Back home in Washington State, Darcy Burner is a loser. Twice over. But you wouldn’t know it from the reception she’s getting here in Pittsburgh at Netroots Nation, where she was definitely the most popular person in the hotel bar last night, and where they just announced that she would be the closing keynote speaker at Netroots Nation.
Saturday night’s closing keynote will be headlined by Darcy Burner, director of the American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation. After three days of strategizing around progressive change, Burner will close out the convention with a message on how we make that a reality after everyone has left Pittsburgh. She believes activists must strike a balance between applying sophisticated pressure on their elected leaders and amplifying their efforts to create space for progressive policy.
Opening keynote: President Bill Clinton. Closing keynote: Darcy Burner. That should provide a little perspective.
Darcy may have lost her race last November, but in her new job as director of the American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation, she’s playing a much bigger role in the health care debate than the winner, Dave Reichert.
Darcy reminds Puddy of Al Gorebasm in 2000 in Tennesee. “Beloved” in other locations but rejected at their home state. Puddy sees a similarity. Al was “loved” at Nutroots too in 2008. He gots a standing ovation from the Nuts.
@1 Puddy reminds me of a stupid dog that frequently runs loose here in the park and craps all over the green grass.
I’m reminded of the fact that the current POTUS got his start as an activist, too! Darcy has a bright future ahead of her. She knows how to hug rabbits! Eight CD’s ineffective congressman is still trying to figure out how to hug a rabbit. Darcy will be president some day, wait and see.
Cathy McMorris-Rogers should quit Congress and stay home with her baby. She’s a bad mom.
I see in today’s news that Dickless Cheney says Bush “went soft” and stopped listening to Cheney’s advice in his 2nd term. Damn! What a disappointment that must have been for Dickless, who now points out that the “statute of limitations” has expired as he commences squealing on his ex-boss — and is coming out with a book next year that he promises will reveal even more! Man, I love to watch these asswipes eat each other!
as said by someone that craps in his own hole.
Too bad Pelletizer can’t refute anything in the comment. That’s why he throws up a lot more crap in later postings.
Pelletizer’s diarrhea reminds Puddy of a dumb bunny. Ooooops… he is a dumb bunny.
Speaking of cannibalism, have you ever wondered how these rightwing survivalist types plan to support themselves after Armageddon? What I mean is, hunting and gathering isn’t exactly a viable economic model for a land base that used to feed a few hundred thousand Native Americans but now has 300 million people on it. No one can possibly believe that many people could live off the land by hunting and fishing after civilization is destroyed, not even these sapsuckers. So, what are they thinking?
As a feral rabbit, I have some expertise on the subject of living off the land. After all, I’ve been doing it all my life! What’s obvious to any animal who’s feeding himself with what’s available in nature, is that the population has to come down to the food supply. If there are too many deer, the extra deer fucking starve, know what I mean?
So, these survivalists base their whole paradigm on the idea that only about 1% of the population will survive the Big Meltdown, or the Big Vaporization, or the Rapture, or whatever form the End of America takes. Naturally, they figure to be in the 1%. That’s what their guns are for. And, when you stop and think about it, there is enough meat on the hoof to feed them if they choose to hunt and eat the most abundant large game animal on the continent. And you know who that is.
This is what Jeffrey Dahmer trained for.
Golly Pelletizer@8, Goldy loads a Darcy Burner thread and it reminds you of cannibalism.
@7 Yep, you humans are pretty smart all right. You’ve figured out how to kill whales and dolphins. You’ve figured out how to pollute the oceans and atmosphere. You’ve even figured out how to exterminate your own species. Yep, you’re pretty smart … but maybe too smart for your own good.
All we rabbits know how to do is eat, shit, and fuck. And we’ll still be here long after you smart humans are gone.
@9 No, you’ve got that wrong; it’s rightwingers eating each other that reminds me of cannibalism. Which I think is great fun to watch!
Jeez Goldy, give up this ditzy bitch already. I thought your shrink told you to put her out of your mind and quit pulling your lil pud over her. Guess it didn’t work.
@12 Who do you pull your Pud over? Er, let’s guess …
Is anyone around here named Pud?
Goldy says she was “the most popular person in the hotel bar,” so that makes her a “superstar.” Many people would argue that being called the most popular girl in the bar is a pejorative.
Refute what? You didn’t assert anything.
LOL! Moron.
Why are you still here? Come up with any Olbermann conspiracy theories yet?
If only schmucko@16 could read.
Let’s not forget gbs is close to being a birther with his loony conspiracy theory. And unlike the other birthers, he’s got the proof.
95. GBS spews:
Marvn Stamn is really just Puddybud everybody.
No need to think otherwise any more. Must admit I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.
08/12/2009 AT 2:34 PM
Roger @4
Cathy McMorris-Rogers should spend some time trying to figure out if Obama was born in Hawaii or not. She doesn’t know for sure.
I took a look at Netroots Nation’s website and noticed this”
“Netroots Nation is a project of, a non-profit non-partisan organization, with the generous support of the Netroots Arts and Education Initiative (NAEI).”
How can support Netroot Nations if is a “non-partisan organization?” Shouldn’t call itself a “progressive” or “liberal” partisan organization?
Idiot @ 17
You never produced “ustogether multiple times on the air”.
Never, ever. Here’s the transcripts:
Produce it fool. Are you afraid of having your ass handed to you again?
@16: Seems like he’s asserting that Darcy Burner is like Al Gore, a former vice president and Nobel prize winner, a world leader on policy around a global issue….
Wow, Puddy is agreeing with Goldy about Darcy Burner, and then some!
Seems to me the loser isn’t Darcy, it’s everyone who lives in the 8th CD. Seriously, WTF?
The people voted. They didn’t want her.
YellaDog farts:@22:
Really? Where did you read that lil doggy?
N O W H E R E!
Good try though since Al and Darcy both lost in their home states!
clueless wondermoron@21: WTF are you babbling about? Go back and reread what Lee said about assert moron!
awww. Lookee here..
The Mat-Su Barbie is doubling down on her “death panels”:
A lie can go half way around the world while the truth is just waking up. The right wing knows this well.
Marvin Stamn = Puddy
Interesting theory and I have thought so myself. Especially since Stamn uses some of the same wording, the same hypocritical “racism” charges, the same lack of integrity in calling out racism.
If GBS says so, it certainly makes me suspect it. GBS has met Puddy. No one has met Stamn who supposedly lives in California….
What a complete tool, Stamn is too big an idiot to even be Puddy though.
Unless, Puddy is pretending to be even more of an idiot than normal….
re 4: Don’t worry about the baby. It will be disappeared as soon as we Democrats get the health bill passed.
First we’ll get the grandmas, then Trig, then all the other babies.
NutsTooTight@28, you don’t read much do you? That’s why Puddy named you NutsTooTight. You don’t need to pretend being an idiot. Remember your screed of 0.105 degrees C temperature variation at the equator? 0.105 degrees C? Maybe boxers will remedy your situation.
And maybe not!
26 – You’re running away now.. Coward..
Show us conclusive evidence of “ustogether multiple times on the air”. That’s YOUR assertion. You said “conspiracy proved”. You didn’t prove shit.
I made it easy for you. I gave you the links to the transcripts.
Don’t lie.. Don’t run… Like a frightened little fool.. Kenny had more cojones than you fiend.
There he goes again, can’t create anything cogent so clueless wondermoron jumps on someone else wagon. Puddy ain’t running away from nuthin.
Foolish clueless wondermoron, Puddy made an assertion in post #1. Lee claimed Puddy didn’t. Can you figga it out?
That’s why you are looked at as so stupid here fool! Keep trying…
Oh and remember Puddy don’t do you bidding cluleless wondermoron. Remember Marvin told you to shut up. Butt, you can’t even do that well.
@ 31: — He doesn’t have to run, just transform into Marvin or manoftruf.
Wow, another birther. Do you have “proof” like gbs does or is this a straight up conspiracy theory on your part?
Ask gbs for the proof.
You’ll suspect he’s an idiot after he gives you his proof.
Puddy: You asserted that Darcy reminds you of
Gore…so what. And in between, you managed to throw in your requisite name-calling that makes you look like a third grader…so what..
You did not assert anything of SUBSTANCE!
so Lee was correct.
Transformation? NOPE you dope! Butt we see you can’t transform 24×7! We know you told us.
Am I Puddy?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
I want to see if you’re one of those truther/birther type of wackos.
These sock puppets can be called up out of nowhere just by mentioning their nom de plume.
Like, if I say that the Piper wears dresses and plays a Scottish accordion, suddenly the Piper will shw up with his signature breezy, candy-floss obtuseness.
I always thought headless hated me because of my repeated posting of his racist comments.
Maybe he hates me because he thinks I’m you, and you being black, well, we all know how headless feels about black people.
Let’s check out what NutsTooTight just screamed here…
Puddy wrote
Then NutsTooTight wrote
My name calling of Gorebasm? Puddy been calling that of Al for the longest, especially after his hockey stick was proven wrong wrong wrong. Remember the “debate” is ova! Butt we do know Darcy and Al are losers in their own respective states. That’s the correct assertion NutsTooTight. Wow you are tasting the prostate and cowpers this morning.
re 36: And they all reference the same ‘bad’ thing you said in the past.
For instance this: All these sock puppets will from this day forward mention that I said that Puddybud has big, flappy lips.
And he uses up all the air with his wide nose.
So why is clueless wondermoron so dumb? Ohhhh that’s right, he sees his wife’s dues wasted by the SEIU thugs.
I don’t dislike PuddWaxx because of his flappy lips. I dislike him for what comes out of them.
@34: Stamn
Well, I KNOW you are an idiot- since you have proved it numerous times.
I simply suspect that Stamn = Puddy , but that is not anything like the idiot birthers since the PROOF is there that Obama was born in the US (and the birth announcement in the Hawaiian newspapers).
On the other hand, there is only circumstantial evidence that Stamn = Puddy. the similar writing styles and saying some of the same things…that is not definitive.
However, I have seen no definitive PROOF that they are not one and the same. Even simultaneous posts or different url’s does not rule out posting from two computers…one enter button away.
Puddwaxx: Admit it. You feel self-conscious in a grocery store when you are wheeling your cart around with a big watermelon in it.
I can see the defensive anger in your eyes.
Sorry stupid lucy butt Puddy don’t have a wide nose. If fact Puddy’s nose probably more pointed than yours fool.
Sorry stupid lucy butt Puddy don’t have a big flappy lips. Butt what Puddy has takes care of Mrs Puddy you moron!
You like wide noses. Puddy guesses you’re in love with Henry Waxman’s snoz.
You like big flappy lips? Better drive down Rainier or MLK. You can satisfy your fetish there.
How many sockpuppets have Puddy and I exposed you as using?
Wow stupid lucy whippin out all de stereotypes here.
BTW Puddy like oblong and round watermelons.
ROTCODDAM, see why Puddy takes on headless lucy? He be picking on you but you to dumb to get it! That’s why Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama said what she said about “white progressives”. headless proves Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama being correct every day!
@40: You are right about one thing …the debate is over and science has concluded that climate change is real and caused by humans.
Only the ignorant, the science-haters and the foolish think otherwise.
Which category is Puddy in?
oh, and just becuae you have been calling people names like a third grader for years doesn’t somehow make you more mature.
Again, that simple says you are an immature name-caller and HAVE been on for a long time.
Thanks for proving my case.
NutsTooTight, it’s not circumstantial, you are a first class moron!
Cowardice proved. Thanks for playing..
At least Kenny the hustler is striking some paydirt with his antics. Poor Stupes is just gettin’ his ass handed to him, day in, day out…
Wow NutsTooTight, Puddy shows all the HA Libtardos how yours are drawn up so tight and you go apoplectic?
@51 Wrong again clueless wondermoron. You are the HA biggest fool. That’s your best shot?
You play it well all the time.
Headless: You are not helping your case with insults directed at Puddy race, period. Your posts are bordering on racism – quit it.
Direct your insults at Puddy’s words (or Stamn words :)).
You suspect I’m Puddy?
Compare you and I…
I suspected steve was a homophobic bigot, I got him to prove it with his “faggot” comments.
I suspected gbs was a homophobic bigot, I got him to prove it with his “faggot” comments.
I suspected gbs was a closet racist, I got him to prove it with his calling me black because I said I was on welfare.
I suspected gbs was an ignorant dumbass, I got him to prove it with his “I had my suspcisons all along, but needed the proof.
Now I have it.”
Take a stand, am I Puddy?
Or are you waiting for gbs to provide his proof first?
Did his words, hard to be around blacks 24/7 also border on racism or is that the real deal?
Jump on the birhter bandwagon, don’t be scared to take a stand. After all, gbs said he has the proof.
headless can’t. It’s in his “genes”. He’s a prime time hata from waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in his formative dayz in Arizona. What do you expect from someone who attended a party skuul? Axk (Jesse Jackson speak) him, he’ll tell ya!
Now get back to being the NutsTooTight we all “love”.
Puddy: A legend in his own mind, says:
First, I am just casually observing that Puddy and Stamn have a similar modus operendi.
Second, notice how Puddy continues to call me names….completely confirming my analysis of his third grade level way of arguing.
Third, apoplectic?
Hahaha – I am just amused at your ignorance and your remarkable ability to always be “right” in your own mind.
Diagnaosis: Schizophrenia, due to delusions of grandeur (referring to self in the third person, wanting attention for “showing up” someone, claiming infallibility and on and on…)
Yayy. The fucking puddy and marvin show again.
Isn’t there something ELSE on?
There you go again. God and Jesus are infallible, no one else.
Being right about Dummocraptics? Puddy uses the libtardo MSM fool!
I dunno. Marvin is just a garden variety idiot that has to pass the time somehow, but pudgy is truly a borderline hebephrenic schizophrenic (look it up pudgy, you can probably manage that). But then, Marvin could be Pudgy when he’s on his meds.
It’s a loser-loser situation for anybody who wants a serious discussion in this circus.
We went over this and it wasn’t what he meant…so you proved nothing.
In fact, all of your “proofs” are really nothing.
And if I suspect something, I cn withhold judgement until I see proof.
Birthers, on the other hand, have the proof in front of their faces but are too damn ignorant to pay attention.
Those are the racists in YOUR party!
And the deathers are the liars and ignorant fools in YOUR party!
Democrat senator debbie stabeno weighs in with those fact things…
“Climate change is very real,” she confessed
“Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I’m flying. The storms are more volatile. We are paying the price in more hurricanes and tornadoes.”
Nothing says science like “feeling” it when flying.
Poor Puddy:
You can’t post without calling names and insulting, can you?
Whan a person doesn’t have a real argument – they call names. That is a third grade tactic. Grow up. Learn how to have a civil discussion or just go away.
Who is this “we” you mention, you got a frog in your pocket.
Of course it’s what he meant. He ASSUMED I was black because I said I was on welfare. That’s exactly the reason I said I was on welfare.
What did gbs say?
He said I wrote I was black.
Did you think I was black? You’re here as much if not more than gbs, have you seen me write I was black?
As said by the same person that wrote…
And the deathers are the liars and ignorant fools
…2 minutes earlier.
The typical “do as I say, not as I do” liberal agenda.
At least we’ve all been able to agree that no one likes death panels or Nazis.
Some day we may even be able to discuss the substance of a health insurance reform bill.
I’m sure the mighty Darcy will help stem the ugly, anti-Obama tide:
The Federal(!) agency where I work is populated byTONS of conservatives, and there is no quicker way to make them slink away in embarrassment than to bring up ANY of these threads and point to the commentaries by Pudgy, Marvy, MOT, Cynical and his Ras fixation, it’s fun and educational too.
I get a LOT of mileage with the African Americans (but they’re liberal) with Pudgy’s excretions, which produces waves of loathing and revulsion. I take it from them they don’t consider him and ideal ambassador. Then there’s Cynical (snicker)….
I told you KLOWNS…
When those in power attack citizens for questioning them or being angry with them and start with the “hot rhetoric” like Nazi’s and “Brownshirts” to describe the minority….they will end up regretting it. It doesn’t work.
Plastic Face Pelosi will be the whuppin’ gal. She has made herself quite an easy, effective target…as have all in power that whine and personally attack (Baird included).
You KLOWNS failed to shift gears once you got in power….as I predicted.
And now yer asses are draggin’.
68. X’ad spews:
I thought you were moving to Thailand for the fertile field of young girls & boys??
I KNEW you was a guv’mint schmuck X’ad!@!
Share that with all your “conservative” pals.
It’s The Republika ng Pilipinas, thank you, and where are YOU going to donate your time, Cynical?
What outreach to the poor are YOU going to work with (snicker)?
The Ku Kux Klan, no doubt. You certainly are a charitable chap, aren’t you?
And a good Christian. All we have to do is listen to you. You’ll be HAPPY to tell us of your moral, economic, and religious superiority.
And I will be more than happy to share this with them!
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Hell, no! We’d much rather he spent his time googling the details of the awards he’s giving and IMPORTANT stuff like THAT.
Fuck the affairs of state, foreign policy, etc. Let’s see that he satisfies Marvin’s need for detail in trivia
@55 How fucking delusional.
Sure I am.
If I’m delusional, why did you apologize if you did nothing wrong?
Once again, your own words prove you’re a liar.
Is gbs delusional to think I’m Puddy? Or is that plain old fashioned ignorance?
Do YOU think I’m Puddy? You ran away from the question last night.
71. X’ad spews:
Good luck in the Phillipines.
Hopefully they have done a background check on you and keep you well away from adolescents.
Must be nice having that Guv’mint Pension.
Are you going to train folks to beg the government for handouts??
Yeah, racism baiting ALL the time…
Oh wow! That disaster of a chimpanzee got so many things right! Excuse me, I’ll take Obama fumbling the sports stats over screwing up more crucial issues like health care and the economy. His re-election happens to be riding on that getting that at least half-way right.
This obsession with Pelosi is telling – all the nasty stuff ginned up by the right wing noise machine. Thankfully the majority of people are tuning it out.
Old man Specter said the President’s health care plan will pass the Congress. He can read a poll like any politician! Why the hell did he switch parties? For his health? His old craptastic party left him! He could see it clearly in the numbers.
Boring re-runs in syndication like forever…
Kountry Kluuber Kommodore steve drinks martini’s with the fat white boys and then posts on HA until he passes out.
Steve desperately wants to be black.
Can’t you just accept yourself for who you are…a silly white guy who spends his money on his whims and rants about others not doing enough so we need bigger government??
And steve calls Marvin delusional??
Steve even had his imaginery black friend pass away! Sheesh…………….
YLB pukes:
Plastic Face Pelosi will be the whuppin’ gal.
She’s the Speaker of the House..a powerful position…and a nasty bitch who cannot help but namecall anyone who disagrees “Brownshirts”.
She is an easy target…growing easier every day.
YLB pukes:
Can Specter read this poll dumbass!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
76. Mr. Cynical spews:
Your obsession with pedophilia leads me to wonder if the Montana authorities are apprised of your fascination. You seem to project a lot of other stuff….
And what are YOU going to do for humanity?
No answer to that?
Just be a bitter old man jealous of other peoples’ careers and retirement plans?
Bitter Old Cynical seems to fit. Montana is a good place for you, lots of company there.
@28 So that’s how Marvin Stupes manages to get laid — he fucks himself. And here, all along, I think he was fucking Puddy!
No, Rog.
Neither of them knows how. The only thing they can do is endlessly talk. Verbal masturbation.
@83 So you’re saying they suck each other’s thumbs.
But wait a minute! If Marvie is Puddy, he must be sucking his own thumbs! He settles for that because his mouth can’t reach his dick.
Dogs lick their own dicks. But dogs are pretty fucking stupid to start with. Dogs are almost as stupid as Republicans.
Why is Klynical a hypocrite and liar?
Let’s see, he insults and calls Pelosi names for … calling.
Hmm, too stupid to see the irony in his own words?
And he loves to quote the biased republican “pollster” Rasmussen. I was on a Rasmussen poll call once….it was interesting.
It was a Presidential preference poll…but they did not ask the Presidential poreference until they asked about 3-4 leading, biased right winger questions.
so much for Rasmussen – a shill for Faux News and the republican aprty. If you look at Rasmussens numbers – they consistently overestimated McCain durin August and Septmeber and then as the election got close – they played it straight and got in line with all the other polls….they have NO credibility.
they ask questions in a clearly biased way….and that is why Klynical loves them.
Of course, this is the same idiot who would write in every day as the stock market fell and Obama was President for less than a month, claiming Obama was ruining the economy.
Now that the market is up….the fool never mentions the market….typical. In the winter, he loved to claim global warming was a lie, too.
A fool, a hypocrite and a liar….yet he still posts on here….Oh well, I guess a lack of credibility does not bother Klynical.
re 54: How come you never say that when I critcize the Piper’s tartan skirts and bag flute?
Are the merely observable traits of a person racist when applied to a black person?
The Andy Richter show spotlighted this problem years ago when Andy said something to a black co-worker that was criticizing the Irish and St. Patrcks Day, but the black guy took umbrage.
Andy got in big trouble and hilarity ensued. All the trouble disappeared when it was discovered that the black guy was mad because Andy had criticized the Irish — and he was half Irish and considered himself to be such.
When this was discovered, all the ‘racial’ outrage disappeared.
By the way. Every comment I made was from the Dave Chappelle show. And as for my ethnic creds for criticizing the Waxxter, both of my parents had a slight amount of black blood — my mother recognizably so. So, I know of what I speak having been accepted (mostly) by both races on a partying and social basis.
PuddWaxx is one of the most contemptible sorts of black person (No flappy lips and wide nose for that bruthah, thank you) in that he wears the blackness as an armor beyond which you cannot go in your critique of him, lest he brand you a racist.
But, and take careful note of this, he always brags about having a big dick. Where’s the racial sensitivity gone in that instance.
The same place he pulled it out of in the first place.
Go ahead and dunn the Waxx for his flappy lips. You have my permission.
@78 Another delusional loon.
@75 “If I’m delusional”
There’s no “if” about it.
Of course.
Remember during the presidential election when the ads said that obama doesn’t look like the faces on our money.
That was deemed racist.
Sucks when the same left-wing rules get applied to you, doesn’t it.
Interesting. So when you said how hard it was to be around blacks 24/7 you knew what you were talking about.
Yup. He’s off the plantation.
You got branded a racist for your blanket statement that blacks are hard to be around 24/7.
That’s not nice of Puddy to throw his size in your face. Understandably you are insulted by his bragging. That green-eyed monster is a killer.
Nice, another gay innuendo joke. Why do you have issues with gays? Some of them are white you know. Are you even against white gays?
Marvin, as a white person, your remarks are irrelevant and racist.
It’s a family affair. Stay out of it.
Told you how it is: Left-wing activists who drown out Coulter or Horowitz or Dinesh at UW’s Kane Hall? Those leftwingas are a screaming fascist mob.
Right-wing activists who drown out Democrats? The rightists are First Amendment patriots.
Brian Brownshirt Baird who’s too chicken to face constituents at a townhall? He’s a sniveling coward.
Hairspray Dave Reichert who’s too chicken to face constituents? He will always be the new sheriff in town, a real man. End of story.
Well, not quite. YLB’s Dori Monson told us about Dave’s Big Dance. When Dori gave Dave the full frontal EnRon Sims beatdown about Dave’s vote for cap-&-trade, Dave ducked. Refused to come on and defend himself or explain himself.
That was months ago. Then, on Monday, he promised Dori he’d come on the next day and give it up. Then his hacks and flacks started backing and filling and shucking and jiving. Then Dave ducked. Again. End of story.
And do you know why dogs and Rabbits lick their own dicks? Why, James Carville told us why. Dogs and Rabbits lick their own dicks because they can.
You want racism, 92? Here ya go:
I am a pancho
I work on a rancho
I make just a dollar a day.
I go to see Lucy
I play with his poosey
And he take my dollar away.
(Running that by you again, justincase you missed it the first time. And we’re still waiting for you to explain your fancy fuzzy math about Reagan maxing out at 52%. You say you got that number by the ridiculous expedient of averaging Reagan’s low and high. I say you pulled it out of your sigmoid colon. And I say that, using your methodology, O’Bama tops out at 32%. That means he’s lower than Bush, and that means O’Bama should hang up his jock and get out of the game. Biden’s tanned, plugged, rested and ready to take over.)
Our little plumpmuffin be lookin’ good, at least to left liberal extremists who are thousands of miles away from Darcy’s district.
Same story, in other words, as two years ago. That’s when Darcy wowed ’em as a hero at Yearly Kos and plowed ’em under as a zero against the Green River killa.
re 95: Maybe your sources are biased. I know mine aren’t. I heard it on Ron Reagan Jr.’s radio show.
headlice loocy farts
Oh really? If you were in my family we’d have our first black on black “scrubbing”. Insignificant gnats like you would be ostracized at all family reunions.
Well, just wait’ll you hear what I heard on Cornpone Ed Schultz’ radio show. Cornpone Ed said the whole damn country is just waitin’ for the somnolent left to get off its ass and demand single payer. Ed implies that it’s your George-Wallace moment: Single Payer today, Single Payer tomorrow, Single Payer forever.
Then Randi Rhodes said that Neil Boortz has the fattest fat ass she’s ever seen. What is it with you jackass Democrats and asses?
@89 “Why is Klynical a hypocrite and liar?”
Because he enjoys it.
@93 We’re not insulting whites or Christians (I’m both), we’re insulting Republicans, some of whom happen to be white and/or Christian, but there’s no correlation there.*
* Of course, a nitwit like you who’s incapable of any form of logical reasoning wouldn’t understand this.
@97 That was good, pudless. You should go professional.
So Cheney and Rove are writing tell-all books? (For $$$ of course.) That’s a bit like Hitler killing the Jews so his memoirs will be worth more. (Of course, Adolf didn’t live long enough to write a book; but we do know he stole his victims’ gold teeth and went into the lampshade business, which is all the evidence anyone needs of his mercenary motives.)
@98 If Hairspray Dave was still on the case, Gary would still be killing.
re 100: “It’s a Family Affair” was a Sly and the Family Stone song. I thought you’d get the reference. I’ve dropped a lot of references that even a marginally connected black person would get. But you never do — which is why I think that you are maybe actually related to someone like Emeril Lagasse.
@107 If it wasn’t in a Fred Williamson baxploitation flick, he won’t get it. And for heaven’s sake, don’t go into Iceberg Slim territory – he’ll get dizzy and his eyes will glaze over.
Iceberg Slim? That’s one on me. I’ll Google it immediately.
re 108: Interesting. Sounds like Ice-T’s muse.
16 minutes earlier you write-
Yet you don’t know who iceberg slim is?
If you knew that one, Marvin, I’d have to give you a tip of the hat. Not many do anymore.
re 111: I could have Googled Iceberg Slim before admitting that I didn’t know who he was, but that would have been dishonest — and I’m not playing trivia here.
I did however look him up after Steve mentioned him. Now I know. That’s how you learn.
Do you know who Yellowman is, Marvin? Do you tour with him and play trumpet on his records.
You are such a sad little man.
headless lucy using
to make his point? “Family affair”? How obtuse is that? Go back and dance to the leftist music. We’ll even “Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin” 24×7!
Steve is talking about Fred “The Hammer” Williamson? Great actor eh?
@114 Like Marvin had a clue. LMFAO!! Slim is pretty much forgotten. There was a time, though, when myself and other Rainier Valley teens, black and white both, were all running around talking like South Chicago pimps. Funny as hell.
Puddy wishes he was related to Emeril. Great cook and the Puddy Family loves his spices.
They are working in the whitey house now…
@116 I kid my friend, Puddy. I love those old flicks. Hell, now we’re talking Iceberg Slim. Join on in. Say, whatever happened to Jim Kelly? Any idea?
Well, I had to look him up. Fuck, Puddy, Jim Kelly is a tennis (!!) coach now. Go figure!
So The Darcy is a bar girl? Well, she hasn’t been seen over at the Sheraton Station Square in Pittsburgh where I’m staying…unless in a “Hiya sailor, new in town?” moment.
Greetings from Steel Town and AFP’s Right OnLine…
We are conspiring in fine fettle as we watch ObamaCare tank like the dog that it is.
How many of the HA Happy Hooligans are here? If you really care, you would be. Because you’re still at home, that means your commitment is thin. Disciples of Saul Alinsky you ain’t.
The Piper
Ahhh, that link’s fuck up. Sorry about that, Puddy.
@122 AFP’s Right OnLine? Damn, Piper, you hang with some real wack-jobs. What’s up with that?
I’m in Pittsburgh for the cause…
And you are???
The Piper
Oh, I’m just hanging loose, Piper, talkin’ like a 1950’s South Chicago pimp. You be my bottom bitch!
Not in Steel City??? Not a real HA Happy Hooligan committed to the cause??? I am disappointed.
Get word to Goldy that, if he’s still here and has the manhood to face me, dinner is on me Saturday night.
The Piper
Just fucking with you, Piper. You’re obviously not my bottom bitch. I couldn’t make a dime off your white ass. Um, wait a second. Can you “Baaaaa” like a goat? If so, I just might be able to hook you up with Marvin or Klynical and put a few bucks in your pocket. Interested in earning some spending money?
Steve, Puddy didn’t know Jim Kelly of Enter The Dragon fame is now a tennis coach. Interesting.
Puddy still remembers the “footwork” he used in Enter The Dragon while John Saxon was a stone with his “hit me footwork”.
No problem, I’ll pass it on, Piper.
Hey, Goldy!
Steve, you forgot Five on the Black Hand Side.
You’ve got John “Slowfoot” Saxon nailed, Puddy.
@131 Damn, Puddy, how is it we’re not good friends yet? I think we could transcend our political differences easy if we both only tried.
I understand unions doing everything it can to make both themselves and the union employees rich.
But what is this about?
Use every means at its disposal??
Take action today to help ensure that the White House uses every means at its disposal to ensure the reinstatement of President Zelaya and the restoration of democracy in Honduras.
When huffingtonpost turns on the obama, you know it’s not going well for the obama.
Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma
A memo obtained by the Huffington Post confirms that the White House and the pharmaceutical lobby secretly agreed to precisely the sort of wide-ranging deal that both parties have been denying over the past week.
It can’t be true, if only the link was to faux we could all laugh it off.
“secretly agreed,” isn’t this the reason people voted against the republicans?
ping ylb
Obama’s surgeon general nominee advises Burger King
President Obama’s nominee for surgeon general, whose job it is to help encourage Americans to get thinner and healthier, has been working part time as a scientific adviser to the fast-food giant that sells sandwiches like the Whopper and BK Triple Stacker.
Could imagine the outrage from the left if bush hired someone that worked for an oil company to be in charge of the energy department.
I wonder how often she ate at work.
You’re a bit of a puzzle, Piper. You claim to be a libertarian and yet you go to Pittsburg to scheme on how to get government to intervene and dictate to women what they can do with their bodies. Do you see the disconnect? You know, Piper, there’d be no abortions if women didn’t seek them out. It’s not like abortion doctors sneak into your home at night to abort your wife’s little blastocyst American. And yet you right-wingers let women off the hook and murder the doctor! I mean, really, Piper, it strikes me that you guys are just worried that your women want to abort your white babies so they can all make little brown babies with someone like Puddy or some guy named Juan. Is that what it’s all about? Your own fears?
So the ‘space for progressive policy’ that Burner’s creating doesn’t include universal health insurance, and that’s a single payer plan like every other major industrial country in the world? Or is she going to somehow magically get such a system passed that doesn’t use any of those terms?
Once again you simply state that Burner’s some sort of ‘progressive, superstar’ but offer no evidence for that statement. From whatever I’ve read from her, and now from reading page 2 of the health care talking points, I don’t see what’s ‘progressive’ at all.
Hebephrenic schizophrenia? Sounds like another of MSF’s anti-Semitic slurs. Time to get out the long knives.
As for our Marvin-Puddy multiple personality problem, let’s have dueling birth certs at Weehawken at dawn.
Just now read your post, Puddy. It’s a beautiful thing. So beautiful that I had taken some of your stuff without knowing it. Royalty check’s in the mail. (Was either subconscious plagiarism, or maybe great minds like ours just spin around the same circles.)