Darcy issued the following brief statement:
“It is likely at this point that Congressman Reichert has won re-election, and while we will certainly ensure that every valid vote is counted, we accept the decision of the voters.
“I would like to thank the thousands of people who put so much time and effort into the campaign, as well as the countless thousands more who went beyond voting to actively participate in our democratic process this year. The election of Barack Obama as our new President will ensure that the change to the direction of our country called for in this campaign is realized in the new year.”
I will write my own analysis later, but for the moment, I can’t disagree with Joan’s comments over at Daily Kos:
The Seattle Times spurious attack on Darcy’s character, calling her a liar because she accurately described her Harvard degree, apparently worked. So they succeeded in re-electing an already ineffective incumbent who will be even more so mired deep in the minority, with a Democratic president.
Congratulations, Emily Heffter and the Seattle Times. You just assured progress on key issues like transportation and environmental protection in the 8th District won’t have an effective proponent in the House. At least we’ve got good Senators.
I want to thank all of you here at HA who contributed so much time, money and support to Darcy during her two campaigns. And I want to thank Darcy for dedicating four years out of her life to this cause. I don’t know if she’ll ever serve in Congress, but I sincerely doubt that this is the last we’ve heard of Darcy Burner.
I posted this on a previous thread, feel free to deleted it if you don’t like the duplication.
For a decade WA-08 was a gimme for the Republicans. Jennifer Dunn pulled gobs of cash out of it for the RNCC and trotted around helping other Republicans get elected.
Now WA-08 is in play, the RNCC has to spend gobs of money to keep it, they have to send in heavy hitters to keep the seat and it’s occupied by a backbench dullard. I kinda think, I like it the way it is today better than when Jennifer Dunn held the seat.
If we went by what the crusty, constipated, tight-ass’s responsible for King County’s MSM political discourse (and much of both parties discourse) have to say (the people who are all for liberalism as long as no one gets carried away and nothing ever changes) WA-08 would still be a gimme for the Republicans.
I’m happy as hell that Darcy Burner and her supporters put themselves out there and gave it a shot. I think they did great work, made it possible for other Dem’s to get elected and laid the ground work for us taking the district in 2010.
Good work and thanks for the effort!
God I hope not
Apparently the majority of people in her District wish it were
Wow; too bad. While I certainly hoped that Burner would get elected, be swept along in the Obama tide, I confess to this lingering doubt in the back of my mind, about the veracity of her candidacy. If she had taken the interim, after her first election campaign, to strengthen her resume she might have had a more persuasive message for the voters. Looked at from a distance (from Seattle) it appeared that Burner hadn’t grown any between campaigns.
Perhaps she should’ve run for the legislature and built a record there, before attempting the leap to Congress.
I had the privilege of meeting her and was very impressed; she is the real deal. I supported her financially more than I had any business doing and don’t regret a cent.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall when the retrograde fucktards (hey, that would be a great band name) who own/run the Seattle Times get to print the news that despite their ferociously self-serving efforts, the inheritance tax is going back up! For good!!
Darcy, we are proud of you.
Michael @ 1
Good analysis. Now, let’s be honest about Darcy Burner. She has lots of ambition (just like Sarah Palin), but not a whole lot by way of accomplishment (just like Sarah Palin). She is simply not very impressive. Is she more qualified than Davey? For God’s sake, of course. He is an idiot. I wish she had won. But, we need a stronger candidate in the 8th next time. That district is ours for the taking, and I know we can do a helluva lot better than Darcy Burner. We need someone with a curriculum vitae to step up. Darcy may have a future in politics, but she needs to step back, slow down, and suck up some humility in the meantime. Then, she might again present herself to the electorate. (None of this should be read as offering any sort of endorsement to Reichert, who is wholly unqualified to be a United States Representative.)
Actually, Hair Spray would have to get 327,451 votes to get a majority of the people, he only got 138,537.
‘Oh, wait, I get it; You meant a majority of the voters. Well 130,606 in his district told Hair Spray to take a hike. Jennifer Dunn got more votes than Hairspray in 4 out of 6 of her elections and the district had fewer folks in it then.
Go ahead and say you didn’t like Burner, for what ever reason. Just don’t try to say that Hairspray is anything but a joke.
And at least our girl didn’t cheat and lie.
In I lived in the 45th LD, we could never elect a Democrat. Look at them now. I can’t help but think the Republican hold on the 8th district is nearing the end.
We in the 8th are very pleased to have the Sheriff representing us in DC once more. A voice against raising taxes and a calm demeanor to go with it. Darcy should move to Seattle and take on Jim McDermott in the next cong. dem primary. That’s where her heart really lies. Besides, it would be good political theatre Her affiliations with KOS make her a much better fit for the 7th District.
Maybe she could run for HOA board, or city council. Something more up her skill level
For all of you who read this post Darcy Burner is now toast.
Darcy Burner FYI, That’s what happens when you lie.
Dave has beat you fair and square, go take Henry to the fair.
For all of us, I’d like to say, please just Darcy GO AWAY!
Wow, you have a sense of poetic cadence and rhyme. Frankly, you should be looking for a place in the Republican speechwriting hierarchy. (Kudos, that ain’t bad, despite its disagreeable substance.)
Epic fail Goldy. You backed a horsesass instead of a solid horse.
First, Democrats should be congratulated on the effective campaigns run both locally and nationally these past 4 years. No doubt this is going to be a very interesting next 4 years.
That said, I believe that Darcy Burner losing again highlights how weak a candidate she really is/was. This was not because of the local papers…There was the “Blue Wave” in 2006, in which she failed to defeat a one term incumbent. Then in 2008 she wasn’t able to ride President Obama’s coat tails. If ever there were two golden opportunities to take that seat, 06, and 08 were it…
She had the money and the momentum and could not close the deal.
Unlike Gov Gregoire, Darcy didn’t enjoy the luxury of the gimme vote in Seattle which decided the Gov race. 1/3 of all CG’s votes were from King Co and I bet that the bulk of those were from the greater Seattle area.
And I fully concede that Rep Reichert is no strong winner either… The fact that a no name, no experience, no resume Democrat nearly won the race should make Rep Reichert take a hard look at who he is representing…
Good job Democrats in 08! But you should have had the 8th too if you hadn’t run such a weak candidate.
I just posted this as a comment to McJoan’s diary and want to get the idea out here too. Yes it’s a long shot but something to think about. Darcy could be appointed to the house to fill Jay Insley’s seat and she wouldn’t even have to move to District 1 if she didn’t want to.
Read On:
OK, this is jumping the gun but if Jay Insley does leave The House, Governor Gregoire can appoint Darcy to replace him and she doesn’t have to move.
Here is all the Constitution requires. You will notice in the second clause that it doesn’t say the person has to live in the district they represent just the state. Sure there would be some heat from it but it is most likely Gregoire’s last term so she could take it or maybe Darcy would choose to move.
Keep it in mind and we’ll drop an e-mail bomb on Olympia like they’ve never seen if we get the chance. Think how much fun it would be to beat the bastards after all.
Umm The Governor does not appoint people to congress. Unlike the Federal Senate or our state house and senate, nobody sits in the US House of Representatives without winning an election
The Times’ behavior in this was scurrilous. In some country’s, publication of a lie like thta would subject the Times ot legal action by Ms. Burner.
OTOH, there is a lesson here and hope that the effort may go well fo the future. The support mechanism behind her is not really that different from the one Barack used in his campaign. He too was challenged by questions raised about youth and experience. He might well have lost if the Repricans were not so invested ion factionalism and extremism.
Bottom line, Darcy has put together the parts of a great elction machine. I hope it does nto get sent to the salvage yard for parts but is retooled fo better efforts.
Burner showed a total lack of class and experience by not calling Reichert to concede the race. It was her one oppoortunity to act like a pro and she blew it. Rather, she continued her petulant child act much like the one we heard when she crashed and burned on “The Commentators”.
See ya Darcy.
I can’t believe you HA’ers continue to blame The Times for Darcy’s demise. Face it, she was the inferior candidate…TWICE…during two huge Dem. sweep years. And despite boatloads of nutroots and DCCC money, she lost. TWICE.
This year, she lied first, then she lost.
Time to start looking around for a new Dem. candidate for 2010.
The biggest upside is we don’t have to listen to that squeeky 5 year old voice for the next 2 years.
As for the lies and Darcy’s feeble attempt to weasel out of them, I would ask her “When you applied for the job at Microsoft, did you tell them you have a degree in Economics from Harvard or a degree in Computer Science?” I’m sure she would sign a release to have her application made public to prove it. NOT…
The least she could do is call the winner and wish him the best, but that shows what a partisan democrap Darcy is.
This above all shows the real Darcy Burner
Suck it up and Call the Winner!
Bye Bye Darcy!
Looks like the Lands Commissioner race might still be in play. On Thursday night, the AP said that Goldmark’s 2.2 percent lead (51.1% to 48.9%) was insurmountable.
Right now, Goldmark is only ahead by 0.88% — 50.44% to 49.56% over Sutherland. And Pierce County — a Sutherland stronghold that he represented for many years as County Executive and Tacoma Mayor — has counted only 51.01% of its ballots so far — by far the highest percentage of uncounted ballots of any county in the state.
So we will see …
So you fucking assholes can gloat. Go ahead.
The MOST ineffective and irrelevant Congressman will be representing your district.
Good job shitheads.
Nice smear Seattle Times. Nice smear Emily…maybe Faux news’ll pick you up. You’re their kinda girl.
Right Stuff @ 14
Glad to see you back. There is magnanimity in your post, which is not something we always see from the right. There is also reality in your post, which is something I’d like to see a lot more of from the right. Those of us on the left are not always right. Imagine that. A dialogue is a good thing. Let’s shoot for that.
PS…in case you didn’t notice…
….the DEMOCRAT won.
He’s President…
OH YEAH…who won the Governor’s race?
It is disturbing that the Democrats couldn’t secure this seat this year. A better opportunity will not soon present itself.
Darcy’s single minded focus on fundraising was impressive, but this was the only reason she secured the nomination.
Darcy had never been an active participant in the community, and had never worked on any progressive causes prior to running for Congress. Under these circumstances her campaign for Congress reflected more hubris than commitment.
Darcy’s failure to collaborate with activists and local political allies was a profound mistake that limited the reach of her campaign.
Darcy is young and bright. Perhaps she will unselfishly work on some important local issues and thereby earn the respect she needs to warrant another run for elective office.
Okay, let me admit my error. I had thought that no state had split its electoral votes before Nebraska apparently will do this year. From the Omaha daily:
“Nebraska and Maine are not, however, the first states to try a split-electoral system, said Randy Adkins, a political scientist at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Several states flirted with similar systems in the early 1800s, including Kentucky, Maryland and North Carolina.One of the last to use it was Michigan, which split its electoral votes in the 1892 presidential election between Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland.
States began abandoning the split system in the late 19th century. Political parties, especially those dominating in particular states, led the effort for a winner-take-all system.”
you are blaming this on the times and so is mcjaon? lord, you people are delusional. the reality is anyone who saw that video clip accepted that darcy was bs’ing about here degree, another inflated harvard brat trying to pimp herself further and the times dealt with it appropriately. not that sheriff dave didn’t overstate his importance to the whole green river thing.
now we are all awaiting your reassessment of this blog, goldy. it’s pretty good but you keep going down the rat tunnels with the wrong crew.
Would anyone here really want the Seattle Times to be more like how Goldy wishes it would be?
Thank you Seattle Times for not remaining silent.
Reichart gets another by huh?
That douche bag was porking Rahr before he left and passed the knee pads to her.
I still cant believe a clown like him got re-elected. I would rather vote for John Carlson….
It is pretty pathetic that we 8th CD voters had to choose between Reichert & Burner. If you ever want to know what a poor sheriff Reichert was, just google Seattle PI+conduct unbecoming. That was a investigative piece they did on the KCSO.
On the other hand Burner is a far-left koolaid drinker who thinks 5 undergrad econ classes qualifies her to go to DC and fix the economy–forget about whether she ‘lied’ about the degree. She’s equally unqualified.
I did not vote for either of them, nor did I write-in, since that is a waste of ink.
Goldy’s dick now shrivels in defeat….
When the Republican Times smeared her, Burner should have gone negative on Dave Reichert, in the strongest way she could have. She should have attacked Reichert on his claim that he captured Gary Ridgeway, when DNA evidence against Ridgeway was there for years, and hairspray did nothing. She should have used ads with Reichert talking to Ridgeway about sex.
Her ads were weak, she projected weakness, and her defense of her degree did her no good. She should have attacked Reichert on his fudging of his degree, thereby muddying the waters, and possibly neutralizing the Republican Times piece. Instead, she got buried by an attack by the Republican Times.
Burner will probably get an appointment with the Obama administration, and end up having more power in the Seattle area than Reichert does.
Reichert has done nothing in Congress, just as he did nothing when he was Sheriff. He did do something when he was the head of the Green River Killer task force….he mailed in a sample to a lab. It only took him ten years longer than it should have.
Good bye to the little bitch. She could never defeat George Bush!
“And at least our girl didn’t cheat and lie.”
Yeah, like saying she was an MS Exce when she wasn’t or saying she had an econ degree from harvard when she didn’t.
Tears of the left. Yummm tasty.
“Tears of the left”.
Well, enjoy them. Yeah, the left did not get EVERYTHING they wanted. But we got enough to shove everything we want through Congress for the next two years. 60 seats in the Senate is a nice number, but those two Republican Senators in Maine are just as good.
Your day is done sir. You are now a political eunuch. So lap up our tears for Darcy. Savor it. Remember it.
Because for the next two years, all you are going to taste is our droppings, they ones we deign to give to you.
“But we got enough to shove everything we want through Congress for the next two years. 60 seats in the Senate is a nice number, but those two Republican Senators in Maine are just as good.”
I trust you won’t deny your words two years from now when unemployment is 12%, interest rates are 21%, our military is in tatters and double digit inflation has returned.
I love how the local horsesASSes are upset over the Seattle Times “Darcy Delivery System”.
But you all cheered the Pee-In-Your-Eye Treatment of John McCain and other Republican candidates. You cheered the LA Times holding the Rashidi tape. You cheered the NY Times carrying the Bristol Palin is Trig’s mother article.
You can’t have it both ways horsesASSes. But… wait a minute… you are horsesASSes so you are taking it both ways. Hope it felt good!
They don’t have enough to shove it through Congress. They don’t have 60 Senate seats. I don’t think Collins and Snowe will accept the Donkey snow job!
Darcy failed when she was on KOMO and even Ken Schram was close to giving her a shrammy for that pitiful performance!
Two years from now it might be worse, due to the Republican torture machines ineptitude.
It may be awhile before we climb out of the economic hole you economic “conservatives” dug for this great nation.
Why do you Republicans hate America so much that you doubled the national debt in the last eight years?
Why do you Republicans love Osama bin Laden so much you refuse to capture him?
Why did your party torture teen age boys to death in Cuba and Afghanistan?
“I trust you won’t deny your words two years from now when unemployment is 12%, interest rates are 21%, our military is in tatters and double digit inflation has returned”
Maybe you have not been keeping up with current events, but Junior Bush has already accomplished all of that. Maybe your should adjust your partisan benchmarks a little.
Shit, you can’t even count to four. Is McCain up in the polls yet?
Puddingdick the Prognostic of Prognosticators.
Boy, it was fun, fun, fun watching the Republicans drown, drown, drown on Tuesday.
So, who is the leader of the Republican minority in the Senate?
Is it John “I almost lost my seat” Boehner, or the convicted felon Ted Stevens? Yeah, Snowe and Collins are just going to be quivering in their shoes about voting with the Democrats.
“Maybe you have not been keeping up with current events, but Junior Bush has already accomplished all of that. Maybe your should adjust your partisan benchmarks a little.”
Maybe you should pick up a paper. Unemployment is not 12%, not even close. Inflation is Not double digit, not even close. Interest rates are not 21%, not even close. But like your little candidate Darcy, you need to lie about it. Good. Practice your lying, because two years from now you will need to put out even bigger lies than just saying you have an Econ degree from harvard. It won’t help you though.
Obama and Bin Laden are both buddies with people who bombed the pentagon. Will they play “God Damn America, US of KKK-A” at the inaguration ceremony?
After Obama reveals our covert ops and inner most secrets of our intelligence agencies to Al Qaeda, the people will revolt.
Why are Democrats terrorist lovers?
I doubt the Harvard degree flap had anything to do with it. Reichert won by almost exactly the same percentages in 2004, 2006, and 2008 against 2 Democratic challengers with different resumes. It’s the district’s attachment to Reichert, not anything Ross or Burner did (or failed to do).
I, too, hope Darcy stays in the game. She has a lot to offer, but best of all, she hugs rabbits!
@46 Keep living in your dream world. Squeal all you want, loser. Your party is over. The GOP isn’t coming back, your ideology is dead, and you have no audience. Grownups are in charge now.
@4 I’m against the inheritance tax. It’s a bad tax. It destroys American values. For example, people who inherit a lot of money have no incentive to work and the $2 million tax exemption they get is a slap in the face to workers who get only a few thousand dollars of exemptions.
I think we should eliminate the inheritance tax and basis step-up. Inheritances should be taxed like other income. The taxes should be paid by the heirs who get the money, not the estates that pay the money. Inherited money spends the same as earned money, so there should be no difference in how income is taxed, regardless of whether you worked for it or daddy gave it to you.
This way everyone will be treated the same. We’ve redistributed wealth to the rich through special tax privileges long enough. That’s socialism.
Rabbit tears taste good! Yummmy!
Pusdrivendyke – John Boehner? He’s in the House you fool.
What a pitiful use of a mind.
And… it proves to the Republicans when you put forth a 1960s Democrat as your presidential standard bearer you go down in defeat.
Interest rates are not 21%?
Try getting a business loan dude. There is a reason all the store fronts are emptying.
Cowlitz County’s unemployment rate soared to 9.2 percent last month, a ten percent increase over last month’s. So, by inauguration day, it may not seem so “not even close”, math whiz.
Why did Bush destroy the American economy? Why does Bush hate America? And why do you continue to support policies that undermine our efforts to win the war on terror?
We have our sixty Senate votes, and you do not matter anymore.
“The taxes should be paid by the heirs who get the money, not the estates that pay the money. Inherited money spends the same as earned money, so there should be no difference in how income is taxed, regardless of whether you worked for it or daddy gave it to you.”
You mean like Theresa Heinz Kerry and her millions? Wow, I think I agree.
Pelletizer – Darcy Moonbat! is losing by more votes. Who cares about “percentages”?
As I recall, all I heard from the crazies was look at the # of votes Obama got.
Dumb bunny.
My three year old nephew has a wonderful toy that teaches him numbers. Maybe you should get one.
@50 Oh yeah, I’m really crying, sure thing. =:-D
Hey, I’d rather be me than you.
Proud Leftist.
Darcy was elected to what?
We already know what Sarah Palin was elected to. Much, much more than Darcy Moonbat!
Idiot@55: Can you read?
@54 Well let’s see. Obama won. Gregoire won. We’ve got at least 57 Senate seats and the biggest House majority in decades. We strengthened our majorities in Olympia. And what did you get? Another hair-breadth win by Reichert that he eked out by voting the Democratic positions on ANWR and Wild Sky. Sucks to be you, puddy. Really.
Golly pusdrivendyke, As I recall when I placed the OpenSecrets campaign contributions, all those evil wall streeters were giving almost 6:1 to Donkey candidates. In fact if you perform some due diligence, you’d see the first financial houses to go down were intimately intertwined with Congressional Donkey.
What a moron you are!
The more you post about it, the more you prove it’s true, you are sobbing in your booze right now.
Delicious! Nutroot tears. Yummmy!
No it doesn’t suck to be me. I’m still standing. Now the fun begins!
So, which Republicans are running for re-election for the Senate in 2010 in a state Obama won?
George Voinovich of Ohio
That’s right, puddy, all you got from this election is a congressman who survives by voting like a Democrat. Sucks to be you. Really.
Richard Burr of North Carolina
Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania
John Thune of South Dakota
@62 Standing where? In a corner? You lost. Your party lost. Nearly all your party’s candidates lost. Hasn’t anyone told you this yet? Puddy appears to be in heavy-duty denial.
Kit Bond of Missouri
Pusdrivendyke, have you noticed Obama is already backtracking on some of his promises.
DUH dum dum.
“@54 Well let’s see. Obama won. Gregoire won. We’ve got at least 57 Senate seats and the biggest House majority in decades. We strengthened our majorities in Olympia. And what did you get? Another hair-breadth win by Reichert that he eked out by voting the Democratic positions on ANWR and Wild Sky. Sucks to be you, puddy. Really.”
And your party is in complete, utter, totally dominant control right? Gonna make it kinds hard to be blaming others when things are in the tank in two years now isn’t it? Doh!
So please please please keep spouting off about how you controll every single seat, can do anything you want. Hell I WANT the public to see what your nutjob party does when you have power.
I am buying the popcorn. Hell your Messiah isn’t even inagurated and ALREADY he is tripping up making fun of Nancy Reagan by mistakenly stating she was doing seances in the White House when IN FACT it was Hillary Clinton channelling Eleanor Roosevelt.
Keep up the bragging. Yummy! Goes well with the bitter nutroot tears.
Pelletizer, do you remember… no you are stupid and oxygen starved… I don’t like McCain.
261 So let me get this straight, you think I’m crying in my booze because we kicked your asses?
Ya know, I was afraid the trolls would slink away and the next 4 years would be awfully boring around here. I was wrong. It’s gonna be business as usual.
Thanks, trolls, for being good sports and coming back to get kicked some more. Now bend over again.
Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Mel Martinez of Florida.
I may have missed a few. I am sure none of them will break ranks just because they are running for re-election against the Obama money machine.
Then, it looks like McCain is polling behind the Arizona Democratic governor. Lisa Murkowski is running in Alaska. I am sure Sarah Palin will not try for that seat, sure ya betcha.
Looks like the Democratic Senate will have votes to spare.
And all you Republican torture lovers on this board will just be the last sled dog on the trail, sucking ass 31.
That’s 24 + 7.
“261 So let me get this straight, you think I’m crying in my booze because we kicked your asses?”
You are crying in your beer because in your twisted mind, you think Darcy was OWED the 8th, she DESERVED it after all the campaigning TWICE. Like the last kid who doesn’t get picked to play, Darcy will never serve in congress from the 8th. That eats you up inside, sepecially since you and the other nutrooters hocked your houses to buy it for her.
“Ya know, I was afraid that after the election the trolls would slink away and the next 4 years would be awfully boring around here.”
Unlike you libs who threaten to move to Canada, I’m not going anywhere. The daily Obama gaffes are going to be hilarious. Not even inagurated and he has put his foot in his mouth.
Hell I may even quit my job and go on welfare! And I KNOW you are a rich investor Rabbit, so Obamessiah will be soaking YOU to pay for my welfare. I like it!
Shhh…don’t tell them Roger. If you write it down, in theory they could figure it out.
Do it numerically, that way Puddingdick will never know.
See, they do not even get that by apologizing to Nancy, they bring up the loony nature of the Reagan revolution, and besmirch Clinton at the same time.
A twofer.
I love this. It only took four days for the torture loving, Communist Chinese appeasing, Osama bin laden not catching, Wall Street socialist Republicans on this board to declare victory.
Further proof that there is no lack of obliviousness in the Republican Party.
Sarah Palin truly is your standard bearer.
I’d just like to personally thank Darcy Burner for keeping Rodney Tom out of the race. Since he’s not a total joke of a candidate, he probably could have rode the Obama wave to victory.
Luckily, Ditzy Darcy is so inept, she posted a solid loss.
Thanks Ditzy Darcy Burner!
Good to see such a civil discussion going on here. I’ve been reading HA for the last few weeks now, but hadn’t bothered to descend into the comments before now (and probably won’t again after this).
Even though I live in Seattle, I was a supporter of hers and volunteered for her campaign. I talked to a LOT of people on the phone about Darcy, and anecdotally speaking, the “no experience” tag was one of the more common ones I heard–even among those who had no love for Dave Reichert. I felt that her “Responsible Plan” was a good bit of resume-building, and I tried to plug it when I could, but I’m not sure it either got enough press, or made an impression on “experience” voters.
As far as the Seattle Times, and it’s effects on the election, the facts are these: looking at polling data at Pollster.com, Darcy had a consistent, but narrow lead in the polling for 3 weeks prior to election day. The last poll on the race, showing a dead heat, came out the same day the ST piece on Burner’s education did. In a race where the difference is currently 3% (less than 10K votes), it’s certainly conceivable that the flap generated by the article could have moved that many voters into Reichert’s column. It’s unfortunate that there wasn’t another poll done between the article and Election Day, which could have more clearly shown the potential effect of the ST article.
So the ‘spot on’ analysis over at KOS is that Reichert shouldn’t be elected because he’s in the minority? Holy shit!
I guess black people shouldn’t vote because they’re in the minority. Same with Latinos, asians, you know, all those minorities.
Marcy Burner is a hack and like it was pointed out in some other thread, the rejection of Marcy is really a rejection of Goldy because he all but told us how they share a vagina.
I’m just sayin’
“See, they do not even get that by apologizing to Nancy, they bring up the loony nature of the Reagan revolution, and besmirch Clinton at the same time.”
Saving us from the Carter “Days of Malaise” and winning the Cold War is loony? Only in liberal land.
How could any democrat have lost this year? Only one as incompetent as Darcy. It is embarrassing that we were sucked into donating to her campaign.
How the hell do we get our money returned?
Mea culpa, trolls. I’m sad. I’m crying in my coffee right now.
I’m so sad you got exactly the Congressman you deserved.
In 2012 you’ll put up as your champion for President, the most venal, incurious and grasping know-nothing we’ve seen in a long time. You know who she is.
We poor lefties for right now will just have to make do with President Obama, Governor Gregoire, even more Dem Governors, more Dem State Legislators, more Dem House Reps and more Dem U.S. Senators.
Sadly we’ll soldier on, electing more and better Dems. Trying to get such trifling things as a health care system that works for people who are poor and who have the misfortune of getting sick. Trying to defend the country from our enemies without bankrupting us in the process (if we aren’t there already). Trying improve the quality of education and fixing crumbling infrastructure. You know, the kind of things that are pooh-poohed on the Limbaugh show.
You know just doing what Dems do – cleaning up after Republicans.
From today’s WaPo, Bob Novak reporting:
“Newt in 2012?
In serious conversations among Republicans since their election debacle Tuesday, what name is mentioned most often as the Moses, or Reagan, who could lead them out of the wilderness before 40 years?
To the consternation of many Republicans, it is none other than Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House.”
Soo….if a guy who divorced his crippled wife is not the answer, how about a guy who divorced his terminally ill wife, telling her about his new love on her death bed. Instead of a divorced nominee for your “family values” party, how about a three-time divorcee”
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
Fun, fun, fun.
In fact if you perform some due diligence, you’d see the first financial houses to go down were intimately intertwined with Congressional Donkey.
Yet another Whopper from Stupes. Bear Stearns? Merril Lynch?
McSame Lovers.
The chimp you voted for twice signed socialist bailout bills. If he was so “conservative” and the finance industry so blue why did he bail them out? Why not trust the “free market”?
Ha! Ha! Stupes. Fooled again. You supported a socialist. You’re such a gullible idiot.
Enjoy your holier than thou day.
I’m a proud liberal Democrat, but not today, and not because Darcy didn’t win. What a shameful and disgraceful mistake for Darcy not to pick up the phone and give Dave a call. How embarrassing. This action just goes to show her total lack of character and immaturity.
Newt Gingrich…..the Republicans Mondale.
What a shameful and disgraceful mistake for Darcy not to pick up the phone and give Dave a call.
Why? Look at the disgusting ads he ran against her. Look at his abuse of the franking privilege. Look at how the Reichert supporters in this thread echo all the abusive memes.
She conceded. That’s more than enough for that muscle-head.
The real question now is this: what will Heidi Behrens-Burner do next? Yet another two years of raising money from the netroots? Or, will she actually DO something for the next two years, perhaps actually show she can accomplish something?
We’ll see.
That our trolls are dancing in the streets over Reichert’s win only goes to show how truly devastating Tuesday’s losses must have been to them. Every Yuk on this thread reveals a thousand tears shed Tuesday night. Lord, it must truly suck to be them. Especially Pudz. How long did it take you to find the courage to post again, Pudz? Would you have ever come back if Reichert had lost? I doubt it. You once had the presidency, the senate, the house, and the federal courts. You now have nothing. You don’t have the governor’s office, state house or senate, nor the state courts. So hang onto Reichert Pudz. He’s all you have left. Cheer yourself hoarse. Gloat and tell yourself that you’re a winner. I’ll be here to remind you each day of the truth and reality of your pathetic existance. That is, you’re just a stupid, fascist, goatfucking loser. That’s all you were before the election. That’s all you are now. That’s gotta really suck for you.
92 – What the F do you care? Let me guess. You threw the lever for the self-promoting body-builder with the meticulous coiffure?
94 – Yep. I voted Obama – Gregoire – Reichart – McKenna. 4 for 4! However, I missed on SPI (tough call there – the other 4 were easy). I also went for Goldmark, but not sure how that one is going to turn out yet.
34. busdrivermike spews:
i agree strongly with your anlaysis. she had the bucks and needed to run better ads. anecdotally speaking, my neighbors hwom i doorbelled in blavue and who are fairly low info voters, were very aware of the harvard bs and very unaware that riechert supported torture, etc.
95 – Oh great. A ticket splitter. A guy who can’t see the forest for the freaking trees.
Reichert – empty-suit, record of mindless rubberstamping for Mr. 25 percent: the whole nine yards, torture, surveillance, war, etc.
McKenna – beholden to BIAW. Lets his office be used to employ their operatives.
Why did you support these guys? Was it just a feeling about them?
Let the Republicans put up winners like Palin and Gingrich..
I’ll call it right now. Obama/Biden in a walk.
“That is, you’re just a stupid, fascist, goatfucking loser. “
Ah the level on intellectual discourse from the left on display as well as the range of their vocabulary.
Here comes Darcy
She’s got no class
She won’t call Reichert
She’s a horse’s ass
Call him?
She should have gone to his house and kicked his lying ass.
Darcy should get her next fake degree from the University of Phoenix.
She could use her Microsot credentials to take online courses and major in LOSING ELECTIONS.
If you listened to KIRO’s Dave Ross interview with Darcy (just after the primaries I think), Darcy had no new ideas. (btw: Dave Ross actually ran for this office).
Almost every issue that she supported was already voted that way by Reichert: Energy, Transportation, healthcare, parks and wilderness, and gay civil rights.
I (, and evidently many others) urged Dave to vote against the bailout, and to his credit, he was one of the few Washington Congressmen to vote against it. ( $850 billion bailout =$700 billion bailout and $150 billion in earmarks).
Darcy’s campaign was a re-run of her last where the dominant theme was “I hate George Bush”. The problem is that we won’t have W around to hate any longer.
From the hate posts in the above comments, it would seem to me that the left (despite what the platform professes) is full of anger and very intolerant of those who have different ideas.
I voted a mixed ticket, and am very glad Dave was re-elected.
I admire the Seattle Times. They did the right thing. Good for them.
Washington should have at least seven Democrats in the House. After the next census, Democrats need to cut McDermott’s district down to 65% Democrat and spread those votes around so that there are seven safe seats in WA for people who support progressive government. Compared to what the Republicans did to Texas, this would be simple and defensible. You wouldn’t even need a computer program. I could do it with a Google map and a Sharpie.
Goldy spews:
‘…..but I sincerely doubt that this is the last we’ve heard of Darcy Burner.’
That’s true. Next thing out of her mouth we will hear will be “Regular, or de-caf?”
Bob, you do know that the Washington State Redistricting Commission is in charge of redistricting seats.
You seem ignorant on the subject, which must be why you lot voted for Hussein.
I don’t know how redistricting works in Washington. I’m not from Washington. My point is that, given the huge margins that McDermott gets in his district, something needs to be done to fix the congressional districts around Seattle so that no more than two really mediocre Republican lightweights at a time can represent your state in the House. Your commission should get to work on this.
And, speaking of ignorant, people who call President-elect Barack Hussein Obama “Hussein,” as if it were an insult, are sad and pathetic losers. How was your Tuesday night? Mine was great.
I’m sure your election night was great as was Al-Queda’s.
Sadly, it won’t be for America as the Hussein Depression begins.
As for redistricting, McDermott’s district represents the heart of Seattle, so you can’t spread it around.
In fact, the Washington delegation is overrepresented with 6 douchbag Democrats.
I hope your peon brain can understand that.
I’m sure your election night was great as was Al-Queda’s.
Al-Queda had a bad night. They lost a lot of republican friends who want to keep using up our troops and grinding down our military hardware in Iraq instead of tracking them down in Afghanistan
Sadly, it won’t be for America as the Hussein Depression begins.
Are you talking about the Bush/Cheney/Paulsen/Greenspan/McCain/Gramm depression, the one that President-elect Barack Hussein Obama (I love saying it, Lorne) will try to start turning around next year?
And, hey! My peon brain just got why you keep calling President-elect Barack Hussein Obama “Hussein.” It’s so Americans who hear you call him that will figure out that Barack Hussein Obama’s father was an African Muslim and that Barack Hussein Obama is a black man! Omigod, Lorne! Please don’t do that! America will never support a guy whose middle name is Hussein. Oh, wait! I forgot. That’s just your imaginary America. In my America, jackasses like you have been calling him that for months and nobody cares. And he just got elected President in a landslide! And nobody cares about his middle name or his race, except for people like you, Lorne. And there aren’t enough of you to matter. God, I love my America. I’ll say this for you one time, real slow, Lorne. Our new president, Barack Hussein Obama, is not a Muslim, not a terrorist, not a socialist, and not a communist. He is a liberal Democrat. He wants to fix the capitalist economy that your criminal Republican friends broke. He loves America, and you don’t.
@99 Like I could give a shit what a fascist twit might think.
We have all been duped by this lame candidate and the hype presented on this website as well as others. If we had known all of the facts regarding Ms Burner we never would have contributed to her campaign.
Thanks Goldie for nothing!
The gap has widened between early and late ballots both in 2006 and 2008. Hard to know if the ST story was the cause of the gap widening or not.
yelling loser boy from Open Secrets –
For Obama:
Goldman Sachs $874,207
Morgan Stanley $425,102
Merrill Lynch $235,124
Lehman Bros $39,107
For McCain
Merrill Lynch $351,420
Goldman Sachs $228,695
Morgan Stanley $262,777
Lehman Bros $500
See the discrepancy in total values?
114 – Where’s Bear Stearns on the list Stupes? One of the first to go like you said in 60 and a McSame lover.
If they’re so Dem why did the Chimp bail them out? What happened to trusting in the free market?
The Republicans are full of bullshit that’s why. Just like their constituents. Just like you Stupes.
All you wingnuts will be whining in your beer when Reichert is shut the hell off in DC. And there are Democrats in the House that will make damn sure he’s shut off.
WA-08 gets bubkis the next 2 years, same holds true for all the red Districts, now that Democrats hold the Federal pursestrings.
Wanna play? PAY.
Politics ain’t beanbag.
Maybe in 2 years you’ll figure it out. This change is permanent, Republicans are never going to hold a majority in the House again. If you want money from the Federal government, don’t for Republican thugs. Don’t like it? Move to North Korea, you asshats.
Hussein Obama will bring about change: the Hussein Depression.
As unemployment runs at 15%, food and gas will run scarce and Jews will be herded into concentration camps due to Fuhrer Obama.
Obama the monkey will be regarded in the history books as another Mugabe.
Hopefully, Hussein Obama will end up like his brethren Saddam, Uday and Qusay Hussein.
Get back under your rock. You smell bad.
I wouldn’t smell as bad as Obama’s monkey feces or as his ugly wife.
Let’s put aside whether Darcy lied about her economics degree for a moment. It seems she had the momentum until this story broke. Whether she was technically right, this cost her the election, correct?
I think she had a steady narrow lead before this story broke. It was enough for Reichert to win.
anon, you forget Nancy Pelosi recently said last month…”Elect us, hold us accountable, and make a judgment and then go from there. But I do tell you that if the Democrats win, and have substantial majorities, Congress of the United States will be more bipartisan,” said Pelosi.”
What an idiot you are…
Thomas: The Dingleberries here forget she was given an opportunity by Ken Schram to correct the record and she failed miserably. Some of us placed the KOMO audio here and she was as most people on the left are… she was an ASS!
yelling loser boy
-98K to McCain
-60K to Obama
whooop de dooo
Look at the other numbers yelling loser boy.