According to some Travel and Leisure magazine (no, I didn’t know it existed either). Seattle is America’s 6th greenest city.
Seattle did, after all, come in fifth runner-up. And No. 1 was our sibling rival to the south: Portland.
Savannah, Minneapolis, Denver and Chicago also beat out Seattle on the list. But at least the magazine had a lot of nice things to say about Seattle
Yes, if you click the link, one of the things that gets mentioned is that if you bring your own cup to coffee places, you might get a discount. Is that really one of the top 40 environmental things about Seattle? I don’t know what it takes to get higher on a probably mostly arbitrary list, but I say let’s keep trying.
… Sorry, I put the wrong link. I meant to direct you to the Big Blog post that was blockquoted instead of the article mentioned.
Hey, you’re back! I was getting redirected to Paypal for a while there.
There’s still too damn many Republicans around here for us to get a top environmental score.
Virginia Disaster: Navy Jet Crashes Into Apartments
Media sources report a Navy F-18 jet has crashed in a senior citizen apartment complex. Initial reports indicate five 2-story apartment buildings were destroyed or heavily damaged. The pilots survived ejection. No word yet on ground casualties.
Excuse me while I go headbutt a wall. Hard. A lot of the money that’s going to those over engineered roads to no where are federal dollars that could, obliviously, be used to better effect.
I’ve let Goldy know. I didn’t see it when it happened.
“Seattle is America’s 6th greenest city…”
It’s also the 7th most vain city in the US. Maybe that’s why it isn’t more green on the green rating scale!!
Pride comes before a fall!
@6 It’s spring, you numbskull.