The Darcy Burner campaign has announced that it will report raising an impressive $304,901 for the quarter ending September 30. That brings the campaign to a total of $518,630 year to date, with $370,228 cash on hand. The third quarter is traditionally the slowest fundraising quarter of the year.
It is hard to predict how much Dave Reichert will report by the Oct. 15 deadline, but I’m guessing it won’t be substantially higher, even with his much ballyhooed visit by President Bush. And in any case, it seems certain that he’ll be in a substantially weaker financial position than he was at this time during the previous cycle, when he reported $929K YTD, and $455K COH.
In October of 2005, Reichert led Burner by a ten-to-one margin in the money race. This time around it is almost certain that Burner will report more cash on hand. No wonder Stuart Rothenberg ranks Reichert as one of the top three most endangered Republican House incumbents.
Rubberstamp Reichert is endangered because he’s a mental midget who has to be told by party flacks how to vote.
Also, Reichert is too dumb to figure out how to hug rabbits. Darcy hugs rabbits!
Darcy rocks! Reichert is merely a rock.
Rubberstamp Reichert’s brain consists of inert mineral matter. Quartzite, or something like that.
Who is the Burner person again? Darcy who? Roger, maybe she’ll take your med coupons and food stamps as a contribution.
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Iam sure that it will be just as fun this time around. It was just precious seeing Darcy giving her concession speech.
Hillary will bring out the conservatives in droves in 2008. I just dont think the dems have enough fraudulent votes to overcome Reichert.
Rufus @ 8,
You’re barking up the wrong tree (or is it, humping up the wrong leg?).
“Hillary will bring out the conservatives in droves in 2008.”
It is more likely that Hillary will end up driving some rabid right-wingers insane. And, more wingnuts will join you at the asylum. (And lose voting eligibility).
That ought to be enough to carry the election for Darcy.
“I just dont think the dems have enough fraudulent votes to overcome Reichert.”
Of course not…the last time an election was scrutinized microscopically (2004 Gubernatorial election), most of the illegal votes came from Republicans.
Money down the rathole…Again, again, again…If The Darcy couldn’t do it in the bluest of blue elections, then she’s jumped the shark, and she’s trading in delusion futures and fantasies on the order of investing in Lotto tickets for your kids’ college education.
The Piper
I just dont think the dems have enough fraudulent votes to overcome Reichert.”
Of course not…the last time an election was scrutinized microscopically (2004 Gubernatorial election), most of the illegal votes came from Republicans.
It is to bad they never were able to scrutinize the bag of ballots found on the 2nd recount. It seems like lots of ballots are found when donks are behind. hehehehehe The election was a fraud.
Reading Jane Balogh’s dog’s pathetic bleats, it’s amazing to me that the wingnuts accuse us of “not getting over it”.
Face it, Canis familiaris Baloghensis, your slimebucket lost the election. And he’ll lose by many more orders of magnitude next time.
Republican electoral fraud in the 2004 presidential election was widely anticipated by informed observers–whose warnings about the opportunities for fraud offered by “black box” voting machines supplied and serviced by corporations closely aligned with Republican interests (and used to tally nearly a third of the votes cast on November 2) have been amply borne out by the results.1
One of the clear indicators of massive electoral fraud was the wide divergence, both nationally and in swing states, between exit poll results and the reported vote tallies. The major villains, it would seem, were the suppliers of touch-screen voting machines. There appears to be evidence, however, that the corporations responsible for assembling vote-counting and exit poll information may also have been complicit in the fraud.
The Ames Lake Homeowners Association held a press conference today where Ms. Burner announced that the shrubs at the entrance will be replaced with flowers. The exact type of flowers will be determined by the meskins at the landscaping company. In addition, she announced the old beauty bark will also be replaced with fresh beauty bark.
It’s this kind of dynamic leadership on the tough issues that makes Darcy Burner the leading candidate to “represent” us.
No that all make believe stuff. The real voter fraud is found in place like Cleveland, Philadelphia, St Louis, Milwaukee, King County ect. All you have to do is look at the USDOJ records. Hell the dems have front groups like ACORN who’s main purpose is lure criminals to vote with crack cocaine.
Rufus @ 15,
Yet…when it came down to it. The illegal votes that were identified in the 04 Gubernatorial election were cast for a Republican.
Sucking your thumb (or anything else) over it, ain’t going to change the facts.
@10 “the bluest of blue elections”
If you mean the 2006 midterms, that was just the appetizer. The main course is coming next year. Wait and see.
If a certain segment of the population chooses not to save for their retirement, should those of us who do plan ahead be forced to pay for their irresponsibility? When the inevitable “rent, food, or medicine?” stories come out, should I feel sorry for them?
Here’s a hint: If you want what I’ve got, do what I do. If you lack the intelligence, industry, and moral character to do that, tough shit.
@10 (continued) For one thing, the Democrats are guaranteed to win uncontested control of the Senate in 2008. Why? Because:
The Republicans have 22 seats up for election, the Democrats only 11;
The Republicans have several incumbents retiring; the Democrats none;
The Republicans have 6 to 10 vulnerable seats, the Democrats only 1;
Polls show voters prefer a Democratic Congress by a 20-point margin.
I sure hope Larry Craig runs for re-election in Idaho.
@14 Shaddup until you pay your gambling debt, welsher.
@16 Rufus sticks his thumb up his ass first, THEN sucks it.
@18 “If a certain segment of the population chooses not to save for their retirement, should those of us who do plan ahead be forced to pay for their irresponsibility?”
Do you like the Republican system better? You know … where corporations file bankruptcy and dump their pension obligations on the taxpayers?
If a corporation welshes on its pension obligations, should the corporation be shot?
Polls show voters prefer a Democratic Congress by a 20-point margin.
Really???? That’s almost twice as much as the approval rating fo the current democrat congress. Keep dreaming.
Redneck, you would know the answer, since you’re the expert on welshing around here.
@18 What moral character? You have no moral character. And what have you got? You can’t even pay a $100 bet.
If a corporation welshes on its pension obligations, should the corporation be shot?
10/11/2007 at 10:25 pm
Hell no. The guvmint should pay the pension for all the money they confiscate.
Rufus @ 25
“That’s almost twice as much as the approval rating fo the current democrat congress.”
Not so.
In any case, it’s the Republicans that are dragging down the approval. Dumb shit.
Approval for congressional Democrats: 35.1
Approval for congressional Republicans: 30.6
Disapproval for congressional Democrats: 53.9
Disapproval for congressional Republicans: 64.7
See summaries here:
@29 A wingnut never lets facts interfere with ideology.
It’s midnight, and I work the night shift, so I’m outta here for now. I gotta go raid Stefan’s vegetable garden.
We need to elect more Democrats to Congress because the federal government is collapsing under Republican mismanagement.
Imagine, for example, the FAA’s communications network goes dead and air traffic controllers have to use their personal cellphones to get controllers in other air traffic control centers to keep airliners from crashing into each other (or the ground, or buildings) — and ground all flights in a 100,000 square mile area while the problem is being fixed … because private contractors fucked up and there’s no backup system.
Well, you don’t have to imagine it, because it happened. Last month. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ers11.html
Government provides many vital services people used to take for granted. With Republicans running our government, you can’t take anything for granted — nothing works the way it’s supposed to, and virtually every federal agency is dysfunctional. Their fuckups can literally cost people their lives.
That’s what happens when you have unqualified partisan hacks running a government.
Yeah, Reichert’s a real juggernaut.
10 Piper
2K6 was only the “bluest of blue elections” so far. 2008 might make 2006 look positively purple.
But Reichert? Come on. He won a narrow victory in 2004, and instead of increasing his winning margin as an incumbent with a moderate image in a traditionally Republican district, it narrowed in 2006, which looks, I don’t know, kinda bad for Rep. Hair.
Not that you’d ever admit it.
And because the trend in this district is Democratic (I live in the 8th CD), (a) his chances get worse in each succeeding election no matter who is oppposing him, (b) turnout will not be his salvation (and really, you think Republican turnout will be better this year than in 2006? 2004? Oh, my God…), and (3) he is facing a candidate who this time does NOT have to build an organization from the ground up, who is one of the top money raisers running this year, and who has district-wide name recognition and a solid base.
Yeah, looks like a real Reichert landslide in the making…
15 JBD
Don’t conflate the issues of for-hire voter registration fraud with fradulent votes.
The former has occurred many times and is vigorously prosecuted. The latter has been shown to occur almost never
19 RR
“the Democrats are guaranteed to win uncontested control of the Senate in 2008”
Actually, not to put too fine a point on it, they won uncontested control of the Senate in 2006. In 2008, if they are lucky and/or skilled enough, they can get close to a filibuster-proof majority. It is Republican obstructionism that is the issue this year.
Elect Darcy!
Let’s see…before the 2006 election Demos and hard lefties whined that Republican obstructionism prevented them from putting two chickens in every pot and paving the streets with gold. Now, they’ve been in charge for almost a year and…uh…Republican obstructionism has prevented them from putting two chickens in every pot and…you get the picture?
How’s about a different scenario? Demos and hard lefties (not always the same, mind you) can’t govern their way out of a wet paper bag! Even with clear majorities, they’re made to look those wild and crazy Katzenjammer Kids from the funny papers.
Coming soon on Fox: Harry and Nance…the story of a couple power struck youngsters thrust into the spotlight and how they use their cutup personalities to make it up as they go along, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at every turn. A thousand laughs a second, and antics you won’t believe!
Tom Shales, Washington Post: “This is a TV program.”
Tim Goodman, San Francisco Chronicle: “Ohmygawd, not about her!”
Darryl Whereaboutsandlastnameunknown, HA: “%#$^#W$%^&*^^%^#$%#$@#$%$^#$%$%^$%^ wingnuts are to blame for everything since the %^#%$^%^%^*%&@#%%#*&^&% dawn of !@#~!$$^%&%&%&#$% time.”
Susan Payntor, Seattle P-I: “I quit!”
Roger Rabbit, Compost Dweller Daily: “I buy non-organic carrots at Safeway. Given enough carrots, I’ll do or say anything, but I don’t watch TV since my footsies can’t manipulate the remote control.”
David Goldstein, HA: “It’s about Democrats, so it must be of Pulitzer quality! DEMOCRATS, DEMOCRATS, DEMOCRATS!!!!!! I see Democrats!”
Can’t think of anything better to get Americans to turn off their TV’s and read books.
The Piper
Now, they’ve been in charge for almost a year and…uh…Republican obstructionism has prevented them from putting two chickens in every pot and…
Are you seriously suggesting that the GOP has not been obstructing bills the American people overwhelmingly support?
“Let’s see…before the 2006 election Demos and hard lefties whined that Republican obstructionism prevented them from putting two chickens in every pot and paving the streets with gold.”
No…they were “whining” about (1) a rubber stamp Republican Congress that had their noses up Bush’s ass, and (2) Republican corruption everywhere you turned.
“Now, they’ve been in charge for almost a year and…uh…Republican obstructionism has prevented them from putting two chickens in every pot and…you get the picture?”
Are you just playing the simpleton? Indeed (except for the nonsensical “chickens…” part of your statement), there is Republican obstructionism—just like there was Democratic obstructionism previously. Current Senate rules requires more than just a simple majority to push a partisan agenda.
“Darryl Whereaboutsandlastnameunknown, HA: “%#$^#W$%^&*^^%^#$%#$@#$%$^#$% $%^$%^ wingnuts are to blame for everything since the %^#%$^%^%^*%&@#%%#*&^&% dawn of !@#~!$$^%&%&%&#$% time.””
Ummm….hey, dipshit, if you don’t know my last name, where I live or work it’s because you haven’t looked.
(Typical fuckin’ wingnut…blames everyone else for his own ignorance!)
Let’s revisit Harry Truman: “If you can’t stand the heat, het out of the kitchen!”
The Demos said pre-2006-election, “Put us in charge and all will be made right with the world.” Now they whine.
The congressional approval rating is what, again???
The Piper
Should be “get,” not “het.”
I wear my “het” on m’ head in Texas…
The Piper
Yes or no, are you seriously suggesting that the GOP has not been obstructing bills the American people overwhelmingly support?
Gotta love those Senate rules! Rules Harry Reid must know something about yet rules that didn’t prevent him from promising the moon, sun, and stars to voters in 2006.
But he’s old, and it’s over for him; the Senate fiddles while the netroot base continues to burn with anger.
Harry and Nancy sittin’ in a tree
First they lie, then disparage,
Till they’re hauled out in a loony bin carriage.
The Piper
I’m saying that for the Democrats to whine and complain that politics is too tough or that the dirtybadnasty Republicans who are in the minority won’t let them make the rules they want or play the games they want says to me that they’re emotionally, tempermentally, experientially, intellectually, mentally, and whatever “ly” word you care to use, unfit, unsuited, ill-equipped, and just flat ass incompetent.
Politics is a contact sport, sport; If you don’t want to get knocked down while on the field, don’t get on the field!
The Piper
So, your answer is yes, the GOP *has* been obstructing bills the American people overwhelmingly support?
Piper Scott @ 43
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Piper Scott @ 44,
What the fuck are you babbling about here, too?
@46 & 47…D…
Congressional Demos and their sycophantic slaves need to take responsibility for their ineptitude and quit blaming others for their inability to get their pants on one leg at a time and DO ANYTHING!
Whining about how the dirtybadnastyevilmeanroviantakesawayourtoys Repulicans simply makes them look foolish and resembling spoile brats.
BTW…I’m not a fan of anonymity; my moniker is consistent, my identity easily discernable from it and NEVER hidden, and I make no bones about it. I wasn’t complaining about being outed, mind you; I’ve been outed at Postman, Sound Politics, Crosscut, and now here. Big deal.
Where I come from, if you’re unwilling to attach your name to your POV, then your POV ain’t worth a bucket of warm spit (not to John Nance Garner).
At your invitation, I will look yours up…
Oh…lest you think otherwise? This applies to posters and bloggers of all persuasions.
The Piper
Piper Scott,
“Congressional Demos and their sycophantic slaves need to take responsibility for their ineptitude and quit blaming others for their inability to get their pants on one leg at a time and DO ANYTHING!”
Yeah…I remember the good old days (you know, from 2001 to 2006) when people were saying “Congressional Pubs and their sycophantic slaves need to take responsibility for their ineptitude and quit blaming others for their inability to get their pants on one leg at a time and DO ANYTHING!”
(Remember the whining of the Republicans about exercising the
nuclearconstitutional option?)“I’m not a fan of anonymity”
I don’t think anyone really cares whether you are a fan of anonymity or not, Piper Scott.
“Where I come from, if you’re unwilling to attach your name to your POV, then your POV ain’t worth a bucket of warm spit (not to John Nance Garner).”
So? This isn’t “where you come from.” And, in the real world, we evaluate people by the quality of their ideas and their integrity. Being anonymous isn’t typically an issue for those who chose to be.
“At your invitation, I will look yours up…”
I don’t give a rat’s ass either way.
Not going to lie…That is very impressive!
People who aren’t inherently truthful about their identities aren’t inherently truthful about other things.
Anonymity isn’t integrity, it’s the cowardice from which comes the back-stabber and hidden assassin.
Byron De La Beckwith was anonymous, as was Ted Kaczynski.
Goldy, you, et all make whatever rules you wish…When they stink, I’ll let you know.
The Piper
Piper Scott,
“People who aren’t inherently truthful about their identities aren’t inherently truthful about other things.”
What a bunch of bullshit. I mean, unless you include people who fake IDs to get into bars, or something. Then you’d have a point on statistical grounds.
“Anonymity isn’t integrity, it’s the cowardice from which comes the back-stabber and hidden assassin.”
Bullshit. Anonymity is just anonymity. There are both good and bad reasons for it. Your negative opinion of it is irrelevant.
“Byron De La Beckwith was anonymous, as was Ted Kaczynski.”
The implication being that all anonymous authors are bad/killers/deceivers?
Sorry, moron, that would be a logical fallacy. Let me guess, you didn’t take a symbolic logic course (or likely any philosophy course) in college.
“Goldy, you, et all make whatever rules you wish…”
Oh…thank you, Wingnut Piper…thank you!
“When they stink, I’ll let you know.”
Ummm…frankly, your opinion about Goldy’s rules and policies for this blog are entirely irrelevant.
Thanks for caring though.
What a whiner!!!