Seattle Times editorial columnist Kate Riley once accused Darcy Burner of being “inauthentic” when in fact, the opposite is true: Darcy is perhaps too authentic, at least to be a successful politician, occasionally saying things she’d gain absolutely no advantage in saying, just because, you know, she believed them to be true. It’s one of the traits that makes Darcy… Darcy.
So while it was sad to see her lose the November election, it is strangely good to see she hasn’t “learned her lesson,” as evidenced by this video of Darcy over the weekend, speaking out on behalf of the Employee Free Choice Act, and challenging recently appointed US Sen. Mike Bennett to do the same.
Of course, this is the kind of spur-of-the-moment, grassroots video that drove her political consultants batty, and prompted media establishment types like Riley to brand Darcy as some kind of wacky, nutroots lefty. Perhaps it’s not advisable to always speak her mind, if she has any aspirations of running for office again. Professional politicians just don’t make videos like this.
But then, Darcy has never been a professional politican.
To sign the petition mentioned in the video, click here.
Can’t you find another blonde to pull your pud over Goldy? Ditzy, I mean Darcy, will never be in politics. She is too dim, inexperienced, embelished her credentials, got caught, tried to spin it, then was exposed and crash and burned. (no pun intended). Should I post her stammering performance clip from “The Commentators” again? “I liked coffee so much, I got a degree in it!” Be-deep-be-deep, that’s all folks!
Just so I’m clear- You guys are AGAINST the secret ballot for American workers, right?
and by “occasionally saying things she’d gain absolutely no advantage in saying” you mean “lying about her degree”
Mark1 @1: My sentiments EXACTLY!! You nailed it.
Move on Goldy……move on……….nothing more to see here….
IMO- the EFCA is really scraping the bottom of the barrel if they’re looking to Darcy Burner to drive and endorse their agenda..
Nothing like a two time Democrat loser in huge Democrat wave election cycles to push the agenda…
Darcy is a ditz.