AP political writer David Ammons, the dean of our state Capitol press corps, focuses most of this week’s column on the tight race in WA’s 8th congressional district.
Washington already has a heavily Democratic congressional delegation, but hungry national Democrats are hoping to pick up at least one more House seat here.
They’re taking on The Sheriff, freshman Rep. Dave Reichert, in the increasingly independent 8th District east of Seattle. As President Bush’s poll ratings fall, Democrats say Reichert could be the most visible victim in Washington this year.
From the opening paragraphs a clear theme emerges… that changing demographics and crumbling national support for President Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress have conspired to put Reichert’s hold on office at risk.
And no doubt, these two factors are huge.
But I think many analysts and pundits have largely overlooked two additional, important factors: challenger Darcy Burner’s surprising strength as both a fundraiser and a campaigner… and incumbent Reichert’s surprising weakness in those very same areas.
The most obvious evidence that Burner is running an exceptional campaign is the very fact that she’s now garnering so much attention. That wasn’t the case a few months back, when only a handful of local bloggers were touting the race as a nail-biter. And yet, the two contributing factors that everybody cites most — WA-08’s changing demographics and the anti-Republican political climate — have both been in play since well before Burner announced her candidacy.
What’s changed in the district to suddenly throw the race into the “toss-up” category? The Burner campaign, that’s what.
When people like me started talking up Burner on the blogs, it wasn’t just wishful thinking. We repeatedly met with the candidate, we argued policy and strategy… and we grilled her mercilessly when she showed up at a NW progressive bloggers’ forum in Olympia this past January.
I personally have known Burner for nearly a year, yet I didn’t start actively promoting her campaign until February, after I became absolutely convinced that she was not only a candidate who could win, but who would well serve the interests of the 8th district and the citizens of WA state. During that time I’ve watched her grow from just another passionate Camp Wellstone classmate, into a compelling campaigner and a formidable fundraiser. And the more I learned about her personal story, the more I became convinced that she was the perfect candidate to represent the demographically diverse 8th district.
“I’m very confident. Not nervous at all,” [Reichert] says. After a pause, he laughs and adds a postscript, “Maybe I should be.”
Well, he should be nervous, because he and his handlers have underestimated his opponent from day one, and that’s the worst mistake a politician can make in a swing district like WA-08, regardless of the political climate.
On the flip side, I’ve become convinced that most observers have overestimated Reichert, the “Hollywood-handsome sheriff” who claims to have tracked down the Green River Killer. His infamous temper, his inability to think on his feet, his stunningly poor public speaking skills when forced to talk off the cuff… all of this detracts from the notable advantages of incumbency.
But even more damning is his stance on the issues and his first-term voting record, both of which are out of touch with the majority of 8th district voters despite Reichert’s relentless efforts to recast himself as a moderate. Reichert is an extremist on reproductive rights, stem cell research and other social issues, while his legislative record on votes that count marks him as a near-rubberstamp for the disgraced Tom DeLay.
As voters learn more about Reichert, they will learn that he is part of the problem in Washington D.C., not part of solving it.
So yes, the race for WA-08 could never be so tight if not for the current political climate and the changing demographics. But the fact that it is so tight six months out from the November election is directly due to Burner’s strengths, and Reichert’s weaknesses.
Just wanted to give credit where credit is due.
And now it is time for another installment of Richard Pope’s smear campaign against Burner, paid for by the Reichert campaign. Heeere’s Richard. . . .
“His infamous temper, his inability to think on his feet, his stunningly poor public speaking skills when forced to talk off the cuff… ”
Sounds like he does more than vote with Bush, he imitates him too!
Like Irons, Sheriff Davie has trouble with women. When the MSM really looks at his temper, how he uses it against women, then he’ll have some splain’ to do!
If reichert needs to explain his temper, maybe darcy should explain why she is taking a job that pretty much guarantees that she won’t have time to raise her own child. She is choosing career over motherhood. Which is fine, but it certainly reflects on her character. Can you say selfish? Can you say self-absorbed? Her career and fluffing of her resume seems to indicate this is a pattern.
Janet S wrote:
Oh my, Janet. What a completely pathetic thing to say. Heaven forbid that a woman consider any career while raising a child. Heaven forbid that Darcy’s husband take on any part of the responsibility of raising a child.
I didn’t say there was anything wrong with her choice. Whatever you want to do, go for it. But choices have consequences. Darcy is choosing to be absent from her child’s life. In my book, that is a reflection of character.
She portrays herself as a mother. Biologically, she is. But, that’s not why she mentions this in her resume. She wants to play to the family values role. If you don’t participate in raising your own child, then this is a bit of a stretch. Just like the rest of her bio.
No one has yet told me just what she has contributed to the community, since she claims her community service as another reason to vote for her. Serving as president for some group of msofties isn’t community service – it is resume gilding.
How can they call this race “tight”, when there don’t appear to be any public opinion polls whatsoever on how people are planning to vote?
When Rasmussen has the U.S. Senate race at Cantwell 48% McGavick 40%, we can call that “tight”.
When there are no polls whatsoever for the 8th district, how can we call it anything?
You KNOW the answer to that question, Richard (11). Right now we are in the “money” primary. That’s where the political insiders place their bets. You KNOW how to read the tea leaves, such as how much has the challenger raises compared to the incument. You also KNOW that some pretty respected political analysts are calling this race close, based upon their experience at reading tea leaves.
To to be fair, the night is still young. Look at what happened to Howard Dean. But if you were being honest, you could not say that Reichert enjoys the usual lopsided advantages of incumbency.
Janet S., that is an amazing out-of-touch argument. In today’s world, most women work while raising their kids.
Beyond that, you’re being pretty damn sexist. When was the last time a male politician was criticized for not spending enough time with his family?
What’s going on with you, Janet? Does your internal polling show that you’ve got to play the gender card for Reichert to have a chance?
How quaint, Janet. Aside from the many professional women I know who have young children, there are at least three in the House now.
We met at this really nice restaurant in downtown Washington to talk about how our PAC could help her. She came with her finance director, her campaign manager, and her three-month-old baby. I told a lot of people about that meeting. Some people were shocked that she would bring her baby along to meetings where she was trying to present herself as a serious candidate. But most people I talked to thought it was great that she brought her child. Young women who have children too often feel pressure to hide that fact when they are doing business. Debbie is a role model for proving that a woman can be professional and a mother at the same time.
Susannah Shakow, President of Women Under Forty Political Action Committee, about Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schulz
Interview by the Authors
Rep. Melissa Bean and her husband Alan have been married for 20 years, and have lived in Barrington for 17 years. Their daughters, Victoria, 14, and Michelle, 11, attend District 220 schools.
Rep. Diana DeGette received her B.A. magna cum laude from Colorado College in 1979 and her J.D. from New York University School of Law in 1982, where she was a Root-Tilden Scholar and a recipient of the Vanderbilt Medal and the Jack Kroner Award. She served two terms in the Colorado House of Representatives, where she served as Assistant Minority Leader from 1993-1995.
Rep. DeGette is married to attorney Lino Lipinsky and has two daughters, and a dog named Andrew.
No doubt Burner is for real and the best chance yet for Democrats to take the 8th.
She’ll do just fine in Bellevue and Mercer Island, but she has her best opportunity in south King and Pierce, where voters are angry at a “do nothing” Congress when it comes to gas prices, uneasy about the corruption (Congress can do anything when its in corruption mode and there’s never been more), tired of a President who appears to be perhaps the worst failure in history (another reason why Congress does nothing) and they’ve got a new Congressman who just fits right in.
This is a change year in DC. The GOP collectively has become the chief target.
Harry – I so don’t care about DeGette.
This is a discussion about the qualification, or lack thereof, of Darcy Burner. I get to vote for or against her, based on my evaluation of her character. I’d base it on her experience, but she has none. We are stuck with her light-weight resume that has a couple of years here, a couple of years there, a run at a career at a high tech, a start at law school. Nothing accomplished, nothing achieved.
I have a professional background, as did many of my graduate-school buddies. Most of us chose motherhood, the others chose to back away from agressive positions during the formative years. None regretted it.
I can’t imagine what drives a mother to take on a challenge that leaves her separated from her very young child for 18-20 hours per day.
Man Janet S who doesn’t want her kids in Iraq and who doesn’t want oil well in her back yard also doesn’t want anyone to vote for the more than 39 female republican candidates.
You see you cum drunk bitch, you can’t have it both ways. You want to attack a Dem because she’s a mother running for office then you have to attack all the republican crack whores who are out there doing the same thing.
Too bad Janet S wasn’t married to Sheriff Davie. He could beat the shit out of her like she deserves.
I get to vote for or against her
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! As if there’s any question of how you’re going to vote!
Janet S shows us why women overwhelmingly vote Democratic. The sexest views of the extreme taliban wing of the republican party may fly in third world countries like Alabama or Mississippi but in Washington state where people generally are not the product of inbreeding and where they are educated, they won’t fall for that sexist you can’t be a mom and have a career shit. Keep that up Janet S nothing Darcy could say or do would get her elected as quickly as idiots like you running your mouth.
Pope-A-Dope has to quote a poll paid for by republicans to get close to being in the race and that’s still a huge lead. Too bad I want to see if this pretend lawyer is still around in Nov after we whip the shit out of the traitors on the right!
If the anti – gay Eyman ref. does not float – Darcy will get tons of help from rich queers, money, and help from the activsts.
The gay community is dedicated to taking out any Republican in sight. And with another batch of state by state anti gay ballots on the way – the anger is brewing even more.
We will dress and talk like breeders and go door belling in droves. And there is a vast closet on the East side.
Janet the schmuck @7, with the current chimp brigade working less than half the year in DC, what is the problem? Your deviant self raised Puddy ‘the quota creator’ and jch whilst ‘tricking 24/7/365 on Aurora Ave!
Janet S. raises a point that all candidates with young children must face: is this the right choice for my family, my children, my marriage?
You dopes might call it sexist, but it’s a question that needs answering. It’s a character question–and the least Burner could do is publicy say something on the topic, like “My husband and I decided this is the best thing we could be doing–we want our child to grow up in a better world, blah, blah, blah”.
It’s a credible question that is demanding to be answered. Of course, if Burner’s too afraid to answer it, so be it.
I am not surprised at the responses to my posts. None address what I actually said, they just attack me personally. I guess that means there isn’t a good argument against what I said, or you would have made it.
BTW, married women vote overwhelmingly repub, single women vote dem. Guess that supports my argument.
Let’s try this again – why would a new mom want to give up some of the most rewarding years of motherhood in order to run for an office that requires 18-20 hours per day? She isn’t doing this to support her child, her husband supposedly makes enough to support them. So what is the motivation? She has the rest of her life to make a mark on the world.
The top 1% pay over a third, 34.27% of all income taxes. (Up from 2003: 33.71%)
The top 5% pay 54.36% of all income taxes (Up from 2002: 53.80%).
The top 10% pay 65.84% (Up from 2002: 65.73%).
The top 25% pay 83.88% (Down from 2002: 83.90%).
The top 50% pay 96.54% (Up from 2002: 96.50%).
The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.46% of all income taxes (Down from 2002: 3.50%). The top 1% is paying nearly ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%!
Start EARNING (and paying your own way) instead of suckking off the tit of mommy government that we producers feed with out hard EARNED money.
The bottom 50%? They pay a paltry 3.46% of all income taxes (Down from 2002: 3.50%). [………………………………………………………………………………Question: Looks like Democrat illegals, welfare hacks, and those who “work off the books” pay zero. Do Democrats pay ANY income taxes at all? No wonder libs want higher taxes as they pay next to nothing. It’s always tax the other guy.]
anti goldy, go back to 1st and Pike, wait for momus, get in car, make him happy, then you will have 20 bucks to buy your crack fix
To Mrs GBS and Goldy’s soon to be ew wife: MTRK and “Patches” JCHK [Part Of The Kennedy Family] are having a little “Drink and Drive” party and would love you have you “babes” join us. Uncle Teddy and I will be driving, and cousin William Kennedy Smith will be glad to take you both for a little “after dinner walk on the beach”. BTW, girls, have you met my cousin Mickel Skakel?? He’s a lot of fun, too!! Sorry, I must run off now as I’m late for a vote!!! Bye, Babes!!! JCHK and MTRK
ps anti goldy, please use protection! we would’nt want Janet s to get an inconvenient STD
ps anti goldy, please use protection! we would’nt want Janet s to get an inco
if i read janet s correctly she has a problem with burner’s character, but the sheriff looks okay to her. yeah it’s non thinking reasoning americans that elected bush.
i see burner who is a woman willing to take time from her family to go into the lions den to try and to make things better in and for our state.
That’s right Madison. If Darcy ever haves a problem with character she can always come to us Kennedy’s for advice. Hey you seem like a cool chick. Are you doing anything tonight?
Janet S ignores the response that blows away her argument – standard GOP tactics.
Once again I ask Janet S. . . will you demand the same accountability from female GOP candidates with children that you of Democrats? Of course not because your argument is completely false and you lied as usual when you said married women vote GOP. That is NOT a true trend. It may have trended that way for a short time after 9.11 since Rove et al managed to make political hay on the backs of 3000 dead people but generally women vote overwhelming Dem.
Like I said, keep making that sexist argument PLEASE keep doing it over and over PLEASE and do it on every forum and on every street corner PLEASE I fucking dare you! If enough of you knuckle-dragging hypocrites make that argument Darcy wins by a landslide. You’ll just serve to remind Washingtonians of the dark ages we visit when we vote republican.
Let’s all continually ask Janet S if she plans to make her sexist argument against female GOP candidates with children. She’ll shut the fuck up like she’s supposed to at that point.
And by the way Janet S I gave $100 to NARAL and Planned Parenthood in your name today. You caused that. I didn’t plan to do it but you motivated it. Congrats!
why would a new mom want to give up some of the most rewarding years of motherhood in order to run for an office that requires 18-20 hours per day?
Just think of it this way Janet, when a Tom Delay Republican like Dave Reichert is on a lobbyist-funded trip to St. Andrews Golf Course in Scotland or some other disgusting activity, Darcy will be spending that all-important quality time with her kid. The house will meet on fewer days (a record!) this year than our State Legislature will, and they’re “part time!” By the way that’s plenty for the “do nothing” congress that Reichert has helped this to become.
She isn’t doing this to support her child
Yes is fact is doing this specifically because of her child. As she said at today’s King Co. Con., after Darcy had her child she decided that the best way to make this country a better one for her kid to grow up in is to unseat her congressman and to take the congress back in the right direction. That is your answer Mrs. S. Darcy is running because she has a kid and her character wouldn’t let her do otherwise.
Goldy said: “…And no doubt, these two factors are huge.
But I think many analysts and pundits have largely overlooked two additional, important factors: challenger Darcy Burner’s surprising strength as both a fundraiser and a campaigner… and incumbent Reichert’s surprising weakness in those very same areas.”
Uh, Goldy, it’s exactly because of the Republican Congress’ and the President’s problems that Burner is raising money and Reichert is not. If the approval ratings for either/both Congress or the President were 60%, Burner would be a non-candidate. Let’s face it, the Republicans are doing so badly right now practially anyone would do well against them.
Goldy: “…yet I didn’t start actively promoting her campaign until February…”
Main Entry: un·der·state
Pronunciation: “&n-d&r-‘stAt
Function: transitive verb
1 : to represent as less than is the case
2 : to state or present with restraint especially for effect
“ the chick…” (?) A little more revealing than you wanted to be there, eh Rufus? This month try talking to a woman for five minutes before you whip your dick out and chase her around the room. You may do better!
You’re right Kyle. This is a bad time to be a republican. But until recently Darcy Burner wasn’t the only show in town. What is it about her that kept other challengers out of the race and won the support of the DCCC? Burner’s place as the challenger to Reichert was by no means a sure thing… unless you have met Darcy Burner. She is an outsider who has developed all her name recognition from zilch to be a serious challenger and scare the hell out of the Reichert camp. To say Darcy has SKILLS would be an… uh what’s the word?… oh yeah, Understatement.
When Darcy Burner met Roger Rabbit at today’s King County Democratic convention, she gave me a big fat HUG! Know what would happen to a rabbit who showed up at a GOP county convention? They’d make a fucking FUR COAT out of him!!! VOTE FOR DARCY BURNER, NOT ANIMAL-HATING FASCISTS!!!
How should candidates for Congress treat cute furry animals?
[ ] 1. Give ’em a sloppy kiss and a big fat hug! :D
[ ] 2. Make fur coats out of ’em. :(
Okay, here’s how people voted:
[x] 1. Give ‘em a sloppy kiss and a big fat hug! 124,563 votes
[x] 2. Make fur coats out of ‘em. 43 votes*
* According to our statistical analysis, one trollfuck voted 17 times and another one voted 8 times, plus 3 dead trolls voted and 9 felon trolls voted, so only 8 of those votes were valid and I KNOW WHO YOU ARE and I TOOK YOUR FUCKING NAMES and YOU’RE GONNA HEAR FROM ME!!!! FASCIST BASTARDS!!! COMMIES!! ANTI-AMERICAN, ANTI-RABBIT PUNKS!!! JUST WAIT!!!
Click here for photo of GOP’s platform plank on endangered species: http://www.aspenfashions.com/M.....123AAT.jpg
How should candidates for Congress treat cute furry animals?
[ ] 1. Give ‘em a sloppy kiss and a big fat hug! :(
[X] 2. Make fur coats out of ‘em. :)
“Burner is running an exceptional campaign”
Of course she is! She not only kisses babies, she also HUGS RABBITS!!! :D :D :D How can you not like someone who’s kind to small cute inoffensive furry animals?
Notice how we just shut that lying bitch Janet S down? As soon as you force a republican to either admit they are a hypocrite or face their own lies they run and hide like the cowards they all really are.
Hey when you done with your straw vote can I borrow the straw?
Hmmm… Touching animals makes Pope “frown.” Try dowsing yourself in elk urine to keep the creatures away.
P.S. It works on people too.
Here here Left turn!! I love bitches who lie…. lie down on their backs that is!!!! hehehehe Old family joke.
“can I borrow the straw?” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 5/6/06@ 8:26 pm
Fuck you, I’m not a bank! Get your own straw to snort your cocaine with.
Thanks for the donation to NARAL. It is mostly single women who have abortions, and they are mostly dems, so you are eliminating a generation of dem voters. Smart move.
If a repub woman with a 2 year old was running for congress or the senate, I would have the same questions that I have for darcy. In twenty years, I’m sure her child will be just thrilled to know that his mom decided that “the world” was more important than him. I guess it takes a village, because those directly responsible are off on quixotic ventures.
Hmmm … do you mean if I dump a bucket of elk urine on Pope, he won’t hug me?
I never met a Republican punk an AK-47 couldn’t tame.
So it’s only those with two year olds – someone with a three year old well they’d be off the hook. How convenient.
And it’s only the Congress and Senate? So a republican woman running for Governor would get a pass from you? You’re such a transparent hypocrite.
You’ve been exposed Janet S. But as I said, keep pushing this trash. It makes it easy to assume Darcy wins by 10 points.
Now how about those oil wells? Can we put one in your back yard as soon as your kids sign up for Iraq?
4, et seq.
I’m glad to see Janet S coming out in favor of paying MEN a LIVING WAGE so their WIVES don’t have to WORK and can’t stay home with the KIDS because the fucking CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES in Congress voted against raising the minimum wage above the PRICE of a gallon of GAS.
“choices have consequences”
How right you are Janet! You chose to be a REPUBLICAN and you’re gonna go to HELL!!!
In God’s eyes, being a Republican is almost the worst thing anyone can do, next to make a fur coat out of one of GOD’S FURRY LITTLE CREATURES.
Here’s an article by a republican who obviously thinks Janet S is full of shit.
And apparently, Janet S doesn’t approve of the Bush propiganda machine pushing Afghanistan’s women with children to run for office.
And here’s a republican Senator who obviously thinks Janest S has sucked too many golf balls through the garden hose.
And look at this. Janet is at odds with the Pretender And Thief himself who says women with children in politics is a good thing.
Well Janet S you’ve been wrong about everything you’ve ever posted here so I guess it comes as no surprise you’re out of touch on this issue but PLEASE keep it up. You’re the best campaigner Darcy ever had.
Hey Richard — when your opponent starts hugging cute furry rabbits, WATCH OUT!!! Everybody loves cute critters! Except Republicans, that is, and according to my straw vote above, there aren’t enough of those left to spit at.
Breaking news! Right Wing Talk Show Host Outs Bush!
Do you have any rabbit fur coats in your closet? Well, do you? Do you eat rabbit stew, too, you fucking cannibal?
“Nothing accomplished, nothing achieved.”
Let’s see … Burner managed a $14 million budget, supervised 5 managers and 25 employees, delivered product, and you call that “nothing?”
“I have a professional background, as did many of my graduate-school buddies.”
In what, fine arts? E.g., the fine art of bullshit?
“Most of us chose motherhood”
Muffy lingo for “can’t get a job with useless fine arts degree”
“the others chose to back away from agressive positions during the formative years.”
Muffy lingo for “missionary position only, dear.”
“None regretted it.”
Muffy lingo for “you oughta see MY alimony check!!! I was married to Mark the Redneck!!!”
Bottom line: While Darcy opted for a paycheck, Janet S opted to spread her legs and collect an alimony check.
Left turn – I marvel at your rhetorical skills, particularly the complete lack thereof.
What argument is it, exactly, that you are declaring victory on? That I don’t criticize repub women for leaving small children at home to run for congress? Got any proof of that?
I just find it curious that darcy has no desire to raise her own child, even though she has the financial means to do so. Some women aren’t meant to raise children. Doesn’t mean I want them in charge of our country.
Bottom line: While Darcy opted for a paycheck, Janet S opted to spread her legs and collect an alimony check.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/6/06@ 8:53 pm
Alimony, who pays alimony? Nothing a little booze a car and bridge can’t fix.
So why does Janet the Family Values Troll spend so much time blogging on Horses Ass instead of SUPERVISING HER CHILDREN?
You seem so certain of your statement that “darcy has no desire to raise her own child” Mrs. S. How did you come to learn this? Do you know Darcy? Is your “professional background” working for Microsoft under Darcy on the .net platform? Did you get fired for stealing office supplies and hold a grudge against Darcy ever since? Do you see how easy it is to infer sweeping allogations from nothing but thin air?
We Kennedy’s dont mess around. We abort the woman along with the baby. Hehehe
Janet S blogs on HA instead of supervising her children because:
[ ] 1. The cold hearted bitch is STERILE and doesn’t have any children.
[ ] 2. She’s never had a date, much less given birth.
[ ] 3. She’s a bad parent who has been investigated by CPS 23 times for reported neglect.
[ ] 4. She’s been pregnant 30 times but all her kids self-aborted after taking one look at who their mother was.
I always love it when someone gives a link to someone else’s opinion, pretending that it is fact because IT IS ON THE INTERNET!
Lots of people of lots of opinions. Link all you want. It gives you something to do.
Women in Afghanistan are facing issues we will hopefully never deal with. The men there see nothing wrong with killing them for showing an ankle. Women’s involvement in politics is much like the women here who have to work to support their family – it is a matter of survival.
I am glad to know that darcy has no desire to raise her own child. It is a piece of information that speaks to her character. Why is that such a problem for you all here?
Please go to MyDD and nominate Darcy to be endorsed as a “Netroots Candidate” http://mydd.com/story/2006/5/6/154310/0753#55
It will result in additional national buzz and more $$ for her campaign.
I am glad to know that Janet S is in fact the grand daughter of Hitler. Its True! Wanna know how I know? I looked it up in my gut!
Seriously Janet, you challenge internet sources because critical thinking is good common sense. Right on. So where is the critical thinking when it comes to how you know what you know about Darcy Burner’s regard for her children? You made it up, didn’t you?
13. I get to vote for or against her, based on my evaluation of her character.
Who the hell are you tying to kid? You’re a fucking Republican troll who is more likely a masterbating teenage boy than a professional anything.
Get real.
Man, this right-wing wonk is worth quoting! I.e.,
“It was the wrong course. All of it was wrong. We are not on the road to victory. We’re about to slink home with our tail between our legs, leaving civil war in Iraq and a nuclear armed Iran in our wake. Bali was bombed. Madrid was bombed. London was bombed. And Bin Laden is still making tapes. It’s unspeakable. The liberal media didn’t create this reality, bad policy did.”
You have to love how hard up the right has become. First Darcy was a bad person because she got straight As in lawschool. Now she supposedly doesn’t want to raise her own children. You must be worried Janet S you must be very worried because if this is all you got, you got nothing!
Your position is so 1950s that it helps anyone who doesn’t understand how dangerous it would be if we left control of this country in the hands of republicans. I have NO problem with your position. I love your position. I have been begging you to keep sharing that position. It will win Darcy the seat.
Please keep it up.
Still wondering when your kids will be going to Iraq and when you’ll ask the administration to drill oil wells.
And not that facts ever get in the way of lies you like to tell but my links were primarily to news stories or even official White House propiganda, not opinions.
56 (continued)
But wait! There’s more:
“… the damage this President has done is enormous. It will take decades to undo …”
Wow! That’s powerful stuff — coming from a right winger!
Actually I have a sophisticated machine that can analyze electron vibrations. It says Janet S is a fucking idiot.
“Your position is so 1950s”
Her position is closer to the 1590s than the 1950s.
Don’t forget everybody — Darcy HUGS rabbits!!! :D :D :D
McIntyre is tired of getting clobbered like our whipping boy trolls are here.
Does this make me a waffler? A flip-flopper? Maybe, although I prefer to call it realism. And, for those of you who never supported Bush, its also fair to accuse me of kicking Bush while he’s down. After all, you were kicking him while he was up.
You were right, I was wrong.
Fact: running for congress and serving in congress is more than a full time job.
Fact: there are only 24 hours in a day.
Fact: you can’t do all things. Darcy can run for congress, or she can raise her child. It is physically impossible to be in two places at the same time. Someone else is raising her child, and will continue to do so if she is elected.
Like I said, I have no problem with her choices. She is free to make them. But I am free to draw conclusions about her character based on her decisions. Such is the life of someone running for a very public position. I think it is pretty funny that you all attack me personally for pointing out the obvious.
Keep digging, Janet S.
Keep digging.
Tell us when you strike bedrock.
We know you can do it!
Fact: The Republicans have repeatedly use the gender card to attack female candidates. There is nothing off-hand about it, either. Whatever else you can say about their tactics, they are quite well poll tested.
Fact: Janet S. is a paid hack for the Republicans. This is official spin, not personal opinion.
Drivel – would you care to add to the discussion rather than just try to attack everyone and backhandily accuse them of being homosexual? You are only detracting from yourself with an arguement like that.
Janet, is that you?
Janet S. brings up a good point: Darcy “abandons her child to run for Congress” Burner isn’t going to go-over well with east-side soccer moms.
This latest issue of Darcy abandoning her young child to run for Congress fits in with everything else we know about Burner and commitments: she abandons them.
Fact: Janet S (and Auntie-Goldy) votes for anything with an “R” next to it.
Will Baker anyone?
Janet @ 82 gets to the heart of the matter: Her spin is all about demographics. Rove and Co. know they can’t keep control of Congress if they run on the issues, so they will focus on “culture wars.”
Just has Kerry was branded a “metrosexual,” Burner will be tarred as not having the same wholesome values of all those married soccer moms. Facts are irrelevant. So is decency. This is all about keeping control of both houses of Congress so that the Democrats can’t launch investigations into Republican corruption.
“Burner isn’t going to go-over well with east-side soccer moms.”
What a moronic statement! I live *deep* in the 8th LD and no one here can afford to load that bunch of fair haired soccer kids into the SUV without having the Mom work.
What an idiot!
I hope so you’re right Don, but the Republicans can be quite effective at playing to people’s fears and aspirations. These guys use pretty sophisticating psychographic research to develop their strategies. Perhaps they are tapping into working moms’ feelings of guilt about not being with the children. I don’t know, but I do know that great care is put into how these story lines are crafted.
Green, I know they are well crafted, and they try to barrage the public with trial balloons (remember the “Darcy had a car accident! BS?)
But this “Mom working and not caring for her kids is another no-starter.
Moms work. Welcome to America.
And if that Mom is going to work to stop the Bush Madness.
All the better.
Janet S, needs to get a new talking point from the WaGOP.
This one is dead.
A while back someone (eponymous coward, I think) posted part of an article about how Karl Rove operates. The excerpt talked about he takes the single most admirable quality of the Democratic candidate and develops ways to negate it. The example given was the creation of a whispering campaign through a state law school that the Democrat was a pedophile.
The whole Rovian mindset is pretty creepy, but the stakes are so high in the 2006 elections that I can’t imagine he won’t show new levels of inventiveness.
The weird thing about the national Republicans is that they can be brilliant (in a machiavellian way) and yet totally tone deaf. So Don, your point about Janet’s talking point is well taken. Do they adequately understand the district?
I guess time will tell. I just hope that Burner fights back better than Kerry.
” {Rove} takes the single most admirable quality of the Democratic candidate and develops ways to negate it.”.
Thus the traitorous act of Swift Boating Kerry. Kerry was a hero of the Vietnam War with more Purple Hearts than GWB had brain cells, and the RNC passed out band-aids with a purple heart on them at the RNC convention. They degraded every US soldier who served in Vietnam, and every soldier since. You just cannot get more evil than that.
But, yeah, I think they are completely out of step. They just do not get that Bush has destroyed the US, and US citizens in Red and Blue states, counties and townships now it.
If they try to destroy a working Mother, especially a Mother working to stop the destruction Bush has caused they can expect blow back from every part of the US.
They are completely out of touch and clueless.
Hubris, pure and simple.
The evil Mother-Haters will pay big time.
And by election time Rove will be pleading insanity at his court appearences.
for the typo Nazis “..and townships now it”
should read “.. and townships know it”
If I made any other typos, the Trolls can roll them up in tin foil and shove them up their asses.
“Burner isn’t going to go-over well with east-side soccer moms.” Commentby Rabbits Are Roadkill— 5/6/06@ 10:37 pm
So fucking what??? Reichert isn’t going to go over well with working moms.
Ya know the funny thing about all those gleaming office towers and retail shops on the east side is most of the people working in them make a Democrat living and worry about things like inflation, health care, public schools, gas prices, etc.
Does anybody know if Reichert voted against raising the federal minimum wage above $5.15 an hour? Of course, our state minimum wage is higher, but I wonder how a working mom would feel if Reichert told her that an hour of her labor is worth 1 gallon of gas plus 1 quart of milk.
Libruls: I ask this question.
Let’s say you rubes win the House. What legislation will your party implement to lower gas prices?
You nailed it, GT! If the Democrats win the House, the last two years of Bush’s spectacularly failed presidency will be consumed by subpoenaes and investigations. Republicans are terrified.
Yep, the party that says it doesn’t govern with polls uses psy-ops to brainwash the electorate.
More horseshit from dribble:
“Janet the schmuck @7, with the current chimp brigade working less than half the year in DC, what is the problem? Your deviant self raised Puddy ‘the quota creator’ and jch whilst ‘tricking 24/7/365 on Aurora Ave!
Commentby Drivel— 5/6/06@ 6:34 pm”
Too bad his father was packing a full load at his conception. Too bad what he wrote above doesn’t make any sense. Please dribble take your meds.
As clever as Rove and his copycats are, this whole thing is going to implode on them. Their smear tactics and lies can’t cover up the incompetence of their governing or the failure of their policies. Even Republicans will leave when they figure out they’ve been lied to.
“Let’s say you rubes win the House. What legislation will your party implement to lower gas prices?” Commentby Puddybud— 5/7/06@ 12:10 am
Democrats understand that America can’t drill its way to energy independence or lower pump prices. Most of the world’s remaining oil reserves are outside our borders. At current cosnumption rates, all known reserves will be gone in less than 30 years. America has to invent its way out of energy shortages by developing the sources and technologies that will replace oil.
Short term, ending the unproductive military adventure in Iraq would immediately free up millions of gallons a day of aviation and transport fuel, driving down market prices. Reversing Bush’s policies of financing government operations by selling debt to China, and sending U.S. jobs to China and India, will reduce the amount of cash those countries have to bid up oil prices. Ending Bush’s inflationary economic policies will encourage oil producers to stabilize oil prices, whereas continuing to cheapen the dollar forces them to demand high dollar prices just to maintain the same purchasing power.
Finally, Democrats will not make energy policy in secret behind locked doors where oil industry lobbyists make key government appointments, write legislation, and create the government’s energy policies.
Face it, Puddybutt, your Bushie-buddies blew it at the gas pump. This is THEIR fucking fault.
And don’t try to say it’s caused by environmentalists blocking refineries, because the FACT is U.S. refining capacity has been INCREASING for the last 10 years.
Now watch Puttyferbrains try to say the fact Ken Lay attended Cheney’s secret energy meetings had nothing to do with the fraudulent manipulation of west coast electricity markets.
I suppose that I differ from some of my fellow Democrats in that I do not believe high gas prices are a result of a price-fixing conspiracy by the oil companies. It’s really very simple. There is a ceiling to how much oil the world can pump, which is around 84 million bpd. In the last 5 years, world oil demand has risen from roughly 77 million bpd to around 84 to 85 million bpd. When demand exceeds what the market can supply, the available supply has to be rationed somehow. Price is the market’s rationing mechanism: Suppliers keep raising the price until enough buyers drop out of the market to equalize demand with supply. Because demand for gasoline and other oil products is relatively inelastic, it takes a lot of price movement to produce small changes in demand. Even when gas hit $2.50, people kept buying gas guzzling SUVs and pickups. It appears $3 gas is starting to have an effect on gas guzzler sales, and on discretionary driving, i.e., people cutting back on vacation trips and unnecessary trips to the grocery store, a little more carpooling and public transit use, etc. But if prices drop back to $2, America will go right back to its gas guzzling ways, supplies will tighten again, and the price will shoot right back up.
Media like National Geographic and others have been warning for over two years now that the era of cheap oil is over, the supply-demand equation has fundamentally changed, and producers can no longer supply an increasingly thirsty market by pumping more oil. The producers are pumping all-out, and this time around, it is demand that has to give. When we use less, prices will come down. If we don’t, they’ll go higher.
Libruls: I ask this question.
Let’s say you rubes win the House. What legislation will your party implement to lower gas prices?
Comment by Puddybud — 5/7/06 @ 12:10 am
Impeachment proceedings.
So Pellet Breath, I for one have been saying all along that the demand has risen which caused prices to skyrocket. Your side has claimed to have the crystal ball on how prices can come down. It is not from military use. My buds say the pilots are getting their flight time in. They don’t have to do their training missions state side as they are getting real flight time. So try again Pellet Breath!
I for one like my SUV. But I will cut back on it’s use. It will win in car crashes! When a Prius and a SUV collide I’ll take the SUV!!!
Sorry Donna, that will not bring down the price of gas. But the dull knife kingdom is happy to see you using your nanometric brain!
PuddyBud, getting rid of the Oil Men of The White House will be the first step of lowering energy costs.
After we burn their freshly hanged carcasses from The Hague, we can get some serious energy policy.
“I for one like my SUV. But I will cut back on it’s use. It will win in car crashes! When a Prius and a SUV collide I’ll take the SUV!!!”
But when your SUV is stuck for a want of gas, the rest of us will have fun watching your pink ass waddling down the road.
Donna, you just don’t get it. I can afford the gas. I choose to spend it in other places. Who told you my ass was pink? Have you been peeking at me in the Sea-Tac bathroom stalls? You would determine my ass ain’t pink donna!
“I can afford the gas. I choose to spend it in other places.”
But can the gas afford you, PuddyBud? Or do you think that oil is an infinite resource?
This point by Janet S of Darcy Burner abandoning her three year old son Henry (born in January 2003) to run for Congress is very interesting. Exactly what happened to Darcy Burner’s other child(ren)?
Darcy Burner was supposed to have had her first child born sometime around October 24, 1993, but we have never heard what happened to this child:
Darcy Burner apparently did have a child some time in 1996, but that child allegedly died (according to Burner) from “a pretty clear case of medical malpractice.”
Darcy Burner’s background could certainly use a lot more investigation. Perhaps something interesting will come up from all of this.
Granted, one might say bringing this up is a low blow on my part. However, it is at least based on facts right out of Darcy Burner’s own mouth that can easily be checked by clicking on the two links above.
Certainly much more accurate than all the false accusations and insinuations by Goldy and his fellow travelers that Dave Reichert is being sued by his wife for divorce — when no such thing has happened and the Reicherts are happily living together — or that Julie Reichert is basing her (non-existent) divorce petition on alleged domestic violence.
Dick Pope.
Low Blow?
Complete Bullshit?
Why, per chance, is Richard Pope up at 2 am writing such a classic Rovian smear?
Hey, Richard, would you care do deny that you have had any contacts with the Reichert campaign or other Republican or business groups?
Let’s go a step further: Do you categorically deny having taken any money from any of the above groups for your smear campaign against Burner?
I don’t have to look at your ass to know any sycophant who brown noses wealth and power as much as you do doesn’t wipe his ass after using the Sea-Tac bathroom stalls.
What color is Puttybutt’s ass?
[ ] 1. Pink
[ ] 2. Green
[ ] 3. Yellow
[ ] 4. Mauve
[ ] 5. Same color as his shit
Well, Pope has to make his food stamp copayment somehow, since he can’t get elected to a high-paying public office (i.e., port commissioner) and obviously isn’t making any money practicing law.
Rabbit Pellet POLL
What color is Puttybutt’s ass?
[ ] 1. Pink
[ ] 2. Green
[ ] 3. Yellow
[ ] 4. Mauve
[ ] 5. Same color as his shit
[X] 6. Hop over and lick it Pellet! You are a good asswiper!
Donna, never said oil is an infinite resource. But ASSHeads on your side said it was a zero sum game (horseless looselips fer instance)
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
What is Pellet’s fur patches good for? Cleaning your butt crack after dropping a good librul into the latrine!
PuddyBud said “never said oil is an infinite resource.”
But yet you said
“I for one like my SUV. But I will cut back on it’s use. It will win in car crashes! When a Prius and a SUV collide I’ll take the SUV!!!â€
No one gives a shit what happens to your overstuffed pink ass in a car accidenbt PuddyBud, but driving an SUV with oil being a finite resource should get you pulled over and clubbed unconscious. You fucking moron!
Oh, Janet S, you’re just full of shit.
“Darcy is choosing to be absent from her child’s life…I can’t imagine what drives a mother to take on a challenge that leaves her separated from her very young child for 18-20 hours per day.”
This is an unwarranted assumption. You don’t know how much time Darcy will spend on the job. You don’t know how much time it takes to do a good job in Congress. I am guessing that you have no idea how much time Reichert spends doing his job. You don’t know how Darcy will arrange her life to meet these challenges–if, for example, she has her child with her for exteneded periods as she does herr jnob, or if she does significant amounts of work at hime. And not knowing ANY of these things, you bash away as if you do. But WE know that you don’t know them, so you should really get real.
“I didn’t say there was anything wrong with her choice. Whatever you want to do, go for it. But choices have consequences. Darcy is choosing to be absent from her child’s life. In my book, that is a reflection of character.”
Again, “absent from her child’s life” is your ignorant hyperbole. But if you DO have similar criticisms for other women who chose lives in public service, please inform us all. And if you DO have such criticisms, do you have similar criticisms of MEN who make such choices to “be absent from [their] child’s life?” Please educate us as to your stance.
In the US Congress in 2003, there were 306 Represenatives and 80 Senators with children in school. Clearly this is a reflection of character. Throw the bums out!!!
Heritage Foundation study.