So I’m here at the Bellevue Westin, waiting for King County to actually report some results, and I read on the Seattle Times front page that “Burner goes home, volunteers wait.” Which was a bit of a surprise to me, as she’s sitting right behind me:
Huh. Unless Darcy actually lives at the Westin, I think the Times got this story wrong.
“All the news that fits”
and to think i was really wanting to get out of my jerkwater town and move to the big, liberal intelligent Pacific NW bastion of Seattle? WTF is up with your major newspaper being a GOP propganda rag?
King County just dropped another 200 or so poll precincts in the 8th CD in the hopper. The race is really tightening up.
Burner WAS ahead by 26,791 to 22,068 in King County at 11:27 P.M.
With the new poll precincts dropped at 12:22 AM, Burner is now ahead by only 34,990 to 32,955 in King County (with 311 out of 747 poll precincts counted).
Overall lead is now 46,068 Burner to 45,347 Reichert.
I am afraid Burner will be behind Reichert by a couple thousand votes when all the poll precincts in King County finish being reported in the next hour or so.
Or maybe not. The King County poll precincts in the 8th CD that have reported are almost all in the southern part of the county. Almost nothing in the 45th and 48th LD has reported, and less than 1/4 of the 41st LD. So those poll precincts should not be as strong for Reichert as those in places like the 47th LD and 31st LD. So maybe Burner will still be ahead at the end of the night, but it will be very close.
I was at her rally tonight and I hope she wins! I was on stage even though we just walked in. At least we voted for her!
oh great pope, how are you able to tell which precincts are being reported in the vote totals?
so how the hell is reichert going to pay off the harvard hoax lie campaign? and i thought cops were supposed to follow the law.
the other goldy has surged to the lead:
i think darcy does live at the blavue westin. ask her, goldy.
Notaboomer @ 6
By looking at the legislative races and seeing how many precincts have been reported in each LD.
god i’m getting like roger rabbit. better depart and read the wise pope’s answer tomorrow.
thanks, richard
Goldy 2: Likes Orcas, that’s awesome.
This is incredible — Senator Ted Stevens is apparently getting re-elected in Alaska, with a 1.66% margin over Mark Begich with 96.1% of the precincts counted:
I just finished an analysis of the state legislative results. Minor gains for the Democrats, which is pretty remarkable considering their already overwhelming dominance.
House Net +3D 4 seats R to D, 1 seat D to R,
Democrats: 66 seats
Republicans: 32 seats
Dem pickups in Districts 10, 17, 25 & 30.
R pickup in District 26 (Pat Lantz’s seat)
Senate +1 D
Democrats: 33 seats
Republicans: 16 seats
(Benton R-17th defeated)
I searched for the title of the “article” on the web site and came-up with this result:
…but if you try to click-through the link to the story, this is what it now displays:
Good work Goldy!
For prosperity:
GREAT GOD DAMN – what a night – the intersection of Pike and Broadway was the political nirvana in Seattle last night for 6 hours – four to five thousand happy patriots of all stripes except republican
it was v-j day from the old pages of Life mag
it was black panthers dancing and in tears
it was gay day back on the Hill
it was the famed queer disco Neighbours, at that site, putting giant speakers on their roof to blast sound five blocks
it was cops galore, all smiling, just as dazzled as the crowd, not a single problem
yes some bare dyke tits and some fine bare ass, after all it is the Hill
and jammed bars and drinking in the street, and one or two whiffs of mary jane
what a night to remember as America sets a corrected course and says fuck you to the neo cons
I will be shouting OBAMA for hours and hours this week, the ringing mantra of many months to come …. now to the hard work of rebuilding our democracy
one of the biggest cheers was a midnight announcement to the street crowd that Gregoire was winning … dog breath Dino won’t concede, behind by 6 points …. to be xpected from his filthy lying ilk, Dino’s homophobia did not sell well on the Hill, remember Gregoire signed a state gay rights bill after queers spent 30 long years trying to get it passed …
orher … Jim Mc Dermott polling 85 per cent – Frank Chopp 88 per cent … red and pink Seattle Dem to the max, I love my native city …
hang in there Darcy … just might squeak it a la Christine
Darcy losing right now…
Darcy losing right now – trying again
Right now the state election watch site has Darcy up by a hundred or so.
We’re not going to know the result until Friday.
Well, her house did burn down.
I have this image of Frank Blethen, in the dark of his office, typing…
“…and her outfit was horrible too!”
Al Gore grew up in a fancy hotel, and Darcy lives at the Westin. It’s what Democrats do.
@ 25
Let me guess. You’re Frank Blethen’s daughter.
@26 How do they come up with this stuff?? It must literally blow out their ass.