Over at Sound Politics, that still exists, Ron Hebron is mad at Dan Savage for saying the part of the bible that says you should kill gay people is bullshit like the part that says you should stone non-virgin women on their wedding night.
Addressing a national conference of high-school journalists, Savage was calling the Bible bull**** repeatedly. Students started to leave. So he called them pansyasses. When the adult presenter calls 17-year-old students names isn’t that bullying?
He apologized for the pansyasses thing, as well he should. But he didn’t say the entire Bible was bullshit, just the bullshit parts. Also, why bowdlerize bullshit but not pansyass?
The Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association paid Savage to address the students. Didn’t they know what they were getting? We did.
Who the fuck is “we” here? Does Hebron think he’s the Queen of England? But the larger point is that people who use the Bible to justify hatred should be called out. And if the National Scholastic Press Association wants to have him say that, that’s fine. But even if you’re a Christian, it’s worth hearing.
I’ve been using the bible to screw over the toothless, inbred, knuckledragging, white trash, red neck, mouth breathing, low I.Q. morons since I was 12 years old and it’s alwasy paid off in spades. I learned from all of the TV preachers, the pedophile Pope and his church of boy raping, and all of the closeted homosexual right wing politicans that here is nobody on the face of the palnet more gullible and stupid; or easier to manipulate and take for anything you want to take from them than anybody who believes that a blonde haired, blue eyed Jewish zombie nailed to a stick is anything but a poorly written, one dimentional children’s book character designed to make people who are either too weak or too stupid to beleve in themsleves give up their hard earned cash for to get somewheer that doesn’t exist when they die. I’ve screwed over hundreds of religious inbreds over the years with nothing but a smile on my face, and my goal is to actually take everything from a religious family with at least eight kids and watch them die on the sidewalk in front of my house faster than Rush Limpballs pops two little blue pills in order to ass rape a Dominican boy, Ted Nugent shit himself to get out of serving in Viet Nam, or George W. Bush will stick his well used ass in the air to get himself some Saudi cock shoved up his well used butt hole!
Savage NEVER should have apologized.
Savage is a national figure and they had to had known what they were going to get when they hired him. Either that or they flat out did do their homework, which is bullshit.
It’s buyer beware folks.
@1. Over the top. Woke up a little angry today?
@1 gotta be some sort of troll – WAY too unhinged.
He’s not simply a “meanie” — he’s a full-on bully, which makes his run-ins with lesser bullies (like the glitterbombers) particularly poignant. (“Hey, you little bully, what’s the idea of hitting that big bully?” as Groucho might say.)
Having sown the hateful language and divisive actions of his early transvestite years, he can’t really be surprised when he reaps the resultant nastiness despite moving from naively imitating women on to feigning leadership of the naive.
Another troll @6.
Good gawd, we have an infestation!
Sounds like a twit from Stefan’s sucky little blog.
I was unaware Dan was a transvestite – do you have a link? Not that it matters – it’s just nothing I’d ever heard about him, and frankly I think you’re probably full of shit (not that being a transvestite is wrong, but I imagine you think that it is).
Anyway – Savage was RIGHT ON. Bigots forever have been waving around Bibles claiming that the Inerrant Word of GOD ™ supported their particular brand of hate.
Just like the Republicans only start braying about “Class Warfare” when the workers fight back, now we have the Christianists bawling about their hurt feeling over being bullied by Dan Savage.
What a bunch of pricks.
Oh, Ron Hebron’s a Queen alright, just not the kind yer thinking of.
Savage should’a stood his ground on this. Just because a couple of candyass phony “christians” got pissy about being told how fucked up their belief system really is and stomped out like a buncha spoiled 7 year olds.
Joke em if they can’t take a fuck. Goddamn hamsterhiders.
@7 should look up the record. Savage was all about the drag in public when he arrived and looked to the types of Jean Godden (try her columns at the P-I before she became a city councilman) for media attention, it was part of his shtick. In fact, around then he had a drag theater group he directed under his grandmother’s surname while he was the Stranger’s drama editor (under another fake name).
And no, there’s nothing wrong with transvestism, though he wasn’t very good at it. You could be forgiven for wondering if he thought it (along with proclaiming himself a Queer Nationalist, not that he got the name right) would help him blend in, being an ex-straight and all.
Yes, things did happen before you hit puberty, and some of us olders even remember them.
He’s a bully, because he pointed out people treat different different parts of the bible differently and that people who can’t stand to have their beliefs challenged are thin skinned. Sorry, that’s not bullying, that just fact.
Oops, there should be a question mark in there.
He’s a bully, because he pointed out people treat different different parts of the bible differently and that people who can’t stand to have their beliefs challenged are thin skinned?
Sorry, that’s not bullying, that just fact.