Darcy Burner was the only House challenger chosen to speak at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this weekend. Wanna know more about the next congresswoman from WA’s 8th Congressional District? Watch the video. (Via MyDD)
Yes and we hoped that Janet S would be there to tell Darcy a woman’s place is in the home but alas, Janet thought better of it and didn’t show up. I guess she’s still working on coming up with SOME reason, ANY reason why we should vote for the guy who spent 20 years trying to catch a high school drop out that murdered 40 women.
Or maybe janet can tell us why we should vote for a guy who was responsible for running one of the most corrupt sheriff’s departments in the USA?
Hey, Darcy Burner can give a damn good speech! I like the emphasis she places on the word, fight. Who’s she running against, some nobody?
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Today we march, Tomorrow we vote”, and the day after that, “Atlas Shrugged”, and the Republican tax base moves out of state! Think of the illegals, welfare hacks, Democrat union thugs, and Democrat “guvment” employees all trying to tax each other! A Democrat circle jerk!!!!!!
So little darcy the dupe talked about HER DADDY and she talked about HATE BUSH and she talked about wishes and hopes and spouted platitudes (oil, healthcare blah, blah, blah) and hit all the DNC mandated talking points (“Seig Heil DNC…I WANT that money and I WILL obey!”)…but, golly, gosh, gee whiz, a whole 9 minutes and 11 seconds and little darcy never got around to mentioning a PLAN.
By the way, are those 12 people “applauding” in the background the SAME 12 that listen to la goldie??
ps: why do all those damned liberal broads HAVE TO TALK LIKE VALLEY GIRLS WITH BAD ADENOIDS??????
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why would anyone vote for RubberStampReichert when they can vote for this? http://tinyurl.com/opkdy
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
OAXACA, Mexico — Striking teachers armed with pipes, wood planks and clubs seized 12 private radio stations in Mexico’s southern Oaxaca state early today after unidentified assailants shot up a government-owned station already under the strikers’ control. The teachers, on strike since May 22, refused to halt their work stoppage to allow 1.3 million public school students to return to classes today, the start of the new school year. [……..That’s OK! Send the kids across the border!! The US taxpayer will educate them for free!!!!]
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Despite the rising opposition to the war, President Bush said the U.S. will not withdraw from Iraq while he is president.
“‘In this case, it would give the terrorists and extremists an additional tool besides safe haven, and that is revenues from oil sales,’ the president said. ‘Leaving before the job is done would be a disaster,’ he said.”
Yeah — it would gall the shit out of him if SOMEONE ELSE got the oil revenues, wouldn’t it?
250 billion barrels at $75 a barrel is $18.75 TRILLION dollars … slip slidin’ away …
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s more money than a waitress would make in 4.2 billion years (at $2.13 per hour) … by then, the sun will have turned into a supernova and swallowed the Earth …
Roger Rabbitspews:
Willie Sutton had the right idea, but he didn’t think big enough. Rove got it right — get your man elected president (so he can pardon you and himself), turn the U.S. military into a 2-million-strong safecracking team, then steal the whole fucking world …
Turns out that Jimmy King is Karr’s boyfriend. Did Karr tell you he was planning to kill Jon Benet Jimmy?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The case of Rafael Trujillo is instructive of what Republicans have in mind for the U.S.
After overthrowing the existing government, Trujillo assumed absolute power, which he “legitimized” by passing new constitutions and winning “elections” in which he and his party were the only participants. While schoolchildren recited daily prayers for “God, country, and Trujillo,” the dictator’s secret police jailed, tortured and killed opponents; and travel by Dominicans within their own country was prohibited or put under surveillance by the police.
Trujillo used his political control to turn the Dominican Republic into a business enterprise for the enrichment of himself, his family, and his cronies. He owned virtually every business of any consequence in the country, and amassed enormous personal wealth. Ordinary Dominican citizens were little more than slaves.
The only good thing Trujillo ever did was to fucking DIE when army mutineers pumped him full of lead. Now don’t get me wrong — I’m not advocating shooting Republicans! I think we should hang them instead. Just kidding, ha! ha! ha! Hey, if Ann Coulter can joke about killing political opponents, why can’t I?
Roger Rabbit
King of Rabbits
Jim Kingspews:
Left Turd- we established yesterday that Karr was MTR, and he was in Thailand getting your stuff. Late to the party again, aren’t you…
Roger Rabbitspews:
If America was taken over by a ruthless dictator in the mold of Rafael Trujillo or Karl Rove, would you
No Jimmy we now think YOU are Karr and that you are the world’s biggest dick sucker.
Jim Kingspews:
@ 21- Left Turd- “We”? You and your little weinie? It is pretty sad when your little daughter doesn’t even feel “fulfilled”…
Anyway, if we are talking about the world’s biggest dick, we know it isn’t yours…
Dan -Whats the frequency-Kenspews:
So we never ever forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from two weeks ago:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
My Left Footspews:
Funny Bunny @ 17
I have some rope! (he said hopefully). Can we start with John Craig Herman, Mike Webb Sucks and the Redneck pussy guy?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and willing to round up a posse to bring ’em and hang ’em high!!!!!
Dan -Whats the frequency-Kenspews:
Did you catch the story about the liberal guy who refuses to take off names of dead soldiers off his liberal drivel shirts he is selling for $18.00 a piece. Aparently some family members objected to their sons name being printed and requested the names to be taken off. When they followed this guy he refused to answer any questions and continues to use the names to this day. More proof that the left really doesnt care about our fallen soldiers or their families. The left, the enemy within.
@26- Carl- willing to make it a bipartisan necktie party- those idjits are an EMBARRASSMENT…
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
I have some rope! (he said hopefully). Can we start with John Craig Herman
Carl Grossman [……………………………………………………………………….After your train ride you can have a nice shower in the new “shower room”!!!]
RUFUS @ 25 (or so)….
“Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from two weeks ago: Psssssssssstttttttt……. Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.”
Sorry, dipshit. You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. Goldy didn’t write a story the Haq incident.
Gawwwwwddd…you Wingnuts are so fucking sooooopppiiiiiddd!!!
I watched Darcy both on CSpan after Howard spoke and then again on YouTube…thought I was watching the Muppet Show. Someone was moving Darcy back and forth…it was almost comical.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
“Choo choo” goes the train, Carl. Then, out of your boxcar, and into a warm shower!!!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Carl Grossman, Does Mrs. Grossman miss Democrat hero “Tookie” “9 inch” Williams? I bet he misses her!!!!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
I have some rope!
Carl Grossman [……………………………………………That rope belongs to Mrs. Grossman. Tookie enjoyed using it to ” 4 corner” Mrs. Grossman………..Get it??]
George Allen [R - NoMacacas]spews:
Dan @ 25
My greatest supporter!! You were among the faithful who applauded me when I pointed to the Macaca who had been stalking me.
Send me more $$$$$$ Dan like you did for yes on I-912 and I will continue to campaign on the issue of the Macacas.
And of course I will be your new Dear Leader Dan.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Seattle — Five families with children who were shot or traumatized in a 1999 shooting at a California Jewish center have filed a $15 million claim against Washington state, where the shooter had been on parole. The claim, potentially the precursor for a lawsuit, was filed Friday against the state Department of Corrections, which was responsible for supervising Buford O. Furrow Jr., an avowed white supremacist with a history of mental illness.
Serves them right, and this at least is the true reason for further crime – leniency in liberal, Democrat tree-hugging states. If them get a few hundred million, WASH State can just raise taxes!!!! hehe, JCH
skinnyfreak, Been there, done that [76-84]…….And you?? Yeah, I thought so…..About the same military service as Bill Clinton and Miss Goldie put together………….hehe, JCH
George Allen [R - NoMacacas]spews:
John Craig Herman @ 37
Of all of my supporters, you John Craig Herman know in your very bones the importance of my campaign against the Macacas.
Send me $$$$$$ John Craig Herman. As your new Dear Leader I will lead our country out of the wilderness created by the Macacas!!!
My Left Footspews:
JCH @ pretty near every post you leave:
1. The shower crack is old.
2. It was not funny in the slightest, even the first time.
3. The recent addition of “the shower” comment is not funny either.
4. If you think you are cute, you are not. You are the ignorant, illigit son of Anne Coulter and Satan himself.
5. The erection you give yourself by posting here is exciting only to you. The rest of us are no longer interested in your psycho-sexual erectile dysfunction.
6. Folks with money, by the way, rarely brag about it. Folks with class, never do. You give yourself away, John Craig, with the adolescent braggadocio that you are so fond of spouting.
7. Someday it is my sincere hope that, someday, you realize that ugliness you type is harmful and hurtful. Or, in the alternative, someone catches up with you and shoves your words down your throat. I strongly suspect that you lack the necessary stones to stop them.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and man enough to back my words with my name.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Can’t I be like Carl Grossman and send money to Senator Robert “KKK” “Nigger” Byrd, DEMOCRAT, WV????
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
I have some rope! (he said hopefully). Can we start with John Craig Herman
Carl Grossman ]Carl, Eat shit and die!! Can’t take it, pussy BOY? Then get out of the sandbox!!]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
45…………..Game, Set, and Match!!! Carl “BOY” Grossman, leave the court!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Left Footspews:
The train you hear coming, is actually the real life sound of the Republican party being rail roaded out of power.
By the way, line one in my last post at 45 should read TRAIN not SHOWER.
Have you talked with your shrink about your facination with Tookie Williams?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and about to publish Mr. Herman’s personal information. It is amazing what an internet search and a credit card can dig up.
Richard Popespews:
Goldy — wouldn’t the gathering in Chicago be a MEETING of the Democrat National Committee? Democrats (and Republicans) only have NATIONAL CONVENTIONS every four years. In any event, this would seem to indicate that the national Democrat Party has a lot of confidence in Burner’s candidacy.
Richard Popespews:
Goldy — wouldn’t the gathering in Chicago be a MEETING of the Democrat National Committee? Democrats (and Republicans) only have NATIONAL CONVENTIONS every four years. In any event, this would seem to indicate that the national Democrat Party has a lot of confidence in Burner’s candidacy.
My Left Footspews:
John Craig Herman:
I can take it. I actually enjoy your use of racial slurs and ignorant banter. It shows just what a foolish jerk you are and shines a light on the true spirit of the WingNut party.
A more eloquent spokesman would have me concerned.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Gentleman and still willing to fly you here for dinner and discussion. What is your excuse, afraid to fly or do you just want to plead “lack of a pair hanging”?
Yell us more, bushbot! We’re dying to hear your trumped up service history.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Have you talked with your shrink about your facination with Tookie Williams?
Carl Grossman [….Carl, That would be DEMOCRAT Hero “Tookie” Williams. He may be dead now, but Democrat Jesse “Shakedown” “Lovechild” Jacksooooooooooooooon and Democrat Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton assured us he will vote Democrat in NOV 06!!]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
skinnyfreak, Do you miss Democrat hero “Tookie” “9 inch” Williams? I bet he misses your “skinnyfreak” Democrat rectum. BTW, “Tookie” may still be hard and ready for you, “skinnyfreak”!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
I can take it. I actually enjoy your use of racial slurs and ignorant banter.
Carl Grossman [……You dream of me, don’t you, Carl? While Mrs. Grossman is “out with “9 inch Tookie” getting some Democrat “love”, you’re on the computer. Just a normal Democrat couple!!!
My Left Footspews:
There is a special level of hell for a POS like you. You did manage to avoid the question about travel to WA for dinner and conversation. No stones.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and not letting you dodge the issues.
My Left Footspews:
The juvenile humor shows the anger that you feel. When you were a child, just how bad was the abuse? I would be willing to work with and to provide the counseling you are so deeply in need of.
Carl Grossman
Compassionate, Liberal, Democrat
Just how is you know the size of Tookie’s tool? I am really worried about you John.
Dan -Whats the frequency-Kenspews:
Sorry, dipshit. You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. Goldy didn’t write a story the Haq incident.
Gawwwwwddd…you Wingnuts are so fucking sooooopppiiiiiddd!!!
Commentby dj— 8/21/06@ 9:20 pm
Yes he did diptard. He made some crap up that Haq was a converted to a right wing christian before he blew the Jewish woman away. Of course the Seattle Times story debunked that crap. DJ, you are in an angry mood. Please stay away from the pizza parlors full of Jewish kids. Ok
Notice how much Jimmy talks about sex and me? He’s obsessed with me and my cock. And when he pretends to be interested in “civil debate” over at Postman’s blog, I’ll link to these little tidbits so everyone knows what the little punk is really all about.
George Allen [R - NoMacacas]spews:
Puddybud –
I understand you are the Dean of those who “think right” on Horsesass.org.
Send me $$$$$$$ Puddybud. Support my campaign to be your next Dear Leader. Join me in my crusade to root out the Macacas among us!!!!!
By now you have heard about the shooting of innocent people last Friday in downtown Seattle by a Christian terrorist. And what I want to know is what are we going to do about the rise of Christian terrorism in this country?
Sure, the Seattle Times inadvertently report that Naveed Afzal Haq was a Muslim-American:
A Muslim-American man angry with Israel barged into the offices of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Friday afternoon and opened fire with a handgun, killing one woman and wounding five others before surrendering to police.
But now we know the cold, hard, and incontestable fact: Haq was a recent convert to Christianity:
He told friends he felt alienated from his own family, in part because his career had disappointed his father and also because he had disavowed Islam last year, converting to Christianity.
Haq had begun studying the Bible, attending weekly men’s spiritual group meetings, only to stop coming a few months after his baptism.
The group’s leader, Albert Montelongo, said Haq started studying the Bible and in December he underwent a water baptism at the non-denominational church, performed by Montelongo. He said Haq accepted his new faith, though he knew that he would also be offending his own family and its deeply rooted culture.
Gerald said you can’t anything from a perfesser. I have to agree with Gerald. DJ ate the left turd’s latest turdball!
Dan -Whats the frequency-Kenspews:
Seattle – Five families with children who were shot or traumatized in a 1999 shooting at a California Jewish center have filed a $15 million claim against Washington state, where the shooter had been on parole.
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/21/06@ 9:30 pm
Whoa you dont say. Liberals letting a liberal out to kill more Jews. Par for the course.
DJ’s alter ego: Commentby George Allen [R – NoMacacas]— 8/21/06@ 10:08 pm
Eventhough Goldy didn’t “write the comment” we all know he blessed it. Nothing goes on this web site without his TACIT approval.
I stand by my previous post.
George Allen [R - NoMacacas]spews:
Is dj a Republican?
Thank you Puddybud. I will ask dj for $$$$$$ to support our cause.
One can’t get enough $$$$$$ when campaigning for Dear Leader to protect our country from the Macacas.
George – Last I checked we were still trying to determine what perfesser dj was, is, has been!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
CAPE TOWN – Barack Obama, the only black U.S. senator, criticized South African leaders on Monday for their slow response to AIDS and said he planned to be tested for HIV while visiting Kenya later on his African trip. South African AIDS activists say Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang has created confusion by pushing traditional medicines and a recipe of garlic, beetroot, lemon and African potatoes…
He’s getting an HIV test while in Africa?? Hmmmm…… Wonder what his wife thinks about this?
Janet Sspews:
left turn – in case anyone reading this actually believes anything that you right, let me be clear: darcy can choose any career she wants, I sure don’t care if she chooses not to raise her very young child. But she shouldn’t then turn around and brag about what a great mother she is and how motherhood has made her so much more qualified to be a rep. When her child reaches 18 and is a healthy, well adjusted young adult, then she can make that claim. Until then? Just another tall tale.
Janet, you totally miss little darcy the dupes point about ‘motherhood’ … she didn’t abort that little clump of parasitic cells now known as Henry, ergo, in her little liberal mind, she is a good mommy. Perhaps she feels that in making the choice not to abort her little clump of parasitic cells now known as Henry she has shown ‘executive’ decision making powers that actually qualify her for something …other than a homeowners association recreation group.
Jim Kingspews:
Now- before jumping down my throat, people, take a look at some numbers from a poll commissioned by KING-TV on the Supreme Court races. Some interesting stuff, most likely demonstrating (I hope) that the voters do not yet have a clue.
Owens at only 28% trailed by “everybody else” at 11% (Smith) plus 11% (S Johnson) plus 10% (M Johnson) plus 9% (Ericson) (that’s 41% “other”)
But beyond that- gender rears its head…
To begin with, women are more likely to be undecided- about a range of 37% to 39% on the three races (not statistically different from race to race). And after accounting for a higher undecided proportion, women favor Alexander over Groen, but only very slightly, more than do men (3% margin to 5% margin).
But in the two races with a woman…
Owens polls 31% of all woman, to 30% for all other candidates, while she polls only 25% of men, to 51% for all other candidates…
And Burrage outpolls Chambers 36% to 27% among women, compared to trailing 28% to 53% among men.
Party and ideological breaks in two races are about what would be expected, but in the Burrage-Chambers race:
It is amazing that liberal Seattle lawyer Richard Smith gets 22% support from Republicans and 2% support from Democrats. Stephen Johnson (GOP 17%, Dems 5%) may be facing a bigger threat from Smith, than from Michael Johnson.
Jim Kingspews:
Richard- some of those breakouts really give one pause, don’t they? Of course, a small sample and so on, but still- and the primary is less than a month away…
Richard Popespews:
Okay, I will HAVE to go OFF-TOPIC here, because I think this one is funny. My opponent for King County District Court (or is that Okanogan County District Court?) has launched her campaign website (and doesn’t even mention a word about her disciplinary record of censures and suspension from office):
So I did a WHOIS search for this website, and came up with:
WHOIS Record For
Mary Ann Ottinger
27 Lower Bear Creek Access Rd
Winthrop, Washington 98862
United States
Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
Created on: 10-Aug-06
Expires on: 10-Aug-07
Last Updated on: 10-Aug-06
Administrative Contact:
Hardy, Jeff mw1@methownet.com
PO BOX 636
Winthrop, Washington 98862
United States
(509) 996-2022
Technical Contact:
Hardy, Jeff mw1@methownet.com
PO BOX 636
Winthrop, Washington 98862
United States
(509) 996-2022
Yes, it is bad enough that the only real property owned by Judge Ottinger is her 23 acre Methow Valley estate right outside of Winthrop. But at least she can pretend to be a King County resident by registering to vote at a one bedroom condo in downtown Bellevue that is owned by a fellow judge.
But to register her campaign website at her Okanogan County home address, when she is running for King County District Court — PRICELESS!
Richard Popespews:
Jim King @ 67
Maybe the voters were confusing Richard Smith with Richard Pope? How else can you explain such a strong (and illogical) difference in Smith’s appeal between Republicans and Democrats?
What would be the poll results in a three-way race if I had done what Wayne was hinting at back in late July, and also filed against Tom Chambers? Would I be facing the prospect of fighting it out with Jeanette Burrage in November?
In any event, it is probably much easier to beat a sitting judge who has been recently suspended from office for misconduct, than to face off against a folk hero former judge who merely has a bad reputation in certain quarters.
Richard Popespews:
Or they could also be confusing Richard Smith with Richard Sanders. Hmmm — there are already two Johnsons on the Supreme Court, but only one Richard. There used to be a Richard Guy on the Supreme Court until a few years — who was popular enough to beat former Governor John Spellman back in 1990.
Yes Janet S we need to be concerned about what I “right.”
My goodness woman – you teach your children to read did you? How about WRITE?
Man you fucking righties are dumb fucks.
PLEASE keep spouting that right wing a woman’s place is in the home crap. PLEASE. It helps Darcy more than you can know. You can parse it anyway you want. Plenty of women work outside the home. Most in fact. Welcome to 2006. Your buddy, GW AWOL Bush has fixed it so that most families have to send the mom to work in order to survive. Your attack on Darcy for running for Congress while raising her child is in fact an attack on all women who work outside the home.
I’ve given copies of each of your right wing hate mails about Darcy’s child to her campaign. I am betting they can find a way to use them.
Left turdball: trust me your and other’s rants about Dave Reichert are in his office. This will be an amazing campaign season.
Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons will be the host of a campaign fundraiser Thursday for Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele’s run for U.S. Senate.
The fundraiser for Mr. Steele, a Republican who would be the state’s first black U.S. senator if elected, will be held at the Frederick Douglass-Isaac Myers Maritime Park in Baltimore.
Also scheduled to participate in the event are Cathy Hughes, founder and chairman of Radio One, a black-run broadcasting company specializing in urban markets, and hip-hop pioneer DJ Kid Capri.
Looks like blacks ARE embracing Michael Steele and this is pissing off the Donks as Neeeeeegros are leaving the plantation!
Five of the Democrats running for D.C. mayor all acknowledge they are hooked — on gas-guzzling, inefficient cars.
“I drive a big, black Range Rover; it’s an SUV,” said Michael A. Brown, a lobbyist. “It’s terrible on gas, but I can’t help myself.”
Mr. Brown was the first to tackle the question, “What car do you drive and is it an SUV?” during a candidates forum at the Earth Conservation Corps in Southeast last week.
Adrian M. Fenty was next to answer, following up Mr. Brown’s honesty with a confession of his own.
“I also can’t help myself; I drive an SUV,” the Ward 4 member of the D.C. Council said of his Ford Explorer.
“I drive a Mercedes E-320, which probably isn’t the best on gas,” Marie C. Johns, a former Verizon executive, said with a laugh, “but I guess I can’t help myself either.”
Vincent B. Orange Sr. was the last to answer.
“I drive a Cadillac SRX,” the Ward 5 member of the D.C. Council said.
The car question was raised at the end of the 90-minute forum, which focused on environmental issues and cleaning the Anacostia River. Candidate Linda W. Cropp, D.C. Council chairman, did not attend.
“We were doing pretty well before that question,” Mrs. Johns said.
Amazing that black donk like big SUVs. I guess they haven’t heard the “messaging” from Al Gore!
You fringies are wonderful:
Associated Press
Tuesday, August 22, 2006; Page A06
HARTFORD, Conn., Aug. 21 — Critics of Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman’s independent run to keep his job attacked on two fronts Monday, with one group asking an elections official to throw him out of the Democratic Party and a former rival calling on state officials to keep his name off the November ballot.
Staffers for the senator from Connecticut, who lost the Aug. 8 Democratic primary to Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont, called both efforts dirty politics. The senator filed as an independent candidate a day after the loss, running under the new Connecticut for Lieberman Party.
Hey GBS: Sorry to burst that Fitzmas bubble, but it looks more and more not Rove.
But I realize even smart ones like you are pursuaded my the moonbat wing of Goldie’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
Pope; Sorry, but I think most poll results for a judicial election are meaningless, except as a measure of name recognition (and even then its only marginally meaningfull). Most voters don’t know a thing about judicial candidates when they go into the polling booth, and are usually surprised to find them on the ballots, and either ignore that portion of the ballot or just “take a stab” at it, based upon which names sounds the most familiar.
Sorry to be so cynical, but since judicial candidates cannot talk about the “issues”, it will continue to be so.
On the bright side (for you), it gives you a better chance at election. What good Catholic wouldn’t want “the Pope” as their judge? Of course, if you keep making sure that Ottinger’s recent ethics problems are well publicized, you will only increase her name recognition, without necessarily having the voters link her name in a negative context.
Lest We Forget:
Bush didn’t interrupt his vacation when Hurricane Katrina hit last August. He only cut it short by a couple of days, and then only when it became clear that it was more than a natural disaster, more than a human disaster – it was a public relations disaster!
Leaving Texas, he didn’t go straight to the disaster site to “kick but and take names”, making sure the government was doing all it could. Instead he flew OVER the site, and then went straight to Washington D.C.
When he did arrive in New Orleans, he was quick to praise FEMA director Brown, saying he was doeing a “Heckuva Job”. E-mails released later showed that he was clearly in over his head (as was much of New Orleans), spending more time worrying about how he should dress for televised news conferences (polo shirts or rolled-up sleaves?). At other times he was refusing to take urgent calls from the people on the ground if it might interrupt his steak dinner. It shouldn’t have been unexpected – Brown was a low-level political hack, who was appointed to an agency which the Bush administration intended to, and was in the process of, dismanteling.
Days after the city was flooded, with television showing desperate people still trying to get rescued from rooftops, people hungry, thirsty, and even dying at the Superdome, Bush and Brown claimed that they had “just learned” of the situation, and that “nobody could have predicted” the flooding which occured there. At that point the American people saw that the emporer had no clothes. The evidence to the contrary had been broadcast to them over TV for the past three days. Either Bush was an idiot or a liar, or both.
Now Bush had an even bigger public relations problem. Damage control measures were put in place. Brown was sacked, made the scapegoat for the Bush Administration’s attempts to kill of the only federal agency in charge of disaster planning and rescue operations. Millions of dollars were given out directly to disaster victims, without any semblence of control or accountability, in an effort to show that the Bush administration was doing “something”. Two weeks later, Bush appeared in New Orleans and promised to “do what it takes” to rebuild New Orleans.
But now a year has passed. The news media, tired of the story and the public being bored by the slow pace of the cleanup, has directed its attentions elsewhere. But an an analysis shows that as soon as the media attention faded, so did any effort by the Bush administration to rebuild New Orleans, or even restore the coastal communities of Mississippi. While pointing the finger at local officials, the Bush administration and the Republican Congress have been the most obstructionist in the real efforts to save the region.
RHP6033 You bring up a good point, but the issues of Houston crime wave, Ray Nagin and gang in Hawaii are overshadowing this. So while the northwest moonbat MSM focuses on this the other media is trumpeting the NO problems with their populace in other cities. Hmmm…? Is this why no northwest moonbat offered to take NO Katrina victims? Are you all racists?
Bad News for BushCo
So much for the London terror scare reaffirming the need for the Iraq Debacle.
Just 35 percent of 1,033 adults polled say they favor the war in Iraq; 61 percent say they oppose it — the highest opposition noted in any CNN poll since the conflict began more than three years ago.
It gets even worse for Bush. He is roundly distrusted:
Most Americans (54 percent) don’t consider him honest, most (54 percent) don’t think he shares their values and most (58 percent) say he does not inspire confidence.
Bush’s stand on the issues is also problematic, with more than half (57 percent) of Americans saying they disagree with him on the issues they care about.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
RHP6033 You bring up a good point, but the issues of Houston crime wave, Ray Nagin and gang in Hawaii are overshadowing this. So while the northwest moonbat MSM focuses on this the other media is trumpeting the NO problems with their populace in other cities. Hmmm…? Is this why no northwest moonbat offered to take NO Katrina victims? Are you all racists?
Commentby Puddybud [………………………………………………………………How many Katrina Democrat blacks were taken in by the ‘good Democrat citizens” of Cape Cod? East Hampton? Hillary’s “home town” in upstate New York? Beverly Hills? hehe, JCH]
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Searching for a campaign theme to resonate with voters and elevate the debate above the usual anti- Bush, anti-Iraq-war rhetoric, congressional Democrats have set their sights on a new target: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The Dems are accusing the world’s biggest retailer of failing to provide a living wage and adequate health-care benefits to its employees. [………………………………………………………………………..Fact: During the last Presidential election, John :Fing” Kerry’s staff shopped at WALMART for office supplies. Classic Democrat “All animals are equal, but Democrat animals who have several mansions, fly in private jets, own SUVs, and shop at non union WALMALTs are just a little more equal than others”!!! hehe, JCH]
PuddyBud at 81:
I can’t speak for all Democrats, but two weeks after Katrina hit my church, in conjunction with two others and a non-religious non-profit organization, were finding homes for Katrina victims in the Seattle/Everett area. I personnally contributed money to the effort and worked at an event in Lynnwood where we helped Katrina victimis get fitted with donated clothes and personal supplies – most came with only the clothes on their backs, which they had been wearing for two weeks. We even had stylists from a local hair salon donate their services for the victims.
Six months later I was in Mississipi helping to re-build a church there. (My Dad was born with a “hammer in his hand”, and I can frame a building as well as the next guy).
So, how does this compare with most Republicans in the Northwest? I have no idea. There were certainly a lot of Republicans and Democrats working together in the projects I was involved in. People needed help, and politics wasn’t important to our ability to deliver a service to them.
But when individuals are trying to help out by opening their homes to evacuees, helping them find jobs, giving them clothes and food, and yet the government can’t (or won’t) take steps to solve the bigger problems, then its like fighting against the tide with a spoon.
RHP6033: I am so glad you asked. I have ~800 pictures of our activites. We spend >$2000 of our own money + $500 in direct money contributions to reputable charities.
December 18: Our church (that’s right Treekillafraud) in concert with The Morrell Foundation (Mormons) set up different volunteer sites along with food distribution and rebuilding crews in the MS and LA area. We fly to katrinaland & we arrive in Baton Rouge around 6:00 PM Sunday. We drive 2 hours (we rented a Caddy, ’nuff said) to Waveland, MS where the eye hit with winds in excess of 215 MPH (UofTexas system measurements).
December 19: Some unload food and toy trucks from Philadelphia and Grand Rapids Michigan. Some head to Shiloh, LA, some head to Gulfport, MS. Day ends around 5:30 PM
December 20-23: We travel all around, building sites, my son travels to NO to gut a house, other son gives away food at food bank and helps rebuild a grocery store. We build volunteer camps, stip local houses, etc.
December 24: Go to church
December 25th: Say goodbyes, new people from our LA church arrive and we return home.
BTW: Just from our church > 50 people and 6 families spend our own money and volunteer.
Hope that helps.
We are compassionate conservatives. We put our money where our rhetoric is. Looks like RHP6033 only you from the left and some of my friends on the right went.
To clear the air moonbattic idiots, PacMan’s daughter went in October. Her description of the devestation caused us to change our vacation in Europe (London and Paris) and instead travel to katrinaland. Yes we lost a $500 deposit, BUT WHEN YOU ARE DOING GOD’S WORK, HE OPENS THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN IN MALACHI 3:6-11!
Pudybud: I’m glad to hear that you and your family put your money & labor where your mouth is. Kudos.
We may disagree over the correct government policy. But it does indeed start with each one of us. And I wasn’t the only Democrat involved.
And yes, Malachi Chapt. 3 is one of my favorite portions in the Old Testament.
re 71.
I agree with
Burner cant waste her money on ads like this. Are they trying for that first college project in media relations look? It makes me very suspicious about the intelligence of the people she’s got running her campaign.
Good RHP6033. I will no longer refer to YOU as a moonbat but a left leaning compassionate Christian!
Feel free to correct me if I slip and refer to you as a moonbat. Slipping is easy because you have the likes of left turdball around lurking with inane stupid commentary.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
rhp6033, The New Orleans Levee Board, now vacationing in Kapalua, Maui, thanks you for your efforts. In between playing the “PGA” Plantation course, taking helo rides around Maui, rub downs at “The Spa” and dining and drinking at the RITZ, each and every member of the NOLB sezs, “Thank you, MoFo”!!!!
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
AUSTIN — Former Texas Attorney General Dan Morales, already disbarred in Texas after his federal conviction for mail fraud and filing a false tax return, was suspended Monday from practicing before the U.S. Supreme Court. Morales, 50, is serving a four-year sentence at a federal prison in Texarkana. His projected release date is April 1, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
As usual, political affiliation (Democrat) not noted. He got in trouble for faking records relating to pals getting big bucks from the tobacco lawsuits.
No affiliation mentioned, always means a Dem is in play.
And the media doesn’t think they have bias?
They are simply too close to the forest to see the trees.
It will be interesting to see if she takes the netroots advice and goes hard core, or if sticks with the non-partisan theme. I guess it will depend on who really is pulling the strings at her campaign.
Her second attempt wasn’t much better – the criticism of $14 billion for alternative energy, supported by the state dems.
BTW – I got the same survey call last night about who I would vote for in the 8th. Not exactly a push poll, but not a legit one either. I’m betting it was from darcy’s campaign.
My Left Footspews:
WOW, what a way to start the day. With JCH proving himself to be an ass, prancing about, spewing his anti gay-Black-Jew-Women bullshit. John Craig Herman, why don’t you do us all a favor and find something else to excite you to erection? Please!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and wondering how long before JCH gets his ass kicked by a gay, Black, Jewish woman. Rut Roh, here come the train and shower “jokes” again.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
94….Nope, Today’s topic will be Democrat Mrs. Grossman and Democrat hero “Tookie” Williams’ 9 inches of “Democrat love”! How do I know the “size” of Mr. Williams? Mrs. Grossman’s howling and moaning when she was taking it “Tookie style” [up her Democrat rectum] could be hear 3000 miles away! BTW, Check “Tookie” visitor logs. Mrs. Grossman was a regular!!!!!!!!
John Barellispews:
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
While I don’t doubt your faith, it would help others to see that Christians can disagree on means, if you could perhaps refrain from calling people “turdball”. (Yes, I need to watch the personal attacks too. I’m still a work in progress myself.)
“Preach the Gospel in all things. If necessary, use words.” – St Francis.
Democrats and Republicans have some honest differences. Both parties have individuals and small groups that we tolerate because they have vocal followings that we need.
But most Democrats, like most Republicans (I hope) are people of good will that want what they see as best for the country.
When I see what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Washington DC, I wonder how Christians can allow that.
Then I look at crime, drug abuse, children without effective parents and understand that it is a matter of different approaches to problems and different perspectives. Honest differences between people with the same basic goals.
Often those differences are exploited by people who are not “of good will”, and would happily switch sides if it was to their personal advantage. We can debate exactly who those people are, although we probably will not agree. It’s much easier to see the speck in your neighbor’s eye than the log in your own.
Most of our differences can be ironed out by dialog. Both sides have people that do not want dialog, but want to win at all costs. (Read this thread, you’ll see examples from both sides.) Those folks should be ignored, and I’m going to work harder on that myself.
But it would help me to do that if my fellow Democrats could go a bit easier on the profanity, and the Republicans could state their opinions without the name calling, while remembering that this is a left-leaning bunch, so don’t expect a really warm reception here.
I’d really like to be able to have my 13 year old son read some of the opinions here, (both sides) as I think it’s important for him to think for himself.
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
John Barelli, This “sandbox” should not be and will not be dragged down to a 13 year old’s “lowest common denomiator”. Let the kid play little league, hit the pool, look at the chicks, and eat pizza [ie…..have fun over his summer vacation!]. Forcing him to read opinions on HA.ORG will only piss him off and make him a geek. You don’t want him to be a geek, do you, John? John???
Doctor JCH Kennedyspews:
Conservatism and conservatives are BAD FOR AMERICA, and the polls show that the voters realize this. Throw ‘em out.
Commentby Daddy Love, [……………….So what we need is more welfare, “guvment” unions, and illegals to vote Democrat? Altas has Shrugged, Daddy Love. When you Democrat libs take control of a city or state, the Republican tax base will eventually leave. Think Detroit, Gary, South Central LA, “Chocolate City, LA [New Orleans], and Harare, Zimbabwe.]
I have it on good authority that Darcy is going to start challenging RubberStampReichert to a series of debates. The fucking coward will either give in and get his clock cleaned or show himself for his true colors, a coward who’s used to hiding behind a badge and a gun. Man would I love to see that punk show up for a debate…
Good try again Goldie, sending out the error message.
I’d really like to be able to have my 13 year old son read some of the opinions here, (both sides) as I think it’s important for him to think for himself. Commentby John Barelli— 8/22/06@ 11:19 am
Well that being said John, remember Goldie’s blog is a librul one and a free for all. Just ask Rabbit Pellet.
Regarding name calling, I can go back and see when I was called all the names FIRST John. I stooped to their level (GBS tried to persuade me by a woodshed comment). Puddwacker, Puddbutt, Puddbutthead, Rancidbuttputty, etc. The most telling ones were house and field nigger.
I hope that clears you on name calling.
BTW My sons (also ridiculed by fudge packers) read this blog all the time!
To quote Mrs. Burner
“Because dangerous moments are also the moments in which America has risen to be her greatest. The Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, even The Great Depression. When we overcame it we were a greater and better country than we were when we started.”
So this is what a Harvard education does for you. How pitiful.
I can’t wait to see the “debates.” I just lost 9 minutes of my life watching that dribble, hoping beyond hope, that she would say something that was actually meaningful or was some semblance of a plan. But nothing.
How you can all back her is beyond me.
John Barellispews:
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
“So this is what a Harvard education does for you. How pitiful.”
While the Industrial Revolution did bring many good things to our country, it also brought its share of problems. Sweatshops, child labor, unions and management actually shooting at each other, thousands displaces by the changes in our society. All of those challenges came with the Industrial Revolution, and we overcame them.
The Civil War brought good things, too. That didn’t make it free from pain and death.
she said “Industrial Revolution” not problems caused by the Industrial Revolution.
Sorry, but it just makes her sound foolish.
Daddy Lovespews:
JCH @ 97
Sorry, but Democrats control Washington state, which is pretty prosperous. Claim refuted.
Daddy Lovespews:
soundcrossing @ 101
“How you can all back her is beyond me. ”
We’ve seen what a great job Republicnas do when they’re in charge, and we’ve had enough.
Daddy Lovespews:
Seems to me that if Washington state were trying to permanently jail “an avowed white supremacist with a history of mental illness,” JCH, Janet S, and MTR would be in here defending his rights.
Daddy Lovespews:
puddybud @ 47
The preident’s August job approval numbers have not been good overall:
“I sure don’t care if she chooses not to raise her very young child. ”
Nearly all of the members of the House have children. Does that make them all bad parents, or are they “choosing not to raise their children?” Is Dave Reichert abandoning his grandchildren?
Daddy Lovespews:
JCH @ 82
“the issues of Houston crime wave, Ray Nagin and gang in Hawaii are overshadowing this”
Um, says who?
Daddy Lovespews:
71, 88, 92
I agree with Jane and Matt (@ firedoglake and MyDD, respectively).
Here’s what a candidates must do. Cutting and pasting because it’s good.
Candidates should run aggressively on accountability and the war in Iraq. Here are six specific ‘rules of thumb’ we recommend you use for planning purposes. 1. Iraq must be central in your campaign and you must blame Republicans for it.
Ignoring Iraq, downplaying its significance, or accepting Bush’s framework by not blaming leaders is a sign to voters that you are weak, unlikely to bring change, and not addressing the main issue of the day. Regardless of how you approach the policy going forward in Iraq, the key trait that voters seek is a willingness to hold failed leaders accountable for the debacle. Be willing to uncover the truth, place blame, and demand consequences.
2. The debate on whether Bush is a competent, trustworthy President is over.
He is considered among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents a leader who makes mistakes and then won’t tell the truth about those mistakes. This is not about competence. This is about massive failure of leadership with no end in sight.
3. Republicans cannot run against Bush and Iraq.
Voters do not think that Republicans are willing to hold Bush or other administration figures accountable for those mistakes, so Republican Congressional dissent on the war is unlikely to help Republicans. But dissent will, in fact, work to Democratic candidates’ advantage. It shows strength and, most importantly, principle and personal values.
4. ‘Terrorism’ scares only work in the absence of strong accountability messaging, since Republicans are no longer trustworthy on issues of war and peace.
Voters know Republicans will let mistakes slide and they want accountability in the face of that.
5. Oversight beats withdrawal.
Journalists or other messengers who frame politics in terms of a need to have an alternative plan in contrast to Bush are insulting voters, and should be taken to task aggressively for framing false choices and misrepresenting the role of Congress. Congress primarily serves as military oversight, not military policy. Voters know that.
6. Pick a fight, any fight.
Voters need to be convinced that Democrats can credibly challenge Bush. Whether the fight is over de-funding Cheney’s personal staff, attacking John Bolton’s confirmation, impeachment hearings, or stopping war profiteering with a new ‘Truman Commission,’ Democratic candidates must demonstrate strength through aggressive confrontation where the term ‘accountability’ is more than just an abstraction or corporate lingo. It must be made real through a fight you plan to pick.
When presented with squeals from journalists and Republicans over your fight, a resolute willingness to not back off in the face of criticism is key. Your willingness to hold Bush accountable must be made real. For example, demand that the president and the party in power come to account for having squandered lives, security and treasure while enriching CEOs of major corporations such as Halliburton.
Here’s a real-world example of this dynamic from US history: Harry Truman became vice president because as a US Senator, he had the backbone to demand that major figures in the American economy either give back money stolen in the provision of shoddy materiel for World War II, or go to jail for treason.
Your sons are “ridiculed by fudge packers?” Do they work in some sort of candy making factory?
JCH is still muttering own about some levy board taking a business trip to Hawaii. Apparantly he/she doesn’t know that this is a very common location for seminars, conventions, and training sessions used by both private companies and public organizations. This would be the “off-season”, so rates would be lower than in winter or early spring. The cost isn’t that much different from any other location within the U.S. where such meetings would be held, assuming you know how to book using convention rate discounts.
But the real reason JCH doesn’t like the idea is that he/she assumes that if they are from the New Orleans area, they must be black and Democrats.
“How dare they partake of the same priviledges as the Republican white folk! See how uppity they have become? If you ain’t serving drinks or mopping the floor, you have no business here! Get back to the plantation where you belong!”
By the way, I was in Honolulu for an overnight on a business trip last month. Two blocks away from Waikiki beach, $90.00 USD per night. That’s for a business-class hotel. We didn’t have a convention discount, but we did get the airline discount, which would be close to the same.
Bid deal (yawn).
By the way, in case anybody misses JCH’s main point, JCH wants us to ignore the Bush’s staggering incompetence in handling the Katrina disaster by getting us to believe that (a) the victims are all criminals anyway, and (b) they would waste any taxpayer money they received, so (c) we should ignore them and let them suffer.
Typical Bush/Rove/Cheney/Rusmfield tactic. If somebody suffers because you screw up your job, blame the victim.
Another TJspews:
By the way, in case anybody misses JCH’s main point
I’m just amazed that anyone still reads what he posts. I accidentally notice a racist rant here and there, but most of the time, it’s the internet version of Charlie Brown’s teacher(Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah, wah.)
Actually, I wish this blog put the writer’s name at the top, rather than at the bottom. This would allow me to skip some of them easier.
I usually disregard the rants of MTR and JCH, but sometimes (a) it is just plain amusing to point out how ridiculous they are, (b) they are, at times, the best advertising the Democrats can have, and (c) sometimes I worry that our lack of response might be deemed acceptance by newer readers to this blog.
I hear ya, and those are all valid points I’ve considered myself. I just can’t do it. Life’s too short – to me. Others make different choices, and I can understand that. No offense intended.
Here in WA State. You are kidding right? When was the last time Republicans, or any other party controlled WA? Can’t remeber eh?
Our schools are underfunded and classes are too large – WEA
-Well that is a democrat flogging point year in and year out but nothing is EVER done about it. We keep throwing more money at it but gain no traction. Point in fact the closure of the schools in Seattle.
Consistently having to special levy for emergency services
-Well this is entirely bull!@#$. Education, Emergency Service are two of the things that should be funded first. Not as after thoughts like they are now.
Constant traffic woes
-Sound Transit? RTA? anybody? The Sounder? Freaking biggest boondoggles in mass transit history outside of the big dig. The viaduct replacement will be next. Just look up the “scorecard”. You can find it. And see where the dollars are going and how on budget our State is for transportation. Wait I’ll give you the link: http://www.effectivetransporta.....nsit%22%22
Um Greg Nichols drive to get people to move “in city” and his promise of affordable housing “in city” as well.
-Look at “housing” prices in New York, Manhatten, Boston, etc and tell me if there will ever be affordable housing in Seattle if his push succeeds. Shoot ,, just look at the price of a condo in city now.
Asparagus Commission?????
-Another important function of the WA State govt.
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
While cruising this thread someone asked about fudge packing.
I think we can safely say that Puddy was NOT referring to definition #1!
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
Results 1 – 10 of about 308,000 for Fudge Packing. (0.23 seconds)
Mike Webb Sucksspews:
Hey Moonbats this says it all:
“Dr Sigmundsdottir told us these experiences are typical of the hundreds of women who have wrecked their health by surfing the marmite highway.
The UK Association for Young Mothers is convinced that the male-dominated Porn industry is behind the epidemic that is sweeping the bedrooms and alleyways of this country. “Make no mistake,” said Dr Sigmundsdottir, “chocolate speedway riding is the single biggest threat facing women today. If we do not shut the door on this disgusting practice, we are leaving ourselves wide open to a whole range of diseases. Cadbury alley was never intended for fudge packing. The muscles of the chocolate starfish have to be forced open to admit the marmite driller. If the brute then discharges his cannon into your bomb bay, his love juice will attack the delicate lining. The result is ring sting, chronic flatulence and leakage. What’s worse, legions of filthy bacteria and viruses will hitch a ride on his odious tool, and invade your body. Women who invite the chocolate chimney sweep into the tradesman’s entrance will quickly find themselves at the bottom of a slippery slope that leads to disease, infertility and an early grave.””
Had Enough?
Vote Democrat.
Yes and we hoped that Janet S would be there to tell Darcy a woman’s place is in the home but alas, Janet thought better of it and didn’t show up. I guess she’s still working on coming up with SOME reason, ANY reason why we should vote for the guy who spent 20 years trying to catch a high school drop out that murdered 40 women.
Or maybe janet can tell us why we should vote for a guy who was responsible for running one of the most corrupt sheriff’s departments in the USA?
Found a pic of Left Turd:
Hey, Darcy Burner can give a damn good speech! I like the emphasis she places on the word, fight. Who’s she running against, some nobody?
“Today we march, Tomorrow we vote”, and the day after that, “Atlas Shrugged”, and the Republican tax base moves out of state! Think of the illegals, welfare hacks, Democrat union thugs, and Democrat “guvment” employees all trying to tax each other! A Democrat circle jerk!!!!!!
So little darcy the dupe talked about HER DADDY and she talked about HATE BUSH and she talked about wishes and hopes and spouted platitudes (oil, healthcare blah, blah, blah) and hit all the DNC mandated talking points (“Seig Heil DNC…I WANT that money and I WILL obey!”)…but, golly, gosh, gee whiz, a whole 9 minutes and 11 seconds and little darcy never got around to mentioning a PLAN.
By the way, are those 12 people “applauding” in the background the SAME 12 that listen to la goldie??
ps: why do all those damned liberal broads HAVE TO TALK LIKE VALLEY GIRLS WITH BAD ADENOIDS??????
Why would anyone vote for RubberStampReichert when they can vote for this? http://tinyurl.com/opkdy
OAXACA, Mexico — Striking teachers armed with pipes, wood planks and clubs seized 12 private radio stations in Mexico’s southern Oaxaca state early today after unidentified assailants shot up a government-owned station already under the strikers’ control. The teachers, on strike since May 22, refused to halt their work stoppage to allow 1.3 million public school students to return to classes today, the start of the new school year. [……..That’s OK! Send the kids across the border!! The US taxpayer will educate them for free!!!!]
“Despite the rising opposition to the war, President Bush said the U.S. will not withdraw from Iraq while he is president.
“‘In this case, it would give the terrorists and extremists an additional tool besides safe haven, and that is revenues from oil sales,’ the president said. ‘Leaving before the job is done would be a disaster,’ he said.”
Yeah — it would gall the shit out of him if SOMEONE ELSE got the oil revenues, wouldn’t it?
250 billion barrels at $75 a barrel is $18.75 TRILLION dollars … slip slidin’ away …
That’s more money than a waitress would make in 4.2 billion years (at $2.13 per hour) … by then, the sun will have turned into a supernova and swallowed the Earth …
Willie Sutton had the right idea, but he didn’t think big enough. Rove got it right — get your man elected president (so he can pardon you and himself), turn the U.S. military into a 2-million-strong safecracking team, then steal the whole fucking world …
Turns out that Jimmy King is Karr’s boyfriend. Did Karr tell you he was planning to kill Jon Benet Jimmy?
The case of Rafael Trujillo is instructive of what Republicans have in mind for the U.S.
After overthrowing the existing government, Trujillo assumed absolute power, which he “legitimized” by passing new constitutions and winning “elections” in which he and his party were the only participants. While schoolchildren recited daily prayers for “God, country, and Trujillo,” the dictator’s secret police jailed, tortured and killed opponents; and travel by Dominicans within their own country was prohibited or put under surveillance by the police.
Trujillo used his political control to turn the Dominican Republic into a business enterprise for the enrichment of himself, his family, and his cronies. He owned virtually every business of any consequence in the country, and amassed enormous personal wealth. Ordinary Dominican citizens were little more than slaves.
The only good thing Trujillo ever did was to fucking DIE when army mutineers pumped him full of lead. Now don’t get me wrong — I’m not advocating shooting Republicans! I think we should hang them instead. Just kidding, ha! ha! ha! Hey, if Ann Coulter can joke about killing political opponents, why can’t I?
Roger Rabbit
King of Rabbits
Left Turd- we established yesterday that Karr was MTR, and he was in Thailand getting your stuff. Late to the party again, aren’t you…
If America was taken over by a ruthless dictator in the mold of Rafael Trujillo or Karl Rove, would you
[ ] 1. FIGHT!!!
[ ] 2. passively submit
[ ] 3. commit suicide
[ ] 4. flee to Canada
Liberals must arm!
No Jimmy we now think YOU are Karr and that you are the world’s biggest dick sucker.
@ 21- Left Turd- “We”? You and your little weinie? It is pretty sad when your little daughter doesn’t even feel “fulfilled”…
Anyway, if we are talking about the world’s biggest dick, we know it isn’t yours…
So we never ever forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from two weeks ago:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Funny Bunny @ 17
I have some rope! (he said hopefully). Can we start with John Craig Herman, Mike Webb Sucks and the Redneck pussy guy?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and willing to round up a posse to bring ’em and hang ’em high!!!!!
Did you catch the story about the liberal guy who refuses to take off names of dead soldiers off his liberal drivel shirts he is selling for $18.00 a piece. Aparently some family members objected to their sons name being printed and requested the names to be taken off. When they followed this guy he refused to answer any questions and continues to use the names to this day. More proof that the left really doesnt care about our fallen soldiers or their families. The left, the enemy within.
See this.
Now see this.
Had enough?
Vote Democrat.
@26- Carl- willing to make it a bipartisan necktie party- those idjits are an EMBARRASSMENT…
I have some rope! (he said hopefully). Can we start with John Craig Herman
Carl Grossman [……………………………………………………………………….After your train ride you can have a nice shower in the new “shower room”!!!]
RUFUS @ 25 (or so)….
“Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from two weeks ago: Psssssssssstttttttt……. Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.”
Sorry, dipshit. You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. Goldy didn’t write a story the Haq incident.
Gawwwwwddd…you Wingnuts are so fucking sooooopppiiiiiddd!!!
I watched Darcy both on CSpan after Howard spoke and then again on YouTube…thought I was watching the Muppet Show. Someone was moving Darcy back and forth…it was almost comical.
“Choo choo” goes the train, Carl. Then, out of your boxcar, and into a warm shower!!!
Carl Grossman, Does Mrs. Grossman miss Democrat hero “Tookie” “9 inch” Williams? I bet he misses her!!!!
I have some rope!
Carl Grossman [……………………………………………That rope belongs to Mrs. Grossman. Tookie enjoyed using it to ” 4 corner” Mrs. Grossman………..Get it??]
Dan @ 25
My greatest supporter!! You were among the faithful who applauded me when I pointed to the Macaca who had been stalking me.
Send me more $$$$$$ Dan like you did for yes on I-912 and I will continue to campaign on the issue of the Macacas.
And of course I will be your new Dear Leader Dan.
Seattle — Five families with children who were shot or traumatized in a 1999 shooting at a California Jewish center have filed a $15 million claim against Washington state, where the shooter had been on parole. The claim, potentially the precursor for a lawsuit, was filed Friday against the state Department of Corrections, which was responsible for supervising Buford O. Furrow Jr., an avowed white supremacist with a history of mental illness.
Serves them right, and this at least is the true reason for further crime – leniency in liberal, Democrat tree-hugging states. If them get a few hundred million, WASH State can just raise taxes!!!! hehe, JCH
9uYOpiiXE6cnL 3wy7QGx0D41t bflZKXVj9tFeb
You Bushbots are a bunch of lying monkeys and sons of bitches.
Put your courage with your mouth is and join up to kill the al qaeda types!
skinnyfreak, Been there, done that [76-84]…….And you?? Yeah, I thought so…..About the same military service as Bill Clinton and Miss Goldie put together………….hehe, JCH
John Craig Herman @ 37
Of all of my supporters, you John Craig Herman know in your very bones the importance of my campaign against the Macacas.
Send me $$$$$$ John Craig Herman. As your new Dear Leader I will lead our country out of the wilderness created by the Macacas!!!
JCH @ pretty near every post you leave:
1. The shower crack is old.
2. It was not funny in the slightest, even the first time.
3. The recent addition of “the shower” comment is not funny either.
4. If you think you are cute, you are not. You are the ignorant, illigit son of Anne Coulter and Satan himself.
5. The erection you give yourself by posting here is exciting only to you. The rest of us are no longer interested in your psycho-sexual erectile dysfunction.
6. Folks with money, by the way, rarely brag about it. Folks with class, never do. You give yourself away, John Craig, with the adolescent braggadocio that you are so fond of spouting.
7. Someday it is my sincere hope that, someday, you realize that ugliness you type is harmful and hurtful. Or, in the alternative, someone catches up with you and shoves your words down your throat. I strongly suspect that you lack the necessary stones to stop them.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and man enough to back my words with my name.
Can’t I be like Carl Grossman and send money to Senator Robert “KKK” “Nigger” Byrd, DEMOCRAT, WV????
I have some rope! (he said hopefully). Can we start with John Craig Herman
Carl Grossman ]Carl, Eat shit and die!! Can’t take it, pussy BOY? Then get out of the sandbox!!]
45…………..Game, Set, and Match!!! Carl “BOY” Grossman, leave the court!!!!!!!!!!!!
The train you hear coming, is actually the real life sound of the Republican party being rail roaded out of power.
By the way, line one in my last post at 45 should read TRAIN not SHOWER.
Have you talked with your shrink about your facination with Tookie Williams?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and about to publish Mr. Herman’s personal information. It is amazing what an internet search and a credit card can dig up.
Goldy — wouldn’t the gathering in Chicago be a MEETING of the Democrat National Committee? Democrats (and Republicans) only have NATIONAL CONVENTIONS every four years. In any event, this would seem to indicate that the national Democrat Party has a lot of confidence in Burner’s candidacy.
Goldy — wouldn’t the gathering in Chicago be a MEETING of the Democrat National Committee? Democrats (and Republicans) only have NATIONAL CONVENTIONS every four years. In any event, this would seem to indicate that the national Democrat Party has a lot of confidence in Burner’s candidacy.
John Craig Herman:
I can take it. I actually enjoy your use of racial slurs and ignorant banter. It shows just what a foolish jerk you are and shines a light on the true spirit of the WingNut party.
A more eloquent spokesman would have me concerned.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Gentleman and still willing to fly you here for dinner and discussion. What is your excuse, afraid to fly or do you just want to plead “lack of a pair hanging”?
Yell us more, bushbot! We’re dying to hear your trumped up service history.
Have you talked with your shrink about your facination with Tookie Williams?
Carl Grossman [….Carl, That would be DEMOCRAT Hero “Tookie” Williams. He may be dead now, but Democrat Jesse “Shakedown” “Lovechild” Jacksooooooooooooooon and Democrat Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton assured us he will vote Democrat in NOV 06!!]
skinnyfreak, Do you miss Democrat hero “Tookie” “9 inch” Williams? I bet he misses your “skinnyfreak” Democrat rectum. BTW, “Tookie” may still be hard and ready for you, “skinnyfreak”!
I can take it. I actually enjoy your use of racial slurs and ignorant banter.
Carl Grossman [……You dream of me, don’t you, Carl? While Mrs. Grossman is “out with “9 inch Tookie” getting some Democrat “love”, you’re on the computer. Just a normal Democrat couple!!!
There is a special level of hell for a POS like you. You did manage to avoid the question about travel to WA for dinner and conversation. No stones.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and not letting you dodge the issues.
The juvenile humor shows the anger that you feel. When you were a child, just how bad was the abuse? I would be willing to work with and to provide the counseling you are so deeply in need of.
Carl Grossman
Compassionate, Liberal, Democrat
Just how is you know the size of Tookie’s tool? I am really worried about you John.
Sorry, dipshit. You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. Goldy didn’t write a story the Haq incident.
Gawwwwwddd…you Wingnuts are so fucking sooooopppiiiiiddd!!!
Commentby dj— 8/21/06@ 9:20 pm
Yes he did diptard. He made some crap up that Haq was a converted to a right wing christian before he blew the Jewish woman away. Of course the Seattle Times story debunked that crap. DJ, you are in an angry mood. Please stay away from the pizza parlors full of Jewish kids. Ok
Notice how much Jimmy talks about sex and me? He’s obsessed with me and my cock. And when he pretends to be interested in “civil debate” over at Postman’s blog, I’ll link to these little tidbits so everyone knows what the little punk is really all about.
Puddybud –
I understand you are the Dean of those who “think right” on Horsesass.org.
Send me $$$$$$$ Puddybud. Support my campaign to be your next Dear Leader. Join me in my crusade to root out the Macacas among us!!!!!
DJ: Today you wear the HorsesAss award:
by Darryl, 07/30/2006, 12:05 PM
By now you have heard about the shooting of innocent people last Friday in downtown Seattle by a Christian terrorist. And what I want to know is what are we going to do about the rise of Christian terrorism in this country?
Sure, the Seattle Times inadvertently report that Naveed Afzal Haq was a Muslim-American:
A Muslim-American man angry with Israel barged into the offices of the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Friday afternoon and opened fire with a handgun, killing one woman and wounding five others before surrendering to police.
But now we know the cold, hard, and incontestable fact: Haq was a recent convert to Christianity:
He told friends he felt alienated from his own family, in part because his career had disappointed his father and also because he had disavowed Islam last year, converting to Christianity.
Haq had begun studying the Bible, attending weekly men’s spiritual group meetings, only to stop coming a few months after his baptism.
The group’s leader, Albert Montelongo, said Haq started studying the Bible and in December he underwent a water baptism at the non-denominational church, performed by Montelongo. He said Haq accepted his new faith, though he knew that he would also be offending his own family and its deeply rooted culture.
Gerald said you can’t anything from a perfesser. I have to agree with Gerald. DJ ate the left turd’s latest turdball!
Seattle – Five families with children who were shot or traumatized in a 1999 shooting at a California Jewish center have filed a $15 million claim against Washington state, where the shooter had been on parole.
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/21/06@ 9:30 pm
Whoa you dont say. Liberals letting a liberal out to kill more Jews. Par for the course.
DJ’s alter ego: Commentby George Allen [R – NoMacacas]— 8/21/06@ 10:08 pm
Eventhough Goldy didn’t “write the comment” we all know he blessed it. Nothing goes on this web site without his TACIT approval.
I stand by my previous post.
Is dj a Republican?
Thank you Puddybud. I will ask dj for $$$$$$ to support our cause.
One can’t get enough $$$$$$ when campaigning for Dear Leader to protect our country from the Macacas.
George – Last I checked we were still trying to determine what perfesser dj was, is, has been!
CAPE TOWN – Barack Obama, the only black U.S. senator, criticized South African leaders on Monday for their slow response to AIDS and said he planned to be tested for HIV while visiting Kenya later on his African trip. South African AIDS activists say Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang has created confusion by pushing traditional medicines and a recipe of garlic, beetroot, lemon and African potatoes…
He’s getting an HIV test while in Africa?? Hmmmm…… Wonder what his wife thinks about this?
left turn – in case anyone reading this actually believes anything that you right, let me be clear: darcy can choose any career she wants, I sure don’t care if she chooses not to raise her very young child. But she shouldn’t then turn around and brag about what a great mother she is and how motherhood has made her so much more qualified to be a rep. When her child reaches 18 and is a healthy, well adjusted young adult, then she can make that claim. Until then? Just another tall tale.
Janet, you totally miss little darcy the dupes point about ‘motherhood’ … she didn’t abort that little clump of parasitic cells now known as Henry, ergo, in her little liberal mind, she is a good mommy. Perhaps she feels that in making the choice not to abort her little clump of parasitic cells now known as Henry she has shown ‘executive’ decision making powers that actually qualify her for something …other than a homeowners association recreation group.
Now- before jumping down my throat, people, take a look at some numbers from a poll commissioned by KING-TV on the Supreme Court races. Some interesting stuff, most likely demonstrating (I hope) that the voters do not yet have a clue.
Richard Pope pulled up the link- need to give credit where credit is due-
But here are the numbers:
Chambers leading Burrage by only 9% (41% to 32%)
Alexander- Groen up for grabs (36% to 32%)
Owens at only 28% trailed by “everybody else” at 11% (Smith) plus 11% (S Johnson) plus 10% (M Johnson) plus 9% (Ericson) (that’s 41% “other”)
But beyond that- gender rears its head…
To begin with, women are more likely to be undecided- about a range of 37% to 39% on the three races (not statistically different from race to race). And after accounting for a higher undecided proportion, women favor Alexander over Groen, but only very slightly, more than do men (3% margin to 5% margin).
But in the two races with a woman…
Owens polls 31% of all woman, to 30% for all other candidates, while she polls only 25% of men, to 51% for all other candidates…
And Burrage outpolls Chambers 36% to 27% among women, compared to trailing 28% to 53% among men.
Party and ideological breaks in two races are about what would be expected, but in the Burrage-Chambers race:
Republicans- Burrage 21% Chambers 52%
Independents- Burrage 36% Chambers 38%
Democrats- Burrage 42% Chambers 31%
Conservatives- Burrage 24% Chambers 49%
Moderates- Burrage 36% Chambers 41%
Liberals- Burrage 38% Chambers 26%
It seems that Burrage is appealing most to liberal Democratic women…
I find it hard to believe that people like Darcy (this puts me on topic) would support Burrage!
What is going on???!!!
1VDP2bqWbiSv dzdxswcHP6IsRk d7V4oEdXAN
Speaking of Darcy: Got a call today with a recorded poll.
Claimed to be a non-partisan poll and the first question was:
Do you think out country is going into the right direction, press 1 for yes, 2 for now.
Second question:
If the election would be today, who would you vote for:
Dave Reichert press 1
Former Microsoft Excecutive Darcy Burner, Press 2
So a) this poll is non partisan my ass and someone is still claiming she’s was a microsoft executive…what a joke.
Not sure the data “this non partisan” poll is collecting will be correct. And we all know who is running this poll.
I think this link gets all of the percentages for that Supreme Court poll:
It is amazing that liberal Seattle lawyer Richard Smith gets 22% support from Republicans and 2% support from Democrats. Stephen Johnson (GOP 17%, Dems 5%) may be facing a bigger threat from Smith, than from Michael Johnson.
Richard- some of those breakouts really give one pause, don’t they? Of course, a small sample and so on, but still- and the primary is less than a month away…
Okay, I will HAVE to go OFF-TOPIC here, because I think this one is funny. My opponent for King County District Court (or is that Okanogan County District Court?) has launched her campaign website (and doesn’t even mention a word about her disciplinary record of censures and suspension from office):
So I did a WHOIS search for this website, and came up with:
WHOIS Record For
Mary Ann Ottinger
27 Lower Bear Creek Access Rd
Winthrop, Washington 98862
United States
Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
Created on: 10-Aug-06
Expires on: 10-Aug-07
Last Updated on: 10-Aug-06
Administrative Contact:
Hardy, Jeff mw1@methownet.com
PO BOX 636
Winthrop, Washington 98862
United States
(509) 996-2022
Technical Contact:
Hardy, Jeff mw1@methownet.com
PO BOX 636
Winthrop, Washington 98862
United States
(509) 996-2022
Yes, it is bad enough that the only real property owned by Judge Ottinger is her 23 acre Methow Valley estate right outside of Winthrop. But at least she can pretend to be a King County resident by registering to vote at a one bedroom condo in downtown Bellevue that is owned by a fellow judge.
But to register her campaign website at her Okanogan County home address, when she is running for King County District Court — PRICELESS!
Jim King @ 67
Maybe the voters were confusing Richard Smith with Richard Pope? How else can you explain such a strong (and illogical) difference in Smith’s appeal between Republicans and Democrats?
What would be the poll results in a three-way race if I had done what Wayne was hinting at back in late July, and also filed against Tom Chambers? Would I be facing the prospect of fighting it out with Jeanette Burrage in November?
In any event, it is probably much easier to beat a sitting judge who has been recently suspended from office for misconduct, than to face off against a folk hero former judge who merely has a bad reputation in certain quarters.
Or they could also be confusing Richard Smith with Richard Sanders. Hmmm — there are already two Johnsons on the Supreme Court, but only one Richard. There used to be a Richard Guy on the Supreme Court until a few years — who was popular enough to beat former Governor John Spellman back in 1990.
Speaking of Darcy Burner…. Firedoglake is not happy with the ad.
Yes Janet S we need to be concerned about what I “right.”
My goodness woman – you teach your children to read did you? How about WRITE?
Man you fucking righties are dumb fucks.
PLEASE keep spouting that right wing a woman’s place is in the home crap. PLEASE. It helps Darcy more than you can know. You can parse it anyway you want. Plenty of women work outside the home. Most in fact. Welcome to 2006. Your buddy, GW AWOL Bush has fixed it so that most families have to send the mom to work in order to survive. Your attack on Darcy for running for Congress while raising her child is in fact an attack on all women who work outside the home.
I’ve given copies of each of your right wing hate mails about Darcy’s child to her campaign. I am betting they can find a way to use them.
Left turdball: trust me your and other’s rants about Dave Reichert are in his office. This will be an amazing campaign season.
Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons will be the host of a campaign fundraiser Thursday for Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele’s run for U.S. Senate.
The fundraiser for Mr. Steele, a Republican who would be the state’s first black U.S. senator if elected, will be held at the Frederick Douglass-Isaac Myers Maritime Park in Baltimore.
Also scheduled to participate in the event are Cathy Hughes, founder and chairman of Radio One, a black-run broadcasting company specializing in urban markets, and hip-hop pioneer DJ Kid Capri.
Looks like blacks ARE embracing Michael Steele and this is pissing off the Donks as Neeeeeegros are leaving the plantation!
Five of the Democrats running for D.C. mayor all acknowledge they are hooked — on gas-guzzling, inefficient cars.
“I drive a big, black Range Rover; it’s an SUV,” said Michael A. Brown, a lobbyist. “It’s terrible on gas, but I can’t help myself.”
Mr. Brown was the first to tackle the question, “What car do you drive and is it an SUV?” during a candidates forum at the Earth Conservation Corps in Southeast last week.
Adrian M. Fenty was next to answer, following up Mr. Brown’s honesty with a confession of his own.
“I also can’t help myself; I drive an SUV,” the Ward 4 member of the D.C. Council said of his Ford Explorer.
“I drive a Mercedes E-320, which probably isn’t the best on gas,” Marie C. Johns, a former Verizon executive, said with a laugh, “but I guess I can’t help myself either.”
Vincent B. Orange Sr. was the last to answer.
“I drive a Cadillac SRX,” the Ward 5 member of the D.C. Council said.
The car question was raised at the end of the 90-minute forum, which focused on environmental issues and cleaning the Anacostia River. Candidate Linda W. Cropp, D.C. Council chairman, did not attend.
“We were doing pretty well before that question,” Mrs. Johns said.
Amazing that black donk like big SUVs. I guess they haven’t heard the “messaging” from Al Gore!
You fringies are wonderful:
Associated Press
Tuesday, August 22, 2006; Page A06
HARTFORD, Conn., Aug. 21 — Critics of Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman’s independent run to keep his job attacked on two fronts Monday, with one group asking an elections official to throw him out of the Democratic Party and a former rival calling on state officials to keep his name off the November ballot.
Staffers for the senator from Connecticut, who lost the Aug. 8 Democratic primary to Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont, called both efforts dirty politics. The senator filed as an independent candidate a day after the loss, running under the new Connecticut for Lieberman Party.
Hey GBS: Sorry to burst that Fitzmas bubble, but it looks more and more not Rove.
But I realize even smart ones like you are pursuaded my the moonbat wing of Goldie’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats!
Pope; Sorry, but I think most poll results for a judicial election are meaningless, except as a measure of name recognition (and even then its only marginally meaningfull). Most voters don’t know a thing about judicial candidates when they go into the polling booth, and are usually surprised to find them on the ballots, and either ignore that portion of the ballot or just “take a stab” at it, based upon which names sounds the most familiar.
Sorry to be so cynical, but since judicial candidates cannot talk about the “issues”, it will continue to be so.
On the bright side (for you), it gives you a better chance at election. What good Catholic wouldn’t want “the Pope” as their judge? Of course, if you keep making sure that Ottinger’s recent ethics problems are well publicized, you will only increase her name recognition, without necessarily having the voters link her name in a negative context.
Lest We Forget:
Bush didn’t interrupt his vacation when Hurricane Katrina hit last August. He only cut it short by a couple of days, and then only when it became clear that it was more than a natural disaster, more than a human disaster – it was a public relations disaster!
Leaving Texas, he didn’t go straight to the disaster site to “kick but and take names”, making sure the government was doing all it could. Instead he flew OVER the site, and then went straight to Washington D.C.
When he did arrive in New Orleans, he was quick to praise FEMA director Brown, saying he was doeing a “Heckuva Job”. E-mails released later showed that he was clearly in over his head (as was much of New Orleans), spending more time worrying about how he should dress for televised news conferences (polo shirts or rolled-up sleaves?). At other times he was refusing to take urgent calls from the people on the ground if it might interrupt his steak dinner. It shouldn’t have been unexpected – Brown was a low-level political hack, who was appointed to an agency which the Bush administration intended to, and was in the process of, dismanteling.
Days after the city was flooded, with television showing desperate people still trying to get rescued from rooftops, people hungry, thirsty, and even dying at the Superdome, Bush and Brown claimed that they had “just learned” of the situation, and that “nobody could have predicted” the flooding which occured there. At that point the American people saw that the emporer had no clothes. The evidence to the contrary had been broadcast to them over TV for the past three days. Either Bush was an idiot or a liar, or both.
Now Bush had an even bigger public relations problem. Damage control measures were put in place. Brown was sacked, made the scapegoat for the Bush Administration’s attempts to kill of the only federal agency in charge of disaster planning and rescue operations. Millions of dollars were given out directly to disaster victims, without any semblence of control or accountability, in an effort to show that the Bush administration was doing “something”. Two weeks later, Bush appeared in New Orleans and promised to “do what it takes” to rebuild New Orleans.
But now a year has passed. The news media, tired of the story and the public being bored by the slow pace of the cleanup, has directed its attentions elsewhere. But an an analysis shows that as soon as the media attention faded, so did any effort by the Bush administration to rebuild New Orleans, or even restore the coastal communities of Mississippi. While pointing the finger at local officials, the Bush administration and the Republican Congress have been the most obstructionist in the real efforts to save the region.
Federal response to Katrina proves slow, unreliableSeattle Times, August 20, 2006).
RHP6033 You bring up a good point, but the issues of Houston crime wave, Ray Nagin and gang in Hawaii are overshadowing this. So while the northwest moonbat MSM focuses on this the other media is trumpeting the NO problems with their populace in other cities. Hmmm…? Is this why no northwest moonbat offered to take NO Katrina victims? Are you all racists?
Bad News for BushCo
So much for the London terror scare reaffirming the need for the Iraq Debacle.
Just 35 percent of 1,033 adults polled say they favor the war in Iraq; 61 percent say they oppose it — the highest opposition noted in any CNN poll since the conflict began more than three years ago.
It gets even worse for Bush. He is roundly distrusted:
Most Americans (54 percent) don’t consider him honest, most (54 percent) don’t think he shares their values and most (58 percent) say he does not inspire confidence.
Bush’s stand on the issues is also problematic, with more than half (57 percent) of Americans saying they disagree with him on the issues they care about.
RHP6033 You bring up a good point, but the issues of Houston crime wave, Ray Nagin and gang in Hawaii are overshadowing this. So while the northwest moonbat MSM focuses on this the other media is trumpeting the NO problems with their populace in other cities. Hmmm…? Is this why no northwest moonbat offered to take NO Katrina victims? Are you all racists?
Commentby Puddybud [………………………………………………………………How many Katrina Democrat blacks were taken in by the ‘good Democrat citizens” of Cape Cod? East Hampton? Hillary’s “home town” in upstate New York? Beverly Hills? hehe, JCH]
Searching for a campaign theme to resonate with voters and elevate the debate above the usual anti- Bush, anti-Iraq-war rhetoric, congressional Democrats have set their sights on a new target: Wal-Mart Stores Inc. The Dems are accusing the world’s biggest retailer of failing to provide a living wage and adequate health-care benefits to its employees. [………………………………………………………………………..Fact: During the last Presidential election, John :Fing” Kerry’s staff shopped at WALMART for office supplies. Classic Democrat “All animals are equal, but Democrat animals who have several mansions, fly in private jets, own SUVs, and shop at non union WALMALTs are just a little more equal than others”!!! hehe, JCH]
PuddyBud at 81:
I can’t speak for all Democrats, but two weeks after Katrina hit my church, in conjunction with two others and a non-religious non-profit organization, were finding homes for Katrina victims in the Seattle/Everett area. I personnally contributed money to the effort and worked at an event in Lynnwood where we helped Katrina victimis get fitted with donated clothes and personal supplies – most came with only the clothes on their backs, which they had been wearing for two weeks. We even had stylists from a local hair salon donate their services for the victims.
Six months later I was in Mississipi helping to re-build a church there. (My Dad was born with a “hammer in his hand”, and I can frame a building as well as the next guy).
So, how does this compare with most Republicans in the Northwest? I have no idea. There were certainly a lot of Republicans and Democrats working together in the projects I was involved in. People needed help, and politics wasn’t important to our ability to deliver a service to them.
But when individuals are trying to help out by opening their homes to evacuees, helping them find jobs, giving them clothes and food, and yet the government can’t (or won’t) take steps to solve the bigger problems, then its like fighting against the tide with a spoon.
RHP6033: I am so glad you asked. I have ~800 pictures of our activites. We spend >$2000 of our own money + $500 in direct money contributions to reputable charities.
December 18: Our church (that’s right Treekillafraud) in concert with The Morrell Foundation (Mormons) set up different volunteer sites along with food distribution and rebuilding crews in the MS and LA area. We fly to katrinaland & we arrive in Baton Rouge around 6:00 PM Sunday. We drive 2 hours (we rented a Caddy, ’nuff said) to Waveland, MS where the eye hit with winds in excess of 215 MPH (UofTexas system measurements).
December 19: Some unload food and toy trucks from Philadelphia and Grand Rapids Michigan. Some head to Shiloh, LA, some head to Gulfport, MS. Day ends around 5:30 PM
December 20-23: We travel all around, building sites, my son travels to NO to gut a house, other son gives away food at food bank and helps rebuild a grocery store. We build volunteer camps, stip local houses, etc.
December 24: Go to church
December 25th: Say goodbyes, new people from our LA church arrive and we return home.
BTW: Just from our church > 50 people and 6 families spend our own money and volunteer.
Hope that helps.
We are compassionate conservatives. We put our money where our rhetoric is. Looks like RHP6033 only you from the left and some of my friends on the right went.
To clear the air moonbattic idiots, PacMan’s daughter went in October. Her description of the devestation caused us to change our vacation in Europe (London and Paris) and instead travel to katrinaland. Yes we lost a $500 deposit, BUT WHEN YOU ARE DOING GOD’S WORK, HE OPENS THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN IN MALACHI 3:6-11!
Pudybud: I’m glad to hear that you and your family put your money & labor where your mouth is. Kudos.
We may disagree over the correct government policy. But it does indeed start with each one of us. And I wasn’t the only Democrat involved.
And yes, Malachi Chapt. 3 is one of my favorite portions in the Old Testament.
re 71.
I agree with
Burner cant waste her money on ads like this. Are they trying for that first college project in media relations look? It makes me very suspicious about the intelligence of the people she’s got running her campaign.
Good RHP6033. I will no longer refer to YOU as a moonbat but a left leaning compassionate Christian!
Feel free to correct me if I slip and refer to you as a moonbat. Slipping is easy because you have the likes of left turdball around lurking with inane stupid commentary.
rhp6033, The New Orleans Levee Board, now vacationing in Kapalua, Maui, thanks you for your efforts. In between playing the “PGA” Plantation course, taking helo rides around Maui, rub downs at “The Spa” and dining and drinking at the RITZ, each and every member of the NOLB sezs, “Thank you, MoFo”!!!!
AUSTIN — Former Texas Attorney General Dan Morales, already disbarred in Texas after his federal conviction for mail fraud and filing a false tax return, was suspended Monday from practicing before the U.S. Supreme Court. Morales, 50, is serving a four-year sentence at a federal prison in Texarkana. His projected release date is April 1, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons.
As usual, political affiliation (Democrat) not noted. He got in trouble for faking records relating to pals getting big bucks from the tobacco lawsuits.
No affiliation mentioned, always means a Dem is in play.
And the media doesn’t think they have bias?
They are simply too close to the forest to see the trees.
Seems MyDD doesn’t like darcy’s bio ad either.
It will be interesting to see if she takes the netroots advice and goes hard core, or if sticks with the non-partisan theme. I guess it will depend on who really is pulling the strings at her campaign.
Her second attempt wasn’t much better – the criticism of $14 billion for alternative energy, supported by the state dems.
BTW – I got the same survey call last night about who I would vote for in the 8th. Not exactly a push poll, but not a legit one either. I’m betting it was from darcy’s campaign.
WOW, what a way to start the day. With JCH proving himself to be an ass, prancing about, spewing his anti gay-Black-Jew-Women bullshit. John Craig Herman, why don’t you do us all a favor and find something else to excite you to erection? Please!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and wondering how long before JCH gets his ass kicked by a gay, Black, Jewish woman. Rut Roh, here come the train and shower “jokes” again.
94….Nope, Today’s topic will be Democrat Mrs. Grossman and Democrat hero “Tookie” Williams’ 9 inches of “Democrat love”! How do I know the “size” of Mr. Williams? Mrs. Grossman’s howling and moaning when she was taking it “Tookie style” [up her Democrat rectum] could be hear 3000 miles away! BTW, Check “Tookie” visitor logs. Mrs. Grossman was a regular!!!!!!!!
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
While I don’t doubt your faith, it would help others to see that Christians can disagree on means, if you could perhaps refrain from calling people “turdball”. (Yes, I need to watch the personal attacks too. I’m still a work in progress myself.)
“Preach the Gospel in all things. If necessary, use words.” – St Francis.
Democrats and Republicans have some honest differences. Both parties have individuals and small groups that we tolerate because they have vocal followings that we need.
But most Democrats, like most Republicans (I hope) are people of good will that want what they see as best for the country.
When I see what is happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Washington DC, I wonder how Christians can allow that.
Then I look at crime, drug abuse, children without effective parents and understand that it is a matter of different approaches to problems and different perspectives. Honest differences between people with the same basic goals.
Often those differences are exploited by people who are not “of good will”, and would happily switch sides if it was to their personal advantage. We can debate exactly who those people are, although we probably will not agree. It’s much easier to see the speck in your neighbor’s eye than the log in your own.
Most of our differences can be ironed out by dialog. Both sides have people that do not want dialog, but want to win at all costs. (Read this thread, you’ll see examples from both sides.) Those folks should be ignored, and I’m going to work harder on that myself.
But it would help me to do that if my fellow Democrats could go a bit easier on the profanity, and the Republicans could state their opinions without the name calling, while remembering that this is a left-leaning bunch, so don’t expect a really warm reception here.
I’d really like to be able to have my 13 year old son read some of the opinions here, (both sides) as I think it’s important for him to think for himself.
John Barelli, This “sandbox” should not be and will not be dragged down to a 13 year old’s “lowest common denomiator”. Let the kid play little league, hit the pool, look at the chicks, and eat pizza [ie…..have fun over his summer vacation!]. Forcing him to read opinions on HA.ORG will only piss him off and make him a geek. You don’t want him to be a geek, do you, John? John???
Conservatism and conservatives are BAD FOR AMERICA, and the polls show that the voters realize this. Throw ‘em out.
Commentby Daddy Love, [……………….So what we need is more welfare, “guvment” unions, and illegals to vote Democrat? Altas has Shrugged, Daddy Love. When you Democrat libs take control of a city or state, the Republican tax base will eventually leave. Think Detroit, Gary, South Central LA, “Chocolate City, LA [New Orleans], and Harare, Zimbabwe.]
I have it on good authority that Darcy is going to start challenging RubberStampReichert to a series of debates. The fucking coward will either give in and get his clock cleaned or show himself for his true colors, a coward who’s used to hiding behind a badge and a gun. Man would I love to see that punk show up for a debate…
Good try again Goldie, sending out the error message.
I’d really like to be able to have my 13 year old son read some of the opinions here, (both sides) as I think it’s important for him to think for himself. Commentby John Barelli— 8/22/06@ 11:19 am
Well that being said John, remember Goldie’s blog is a librul one and a free for all. Just ask Rabbit Pellet.
Regarding name calling, I can go back and see when I was called all the names FIRST John. I stooped to their level (GBS tried to persuade me by a woodshed comment). Puddwacker, Puddbutt, Puddbutthead, Rancidbuttputty, etc. The most telling ones were house and field nigger.
I hope that clears you on name calling.
BTW My sons (also ridiculed by fudge packers) read this blog all the time!
To quote Mrs. Burner
So this is what a Harvard education does for you. How pitiful.
I can’t wait to see the “debates.” I just lost 9 minutes of my life watching that dribble, hoping beyond hope, that she would say something that was actually meaningful or was some semblance of a plan. But nothing.
How you can all back her is beyond me.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
“So this is what a Harvard education does for you. How pitiful.”
While the Industrial Revolution did bring many good things to our country, it also brought its share of problems. Sweatshops, child labor, unions and management actually shooting at each other, thousands displaces by the changes in our society. All of those challenges came with the Industrial Revolution, and we overcame them.
The Civil War brought good things, too. That didn’t make it free from pain and death.
she said “Industrial Revolution” not problems caused by the Industrial Revolution.
Sorry, but it just makes her sound foolish.
JCH @ 97
Sorry, but Democrats control Washington state, which is pretty prosperous. Claim refuted.
soundcrossing @ 101
“How you can all back her is beyond me. ”
We’ve seen what a great job Republicnas do when they’re in charge, and we’ve had enough.
Seems to me that if Washington state were trying to permanently jail “an avowed white supremacist with a history of mental illness,” JCH, Janet S, and MTR would be in here defending his rights.
puddybud @ 47
The preident’s August job approval numbers have not been good overall:
CNN 8/18-20/06 42% Approve 57% Disapprove
USA Today/Gallup 8/18-20/06 42% Approve 54% Disapprove
CBS 8/11-13/06 36% Approve 57% Disapprove
Pew 8/9-13/06 37% Approve 54% Disapprove
Newsweek 8/10-11/06 38% Approve 55% Disapprove
Gallup 8/7-10/06 37% Approve 59% Disapprove
FOX/Opinion Dynamics RV 8/8-9/06 36% Approve 56% Disapprove
AP-Ipsos * 8/7-9/06 33% Approve 64% Disapprove
ABC/Washington Post 8/3-6/06 40% Approve 58% Disapprove
CNN 8/2-3/06 40% Approve 59% Disapprove
Janet S @ 61
“I sure don’t care if she chooses not to raise her very young child. ”
Nearly all of the members of the House have children. Does that make them all bad parents, or are they “choosing not to raise their children?” Is Dave Reichert abandoning his grandchildren?
JCH @ 82
“the issues of Houston crime wave, Ray Nagin and gang in Hawaii are overshadowing this”
Um, says who?
71, 88, 92
I agree with Jane and Matt (@ firedoglake and MyDD, respectively).
Here’s what a candidates must do. Cutting and pasting because it’s good.
Candidates should run aggressively on accountability and the war in Iraq. Here are six specific ‘rules of thumb’ we recommend you use for planning purposes.
1. Iraq must be central in your campaign and you must blame Republicans for it.
Ignoring Iraq, downplaying its significance, or accepting Bush’s framework by not blaming leaders is a sign to voters that you are weak, unlikely to bring change, and not addressing the main issue of the day. Regardless of how you approach the policy going forward in Iraq, the key trait that voters seek is a willingness to hold failed leaders accountable for the debacle. Be willing to uncover the truth, place blame, and demand consequences.
2. The debate on whether Bush is a competent, trustworthy President is over.
He is considered among Republicans, Democrats, and Independents a leader who makes mistakes and then won’t tell the truth about those mistakes. This is not about competence. This is about massive failure of leadership with no end in sight.
3. Republicans cannot run against Bush and Iraq.
Voters do not think that Republicans are willing to hold Bush or other administration figures accountable for those mistakes, so Republican Congressional dissent on the war is unlikely to help Republicans. But dissent will, in fact, work to Democratic candidates’ advantage. It shows strength and, most importantly, principle and personal values.
4. ‘Terrorism’ scares only work in the absence of strong accountability messaging, since Republicans are no longer trustworthy on issues of war and peace.
Voters know Republicans will let mistakes slide and they want accountability in the face of that.
5. Oversight beats withdrawal.
Journalists or other messengers who frame politics in terms of a need to have an alternative plan in contrast to Bush are insulting voters, and should be taken to task aggressively for framing false choices and misrepresenting the role of Congress. Congress primarily serves as military oversight, not military policy. Voters know that.
6. Pick a fight, any fight.
Voters need to be convinced that Democrats can credibly challenge Bush. Whether the fight is over de-funding Cheney’s personal staff, attacking John Bolton’s confirmation, impeachment hearings, or stopping war profiteering with a new ‘Truman Commission,’ Democratic candidates must demonstrate strength through aggressive confrontation where the term ‘accountability’ is more than just an abstraction or corporate lingo. It must be made real through a fight you plan to pick.
When presented with squeals from journalists and Republicans over your fight, a resolute willingness to not back off in the face of criticism is key. Your willingness to hold Bush accountable must be made real. For example, demand that the president and the party in power come to account for having squandered lives, security and treasure while enriching CEOs of major corporations such as Halliburton.
Here’s a real-world example of this dynamic from US history: Harry Truman became vice president because as a US Senator, he had the backbone to demand that major figures in the American economy either give back money stolen in the provision of shoddy materiel for World War II, or go to jail for treason.
Your sons are “ridiculed by fudge packers?” Do they work in some sort of candy making factory?
JCH is still muttering own about some levy board taking a business trip to Hawaii. Apparantly he/she doesn’t know that this is a very common location for seminars, conventions, and training sessions used by both private companies and public organizations. This would be the “off-season”, so rates would be lower than in winter or early spring. The cost isn’t that much different from any other location within the U.S. where such meetings would be held, assuming you know how to book using convention rate discounts.
But the real reason JCH doesn’t like the idea is that he/she assumes that if they are from the New Orleans area, they must be black and Democrats.
“How dare they partake of the same priviledges as the Republican white folk! See how uppity they have become? If you ain’t serving drinks or mopping the floor, you have no business here! Get back to the plantation where you belong!”
By the way, I was in Honolulu for an overnight on a business trip last month. Two blocks away from Waikiki beach, $90.00 USD per night. That’s for a business-class hotel. We didn’t have a convention discount, but we did get the airline discount, which would be close to the same.
Bid deal (yawn).
By the way, in case anybody misses JCH’s main point, JCH wants us to ignore the Bush’s staggering incompetence in handling the Katrina disaster by getting us to believe that (a) the victims are all criminals anyway, and (b) they would waste any taxpayer money they received, so (c) we should ignore them and let them suffer.
Typical Bush/Rove/Cheney/Rusmfield tactic. If somebody suffers because you screw up your job, blame the victim.
By the way, in case anybody misses JCH’s main point
I’m just amazed that anyone still reads what he posts. I accidentally notice a racist rant here and there, but most of the time, it’s the internet version of Charlie Brown’s teacher(Wah wah wah. Wah wah wah, wah.)
Actually, I wish this blog put the writer’s name at the top, rather than at the bottom. This would allow me to skip some of them easier.
I usually disregard the rants of MTR and JCH, but sometimes (a) it is just plain amusing to point out how ridiculous they are, (b) they are, at times, the best advertising the Democrats can have, and (c) sometimes I worry that our lack of response might be deemed acceptance by newer readers to this blog.
I usually disregard the rants of MTR and JCH, but sometimes (a) it is just plain amusing to point out how ridiculous they are, (b) they are, at times, the best advertising the Democrats can have, and © sometimes I worry that our lack of response might be deemed acceptance by newer readers to this blog.
I hear ya, and those are all valid points I’ve considered myself. I just can’t do it. Life’s too short – to me. Others make different choices, and I can understand that. No offense intended.
UaKaPa7nSe p1zTIZrZPws hCIBuB3mJy
@ 105
Here in WA State. You are kidding right? When was the last time Republicans, or any other party controlled WA? Can’t remeber eh?
Our schools are underfunded and classes are too large – WEA
-Well that is a democrat flogging point year in and year out but nothing is EVER done about it. We keep throwing more money at it but gain no traction. Point in fact the closure of the schools in Seattle.
Consistently having to special levy for emergency services
-Well this is entirely bull!@#$. Education, Emergency Service are two of the things that should be funded first. Not as after thoughts like they are now.
Constant traffic woes
-Sound Transit? RTA? anybody? The Sounder? Freaking biggest boondoggles in mass transit history outside of the big dig. The viaduct replacement will be next. Just look up the “scorecard”. You can find it. And see where the dollars are going and how on budget our State is for transportation. Wait I’ll give you the link:
Um Greg Nichols drive to get people to move “in city” and his promise of affordable housing “in city” as well.
-Look at “housing” prices in New York, Manhatten, Boston, etc and tell me if there will ever be affordable housing in Seattle if his push succeeds. Shoot ,, just look at the price of a condo in city now.
Asparagus Commission?????
-Another important function of the WA State govt.
While cruising this thread someone asked about fudge packing.
I think we can safely say that Puddy was NOT referring to definition #1!
Results 1 – 10 of about 308,000 for Fudge Packing. (0.23 seconds)
Hey Moonbats this says it all:
“Dr Sigmundsdottir told us these experiences are typical of the hundreds of women who have wrecked their health by surfing the marmite highway.
The UK Association for Young Mothers is convinced that the male-dominated Porn industry is behind the epidemic that is sweeping the bedrooms and alleyways of this country. “Make no mistake,” said Dr Sigmundsdottir, “chocolate speedway riding is the single biggest threat facing women today. If we do not shut the door on this disgusting practice, we are leaving ourselves wide open to a whole range of diseases. Cadbury alley was never intended for fudge packing. The muscles of the chocolate starfish have to be forced open to admit the marmite driller. If the brute then discharges his cannon into your bomb bay, his love juice will attack the delicate lining. The result is ring sting, chronic flatulence and leakage. What’s worse, legions of filthy bacteria and viruses will hitch a ride on his odious tool, and invade your body. Women who invite the chocolate chimney sweep into the tradesman’s entrance will quickly find themselves at the bottom of a slippery slope that leads to disease, infertility and an early grave.””
rebelling tiller,caking hissing estates .