Yes, I’m back in Seattle, but I’m also in meetings all morning, so I won’t have much time for posting. In the meanwhile, I highly recommend Danny Westneat’s must-read column in the Seattle Times: ‘Self-made’ myth divides us.
Of all stories we tell ourselves, the one about how we’re a merit-based nation of lone wolves has got to be the most enduring. The most intoxicating. And the most baloney.
Nowhere is the myth as confused with reality as in rock-ribbed Eastern Washington. The place depends utterly on the government and communal resources for its existence, from the New Deal irrigation system still being paid for by taxpayers elsewhere, to farming subsidies and crop price supports. Yet in their own minds, they are mavericks living off the land.
“We don’t need the government to come in and try to prop things up,” a Lincoln County grain buyer told me as the economy was collapsing in the fall of 2008. As if the local economy weren’t already propped up.
It’s not often I recommend something in the Times for anything but ridicule, but Westneat nails it. Really… read the whole thing.
Danny wears penny loafers with shiny new penny’s in each. He is afraid of having to fend for himself and afraid of those who do.
Danny is a product of elitism.
He is a pansy-ass.
Klynical is a pansy. Sits off soemwhere and is afraid to show his/her lying face.
Come on Klynical – show up for drinking liberally so we can see what a total fool and wimp you are.
Klynical loves the rich and the priviledged. He probably has not worked a day in his life but he supports rich corporations that kill miners, destroy the economic backbone of America and mutilate the gulf of Mexico.
come on Klynical – give us your drill, baby, drill cheer again!
Or tell us how the 1 trillion we spent in Iraq was worth it and all the American lives that were lost. Or explain how we let Afghanistan go down the tubes while we fiddled in Iraq.
You have no answer to the socialism that props of Eastern WA, so you call Danny names.
Very big of you – coming from such a juvenile fool with no brain. Is that all you have? You are a worthless piece of crap. I dare you to show up at DL… won’t…you are a coward.
At least Puddy shows up sometimes – even though he is a mouthpiece for republican racism.
Wow! This teabagger sounds like something junkshot talks about all the time: early 1900’s eugenicists…
Too funny.
The Westneat piece is good. Didier goes well with DOPE.
BTW have you noticed the same wingnut KLOWNs who are getting the vapors over the Federal budget deficit to the point of being willing to block an emergency extension of unemployment benefits, think it would be a great idea to extend the Bush tax cuts. After all how Paris Hilton needs a new Ferrari!
danny’s column was available on free wifi in lost wages days ago.
It is fun to watch the rootless Atheist Progressives come up with sideshows like Paris Hilton, Iraq/Afghanistan etc.
Class warfare…blame the rich.
BTW I grew up in a family that lived from paycheck to paycheck. My dad was a Truck Driver and a Diesel Mechanic. I paid 100% for college and never took a dime from them. My parents lovingly stayed together until my father died. I am grateful for that and the lessons of hard work paying off. My dad refused all handouts.
I’m mature enough to understand that some folks are going to be wealthy…whether inherited or earned. A Society where we are all equal in terms of wealth will never work.
Handouts are the plague of American Poverty…they are self-perpetuating….although mighty attractive when you WANT fancy Cellphones, download 1000 tunes and other discretionary spending.
Your efforts at class warfare have been tried before. Businesses are sitting on TRILLIONS of Dollars. Why? Because they do not trust ObaMao and his Socialist Regime. Business wants some certainty in the regulation/tax marketplace. With ObaMao, we do not have that. If anything, his hot anti-business rhetoric has cooled investment substantially.
I don’t expect you to get it cnr.
Envy & Jealousy rule your world.
You would rather focus on what others have…than try to make it yourself, if that is what you desire.
Envy & Jealousy–the lynchpin of the Atheist Progressive Movement. And the cause of your immediate downfall.
Heh. Shades of the Didier mentality.. Sure.. Sure..
I saw this column and I’m glad to see you pick it up, Goldy. Mr. Cynical (see @1), you have your head up a goat’s ass … again. If you’d take a break from performing cunnilingus on your goat and pull it out long enough to read the column, you’d find it hard to disagree with anything Westneat says. Fend for themselves? That’s not what eastern Washington farmers like Clint Didier do. Sure, they work hard on their farms, but those farms couldn’t (and wouldn’t) exist without massive financial subsidies from city dwellers and “socialist” programs like the federally-owned Columbia River dams and federal crop subsidies and price supports. And you won’t win this debate by arguing those eastern Washington socialist farmers are feeding the world, either. Western U.S. agricultural lands, despite the vast public sums spent on reclamation and irrigation projects (see, e.g., the $16 billion that Yakima-area farmers want from the rest of us for a new impoundment), are only marginally productive. What this money really buys is a privileged lifestyle for Western ranchers and farmers who like to ride on horses and tractors all day but produce very little for the American economy or the taxpayers who subsidize their lifestyle. Over 90% of all U.S. beef production takes place east of the Mississippi River. Florida, not Texas, is America’s top beef-producing state. Washington State’s entire agricultural economy, including the substantial portion of it that takes place in western Washington, amounts to about $4 billion a year or less than 2% of this state’s annual economic output (which is roughly $225 billion a year). Boeing airplanes, not apples or wheat, or Washington’s main export product; in fact, Boeing planes are America’s #1 export item, accounting for more dollars of international trade than anything else that America grows or makes. So, Cynical, whether you know it or not, by criticizing Westneat for criticizing eastern Washington farmers like Didier, what you’re really doing is defending socialism and wealth redistribution. When did you turn into a fucking Trotskyite, Cynical? Are all your goats communists? Are you actually a Red in conservative disguise? Montana is a good place for you to hide in, because they don’t have enough cops there to catch and prosecute people who fuck goats. But I can smell the reeking stench of your hypocrisy all the way to Seattle (rabbits have sensitive noses).
“Are all your goats communists?”
@6 “It is fun to watch the rootless Atheist Progressives come up with sideshows like Paris Hilton, Iraq/Afghanistan etc. Class warfare…blame the rich.”
Yeah, well, we think it’s sort of relevant that asswipes like you and Didier think the unemployed should starve so Paris Hilton can ride on private jets. You’re the guys who borrowed a trillion dollars from China — an enemy country — to coddle the rich, remember? You’re the sideshow, Cynical, a freak that people pay money to see when the carnival is in town.
Oh, and by the way, the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit doesn’t appreciate you calling us “godless.” If we’re godless, what does that make Her? She’s not a person, you know. She’s a deity. Better watch out, Cynical, because she has the power to make all your goats’ offspring be born without assholes. If that happens, who are you gonna fuck after the current generation of goats dies off? You better be nice to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit, Cynical, unless you want to spend your old age whacking off in slabs of Safeway liver.
“Handouts are the plague of American Poverty…”
Love the dots, KLOWN.
Like I remarked on the other thread, the KLOWN gives love to some guy named Sharansky who scammed $225,000 out the government but would spew vile hatred towards, say, an unemployed black woman, a hapless victim of failed wingnut ideology and economic policy, for collecting a mere $400 unemployment check.
I guess God caused the Interstate Highway system to just spring out of the ground like water from the rock.
This whole ‘pull yourself up by the bootstraps’ bullshit is getting old. No one – nowhere – has ever done it by themselves. We have all needed the community to succeed. All of us.
Once we get around to realizing that then we can start to get on with life. Jesus, if we can only get past the stupid we can really get back to fixing this hole we’ve dug and go back to work.
America is NOT a socialist country. Never was, never will be. But we are a social people. We help each other out. If a kid sells lemonade to raise money for orphans, we buy weak lemon flavored water for a buck to help out. That’s America.
Greed and selfishness are not American values; they’re a cultural affliction. Like herpes.
Cynny @ 6: “Envy & Jealousy–the lynchpin of the Atheist Progressive Movement.”
Your delusions are plainly worsening. Trust me, Cynny, no one around here is jealous of you. Westneat is spot on. Your post proves his point–you think you got to where you are today (wherever that might be) solely through your own efforts. You are blind to the public assistance you received.
Great article. Perhaps The Times felt the need to put the smack down on The Diddler? I wouldn’t look for truth telling such as this when it come to Dino.
Blaine Harden’s book A River Lost: the Life and Death of the Columbia is quite good.
“My dad refused all handouts.”
This would be a good time to for Roger to reprint that story he’s posted before of “Joe”.
The funny thing about farm subsidies is that they are there to keep consumer prices low, not necessarily to help the farmer.
Take away the farm subsidies and all the city slickers like Westneat and the other tender handed elitists will cry because their food bill shot up 50%.
“The funny thing about farm subsidies is that they are there to keep consumer prices low, not necessarily to help the farmer.
“Take away the farm subsidies and all the city slickers like Westneat and the other tender handed elitists will cry because their food bill shot up 50%.”
What that subsidizes is non-local food production and distribution. Without the farm subsidies, Didier and his pals go broke because everyone would buy food that’s cheaper to obtain, grown locally.
That’s one of the fundamental problems with the dry-side farming model: In order to have a market, you need to ship it, and in order to ship it, you have to spend a bunch of money and put a bunch of carbon in the atmosphere.
But regardless: Farm subsidies equals managed economy, and that, to movement conservatives who don’t know what the word really means, equals SOCIALISM.
Note that in all this talk of deficit reduction, these brave individualists would rather pull the plug on grandma’s SSI than give up farm subsidies. That’s because they are accustomed to their entitlements. They’re afraid of real capitalism, because they know it’s a losing proposition.
Thulsa Doom,
No, the subsidies really do help farmers. They also prevent foreign competitions from hurting US farmers. If the subsidies were removed prices would go up very little for consumers.
Remember, the money paid to farmers accounts for a small fraction of the cost of food at the supermarket. The cost to city slickers like Westneat would be a couple of cents, depending on what he’s buying. For example, when Westneat buys a $3.00 loaf of bread only 10 cents goes to the farmer.
1. Packaging, shipping and processing all account for more of the cost of an item on a grocery store shelf than what the farmer is paid for his or her raw product.
2. Most farm subsidies in America are no more than corporate welfare and us “tender handed elitists*” are working to end them.
* WTF is a tender handed elitist?
@4 Paris, actually, owns two Bentleys. Apparently she likes to have some armor around her.
@6 “Businesses are sitting on TRILLIONS of Dollars. Why?”
For the same reason a dog licks his crotch…because they can.
And what does that say about the archtypical winger’s whine about how our big, bad gubmint’s made things so awwwful for the poor, put-upon businessmen?
How is it “unGodly” to look after the least advantaged…the sick, the poor, the needy, the elderly, the oppressed, the abused, the disenfranchised…
Isn’t that the example Jesus set for us?
Make asinine comments, if you must, cynical, but don’t claim God is on your side.
And rather than ad-hominem attacks, why not just refute the arguments if they are flawed? Is it because you can’t?
Most of those folks who trashed their congress-critters’ “town meetings” last year and are now attending all those tea-bagger rallies don’t appear to be people of great means. A lot of them are around my age (first-wave baby boomers) and look like they’re wearing duds off the rack from Wal-Mart or maybe a sale at Penney’s. I’m guessing that most of ’em fill out their 1040EZ’s every year and groan about how terrible taxes are, when they’re actually in the lowest bracket if they pay anything at all. So, when they scream about taxes, is it theirs they’re talking about, or someone else’s?
“We’ve got to get rid of this ‘protecting the weak,’ ” Didier said. “If we keep the weak alive all the time, it eats up the strong.”
Why are you christian conservatives not condemning him over statements like that?
I thought this comment was insightful about the Conservative social Darwins.
“So the “weak” will all be dead and the world will be populated only by snarling alpha dogs, battling with each other every day to prove their strength and dominance. “
@17 Well, it remains to be seen what would happen to the cost of bread if ADM and Cargill owned every last wheat field in the country.
@23 “Why are you christian conservatives not condemning him over statements like that?”
It’s becoming increasingly, and sadly, apparent that “Christian” and “conservative” just don’t belong in the same sentence.
In which Klynical gets his Red Wings…
Teabaggers like Cynny draw up their own image of Jesus Christ, viewing Him as a projection of their political views, rather than viewing Him through Scripture. They come up with a guy who carries a gun, cheers on public executions, promotes preemptive war, detests taxes that provide services for the underprivileged, befouls land and seas, discriminates against those of color, decries science, etc. These folks envision a Christ who is a hater.
@8: I love reading your shit, Roger, but that was a tour de force.
I second Steve’s call for a repub of “Joe”.
Thanks for the link Goldy, but Danny left out the rest of the story. Rural electrification was socialized policy, so was universial telephone service. Eastern Washington would be a 3rd world country without the government and socialism. The farm to market roads and the Interstate Highway system that links them are all socialized policy. How about Hanford? The US Government created the modern economy of the Tri-Cities; first with bomb production, then with nuclear power, now with cleaning up the messes the first two made. And lets not leave out education. Three of the state’s four year institutions are in Eastern Washington. And one of them, WSU, created the wheat economy of the southeastern part of the state, the wine industry that is now about everywhere, and produced efficiencies that save each of those farmers money and lowered my cost of food. WSU and the rest: all socialized policy.
Fred Jarrett once said there was a higher percentage of people in Eastern Washington dependent on the government than there had been in the Soviet Union. I don’t know if he was right about the numbers, but his point, like Danny’s, was dead on.
Montana, huh?
So, did MrC pay for his phone line to be run out from the nearest switching system or was he subsidized by that rural tax all the rest of us pay every month?
Why should the less than one million folks on MT have 2 Senators – the same as the 37 million in CA?
Eight communities in MT have airports designated for commercial service under the Essential Air Service program (Fed Subsidies).
All your major roads seem to be Interstates (3) or US Routes (7), the exception being State Hwy 200. I wonder who pays for them? Since MT is too cheap to build a paved road to SD, I think we know the answer.
Give it time, they’re working on it! Actually, busing up the Big Ag trusts is one area where the Obama Admin is having a little success.
Speaking of socialism –
according to the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives:
…nearly 3,000 local farmer cooperatives across the country. The majority of America’s 2 million farmers and ranchers belong to one or more farmer cooperatives.
Speaking of federal benefits….
Patty Murray effectively wrangled $44 million in federal funds to help fix the Rober Hanson Dam, which threatens to flood the Green River Valley if it fails.
Senate OKs $44 million for repairs at Hanson Dam
You know, the type of “earmark” or “pork” legislation Rossi expressly says he won’t pursue.
“”The idea of dragging home pork is an old-school measurement of a senator,” said Republican Dino Rossi, one of Murray’s rivals and the most likely to emerge from the state’s unusual “top two” primary system Aug. 17. “And right now, with Republicans and Democrats alike doing that, it’s bankrupting America. There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the job of a senator is bringing home pork.”
Seattle Times, July 26, 2008
Diddier, presumably, won’t support because those downstream homes and industries should be left on their own if they are “too weak” to hold off flooding on their own.
In the meantime, a dam in Iowa broke over the weekend.
And there’s the new bridge over the Columbia.
Rossi can’t win Vancouver without a big hell yes on federal funds for the bridge and he can’t the election without a big win in Vancouver. Folks in Vancouver are still waiting for their big hell yes.
Hmm, I have a hunch that Puddy will be here soon to get his freak on. I must say, I don’t envy Lee’s task of selecting the kraziest wingnut comment of the month.
@6: If you went to coolege – the education was totally wasted on you. You do not have the ability to THINK! All you do is post the same crap you read on rightwingnut sites and you are unable to defend a single one of your pathetically ignorant positions or look at any issue more than skin deep.
That you grew up not very rich does not excuse your slavish, sycophantic allegiance to the rich and the corporations.
Really, you are an embarassment and a liar.
The facts of the matter mean nothing to the conservative. The Westneat assessment may fit the facts of the situation, but they do not fit the self narrative that conservatives have invented for themselves.
As Rush has said on many occasions, ‘Liberals just don’t get it.’
I just made a trip to Eastern Washington over the weekend. Two years ago the farmers along the freeways had Dino for Gov Signs. This year the farmers have Didier signs. Lots of them. And no Dino signs. What’s a Dino to do? The farmers don’t love him any more.
@6 Ignorant fool Klynical
I am not envious or jealous – that is you transferring your pathetic emotions onto me. I am doing just fine in this Bush recessionary economy.
I am, however, much more intelligent than you, able to think for myself and able to actually use my education to think critically – all skills that you sorely lack.
@36: Oops – typo college.
Klynical claims to be religious – but his religion is worshipping the rich and denigrating the poor.
He thinks Christ loved the rich and hated the poor – but then again, if you never actually read the bible it is easy to get it wrong.
While I was in college, I endulged myself and took a class on “Politics and the Media”. One of my projects was to take an identical story and compare how it is treated in different publications, which was rather eye-opening for me at the time.
Using the skills I learned in that class, I noted that the Seattle Times seems to be telegraphing their editorial endorsements by their very selective choice of headlines, story placement, and length. Interestingly, they don’t even seem go to the trouble of editing the stories themselves (perhaps later?), apparantly they assume most people just read the headlines.
My prediction: The Seattle Times will endorse Dino Rossi for Senator, based on the Times headlines and story placement over just the past few days.
Here’s how I came to that conclusion:
Item 1:
Last week they did an in-depth piece about Clint Didier on the front page, above-the-fold. While it fairly accuratly represented Didier, it also made it clear that Didier hasn’t got a prayer of getting significant support outside of the Tea Party circles. So Rossi got the Seattle Times to do the hatchet job on Didier for him. By avoiding having to attack Didier directly, Rossi still has a chance of getting the support of many of them later, in the general election.
Item 2:
Then last Friday, Patty Murray secured Senate funding of $44 million for repairs on the Howard Hanson dam. But the Seattle Times pretty much threw the story out “with the trash”, giving only a few paragraphs to the story, and omitting Murray’s name from the the headline entirely.
U.S. Senate OKs $44 million for Howard Hanson Dam emergency repairs
Item 3:
Today, the Seattle Times runs an Associated Press article headlined “GOP puts Murray on defensive for federal projects”, highlighting Rossi’s claims that Murray is the “Queen of Pork” which is bankrupting America. It cites as evidence a negative rating by the “Taxpayers for Common Sense” without acknowledging that it is a right-wing group designed to do a hatchet job on Democratic politicians so Republican candidates can quote them later in ads.
Seattle Times: GOP puts Murray on defensive for federal projects
You have to get down to the fifth paragraph before you find the first comment by Murray, and contrary to the headline, Murray isn’t on the defensive at all:
If anything, the headline (and story) should have been about how Rossi is grasping at straws to counter the advantage Washington has with Murray as a senior member of the Senate with a strong position on the Appropriations Committee. If Rossi were elected, he would be a freshman senator in the minority party, and like Reichart, unable to do much of anything to support Washington state’s interests. But the Times article doesn’t even address that point until near the end of the article.
When the headlines are slanted and don’t even fairly support the article, then you have an idea where the editorial preferences lie.
21. sarge spews:
It’s not sarge. Do it!
Oh yeah, you want to do it with OTHER PEOPLES MONEY. I get it.
It’s important, but not that important, right?
Dig deep brother. No one is stopping you.
sarge–the easiest thing to do is spend other peoples money.
The hardest thing is to give your own to others expecting nothing in return.
Republicans are “corporate socialist” whores. And NONE of the Eastern Washington idiots should EVER open their redneck mouths about “gov’ment” and the evils of Seattle. They’re little pretty “lifestyle choice” of wanting to play cowboy is paid for by ME and the other Seattle residents. So SHUT UP! It’s cute that they choose to live in tiny little towns in the middle of no where, but still want highways to transport their crops, irrigation, cheap land, mail, cable, internet, satellites for monitoring their crop health, GPS satellites which help map their farms and manage their fields (when running very large farms), and national weather services…ALL, EVERY BIT, subsidized by the big tax base from Seattle and elsewhere. Seattle is where the for-profit free market comes from (Nintendo, Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing, Starbucks, etc). Eastern Washington is a handful of farms (all subsidized) and then mostly government jobs (prisons, military, ag, etc). I’m tired of the Eastern Washington bums taking MY money for their little cowboy “lifestyle choice” and then criticizing me if there are ANY restrictions tied to the money they DEMAND from us. Hey redneck…I’m paying for your infrastructure and lifestyle, so bite me.
OT (kindof): Since Republicans are castigating the Obama administration for not investigating the video posted by Andrew Brietbart before reacting, you would think they would be distancing themselves from Breitbart, wouldn’t you????
Uh, not so much.
It turns out that Breitbart is listed as a featured speaker at the RNC fundraiser to be held in Beverly Hills, August 12-14.
Republican National Committee Event Featuring Andrew Breitbart
Progressives start from the premise “everything belongs to the Government”.
OK. It won’t work. One of our basic human desires is to create wealth. Wealth is what sustains us. Some of us have more than others. Luck, right place at right time, hard work…variety of reasons.
I don’t do it for the government. I do it for myself & my family…like many people.
The role of government has exploded. Republicans can shoulder plenty of blame..but it seems to have become the Progressive BattleCry. More government, more redistribution of wealth.
It won’t work.
European countries are running away from Socialism while the ObaMao Regime is embracing it. ObaMao seems to feel Americans are too successful. We need to create a 3rd world country to punish ourselves for our success.
That won’t work either…and real Americans won’t stand for it.
I was visiting my brother in Eastern Washington some years ago when this incident happened.
My brother and I were relaxing in the club house after a round of golf over a couple of beers. The conversation turned to Tiger Woods. It seems nobody liked him. The word uppity was used a few times. Then one individual spoke up with “I don’t have any problems with nigers. I think everyone should own at least one.” The rest thought this was very funny.
re 42: The widow’s mite was more valuable in the eyes of God that Mrs. Bush I’s donation of money to public schools in the Katrina ravaged area — but with the stipulation that it be spent on her son Neill’s educational software.
Conservatives donate to charity for the tax deduction and then take it right back..
I have a question for you: If the graduated income tax is unfair, shouldn’t everyone get the same interest rate on loans?
re 45: You want to take from the collective group, but you don’t want to pay your fair share to support it.
You can blather your idiotic ideology all you want, but you’ll be the first one with your hand out when you need help from the government — just like Clint Didier. You are both not only hypoctites, but OPPRESSIVE hypocrites.
@42. Paying taxes is part of the social contract of living in this representative democracy of America. The American society, as a whole, has chosen to tax ourselves, and YOU, to pay for these programs.
If you don’t like to pay taxes, convince your fellow Americans to repeal them. Don’t just whine that God said it wasn’t your responsibility to pay taxes when you cannot convince your neighbors that the programs the taxes pay for are keeping you from getting another boat.
After all God said “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
another limp wristed dumbass from the city who hasnt a clue about where his food or electricity comes from.
The progressive hatred of small town America continues…..
If you actually had even the slightest of clues, you would be fun to bitch-slap around, but seeing as your oblivious to everyting that is not urban, a swift kick in the ass will suffice.
and so your conlcusion is that everyone from eastern washington is a racist?
otherwise, what the fuck was the point of your story?
yes, a single rate would be fair..and to answer your question: NO, not everyone should have the same interest rate. Some people have shown themselves to be poor at money management(or life management)and thus are more of a risk to default on their loan – so they should pay a higher interest rate.
taxes and interest rates are two different things…should be pretty obvious.
Uh oh.. chickenshit troll alert..
I dont think anybody has a problem paying taxes. The issue is what kinds of things the govt is spending the money on, which leads into how much tax we should be paying overall.
Where does it end? DO we just someday hand over 95% of what we make and HOPE that govt can provide EVERYTHING? The more the govt “provides”, the more we become its slaves.
if we ever get to that point, just shoot me.
uh oh, jobless lazy ass who ignores his kid alert.
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=tag:matches~chickenshit -C’
| count |
| 1625 |
1 row in set
ya? and?
too bad you dont put in as much effort into getting a job or taking care of the family as you do into your geek-ass database.
scumbag @52:
You’re referring, I assume, to Goldman Sachs, AIG, Lehman, Bank of America, and such.
Damn, this column search program of mine rocks:
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~”chickenshit” -o=handle:strasc -V=handle -u’
| handle |
| Dr. Dre |
| Dr. Dre, Easy E, and MC Ren |
| Max Rockatansky |
| Vince with Slap-Chop |
| lebowski |
5 rows in set
Yeah I know there’s more handles than that but I have yet to tag the next bracket. Check the blog for a progress report.
Got any data to back anything you say up?
Maybe you could start by taking a look at:
Have fun reading about, for example, how rural, small farmers support the Obama Admin’s proposed changes in livestock regulations. Or about how, rural, small farmers, support the Obama Admin’s Department of Justice, looking into anti-trust violations by Big Ag.
Have fun!
Eeps! No more edit function!
Nope, I was not refering to them…they all should be out of business by now.
got anything else to say, fuckface?
RE: your blog
if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody hears it, did it really exist at all?
I like this tag better.
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~tehchickenshit -C’
| count |
| 1625 |
1 row in set
A little more stylish! Heh. Now that’s entertainment!
re 50: You know, from time to time some weak liberal commenter will take up one of you jackasses on their physical threat.
Be careful what you wish for.
I’m not promising that I will kick your ass, but I am promising that you would not come aut of any encounter with me smelling like a rose.
So can the violent rhetoric, bimbo.
You know what Thulsa Doom: I don’t like your name, your ignorance, and your juvenile suppositions about people you don’t know.
‘Thulsa Doom’ — sounds like like moniker a hick EMO would chocse for himself.
With all the other nonsense you were spewing around, I somehow miss this. I don’t care who or what side of an argument you’re on, this kind of crap isn’t OK.
2008. Wasn’t that the year Goldman Sachs “traders” drove the price of wheat futures up to $25 per bushel, and millions starved to death worldwide. I thought that was a good year for the heavily subsidized wheat farmers…..
Of course they vote Republican in Lincoln County. Ain’t no facts gonna git in the way of their version reality. Like the fact that it is Seattle tax money that pays to plow their snow.
The reddest county in Washington, and the most heavily subsidized county to boot. Go figure. I guess they luv all the big guvvmint stuff!!!
66: I would assume “Thulsa Doom” and “Consider this, on the tree of woe” are one in the same as they’re both “Conan the Barbarian” references (both from James Earl Jones’ character) .
I’d rip him too for using a mediocre 80’s movie for his screen names, too, but…
67 – He does that all the time. And brags about his “popgun” to boot.
But he’s a chickenshit:
That was a challenge to GBS. Needless to say, he never showed. Too frightened of “progressives”. What a schmuck!
Like most of the comments so far, I too can’t understand how folks can be so blind and not see how their own livelihood and prosperity is the result of government spending.
Before Cynical jumps down my throat and assumes that the previous statement means I want a 95% tax bracket, forget it. However, there is an appropriate level of government that we need to have. If the BP Oil disaster and the financial meltdown doesn’t show the need for a role for government, I don’t know what does.
@71 Don’t bother J. Facts don’t ever matter to conservatives like Cynical. They make up their own facts as they go along. Just remember they have trillions of dollars of concentrated wealth helping them defend their nonsense. The average wet brain conservative can’t figure out it is corporate scum and the wealthy that are destroying their pitiful lives. All so they can buy bigger yachts for the Mediterranean, and bigger houses in the Hamptons.
All 5,800 of them!
Actually, 5,800 is Lincoln Counties total vote count for the 2008 presidential election, about 3,800 folks in Lincoln County voted for McCain/Palin. 5,800 voters puts the county on par, vote wise, with the cities of Moses Lake and Battle Ground.
Right now there’s a trader in England trying to buy up the world’s chocolate supply.
Imagine what us Washingtonians would say if we had to pay New York’s rates for electricity of that big old guvvmint didn’t build all them damn dams….
@28 “I second Steve’s call for a repub of “Joe”.”
I found it, Zotz.
And that, gentlemen, are the facts.
@Steve: Just says it all, doesn’t it?
Thanks, man.
Cynical…once again you present no evidence to support your case. Are you saying Jesus was all about governing in a way that makes the rich richer and the poor poorer? That’s what has been happening since Reaganomics became the overriding governing principle.
Was that Christ’s message? Let the weak suffer and die in order to strengthen the heard? If so, I missed that. Please provide the relevant passages.
Oh really?
Where and when did this occur nottobright?
Watch him try and twist the white nigger comment Puddy used on Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd.
Did you read the Mediaite link yet moron?
Butt J Whorfin, you forget the BP waivers signed by Odumba’s gang while talking out the other side of his mouth.
Just like we’re finding out about the Lockerbie Scotland bomber, Odumba talked out one side of his mouth while saying something else.
Butt will Odumba apologize to the 189 families who lost a loved one on that flight? Doubt it? Well if he apologizes to Shirley Sherrod for his over the top firing of her mybe he’ll apologize to those families for lying last year about the release! We knew peeps in Rochester who lost their beautiful daughter on that flight.
Don’t know how the li’l arschloch will get into trade skuul or maybe college but this HA blog database is “great”.
@80 “Watch him try and twist the white nigger comment Puddy used on Robert KKK 3 Sheets Byrd.”
Why bother to twist it, Puddy? I’ll just put it out there for all to read.
Now that’s the way to take down a racist cretin like Troll, Puddy. Good for you! Oh wait, no, you didn’t. Oops! My bad.
Sorry to call you a cretin, Troll. Literary license, you know what I mean? heh-
And so, in a nutshell, Troll calls blacks “niggers” and Puddy gives him some love. heh-
It’s because I love you so much, Puddy, that I’ve gotta tell ya, that was a very unfortunate response you wrote there to that racist remark by Troll. Would you care to take this opportunity to grovel and beg for forgiveness from the likes of the courageous Shirley Sherrod?
My, but I do believe that I’ve run Puddy off this thread. So sad.
Poor junkshot. He must be miffed that I’m using the database to research the miserable crap from that bigoted lobotomy I’ve tagged “tehchickenshit”.
It’s not all about you junkshot. So sorry.
But I’ve laughed a bit recently over that old handle “Reckless”. Maybe I’ll do a post on it.
Your very existence “took a dime from them”. Don’t kid yourself. They would have had more money and time if you had not existed.
@15 “This would be a good time to for Roger to reprint that story he’s posted before of “Joe”.”
Happy to oblige:
“Day in the Life of Joe Middle-Class Republican
“A TvNewsLIES Reader contribution.
“By John Gray, Cincinnati, Ohio
“Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.
“All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
“Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
“Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should loose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
“Its noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.
“Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time.
“Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dads; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electricity until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republican’s would still be sitting in the dark)
“He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.
“He turns on a radio talk show, the host’s keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day) Joe agrees, “We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have”.”
So in what way has your “white nigger” comment been “twisted”, Puddy? What do you mean by that?
We both know how it ends, Puddy. Let’s get it over with. You say your words were “twisted”. How were they twisted?
Troll, “you talking about the niggers”
Puddy, “there are white ones too”
You say your words were “twisted”, Puddy. Explain yourself. How was your statement twisted?
@81: hahaha
Puddy is calling ME a moron! Very funny fool – how many times do I have to show you are a liar and a fool? And You still don’t get it?
Did you ever get a doctoral level degree? I didn’t think so – that would require some actual thinking – something you are unable to do.
Come back when you learn how to form a real argument Puddy (and not just call people names) – until then go play with the little boys on Faux News who lie like you do.
The fact that you resort to name calling, cannot answer questions directly, change the topic and ignore facts that prove you wrong shows that you have no moral compass and that you are more interested in being right than actually listening to the facts. Those tactics are the hallmarks of a propagandist who is interested only in putting out their “version” of events.
Case in point is how you copy the right wing narrative on Breitbart and fail to recognize that Breitbart is lying and that Faux News facilitated his lying.
Why did Breitbart lie? Because he has a record of airing false, edited videos like the acorn video and now the Sharrod video.
What is the reason for this falsification and deliberate attempt to mislead? The same as Puddy – an attempt to twist the real facts to disparage Obama and the left.
Except like Puddy, Breitbart was too damn stoopid and got caught doing it.
Oops – idiots who think they are smart and try to twist the facts to futher their political agenda get caught and exposed as lying fools. That fits you too, Puddy.
Breitbart lied on his BigGovernment blog and since then he’s been nothing but lying piece of shit. The agenda driven Fox News jumped on the angle, reverse racism by blacks, that they’ve been mining since the president was elected. The inexcusable reactions of the NAACP and the administration answers only one of the “why” questions behind Breitbart and Fox doing what they did.
Through this thread Puddy refuses to follow up on his pathetic whine about his rely to Troll’s racist comment being “twisted”.
Here’s his unedited comment.
Here’s the “twisted” version I’ve posted to slap Puddy around for being such a pathetic wretch.
His words were twisted, he says. Read them both. Either version makes him look bad, like some step-n-fetchit fool for extremist right-wing racists and bigots. All I did was edit out a denigrating comment about a Senator and Puddy’s attempt to further bond with with the “nigger” spewing racist, Troll. This doesn’t change the fact that Puddy not only utterly failed to confront racism and bigotry, he gave that racist some Puddylove, just as this week he gives love to manoftruth.
Breitbart and Fox News. The former lied in his misrepresentation of the edited video and the letter went orgasmic over the opportunity to use that lie to attack yet another black in their on-going campaign to promote fear of blacks in white Americans. And as a loyal foot soldier for right-wing, extremist racists, Puddy gleely piled on, attacking Shrley Sherrod.
Throughout this week Puddy has not once condemned or even admonished Breitbart or Fox News for what they did. Instead, he writes here in the same vein as Breitbart, using partial truths in order to lie and degrade that fine woman’s character. But look how he cries like an innocent child when his own words are edited only for brevity, with no alteration of meaning. Read his pathetic whine. “My words were twisted!”
Bad Karma. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. Payback’s a bitch.
Suck on it, Puddy.
Steve Steve Steve,
Robert Byrd told the world there are white niggers too. You seem to be one of them lately. The arschloch has a lock on that. Facts seem to leave your mind as quick as shit leaves your arschloch. That Stupid Solution really put a hurting on your psyche. It’s a Psych 101 thing isn’t it? Stupid Solution and Steve Steve Steve…. the imperfect match made by one “man”.
Nigger is a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, or ignorant. Seems to Puddy y’all been playing that game for years. Smiling in blacks faces and calling them dumb niggers behind their backs. Yep, it’s been caught on tape and linked here on HA. Ask the arschloch, he’s one of the most contemptible, inferior, and ignorant with Steve Steve Steve passing rujax for the number two spot. Don’t worry correctnotright, your in a supersonic streak to join the dumb cinder block rujax to tie him for third. And Puddy had hopes for you correctnotright.
You see Puddy has already condemned MOT more than once. Strange, Puddy watched Steve Steve Steve and MOT have a conversation on this blog last week. Now why would Steve Steve Steve converse with someone he continually claims to hate? You can ask the pink haired arschloch for the thread too. Puddy, unlike you fools, doesn’t need to continually repeat Puddyself. So don’t hold your arschlochs too long waiting for another MOT condemnation.
So now the ad hominem attacks are back. Bring it fools. It shouw the weaksauce of your argument.
FireDogLake has already taken the HA leftist pinhead (insert yourselves) Fox News diatribe over Shirley Sherrod apart and Mediaite exploded it thoroughly. Both said Odumba is to blame. Yet this explodes the silly mantra you all like to continually espouse on HA. Fox News is big time in the ratings and the left wing rant machine MSM is sinking sinking sinking.
It’s very funny Odumba lets Glenn Beck set his sadministration standard for every day living. Now that’s news. Robert Fibbs is a hoot. It’s also very telling to Puddy. It seems you lefties can’t deal with someone outing your antics. Puddy listened to some of the NUTROOTS commentary this week. The fool James Rucker who led the attack on Glenn Beck’s advertisers was funny, too damn funny. Rucker farted… “Unfortunately, Glenn Beck is in my brain all the time.” Loks like Glenn Beck is winning cuz Rucker admitted when Glenn put the information on his chalk board things changed for Rucker. Glenn explained Crime Inc. Pizzed off Rucker. Glenn explained the inner working of the gang of fools. This pizzed off Rucker. When Puddy looked at it we can see the NUTROOTS gang spent a large part of their time focused on Glenn Beck… which means he’s got their antics identified correctly and they don’t like it. Glenn is right and the NUTROOTS fools are afraid of both Glenn and the Patriotic Tea Party happenings all over the United States. NUTROOTS peeps hate America, BIG TIME. You can hear it in how they talk down to people.
So keep trying to make hay over something already dismissed by the brighter leftists. It proves how much of a 2 watt lightbulb you fools really are.
See ya. Got to finish a presentation.
Not hardly pink haired arschloch. Are the hairs on your arschloch pink like those on your head?
Puddy continually asks leftist pinheads to ask the arschloch. None do. So all that time you spent “coding” the HA database really pays for the li’l arschloch’s upcoming trade skuul eh? If the li’l arschloch has your brains maybe sanitation engineering will be in his future. God knows he must get much practice around the house shoveling away your arschloch shit! Just let Puddy know what he builds so Puddy won’t come near it.
98 – Oh you’re not miffed? You gotta be. You said the database was all about you and in this thread I proved it wasn’t.
Reality is so hard on you fiend. But keep on fantasizing a reality that comforts you. You’ve demonstrated a disturbing capacity for that.
And as for your kids I feel sorry for them that they have such a meathead for a dad who over 27 thousand comments has spent a lot of time away from his family. 13 thousand more comments than me. Just think of it – even if you are with your family, you’re not really there – you’re anticipating the time you’ll be spending here in the comment threads pursuing a degenerate agenda.
Sucks to be you #2.
None follow your orders (gee I wonder why) but a couple have asked me questions like how many comments have they posted or when did they start posting.
They’re ignoring your orders fool. But keep believing that your orders in any way matter. It’s kind of funny.
“someone he continually claims to hate”
I’d ask you to back that up but we both know that’s just another Puddyfact that you pulled from your ass.
You had your chance and you blew it. I tire of witnessing your willful descent into decadence, degredation and madness. I grow weary of the psychotic ravings of a rabidly diseased mind soiled with a hate too long festered in a heartless, souless being. You can now slink your way back to that rank den you share with hate-filled KLOWNS and those who call you a nigger as you stand there nodding with a stupid fucking grin on your face.
Steve Steve Steve you rail on Puddy talking once to MOT about Robert Byrd’s comments and you continually claim he’s a racist in your book. Then you have a Thursday conversation with MOT. Hmmm…? You talk to racists Steve Steve Steve. Now it seems you are backing away. So now you don’t hate racists? Well it took you FOREVER to condemn headless lucy after how many suckups you did?
You see your comments on this board damn you Steve Steve Steve. Every time you place Puddy’s white nigger comment it provides an answer to your own question above. You are too stupid to realize it. Horse sense was never your strong suit!
You really want to have another Mark Foley public apology moment when Puddy produces how you despise and hate MOT over his Jewish comments?
Once again it’s not what Puddy produces as fact. It’s always an ad hominem attack against Puddy. Even when Puddy displays leftist pinhead web sites that destroy your feckless arguments, you can’t accept the truth.
Puddy is moving on Steve Steve Steve
Just think of it – even if you are with your family, you’re not really there – you’re anticipating the time you’ll be spending here in the comment threads pursuing a degenerate agenda.
Thats a hoot, coming from the guy who monitors HA all day, put together an HA database(laughs), and refuses to get a job or spend time with the kid….nice!
teh loozer….
heh. That’s a steaming pile for the freaking ages @97.
Such an asshole always playing the poor victim. Here’s a classic turd I just uncovered the other day:
I got a post sketched out on “Reckless”..
What a joke that was! Nice? Freaking hardly. Horseshit as always.
“You talk to racists Steve Steve Steve.”
Obviously. I talk to you and the KLOWN’s sorry asses all the time.
“you rail on Puddy talking once to MOT about Robert Byrd’s comments”
You are factually challenged as usual. Your conversation was with Troll.
“you continually claim he’s a racist in your book”
Pulled from your ass. I usually ignore mot. If my answering a couple of questions he posed to me the other day makes me his friend, just WTF does your sucking up to him make you?
“Every time you place Puddy’s white nigger comment it provides” evidence of what a degenerate self-loather you have become.
“You really want to have another Mark Foley public apology moment when Puddy produces how you despise and hate MOT over his Jewish comments?”
Considering the all-consuming fires of hatred seething within you, it’s understandable that you’d take mot’s side on this one. So Puddy hates Jews. I had no idea. I’ll make a note of it.
“Once again it’s not what Puddy produces as fact.”
You mean like these so-called “facts” that you say support your contention that the earth is only 6,000 years old?
I laugh at Puddy and his “facts”.
Nice fantasy from a right wing liar. I run a program I’ve written once a month and then run queries on data I collect – whenever I’m curious about something. Just the other day I uncovered the right wing bullshit domain that junkshot links to the most.
I also tag handles to separate them into troll and non-troll categories. This enables queries on troll behavior as a whole – like how deflated were you losers after each election cycle?
There’s over 15,000 handles and I’ve only gotten to tag barely 400 of them. But of course there’s no need to tag all of them. The 400 I’ve tagged already are associated with 84.5 percent of the entire comment database of 435 THOUSAND comments. That’s called working smart.
The #2 all time obsessive of these comments threads has posted 27 THOUSAND comments. He’s a right winger. I’m a distant third at less than 15,000 comments.
But continue to fantasize right winger. Your kind is good at that. Just more yucks for my side.
and one more time..
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘-f=c -c=tag:eq~tehchickenshit -C’
| count |
| 1625 |
1 row in set
At the rate you’re going, you’ll be in the top 10 in no time.
Yawwwn. Time and time again what you’ve “produced” has been discredited. Hillary Clinton a Eugenicist anyone?
Silence on teabagger Didier dribbling about “weakening the strong”.
You’re a raging right wing tool.
Hilary Clinton July 2007, “I am an early 1900s progressive”..
Nuff said arschloch fool!
Oh yeah Troll, even better Steve Steve Steve. Puddy never seen Troll claim to hate Jews. But you couldn’t see it within yourself to reject headless lucy until Puddy had to reach into the HA archives and produce it’s words. When others told you what headless said you didn’t believe it. When Puddy told you what Puddy said about Mark Foley and others again corroborated Puddy you didn’t believe it.
So why are facts and Steve Steve Steve such diametrically opposed particles? You are too much dude. Too much.
Still waiting for the URL where Puddy said he hated Shirley Sherrod. You ran away from that like other recent claims. Throw shit on the HA fan and hope it sticks. When it doesn’t oops… gotta run away now! That’s you Steve Steve Steve shit slinger and runner.
Later moron!
Hey arschloch… remember when you played “victim”? Wanna review that crybaby link again?
“They picked on my children. They picked on my wife because she belonged to the SEIU union…”
blah lah blah… Post it or Puddy will fool! Naaah Puddy will wait until it’s a better time.
Heh. Yeah the former Goldwater Girl identified with Teddy Roosevelt. People having some sway over corporate abuse, trusts, snake-oil sellers, stuff like that.
You on the other hand are an early 2000’s idiot, right wing, thick-headed douchebag tool.
Certainly nothing more needs to be said there.
Do anything you f’ing please fool. You usually do.
Nope gonna save that link for a special time.
No arschloch wrong again. First you claimed one thing then you move to another. Standard tactic when you are caught fool. Busted AGAIN moron! She wasn’t even in the same room a Republican. You try and make that equation over and over and you EPIC FAIL each time.
This is why you are soooooo stupid and a foolish arschloch. Even Time writers saw the similarities which being the kook-aid drinker you are miss. Time magazine for instance moron…
That was 1992 fool. Way before she said admitted it again in 2007.
Stay Stupid because Goldy needs a really stupid one to make him look better, and you are really stupid! Puddy tries to educate you on history butt it seems to pass you by. Poor li’l arschloch, no intelligence in his father’s sperm cells.
Oh and that stupid attack on Puddy. My sons are proud of their father and how they are treated. One may come to DL with me sometime.
Poor junkshot – owned…
Heh. Friends… Can this dipshit even read????
No… Like we’ve said countless times, he couldn’t comprehend his ass with a flashlight!
Well, Pud, I been away a while but you spew the same. Without reading this whole thread, tell me, did you have a problem with Westneat exposing that Didier is living of the federal government (subsidized water, power, roads and even farm subsidies) while attacking others for receiving federal aid?
Not really. It depends on the federal aid and how it’s being used. We’ve seen where the Porkulus aid went and it wasn’t for “shovel ready” projects. Butt that’s okay with K. Most of that federal aid was wasted. If the federal aid Didier gets promotes better farming no problem. It’s money well spent. It doesn’t matter if they are leftist pinheads or right minded peeps. We need to keep our American farmers in good stead. Farmers should get subsidies. They provide food for all to eat. What’s wrong with that?
Westneat should have looked at how Didier was spending his federal aid. If he was wasting it Puddy would have agreed. Instead Westneat did a typical libtardo hit piece on Didier. He failed to make the equation because his personal biases showed through his writing.
Puddy wonders if Westneat was a Journolist member?
You wanna eat all your produce from over seas?
Just checking K.
Hilary Clinton worked for Goldwater… That was OLD NEWS fool look it up in your database. Nothing new here. She grew into her beliefs and took on the progressive reins. Friends indeed. They push what you want them to push. You have no friends on HA. That’s why no one pushes back that you are NOT an arschloch. Everyone agrees with Puddy’s assessment idiot, a monomaniacal chronological failing arschloch!
Stay stupid Goldy like it that way!
So Pud (and Didier) get to determine what federal spending is appropriate? And what about this statement?
Didier says his farm is subsidizing electric ratepayers in Western Washington, for instance, when it’s overwhelmingly the other way around.
Does Didier also get to determine his own truth?
Answer the damn question K.
@109 “Puddy never seen Troll claim to hate Jews.”
I never said he did. That’s a very strange turd you pull from your ass. That aside, it’s apparent to all that you still don’t take issue with Troll calling blacks “niggers”.
“But you couldn’t see it within yourself to reject headless lucy until Puddy had to reach into the HA archives and produce it’s words.”
Why on earth should I reject something someone wrote years before I even showed up here? At least you admit that when I read his words that I did the right thing. I’ve waited long enough for you to do the right thing. It ain’t gonna happen, is it, Puddy? I’ve wasted my time believing that you could grow a spine, haven’t I?
“When others told you what headless said you didn’t believe it.”
When a known liar such as yourself who calls me infantile names tells me something I should accept these words as truth? heh- That’ll be the fucking day.
“When Puddy told you what Puddy said about Mark Foley and others again corroborated Puddy you didn’t believe it.”
Refresh my memory, Puddy. What did I do when shown the evidence? Oh, that’s right, I did something that you’ve never done before in your entire life. I apologized. To you.
“So why are facts and Steve Steve Steve such diametrically opposed particles?”
I can promise you that I’ll always be diametrically opposed to any so-called “fact” you pull from your stinkin’ ass.
“Still waiting for the URL”
Might I suggest that you try holding your breath? Such a childish antic would be quite consistent with your infantile namecalling.
“Puddy said he hated Shirley Sherrod”
And in more ways than one. I have no doubt that if MLK Jr. were alive you’d be hating him too. As it is, you stand silent as that hateful, treasonous charlatan Glenn Beck, who leads his rabble rousing followers to hate their fellow Americans, appropriates and soils MLK’s name on the 40th anniversary of one of his greatest moments.
How do you live with yourself?
“You have no friends on HA.”
Horseshit. I am one of YLB’s many friend here.
“That’s why no one pushes back that you are NOT an arschloch.”
Perhaps it’s so obvious to us that you are the ass that we feel we needn’t comment.
“Everyone agrees with Puddy’s assessment idiot”
More horseshit.
and what did I say again fool? In 111?
You f’ing FAILED reading! She came from a rock-ribbed Republican family and through high school was a Republican ya moron. But you can’t see that plain simple fact through your ugly reality distortion filter.
It’d be such sweet justice if your kids turned out liberal from that “leftist” school you’re paying to send them. One day they might say, “wow Dad sure is misguided politically but we luv ‘im just the same.”
Refresh Steve Steve Steve’s memory. The sentence was
Memory refreshed. Nothing to apologize for Steve Steve Steve. Puddy never said it. Butt Shirley Sherrod said some “interesting comments” in March and again last week. Butt you see Steve Steve Steve, Fox News rating are climbing even higher. Why? Peeps are figgering out you and the libtardo MSM spin the news and facts. Did you see Chris Matthews get his ass kicked by Paul Ryan. He was spinning facts and Ryan booted him off stage. That’s exactly what Puddy means.
Oh BTW Puddy already took Troll to task for using that word. You can ask the arschloch for that proof. As Puddy said earlier, Puddy don’t need to repeat himself at the whim of Steve Steve Steve.
See ya fool!
Oh poor arschloch.. Going nutzo over facts covered years ago in his home version of his database.
Thanks for playing monomaniacal chronologically challenged arschloch!
So Steve Steve Steve, you counter the arschloch isn’t the arschloch. Provide PROOF! His ASS is handed to him each day! His once a month run of HA is another of his tall tales. He posts recent material which destroys his once a month data collection rant.
For instance, how could he know how many recent times Puddy called him monomaniacal? Puddy does it weekly. Some times daily.
“What’s wrong with that?”
As K said, Didier hypocritically and hatefully attacks others for receiving federal aid. Not that you’d ever get it. After all, hypocricy and hate is the life-blood of the teabaggers.
I’ll answer your questions, Pud, when you answer mine. It’s a pretty weak evasion you use, and if it;s the best you’ve got have fun with it.
ANd for your question, I no more want all my food from overseas than I want all our automobiles or clothing. Why do you get to determine what is better here and what can be outsourced?
There’s one answer for you. Now your answers?
“His ASS is handed to him each day!”
My goodness! That’s one of the more brazen instances of wingnut projection I’ve ever encountered here. Did I ever mention that it’s a Psych 101 thing? You might want to look into it.
Let Puddy know when you’ll be at a DL Steve Steve Steve. Puddy will buy you the beer Steve Steve Steve and Puddy will start the table discussion on the arschloch. Stand by to be “shocked and amazed” by the HA leadership response when the arschloch is discussed.
See ya Steve Steve Steve and those delusions of grandeur!
“Oh BTW Puddy already took Troll to task for using that word.”
Um, giving Troll some love isn’t exactly what I’d call taking him to task, Puddy. But perhaps you’re again confusing delusion with reality and actually think you did such a thing. Hmm, that be, um, like a Psych 401 thing, Puddy. I’m pretty sure you’d need to take another pill or two to deal with that one.
“Puddy will buy you the beer”
I don’t drink. Besides, you promised you’d buy dinner!!
No it’s the truth fool. My database right now is current through the end of June. I don’t collect a month until 10 days into the next month. That way I get ALL the comments for a month – Goldy doesn’t close comments for a post until a week or so after the publish date.
I do have some ideas for collecting a current month snapshot but I probably should ditch that in favor of being capable of refreshing the database any time I want. Right now it’s just easier to wait until a month is closed.
When I counted your “monomanical” bullshit it was through the end of June.
Wow I’m so sad that no one loves me here at HA.. sniff.. sniff.. I guess I should leave the reality based community and just blindly believe all Junkshot’s bullshit. I mean if he just bellows loud and repetitively enough all of sudden it becomes true.. to him anyway sniff.. sniff..
I guess I should just ignore that Steve considers me a friend, a kindred soul and GBS wants to buy me a drink or this..
sniff. sniff…
uhh. Naaaaaaaaaaah… The way I’m on now is too much fun. That other way is booooolshit…
Cry me a river. You asked what Puddy thought and Puddy answered. The answer didn’t fit your silly leftist mantra so you ad hominem attack just like most HA libtardos.
So since you were so “gracious” with your spledor and answered in such a snotty way, here’s Puddy’s responses.
Where did Puddy say this fool? Twisting what Puddy said> Puddy said some federal help to farmers is good for everyone. You seem to have issues with that. What Clint Didier thinks is his own business. It’s is America K. You can either agree or disagree. It seems when elections are held each year voting peeps are telling other voting peeps what spending they think is appropriate. The willer gets to do their thing and the loser sez that’s inappropriate. You were screaming on this blog for years about the Iraq war and how that spending was inappropriate. So now you want to muzzle Didier? How progressive of you. Only “your voice” counts? How progressive of you. No one dares disagree with you? How progressive of you.
You voted for Odumba so you think adding 3Trillion to the national debt is appropriate. Puddy does not. So Puddy disagrees. The dumb cinder block rujax call Puddy a racist because he disagrees with Odumba. Somewhere Puddy hears Hilary Clinton telling the world it’s partiotic to disagree. Apparently you ain’t to patriotic K. How come you hate America K when others disagree with you. That ain’t patriotic. Hopefully that answers your question.
Now regarding the Didier federal aid attack which you seem to gloss over on purpose. The Porkulus is a non-effect to jobs, but it has budget and debt ballooning actions everyone has seen. Because you have no real answer on the wasted Porkulus aid you shy away from answering that. The Porkulus bill which 100 economists in US News and World Report, a libtardo monthly rag, said had no effect on the American workers seems to not bother K. Why is that K? The Porkulus bill was something you jockstrapped here.
I have no idea what his comment means. He needs to explain it better. It must have something to do with alflalfa and price supports.
BTW farmers need cheap water, otherwise how would city libtardos eat fresh produce at Whole Foods?
See ya K
Come to HA arschloch since you seem to be a doubting Thomas. Name the date and time you’ll be there moron. If Puddy in town Puddy will initiate the conversation about you and your fecklessness.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
GBS will have come to see this arschloch.
GBS Puddy will buy you a round too when the arschloch learns the truth!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
You can’t run now arschloch. Be a man, show your son yous a man. Stand up and be counted. Your feckless “I ain’t coming to DL if you’re there” arguments have no effect now.
Pavlov has your number. Either you are a bwaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaak or you will become a man and show your face and hear the truth!
139 – I don’t follow your orders moron. Nice try like all the other failed attempts.
No reaction to Lee’s post at Effu? Kinds of blows your bullshit out of the water does it not? Read the comments at my latest post? DK asks me about something I’ve wanted to do from the start. He’s a sharp dude. I like him.
I have not the LEAST scintilla of desire to be in the same room with you or “you dope” jon, “tehchickenshit” or any of those other hitsquad cowards that are probably recruited by you like PacMan was. If some or all of the HA bloggers don’t think much of me?
IT”S NO SKIN OFF MY BACK. I do what I do for own amusement.
Keep on being an idiot ya moron! I like laughing at your antics here.
The work on the db continues!
Deflection doesn’t count arschloch. This is all about you fool. Gosh your database discussion would be priceless.
So Puddy was right bwaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaak.
So go code some more arschloch. Puddy is laughing his big black ASS off!
The pity and woe is me rant duly noted!
It’s a great evening on HA!
Puddy seldom runs over to EFFU. Why? Puddy enjoys smacking your ASS all over God’s kingdom!
You just saved Puddy some beer costs. Now Puddy won’t meet Steve Steve Steve and GBS at the same time. Now that would be an “enlightening” discussion.
LMAO!! Best line I’ve heard all day! Sheer projection as always..
Oh you mean you don’t you remember this?
FAIL! Your OWN WORDS stupid!!!
Baaaaaabaaaaawwk.. Afraid he (junkshot) is shown to be FULL OF SHIT!
FAILED again!
Hey fiend,
That last link in that last comment – from my new computed view column feature in my column search.
Check it out..
mylaptop:~$ b cols ‘–render –vertical -f=c -c=tag:eq~ylb,body:matches~”*nice try fiend” -a=url:h->%;http*CLN*//{h[%q|article_id|]}#comment-#{h[%q|ha_id|]}; -o=datetime:strasc -V=url,body’ | tail -4
****** 4. row ******
body: We discussed your “database” at Tuesday’s DL. One comment was “Why? There’s Google”.Nice try fiend. From thread 3984. Your own words:Google doesn’t cache everything know why. And my oh my are you freaked out!The best is yet to come.
4 rows in set
“Priceless” indeed. I’m sure a professional like yourself can appreciate that.
Ask the UW Professor you love to throw around as a useles attack against Puddy on the liberal UW. Yep you failed as always at attacking Puddy’s son who’s now a UW graduate. The professor was the one who actually said that quote at a recent DL fool. Puddy waited until the time was right to drop that bomb.
Puddy is right Google doesn’t catch everything. Butt you claimed to use Google until Puddy got you to admit it was on “150 Megabytes”. Tripped up by the vile manure farting out of his arschloch. That’s why you captured everything on your home game arschloch. So you can’t turn the tables here arschloch. You told the world you used Google until you farted out the truth.
Thanks for playing. You make stupid look intelligent after your rants.
Now it really sucks to be you arschloch.
Heh.. Too stupid to know when he’s being made fun of.. Go ahead and twist that satire to your stupid purposes. I wouldn’t expect anything more from you.
Found that other “threat” from you by the way.
Again, that was satire. Making fun of stupid right wing bullshit from silly right wingers.
Feckless right wing attack defeated – again…
Already responded to that. I won’t repeat myself. Use teh google as Darryl recommends. I’ve got google, bing, yahoo, other search engines AND the database at my command. I use whatever’s appropriate to the moment.
*smacks head*
YOU JUST ANSWERED DARRYL”S “QUESTION” or “bomb”, whatever stupid thing you call it (unless you’re being a miserable deceptive asshole – again).
That’s why I keep the database. Google doesn’t address what I want ya dumb fool!
I found you linked to BREITBART 82 times through the end of June moron! More than any other right wing bullshit site you’ve linked to – and you’ve used many.
“I found you linked to BREITBART 82 times through the end of June moron!”
heh- One of the prime sources for Puddyfacts. No wonder he’s all fucked up in the head.
Nice Puddy buttkicking, YLB. And a nice write up you got for your db project today at Effin’ Unsound. Damn, that had to hurt when Puddy clicked on that link! Sweet!
Did you happen to take a pic of the expression on your face at that moment, Puddy? I ask cuz I’d just love to see it. Hey, I know! You should send it to Goldy. He could use it to start a new post about how my friend YLB handed your, heh- arscloch to you.
Pardon me, Puddy, but I must take a moment to laugh at you.
150 – Thanks Steve. It’s tiresome (as in dispiriting and boring) work sometimes blasting through junkshot’s elaborate bullshit fantasies (he really piles the bullshit high) but it can be done. I appreciate the support.
Steve Steve Steve,
Once again fully delusional in agreeing with the bwaaaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak arschloch. Puddy didn’t click on the EFFU link so Puddy has no clue what Lee wrote. Lee wasn’t at the DL when the arschloch database was discussed. So if Lee is giving kudos to the arschloch it shows what level Lee has stooped to, bottom of the HA barrel.
So Steve Steve Steve, since you like buttfucking… ask the arschloch if he never told the world he used Google in his searches when confronted on his “project”. Then since you like the arschloch so much, as the arschloch if if he told the world the HA database only took 150 megabytes. Here’s the arschloch agreeing with Puddy…
Go on Steve Steve Steve… be a man since bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaak bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak arschloch isn’t one. Here’s anothwe admission when Puddy said it was when it was
You see Steve he readily admits to his lies.
Puddy keeping the original posting “it’s only 150 megabytes” for the right time.
Remember Steve Steve Steve, when Puddy offered condolence to you for your loss Puddy asked the arschloch why didn’t he offer condolence for your loss… Start reading here Steve Steve Steve and view the lack of compassion the “friend” you now have displayed when you lost someone close to you.
Yep arschloch blast through your own lack of compassion.
pavlov called it again in the arschloch post#147.
Where were nympho slut used arschloch? Search that great database. Just above you wrote
Wait… earlier you claimed Puddy was a liar for pointing out “your database” was 150 megabytes. See how Puddy gets you to correct yourself or is it lie in the same thread? Puddy said the database was created to try and diss Cynical, Puddy, and Marvin Stamn. Good lie arschloch! Later Puddy said you only use it to attack Puddy cuz Puddy blows your shit apart every day. Every daily attack you’ve used against Puddy through your “archive” has failed. UTTERLY failed.
Golly Steve Steve Steve, you want to be associated with the arschloch. Good luck!
Oh and Steve Steve Steve, Puddy’s Breitbart links were over the Acorn voting and Acorn pimping fiascos. They are now known under another name but the CEO is still the same.
Work calls unlike the arschloch who sits at home all day reading whackamole sites.
So Danny Westneat,
Do you agree with Ezra Klein and his Journolist activities? Do you agree with Dave Weigel’s vulgar anti-conservative emails on Journolist?
Just checking!
Babble, babble, babble…
152 – Yawwwn.. Repeating the same bullshit over and over and over hoping it’ll stick. You’re a documented liar fiend. No use playing holier than thou.
153 – “nympho slut” was YOUR words fool. Your authorship. You’re stuck with it. Don’t try to hide from it. You know where you used it. Ugly fantasies about other’s kids. You even ask if they’re ‘turning tricks yet’? Miserable shit ON YOUR PART.
Gee what’s my sin? Kids join the army yet to torture/interrogate the jihadis? Oh why not? Daddy voted for the Shrub policies twice didn’t he and touts them over thousands of comments at HA? Kids like that “socialist” university that HA Bloggers teach at? Pfffft.. Why would daddy send his kids where “leftists” and “moonbats” teach? No comparison.
And yeah you’re lying about me lying. I’ve had the idea for the database since 2007. Chadt was my first commenter way back then. I finally came across open source tech I liked and it’s a reality now. You called the database a “backup service” for Goldy. How stupid are you? All kinds of outfits do similar things including “teh google”, “” (as you called it). You were being an idiot as usual and I toyed with you like the tool you are.
And many times you claimed I used the database to dig up your bullshit when in fact I had used google or bing or whatever was handy. Database was incomplete, in prototype form back then. Those were the “tctmgr” days that you dribbled about over 50,60 comments, something like that. Now it’s near production. I let it go. Let you stew in your silly paranoia. After all what was the big deal? Your bullshit is public knowledge here and available to anyone who wants to take the trouble.
154 – Nice try fiend. Heh. You first linked to Breitbart in SEPTEMBER 2005! I’d tell you to just use “teh google” like Prof Darryl recommends to your goofy ass but I’m a “nice guy”. I’ll use the database.
Uh. Not over voting as I can see. Are you perhaps LYING? AGAIN???
And the database has definitely succeeded in many things fool. You mention it every chance you get, in almost every thread you pollute. It’s in your head and you couldn’t get it out if you tried. The database uncovered the FACT that you are #2 and Breitbart is your goto guy for vicious right wing bullshit.
The database is a store of THE FACTS as you’re so fond of touting. The facts on right wing lies, name-calling and other right wing bullshit here at
and NO not just yours.
Oh almost forgot..
The database fact checked your ass on your right wing bushitler fantasy.
The one fantasy that DROVE YOU to stab GBS in the back (his call on the matter).
That meltdown was classic. I’ll do a post on it one of these days.
Count on it.
Hmmm nympho slut? A refreshed Puddy’s Memory serves him PERFECTLY Puddy said…
So where did Puddy say you had a daughter? You told the world later you had a daughter. Such a lying moron!
Great lie fool. Strike 81, the ball game is over! Puddy pitches another perfect game.
GBS stabbed in the back? Over Kenya saying Odumba was born in Kenya and GBS lost it. Mrs Odumba said he was from Kenya before he ran for the presnitcy and GBS lost it. Such a stupid moron. You make stupid look intelligent.
Puddy: Blah blah, swear words, insults, name calling, blah.
Blue John, another post of nuthin important!
I’ve got a serious question for you if you’re open to it.
Fire away ylb!
Ok, do you now or have ever suspected me of being Tree Frog Farmer, ekim, chimp patrol, killatroll/saveablog, cougar or Mt. Rainier?
And you certainly can’t believe I’m ByeByeGOP?
Hmmm now that’s an interesting question ylb. Looks like you’re trolling for information. So why not be upfront and spill it out?
ok I thought this was below the belt:
Well Puddy been dealing with those attacks since 2005. Puddy been moving on ylb. Puddy takes an attack and keeps on delivering facts. That’s life on a libtardo blog!
Butt to answer your #165 question Nope! Gotta run out for the honeydo list. See ya later!
I believe that attack was from the same group.
I wasn’t part of that group OK?
I never called you any of the names those people called you allright? You know you’ve accused me of that don’t you?
Hey ylb,
Remember on this blog you are known by the company you keep. It’s guilt by association dude.
Well if that was true, what does that say about you (putting me aside for the moment)?
Great! And touting family values means the opposition has none.
And accusing me of calling you names I never called you is justified because of other folks I’ve never met outside of exchanging a few messages on this comment board.
In the case of TFF, 5 messages or so about the execrable MTR and Denny Hastert – nothing about you.
In the case of Chimp Patrol, I laughed at a joke he made about Mr. Cynical and an Australian wine – again nothing concerning you.
Ok.. The mystery is solved. You “moved on” 6/1/2010 or so, tiring of accusing me of things I never did. For what reasons you did in the first place who can say save you?
Why do Puddy and Republicans hate mothers? Isn’t that going a little too far? Really, guys, at that point you might as well just go for it and hate all of humanity, tossing in little kittens and puppies for good measure.
Phyllis Schafly, at Troy, Michigan fundraiser Saturday for a Republican congressional candidate, says,
“Unmarried women, 70% of unmarried women, voted for Obama, and this is because when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have big brother government to be your provider,”
“Yes I said that. It’s true, too. All welfare goes to unmarried moms,” Schlafly told TPM. “They are trying to line up their constituency for Obama and Democrats against Republican candidates.”
Speaking of the freaky, hate-filled wingnut Icon of Whack, Phyllis Schafly, how’s the spawn of Schafly’s rewrite of the Bible going? heh- I’m sure it’ll at least be a quicker read for you, what with all that “love” crap taken out.
Oh mea culpa ylb, we out family values all the time and your side tears us a new on. We are the ones who think the unborn are babies and we hear foetus or zygote because your side can’t call them unborn babies. Nope.
Regarding name calling you NEVER used anything besides Stupes or Fiend besides Puddybud? Hmmm… You ready to see some links or are you going to admit from a search of your own database what names you used?
“Remember on this blog you are known by the company you keep.”
Hmm, that would mean that you’re known by the company you keep consisting of a “nigger” spewing troll, a shift key challenged, jew-hate spewing troll, and one very strange psychotic KLOWN.
Eh, I see your point.
There goes Steve Steve Steve, friend of the great racist headless lucy.
Need Puddy say more?
Nope never said that. Again, a number of times you accused me of calling you buttpacker, buttpuddy and other names like those other guys called you.
I found that curious. As I told you in previous responses to your accusations – I have called you many things but not to my recollection THOSE THINGS.
When I researched those names, I came upon that ugly fantasy about your kids. I had NOTHING to do with that. That’s the truth. I believe MAYBE those other guys I listed had something to do with that. And I wanted to make sure you knew that.
“We are the ones who think the unborn are babies”
You hate the mother and profess much love for the zygote-baby. And yet you stand by twiddling your thumbs as millions of little zygote-babies die. Odd values, you wingnuts.
Steve Steve Steve,
Where does Puddy hate the mother of the aborted baby? We give to charities so babies have a chance fool! We don’t support the racist attitudes of Planned Parenhood like you do!
Find the:
Time and Date
Babble, babble, babble. Bullshit and lies.
No. Over you using his words without attribution to back up your claim that ha lefties equated Bush to Hitler MANY TIMES. Which I proved to be false.
Why are you lying about this? Why can’t you admit you made a mistake in an effort to make me look bad?
No idea who “Mrs Odumba” is. I don’t recall GBS “losing it” over this fantasy.
And you know damn well who the Odumbas are!
Go back and review GBS’ screeches!