The end of March is fast approaching, and as always, Darcy Burner is racing to meet her end-of-quarter fundraising target. I hate that these races are so much about money, but they are, and if we want real progressives like Darcy in the other Washington, willing and able to challenge the orthodoxy in both parties, then we all have to do our part.
37 other challengers have now followed Darcy’s lead and signed on to the Responsible Plan for ending the war in Iraq. Please show your support by going to the Responsible Challengers ActBlue page, and giving whatever you can. Thanks.
Darcy Burner The eyes are open but there is no one home. Her followers have the same problems.
@1 It’s not nice to talk about the president that way. After all, he’s not only the leader of our country (sort of), but of the entire “free” world* (sort of).
* “Free” world refers to that portion of global geography where ruling conservatives believe labor should be free, or as nearly so as practicable.
I used to be free labor, but now I don’t labor at all, because after I figured out the relative valuations our society puts on capital and labor, I decided to stop being a Worker and be an Owner instead! It pays better and the taxes are only 1/3rd as much. Honestly, I don’t see why anyone works. Our system punishes people for working, so I’ll never work or produce anything again — I’m a Capitalist now!! Capitalists don’t do any work or produce anything, our only function is to own stuff, and that’s what I do. Screw work!!!
That’s a good plan. I’m good at owning stuff.
I know this question is going to be useless, but what do you base your statement on? Have you read the responsible plan? I have, and I thought it was very well thought out. I would have liked more details, but I guess I can’t have everything.
by Captain Eric H. May
Global Research, February 23, 2008
“The easiest way to carry out a false flag attack is by setting up a military exercise that simulates the very attack you want to carry out. As I’ll detail below, this is exactly how government perpetrators in the US and UK handled the 9/11 and 7/7 “terror” attacks, which were in reality government attacks blamed on “terrorists.”__
The eyes are open
Indeed – working one’s way through Harvard, becoming a group Program Manager at Microsoft and getting straight A’s in Law School can mean one’s eyes (and mind) are truly open.
Good too see Darcy has a sense of humor – someone want to explain the joke to Reichert?
I think he might try to avoid that barbershop since they don’t blow dry the hair or the cerebral cortex.
Hey Reichert – how is that wonderful surge working out? I don’t hear our resident trolls crowing about how great it is working since the tenuous truce with the Sadr militia has collapsed. Almost all of our “success” in Iraq has been mainly due to this truce – a truce that was temporary anyways and the factional Shia fighting seems to be starting up again.
No – I am not happy about it – but it is predictable. Just as predictable as the rest of the sorry events in Iraq that the neocons said would not happen.
Who could ever trust these people?
They have been wrong on almost everything:
The war will pay for itself (3 trillion dollars later…)
Iraq is a danger (wrong)
Sadaam is a danger (wrong)
Sadaam is connected to 9/11 (totally and completely WRONG)
al qaeda was in Iraq (wrong) – but they are now.
WMDs (wrong)
Nuclear mushroom cloud (wrong)
Outlawing Baathists (bad move)
disbanding the Iraqi army (bad move)
Democracy to the Middle east (that one has really worked out well in Iraq and Gaza)
Preemptive strike (wrong)
fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here (just plain stupid)
We will stand down when the Iraqis stand up (when is that, pray tell?)
the plan for the occupation after the war (uhh, there wasn’t one)
Capturing bin laden (not a priority)
Great ad. I’m glad to see Jon Tester helping with Democratic Party politics, and, of course, displaying the sense of humor that is a trademark Democratic characteristic. By the way, wingnuts, Democrats like Tester represent the demise of Republican control over the Mountain West. By 2012, you’ll be lucky to carry Idaho and Utah.
nameless soldier@5
I have read the “Plan”.
It is no Plan at all.
Merely rehashing the Leftist platitudes and feel-good sound bites. It was a political piece…filled with criticsm and void of specifics to accomplish. Is a “Plan” really just criticism of what is being done?? Why even include that? Why not just make it a specific, positive looking-forward piece??
They couldn’t call it a “contract” like the Contract with America of 1994 because it was soooo vague on how things would be “accomplished”, no decent lawyer could possibly call it a contract.
The Darcy…..a would be Iraq war policy architect. I don’t think so….
That would be like a high school student in charge of economic policy. It just doesn’t square with reality.
@11: You mean like Bush in charge of foreign policy or McCain – politicians who don’t know where countries are are who is fighting whom.
Darcy and the other have a plan – where is Bush’s plan or the republican plan or McCain’s plan – oh, yeah – they have no plan to get out, just like they had no plan for the occupation – and look where that has gotten us. War profiteering, mayhem and incompetence – that is the republican plan.
The intellectualy and morally bankrupt republicans are criticizing the responsible adults for trying to get us out of the republican created mess in Iraq that is ruining our economy and bankrupting our country – must be nice to be part of the problem and accept no responsibility for the cleanup.
hell, if Darcy’s qualified to run for congress by her mid level do nothing job at microsoft, then Bill Gates should be qualified to run the fucking world.
dyke looks + 04 platform + rubber stamping a congress w/an 11% approval rating = failed campaign…
@13: Hey Johnny: You bring nothing to the table except stupid insults (I won’t dignify the gender slur) and have nothing to say that is worthwhile. Tell me about how Reichert’s support for Bush and war has helped our country.
You got nuthin’ and the republican brand is going down on corruption and ineptness.
If George Bush who bankrupted three companies given to him by his Papa is qualified to work at McDonalds, Darcy is qualified to be President!
11/12 Hey, let’s not forget the other “architects” of the Project for a New American Clusterfuck…Wolfowitz, Perle, Rumsfeld et al…all with such tremendous self-proclaimed “wisdom” about how to wage war and conduct international politics. Not a millisecond of combat experience between the lot of ’em. At least Rummy served in uniform, as a flight instructor in the Air Force in peacetime, but he suffers from the typical flyboy’s misconception that whoever drops the most ordnance from 40,000 feet is assured victory. All the generals and admirals (including Colin Powell) who knew shit from ice cream either quit in disgust, were forced out or learned to stifle their better judgement and kiss these fools’ butts. As a result, we have 150,000 grunts on the ground in what’s left of a country, surrounded by millions of people who wish they’d leave, taking orders from some of the most clueless twits ever to get their sweaty mitts on the levers of power.
Worst of all, we’ve long since reached the point where nobody quite remembers how we got into this mess, and none of those responsible can even elucidate what we’re trying to accomplish other than to blabber a tired collection of meaningless generalities. Half of the population at home are growing weary of the whole enterprise, while the other half are sp anestetized by mass-media pabulum that they’ve either forgotten about it or just don’t care.
To top it all off, the guilty parties continue to interpret the stunned silence of the masses as a “mandate”.
Johnny @ 13
Based on your incoherent “communication,” I have to assume you require assistance with wiping your own ass. That must be a humbling experience, having Mom wipe your ass at 34. On the other hand, I have yet to meet a wingnut who knows anything about humility.
@ 11
Not to worry… She didn’t write the plan. It is a PR stunt written by her consultants at Wired for Change ( As I’ve mentioned before, nowhere on the document does it say she WROTE it — only that she ENDORSES it.
If it is such a great plan, why doesn’t she take full credit?
Maybe she is too busy working on the defense to the civil suit against her for the four-car wreck she caused a couple of years ago that hurt a 3-1/2 year old child.
If Darcy needs more money, perhaps she can see if she can see if there are any old friends of the Democratic Party still willing to give ’em a buck or two:
WASHINGTON (AP) – Saddam Hussein’s intelligence agency secretly financed a trip to Iraq for three U.S. lawmakers during the run-up to the U.S.-led invasion, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
An indictment unsealed in Detroit accuses Muthanna Al-Hanooti, a member of a Michigan nonprofit group, of arranging for three members of Congress to travel to Iraq in October 2002 at the behest of Saddam’s regime. Prosecutors say Iraqi intelligence officials paid for the trip through an intermediary.
At the time, the Bush administration was trying to persuade Congress to authorize military action against Iraq.
The lawmakers are not named in the indictment but the dates correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California.
‘Darcy Burner asks for advice’
1. Quit your ridiculous campaign against Geroge Bush;
2. Buy some intelligence
3. Educate your followers on how ignorant they are to be supporting such a tremendously unqaulified candidate
4. Leave all other sparkly and shiny objects alone.
5. Get some real experience, not some supposed low level nonsense at Microsoft; I wouldn’t be shocked if you were really just a janitor
6. Get Goldy a job.
7. Move to another State.
‘Night all. -TJ
TRM @ 19: “Maybe she is too busy working on the defense to the civil suit against her for the four-car wreck she caused a couple of years ago that hurt a 3-1/2 year old child.”
I’m going to guess that you are a tort reformer who doesn’t believe in fair compensation for people injured as a result of the negligence of others. Nonetheless, you want to pin moral blame on Darcy Burner for an unfortunate motor vehicle collision (as if those never happen to good people). Avoid mirrors, Markie. Hypocrisy ain’t pretty.
@20: Moron Mark – the Bush state dept. approved the trip. It was to see the effects on the children of Iraq – the Democratic lawmakers were ridculed for saying they didn’t think there were wmds in Iraq.
The chickenhawks lied: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle – the whole lot of lying fools who got us into this unnecessary war. The FRENCH and others weren’t fooled – now it turns out the coalition of the willing was really the coalition of the bribed and arm twisted. This whole war was a sham from the beginning when you have to threaten or buy your allies – you got nothin’.
Just like you have nothing Mark – zero – except an unecessary war that has made us weaker and less able to get the real culprit of 9/11 – a guy Bush doesn’t think about – called bin Laden.
Mission accomplished:
the economy is ruined
the military is stretched beyond capacity by 5 years of incessant nation building
the rest of the world hates us
bin Laden is still out there
Thank you Republicans – for the near destruction of our country. It will take the grown ups (democrats with actual plans) to clean up the mess the republicans have made.
When you make your concession speech use Kleenex with Aloe.
#1. Running for Congress is NOT a realistic career and that is not my first draft for point one.
#2. Rep. Reichert is a great man who has demanded justice for King County citizens as well as Alaskans for the Exoon Valdez plus if not for his unique character + independent streak would have lost in the 2006 blue wave. He also could have lost had you and your people not been so inexperienced and inept.
#3. See #1. Run for city council or school board first, then a state legislative position, then the big ones at the federal level. Just like your hero US Senator Barack Obama.
In the meantime and otherwise, all the best.
Hi All,
Darcy got burned last time when she ran because her opponent used her past against her. He was right, of course, her past is pretty weak.
But his past is so, so, much worse. Why didn’t she bring this up? The task force had the name of the killer after victim #7, whose boyfriend saw the license plate. Why did scores more have to die? Why was there no surveillance? The worst police work in a century.
What’s the point of supporting Dems who won’t throw a punch? Burner is like Kerry, unwilling to ask the hard questions (in Kerry’s case, “Why were you reading a children’s book when our nation was being attacked? Why did you get on a plane and run for the rest of the day?).
Still, you have to hand it to anyone who understands the need for us to just get out of Iraq.
Thanks all, New Left Conservative #1
RR @ 23 “It will take… democrats with actual plans…”
If that is truly the case, then all hope is lost.
11 MGI
You must mean like the recent college grads and inexperienced political hacks the Bush administration put in charge of the Iraqi economy, right?
Yes, no endorsment of “experience” is as impressive as watching a Republican in action.
Heck, Dave Reichert couldn’t even get his first reponders bill passed.
19 TRM
It is a PR stunt written by her consultants at Wired for Change
You’re pulling that “fact” right out of your ass. You have no idea who wrote it.
Dave Reichert has a plan…
Open scene: Dave Reichert in his footie pajamas, kneeling by his bed.
DAVE: Oh, please, please God, help me win this year and get that Congressional pension. I promise I won’t fuck up another investigation, and when someone is murdered, I’ll really and truly try to find out who did it next time. And I promise that I will stop lying to my consituents about my support for the really terrific war we’re having. And I will stop abusing my franking privilege forever and ever. Amen.
BTW, we’re bombing Baghdad again (60+ dead). Way to win those hearts and minds. Sure glad the Iraqis are handling their own security.
So Darcy would just allow mass slaughters to occur and “negotiate” while people even more people are dying because of no resistance??
That’s what I thought.
Do nothing and let hundreds of thousands die in a Civil War…and blame Bush for the Dovish position.
Great Plan.
Darcy has no Plan.
So how would Darcy SPECIFICALLY deal with the state of things today?
What are the likely consequences of Queen for a Day Darcy’s “Plan”.
I can guarantee you….MORE DEATHS!
Darcy is great at taking the “contrarian” viewpoint because there is never any accoutability for CONSEQUENCES.
That’s what this whole “Plan” is about Daddy.
Contrarian with a huge dose of mumbo-jumbo with no possibility for accountability.
Darcy would be on that Plane with McDermott…all expenses paid by Saddam…in a second!
She is a sheep…willing to say & do anything to be elected.
I agree…she should run for some local office first.
From no other elected office to Congress based on this lame-ass pretend Plan??
# 32 Amen
mr c thats what daddy love did in the army nothing.hey daddy did you make 1st lt.