass?
@151 Everyone’s being a little rabid today. Why can’t I join in on the fun?
@154: Ah but I do. You showed up with that sockpuppet after I told rerun he was sitting with his thumb up his ass in a previous thread.
… tried to tell the White House in unequivocal terms …
The terms were very equivocal, as they usually are. The famous PDB of August 2001 boiled down to: be very afraid. That’s not actionable.
Nor do I blame Clinton for being immersed in Don’t Ask Don’t Tell when he should have been watching his WTC, 24/7, in February 1993.
All this and World War Too: Nor do I blame FDR for using WWII as a public works project to rescue his failed New Deal. One of Goldy’s JOA (thought that was Blethen and Hearst) buds said the war validated FDR and Keynes. My reply about the Arsenal of Death and about tamping down unemployment with conscription (over 16,000,000 served) was inept irony.
I believe the fight was worth fighting. But also believe the activist Left wa schizo about FDR and his war: the Left reviled Roosevelt and his Arsenal of Democracy when Stalin and Hitler were fuck buddies during their pact. Pete Seeger sang songs about our tyrant president. Then Hitler invaded the motherland, and our activist Left went wild, demanding arsenals beyond counting for Uncle Joe.
He didn’t ignore the terrorist threat. He rejected the Clinton strategem of bombing aspirin factories and empty tents.
Outta here, darlings. Love you madly.
Got any proof or is this just more made up bullshit?
Here is a shocker: “71% View Obama as Politically Liberal”
If Puffybutt’s fat, ugly, aids – infested wife gave a BJ to every Publican who failed to pay taxes, she’d be VERY busy.
Word is that the right wing traitors are shaking in their boots now that they don’t have the power to avoid the long arm of the law. AG Holder will start prosecuting the GOP traitors and that has all of them doing what they do best – peeing down their legs and crying like stuffed pigs.
You know their argument is lost when bentoversuckinghisdick attacks my wife.
I say good riddance to Daschle. His apparent tax fraud (how else do you explain seemingly deliberate omission of major items of taxable income) is just the tip of the iceberg. This man managed to turn his political capital into earning several million dollars a year after leaving his Senate Majority Leader position.
Daschle had a car and driver which cost over $80,000 per year — enough money to support several poor families that rely on the government assistance that DHHS is responsible for overseeing. And Daschle did not even report this income on his taxes, and left off several hundred thousand in consulting fees to boot?
Daschle makes a mockery of Democratic values. With his extravagantly wealthy lifestyle and personal dishonesty, Daschle should become a Republican.
Richard Pope:
Daschle should become a Republican? Truly you jest!
1981, Daschle was a Donkey congressman. Daschle voted against Reagan’s tax cut (Economic Recovery Tax Act). This tax cut slashed individual income tax rates 25 percent across the board.
1990, Daschle was a Senator. Daschle voted for the Budget Enforcement Act. It raised the top individual income tax rate from 28% to 31%.
1993, Daschle voted for Clinton’s Revenue Reconciliation Act, raised the rate from 31% to 36 percent.
2001, Daschle opposed Bush’s across the board tax cut (Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act).
He will never be anything but a Donkey…
do you think rahm emanuel is going to have blagoevich klled so he doesnt call emanuel as a witness?
re 158: No. You don’t get the reference. ‘Hey Man, Smell my Finger!” is a 1993 album by George Clinton.
Since you are always crowing about how much you know about Black culture, I thought I’d throw you a reference a little more obscure than Louis Armstrong.
You came up short.
When they bring Karl Rove to court – my guess is he’ll sing like the little bitch he is and we’ll find out that the Bush regime makes Saddam look like a God.
re 168: You are so full of crap. Reagan tried to lower taxes, but the economy went south, so he raised them — and DOUBLED SS withholding!!! —promising to save it for the baby boomers.
He spent it all before he was out of office.
Know What? If you know the name of the newspaper you read, you know more than Sarah Palin — and you want that idiot as a major leader.
Clown-in-chief over at Air America, Thom Hartmann, thinks Howard Dean would do a lot better job of increasing government control over health care. He likes Howard over Daschle.
It won’t make any difference two days or two years from now who gets the job.
Smelly Finger@172: So misguided, so shortsided. Richard Pope made a comment. I displayed the voting record of Tom Daschle. You went into avoidance mode over what Richard Pope postulated.
I guess the truth does hurt your feeble mind.
Congress raised taxes not Reagan. The Legislative branch raises revenue. Tip O’Lying Neill and the Democratic, promised to cut spending by twice that amount if Reagan would close some business loopholes. They lied, the spent it and more. I guess you flunked civics.
George Clinton? Sorry, his music was not my genre.
Daddy Love Still waiting for you to answer my #64.
Don’t worry I realize your thoughts are broke and “unemployed”.
143 – Steve, the HNMT is short for the Hateful Name-Morphing Troll aka the slobbering wingnut of many aliases.
A former lefty radical who went right wing. They are the worst! See David Horowitz and many of the neo-cons.
He’s been here for a long time spewing hate.
That’s your tag line.
178 – Nope I was just here waiting for the inevitable.
It came last Nov 4.
I was right wasn’t I? And you’ve been wrong the whole way though.
Go ahead and keep blaming it on the crappy, cowardly media though who licked your chimp’s boots for a good part of his term.
Your delusions are all just entertainment to me.
Rerun@179: Republicans lost their way and no longer were conservative. Rasmussen above has it right. People will come back when Republicans return to conservatism. But they also look for a free hand-out which Obama has promised big time. Remember the black lady in Florida who announced Obama was gonna pay her mortgage and put gas in her tank? Well you are a libtard so I guess you forgot that.
Of course you skip over that like you skipped over my 10 Pillars of Communism-Obamunism.
Such scary similarities you can’t retort.
I love hearing the idiot republican trolls scream about communism – totally forgetting that BUSH started the whole thing with the bailout and in his typical screw-up fashion did not even bother to keep track of close to a trillion dollars. Not to mention the trillion dollars he wasted on an unnecessary war in Iraq – that is two trillion wasted.
Now Obama is planning to spend under 1 trillion for jobs and suddenly the idiot trolls go haywire.
What a bunch of hypocrites. All the money wasted in Iraq on fat cats, no-bid contracts and all the money unaccounted for in thefat-cat bank bailout…and they suddenly start screaming when there are jobs for ordinary Americans. Guess I know where their priorities are.
Yeah, that medicare drug program was a hoot wasn’t it?
Passed in December 2003. Sure didn’t stop you from voting chimp in 2004.
As for handouts, I’m expecting a hand up which is what a lot of folks got during the New Deal. Your crowd wants to keep on sticking its head in the sand until things get magically better. Keep quoting some crazy shit you read in Wingnut Daily about Obama voters expecting manna from heaven. It’s what you’re good at.
As I said before your “10 pillars” is nothing but bullshit. Not worth my time. If you think Obama is a commie, like so many right wing idiots were calling him before Nov 4., you are one sad fuck. It made no difference then and means even less now.
@159: You mean the PDB that said be very afraid of terrorists with airplanes?
How MORE specific could it have been?
Bush ignored it and kept reading my pet goat – trying to find deeper meaning….Oh, and the Bush directive that al qaida was not important – because that was what Clinton warned about….hey, we don’t need to call Bush on that either.
PB has completely lost his composure, and whatever slight grasp on reality he had is gone. Please ignore him, his psychosis has kicked into another plane and he is insane.
@180 Hahaha – Dream on.
The republican philosophy of less government regulation has been proven to be bankrupt (in more ways than one).
The republican brand is corruption, lies, incompetence and whining. Lately, all we have is the the extreme whining. That is not going to win back any votes. Sabotage of Obama and the country also won’t get you guys very far. In the end, republicans are going to be a small minority party. Close to 70-80% support the economic stimulus and the same pecentage support Obama.
Support for the republicans in congress…not so good.
there’s only one thing you guys forgot. the bolshviks, led by leon trotsky (born dev bernstein), recruited bernsteins brethren from new york to run the revolution. the peasants didnt have much under the czar, so when bernstein took their possesions, they didnt protest much. now i ask you, did you think the situation is the same today? do you think if giethner and his boss, alan greenspan destroy this economy, you think most americans are going to see their children starve while bloomberg in new york feasts on his lox and bagel?
Well, at least we know why democrats like taxes so much. Turns out they don’t pay them!
Btw, Geithner was not so innocent. I thought he could be, but then found out his employer (IMF) had a policy of reimbursing employees for their payroll taxes, and Geithner was regularly applying for the reimbursement while NOT paying said taxes. folks, don’t fall for the democrat line “sloppy mistake.” This was no sloppy mistake. This was clearly a guy who chose not to pay the taxes while getting money for them from his employer.
Dr correctnotright, Puddy agrees in the last 12 years Republicans left conservatism. That’s why Puddy was glad to see Ted Stevens leave. Review the HA tapes and you’ll see what Puddy said when Puddy found out he was a Porker.
But you all ignore what Rasmussen is finding in his polling. That’s why Rasmussen is more correct than any other pollster. Puddy posted those numbers on HA last fall. Y’all ignored them.
rerun said:
And we all know you are clueless and that’s your pat answer when the request is above your pay grade. You can’t find the answer by running to the left whack job George Soros web sites. They do your thinking for you. Puddy didn’t get the 10 Pillars comparison from any web site. That was my creation fool. I don’t need Free Republic etc. to think. You can’t live without George Soros and his boys feeding you the kook-aid.
I bet TPM has some Soros money involved.
Wow! The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS can only respond to current President Obama’s steady stream of screw-up’s by deflecting to the past president. You KLOWNS cannot even carry on a reasonable discussion about the Porkulous Package elements….you just say Obama ain’t as bad as Bush.
Listen, this Country is likely to get hit with a terrorist attack like Biden said. Biden said Obama will be tested in his first 6 months. The more STUPID STUFF Obama does like these empty-headed appointments of Tax Cheaters AND pushing the Porkulous Package, is causing Obama to fritter away political Capital at an alarming rate.
Know who had the highest approval rating at Inauguration…JIMMY CARTER!
Look at any loon ranting and raving on the street.
You’re no different. We feel sorry for you and hope someone’s looking after your medication and whatnot, but we’ve got more pressing matters to address.
190 – I don’t care if ALL your babbling is made up. A baby can do very creative things with his/her poop. At the end it still stinks.
In your case – STINKS RIGHT.
It’s becoming clear why obama keeps picking tax cheats…
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama got more than an education when he attended Harvard Law School in the late 1980s. He also got a healthy stack of parking tickets, most of which he never paid.
The Illinois Senator shelled out $375 in January _ two weeks before he officially launched his presidential campaign _ to finally pay for 15 outstanding parking tickets and their associated late fees.
Obama received 17 parking tickets in Cambridge between 1988 and 1991, mostly for parking in a bus stop, parking without a resident permit and failing to pay the meter, records from the Cambridge Traffic, Parking and Transportation office show.
Just like the ethics impaired cheats he has picked for his cabinet, he waited to pay until he was launching his presidential campaign.
Strange how regular people get their cars booted or their registration denied until paying their debt to society, obama got a free pass.
Typical behavior from a democrat.
Typical leftist reasoning.
The left doesn’t like their side being exposed for what it is. So of course the left has to attack the messenger.
Thanks ylb for proving my point.
Typical “rightist” is to completely ignore any idiocies on the part of former radicals who have become rightists.
In a “rightists” mind, he’s never wrong.
Horowitz was wrong when he was a lefty and he’s wrong now. The same goes for almost all neo-cons.
Evidence: last Nov 4 when their policies were completely rejected.
Thanks by the way for being such a laughable “rightist”.
I love your post. push push!!!!
It was the best post I have read on HA,
All this other crap is just that, A bunch of crap.
I like it soooooo much i just want to repost it!
Push Push in the Bush spews:
Prosecute the Bush officials …
OK, but first things first:
– Prosecute Democrat Thomas Jesserson, in absentia, for miscegenation;
– Prosecute Andrew Jackson, Democrat, for genocide. Jackson lied and people died on the Trail of Tears;
– Ditto Democrat Polk who, Lincoln said, lied about the origin of Polk’s preemptive unilateral war against Mexico;
– Get Democrats Pierce and Buchanan for getting us mired in the quagmire of Kansas insurgency and civil war elsewhere;
– Prosecute Democrat Grover Cleveland for sending goons and the 7th Cavalry to kill workers at Haymarket;
– Prosecute Woodrow Wilson, Democrat, for resegregating the exec branch after Republicans integrated it. Prosecute Wilson for prosecuting Americans (10 year terms for criticizing Wilson) during wartime and for unleashing a reign of terror after the war;
– Prosecute Democrat FDR for torturing American citizens in concentration camps. Ever been to Powell, Wyoming, in winter? Way worse than waterboarding;
– Put away FDR for killing antilynching legislation; for trying to pack the Supreme Court with cronies; and for putting a lifetime member of the Klan on the Court;
– Prosecute FDR for paying farmers to destroy food while “one-third of a nation” was going hungry;
– Prosecute FDR, in absentia, for destroying the livlihoods of black sharecroppers in the South;
– Prosecute FDR for his tenure as undersecretary of Navy. He said he broke so many laws and cut so many corners he could have been put away for 999 years. Should have been;
– Prosecute Truman, Democrat, for nuclear genocide against the Japanese;
– Prosecute Truman for allowing Acheson, his secretary of state, to foment the Korean War in which almost 40,000 Americans died and millions of Koreans died;
– Prosecute John Kennedy, Democrat, for sending more than one thousand freedom fighters to die or to be tortured by Castro. Kennedy lied about air cover, and people died;
– Prosecute Kennedy for conducting foreign policy through the Mafia;
– Prosecute Robert Kennedy, Democrat, for wiretapping Martin Luther King;
– Prosecute Democrat LBJ for turning Kennedy’s Vietnam disaster into a debacle;
– Prosecute Johnson, in absentia, for getting rich by manipulating FCC licences;
– Persecute Jimmy Carter, Democrat, for being a fucking idiot who turned the Islamic Middle East into a cauldron;
– Prosecute Carter for building bad houses that fall down;
– Prosecute Carter for his policy of pouring food into gas tanks, and for the current famines his idiot policy caused;
– Prosecute Bill Clinton, Democrat, for raping Juanita Broaddrick and for molesting Kathleen Willey. Let them have their days in court and let him quit hiding behind statutes of limitation;
– Prosecute Clinton for being AWOL during the Cole, Khobar Towers, and the blown-up embassies;
– Prosecute Clinton for not taking bin Laden when OBL could have been extradited from Sudan;
– Prosecute Clinton for spying on Amicans via projects Eschelon and Carnivore;
– Prosecute Clinton for outsourcing torture via extraordinary rendition;
– Re-try Sloppy Sandy Berger, Democrat, for stealing and manipulating evidence in an apparent effort to mislead an inquiry;
– Shout down Clinton, Richard Clarke, and the Air America turd this morning who said careful Democrat planning caught Ahmed Ressam. Ressam was nailed only because he was fortuitously profiled;
– Prosecute Clinton et al. for allowing the 9/11 plot to fester to fruition on their watch;
02/03/2009 at 3:43 pm Go Push Push
@193: More psychobabble from HA’s clueless idiot. We on the right expected nothing less.
Today it was announced that the GOP formally hired “Joe the not Real Plumber” as a consultant – you know Joe – the one with the tax lien. I guess the Publicans only care about tax cheats except when they don’t.
Meanwhile – WE Dems control the White House and the Congress and the US Senate and there’s nothing that tax cheat Joe can do about it. Period.
I hope this is the plan for the GOP – because after all Joe was SO much help on Nov 4 NOT!
@196: They hailed the messiah.
Support for Stimulus Package Falls to 37%
Yeah, your “adults” are doing great! Wow just two weeks.
You know this means more peeps support the “man” more than his porkulous package.
I realize you didn’t understand that!
I tried posting some of Puffybutt’s bullshit on three different “Christian” sites. The 700 Club, Focus on the Family and the Catholic Church’s Vatican site. None of them would let me copy the rantings of Puffybutt onto their site. I guess your own “Christian” brothers don’t want you Puff. Your own Black brothers think you’re a race traitor and an Oreo and your own WIFE doesn’t want you so she pulls trains behind the Port Orchard bowling alley and to add insult to injury – you backed the looooosingest team in political history! Sucks to be you fuckface! LOL!
Wow bentoversuckinghisschwanzstucker,
You hit the trifecta. Did you learn something?
Looking forward to Holder marching some of these cowardly Bush-regime henchmen to court for their day of justice. I still hear more bleating, whining and moaning about him than most any other PRESIDENT OBAMA appointment so you KNOW the righties are worried. I LOVE to see the assholes squirm – What a fun time this is. Justice is being served to the crooks, traitors and cowards that run the GOP!
bentoversuckinghisschwanzstucker farted:
Stop looking in the mirror when you bend over to suck your leetle schwanzstucker!
Another great thing about this time is that we’re getting closer to finding all the street level traitors like Puffybutt. Given the fact that his own people think he’s an Oreo – they’ll turn him in and then maybe we can get him held accountable for his crimes against our country. Of course he’ll probably be happy because in prison he’ll get to suck all the big cocks he can find. This is his dream according to his wife.
I wonder if Puffybutt cries at night when his wife fucks him in the ass with a strap on? Or is it because his beloved GOP has been rendered utterly irrelevant? Or is it because he knows he is a race traitor?
I thought you told us you had film? Now you are left to wonder. Shows just how much of a useless moron you are.
Thanks Goldy. He makes my day!
I have always heard:
He who laughs last always, laughs best.
I guess putting lipstick on the pork isn’t making it look any better.It just looks like a cover up.
I hope for my sake ,my kids sake, my grand children’s sake the pelosi-obamaessiahs theft act of 2009 dies.
Stimulus my right foot…….This has nothing to do with stimulating the economy of this country,It is full of pork and payoffs to liberal special interest groups,Americans we GET NOTHING, Even if they fix it,WE GET NOTHING!!!!!
No compromise,
No haggling,No future in it.
WE borrow money from china,Buy gas from south america,Goods from china and any other coutry but our own,Buy abortions for other countries citizens.We send our jobs over seas, Work our american asses off to pay taxes,And if we don’t want to pay more taxes then we are just selfish.
This stimulus thing is really starting to make sense.
Obama sucks. Bush certainly was a major disappointment to me but this socialist we have in office now is going to make our economy worse than it is.