Darcy Burner has outraised incumbent Dave Reichert for a fifth quarter in a row, hauling in $585,000 over the April to June period compared to Reichert’s $347,000. Burner now has $1.25 million cash on hand compared to Reichert’s $916,000.
Huh. I wonder if Reichert’s lazy fundraising has anything to do with expectations that NRCC money will save his ass yet again? Gee, I sure hope so.
44. Mr. Cynical spews:
Back in to WFC @ 20.75
You may want to watch your own investments more closely..
BOOM down to 29 again.
NOV down.
07/15/2008 at 10:48 am
Hey Rog–
Wells Fargo is up nearly 5 points today! That’s $20,000!
Have a nice day Rog.
Money will be important in this race since the Bush regime has managed to let inflation increase to the highest amount recorded in the last 26 years. Combining that with the Bush/McCain recession – we’ll be lucky if we don’t head right to depression. Look at the run on banks lately! Way to go republicans!
Bank stocks? Really? Seems like a bad time for them to me. But then that’s just me and Indymac.
@1 Why should anyone work when people can make $20,000 a day in the stock market by pushing electronic money around in meaningless little circles — and get a 2/3rds discount on their taxes for doing it?!
If you work, you could get sick because your boss lied to you about the toxic chemicals in his workplace, and then when you get sick the company lawyers blame your illness on you to get out of paying compensation, and then you get dunned by bill collectors on your deathbed because the damned Republicans won’t let you bankrupt your medical bills.
Nope, working is too risky! There’s an alternative to getting up at 6 a.m., paying a non-deductible fortune at the gas pump to commute through smoggy traffic, and being exploited by bosses running sweatshops and scheming to send your job to Bangladesh: Risk-free stock market investments!
All you need to make it work is a little insider information.
Looking at the post-general FEC reports, for the entire election cycle, Dave Reichert raised $1,282,957.10 in 2004 and $2,712,284.08 in 2006.
Just looking at contributions through June 30 of the given year, Reichert raised $265,973.33 in 2004, $1,729,150.11 in 2006, and $1,487,245.81 in 2008.
I don’t know whether Reichert should be called “lazy” — when he has already raised more money than the entire campaign four years ago, when these are certainly LARGE sums of money — far higher in real inflation-adjusted dollars than what campaigns cost in the past.
Darcy Burner is certainly more popular with donors — about 1/3 more ($1,959,389.64) raised than Reichert so far. I assume both candidates will have PLENTY of money to get out their messages to the voters. So it will really come down to which candidate — both individually and policy-wise — is more popular with the voters.
Thanks for proving what I’ve been saying all along, Mr. C: Our system doesn’t reward work, disrespects workers, and punishes working with high taxes, therefore no one should work or produce anything and we should all become stock flippers.
4. Roger Rabbit spews:
“@1 Why should anyone work when people can make $20,000 a day in the stock market by pushing electronic money around in meaningless little circles — and get a 2/3rds discount on their taxes for doing it?!
All you need to make it work is a little insider information.”
Rog you knucklehead…
You sound envious.
Actually Rog, what you need to make it work is called COURAGE!
I’m surprised Reichert got off his dumb ass to raise even that much.
That cash difference will both be larger and mean more as November approaches. It’s not just a bad time to be a Republican, it’s a bad time to be Dave Reichert.
ALthough if you noticed, Newt Gingrich calls out Reichert by name for praise in the PI this morning for presumably Reichert’s support for Gingrich’s silly ideas about private enterprise combatting global warming without government mandates. If only the Bush administration had not already taught us that ‘voluntary reduction’ is a myth.
Does This Guy Have Something To Hide?*
“WASHINGTON (AP) – President Bush has asserted executive privilege to prevent Attorney General Michael Mukasey from having to comply with a House panel subpoena for material on the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
* I report, you decide.
WHy I think Rechert will lose: the climate is really, really bad for the GOP Party and will only get worse.
But the funny thing is that the other day one of the Marks was telling me how terrible it is for Barack Obama that polls show Obama ahead (for months now) because he should be farther ahead. Let’s revisit that: it’s bad news for Obama that he’s been leading for months in the polls because the ciurrent climate is very favorable for Barack Obama.
It’s pretty clear that Republicans and their blog comment thread surrogates are beating the bushes (no pun intended) very early now to attempt to set expectations that a mere win will not be enough for Obama. That being the first Democrat in three decades to attain a majority of the popular vote would not be good enough. Bullshit.
Barack Obama is ahead. The favorable climate indicates that he will stay there. Taken together, he’s the next fucking president.
@1 (continued) I’m not doing as well as Mr. C … I’ve made only $500 in the stock market today … but I don’t need as much money as he does because I don’t have expensive habits like golf. In other news,
“Inflation Rate Hits 26-Year High
“Soaring fuel costs continue to put intense pressure on consumer prices, which jumped by 1.1 percent in June — the fastest pace in 26 years. The report on retail inflation followed similarly grim news on Tuesday that wholesale prices shot up by 1.8 percent in June.”
(Quoted from AP under fair use.)
Jimmy Carter Was Right
I’ve been saying that all along, but now it’s official:
” … [I]f we’d simply followed the former president’s 1979 energy blueprint, we’d not be in our current mess.
“[Carter’s] speech … advocated personal sacrifice coupled with government action, all of which was ditched by Carter’s successor, Ronald Reagan, in favor of the unfettered, free-market approach.
“That attitude has continued to persist, and was evident in President Bush’s address yesterday in which he refused to prod the country into even attempting to conserve. To Bush – once an oil man, always an oil man – the only solution is more drilling. …
“It’s too bad the country didn’t follow through with Carter’s plan. But his words still ring true … : ‘Every act of energy conservation like this is more than just common sense – I tell you it is an act of patriotism.'”
Quoted under fair use; and “For further reading on why we should have gone with Carter’s energy plan” and links, go to http://tinyurl.com/6xw5rc
Retail inflation is now 13.2% — and that’s the official rate, which uses all sorts of statistical tricks, subterfuges, stratagems, and outright lying to make inflation look lower than it actually is. Anyone who shops for groceries knows it’s much higher than that.
Rasmussen has them within the margin of error. Even with bush being president obama can’t distance himself from mcsame.
Bush did it, can’t be too tough.
Things are not looking good for obama. The democrat led congress has approval ratings one third that of bush. Since the democrats took power in congress gas prices have doubled. Obama is daily changing his previous positions. In new orleans the residents were so sick of democrats they elected a republican. Polls show america is ready to start drilling for oil off our coasts despite what the democrats want.
Mr. Cynical @ 1:
Now that’s making some coin. Good on ya.
Hey, did you buy back WFC this morning?
My question is why didn’t the democrats/liberals follow his words of advice?
Why do democrats/liberals still do things they believe cause global warming?
If all the believers of man made global warming eliminated their contribution there would be no problem anymore.
What will it take to get democrats/liberals to stop destroying the planet? Unlike the republicans, they know better and still do nothing.
Darcy – Think laundry and getting dinner on the table on time (once you move into a new pad that is). That is your true calling in life.
@17. Darcy – Think laundry and getting dinner on the table on time (once you move into a new pad that is). That is your true calling in life.
Haha, anyone who knows Darcy knows this kind of pathetic wanking only makes her already amazing force of will even more formidable. Please keep it up MGI, for all our sakes.
15. GBS spews:
Mr. Cynical @ 1:
Now that’s making some coin. Good on ya.
Hey, did you buy back WFC this morning?
I bought back WFC yesterday….mid-morning.
Rog Rabbit doesn’t seem to have the “fellow investor love for successes/sympathy for failures”. Rog doesn’t seem to understand the Stock Market could care less if you are an R or a D, a Conservative or a Lib or a Capitalist or Socialist.
It’s about the willingness to risk capital.
Rog, who has gloated his successes repeatedly, went off on this tirade @ 4 today.
He even haluccinated:
“All you need to make it work is a little insider information.”
I certainly didn’t have inside information. What I looked at was:
1) Financials appeared way oversold
2) Financials pay great dividends historically.
3) These dividends were way higher than 10-year T-Bonds and only taxed at 15%
4) Wells Fargo did not make the bad loans other financial institutions did. They were very conservative thru the boom.
All this info was readily available.
I glued it together and took a RISK.
There is plenty of opportunity for all of us to make money. I do not have an extravagant lifestyle…far from it.
I invest in APPRECIABLE ASSETS and stay away from boats, motorhomes, snowmobiles, jet skis, fancy TV’s & Stereo’s, Country Clubs etc.
Of course, they don’t always appreciate….but there is the opportunity.
Republican dumbasses,
The trend is pretty clear – the people aren’t going to settle for “McSame” in November:
Read the graph and weep.
11. Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 (continued) I’m not doing as well as Mr. C … I’ve made only $500 in the stock market today
How did you make $$ when BOOM Is up a whopping 5 cents and NOV is DOWN 2.30??
RR @ 12: Dang it, Roger, you beat me to it again!
Carter may be the Republicans favorite whipping-boy, but the article is certainly correct.
And Gingrich always has been, and continues to be, an idiot. When he led Congress, he suggested that Republican Congressmen schedule photo-ops at the zoo in order to show their concern for the “environment”, and to make sure they used the term “climate change” rather than “global warming”, which he felt sounded too threatening (and might require the Republicans to actually – you know – acknowledge it’s existance and actually DO SOMETHING).
Marvin Stupid @16 “My question is why didn’t the democrats/liberals follow his words of advice?”
The more pertinent question is why Saint Ronnie dismantled Carter’s energy initiatives and put us in the position we’re in now?
I can understand why the Bushes would want $140 oil. After all, their family owns a billion dollars worth of oil investments. But Saint Ronnie was nothing but a B-movie actor who played opposite of chimpanzees. Oh wait, maybe that explains it … as an actor he merely mouthed the lines written for him by the script bosses.
@19 “Wells Fargo … were very conservative thru the boom.”
Really? Is that why they’re being sued by half the attorney generals in the country for predatory lending practices, got their mortgage brokerage license pulled by the state of California, and had to be rescued from California regulators by the free-market thugs of the Bush administration?
@21 Because IBM is up 3 bucks today. I own a diversified portfolio.
@22 One of the better entertainments today is watching the wingnuts salivate over the trillion barrels of oil firmly locked in Colorado shale which they can’t get at because you need water to extract it from the shale and the Great Lakes aren’t in Colorado.
Since Darcy Burnout doesn’t have a chance in hell of winning, all this extra cash she’s raising plus the fire insurance ca$h still to come for her burning down the old homestead will be a nice little windfall.
…..the problem is, the result will be the same. Runnerup to Congressman Reichert yet again.
Afterall, can one really trust ‘Disco Inferno Darcy’ with matches while in the house?
Little Rickie Dumbass @ 27
Hah! That’s a good one. Please stick around. We can all get a good update on all the REPUBLICAN BULLSHIT that lands in your e-mail inbox.
Meanwhile the little Nero you voted for twice that bears a striking resemblance to a chimpanzee is snoring while Americans are stretched around the block trying to withdraw their hard-earned money from the banking system that is collapsing on his watch.
Sell order in on Wells Fargo @ $26.90
Suck on that Rog!
Hey Rog–
Sold @ 26.90
$24,600 profit.
If you weren’t such a self-righteous old fart you would have listened to me.
Now you have to resort to SOUR GRAPES!
Oh well…I think I’ll go burn some fossil-fuels and drive 15 minutes down to the Madison River and flog a few flies.
Darcy should learn how to bend over and grab her cheeks, ’cause she’s gonna get her ass kicked again.
How can CO2 which is heavier than air (NO) hold
heat in the atmosphere? It can’t. It gets cold at night especially when its clear. When
it’s cloudy the water vapor holds in a little
heat. Clear, the heat goes right on out into space where it’s something like -459 degrees.
Thanks for the Sun. When it dies off then we’ll have some global warming thats gonna cook everything to a crisp. Paper or plastic?
I’ll have both thanks and fill er up with diesel and check the oil will ya!
32 M
Read up and learn, and then maybe you won’t sound so stupid.
14 MS
I don’t know, are willfully obtuse? First of all, you hide behind the obfuscation of “within the margin of error” to avoid saying that McCain is still BEHIND. If you are behind within the margin of error, you’re still behind. read up on statisical methodology of polling sometime, and you will understand why you’re just being, again, either willfully obtuse or completely stupid. With you being Republican and all, either one is easy to believe.
That’s only one poll, pal. I can see why you cling to it, but overall, Barack Obama has a pretty steady lead of around five points. Check out the link from 20 YLB. But once you do, I know you won’t weep, Instead, you’ll deny that it is true. We all know how you guys operate.
That’s really pretty funny. How much better will it have to get for him for you to admit it? Heck, you’ll never admit it, which makes your remark kind of meaningless. Oh, and the report just came out. Barack Obama raised $52 million in June. How’s McCain doing?
Last I looked, Barack Obama was not running for a Congressional seat, and, if you’ll pardon me for pointing out the blindingly obvious, your guy is a Congressman too, so that’s kind of a wash, don’t you think?
If you’ll pardon me for pointing out the obvious yet fucking again, that’s actually Louisiana, not New Orleans. States elect governors. But I have a feeling that disobedient Catholic weirdo Bobby Jindal is peaking at 36.
And still McCain is behind. Funny, huh?