Back in January when I first started pushing the candidacy of Democratic unknown Darcy Burner in Washington’s 8th Congressional District, my righty critics ridiculed me — but reading between the lines you could always sense the fear. Over the past decade shifting demographics have transformed WA-08 into a light blue swing district that reliably elects Democrats to nearly every other office. And given the sheer mediocrity of the incumbent, it would have been foolish for even the most stalwart Republican to fail to entertain a little self-doubt.
But the trolls and (u)SP types really had a field day once I started touting Peter Goldmark as a viable candidate in Eastern Washington’s 5th CD, a district that Republican incumbent Cathy McMorris won two years ago by a 20-point margin, and which has twice given President Bush overwhelming margins. The taunts launched my way in posts, comments and email were just dripping with arrogance and over-confidence. As HA readers responded to my fundraising appeals with astonishing generosity, one emailer laughed at me for encouraging my fellow “deluded Seattle liberals” to waste their money on the “nutroots fantasy” of a Goldmark victory.
Yesterday two of the nation’s leading electoral prognosticators, Charlie Cook and Larry Sabato, both upgraded the race in WA-05 from “Solid Republican” to “Likely Republican,” while the New York Times followed suit today, upgrading their rating from “Safe Republican” to “Leaning Republican.”
Even McMorris has finally recognized the threat. Spokesman-Review reporter Jim Camden inadvertently overheard a candid conversation between McMorris and Idaho Sen. Larry Craig before a Thursday conference call.
“It’s a closer race than I first imagined,” McMorris told Craig before the teleconference was opened to callers.
Instead of being placed on hold and blocked, Camden was placed on mute, so he was able to hear their conversation but unable to tell them he was listening.
Goldmark is “hitting very hard” at her veterans budget votes, and on recent cuts in veterans services, McMorris told Craig. She asked the senator to emphasize the increase in overall veterans funding.
Craig told McMorris that Republicans are hurting across the country.
“The new numbers are just devastating,” he said.
Hmm. Guess I wasn’t so nutty after all.
Ten months ago few “experts” gave Democrats much of a chance in either of these districts, but strong candidates, current events, and innovative, technology-enabled grassroots activism have conspired to put both these races seriously in play. But now both Darcy and Peter desperately need your help to put them over the top. If you haven’t already given, please give now. If you’ve already given, please give more.
And if you’re absolutely tapped out, or have already reached your contribution limit, please email and call your like-minded friends and family nationwide, and personally plead with them to contribute Darcy and Peter. Be sure to include the following link — — or follow my complete instructions on political panhandling in last week’s post.
It takes more than just great candidates to turn this nation around. It takes you.
Ironic that both Dem Canidates are running against persons with the last name of BUSH.
Chowchilla, Calif. – Health officials are investigating a woman’s claim that she found part of a human finger in a Subway sandwich — an allegation reminiscent of the chili bowl finger hoax at a Wendy’s restaurant last year. Two health inspectors visited the Subway restaurant Thursday in Chowchilla after the woman reported finding what appeared to be a half-inch piece of a finger a day earlier… [Representing the women will be the firm of Rosenblatt, Stein, Goodman, Lowenstein, and Loeb, Inc [A good Democrat Jewish trail lawyer firm who will sue anyone and do ANYTHING for money!!]
The intense effort to rid Skid Row of crime has resulted in a dramatic increase in trash – a problem so severe that officials warned Friday it’s become a public health threat…SNIP.. Their efforts have meant homeless people who are rousted often leave piles of belongings on the street, which officials fear removing because of legal liability.
Yes, this is the United States.
100% Democrat “Hillary Village” Baja Norte Mexifornia is becoming a third world country right here in the good old US of A. Garbage in the streets, drugs, gangs, crime, rising rates of communicable diseases that were considered to be eliminated and an electrical infrastructure with more than questionable reliability. Brought to primarily by liberal judges, NIMBY’s and the Democrat Party! Enjoy!! Atlas has Shrugged.
Times endorses McGavick!!!
All they can do is troll you, Goldy. Keep up the good work and never give an inch to these trash.
Roger you better retrieve that cell phone from your wife. She might catch you mating with the local rabbits in Green Lake. Even though you are a lawyer they still charge them also for bestiality, especially if they are liberals.
Spanaway man first arrest under state’s new bestiality law
By The Associated Press
TACOMA, Wash. — A Spanaway man believed to be the first person in the state charged under Washington’s new bestiality law bailed out of the Pierce County Jail this morning.
Pierce County prosecutors say 26-year-old Michael Patrick McPhail was caught by his wife on Wednesday night having intercourse on the back porch with their four-year-old female pit bull terrier.
The wife took photos with a cell phone and called police.
You know Ivan, when fishing, trolling is an excellent way of Catching Fish.
Roger Rabbit do you think that chap is a Democrat expecting special privileges because of his sexual dysfunction like your gay friends?
Pierce County prosecutors say 26-year-old Michael Patrick McPhail was caught by his wife on Wednesday night having intercourse on the back porch with their four-year-old female pit bull terrier.
There sure is alot of “fat pussy porn” going on around here. Where is that damn cat “Garfield” when you need him.
Did yall know that Sound Politics has an Ad for Darcy Burner’s website on their site? I guess it goes to show how willing they are to sell out their stated conviction for money.
Maybe they like to make the trolls like you who visit, feel at home.
Or just maybe, they provide it so posters can have easy access to it when Darcy has to retract her advertising.
Or just maybe, SP took the ad money and sent it to the GOP, now wouldn’t that just burn your ass.
Let’s make Dick Hastings a failing lobbyist also. Remember to help Richard Wright in the 4th CD
Whether you give money, or volunteer time, or whatnot, the single most important thing we all must absolutely do is vote!!! Every single vote against vile corruptions, unconstitutional practices, murderous resource wars, and the other evils perpetrated by this administration and it Congressional co-conspirators will matter. What McMorris is realizing she needs to fear, is that while the faithbased congregations may not vote Democratic, they are more likely than ever to not vote, as a protest against what they perceive as betrayal of their moral and ethical faith. This could be one of those rare elections when the strongest most supportive constituency in GOP success over the years, will not come out and vote. Not voting will be their way to express their dissatisfaction. If that rock solid 22-25% fails to show, then every Democratic and/or progressive vote will make a greater significant difference.
Whether you give money, or volunteer time, or whatnot, the single most important thing we all must absolutely do is vote!!! Commentby spyder— 10/21/06@ 4:34 pm
And for goodness sake, volunteer.
The Burner campaign hasn’t needed to retract any of their commercials, unlike the Reichert campaign that made up quotes out of thin air and then put them in one of their commercials. But then that is true to form for the current Republican Party, they have to lie and try to cover up their record to get elected. And if that doesn’t work they make up lies about their opponents. If any good can be said to have come from Hurricane Katrina, it is that America has finally had enough of Republican lies. Even Fox News is having trouble lying for the Republicans.
And what’s going to happen to all of the HA right wing trolls when their gods get their ass kicked in two weeks? Jimmy Queen will go back to leading the Log Cabin Republicans and will finally come out, JCH will be indicted for pretending to be a vet while hanging out at the local Kindergarten, Klake’s mother will let him know that her husband is also her brother, explaining why Klake couldn’t get past sixth grade, and Mark The Cowardly Redneck will kill himself for fear that his past as a spy will come out when the Dems start looking at all the illegal activity in the GOP! Oh what a happy day it will be!
The Seattle Times should be asked to explain to seniors why Reichert felt comfortable totally dissing the AARP’s candidate questionnaire. He didn’t even respond. Not too smart, that Sheriff Dave. Lynn Allen’s got the story over at
He finally managed to show up to a canidate’s forum today. This one being at the Newcastle Country Club and only people invited were allowed in, so I guess he felt safe that no one would ask him any questions about Global Warming or whether he actually is independent or does what the Republican Leadership tells him to do.
Please nutroots – send all you can! Mortgage your homes, sell your children into slavery if necessary! We need you to blow ALL you can on the TITANIC SS Burner.
Looks like the traitor-crats ave been undermining national security again. They are out national intelligence information.
TheLie – you keep your head in the sand where it’s all warm and comfy and just pretend your world isn’t coming to an end. Maybe it won’t hurt so much when we impeach the pretend president who outed a CIA agent for political gain, who allowed Osama to go free in ToraBora, who sold our energy policy to the highest bidder and who tried to bankrupt America while demolishing our Constitution, and killed lots of good Americans so he could make more oil money!
No matter what kind of lying “polls” the liberals manufactur (sic)
A little desperate are we?
Why is Maria Moonbat! lying about Mike McGavick regarding SS? Because Maria Moonbat! will raise your taxes if given the chance.
Is anyone really surprised anymore at the depths the Democrats will go to help the terrorists? First they want them to have “OJ” trials and now we learn that Democrats have been leaking national intelligence secrets.
But then again, given that their party officials are crooks that violate campaign laws , trade crack cocaine for fraudulent votes and buy off voters to steal elections.
Is there no depth to which they will not sink???
Hoekstra is the same guy who said the WMD is still out there. Is his district in play?
So he suspends a Dem staffer. More desperation and the wingnut minions lap it up.
“TheLie – you keep your head in the sand where it’s all warm and comfy and just pretend your world isn’t coming to an end. Maybe it won’t hurt so much when we impeach the pretend president who outed a CIA agent for political gain, who allowed Osama to go free in ToraBora, who sold our energy policy to the highest bidder and who tried to bankrupt America while demolishing our Constitution, and killed lots of good Americans so he could make more oil money!”
I see you are practicing the old Stalinist tactic of repeating a lie over and over hoping it will stick.
Nobody “outed” Valarie Plame. It was Richard Armitage, not any Bush ally who gove that information to reporters.
The relvelation of the media manufactured Democrat taling point was reported in this story from the Washington Post.
“But all those who have opined on this affair ought to take note of the not-so-surprising disclosure that the primary source of the newspaper column in which Ms. Plame’s cover as an agent was purportedly blown in 2003 was former deputy secretary of state Richard L. Armitage.
Mr. Armitage was one of the Bush administration officials who supported the invasion of Iraq only reluctantly. He was a political rival of the White House and Pentagon officials who championed the war and whom Mr. Wilson accused of twisting intelligence about Iraq and then plotting to destroy him. Unaware that Ms. Plame’s identity was classified information, Mr. Armitage reportedly passed it along to columnist Robert D. Novak “in an offhand manner, virtually as gossip,” according to a story this week by the Post’s R. Jeffrey.
It follows that one of the most sensational charges leveled against the Bush White House — that it orchestrated the leak of Ms. Plame’s identity to ruin her career and thus punish Mr. Wilson — is untrue.“
I know liberals are thick in the skull, so I doubt this will sink in. Unfortunately you are so afflicted with BDS that any rational thought will never penetrate your simian head.
All of the rest of your rants are unsupported hearsay. Typical of liberals to post rants with no evidence to buttress their accusations.
“A little desperate are we?”
Not really. I just am reminding the voters that Democrats have falsified polls before for political gain so they should not be surprised that they are most likely doing it again.
The desperation is on the part of liberals who feel the need to manufacturer such false polls.
Democrats will NOT take control of congress. No matter what kind of lying “polls” the liberals manufactur, it won’t help them at the only poll that counts on Nov 7th. Democrats will lose because American don’t trust people who leak national security information.
Our safety is too important to be left Republicans, who will continue to play politics with our lives, even though they are always wrong.
In less than Three weeks GBS will need my permission to post on HA.ORG. Sweet!!!!
I say, Hurrah! to Reichert for ignoring the AARP. They are democrat lobbyists who do not represent senior citizens. They sell insurance, and work Wash DC to keep all their sweetheart deals. Everyone over 50 gets a mailing to join, and get cheap benefits. This isn’t representation, it is marketing at a higher degree than anyone else has discovered.
I’m glad that Burner saw the need to respond, and that her responses lined up about 100% with the AARP. Now there’s a surprise! Burner has her marching orders from the Democrat party leadership. I bet they wrote her response, not leaving it to chance that she have an independent thought.
AnotherTJ @ 30
Put the crack pipe down and step away from the keyboard.
Astounding insecurity if you feel you have to toot your own horn. the ego is always a problems isn’t it. it clouds the speaker from the audience. And these activex controls. No I don’t download them.
??? What are you talking about?
Reichart is so proud of his party and all of that money he has gotten from Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff that he is spending a lot of money on TV ads to make himself sound liberal and anti-Bush.
Hey, George, got any proof of your accusations, or are you just talking out your a$$? Seems kind of desperate.
OOOPS, AnotherTJ, my bad. You were quoting someone else first. You left off who. Sorry.
Burner has her marching orders from the Democrat party leadership. I bet they wrote her response, not leaving it to chance that she have an independent thought.
Hey, Janet S, got any proof of your accusations, or are you just talking out your a$$? Seems kind of desperate.
MLF, not a problem. I think I’ll survive.
Stench of DeLay and I can’t link to his polished TV ads that make it sound like he is independent of the Miserable Failure. Reichert is so much in Bush’s pocket he doesn’t wear a badge anymore – just a rubber stamp.
Nearly 30 years after Louis Farrakhan seized control of the Nation of Islam, the organization is preparing for a change at the top. The controversial minister is battling what he has described as a “life-threatening” illness — painful swelling of the prostate that has left him more than 30 pounds underweight, dehydrated, anemic and unwilling to eat. […………Oh NO!! Time for some of your HA.ORG Dem libs to step up and donate a liver or kidney!!! Louis “has mother fucking needs”!!!!!!]
Louis Farrakhan could end up in the great black Democrat “mother space wheel” in the sky!!!!!!!
Goerge – if you go to the Democrat party website, you will see Burner’s campaign. She has no other thoughts than what they tell her. And the nutroots keep her well financed so she isn’t tempted to stray.
When asked if she was going to pull the ad that improperly used copyrighted video from TVW, she could only respond that they should ask her staff. She didn’t have a clue.
re 40: Well, she’s on her feet and marching while you guys sit on your fat asses waiting for some more ink for your RUBBER STAMPS so you can help”catapult the propaganda”.
By the by Janet, what do you suppose the moron in chief meant by that remark?
@ 2 “A good Democrat Jewish trail lawyer firm who will sue anyone and do ANYTHING for money!!â€
I say AMEN! for the Godly and truly patriotic REPUBLICAN Doctor JCH Kennedy, ESQ!!! JEWS ARE NOTING BUT MONEY GRUBBING HARLOTS!!!
Jesus was KILLED by the JEWS! And that is why he created the REPUBLICAN PARTY!!!
I know, ask me. Also some interesting sites.
@ 47 “f you go to the Democrat party website, you will see Burner’s campaign. She has no other thoughts than what they tell her. And the nutroots keep her well financed so she isn’t tempted to stray.”
Halaileijaie! Janrt S!!! Burner only has thoughts told to her, not like the GODLY Republican’s who never have thoughts told to them but from CHRIST OUR LORD and THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!! And when they hear those thoughts they become their own!!!
Listen friends, Janet S. makes an EXCELLENT POINT! Man cannot have thought without the breathe breathed into them by GOD and interpreted by George W. Bush!! But the Heathen Peace Lovers and FORNICATORS have thoughts without guidance from GOD and George W. Bush. HOW CAN YOU TRUST THAT????
They would have us cut and run rather than ADAPT and WIN no matter how long it takes, or how much of our children’s money it will cost!!! They do not TRUST God and the BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!!
They will sip from the lake of FIRE and eternally burn for their thoughts of tolerance and “Justice”. They are blind but cannot see the truth of GOD’S WILL for the war on the JEWS, Mexican dope dealers and BLACKS!!
God is an acorn and JAYAYEEEEEESUSS!!!!! is the oak!!!!!!! He stands ever firm against the TEYAMMMPPPTAYYASHUNS!!!!!! of that evil HARLOT O’ TEMPTEYAYASHUNS!!!!!!!!V Theyah DEBBILL HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!
That’s what I went to college to learn.
Haileylujaei headless lucy!!! You must have went to a good BIBLE Learning college! You are blessed! God is the answer and the question is : VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS!
God Bless You!
Janet S how do you feel about Dickie Pope leaving his autistic daughter to go be a judge all day. Given the fact he’s a single parent, don’t you think you should hold him to AT LEAST as high a standard as you do Darcy? After all, Dickie is all alone and his daughter has special needs. Aren’t you going to tell him he’s a terrible father for leaving his daughter? That’s what you said about Darcy. Oh I get it. Once again your GOP version of ethics kicks in. Situational ethics I suppose. Being Pam Roach must be hard. Especially these days. Where are my strawberries!
No God bless the democrat party. Yeah we F** things up but we try.
Darcy is an incredible liberal mom. She didn’t abort. That is the ultimate sacrafice if you are a democrat.
Now that R.Pope has a real chance of winning an elective office he’s toned down his rhetoric. I kind of miss the old LOOSE CANNON Richard Pope.
I’m going to vote for him, though. I really don’t know why but for some reason I have confidence that he would honestly give 110% to the job.
@ 55 “No God bless the democrat party. Yeah we F** things up but we try.”
concerned DemocRAT you ignorant FOOL!!! The DemocRATs “tried” to catch the 1993 WTC Bombers and they did, but then they put them in JAIL not invade IRAQ!!! How can God bless a party that caught the people who bombed God’s country but failed to invade IRAQ!!!????
How stupid can you be????
When out country was attacked by the taliban from Afghanistan, the BEST PRESIDENT EVER did not capture them! That is a FOOL’s errand, he invaded IRAQ and created ore terrorists for AMERICA to kill!!! It is simple : either you are for creating more terrorists to kill, or you a simple minded fool who wants to bring the enemy to “justice’.
God and the BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush have no room for wimps like you not willing to spend our treasury and our children’s blood for the worthy cause of creating and killing more terrorists!!!
Why do you love the terrorists so much that you do not want to create and kill more of them????
DAMN you DemocRATs!!!
Choose Life!
Create a GODLY terrorist canp in Iraq and KILL THEM!!!
How fast is a swift boat?
re 59: E-mail Rush Limbaugh. You’ll never work another day in your life.
“No God bless the democrat party. Yeah we F** things up but we try.”
concerned DemocRAT you ignorant FOOL!!! The DemocRATs “tried” to catch the 1993 WTC Bombers and they did, but then they put them in JAIL not invade IRAQ!!! How can God bless a party that caught the people who bombed God’s country but failed to invade IRAQ!!!????
Yes we were seconds aways from killing Osama. We tried. That is what counts is that we tried. We talked and dined Arafat to try to understand him better and to let him know we were his friends. Yeah he still killed hundreds of Jews but we cared and we tried. That is what counts caring and trying. Escuse me but I am tearing up, I need to go get a Kleenex know.
That is a FOOL’s errand, he invaded IRAQ and created ore terrorists for AMERICA to kill!!! It is simple : either you are for creating more terrorists to kill, or you a simple minded fool who wants to bring the enemy to “justice’.
That is right. We are just making more terrorists by killing them in their own country. We need to show them love and compassion. We care and we try, that is how we should defeat terrorism. If three thousand innocent civilians get killed offer the terrorists six thousand more to kill. We will defeat them with our compassion and understanding. Remember we try and we care.
Exhibit one on why I dont post or read this blog often:
Representing the women will be the firm of Rosenblatt, Stein, Goodman, Lowenstein, and Loeb, Inc [A good Democrat Jewish trail lawyer firm who will sue anyone and do ANYTHING for money!!-Doc Kennedy
Doc, take your fucking anti-Semetic antics off to the bund meeting where you can hosanna Hitler all you want. I’ve teased you often enough in the past. I just thought you were stupid and thoughtless. Turns out you are a little pissant wannabe fascist. I’m in a bad mood tonight, and I’m gonna take it out on your little fucking hide,asshole. GET A LIFE. Be a mensch. Develop what the rest of us call a conscience. And stop adding to blogs where your fucking little lobotomized brain makes you a laughing stock.
CarlBallard, good to see you here, and carry on, my friend.
How fast is a swift boat?
Commentby headless lucy— 10/21/06@ 10:50 pm
Yes, the devils of the right wing. Yeah we dems cant prove that they lied, in fact they probably are telling the truth. It is just the way they said it. You know words hurt and mean words hurt the worst.
Someone needs to take their drugs, particularly the ones that seem to get mentioned so often on these comment threads.
Rights – Richard’s first concern is to provide a home for his family. Being a judge provides him with a steady income. If I recall, Darcy’s husband used to be fully employed, and more than capable of supporting her selfish little venture into law school after she washed out of Msft. Parenthood never did appeal to her, and she really hasn’t spent a day worrying about how to provide for her son. She thinks it is fine to be a role model for him, from a great distance.
Parents who have to work in order to feed and clothe their children are on a completely different level from those who choose to pursue their own flights of fancy, and disregard those who they are responsible for.
BTW, Rights, once again I will state it: I am not Pam Roach. Unlike the frauds on this site who hide behind numerous aliases, my name really is Janet.
Darcy is the victim here. Society has put pressure on woman who get pregnant to actually have the baby. She is going to carry the burden of being a mother for the rest of her life. We need to show compassion and understanding. I am sure she tries to be a good mom. That is all that we can ask for.
@ 66 “(Darcy Burner) really hasn’t spent a day worrying about how to provide for her son. She thinks it is fine to be a role model for him, from a great distance.”
Absolutley and AMEN!!! I do not know Darcy Burner (DemocRAT) but I am sure the PATRIOTIC Janet S does! And it is obvious Darcy Burner does not care for her son!! If she did care for her son she would want to prepare him every day to FIGHT against the GODLESS Moooslums and Terrorist brown people!!! She would want him to sign up at 16 to fight in the LONG WAR in the some day in a few decades DEMOCRATIC IRAQ!!! She would want to insure that taxes are low for the PEOPLE WHO GOD HAS CHOSEN TO BE RICH and be prepared to pay the bill later!!
But the HEATHEN Burner does not care for her children or anyone’s children. She just wants to spread her GODLESS AGENDA OF TOLERANCE AND JUSTICE!!!
Darcy Burner (“burn-her” in HELL!) just wants to stop the creation and KILLING of TERRORISTS in IRAQ!!!!
She can not be trusted with that unGODly agenda!!! BURNHER wants to cut and run from our DUTY to create and KILL Terrorists in IRAQ! She wants to codle her child and YOURS from the brutal Christian reality that JESUS HATES POOR PEOPLE and JEWS!!!
Amen Janet S!!! You are a true Christian SOLDIER!!
Geez, I repeat the comment about taking your meds.
But, on a positive note, you think you are entertaining. So it isn’t totally a pointless exercise.
Janet S said “I am not Pam Roach. Unlike the frauds on this site who hide behind numerous aliases, my name really is Janet.”
Amen!! I know Pam Roach and Janet S is NO Pam Roach! SHe is just Janet S. a fine defender of the BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!!! And Janet shows a great and admirable dislike for peace lovers and “tolerance” and “Justice” TRAITORS!!
You know what the worst thing you Republicans have to worry about is? The day when the pajama police in the white suits come to take you demented freaks away.
To think Republicans are good for America would be enough to certify anyone INSANE!!!!
If you don’t like it trolls, go torture someone…. Oh I forgot. You are already doing that…..
Well then go kill 650,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE, and claim it is better to fight “them” over there than fight “them” over here.
The problem is the fact that “them” is pretty much everyone living on the earth that is not a red state retard.
How low can Republican IQ go?
@ 62 “Yes we were seconds aways from killing Osama. We tried.”
YOU LIAR!!!! That is just more left-wing SECULAR SCIENCE NONSENSE!!! GEORGE W BUSH had no way of knowing that Osama Bin KENNEDY was just seconds away from being killed when he sent our troops to the GODLY war in IRAQ!!! ANd then he sent the Drug Lords in Afghanistan to capture OBK!!! HE knew that they would scare him away, and then the BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush could properly “not be concerned about him”.
You lying DemocRAT!!!! George W. Bush and his SOLDIERS in the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS knew that we were better to not protect our homeland but create more terrorists and KILL them while they grew stronger and more “diverse” and “widespread” to be KILLED even more!!!
And Janet shows a great and admirable dislike for peace lovers and “tolerance” and “Justice” TRAITORS!!
Amen, peace is the answer not war. We should all hold hands in the midst of the terrorists murderers bombing our cities and sing in that old liberal spirit “All we are saaaaaaying, is give peace a chance” Yes we are better than the terrorists because we dont fight back. We are a peace loving nations and through our… sniff.. tear rolling down cheek….compassion and understanding we will defeat our enemies. Oh I need aonther kleenex.
YOU LIAR!!!! That is just more left-wing SECULAR SCIENCE NONSENSE!!! GEORGE W BUSH had no way of knowing that Osama Bin KENNEDY was just seconds away from being killed when he sent our troops to the GODLY war in IRAQ!!!
Clinton himself said he was seconds away form killing Osama. That is good enought for me. We all know that Clinton wouldn’t lie(suck,slurp in the background). Clinton cared and he tried.
Facts – glad to see that you will believe anything published in a paper. The study put out by Johns Hopkins has been debunked as hopelessly biased.
Once again, please define torture. To draw a moral equivalence between water-boarding someone and savagely sawing off someone’s head is just perverse. If we intensely questioned a known terrorist, and that terrorist gave up provable details about an event that we were then able to prevent, are you saying this is wrong? What is the price of American lives?
From what I can tell, the Gitmo detainees are more in danger of dying from obesity than from any ill treatment.
Well then go kill 650,000 INNOCENT PEOPLE, and claim it is better to fight “them” over there than fight “them” over here.
The problem is the fact that “them” is pretty much everyone living on the earth that is not a red state retard.
How low can Republican IQ go?
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/21/06@ 11:29 pm
That is right!!! We are creating new terrorists by killing them in their own land. Killing is not the answer, compassion is. We need to embrace our terrorists brother, even the ones with sucide belts on. By selflessly lying down and showing that we care….. sniff…tear… we can make this world a better place. Can you feel my…..cry…blubber….sob…. emotion. I really care.
The answer is not to put a bag over someones head who kills innocent children. The answer is a hug and a look of compassion. Peace not war. Tears not fear.
WE must understand the terrorists that bomb innocent children playing in a pizzaria not kill them. Where is our morality?
@ 75 “Amen, peace is the answer not war.”
WRONG!!! Peace never solved anything that BOMBS could not! And the REPUBLICAN PART OF GOD knows that!
You DemocRAT FREAK!!
@ 76 “Clinton himself said he was seconds away form killing Osama. That is good enought for me.”
Now you are using your RIGHT Brain!!! Bush had Osama trapped in Afghanistan and he had the WILL to move our troops to IRAQ to create and KILL more TERRORISTS!!!
Good for you!
@ 78 “Once again, please define torture.”
JAnet S you ignorant slut DEMONCRAT!!!!! Torture is what the enemy of George W. Bush does!!!! The REPUBLICAN PARTY of George God Bush never tortures no matter WHAT they do!!! GOD does not tourture!!! You COMMIE SYMP!!!!
Listen friends, IF you have nothing to hide, then you have no reason to fear being imprisoned without habeus corpus!!! SLUTS and FORNICATORS like Janet S. would have you believe that Americasn people have a right to a “fair” trial, and not be tortured!
Only God’s chosen REPUBLICAN people have any rights. The rest are just ANIMALS!!! Or worse JEWS, or HOMOS or BLACKS!!!!
Kiss my ass Janet S. with your “please define torture” COMMIE FAG LEFT WING BULLSH&T!!!!
@ 80 “The answer is not to put a bag over someones head who kills innocent children.”
How DARE you attack the BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!!! You commie scum!!!
@ 81 “WE must understand the terrorists that bomb innocent children playing in a pizzaria not kill them. Where is our morality?
More SLANDER against the BEST PRESIDENT EVER George W. Bush!! GWB had no idea there were children there!!! He had every reason to expect they were terrorists!!! They were ARAB TERRORISTS!!! BROWN PEOPLE!!!
Have you no decency, you bleeding heart DEMONCRAT!!!
Concerned DemocRAT, the more you point out the innocent mistakes that George W. Bush has been TRICKED by the DEVIL in making the stronger GWB becomes!!! HE will not REST until every person who disagrees with him and GOD are put in prison or KILLED!!!
Beware, you bleeding hearts!!! GWB, with God by his side will KIll defoulers of the good REPUBLICAN way of decency and respect for GOD’S CHOSEN RICH PEOPLE is the law of the land! You will be crushed under the never ending boothill of REPUBLICAN law and civic ORDER!!!!
What a load of horsedung!!! Here’s some moral equivalency for you, Janet Whore! What right do you have to imprison, and inflict pain or discomfort on, INNOCENT people? NONE!!! And why are you rightwing assholes torturing innocent people? Because you don’t concern yourselves with evidence, due process, trial, lawyers, and so on. You think you have the right to designate anyone an “enemy combatant” on your say-so. WRONG!!!
And when you get caught kidnapping, imprisoning, torturing, and/or murdering innocent people — you refuse to pay compensation, or even apologize. Well screw you and your ilk!!! How about if innocent torture victims seek old-fashioned revenge? I can’t say you and your ilk don’t have it coming.
The point that’s always missing from wingnut rationalizations for torture is the fact that the overwhelming majority of “detainees” are innocent. Now where’s the moral equivalency? I’ll tell you where. The Bush administration is immoral, period. They behave like Nazis, and they’re on the same moral plane as the Nazis. Their supporters and apologists are on the same moral plane as Hitler’s supporters. You bastards and whores are all going to HELL for your evil deeds.
Which came first? Abu Ghraib, or beheadings? I blame Bush and the wingnuts who support his torture policies for the brutalization of Americans at the hands of militants. They invited it, and they have the victims’ blood on their hands. Torturing and murdering people is certain to provoke revenge-taking. And it did. Stupid assholes.
figures, janet s(icko) stumbles out of Pam’s bed, starts typing her talking points, the spammers follow and she gets a double dose of fire and brimstone from gwb’s personal blogevangelist. Yes, life is good.
rumor has it that that wingnut in Spanaway charged with bestiality is claiming temporary insanity. His dog’s name is Laura and he wanted to be a pretend president like gwb
700,000 dead Iraqis.
Hoekstra suspended one of Jane Harman’s staff in revenge for Harman releaseing the embarrassing Intelligence Committee report on how Hoekstra closed his eyes to Randy “Duke” Cunningham’s wrongdoing.
re 66; you think Darcy should be a “role model” for her son? Was your maiden name Foley?
32 Janet S
Well done. Karl Rove would be proud of you. You take one of Dave Rieichert’s biggest weaknesses, his self-admitted lack of independence, and try to turn it against his opponent. Of course, you don’t know shit about Darcy Burner and her independence. We all DO know two things:
1. Dave Reichert has told us to our faces that he votes however the GOP leadership tells him to, including fake “independent” votes for political positioning when THEY deem it safe to do so.
2. We need to change the direction of this government and this country, and a vote for Dave Reichert is a vote for MORE OF THE SAME OLD SHIT.
Dave Rickhart is a boob
and a flat one to boot
Republicans must love Halloween(or, as JCH would say,Hallooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!)because you are rewarded for building straw men.
47 Janet S
“When asked if she was going to pull the ad that improperly used copyrighted video from TVW”
Umm, it’s not her ad, it’s the DCCC’s. And as I understand it, the issue is not a permissionless use of copyrighted content, but rather an otherwise legal use that runs counter to TVW’s policy of non-partisanship. At this point, the legal situation seems to be that the parties each assert that they are in the right, and it may take a judicial intervention to establish who has the more valid claim.
66 JS
“those who choose to pursue their own flights of fancy,”
Some of us to not share your low opinion of public service.
78 JS
“The study put out by Johns Hopkins has been debunked as hopelessly biased. ”
Really? By whom, Sean Hannity? As usual, you conspicuously fail to support your assertions.
As I understand it, they used THE best established mthodology in their study. Loren Thompson, a defense expert at the Lexington Institute, a national security think tank, says that “the research method used…is a respected tool for calculating fatalities in situations where complete records are unlikely to be available. The survey team in Iraq seems to have obtained considerable documentation to support their conclusions.”
And pollster and statistical specialist John Zogby says that “The sampling is solid. The methodology is as good as it gets…It is what people in the statistics business do.” Zogby also said similar survey methods have been used to estimate casualty figures in other conflicts, such as Darfur and the Democratic People’s Republic of Congo.
So what have YOU got? President Idiot and the Wall Street Journal disagreeing with the top experts in the field?
Courtesy of Kevin Drum:
I think we’ll be decades recovering from Idiot Boy and the Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight.
I’m going to vote for him, though. I really don’t know why but for some reason I have confidence that he would honestly give 110% to the job.
Commentby headless lucy— 10/21/06@ 10:34 pm
Great choice Lucy so am I.
Janet Sicko is a scratched record.
121 I think we’ll be decades recovering from Idiot Boy and the Gang That Can’t Shoot Straight.
I’m not holding my breath waiting for the ignorant and the fascists to apologize to the rest of us, or for them to wake up and realize they’ve been had. I’d like to know if the Bush-supporters regard Eisenhower, Nixon, Coolidge et al as “lib’rul pansies” and if they go on vet-kicking sprees: “Let’s kick McCain! Let’s kick Kerry! Let’s kick Tammy Duckworth!”
Hmmm … it’s 8:45 AM and the only troll who has showed up so far this morning is klake the nazi. Either they’re all hung over, or they all fucking DIED.
Now they lay themselves down to sleep,
And pray to God their souls to keep.
But if they died before they waked,
Their souls the Devil did take!!!
You unpatriotic, America-hating, soldier-hating, fascist Republican dog fuckers are all going to HELL!!! Your burning souls will heat my burrow this winter!!! I can feel the warmth coming up from the ground!!!
Of course they won’t apologize. Disciplinary action is in order.
See #125.
Folk’s what is the new Democrat Party about today that you have to file lawsuits to find the truth on John Kerry after he left Vietnam. What did John Kerry and his friends do in Paris to help support the North Vietnam war effort? Today is the Socialist Democrat Party doing the same thing in this country supporting terrorists all over the world by their actions?
It had it roots in 2004 with the documentary Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal. Many may recall the film, although it is probably best known for not being seen, suppressed after Sinclair Broadcasting Company courageously announced it was going to air the documentary in its entirety. Thanks to Kerry and his liberal colleagues in the Senate and their enablers in the mainstream media, Sinclair was browbeaten into withdrawing the film, its broadcast license threatened by a Kerry campaign manager in 2004. The film’s producer, Carlton Sherwood, a Pulitzer Prize and Peabody Award-winning investigative reporter, interviewed former POWs for the documentary.
I was among those whom Sherwood, a decorated Marine combat veteran himself, asked to participate in Stolen Honor. I was a POW for nearly six years, held in North Vietnam prison camps, including the notorious Hanoi Hilton, a place of unimaginable horrors — torture, beatings, starvation and mind-numbing isolation. When Kerry branded us “war criminals,” he handed our captors all the justification they needed to carry out their threats to execute us. Thanks to Kerry, Jane Fonda and their comrades in the anti-war movement, our captivity was prolonged by years. The communists in Hanoi and Moscow couldn’t have had a better press agent to spread their anti-American propaganda.
Why would the Seattle fish wrapper support a Republican and not a Socialist Democrat? Maybe the Republicans read the newspaper, and the other party does not because they lack of the reading skills. Could it be the paper is losing customers because the local schools are a failure, and the folks on the East side are the only one’s buying papers? Maybe the Socialist doesn’t want to be informed about the world around them and they could be the source of the failure. Folks the schools in Seattle will be closing and you are welcome to move to the Eastside so your children will not become failures. Remember over here you only get to vote once and the dead, criminals, and illegals do not vote. Ron Sims did you get the military ballots on time?
In Sen. Maria Cantwell and challenger Mike McGavick, Washington has two fully qualified choices for the Senate. The better choice is the Republican, McGavick.
Some see this election as a referendum on George W. Bush. If we did, we would be for a solid Democratic ticket. But like most Washington voters, we take our candidates one at a time. Mike McGavick is an unusual businessman-politician. He managed the multibillion-dollar turnaround of Safeco Corporation, sacrificing some jobs but saving many others. He showed a sense of social purpose in his stress on racial inclusion at Safeco. He knows politics, having worked for Sen. Slade Gorton. He has run a clean campaign.
Same old shopworn wingnut smears and lies. George W. Bush was a coward who used his congressman daddy’s pull to avoid the draft during Vietnam.
Same tired old wingnut lies about military ballots.
Truth check:
* King County mailed all military/overseas ballots on time.
* Mailing of military/overseas ballots was completed 3 1/2 weeks before the election.
* Military/overseas ballots couldn’t legally be printed and mailed until the September primary was certified.
* Republicans, not Democrats, blocked moving the primary to an earlier date in the 2005 Legislature to avoid any future problem with overseas ballots.
* King County counted over 14,000 military/overseas votes in the 2004 election.
* Only 16 military/overseas ballots were disqualified for being received too late.
* Over 12,000 military personnel/overseas civilians received their absentee ballots and returned them on time.
* Any deployed military personnel whose ballots was delayed or lost in the military postal system could have voted by using a Federal Write In Ballot.
* King County and Ron Sims are not responsible for any problems in the U.S. or military mail systems.
* King County received and counted nearly 1,500 FWIBs from service personnel who knew how to obtain them from their unit’s Voting Assistance Officer, fill them out, and return them.
* All military personnel receive training on FWIBs.
klake the nazi is blowing smoke out of his ass.
10:20 AM and still no trolls. They must have all died and gone to HELL. Good riddance!!!
Except for klake the nazi, who works the 9-to-5 weekend shift in BIAW’s basement computer room.
klake the Nazi, thanks again 4 your cut/paste inteligence. Saves me time as I just look 4 the poster to see if the post merits reading. So far your posts are mainly skipped (as are pidlebutt’s and Jammed nut s’s)
“The answer is not to put a bag over someones head who kills innocent children. The answer is a hug and a look of compassion. Peace not war. Tears not fear.
Commentby A concerned Democrat— 10/22/06@ 12:50 am
WE must understand the terrorists that bomb innocent children playing in a pizzaria not kill them. Where is our morality?
Commentby A concerned Democrat— 10/22/06@ 12:51 am”
We need your address, so we can send the terrorists to your house. They will reward your compassion with a sharp sword.
In today’s news, Sen. Barack Obama announced he has changed his mind about a 2008 White House bid, and may run after all.
I personally think he needs more seasoning and experience. He would be better prepared if he had a big-state governorship under his belt first. Being from Illinois, that’s a possibility. A heartland state governor with U.S. Senate experience 8 or 12 years from now would be a compelling candidacy. Yes, Illinois has a Democratic governor, but if Rod Blagojevich (who looks like a shoo-in for re-election next month) leaves after a second term, Obama will have an opportunity to run for governor 4 years from now.
Oh geez Mac, don’t you recognize troll satire when it hits you between the eyes?
Troll bullshit is a better description.
Maybe the police made a pedophile sweep last night and scooped up all the local republican blow hards and the G.O.P Gay old Pedophiles are all sitting in jail this morning rabbit.
i herd mike Mcgavicfuck won theAnn Coulter look alike contest last night
Don’t ask what he won it’s to disgusting to post in a family values blog like this one
Hi Roger,
It’s hard to tell these days, when I read that blue states are breaking away and appointing their President because elections are hard. I will be arrested if go to the polls and vote and tell anyone I’m a Republican and all the screaming about habeas corpus for terrorists……….
habeas corpus for terrorists
You still haven’t learned? Just because you’re not a U.S. citizen doesn’t mean you’re a terrorist. Try inserting the word “accused” before terrorist and see if there isn’t a subtle change in the meaning of what you write.
The Socialist Democrats new campaign video and it enables the enemies of this country to continue the war on terror. Today a vote for the Socialist Democrats is also supporting those who want to destroy this Nation.
Yes, they are accused, because they haven’t been convicted by a military commission……..
As long as they are chopping off the heads of innocents and televising it while hiding behind their masks – they don’t get any concessions from me.
Fuck them!
My point is that despite all of the self righteous indignation of our politicians and others, this crap has been going on since Washington was President.
The US government GAVE syphillis to blacks, they put soldiers in a bunker and set off an above ground nuclear bomb, they gave soldiers and CIA agents LSD without their knowledge in Vietnam.
The US government has used US soldiers as fucking guinea pigs for medical crap for decades. Not so long ago, there was a bill in Congress in give US soldiers the AIDS vaccine to see if it worked. They still do experimental stuff on soldiers. During the first Gulf war, we were all directed to take these little white pills to protect us against nerve agents. The morning after taking one (I didn’t – but was supposed to!) I had to take a female SGT to the hospital because she was swollen up and had an allergic reaction to the pill. What they didn’t tell us is that the pill can kill you if you had high blood pressure. I found out later the pills were developed in Sweden and were highly experimental. I took one, the first night when the air war started and it made me high as hell.
The CIA has been killing and torturing people around the world for decades, it’s nothing new. Thousands of US citizens of Japanese descent were detained during WWII. Hollywood actors were on government watch lists in the 60’s.
Nothing has changed, we just put on rose-colored glasses and want to pretend that the US is the champions of the world who never do anything wrong.
Commentby sgmmac— 10/22/06@ 11:18 am;search=
The Socialist Democrats new campaign video and it enables the enemies of this country to continue the war on terror. Today a vote for the Socialist Democrats is also supporting those who want to destroy this Nation. Now this is a new video that Roger and his friend Michael Moore made in their spare time to support their favorite Rap Group. This message was approved by the Socialist Democrat Party.
As long as they are chopping off the heads of innocents and televising it while hiding behind their masks – they don’t get any concessions from me.
Oh, jeebus. Forget it.
If blacks and Jews vote 95% Democrat, wouldn’t the Democrat Party be the Jewish Black Party?
If 95% of welfare hacks and “guvment” union employees vote Democrat, wouldn’t the Democrat Party be the Parasite Party?
So, Democrat Party: Jewish Black Welfare Hack “Guvment” Union Party!!!!!
Roger Rodent @ 113:
Some people have lives that do not consist of a clinical obsession with a website. Perhaps you can purchase a life of your own with your gov’t cheese and food stamps. I do sincerely feel sorry for your mother however. Poor woman.
Dakar, Senegal – The last remaining hippos in eastern Congo are facing extinction and could be wiped out by Christmas in many parts of a significant national park if heavy poaching by hungry militiamen continues. A recent survey sponsored by the society showed there were fewer than 900 hippos left in the park – ‘’a dramatic decline from the 22,000 recorded there in 1988′’, the group said. ‘’If the killing continues at its current rate, ZSL field workers fear there will be no hippos left in many parts of the national park by Christmas.’’ […………….Dear Black Democrats, Please do not eat the hippos, or each other. “Hippos. the other white meat?” Best regards, JCH]
The leader of al-Qaida in Iraq, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, recently issued a decree to its supporters: Kill at least one American in the next two weeks “using a sniper rifle, explosive or whatever the battle may require.” Well, Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, I am an American too. Count me as the one of those you have asked your supporters to kill. […..Kill one American, nuke one Moooooooooslim city. You Mooooooooooslim want to play……We play. Let’s start with the capital of Iran. Mecca next. Then Demascus, Syria. Fuck with the USA: You raghead Moooooooooooslims will pay the price.]
My mother is dead. She was squished by a Republican driving an SUV on Green Lake Way. Bastard didn’t even stop to render first aid! Fascist motherfucker.
From the subsequent comments, it looks like some of them posted bail.
You are totally incoherent! What were you drinking last night?
“The US government has used US soldiers as fucking guinea pigs for medical crap for decades. … The CIA has been killing and torturing people around the world for decades, it’s nothing new.”
And that makes it right? Apparently Republican logic goes like this. We live in an ugly world, so that makes ugly behavior OK when we do it.
So I assume you’ll have no objections when we start torturing Republicans? After all, they’re doing it to innocent “accused terrorists,” so why shouldn’t they have it done to them? Especially since Republicans are anything but innocent.
Hey it’s an ugly world. I mean it’s too bad about American mercenaries getting their heads cut off in Iraq, but our guys did it to their guys first, so what can we expect?
The reason you don’t torture people is because the other side will reciprocate. That’s why our military leadership has spoken out against the stupid torture policies of our idiotic wingnut government.
131 (continued)
May I suggest you seek professional help for your clinical Republicanism. You won’t regret it, trust me! Report back to us after you regain your humanity. We’ll all be amazed by the difference! You’ll be a whole new you.
No, just because it’s been done since the inception of the US doesn’t make it right.
However; it is the truth and Bush didn’t do it, it’s been going on for years. To suddenly start raising hell over habeas corpus for foreign terrorist who have NEVER had it before and to blame it on Bush is wrong – straight up wrong.
“Hey it’s an ugly world. I mean it’s too bad about American mercenaries getting their heads cut off in Iraq, but our guys did it to their guys first, so what can we expect?”
They weren’t mercenaries and when did our guys chop off someone’s head?
140 sgmmac
“To suddenly start raising hell over habeas corpus for foreign terrorist who have NEVER had it before and to blame it on Bush is wrong – straight up wrong.”
US Constitution, Article 1 section 9:
“The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”
US Constitution, AmendmentXIV (Fourteenth Amendment):
“nor shall any State…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Suspending habeas corpus has been done only one time oin our hiatory before, during the War Between the States. Absent teh required “Repellion” or “Invasion,” suspending it for any person is unconsitutional.
And wrong as well. Not everyone is “chopping off heads,” and in fact I dubt taht we are holding anyone who has indulged in that favorite of Republican scare phrases. There is plenty of first-person testimony to lead us to believe that many innocent people are still being held prisoner, but we have just (until this paw is overturned) made it impossible for them to challenge their detention. It ill becomes a nation who would like others to regard them as a beacon of freedom to hold prisoners indefinitely in secret prisons. As things stand, we have no basis to presume to bring any other nation to “democracy.” In fact, Iraq is probably modeling its own torture and dishonest government on ours.
Roger Rodent:
May I suggest getting a life? How many hours a day do you obsessively spend on this site? You’re so pathetic it is really rather entertaining. I can tell that you are a very insecure, angry little man; you lack self-confidence and wit, not to mention I’d bet never very socially accepted or popular with the fairer sex. You desire to be intelligent, and you try very hard; but in the end your delusional rants consist mostly of nothing more than Republican bashing, while offering no ideas or solutions of your own. The long posts of HAR HAR HAR, etc. and living in your childish bunny-world show your desire to be something when your just a nobody as well as your juvenille and immature view on the world. I’d also be seriously willing to bet you’re IQ is somewhere less than 100. They do now have doctors that may be able to treat your condition of complete ignorance and naiveness. Good luck in your quest Rodent. I’ll be on tomorow, when I’m sure there will be a hundred or so posts from you that say a lot, but mean nothing. Grow up Rodent.
Daddy Love, As a black Democrat, do you eat hippos?
“My mother is dead. She was squished by a Republican driving an SUV on Green Lake Way.”
Commentby Roger Rabbit [RR, I was the driver!!! Road Kill Mommy!!]
unsubstantiated rumor has it that Mark1 suffers from the same urges as Mark Foley
Henry Waxman of California:
“When the Clinton administration was in office, there was no accusation too small for the Republicans to rush out the subpoenas,” Waxman says. “When Bush became president, there wasn’t a scandal big enough for them to ignore.”
As a genocidal racist, do you eat Christian babies?
Daddy Love, As a black Democrat, have you ever had a real job in the private sector?
As an ignorant homophobe, were you molested repeatedly as a child by priests if the dread god Kali?
Daddy Love rumor has it that jch was initiated by a 4’5″ Indonesian Merchant Marine, thus his love/hate relationships with minorities, uniforms and himself. (the MM left young John Craig to live on a horse farm in Enumclaw)
Daddy Love, As a black Democrat, have you ever had a real job in the private sector?
OOOPS, AnotherTJ, my bad. You were quoting someone else first. You left off who. Sorry. Commentby My Left Foot— 10/21/06@ 8:33 pm
Carl, you’re excused. You are an ass first, an ass second, and still an ass. Maybe you are a real horsesass!
OOOPS, AnotherTJ, my bad. You were quoting someone else first. You left off who. Sorry. Commentby My Left Foot— 10/21/06@ 8:33 pm
Carl, you’re excused. You are an ass first, an ass second, and still an ass. Maybe you are a real horsesass!
You have the one blog where it is as much fun to read the comments as it is too read the writer.