As a first timer at Netroots Nation, I really didn’t know what to expect beyond that it would be incredible but even so, the convention has really exceeded my expectations beyond words. So many of the speakers and people that I’ve met this weekend so far have been amazing but the speech that nearly brought me to tears along with many others in the audience was from our very own Darcy Burner.
The following is the video of the entire Keynote called the War on Women and if you have the time, watch all of it. The main speakers were Darcy Burner, Elizabeth Warren, and Mazie Hirono. However, if you just want to watch Darcy’s speech, skip to 7:30 and it’s roughly 15 minutes long.
The part I really wish had a visual of the audience in video was when Darcy Burner asked the audience to hold their applause for a minute and have any woman who has had an abortion and was comfortable expressing it openly to stand up in the audience. Moments later, she asked everyone who will stand with them in support to stand up as well and nearly every person in the room stood up. It was a really beautiful moment.
Here is the link to the video:
Darcy starts just after time 7:30
Women standing up for what they believe in:
“the freedom to choose.”
I am female and a Democrat who is personally against abortion but don’t believe I have the right or any has the right to vote out anyone else’s right to make their own personal choices.
Personally, I love lots of little bitty bunny rabbits :)but not everyone can have more bunny rabbits safely or afford to care for more and provide enough carrots and lettuce in the environment bunnies need in order to thrive.
So thank you Darcy Burner and all women who stand up for other women and their right to choose
Welcome aboard, Roya.
Well …
We heard two different speeches. The speech I heard was a PowerPoint talk. more appropriate for a sales meeting then a political rally.
SOMEONE needs to tell Darcy that she is running in Washington’s first CD … a place with defense contractors, Mt. Baker, the North Cascades highway, and a popular REPUBLICAN opponent, John Koster.
I have NO doubt that if Darcy wins, we will see this speech again … this time paid for by the Repubs and edited to show:
Darcy dissing Microsoft Office as an inferior product
Darcy talking about POWER as being more important than POLICY
Darcy bragging about being a geek.
Darcy overstating the nhumber of women who have had abortions.
1) If I remember correctly, she said that 1/3 of women have had an abortion, from the studies I’ve seen, that’s an accurate statement.
2) She was saying that the product they had in the 90’s was inferior – her opinion. I don’t know enough about software to know whether that’s a “fact” or not but she’s entitled to think that the company she worked for was better than another – just because it’s Microsoft doesn’t mean it can’t be criticized.
3) You may have your own interpretation of what she was trying to communicate about power and policy but I am positive that she doesn’t mean she wants to undermine the quality of policy to gain power. In order to put policy into effect, you NEED power. You can’t do that alone and certainly without anyone helping you out. You can have power without good policy ideas enacted but you can’t have good policies enacted without power.
4) I don’t see a problem with her saying she’s a geek…?
SJ, Darcy wasn’t making a campaign speech. As I recall, her only mention of WA-01 was right at the beginning, where she basically said “let’s get that out of the way … now here’s a larger point I want to make”. If it’s acceptable for a candidate to go to LA or NYC or DC to raise funds, it’s at least as OK for someone to go elsewhere to not beg for bucks.
If it appeared to be a PowerPoint talk, selling a “vision”, well, that’s not particularly inaccurate. What’s wrong with “selling” empowering women, registering women, encouraging women to vote? Especially when you’re speaking to an audience of political activists, in a session titled “2012 and the War on (and for) Women”.
In the threads on Goldy’s report in Slog, one commenter disparaged Darcy’s mention of “lotuses”, as if she’d been referring to flowers. In a response, I noted that she would have used OS/2 or Beta as an example if she’d once worked at IBM or Sony instead of Lotus Development.
PS. Welcome aboard, Roya!
I hope all the darcy supporters are preparing to say their final political goodbye to her come November….
Kim ill With Dung: We are hoping come November that you will say your final goodbye also :)
Reality, no such luck.
You tell ’em, Kim!!
@6, @8:
Troll talking to itself behind a pair of really infantile handles?
uh oh, N(ot wise) in Seattle is getting as paranoid as RHPee…..whats up with the progressive paranoia around here?
Sorry N(ot wise) in seattle, post 8 is not me.
so go suck on a hard one…
sorry you have to limp with such a limp-dicked clown mrs R…life must suck.
yo darcy: 3 strikes and yer out!
re 12: Yeah!! I’m just as enthused as you are about ruining the future and the present by voting Republican.
Getting back at the libtards that I hate is what I’m all about.
Kim Dung ill @11: Life doesn’t suck.
Each day we all need to do our best to make the world a better place. That includes you :)
Switch political parties to Progressive Democrat or Green and you will see more energy and positive aspects to life than the negative view points you now embrace.
The nasty side of the Republican party brings out your negative view points.
You have a strange life…seek some counseling…..
Sorry mrs rabbit, I don’t believe in political parties…those are havens for the brain dead and the lemmings of society.
Political parties should be illegal.
Roya and NIS
I too heard her say that 1/3 of women have had an abortion.
Hmmm … seems as if Darcy may he been too busy with economics and comp sci at Harvard to learn some basic math. The actual number in their source was even weirder … 40%!!!
Here, from the Daily Beast, is the source for her statement:
I started with this statistic from the Guttmacher Institute, a think tank that ….. supports abortion rights: “From 1973 through 2005, more than 45 million legal abortions occurred.” ….. the United States population was 295,753,151 in 2005 which counted abortions only through 2005). That population is 50.7 percent (150 million people) female. Subtract the 24.3 percent of the population that is under 18 and you’re down to 113.6 million women. Forty-five million is 39.6 percent of that, or, as I wrote it, “about 40 percent.”
Since Neil and Darryl are both better at math than I, maybe one of you will explain the obvious errors in the math. Here are some of the most obvious … the math does not account for the number of women who have multiple abortions, it assumes that women under 18 have no abortions, and it assumes that one can divide an integral over 30 years by the number of women of birthing age in one year.
Roya and NIS
What is wrong here with Darcy’s speech is that SHE IS RUNNING FOR EFFIN CONGRESS!
As a speech to the Netroots faithful, it was fine … as long as Darcy is living in a mirrored world where no one outside her world is watching.
Her mates on the platform, Elizabeth Warren and Mazie Hirono. did a HELL of a lot better jobs speaking toi the Netroots faithfull while running for their contests in Massachusetts and Hawaii. Maizie even wore a lei and wished the audience “Aloha!”
Darcy needs a keeper!
@18 She doesn’t have to run every minute of every day. She can take time off to eat, brush her teeth, and hug rabbits! So I don’t see why she can’t get a speech break, too.
Kim Dung Shill @10, 11: Speaking of sucking, wanna suck a rabbit dick? I’ll even pay you. You’re already a whore, so that shouldn’t be an issue. P.S., I wanna bang your mother. Have her call me for an appointment. I’ll pay her, too.
Roger .. Brushing teeth and hugging rabbits .. as well as lying on the couch and watching trash TV .. these are OK.
Going to a convention of former Disneyland employes and quaffing a beer is probably OK.
Intentionally being streamed making speeches during a campaign?????
@21 I don’t see where it’s written that anyone currently running for a public office has to limit his/her speechifying to audiences and topics relevant to that office. A candidate for city council, for example, could attend a computer trade show in Las Vegas and talk about software upgrades. I think you’re making too much out of a molehill.
@15 We love it when trolls like you show up here — gives us something to do. Bashing trolls is our main recreation on this blog. We’re liberal punks and use you trolls to vent our aggression. If it bothers you ask the U.N. to send peacekeepers to protect your sorry flaccid ass.
thanks for that insight into the state of your life…we always knew it was pathetic, now you have confirmed it.
If Darcy was discussing abortions and the percentages…
Why didn’t she tell the NutRoutes nation to stop having abortions?
Why didn’t she tell the NutRoutes nation a foetus is really a baby?
Why didn’t she explain Al Gore would be president emeritus instead of GW Bush if DUMMOCRAPTS hadn’t performed donkoinfanticide all those years?
She had a great opportunity and whiffed. I guess a DUMMOCRAPT telling the truth to DUMMOCRAPTS isn’t real drama! Truth hurts!
With friends like you…
Any way.
Campaigning isn’t just stump speeches. There’s also selling your vision. Which is important for finding and motivating your tribe. Further, her speech is spot on for that audience.
What’s your issue with talking about power? I trust you realize we’re talking politics. Right? You being a blogger, trying to inform and influence.
Tell me: Would you rather win or be correct?
Gratuitous quote:
@25 Puddy
More wise words from a self-described Christian who would criminalize charity.
Keep up the good work.
Where did I bring up criminalization Jason Osgood?
I’ll wait!
Dude. If you can’t remember your own positions on the issues, you’re beyond my help.
God bless you!
Either go to work for Ruderman (you could go to work for DelBene too, but I think her campaign is dead on arrival) or knock it off with the concern-troll pearl-clutching.
Darcy is what she is, the fact that she refuses to pretend to be someone who she isn’t is part of her appeal.
I don’t see anything she said that will really hurt her in November. Sure Koster and the GOP will try to distort it and take things out of context but that is to be expected.
Frankly at the time she was discussing Lotus did have a better product than Microsoft. Her point was you can have the superior product but that if you don’t market it effectively it doesn’t really matter. The same can be said for policy and politics, without power superior policy is worthless.
One of the best paths for Darcy to win the election is to paint Koster as an extremist, particularly on issues women care about. If he wants to pick a fight on abortion he is very likely to lose.
“The war on Women” is a winner for Democrats, the GOP knows this which is why they are freaking out so much about it. has a few things to say about Ms. Burner:
I have a serious question: If she loses this year, do people think she might take the hint?
as if anyone cared.
RedState nails it!
Your endorsement only undermines its credibility.
And as always Lib da schmuck is a moron! Personal attacks is his only forte… The best 2 paragraphs…
I think the most amazing speech was Van Jones at NutRoutes…
Yeah… this is your NutRoutes closing guy.
darcy and her crew are dumber than a box of rocks..
soon to be 3 time loser, she will disappear from the political scene in 6 months..
The affirmative, aggressive STOOOOPID continues unabated.
Were my words to poly-syl-lab-ic, puddles? *spoken slowly*
Ross Douch-hat stealing Jonah “Doughy Pantload” Goldberg’s fire, calling liberals Nazis.
This is the CRAAAAZZZY LIBERAL MEDIA !!!!111!!1! puddles is always braying about.
@39 “O” sticking on keyboard – ‘to’ should be ‘too’.
@ 30. Chris Stefan
Sorry Chris, but I thin Darcey and her loyalists are the ones doing the wrong thing here, just as folks who voted for Ralph Nader did when he ran for President.
Darcey and her followers have a very bad case of the same syndrome the Reps have has so often when they support bad candidates.
I also feel Darcy’s behavior as a candidate is a very bad sign that she would be a poor congresswoman.
You say she is doing good because women’s issue4 are a good issue. Of course that is true, but Burner is not running for President, she is running for the seat in the first CD. Claiming that a speech at Netroots is NOT relevant to her campaign is at best naive.
So, for what it is worth, I am supporting DelBene. Not be4cause i think Suzan is better than Rudderman, but because I suspect she has the best chance of beating Koster, I do think DelBene and Rudderman are both better qualified for this job than Darcy.
I will contribute money (although I do not think she needs my few dollars) and plan to use The_AVE to endorse Suzan for the primary. We may also hold a fund raiser and of course will invite whoever wants t come from DL (along with the very large list of folks who now get the TA newsletter).
If Darcy does win, of course I will support her over Koster.
By the way .. I did look up the math behind Darcy’s claim that 1/3 of women have had an abortion.
The number is often repeated, even word for word quoted, from numbers on the web. I think, however, those numbers have obvious errors.
Here is may calculation:
There currently are 1.2 million abortions a year in the US. Of these about 1/2 are first time abortions so that means about 600,000women in the US are now becoming “women who have has had an abortion” each year.
IF we assume that this number has been constant for 25 years (a maximum guess since the population has grown), then the total number of women having a first abortion over the last 25 years is less than 15 million.
Currently, there are about 150 million women in the US.
15/150 = 10%. While this is a high number, it is not 30%. Moreover, given the composition of Darcey’s district, I doubt very much that this number is true in the first CD.
Note that at this point in time Darcy is polling better than either Susan or Laura. Both for the primary and in head to heads.
In order to beat Koster the eventual candidate is going to need to take the fight to him.
So far I haven’t seen anything from her that indicates she’s really capable of that. I’m further worried by the description by someone who worked for her at the DOR as “extremely cautious”.
I happen to currently prefer Laura over both Darcy and Susan with Darcy as my second choice. Laura has the most experience, she’s shown she knows how to get legislation passed, she’s good on the issues, and she’s been in more campaigns than either Darcy or Susan. Unfortunately those two are sucking most of the oxygen out of the room (though her fundraising is decent in spite of that).
Frankly I think Laura would make the best member of Congress. Darcy probably won’t be able to get much done when she gets to DC, even once the Democrats win back control of the House. (note to trolls, I’m not predicting that this year, but it will happen eventually) Susan is most likely to be yet another timid Democrat in the corporate/DLC mold. While she might get things done it will be as a DINO.
Given the geography of the district it is most likely to be won on the ground not on the air. (not to mention that media buys don’t seem to have the impact they used to) I see Laura and Darcy building the organization needed to win via the ground, I don’t see that from Susan.
Bottom line is I want to see a democrat go to DC from the first in November. The polls right now say the best chance is Darcy. Strategically my feeling is Laura would be the best choice. Nothing tells me Susan brings anything to the table other than deep pockets.
She is such a Dip Shit, you would think liberals would learn after two losses, but they don’t.
Keep spending those Trillions folks, even Bernanke doesn’t have an answer for Owebammanomics this round.
That sez it all about Lib da schmuck!
Drool on the “O” key! Hunt and peck method of typing!
Notice Lib da schmuck can’t ever discuss the ramifications of libtard choices. It’s always an ad hominem attack.
We know why! Stooooooooooooopid!
Notice how I have taken you apart on recent threads and left the pieces on the ground. Notice that you have had nothing to say of any consequence. Notice that you are a clown, shilling for teh massa. Notice that I decide when to spend my valuable time engaging you, not the other way around. Notice that your singin’ the same tune, dancin’ the same dance, nothing new to see.
And notice that you haven’t told me – how many years ago did ‘god’ create the earth? 6000? 6016?
Do you have a beard? (“Ye shall not round the corners of your heads.” — Leviticus 19:27)
This seems like a HUGE transgression on your part (“Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place….” — Ephesians 5:4)
Shall everyone who doesn’t agree with you be stoned? (“They shall be stoned with stones, their blood shall be upon them.” — Leviticus 20:27)
OH MY! Poor Maxie’s goat! (“If a man has sexual relations with an animal,m the man shall be put to death, and you shall kill the animal.” –Leviticus 20:15)
Your fascination with goat sex is really disturbing. Does your old lady look like a goat??
Perhaps you should discuss your perversion with dan savage, he might be able to “help” you.
Whoa! Check this out. NASA making big returns on investment – afterglow of first stellar objects identified by Spitzer space scope – 13.7 Billion years old!
So puddy – did ‘god’ create the universe 13.7 billion years ago? Or, did he create a universe that ‘looked’ 13.7 billion years old 6016 years ago?
Merely an observer, and advocate for victims of abuse, Pasado donor and chronicler of heinous Republican/Teahaddist crimes.
@ 40
And yet Lib Sci has no problem with the description of everyone in the Republican party as fascist.
Godwin much?
Look up the definition of fascism. … state support of corporate power built around the concept of imperialism (aka exceptionalism).
The oonly reason not to call the Reprican party “fascist” is the same reason I hesitate to point out that the Chinese system is fascist … neither the Repricans not the Ch9incms have found a Fuhrer to to follow!
Chris Stefan-
Concern trolling, pearl clutching is right.
Thanks for sharing your analysis. Very constructive.
I like Burner quite a bit. She helped me when she didn’t have to and almost no one else would. I’ve contributed in the past and would again if asked.
DelBene is nice enough. Though I asked her the only questions that matter, three separate times “Why you running? How are you going to win?” Nadda. I hope she has answers this time.
Ruderman wouldn’t give me the time of day. It’s all about your social network. I guess she figured she wouldn’t need me. I’m happy to return the favor. She might be better on The Hill than the others, I’ll just take your word for it.
Insightful! Excellent advice!
Have you considered being a campaign manager.
Or better yet, you should run for office!
Put your awesome ideas to the test.
Let us know how it goes.
Same back at ya!
I just reyrned from 3 days attending a Republican boot camp. (I am writng this up at The AVE if you care).
It left me with a desperate need to see the good guys fight back.
If Darcy wins in NOVEMBER, I will buy a round at the Montlake on the following Tuesday.
Either race? Both races?
AFIK, Darcy … if she wins in the first round, will only get to run in one race in November.
So, yeh .. if she is running in November ans wins, I will gladly buy a round.
Of all folks I know in the DL crowd, you seem the most rational. Do you actually think she can win in November? If so, I offer you the kudoes of the Dem establishment.
NiS …
Oooops …
Just realized, Darcy figgered out a way to cost everyone MORE $$$$$$ by running for the 744 hours left in Jay’s old seat PLUS the 2 years and possible permanent job in the new 1st CD.
Other than her wasting even mroe $$ and pissing off the rational dem leaders, I could care less if she wins all or part of the 744 hrs. My only worry is that f she wins the 744 prize and loses the real rpize to Koster, Darcy will declare “victory.”
Sorry, N, but my round of beer is only for the real victory.
Pyrrhic victories do not merit beer.
Is Duncy Burner going to file a law suit against Patty Murray for paying her female staffers less. Just askin’.
Yes, I bet you are just an “observer”..thats funny, its sounds like something a kiddie porn addict would say – “just observing”
your a sick bastard..