According CQ, at $3.2 million thus far, Darcy Burner has raised more money than any other Democratic challenger in the nation. And as has been previously noted, this is not just a netroots thing, as Darcy has substantially more in district and in state individual contributors and contributions than Dave Reichert.
A pretty impressive show of grassroots support.
It’s well past time to get rid of irresponsible big-government Neocons like Reichert and re-focus this country on fiscally responsible representatives like Darcy Burner who are dedicated to a streamlined government that serves Americans instead of bigots and Neocons (Yes, I know—that’s redundant).
$3.2 million thus far, Darcy Burner should have givin it to the state.The job is just over her head.
Raise away, Darcy. But all the out-of-district, nutroots, DailyKos, ActBlue money in the world isn’t going to buy you a resume. Next election cycle, try spending your time getting some real world public service experience.
And by the way, George Bush won’t be in office next time so you’d better start looking for someone else to whine about.