The one real advantage that Rep. Dave Reichert has in his tough reelection battle against Democratic challenger Darcy Burner, is name recognition.
Well… that’s about to end.
Burner hits the airwaves today with her first TV ad, a sixty-second spot designed to introduce the candidate to voters. That Burner can afford to go live so early in the campaign is a testament to her hard work and the enthusiastic support she has generated. It is also an indication of just how tough this race will be for both candidates.
Of course, one of the risks of spending money this early is that it could potentially leave her short of resources during the crucial few weeks before election, but there is one sure fire means of avoiding this calamity: give Burner more money now.
For Burner to win she needs to stay on the air from now until November, getting both her name and her message out in front of voters. And all this costs money.
So if you really care about the 8th Congressional District and the state of Washington, and about the future direction of our nation… if really want to address corruption in Congress and provide real oversight of the most authoritarian White House in recent memory, the most important contribution you can make right now is financial. Give Burner the money she needs to defeat Reichert and take back the House of Representatives for all of us.
And if, like me, you have more spare time than money, Burner can always use more volunteers.
Plane Terror Thwarted
Sure hope the Brits didn’t listen in on any of
their phone calls or follow their money.
Ned Lamont will keep us safe
Reject corruption.
Vote Democrat.
A great piece. Go Darcy go!
Some salient points:
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bush is handling terrorism?
8/06/06 approve 47, disapprove 50
6/25/06 approve 51, disapprove 47
Which political party, the (Democrats) or the (Republicans), do you trust to do a better job handling terrorism?
8/06/06 Democrats 46, Republicans 38
6/25/06 Democrats 39, Republicans 46
Maybe this race will be more about Bush than pandering to terrorists, as the demleaders are saying about Lamont. How would it turn out if 48% of the DEMS voted pro-Bush like they did in CT?
Interesting timing on these terror arrests, isn’t it?
Almost like public opinion is driving events.
Judy Greenberg of Workers World. Die-hard commies from the 1950’s are still around and active with the Palestinian movement. [Miss Goldie, Did you change your name from Greenberg to Goldstein?]
Wait…hear that sound?
No, it’s not a train…it’s not a herd of elephants…
The EVILfuckingchristianistbitch and Janet S. (the ignorant slut) rushing over here to smear Darcy (our NEXT 8th District Congressperson) AGAIN.
Some More.
Ad Nauseum.
Ad Infinitum (unfortunately).
When you have to fuck something up completetly…quickly…and in the worst way possible, call a Republican.
They’re there to help.
I’m Rujax!, and I approve this message. (nyuk, nyuk)
Harry Tuttle-5
You forgot the last question:
Which year will you be graduating from high school?
a. 2016
b. 2017
c. 2018
d. Plan to drop out and join the dems
We’ve had color alerts before when Shrubs hobby horse issue was limping.
Darcy will press Bush to get some real anti-terror programs happening here.
A policy “over there” that should get serious re-invigoration is securing nuclear weapons and material in Russia. Using airplanes as bombs isn’t always going to be the terrorist’s tactic of choice; it may not be today, news reports notwithstanding. There should be a great deal more concern about an IED combined with nuclear material being set off at 3rd and Pine.
So Osama’s still sitting in his cave thinking these things up, while Saint King Dumbfuck has our troops in Baghdad, yanking their cranks and waiting to get shot at.
Vote for Sherrif Dave if you want him to help assure that we have two more years of the same thing.
A new Washington Post poll shows 30% of Americans don’t remember when the 9/11 attacks happened.
Hmmm, that correlates almost exactly with Bush’s support …
It’s not so hard to understand why so many people still think Iraq had WMDs or was behind 9/11 … hell, if Bush or Cheney told ’em 9/11 happened on the Fourth of July, they’d believe it.
And we let these idiots vote?!!
If illegals are voting, as righties claim, they’re probably doing a better job of it than the winger “morans” who don’t know when 9/11/2001 happened.
“How would it turn out if 48% of the DEMS voted pro-Bush like they did in CT?” Commentby— 8/10/06@ 10:32 am
How much Vaseline did it take to get your head up your ass this time?
Did anybody besides me notice the BRITISH caught the perps? Now you know why Bush has to suck up to Tony Blair. Because he can’t get the job done himself.
I wonder if these “terror arrests” will turn out to be overblown, hyperventilated, and inflated like the rest of them?
So home-grown Brits (or Americans) who decide to blow up planes are the real enemy. Sure glad Bush put 160,000 troops In Iraq to fight ’em there so that they don’t…oh, wait…ummm…never mind.
I’m sorry, but the answer is:
The demographics of the poll have been consistent for sixteen months, and 60% of respondents in this sample have some college or more education.
Better luck, next time.
Harry Tuttle-21 “…60% of respondents in this sample have some college or more education.”
I should have rephrased the question to account for what a college education means these days…
Which year will you have actual the actual intellegence of a so-called high school graduate?
a. 2016
b. 2017
c. 2018
d. Plan to drop out and join the dems
17 You forgot to answer the question, or say why all the demleaders are saying that the Lamont win was solely a referendum on Bush.
I guess good news is she isn’t as dumb as Patty Murray, and marginally better looking… aaarrr aarrr
That’s a good ad. She talks pretty well, doesn’t she?
Does Dave ever say anything? Without the hand up his back, I mean.
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. You don’t really need to know much about economics to understand it. They certainly don’t. It all gets down to two simple words. ‘Cheap labor’. That’s their whole philosophy in a nutshell … cheap-labor conservatives are defenders of corporate America – whose fortunes depend on labor. … The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and the more power those ‘corporate lords’ have over you. If you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool, forced to work cheap.”
For more information about CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES (and their agenda), see
Needless to say, all Republicans are CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES, and all cheap labor conservatives are Republicans (although some call themselves “Libertarians” to further deceive the public).
wow surpirse surprise darcy is a creepy liar – her cute little ad attempts to falsely milead people into beliveing SHE is a AIR FORCE VETERAN.
She’s a goddamned LIAR … microsoft; motherhood; lawschool and now this bullshit.
A true hitlary bitch in the making.
The Burner piece is both pretty good and pretty standard. I’m excited that it’s out there, but it looks like just another political ad and people might (will?) just gloss over it.
Isn’t it funny, the very first thing the creepy lying ‘Ms anti-war, ain’t Dave and hates Bush’ wants the dupes to think is that she’s somehow positively aligned with the military.
Hiltary lies
Slurpee lies
Maria lies
dippy darcy lies
Is there one honest D’RAT to be found anywhere?
I can’t wait till the darcy dingleberry doorbellers show up in this area.
Hey, how’s it coming along in your English as a Second Language course? After you’ve completed the sections on basic English grammar, spelling, and punctuation, perhaps you’ll be able to express yourself in a coherent manner. Once you learn how to express yourself, your thoughts just might become organized and you’ll recognize the foolishness of your political views. As it is now, you really should refrain from expressing your opinions publicly. You make yourself look like a clown.
Air Force veteran?
Famous Democrat Quotes: “J….E..W….S!!!” [REP Cynthia “BitchSlap” McKinney’s, DEMOCRAT, GA father], “FUCKING JEW BASTARD!” [to Dick Morris, from HILLARY!] “Hymietown, NY” [Jesse Shakedown” Jacksooooon], “Black women don’t lie about this!” [Al “Suits” Sharpton, discussing Tawana Brawley] hehe, JCH
How can you be, etc.
“cute little ad attempts to falsely milead[sic] people into beliveing[sic] SHE is a AIR FORCE VETERAN…”
So you claim that when her ad makes the statements “…the daughter of an Air Force veteran…”, “…grew up in miltary towns”, and “…married to a military veteran”, that this somehow will make everyone think that she is a veteran, and that it constitutes LYING on her part? Maybe on Planet Republican.
Goldie (or is it Goldy?) you are starting to sound like Josef. Is Darcy Burner your Marummy?
Darcy’s add is somewhat misleading in one small way.
The voiceover naration says she is the *daughter* of an air force veteran, but the video caption only says “Air Force Veteran”
It was done as the naration was being made, as the words were said, the caption faded in, so it was apparently intended to punctuate the statement, but this is a common subliminal trick to assign emphasis on only the words shown. The eye catches the phrase, despite the naration, which could mislead people.
I wont suggest it is a lie, but it is a lovely trick.
It’s a LIE.
But she’s a liberal so totally expected.
How the hell does she think that her daddy being military, her moomy being school teacher and she herself being dragged from base to base qualifies her for anything?
and why the hell are the cut and run cowards on this little blog so studiously avoiding talking about the only news of any consequence today?
You don’t get to decide what the “news of consequence” is. You wouldn’t recognize a significant news event if it fucked you in the ass. In any event, your big story is that British law enforcement officials did their job and, supposedly, foiled a terrorist plot. Assuming that is what happened, that says nothing about your president and his effectiveness. Somehow, you rightwing fringe folks think this event validates all your drooling rants about Bush. The event does no such thing. Merely, law enforcement did its job. No more, no less.
Nah the fact that terrorists targeted 10 US planes isn’t news at all and surely isn’t worthy of the time or attention of you America haters.
Don’t trouble yourselves.
But feel free to book your airline tickets.
I love this country and what it stands for. I hate terrorists and terrorism. I hate the way our current government has become antidemocratic and authoritarian. I hate Bush’s disrespect for the rule of law. You and your pathetic ilk believe that questioning the incompetence of our president translates to support for terrorism. Nothing could be further from the truth. You are a fearful person who needs easy answers and a father figure who will let you pretend answers are easy. Conservatives are that way–they hate ambiguity and elusive answers. In other words, the hate the way the world is, so they construct some fantastical ideological visions of a world over which they can pretend they have some control. You are what is wrong with America.
Your a puke coward who hates this country more than your supposed hatred for the terrorists you coddle and defend because you hate the leaders of this country.
But you’ll be the first to whine when the terrorist come after you.
You belong to a party fo feminized, emasculated eunuchs.
What is it with you? How in the hell does recognition that our president and his subordinates don’t know what they’re doing and are dragging our nation into an abyss become “coddling and defending” terrorists? I can see that logic is a subject as foreign to you as is international relations. A much better case can be made that Bush and his supporters love terrorists because Bush’s policies and actions are creating so many terrorists. Of course, by creating terrorists, Bush produces a reason for clamping down on our freedoms. And sheep like you think he’s great. Go wander off the cliff with him, you ignorant twit.
Commentby proud leftist— 8/10/06@ 4:12 pm
“You and your pathetic ilk believe that questioning the incompetence of our president translates to support for terrorism. Nothing could be further from the truth.”
While I think that criticising the President is the right of every American, the constant comparison of Bush to the Nazis is ridiculous. It’s been done a lot here, and as part of a larger “progressive” attacks on Bush. What purpose does this serve, other than to desensitize people to the horrors of the Nazi regime?
“Conservatives are that way–they hate ambiguity and elusive answers. In other words, the hate the way the world is, so they construct some fantastical ideological visions of a world over which they can pretend they have some control. You are what is wrong with America.”
Liberals are that way, they hate lucidity and concrete answers. In other words they hate themselves, so they construct some utopian idea of the way the world should work and give over their autonomy to the government in an attempt to pretend such a utopia can ever exist. They are what is wrong with America.
How was that? Did I capture the essence of liberalism?
I don’t much agree with what you’ve said, but you’ve written with lucidity. I appreciate that. I also agree that flinging the term Nazi around–and both sides do it–is frequently over the top. I don’t believe Bush (or even Cheney) is a Nazi. Sometimes, it even crosses my mind that they may be well-intentioned. On the other hand, however, it never crosses my mind that they know how to govern.
Commentby proud leftist— 8/10/06@ 5:01 pm
“I don’t much agree with what you’ve said, but you’ve written with lucidity.”
Thanks for the compliment. I was attempting to being absurd, in an effort to make a point about over generalizations.
Thanks for agreeing on the Nazi issue.
Old existentialists appreciate absurdity, whatever form it might take.
it is a shame that this is how blogs are affecting us. Instead of drafting composed and intelligent commentaries on the day’s political events we are squabblers. “howcanyoubePROUDtobeaKennedy” is not right in any of his/her accusations but i respect hers/his beliefs anyway. Today reminded me of the terror we all live in. Whether or not we wake up in the morning and shiver in fright we live in a collapsable planet on the brink of imploding. We battle fundamentalists who we do not understand but most of all we battle ourselves. Our elected President put us in this situation on the bases of lies. There are (not) WMD’s in Iraq. That phrase and the onslaught of events has shaped our generation and our children’s generation. Now is the time to fix it. Unfortunatly for the GOP, they are wrong. We need a plan to get of Iraq. We need to analyze our connections with Israel. The world is boiling with heat of the sun and partisan arguments. I feel that is a terrible time where we stop looking to the future and making it the best one (best schools, strong economy, safe borders, etc…) but instead we are trying to fix the past.
Oh, and by the way, Darcy Burner does NOT/is NOT saying that she is an air force veteran. But ask any family with a member in the armed service if they feel that the war is real. I guarantee that they will say yes, more real than anything! Her ad is a short “bio” ad and I pray that users of this blog will regard it as thus. Know Darcy and vote for her because she is on a higher plane than Dave Reichert. I’m just going to include a short piece on Dave Reichert: The green river catcher who only took 11 years when he already knew who the murderer was, the bush crony who publicly says that the GOP floats him bills to vote on so he can campaign on them, the anti-choice asshole who would let a raped woman die because she “is morally wrong to receive an abortion”. Dave Reichert doesn’t represent the people of the eighth WA district. The democrats will take over the house and put sanity and accountability into the Whitehouse in 2 years. Lets hope for this or our world will continue down this dark, nightmarish cycle.
I love her suits.
Very good stuff.
So islamofacists want to kill us (that US includes YOU, sweetcheeks) and you’re worried about…
So lets see if we can encapsulate this: the D’RATS and dims (koscommies and H’ASSes and netnuts all) think they are the best political group to lead this country in perilous times ….and the way they prove that IS BY NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO MENTION THE MOST SIGNIFICANT TERRORISM EVENT SINCE 9/11.
Oh yeah, we can trust our safety to the nutburgers, kiddies and emasculated femimen.
“ robbass Says: August 10th, 2006 at 7:36 pm – What 9/11 did for the Democrats was turn them into a bunch of obstructionist lying cry babies because they were out of Power and it was President Bush that was going to get the spotlight and make History. Democrats have abandoned being Americans because it conflicts with their being Democrats. They are becoming more and more intollerate of anyone who doesn’t march to the beat of their drum. Democrats are threatened by anything or anyone that is Greater that they are. God , The United States , Americans , Our Constitution and “THE TRUTH” are all threats to the evil minds that make up the worthless democrat party.” “
“ I left one thing out. The Cut-n-Run Anti-war terrorists kiss asses cry about that which they can’t control, “The London Terrorist Plot” and any other such plots or attacks. This stupid little maggot Clark has to is too chicken shit to tell the truth. Why would he say such a stupid thing? We all know why he said it, to try to divert the fact that Democrats would have done nothing about it but hey, the Democrats rapid response program would have picked up the bodies and removed any trace of a terrorist atroscity in the blink of an eye. Move along folks nothing happened here. “
“ Democrats cry every time something happens that reminds Americans that the Democrat Party fights for the rights of Terrorists to kill Americans. “
Hmmm, I won’t say what huge flaw I noticed in Burner’s campaign ad. Reichert will not make the same mistake. I’m certain.
She spoke?…. and sounded worse than la goldie… if that’s possible??
how come all the broads in office wear those gosh awful beige pantsuit things? yipes, are they that eager to be a man they’ll dress ugly?
proud leftist then why dont you join the army they need great americans like you.
I’m surprised that Darcy Burnout and the nutroots didn’t blame the Joooos for the Pakistani-Muslim terrorist plans.
Goldy- these leftist whackos will drop you in a New York minute once they get control. Ever hear of Krystalnacht?
How can Darcy say that her 3 years (whippee) at Microsoft was a ‘successful career’? It appears she quit Microsoft to go to law school, quit law school to run for Congress. Has she ever had a job that lasted longer than 3 years? What a rookie.
no, no. Her bio says she quit to have a baby.
So thats 3 versions of why she lift MS. How cool is that.
every time i read her bio, it’s different. first she took a leave beacuse she was desperate to have a baby and had complications, then she went to law school. she didn’t start at microsoft until 2000…what did this lady do before 2k? What experience does she have at anything? it looks like she graduated from harvard around 1996 or 7? and googling around, it looks like she had 2 jobs in the 3 years before she started her ‘successful (3 year) career’ at Microsoft, whose name she uses like she’s darcy gates burner or something. Total name-dropping rookie…what a crappy choice we have: rookie or right winger..