The odd thing about this one is the Nazis lost “naming rights” to the stretch of road because they didn’t clean up the highway as they were supposed to. They didn’t lose the naming rights due to their ideology: they lost it because they didn’t pickup the trash! I find that very ironinc.
I drove cross-country in 1995, and along a stretch of road west of Detroit was a litter control sign: This Highway Cleanup enforced by the Michigan Militia.
You can be sure all the windows were instantly rolled up!
Even fascist assholes have to clean up their road, if they want to keep it.
bamajerk @ 3: “You can be sure all the windows were instantly rolled up!”
Of course. You wouldn’t want all that weeeeed smoke pouring out.
Isn’t it a bit ironic that YOU would criticize anyone about the newsworthiness of a given story?
Of course. You wouldn’t want all that weeeeed smoke pouring out.
Is that supposed to be an insult? OK, church lady…
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you want to read the newspaper, buy the newspaper, cheapskate!
Reminder: HA is a political blog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It doesn’t surprise me. When was the last time you saw a Republican, er … I mean Nazi, work? They consider work beneath their dignity. They like to watch other people work almost as much as they like to lecture the people who actually work about how they got their money from “hard work.”
Is this the same Nazi Party so active in Texas Republican politics?
Recently, in lock step with the other opponets of gay marriate in that state.
The stench comes in my windows , only thousand of miles away.
The news value is just a reminder that they exist, in public, and politically active in the Republikrat Party.
Roger @ 8
Sounds like some of bamajerk’s weed smoke is getting to you. WTF are you talking about??!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other, more weighty, news an article in the Christian Science Monitor assesses why support for the Iraq war has fallen so far, so fast (actually, it’s not that hard to figure out):
“John Mueller, an expert on war and public opinion at Ohio State University, links today’s lower tolerance of casualties to a weaker public commitment to the cause than was felt during the two previous, cold war-era conflicts. The discounting of the main justifications for the Iraq war – alleged weapons of mass destruction and support for international terrorism – has left many Americans skeptical of the entire enterprise.
“In fact, ‘I’m impressed by how high support still is,’ Professor Mueller says. He notes that some Americans’ continuing connection of the Iraq war to the war on terror is fueling that support. In addition, intense political polarization gives Bush resilient support among Republicans.
“But among Democratic voters who supported the US-led invasion initially, most have long abandoned the president. In polls, independent voters now track mostly with Democrats. And, analysts say, once someone loses confidence in the conduct of a war, it is exceedingly difficult to woo them back.
“Pollster Daniel Yankelovich, writing in the September/October 2005 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, states that ‘in my judgment the Bush administration has about a year before the public’s impatience will force it to change course.'”
Of course, being the stubborn man he is, Bush won’t change course even in the face of overwhelming public opinion against him. Even the most obtuse businessman reaches a point when he pulls the plug on a failed enterprise, but not this guy! But then, it’s not the lives of his own children he’s spending, either.
Just as it’s easier to take reckless business risks with OPM,* so too it’s easier to keep fighting a losing war with OPC.**
* other people’s money
** other people’s children
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of fighting wars with OPC, it’s time once again to provide my liberal friends on HA with the link to “The Chickenhawk Song” and the chicken picture:
Oh, and BTW, does anyone know if Stefan is planning to share his lawsuit jackpot with the gullible contributors who donated to his “legal action fund,” or is the greedy prick gonna keep it all for himself?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 11
I’ll be happy to spell it out for you, Obtuse One.
In post #6 you complained about Goldy posting a story (the Nazis losing their litter-control sponsorship) you think lacks news value.
In post #8 I reminded you, oh Dense One, that HorsesAss is not news media, and suggested if you want news, you should try patronizing the news media instead of expecting Goldy to provide you with news coverage free of charge.
The newspaper only costs 50 cents, Cheapskate!!! What kind of
expects Goldy to spend 50 cents on a newspaper, then report the news on his web site so you can get it free?
Um … a Republican trollfuck?
Roger Cut-n-Run Rabbit @ 15
You DEFINITELY have been “inhaling.” You also seem to forget the thread from the other day where Goldy was properly criticized for his non-story commenting on the SP comments about an interview.
THEN, Goldy ironically criticized the Times (“Apparently, the Seattle Times thinks this is news”) for the lack of newsworthiness in a story.
My complaint was not about the Nazi story, but about GOLDY’S COMPLAINING about the Nazi story.
Next time, try to stay focused on reading what is written instead of gazing longingly at the portrait of Stalin on your wall.
Roger @ 12:
I’m surprised! I didn’t think you actually read the non-Lefty news. For ONCE — and I mean ONCE — you’ve cited an article from a reputable source (unassailable from the Left OR Right). Keep it up!
Mark – Why can’t Goldy comment about whatever the heck he feels like? Its his blog, you don’t pay to come here, and its his blog.
Need to bring the Congressman from PA, Murtha, to Seattle as soon as possible for an anti- war rally. Loved the booing and hissing on the House floor after the R’s quickly attacked him for som common sense about the ill fated empire builoding in Iraq.
Remember the chant about if they only had olive oil we would not be there.
What is the difference to my life/planetary life – if Iraq splits into three smaller countries? As in Belgium, Monaco, Latvia, Swiss, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and on down the list of dozens.
Partion the country and leave.
Nindid @ 18
Goldy can write whatever he wants. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of his criticism.
HI Rudy,
Sounds simple, but it won’t work. The Sunni’s want the oil money. They wouldn’t get any with your plan. That’s why it took so long with the constitution, it was all about the money and the power. The same two things that men have been fighting for centuries to control. Throw in some religion and you have chaos!
Rudy @ 19: “… splits into three smaller countries? As in Belgium, Monaco, Latvia, Swiss, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and on down the list of dozens. Partion the country and leave.”
WTF are you talking about? Especially explain what you mean about Switzerland, Latvia, Monaco and Belgium splitting up.
Hi Rabitt!
Oh, one more thing Mark… I thought Goldy’s post on Andy’s comments over at uSP were very useful.
It also really helped when Andy came over here and tried to argue that Goldy’s blog was the leading force in the lack of civil political dialogue in this country.
(Now don’t let it go to your head Goldy, but you are more important and powerful then Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, Ann Coulter and all the other conservatives who have turned politics into warfare and disagreement into treason. Yes, the simple power of the word ‘fuck’ is just too much.)
Really, if exposing this type of thinking is not useful and newsworthy, I am not sure what is… well, I suppose you could say that Goldy’s breaking of a number of important stories – one of national consequence – is not good enough for you then I don’t know what is.
Maybe you would like to go back to Stefan’s spreadsheet fantasies… talk about relevance.
The unwritten response to 23 goes something like this:
Hey, sgmmac, I told you it was just a one-time thing. Leave me alone. We agreed you wouldn’t talk to me in public. — Roger Rabbit
I am laughing so hard, I can’t type!
Nindid @ 24: “Really, if exposing this type of thinking is not useful and newsworthy, I am not sure what is…”
So, the fact that Andy took Hill to task for her profanity-laced interview is news?? What does it matter whether Andy was offended or not? What public policy was impacted by Andy’s comments? Were Andy’s comments actually newsworthy??
And, I will repeat my unanswered question from before: Goldy, how would you feel if your daughter were exposed to this tirade in a public forum? How would any of you Lefties with kids feel about this? Or is profanity a staple of the Lefty household lexicon??
Just proves the American Nazi Party is blaming others (Jews, etc) for what is ultimately their own problem……..laziness.
No wonder they feel disenfranchised… become a contributing part of society requires WORK.
Drool……#28……..Funny, the Party Of Tax Receivers want the tax payers to work harder!! Kind of like parasites demanding more blood from the host. Atlas has Shrugged. Let the Democrats starve.
I mean, really, aren’t the people you can depend on to keep the “Homeland”, uhem, “clean”, the fuckin’ Nazis? What gives? If these guys can’t do the basic shit right, how can they ever think of becoming the majority party in any place other than Wenatchee?
The Nazi’s are the prevailing party in Wenatchee???????
They are here in Washington? I thought they were only in Oregon and Idaho. I guess I should have known they were slinking around somewhere, and why not? We have the Ramatha followers in Yelm.
The Nazi’s should he held financially responsible for the riots in Ohio that they incited.
For the Cluelessspews:
The one and only true Mark @ 27
I learned the F word in the schoolyard in second grade and that was in a Catholic school. My father who went to very same school learned every word in the book there – very early as well. My wife who went to public school learned it in the first grade.
My two kids are having similar experiences. I don’t use the F word in my house or work situations. I don’t think I ever go beyond damns and hells and my kids call me on that. We don’t look at R-rated videos. I save the f-bomb for the blogs or drinking liberally. I don’t even use it there all that much. Freakin’, Flipping or Effing gets the point across just as well IMO.
Kids are going to learn it. Period. If not from their over-trained with upper-middle-class propriety parents and peers then from grafitti-strewn walls.
Will you step off your high horse now before you fall off?
Mark @ 27
“Goldy, how would you feel if your daughter were exposed to this tirade in a public forum? How would any of you Lefties with kids feel about this? Or is profanity a staple of the Lefty household lexicon??”
This is the great part about internet archives and Poetic Justice.
Goldy’s kids are going to get online eventually and read all about what an absolute cowardly weasel he is.
They will learn about great Americans in School, and come home and look at this drippy dicked loser and realize why they should do everything they can do get as far away from liberalism as possible.
Clueless @ 31
You’re actually making my point for me. I’m not saying that kids aren’t going to learn profanities. However, they WILL learn by example the time, place and manner that profanities can be used. A child understands an extraordinary and traumatic situation like hitting your thumb with a hammer. You could even explain away a slipped word if you’re cut off in traffic. But how does one justify multiple utterances in an INTERVIEW? It wasn’t as though she was under attack. Also, those we choose to lead us should be held to higher account than the common person. (And don’t go into the current GOP. I’m not pleased, either.) Profanity is one of the easiest things to control (barring Tourette’s) and indiscriminate use of it by our elected officials DOES reflect on us as a society.
For the Cluelessspews:
multiple utterances in an INTERVIEW
For the Stranger? Gimme a freakin’, flippin’, effin’ break!
The most likely scenario an elementary age school kid will learn about this is when some right-winger moralizes about it from a pulpit or some other soap-box.
And no I don’t keep the stranger lying around in my house. My kids aren’t ready yet for “Savage Love”.
Hairy Hare-
Why don’t you get yourself your own blog. What a freeloader you are on this one.
Yeah right the ‘effing’ ‘African Americans’ should not have any responsibility for their own actions, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Roger Cut-n-Run Rabbit”
Wrong bunny — prr is the cut-n-run guy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Properly criticized by who? You? or one of your fellow trolls? Have you taken to citing yourself as authority for your kneejerks?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Mark — it’s really simple — this is Goldy’s blog and he can post ANY FUCKING THING he wants to. He doesn’t answer to you, or anyone else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now a trollfuck is preachy about hypcrisy?
Well said.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let the Sunnis and Shiites fight it out among themselves. It’s not our problem. We’ll buy the oil from whoever wins. Better yet, let’s invest in next-generation energy technology so they can’t hold us hostage for their oil! The oil is going to run out anyway, so we may as well figure out how to live in the post-oil world sooner rather than later.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Goldy is on fire!!!!
One thread on the word FUCK.
A new one on a tiny group of fringe lunatics losing their adopt-a-highway status because they didn’t meet the standard and actually CLEAN!!!
LEFTIST PINHEADS love to try and equate some fringe lunatic group with the Republican Party. Fear and Anger is all you CLOWNS are about!!
How about one on sexual strangefolks and the fringies in the Free-mount District??? All Dems like to be screwed to death by horses and fondle farm animals. NAMBLA is a LEFTIST organization. All you CLOWNS support NAMBLA!!!!
Now I don’t believe that for a second….(although I have my doubts about 1 or 2 of you like rujax!).
I can’t wait for Goldy’s next thread.
How about attacking all the hunters who bag and eat wild game like deer, wild turkeys etc.?? It’s hunting season ya know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Do you have a better suggestion, Mark?? The Parks Department is about to trap and remove all my children from Green Lake Park! All 7,116 of them! I can replace them by the end of the summer, but not by fucking cute female bunnies 1 at a time! The only way to get that kind of production is to line ’em up and bang ’em 12 at a time, one every 5 seconds! If each one has a litter of 6, I can produce 72 new bunnies a minute! At that rate, I can repopulate Green Lake Park in no time! All I need to do is wait until a week after Easter for a new supply of cute female bunnies , when people get tired of their Easter gift rabbits and start dumping them in the park.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dunno Nuthin @35
When did Goldy appoint you as his bouncer? Like you, I’m an invited guest here, and if that’s freeloading then you’re a freeloader too! If you have a complaint write it here [ ] and e-mail it to Goldy.
Goldy, you just bought your blog some life…
Just think, a blog a day on some other profanity.
Next you could blog on perversions
Then blog on vices
Roger Rabbitspews:
Can always count on the wingfucks to throw in a racist comment. Your true colors are showing, Danno. If you’re binding in the crotch. maybe you should try wearing a larger bedsheet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Geez, just what we need, another circle-jerker who isn’t smart enough to think of anything to say except “well said” in response to some other circle-jerker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wingnuts go around saying “well said” because these two words are 33% of their total vocabulary.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Glad to see you have recovered from your struggle with LimberPecker disease.
I hear tell you found a dirt cheap alternative to Viagra that Goldy turned you on too.
Be careful mixing that Miracle-Gro with the Fix-a-Flat aresol..
The fact that you are still gettin’ any is a FLAT MIRACLE!
Mark @ 27
“So, the fact that Andy took Hill to task for her profanity-laced interview is news?? What does it matter whether Andy was offended or not? What public policy was impacted by Andy’s comments? Were Andy’s comments actually newsworthy??”
Mark, go back and read Goldy’s original post on this. He uses Andy’s ridiculous suggestion that saying/writing words like fuck, shit, etc is the root cause of the breakdown in civil discourse to talk about what he rightly sees as the real cause of this issue.
Now, maybe you don’t think that he should have started by calling out Andy on this one – fine. But for me anyway, I think the movement in our national discourse in which dissent has been linked to treason and where terms like ‘lefty’ and ‘liberal’ are akin to traitors in the vocabulary of the right-wing is one of the greatest single dangers to our democracy.
The policies that guided us through the Great Depression, World War II and the Cold War would now ironically be labeled as Communist by all but the most enlightened of our conservative friends. Democracy is a fragile thing. Among other things, it presupposes the existence and necessity of dissenting voices. The denial and demonization of anyone to the left of Barry Goldwater is not a good sign.
Perhaps you agree with Andy that Goldy’s blog is the real problem here. Perhaps you believe that Goldy has greater cultural weight over the past 20 years than Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. If so, then I suppose we don’t have much to discuss.
The left-wing is beginning to catch up to the right in its vehemence – Randi Rhodes is one that I don’t particularly care for – but unlike Andy I imagine you have enough sense to see that the origins and preponderance of this problem still lies with the right wing.
That’s brilliant Rabbit….
I’m sure that being a pathetic old man, hammering away on your desktop, day after day, is how you always envisioned your retirement.
Let the partition of Iraq proceed with an income share plan for all three new countries. As in the I-5 counties sending money to the cow counties. An informal partition in our own state. The infamous two Washingtons.
There are many small countries. In modern terms, they work fine. AS IN Belgium. Monaco. Lichenstein, Latvia, Holland, Great Britian, and many small island nations ( Abuba, etc.)
Luxembourg has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, and no nukes. And, empire ambitions only as a finantial center..
Partition Iraq and get out.
roger rabbit @9……..”It doesn’t surprise me. When was the last time you saw a Republican, er … I mean Nazi, work? ”
YOU of all people are talking about people not working?????
NOW that is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and when next you make generalities about a group of people try inserting a word like black or jew in place of republican or conservative. if it sounds bad that way…..maybe you shouldn’t be saying it. maybe you should read some of the things you write and insert your own group there….how does it sound now?
funny how the real bigots and racists [like you] always assume they aren’t bigots and racists.
ah..but you are.
Amazing, Goldy writes about Nazis. Why bring up those worthless scumbags at all? Oh that’s right, you have to appease Roger Rabbit who calls Republicans Nazis in another thread. Goldy doesn’t understand his own heritage and the ties between Nazis and Arabs from the 1930s. Goldy why bring this up?
Yes, your freedom fighting friends identified in another thread are mocking you Goldy.
Goldy: Why not comment on the news that oral sex can cause cancer?
Ha ha ha ha, the party supporting “freedom fighters” like Zarqawi calls Republicans Nazis? Rupert you are a real laugh!
Puddy @55 – Take this crap back where you found it. Everyone here wants the best for the US and are patriots -even if you disagree with them.
If anything, Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq has done more for Zarqawi then anything. Before this, he was a pretty low-level fellow that had little support. Now, he is a major player because he has been pretty succesful in opposing our occupation of Iraq.
We turned Iraq from a secular nationalist state that was in opposition to the radical factions of Islam into one run by Shite fundamentalists and a home to terrorists. Good move George….
What I find Ironic is that have the Nazi party to thank fo the highway systems in this country and yet these nazi’s fail to clean-up te highway they sponsored.
Maybe sharing their pavement with those they hate was too much.
prr @57 I think saying the Nazi’s are to thank for the highway system is a bit much. I know Ike modeled the system after the autobahn, but c’mon.
prr @ 32
“Goldy’s kids are going to get online eventually and read all about what an absolute cowardly weasel he is.”
So…are you going to show your kids the part where you spit on Vietnam vets? I’ll help. Puff up your chest with with pride, and show ’em this and this, prr.
Who the hell are you to say? From your posts I’ve read, you seem like a remedial student at best. Get a life, you’re on here too much.
Ahhh, DJ.
Feel free to quote me, but make sure to do it in context.
I will definitely bring up to my kids on what a cowardly, traitorous, piece of shit Roger Rabbit is.
Nindid @ 58…
There were great innovations we took from the nazi, the Freeway system was one of them.
So yes, they are to be given credit for it.
BTW, if your also Anti-Nazi, you may want to think again when you jump on a jet or ride in a VW or Mercedes.
prr @ 61
“I will definitely bring up to my kids on what a cowardly, traitorous, piece of shit Roger Rabbit is. “
Cowardly!??!?!! (*snicker*)
From the “tough guy” who fail to show up at Drinking Liberally last week? In the interest of fairness and balance, I think you need to point out your own cowardly and traitorous nature.
Left Turnspews:
Can’t you just substitute American Nazi Party for Republican Party and vice versa?
Kellyrogan @ 60
“Who the hell are you to say? From your posts I’ve read, you seem like a remedial student at best. Get a life, you’re on here too much.”
Roger Rabbit is busy this afternoon, so I just want to welcome you to HorsesAss and suggest you go fuck yourself! Repeatedly.
I am sure the Rabbit will continue his welcome wagon message to you as soon as he can. In the mean time this message will have to do.
I want to make it clear that My Complaint is about that Mark’s complaint was not about the Nazi story, but about GOLDY’S COMPLAINING about the Nazi story.
Likewise; don’t foget to wipe! You douche bag.
Kellyrogan @ 66
“Likewise; don’t foget to wipe! You douche bag. “
Isn’t that a mixed metaphor?
Thanks…I’ll add that one to my wingnut mixed mataphor collection.
SAT Quiz
prr is to “tough Guy”
Brocolli is to _________
A) Dump Truck
B) Asteroid
C) Plastic Bottle
D) All of the above
DJ @ 62
Not sure where my stopping off an having a beer makes me a coward, but go run with that.
Unlike Rabbit, I served my country and came back with pride in my country and myself.
Rabbit on the other hand went to Vietnam, served as a disgrace and proceeded to come back home and sponge off a governemnt that he hated, now he’s left to waste out his final days, writing hate about his country and having imaginary “online friends” such as yourself.
Ultimately, Rabbit is going to die in the near future of some ailment that attacks the elderly and his wife will be left burdening the state for care in her final days. You and i will carry this burden as he failed to properly support his own family.
prriss, we have been through this. You never served in the military. The closest you have come to a war zone is cheering on the slaughter in Iraq while drinking a beer in the living room and beating your wife.
Cut the charade you cowardly Lie-on. You are just another Soldier Hating unpatriotic Neo-Con asswipe.
No you can’t… Republicans are not Nazis.
Sure both parties came to power based on a coalition of corporate power and a return to family values, operated a ruthlessly efficient political machine that was skilled in propaganda and attacking their political rivals, polarized the country by focusing on hidden internal threats to security, and believed that the military was the best way to settle international disputes.
But as far as I can tell, there is no plan by the Republicans to open secret prisons to house those who they don’t believe belong as citizens of the nation, no plan to undermine the democratic institutions of this country and centralize power in the executive branch, and no plan to invade foreign countries to secure land and resources for our corporations.
And certainly to call Republicans Nazis is to demean the murderous atrocities eventually committed by the Nazis after they consolidated power. Hitler believed with absolute certainty that it was his destiny to lead the German nation into a crusade against the other peoples of the world, and that it was their destiny to triumph. We can never forgive or forget what the fascist belief in the absolute certainty of your own righteousness can lead to.
Yep, and thats a whole lot of justice.
Wish i would have known that I did not serve while I was in Panam and the First Gulf War.
I’ll have to go back and figure what I did with those 4 years
I’m not sure which is worse, leaving your spouse to suffer increased taxes, loss of benefits and a lonely death or being stuck calling DJ & Donna your imaginary friends.
Either way, that pathetic old bastard is now facing his worste fears.
priss @ 73 you were snorting coke, and drinking rum and cokes with GWB. Begining to remember now?
You goddamn traitor!
You got part of the right.
I graduated from HS in the mid 80’s and definitely snorted my share of Coke.
More than likely, I probably fucked your girlfriend at the time as well. BTW, you are welcome for some of those lessons I gave her.
However, I never did it with GWB as I served under his father.
prriss @ 76 “I never did it with GWB.. I served under his father.”
I don’t care to hear about your sexual history, prriss. Just quit spitting on our troops, or just Shut The Fuck Up!
Roger Rabbitspews:
p “cut n run” rr @51
“That’s brilliant Rabbit…. I’m sure that being a pathetic old man, hammering away on your desktop, day after day, is how you always envisioned your retirement.”
Sure beats being a Republican.
“our troops”?
Try supporting them instead of protesting them, Scumbag
As for my Vitnam comments, they only apply to Rabbit
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 55
Zarqawi is my country’s enemy. So are you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Everyone here wants the best for the US and are patriots -even if you disagree with them.”
That’s not true. Pudbutt hates America, and is an unpatriotic pachyderm turd.
“Sure beats being a Republican.”
How’s that?
Enjoying a retirement you planned, golfing, skiing and having some hippe chick blow you for her food money?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 60
Go fuck yourself, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on, too!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey kellyrogan, in case I didn’t make myself clear in my last post: Fuck you!
roger ,as usual, your total lack of verbal and writing skills are showing. “f” this and “f” that…what a bore you must be in person.
is that all you’ve got? that and your mindless har har har’s and silly rants where you [like someone else we can all think of] harp about stefan????
scarcity thinking again…the sign of an IQ around room temperature….in a cheap motel on a cold day.
prr @ 79
“As for my Vitnam comments, they only apply to Rabbit “
Sorry, asswipe, but if you wanted to critize the Rabbit, you could have done so in any number of ways. You decided to attack him over his service to the country, accusing him of killing women and small children in Vietnam. That kind of statement disrespects all Vietnam vets.
You are a fucking asshole and a traitor!
Kelly Rogan, please continue to pester Roger Rabbit. His true colors come shining through. Can you say dingleberry?
ChristmasGhost: Sometimes you wonder if Wabbet is at room temperature like the Movie “Weekend at Bernie’s”
Rupert, I hate America, you dickhead rear eschelon type? Wrongoh scumbag! I was traveling the world when you were screwing the poor ladies out of their savings funds with your exorbitant fees. I realize I may have reached there assuming you actually practiced law. You are great at cutting and pasting RCWs. But you get a pass from DJ the link policeman cause you are a lefty poster.
If I hated America, why would I put my money where my mouth is and give to catastrophe victims. Did you send money to Katrina victims? Did you send money to Tsumani victims? Did you give until it hurt? FUCK NO! I read where IGDAF and another righty gave. In fact I gave a link for all you lefties to go help and you all ignored it because it was from Puddy. Well Fuck you all. You didn’t a fucking dime scumbag. And we all know from your wonderful posts of days gone past, you are a lover of dem “zarqawi freedom fighters”! Don’t project your America hatred on me. YOu are part of the Cut & Run Crowd CARC. Have you volunteered to help people relocate? Did you send clothes and appliances you don’t use to help their apartments? You are the lazy sonofabitch who sits behind is keyboard, changes his nick to Truth Teller when the heat rises and acts the fool! I knew a helo pilot in college on the GI plan who spat on rear eschelon types like you.
priss @ 79 “Try supporting them instead of protesting them, Scumbag”
priss, unlike you, I am very supportive of our troops. I do not call them baby killers as you have. I support giving them increased benefits, during wartime and out, not decreasing them like you do. I support increasing VA Hospital support, not decreasing it as you do.
And I support them by wanting to bring them back from a disasterous war, based on lies from a incompetant commander in chief. Not encourage more of them to be slaughtered for no reason, like you do.
There is no “winning in Iraq”. The Bush administration has pushed our troops into war without end. They are sitting ducks in a civil war.
And you just want more of their blood.
Fuck you, prriss. Fuck you.
In other words, you support them by asking them to surrender, and leave the partially trained Iraqi forces to be slaughtered, just as we did in Vietnam?
Big words for a big Rodent, and a huge vocabulary! My heart is bleeding for our favorite little uneducated garden pest.
I am curious…
Are you French?
if so, it would explain why you are so fixated on the honor of surrender.
Here, let me translate for you…
Je suis donnageddon, Faites ce que vous voulez avec mon épouse, les enfants, property, juste ne me frappent pas quoi que vous fassiez !
Military Service Records: Us vs. Them
by jgkojak
Mon Nov 21, 2005 at 12:07:50 AM PDT
I am sure this one has been around, but I had never seen everything together in one place:
Service in the Armed Forces
* Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71.
* David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72.
* Tom Daschle: 1st Lt., Air Force SAC 1969-72.
* Al Gore: enlisted Aug. 1969; sent to Vietnam Jan. 1971 as an army journalist in 20th Engineer Brigade.
* Bob Kerrey: Lt. j.g. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam.
* Daniel Inouye: Army 1943-47; Medal of Honor, WWII.
* John Kerry: Lt., Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V,Purple Hearts.
* Charles Rangel: Staff Sgt., Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea.
* Max Cleland: Captain, Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam. Paraplegic from war injuries. Served in Congress.
* Ted Kennedy: Army, 1951-53.
* Tom Harkin: Lt., Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.
* Jack Reed: Army Ranger, 1971-1979; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91.
* Fritz Hollings: Army officer in WWII; Bronze Star and seven campaign ribbons.
* Leonard Boswell: Lt. Col., Army 1956-76; Vietnam, DFCs, Bronze Stars,and Soldier’s Medal.
* Pete Peterson: Air Force Captain, POW. Purple Heart, Silver Star and Legion of Merit.
* Mike Thompson: Staff sergeant, 173rd Airborne, Purple Heart.
* Bill McBride: Candidate for Fla. Governor. Marine in Vietnam; Bronze Star with Combat V.
* Gray Davis: Army Captain in Vietnam, Bronze Star.
* Pete Stark: Air Force 1955-57
* Chuck Robb: Vietnam
* Howell Heflin: Silver Star
* George McGovern: Silver Star & DFC during WWII.
* Bill Clinton: Did not serve. Student deferments. Entered draft but received #311.
* Jimmy Carter: Seven years in the Navy.
* Walter Mondale: Army 1951-1953
* John Glenn: WWII and Korea; six DFCs and AirMedal with 18 Clusters.
* Tom Lantos: Served in Hungarian underground in WWII. Saved by Raoul Wallenberg.
* Dick Cheney: did not serve. Several deferments, the last by marriage.
* Dennis Hastert: did not serve.
* Tom Delay: did not serve.
* Roy Blunt: did not serve.
* Bill Frist: did not serve.
* Mitch McConnell: did not serve.
* Rick Santorum: did not serve.
* Trent Lott: did not serve.
* John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments to teach business.
* Jeb Bush: did not serve.
* Karl Rove: did not serve.
* Saxby Chambliss: did not serve. “Bad knee.” (The man who attacked Max Cleland’s patriotism.)
* Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve.
* Vin Weber: did not serve.
* Richard Perle: did not serve.
* Douglas Feith: did not serve.
* Eliot Abrams: did not serve.
* Richard Shelby: did not serve.
* Jon! Kyl: did not serve.
* Tim Hutchison: did not serve.
* Christopher Cox: did not serve.
* Newt Gingrich: did not serve.
* Don Rumsfeld: served in Navy (1954-57) as flight instructor.
* George W. Bush: failed to complete his six-year National Guard; failed to show up
* B-1 Bob Dornan: enlisted after fighting was over in Korea.
* Phil Gramm: did not serve.
* John McCain: Vietnam POW, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.
* Dana Rohrabacher: did not serve.
* John M. McHugh: did not serve.
* JC Watts: did not serve.
* Jack Kemp: did not serve. “Knee problem, ” although continued in NFL for 8 years as quarterback.
* Dan Quayle: Journalism unit of the Indiana National Guard.
* Rudy Giuliani: did not serve.
* George Pataki: did not serve.
* Spencer Abraham: did not serve.
* John Engler: did not serve.
* Lindsey Graham: National Guard lawyer.
* Arnold Schwarzenegger: AWOL from Austrian army base.
Pundits & Preachers
* Sean Hannity: did not serve.
* Rush Limbaugh: did not serve
* Bill O’Reilly: did not serve.
* Michael Savage: did not serve.
* George Will: did not serve.
* Chris Matthews: did not serve.
* Paul Gigot: did not serve.
* Bill Bennett: did not serve.
* Pat Buchanan: did not serve.
* John Wayne: did not serve.
* Bill Kristol: did not serve.
* Kenneth Starr: did not serve.
* Antonin Scalia: did not serve.
* Clarence Thomas: did not serve.
* Ralph Reed: did not serve.
* Michael Medved: did not serve.
That other righty poster in #87 is “Enough of this Billshit”. I miss that person. He always told it as it is.
Rupert you have to look inward at whom is a Nazi. Here is a link puts liberals and Arabs in the same vein. David I am surprised you kept this one buried too. So let’s see PacMan gives three links about Arabs and Nazis working together in WWII, the left loves the Arab “Freedom Fighters” in Iraq, so I guess by the Mathematical transitive property it’s the lefties who love the Nazis!
A loves B and
B loves C so
A loves C
Nindid, you are right above in #71, but what do your useful idiot friends care Nindid? This is a Daily Kurse thought so it has to be right.
Rujax, great list, but lets look deeper into this.
You site teddy kenneddy’s service: 1951 – 1953
You failed to mention…
In his sophomore year he was expelled for cheating. He had been failing Spanish and feared it would keep him off the varsity football team.
– He paid a friend to take the exam for him.
– Ted’s friend, however, was recognized when he turned in the exam book.
– After his expulsion from Harvard, Teddy returned to Hyannis Port where he would sit brooding, sometimes for hours.
– Finally, he enlisted in the Army.
– Not surprisingly, he did not bother to read the enlistment papers and signed up for four years instead of two.
– Ted’s father, the US Ambassador to England, was horrofied at the thought of his youngest son spending four years in the service, with a good chance of being sent into combat in Korea.
– “Don’t you ever look at what you’re signing?” he shouted.
– With one phone call Joe contacted a friend who managed to get hold of Teddy’s enlistment papers.
– Ted’s enlistment period was shortened to two years, a maneuver that was nearly impossible for the average enlistee.
– Furthermore, Ted would do his service in Europe, not Korea.
– Teddy never rose above the rank of private, and was discharged in 1952.
– He returned to Harvard in the fall of 1953, as did his test-taking friend, and they graduated together.
priss and PuddyBud, you soldier hating UnPatriotic assholes.
Since when is a troop withdrawl from an insane war that never should have been waged “Surrender” or “Cut and Run”.
You would sacrifice more soldiers so that Bush can save face? Why do you hate American Soldiers so much?
What is up with you chicken shit cowards?
If you think “winning” Iraq is so damned important, then I want BOTH OF YOU to get air flights immedietly to Iraq, and start killing insurgents, you cowardly sacks of shit!
ummm Donnageddon,
I’ve already fought for this country, what have you done?
Je m’apelle Donnageddon. Faites ce que vous voulez aved mon epouse, mes enfants, ou ma maison. Juste, ne me frappe pas.
Rugrat602 forgets Duke Cummingham-R, Medal of Honor winner!
GHWB – Served in WWII – Distinguished Flying Cross
Bob Dole – WWII injured, Purple Heart and Bronze Star, Presidential Medal of Freedom. Do you remember the Clinton Attack machine in 1996 against him and his war record?
Al Franken[stein]?
Bill Mahar?
Randi Rosen?
Keith Olberman?
Chris Matthews?
Cut & Run StuckonStupiddon. We leave, they fill the vacuum. Once the vacuum is filled they are emboldened. AMerica is back to paper tiger status of the 90s. Israel is their immediate target with “emissaries” sent to America to perform destruction. They must be destroyed there not here Cut & Runner!
Je suis donnageddon.
Je pleure pour les poupées de barbie et pleure pour le gi mal compris Gi Joe est réellement fgay et juste agissant l’homme, ainsi il n’est pas ridiculed. Je protesterai ainsi les gens peuvent fumer le chanvre et défendre des molesters d’enfant de sorte que cela aient la liberté pour attaquer des enfants. Nous devons vider les prisons et laissons ces victimes innocentes librement ! Enfant Molestors de La de Viva ! !
Great post – both Vienam and Iraq are wars fought with the bodies of the underclass.
Why did the Bush twins not enlist in such a feel good war, endorsed by their own poppy? Grandma would buy the best body armor, 5th Ave. stuff.
The way to end the war is to talk of the draft. Then the middle class would get scared.
Je m’apelle Pierre. This is an interesting blog. I can say merde ou le fuck, c’est OK, je pense.
arrgh, prr found babelfish!
@ 105…
Ya, babblefish was really well hidden.
God, I hate you arrogant liberals
Question of the day….
Is Goldy actually Gary Glitter?
damn, prr…
Take a valium! You’re way too high strung…
I think its funny that someone who likes to call people ‘baby killer’ is so fragile tho ;)
“A loves B and
B loves C so
A loves C”
“Loves” is not a mathematical operator with the property of transitivity.
Here is a counter example:
Sara loves her husband Joe
Joe loves his mistress Jenny
It does not follow that
Sara loves Jenny.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
windie is 30 years old???
In about 10 years, what’s left of your drug-riddled brain MAY actually kick in.
No one on the RIGHT gives a Flying F*CK about when your birthday is asshole. You probably celebrated with your favorite non-animal based hand lotion you pot-smoking crazed HippyCLOWN!
Actually there was a draft during Vietnam. There are also lots of rich kids in the military. Kerry was one of those rich kids, he joined the Navy, he wasn’t drafted.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
dj@109 sez:
“Sara loves her husband Joe
Joe loves his mistress Jenny
It does not follow that
Sara loves Jenny.”
In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!
And bi-sexuality is a VIRTUE in your perverted world, isn’t it dj??
rujax206 @95:
I believe Ted Kennedy was in the Navy?? Or was it Bobby Kennedy who was in the Navy?
Anyway, the Republicans don’t seem to have many folks who spent time in the service. I know John McCain was a Navy flyer & POW, and Lindsay Graham was a JAG guy in the AF, but that’s about it. They’re little light on having some veterans.
teddy was a private in the Army
JFK was navy and his older brother Hoe was in the Amry air corps
Rujax @ 95 … thanks for the info. I had never seen it all together at once, either. Emailed it to every Republican friend I know. Most of them are unhappy with Iraq, too. Maybe it will swing some of them from the Dark Side of the Force…
in a way, its not even a Republican thing…
This is about the evil bastards who hijacked one of the ruling parties in the US and turned it into a tool for their greed and… well, their evil.
Alot of ‘normal’ Republicans are waking up to the way they’ve been used. I think its a good sign.
On the other hand, not sure anything can save the party at this point. The leeches have too good a grip
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Perhaps you ought to take a good long whiff of the malodorous LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS that have hijacked the Democratic Party of Harry Truman.
Oh, never mind, you are among the smelliest of the CLOWNS!!!
I know a lot of old-fashioned Truman Democrats who feel the same way about CLOWNS like YOU!!
The old-timer Democrats remember that “Progressives” were the Communists of the 1950’s.
They know things haven’t changed a big. Seattle Progressives ===LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS!!!!
echoing my argument back to me is so pathetic, Mr. Irrelelvant.
You’re right tho. Damn those leftists for hijacking the party of segregation and making it the party of civil rights!
beyond that, you’re full of crap, and everyone knows it. …and we’re talking about your party, not the other one :P
Are you in Olympia or out on the road somewhere? You know I didn’t reply for two reasons. First, I am female, second, I rarely drink! Now, I can’t even smoke when I do get inspired to drink.
Mr Cynical @ 112
“In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!
And bi-sexuality is a VIRTUE in your perverted world, isn’t it dj??”
Hmmm…I figured my example would get the Pudster to spray his shorts. Glad to see that it got you worked up into a lather, too.
Yes Donnageddon is really Pierre? Are you revealing yourself? We wouldn’t hit you.
DJ: I did it to see if you would respond and BINGO right on cue!
I know love is not mathematical but I torqued you again DJ. Essentially, my argument stands. Your side calls them freedom fighters. Our side calls them terrorists. Google the NY Times and view how many times they use the word Terrorist and Zarqawi in the same sentence when not attributed to the Bush Administration. He’s and insurgent or freedom fighter. No he isn’t! He’s a fucking terrorist. Just like that new clown in Iran who wants to destroy Israel. Where is the lefty outrage on that?
SGM – No prob. I am currently in Omaha. Coming back for T-giving tomorrow. Looking at a position in Iraq. Will have to wait and see. (the money would have to be right)
Maybe we should meet for a beer, or at least exchange some emails. I have a good friend in Iraq, retired CSM making big money. He works for KBR and since he keeps offering me job there, maybe he could help. He was, of course, in the field, King of Battle!
I will email you…….. I have a friend who could help with a job in KBR.
lefty for life because of this stupid warspews:
My brother died in this stupid war defending an oil well.
How about that sacrifice?
Puddybud @ 122
“DJ: I did it to see if you would respond and BINGO right on cue!”
Happy to oblige! :-)
“I know love is not mathematical but I torqued you again DJ. Essentially, my argument stands. Your side calls them freedom fighters. Our …blah…blah…blah.”
Puddybud @ 122
Oh…go change your shorts!
If Harry were here, he would not squander American lives so Exon-Mobile will harvest trillions of dollars of excess profits.
It is oil, Mr. C. — and not the olive type as some have mentined in this most active blog.
Semi-secret proections are that Iraq may have reserves equal to the rest of the world combined. Read- modern technology and acccess by the oil experts in the past two years. Trillions, going to American not French nor English nor Arab.
Please Sir — seek help. Give yourself permission to explore the secret life that haunts you.
Even if you have to pay, get some good oral sex, from either sex, maybe both at the same time. Your head will clear, and this advice is free. An honest therapist would have charged you 100. plus euros.
Is it true there’s some bet welsher around here who compulsively posts wingnut links and other assorted nonsense?
Well this thread is about Nazis…
Roger Rabbitspews:
“when you were screwing the poor ladies out of their savings funds with your exorbitant fees”
Oh Stupid One, hast thou forgotten I’m a guvmint hack attorney?
Having never been in private practice, I’ve never charged a legal fee in my life!
So how is this possible, Prevaricator?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 54
“when next you make generalities about a group of people try inserting a word like black or jew in place of republican or conservative”
I don’t discriminate against people on the basis of race or creed. Racist wingnuts do that. I only discriminate against stupid assholes, because you chose to be a stupid asshole.
Nice cut and paste job, how about something original, instead of some skid marked democratic underpants talking points. And can you stay on point?
Christmas Ghost@ 54 re: Roger lunatic Rabbit-
He can’t be bothered reading anyone’s truthful posts, he is too busy typing and drooling to pay any attention to reality.
Windie @ 119-
The party of civil rights, yeah. Go read history, Republicans are the party of Civil Rights, we have never given it up. Dumbocrats, however seek to connive minorities into the idea that they cannot be equal without handouts and quotas. They should know that they cannot be successful on their own merit and effort. Just kick it in the ghetto, and we’ll send you a check on the first, you’re ENTITLED, after all.
Pierre @ 127-
Nice idea, monsieur le singe capitulant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
PacMan @55
“Roger Rabbit who calls Republicans Nazis in another thread”
Did you like it? Republicans routinely call liberals “commies,” “traitors,” and other vile names — most recently, “cowards.” I’m only doing what you’re doing. Why should Republicans have a monopoly on name-calling? Besides, I used to be a Republican, which is how I learned to do what you guys do. Sit back, relax, enjoy. It’s the Golden Rule, baby!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Ha ha ha ha, the party supporting “freedom fighters” like Zarqawi calls Republicans Nazis? Rupert you are a real laugh!”
Of course the Republicans are supporting Zarqawi! You gave him a whole country to fight Americans in! You let him get away countless times! You boosted his popularity by torturing innocent Iraqi civilians!
I have a question: Why do Republicans hate America so much?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Everyone here wants the best for the US and are patriots -even if you disagree with them.”
That’s not true — Puddy and the other trolls only want what’s best for themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
comment on 66
“I am sure the Rabbit will continue his welcome wagon message to you as soon as he can. In the mean time this message will have to do.”
Hey kellyrogan — make sure you wear a condom when you go fuck yourself, so you don’t get AIDs.
prriss @ 99 “I’ve already fought for this country, what have you done?”
Masturbating to Guns ‘n Juggs magazine doesn’t count you Soldier Hating pig!
Ah not this crap again. Nothing more irritating then a donk lecturing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“my stopping off an having a beer”
Now why doesn’t anyone who was there believe you? Hmmmm??
“Unlike Rabbit, I served my country and came back with pride in my country and myself.”
Which country was that? Serbia?
“Ultimately, Rabbit is going to die in the near future of some ailment that attacks the elderly”
This is true — it’s called ‘old age’
Clueless –
First who cares what you think. Clueless thoughts are igno-rants
Second: You are as dumb as windie.
Third: You have problems following a thread. Maybe you should retire from Animal Hind Parts.
Fourth: Did someone say you have a karma?
You “progressives” call us Nazis. Those of us from WA or California are Nazis per Animal Hind Part definitions. The Nazis and the Arabs conspired in WWII to own the middle east. I posted three links proving this. Now you “progressives” call arab terrorists freedom fighters. So if the arabs were nazis sympathizers and you “progressives” are arab sympathizers, are you then nazi sympathizers instead of us Republicans? Some of here think so. Does that help your small clueless mind?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 73
“But as far as I can tell, there is no plan by the Republicans to open secret prisons to house those who they don’t believe belong as citizens of the nation”
Nindid, haven’t you heard of FEMA’s Rex 84 program? You don’t know that concentration camps have already been built in the U.S.? Check this out:
RUFUS @ 138 “136
Ah not this crap again. Nothing more irritating then a donk lecturing.”
Yes, RUFUS, tell that to their families. You insane, disgusting psychopath.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s a mighty big word for a trollfuck like you — it has 2 syllables. You really should stick with simple, 1-syllable words you understand, like this:
Open up your filter, us trolls are looking to speak the truth, can you handle it?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who’s protesting against our troops? We’re not. We’re only protesting against lying civilian warmongers like Shrub, Cheney, Rummy, and you. It’s our civic duty!
I’m a Vietnam veteran, so if you spit on Roger Rabbit, you’re spitting on a Vietnam veteran.
One thing I’ve learned about people like prr who spit on Vietnam veterans — they become addicted to the thrill. Once they spit on a Vietnam veteran, they keep spitting on Vietnam veterans because they can never get enough. They’re like serial killers.
“Open up your filter, us trolls are looking to speak the truth, can you handle it?”
LOL, this blog is overflowing with the childish spittle of wingnut TROLLS.
Can you handle having to wait to show all your other TROLL friends your stupid, out-of-touch-with-reality comment?
“Enjoying a retirement you planned, golfing, skiing and having some hippe chick blow you for her food money?”
Are you NUTS??? What rabbit in his right mind would waste his retirement on batting a stupid little ball around on the grass when he could be EATING THE GRASS and fucking thousands and thousands of cute fluffy female rabbits?! As for blowjobs, what you stupid humans do is your business; I’m not interested in your perverted sexual practices — all I can say is that sounds like a SENSELESS WASTE of perfectly good sperm that could be used to make MORE RABBITS!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Roger Rabbitspews:
God, some of these humans are filthy
Roger Rabbitspews:
you’re no John Steinbeck yourself, sweetcheeks, so get over it
Roger Rabbitspews:
Comment on 89
OMG no!!! A trollfuck is gonna “pester” me!!! This is a fate worse than … um, worse than … um, what fate is this worse than? Can someone help me with this? I’m stuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 90
Hey priss, why are you dissing on napalm? It’s a good weapon, man. Saved lots of American lives! And if the drop is done properly, the enemy doesn’t feel a thing. When they breathe in the superheated air inside the fireball, it kills them faster than you can snap your fingers. Very humane, and 100% effective on all enemy troops inside the drop perimeter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The stuff has quite a stench, but all battlefields stink.
We need to petition Fox to show the people jumping off the world trade center at the beginning of every news cast. That way we can always remember why we fight. Hell if the left can parade the names of our fallen soldiers for their idiotic anti war crap we should be able to parade the names of the 911 victims.
Hey Rupert since you brought us this FEMA Rex 84 program, I had to check it outout.
SAT Quiz
Which president implemented FEMA Rex 84?
1.) Harry Truman
2.) Ronald Reagan
3.) William Clinton
4.) George Bush
If you said Bill Clinton you are CORRECT. Their practice run was WACO with Janet El-Reno.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“In other words, you support them by asking them to surrender”
The only guys using the word “surrender” are you trollfucks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Declare victory and get out, man. That’s how it’s done.
WHite Phosphorus is good too, unless you are ordered to launch it halphazerdly into civillian populations
“Bogert is a mortar team leader who directed his men to fire round after round of high explosives and white phosphorus charges into the city Friday and Saturday, never knowing what the targets were or what damage the resulting explosions caused.”
It is overdue time for the “Iraqianization of Iraq”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sgt. Mac, Vietnam was a little before your time, as I recall. During that war, there was a very distinct socioeconomic division between those who went and those who got out of going, which had not been seen in this country since the Civil War.
(If you know your history, you know that in the Civil War both sides used conscription, but well-to-do Yankees bought their way out of military service or hired proxies to serve in their place.)
Vietnam is called “America’s working class war” for a reason — most kids from affluent families went to college, got student deferments, and weren’t drafted. The Vietnam-era military was disproportionately filled with blacks and other minorities, and the death rate among minorities was a much higher percentage than their percentage of the population. Vietnam was fought by inner city kids, small town and rural kids, and kids too poor to go to college. Most of the middle class escaped conscription until late in the war, when most of the hard fighting was over, and they also were far more likely to serve in rear echelon jobs that weren’t nearly as dangerous as front-line combat. The upper middle class and upper class were even less represented in the Vietnam military, and virtually absent from the front-line ranks; most of them were officers, and served in such duties as jet pilots, medical officers, and commanding officers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Can anyone explain what we’re trying to “win” in Iraq? Oil? Land? Democracy for the Iraqi people? Getting rid of Saddam?
Oil – cheaper and easier to buy it
Land – who wants it, and we’ll never get it anyway
Democracy – who are you kidding? these people don’t want democracy, they want a free hand to kill each other
Saddam – mission accomplished; just hang him, and bring the troops home
Declare victory and get out. – Works in Europe and the Americas. In Arabia, you are branded a loser. Strength is their only view. Rupert did you watch Kingdom of Heaven? Probably not. It would have educated you about Arabic thought.
How many of you have received those mass e-mailings circulated by lying right wingers? For example, how many of you saw the one depicting a VFW veteran snubbing Ted Kennedy by wearing cardboard “Bullshit Protectors” over his ears?
Well, I researched on that one, and turned up an amazingly funny fact — the photo is real, and so are the “Bullshit Protectors,” but the VFW veteran is GEORGE W. BUSH!!!
“Claim: Photograph shows a veteran wearing a “bullshit protector” flap over his ear during a speech by Ted Kennedy.
“Status: Real picture; inaccurate description.
“Although the displayed image is indeed a real photograph distributed by the Associated Press, it has no connection to [Democratic] Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. The photo originally accompanied news accounts of a speech delivered by President George W. Bush at the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Salt Lake City on 22 August 2005. War veteran Bill Moyer (pictured above) chose the occasion to display his displeasure with President Bush’s policies by wearing a cardboard flap labeled ‘BULLSHIT PROTECTOR’ over his ear during the President’s speech.”
Snopes also reprints the original photo that accompanied the AP story, which shows a blurred image of Bush on a TV screen to the right of Moyer’s face. The internet version of the photo circulated by the lying right-wingers is cropped to remove Bush’s image from the photo.
The next time somebody e-mails you this particular bullshit e-mail, reply by sending him (her) this link:
An insane person posted @ 161 “Declare victory and get out. – Works in Europe and the Americas. In Arabia, you are branded a loser.”
How many soldiers till you get over some Arabian fundamentalists calling you a “loser”.
Bring the troops home, and have PuddyBud kick their ass and teach tham that we are no “Neinier Niener Neiner Loser!!!”
Holy Christ PuddyBud grow up! We are talking bout lives! And if you think us staying in Iraq is making us more safe, then you trruly are KooKoo!
Support the Troops! Support America! Bring the Troops HOME!
Who in his/her right mind thinks that having more American blood spilled in Iraq is going to win a war against people (fundamentalist terrorists) who are as crazy as the “christian” fundamentalists like PuddyBud?
It makes no diferrence how long we stay or how many American kids get killed… they are not going to stop and surrender… they are by definition.. CRAZY!!!!
Iraq was the least likely place on Earth you would have found Islamic Terrorists before we invaded… now Bush has breeded tens (hundreds) of thousands of them.
Good Job Bush! God job you moronic Bush supporters!
Now do your duty and kill yourselves… you have harmed America enough!
Roger Rabbitspews:
There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of similar hoaxes circulating on the internet — all authored by right-wing liars. A few of the more famous ones are:
Hillary Clinton refused to meet Gold Star Mothers (lie)
Jane Fonda betrayed POWs to North Vietnamese guards (lie)
General “Blackjack” Pershing executed Islamic extremists and buried them with pig entrails (lie)
Rumsfeld rebuked Ted Kennedy at a Senate hearing (lie)
Oliver North warned in 1987 that Osama bin Laden was evil and should be assassinated (lie)
For the Cluelessspews:
Excuse me everybody.
Is there some poster here who welshes on bets and posts links to Murdoch and Black publications as well as the Moonie Times and expects people to buy this tripe as support for the RNC talking points he’s trying to sell as the truth?
This person’s life is truly a trajedy.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now, frankly, I don’t have time to debunk all the horseshit posted on blogs by rightwingers. Nor is it necessary. If a trollfuck posts something that looks like a regurgitation from the Freeper Ethersphere, just assume it’s a lie, you won’t go wrong. But if you want to research a particular rightwing lie, here are some helpful “debunker” websites:
It was Mark the Redneck who welshed on the $100 bet with Goldy that I-912 would win by 15 points. Since MTR hasn’t paid the bet, and wagering contracts are unenforceable in the courts, Goldy’s only recourse is the traditional method of dealing with welshers — i.e., whack him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Mark the Redneck posting here lately. Is he sleeping with the fishes?
Looks like we need bullshit protectors for Yeah that bottom picture looks real authentic.. er yeah right. Of course listening to the swimmer would require one to wear a nose plug unless you like the smell of stale 30 year old booze.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Or maybe he’s in a batch of pre-mix being used for a Nickel project? Way to go, Mark — you’re serving a good cause, freight mobility!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sorry, Rufus, but you can’t lie your way out of this one. The photo, and the circumstances under which it was taken, are well documented.
Roger Rabbitspews:
errata in 163
should read “the VFW veteran is snubbing GEORGE W. BUSH!!!”
RUFUS – Well, nice to know that you only trust people that confirm what you think you already know. As to that picture, I actually remember when it first came out and it was in fact aimed at Bush. Don’t you think that Republicans would be clever enough to change the caption?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh quit yer bellyaching, my stuff is stuck in the filter too
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cripes, what whiners these wingfucks are …
Roger Rabbitspews:
White phosphorus is supposed to be used as a marker round to direct artillery fire and/or airstrikes.
@175 yeah, but it has other, “unintended consequences”. Like burning flesh to the bone… and uh.. indiscriminent death.
Danno @ 144
“Open up your filter, us trolls are looking to speak the truth, can you handle it? “
Please! Be careful what you ask for. If Goldy removed the filter, each and every comment thread would have scores, if not hundreds, of porn site bots and casio bots posting shit, and viagra adds on each and every comment thread. Really.
Goldy is not targeting anybody by political ideology. So get used to having some of your posts held or haul your ass elsewhere, punk. In either case, quit your fucking whining!
From that “liberal media” MSNBC
“there is no way you can use white phosphorus like that without forming a deadly chemical cloud that kills everything within a tenth of a mile in all directions from where it hits. Obviously, the effect of such deadly clouds weren’t just psychological in nature.”
“We need to petition Fox to show the people jumping off the world trade center at the beginning of every news cast. That way we can always remember why we fight.”
Rufus, I think every TV station should do that — ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, whatever. That film is gut-wrenching. One of the worst images I’ve ever seen. I cry every time I see it again.
Then, after they run the tapes of 9/11 victims jumping out of windows, they should tell their viewers this:
Iraq has a smaller and less rugged land area than Afghanistan, and less population. Afghanistan was al Qaeda’s home base, the site of al Qaeda’s training camps, and Osama’s hiding place.
Bush sent 135,000 troops to Iraq, and 11,000 troops to Afghanistan. WHY????
Today, due to lack of forces, the U.S. controls only one-half of one city in Afghanistan — Kabul. The rest of the country is controlled by warlords, most of whom are sympathetic to the Taliban, who are staging a comeback. Opium production (banned by the Taliban) has increased 1,900% since the U.S. invasion, and Afghanistan once again is the world’s largest opiate supplier (accounting for 90% of the heroin reaching the U.S. market). WHY???
Because Bush gave the “war against terrorism” — and against the bastards who attacked us on 9/11 — a lower priority than the neocons’ colonialist aspirations, that’s why.
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.
I am truly not that concerned about him.” – George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Roger Rabbitspews:
“In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!”
As I recall, the Horse Stud Farm was in Enumclaw, where even the grass is red.
Roger Rabbitspews:
My sincere condolences. Your brother is a hero. I won’t even say the cause was unheroic; Saddam is an evil man, and the world is better off without him. But as he was no threat to Americans, I would have hesitated at spending American blood to get rid of him, bad as he was. I guess it’s easier for Bush, because he’s spending OPC* blood.
* OPC = other people’s children
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Nothing more irritating then a donk lecturing.”
That’s not true — a wingfuck hypocrite lecturing is FAR more irritating.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Still blaming everything on Clinton, are you Pudbutt?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Puddbutt — WHICH president is keeping the FEMA concentration camps open, and is building more of them?
When blaming Clinton makes you look foolish, the completely deadbrain make fun of Kennedy.
The bounds of the stupidity of the wingnuts is now expanded by “yo” @ 194
Let me parse GOldy’s post a little:
“The American Nazi Party has lost its litter-control sponsorship of a stretch of local road after it failed to clean it up.”
The American Republican Party has lost power after it failed to clean the Neo-Cons from it’s part of the road.
Sounds very prophetic. And apropos.
The one who knowsspews:
The Republican Party has littered America with neocons.
I was in high school for Vietnam. I enlisted in 73 at the end of the war and retired in 03. I do understand what you are saying with the differences. The only thing I know about Yankees is that they are going to win the ring in 06! I am a big fan of the “All volunteer” force. Charles Rangle introduced a bill to bring back the draft, because he like you is aggravated at the lack of rich people’s kids in the military. There are still in the military, maybe not in high numbers, but they are there.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rog sez:
“In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!”
As I recall, the Horse Stud Farm was in Enumclaw, where even the grass is red.”
Ahhhhhhh, BUTT as you well know, the recipient of 23 inches of equine lust was FROM SEATTLE’s FREEMOUNT DISTRICT!!
Rupert I love your black and white analysis of opium production with the Taliban. The UN report I linked to months ago speculated they took Opium production off the market to get their farmers UN assistance and to drive up the price. Maybe you SHOULD read my links carefully! What you forgot to add like just about every other of your arguments is the UN admitted the Taliban stockpiled many tons for sale. Two pounds of opium worth $35 in 2000 was worth as much as $360 in 2001. As your good friend DJ would say that’s economics. Then what happened Rupert? Another silly argument from the Man-Beast Lawn Dart.
Here are the truth stretching tales of the Wabbet so far:
1.) Malpractice lawsuits costs are not increasing due to greedy lawyers driving up insureance premiums: Lie GAO study
2.) Inflation is running at a double digit rate in September 2005: Lie CBO
3.) FEMA Rex 84 is a Republican Nazi operation – Lie Implemented by Bill Clinton. Do you all care about terrorism. Oh, that’s right, the three hotels blown up was staged and it was fictitional!
4.) Republicans are Nazis whom support Zarqawi – Lie $15MM bounty on his head. Republicans do NOT call Zarqawi a freedom fighter or insurgent. We call him a terrorist.
5.) …Coming to your PC screen soon!
Next you’ll say the economy is sagging right Rupert?
I hear there’s a sad, sad person here who loses and welshes on bets and pretends he’s some sort of omnipotent know-it-all. This fellow has a hate fixation on Bill Clinton and has projected that onto liberal posters.
One way this hate fixation presents itself is when the subject accuses his ideological opponents of a hate fixation on George Bush.
Its an unfortunate tragedy that this person is really beyond any kind of help, like a religious zealot who refuses to leave a burning house of worship.
Here is the latest on John Murtha. DJ again, shove this up your ass. It was all staged?
Some guy gets poked in the butt by a giant horse and he died? GO FIGURE!
My kids don’t go to public school and I cancelled my cable so I guess the whole family missed this one.
I can just imagine the scene at at Farakahn Elementary School’s 2nd period…”Kids put down your bananas and condoms, Ms. Smith has a special story today.……..
Joe: He was a friend of rugrat602.
What? Huh? Did clueless say anything worthwhile in post #209?
I’m just guessin, but I suspect someone on this blog knows a thing or two about this case.
Still waiting for an original thought from you dumbass.
Only from the mind of Rugrat602: One fucks, gets fucked, does some fucking. Yeah why am I here. Time to fuck! How do you give a fuck. “Uhhh, waiter I would like to give a fuck.” Please refer to George Carlin. Your fuck sentence structure needs work.
Rugrat602, wrongoh. I write this as the wife sits next to me. To show her our love the family cooked her Thanksgiving dinner. I suggest you navigate to the Food Network. Maybe you can learn to cook since you suck at blogging.
thats good
The odd thing about this one is the Nazis lost “naming rights” to the stretch of road because they didn’t clean up the highway as they were supposed to. They didn’t lose the naming rights due to their ideology: they lost it because they didn’t pickup the trash! I find that very ironinc.
I drove cross-country in 1995, and along a stretch of road west of Detroit was a litter control sign: This Highway Cleanup enforced by the Michigan Militia.
You can be sure all the windows were instantly rolled up!
Even fascist assholes have to clean up their road, if they want to keep it.
bamajerk @ 3: “You can be sure all the windows were instantly rolled up!”
Of course. You wouldn’t want all that weeeeed smoke pouring out.
Isn’t it a bit ironic that YOU would criticize anyone about the newsworthiness of a given story?
Of course. You wouldn’t want all that weeeeed smoke pouring out.
Is that supposed to be an insult? OK, church lady…
If you want to read the newspaper, buy the newspaper, cheapskate!
Reminder: HA is a political blog.
It doesn’t surprise me. When was the last time you saw a Republican, er … I mean Nazi, work? They consider work beneath their dignity. They like to watch other people work almost as much as they like to lecture the people who actually work about how they got their money from “hard work.”
Is this the same Nazi Party so active in Texas Republican politics?
Recently, in lock step with the other opponets of gay marriate in that state.
The stench comes in my windows , only thousand of miles away.
The news value is just a reminder that they exist, in public, and politically active in the Republikrat Party.
Roger @ 8
Sounds like some of bamajerk’s weed smoke is getting to you. WTF are you talking about??!!
In other, more weighty, news an article in the Christian Science Monitor assesses why support for the Iraq war has fallen so far, so fast (actually, it’s not that hard to figure out):
“John Mueller, an expert on war and public opinion at Ohio State University, links today’s lower tolerance of casualties to a weaker public commitment to the cause than was felt during the two previous, cold war-era conflicts. The discounting of the main justifications for the Iraq war – alleged weapons of mass destruction and support for international terrorism – has left many Americans skeptical of the entire enterprise.
“In fact, ‘I’m impressed by how high support still is,’ Professor Mueller says. He notes that some Americans’ continuing connection of the Iraq war to the war on terror is fueling that support. In addition, intense political polarization gives Bush resilient support among Republicans.
“But among Democratic voters who supported the US-led invasion initially, most have long abandoned the president. In polls, independent voters now track mostly with Democrats. And, analysts say, once someone loses confidence in the conduct of a war, it is exceedingly difficult to woo them back.
“Pollster Daniel Yankelovich, writing in the September/October 2005 issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, states that ‘in my judgment the Bush administration has about a year before the public’s impatience will force it to change course.'”
Of course, being the stubborn man he is, Bush won’t change course even in the face of overwhelming public opinion against him. Even the most obtuse businessman reaches a point when he pulls the plug on a failed enterprise, but not this guy! But then, it’s not the lives of his own children he’s spending, either.
Just as it’s easier to take reckless business risks with OPM,* so too it’s easier to keep fighting a losing war with OPC.**
* other people’s money
** other people’s children
Speaking of fighting wars with OPC, it’s time once again to provide my liberal friends on HA with the link to “The Chickenhawk Song” and the chicken picture:
Oh, and BTW, does anyone know if Stefan is planning to share his lawsuit jackpot with the gullible contributors who donated to his “legal action fund,” or is the greedy prick gonna keep it all for himself?
Reply to 11
I’ll be happy to spell it out for you, Obtuse One.
In post #6 you complained about Goldy posting a story (the Nazis losing their litter-control sponsorship) you think lacks news value.
In post #8 I reminded you, oh Dense One, that HorsesAss is not news media, and suggested if you want news, you should try patronizing the news media instead of expecting Goldy to provide you with news coverage free of charge.
The newspaper only costs 50 cents, Cheapskate!!! What kind of
expects Goldy to spend 50 cents on a newspaper, then report the news on his web site so you can get it free?
Um … a Republican trollfuck?
Roger Cut-n-Run Rabbit @ 15
You DEFINITELY have been “inhaling.” You also seem to forget the thread from the other day where Goldy was properly criticized for his non-story commenting on the SP comments about an interview.
THEN, Goldy ironically criticized the Times (“Apparently, the Seattle Times thinks this is news”) for the lack of newsworthiness in a story.
My complaint was not about the Nazi story, but about GOLDY’S COMPLAINING about the Nazi story.
Next time, try to stay focused on reading what is written instead of gazing longingly at the portrait of Stalin on your wall.
Roger @ 12:
I’m surprised! I didn’t think you actually read the non-Lefty news. For ONCE — and I mean ONCE — you’ve cited an article from a reputable source (unassailable from the Left OR Right). Keep it up!
Mark – Why can’t Goldy comment about whatever the heck he feels like? Its his blog, you don’t pay to come here, and its his blog.
Need to bring the Congressman from PA, Murtha, to Seattle as soon as possible for an anti- war rally. Loved the booing and hissing on the House floor after the R’s quickly attacked him for som common sense about the ill fated empire builoding in Iraq.
Remember the chant about if they only had olive oil we would not be there.
What is the difference to my life/planetary life – if Iraq splits into three smaller countries? As in Belgium, Monaco, Latvia, Swiss, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and on down the list of dozens.
Partion the country and leave.
Nindid @ 18
Goldy can write whatever he wants. I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of his criticism.
HI Rudy,
Sounds simple, but it won’t work. The Sunni’s want the oil money. They wouldn’t get any with your plan. That’s why it took so long with the constitution, it was all about the money and the power. The same two things that men have been fighting for centuries to control. Throw in some religion and you have chaos!
Rudy @ 19: “… splits into three smaller countries? As in Belgium, Monaco, Latvia, Swiss, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, and on down the list of dozens. Partion the country and leave.”
WTF are you talking about? Especially explain what you mean about Switzerland, Latvia, Monaco and Belgium splitting up.
Hi Rabitt!
Oh, one more thing Mark… I thought Goldy’s post on Andy’s comments over at uSP were very useful.
It also really helped when Andy came over here and tried to argue that Goldy’s blog was the leading force in the lack of civil political dialogue in this country.
(Now don’t let it go to your head Goldy, but you are more important and powerful then Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, Ann Coulter and all the other conservatives who have turned politics into warfare and disagreement into treason. Yes, the simple power of the word ‘fuck’ is just too much.)
Really, if exposing this type of thinking is not useful and newsworthy, I am not sure what is… well, I suppose you could say that Goldy’s breaking of a number of important stories – one of national consequence – is not good enough for you then I don’t know what is.
Maybe you would like to go back to Stefan’s spreadsheet fantasies… talk about relevance.
The unwritten response to 23 goes something like this:
Hey, sgmmac, I told you it was just a one-time thing. Leave me alone. We agreed you wouldn’t talk to me in public. — Roger Rabbit
I am laughing so hard, I can’t type!
Nindid @ 24: “Really, if exposing this type of thinking is not useful and newsworthy, I am not sure what is…”
So, the fact that Andy took Hill to task for her profanity-laced interview is news?? What does it matter whether Andy was offended or not? What public policy was impacted by Andy’s comments? Were Andy’s comments actually newsworthy??
And, I will repeat my unanswered question from before: Goldy, how would you feel if your daughter were exposed to this tirade in a public forum? How would any of you Lefties with kids feel about this? Or is profanity a staple of the Lefty household lexicon??
Just proves the American Nazi Party is blaming others (Jews, etc) for what is ultimately their own problem……..laziness.
No wonder they feel disenfranchised… become a contributing part of society requires WORK.
Drool……#28……..Funny, the Party Of Tax Receivers want the tax payers to work harder!! Kind of like parasites demanding more blood from the host. Atlas has Shrugged. Let the Democrats starve.
I mean, really, aren’t the people you can depend on to keep the “Homeland”, uhem, “clean”, the fuckin’ Nazis? What gives? If these guys can’t do the basic shit right, how can they ever think of becoming the majority party in any place other than Wenatchee?
The Nazi’s are the prevailing party in Wenatchee???????
They are here in Washington? I thought they were only in Oregon and Idaho. I guess I should have known they were slinking around somewhere, and why not? We have the Ramatha followers in Yelm.
The Nazi’s should he held financially responsible for the riots in Ohio that they incited.
The one and only true Mark @ 27
I learned the F word in the schoolyard in second grade and that was in a Catholic school. My father who went to very same school learned every word in the book there – very early as well. My wife who went to public school learned it in the first grade.
My two kids are having similar experiences. I don’t use the F word in my house or work situations. I don’t think I ever go beyond damns and hells and my kids call me on that. We don’t look at R-rated videos. I save the f-bomb for the blogs or drinking liberally. I don’t even use it there all that much. Freakin’, Flipping or Effing gets the point across just as well IMO.
Kids are going to learn it. Period. If not from their over-trained with upper-middle-class propriety parents and peers then from grafitti-strewn walls.
Will you step off your high horse now before you fall off?
Mark @ 27
“Goldy, how would you feel if your daughter were exposed to this tirade in a public forum? How would any of you Lefties with kids feel about this? Or is profanity a staple of the Lefty household lexicon??”
This is the great part about internet archives and Poetic Justice.
Goldy’s kids are going to get online eventually and read all about what an absolute cowardly weasel he is.
They will learn about great Americans in School, and come home and look at this drippy dicked loser and realize why they should do everything they can do get as far away from liberalism as possible.
Clueless @ 31
You’re actually making my point for me. I’m not saying that kids aren’t going to learn profanities. However, they WILL learn by example the time, place and manner that profanities can be used. A child understands an extraordinary and traumatic situation like hitting your thumb with a hammer. You could even explain away a slipped word if you’re cut off in traffic. But how does one justify multiple utterances in an INTERVIEW? It wasn’t as though she was under attack. Also, those we choose to lead us should be held to higher account than the common person. (And don’t go into the current GOP. I’m not pleased, either.) Profanity is one of the easiest things to control (barring Tourette’s) and indiscriminate use of it by our elected officials DOES reflect on us as a society.
multiple utterances in an INTERVIEW
For the Stranger? Gimme a freakin’, flippin’, effin’ break!
The most likely scenario an elementary age school kid will learn about this is when some right-winger moralizes about it from a pulpit or some other soap-box.
And no I don’t keep the stranger lying around in my house. My kids aren’t ready yet for “Savage Love”.
Hairy Hare-
Why don’t you get yourself your own blog. What a freeloader you are on this one.
Yeah right the ‘effing’ ‘African Americans’ should not have any responsibility for their own actions, either.
“Roger Cut-n-Run Rabbit”
Wrong bunny — prr is the cut-n-run guy.
Properly criticized by who? You? or one of your fellow trolls? Have you taken to citing yourself as authority for your kneejerks?
Hey Mark — it’s really simple — this is Goldy’s blog and he can post ANY FUCKING THING he wants to. He doesn’t answer to you, or anyone else.
Now a trollfuck is preachy about hypcrisy?
Well said.
Let the Sunnis and Shiites fight it out among themselves. It’s not our problem. We’ll buy the oil from whoever wins. Better yet, let’s invest in next-generation energy technology so they can’t hold us hostage for their oil! The oil is going to run out anyway, so we may as well figure out how to live in the post-oil world sooner rather than later.
Goldy is on fire!!!!
One thread on the word FUCK.
A new one on a tiny group of fringe lunatics losing their adopt-a-highway status because they didn’t meet the standard and actually CLEAN!!!
LEFTIST PINHEADS love to try and equate some fringe lunatic group with the Republican Party. Fear and Anger is all you CLOWNS are about!!
How about one on sexual strangefolks and the fringies in the Free-mount District??? All Dems like to be screwed to death by horses and fondle farm animals. NAMBLA is a LEFTIST organization. All you CLOWNS support NAMBLA!!!!
Now I don’t believe that for a second….(although I have my doubts about 1 or 2 of you like rujax!).
I can’t wait for Goldy’s next thread.
How about attacking all the hunters who bag and eat wild game like deer, wild turkeys etc.?? It’s hunting season ya know.
Do you have a better suggestion, Mark?? The Parks Department is about to trap and remove all my children from Green Lake Park! All 7,116 of them! I can replace them by the end of the summer, but not by fucking cute female bunnies 1 at a time! The only way to get that kind of production is to line ’em up and bang ’em 12 at a time, one every 5 seconds! If each one has a litter of 6, I can produce 72 new bunnies a minute! At that rate, I can repopulate Green Lake Park in no time! All I need to do is wait until a week after Easter for a new supply of cute female bunnies , when people get tired of their Easter gift rabbits and start dumping them in the park.
Dunno Nuthin @35
When did Goldy appoint you as his bouncer? Like you, I’m an invited guest here, and if that’s freeloading then you’re a freeloader too! If you have a complaint write it here [ ] and e-mail it to Goldy.
Goldy, you just bought your blog some life…
Just think, a blog a day on some other profanity.
Next you could blog on perversions
Then blog on vices
Can always count on the wingfucks to throw in a racist comment. Your true colors are showing, Danno. If you’re binding in the crotch. maybe you should try wearing a larger bedsheet.
Geez, just what we need, another circle-jerker who isn’t smart enough to think of anything to say except “well said” in response to some other circle-jerker.
Wingnuts go around saying “well said” because these two words are 33% of their total vocabulary.
Glad to see you have recovered from your struggle with LimberPecker disease.
I hear tell you found a dirt cheap alternative to Viagra that Goldy turned you on too.
Be careful mixing that Miracle-Gro with the Fix-a-Flat aresol..
The fact that you are still gettin’ any is a FLAT MIRACLE!
Mark @ 27
“So, the fact that Andy took Hill to task for her profanity-laced interview is news?? What does it matter whether Andy was offended or not? What public policy was impacted by Andy’s comments? Were Andy’s comments actually newsworthy??”
Mark, go back and read Goldy’s original post on this. He uses Andy’s ridiculous suggestion that saying/writing words like fuck, shit, etc is the root cause of the breakdown in civil discourse to talk about what he rightly sees as the real cause of this issue.
Now, maybe you don’t think that he should have started by calling out Andy on this one – fine. But for me anyway, I think the movement in our national discourse in which dissent has been linked to treason and where terms like ‘lefty’ and ‘liberal’ are akin to traitors in the vocabulary of the right-wing is one of the greatest single dangers to our democracy.
The policies that guided us through the Great Depression, World War II and the Cold War would now ironically be labeled as Communist by all but the most enlightened of our conservative friends. Democracy is a fragile thing. Among other things, it presupposes the existence and necessity of dissenting voices. The denial and demonization of anyone to the left of Barry Goldwater is not a good sign.
Perhaps you agree with Andy that Goldy’s blog is the real problem here. Perhaps you believe that Goldy has greater cultural weight over the past 20 years than Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. If so, then I suppose we don’t have much to discuss.
The left-wing is beginning to catch up to the right in its vehemence – Randi Rhodes is one that I don’t particularly care for – but unlike Andy I imagine you have enough sense to see that the origins and preponderance of this problem still lies with the right wing.
That’s brilliant Rabbit….
I’m sure that being a pathetic old man, hammering away on your desktop, day after day, is how you always envisioned your retirement.
Let the partition of Iraq proceed with an income share plan for all three new countries. As in the I-5 counties sending money to the cow counties. An informal partition in our own state. The infamous two Washingtons.
There are many small countries. In modern terms, they work fine. AS IN Belgium. Monaco. Lichenstein, Latvia, Holland, Great Britian, and many small island nations ( Abuba, etc.)
Luxembourg has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, and no nukes. And, empire ambitions only as a finantial center..
Partition Iraq and get out.
roger rabbit @9……..”It doesn’t surprise me. When was the last time you saw a Republican, er … I mean Nazi, work? ”
YOU of all people are talking about people not working?????
NOW that is funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and when next you make generalities about a group of people try inserting a word like black or jew in place of republican or conservative. if it sounds bad that way…..maybe you shouldn’t be saying it. maybe you should read some of the things you write and insert your own group there….how does it sound now?
funny how the real bigots and racists [like you] always assume they aren’t bigots and racists.
ah..but you are.
Amazing, Goldy writes about Nazis. Why bring up those worthless scumbags at all? Oh that’s right, you have to appease Roger Rabbit who calls Republicans Nazis in another thread. Goldy doesn’t understand his own heritage and the ties between Nazis and Arabs from the 1930s. Goldy why bring this up?
Yes, your freedom fighting friends identified in another thread are mocking you Goldy.
Goldy: Why not comment on the news that oral sex can cause cancer?
Ha ha ha ha, the party supporting “freedom fighters” like Zarqawi calls Republicans Nazis? Rupert you are a real laugh!
Puddy @55 – Take this crap back where you found it. Everyone here wants the best for the US and are patriots -even if you disagree with them.
If anything, Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq has done more for Zarqawi then anything. Before this, he was a pretty low-level fellow that had little support. Now, he is a major player because he has been pretty succesful in opposing our occupation of Iraq.
We turned Iraq from a secular nationalist state that was in opposition to the radical factions of Islam into one run by Shite fundamentalists and a home to terrorists. Good move George….
What I find Ironic is that have the Nazi party to thank fo the highway systems in this country and yet these nazi’s fail to clean-up te highway they sponsored.
Maybe sharing their pavement with those they hate was too much.
prr @57 I think saying the Nazi’s are to thank for the highway system is a bit much. I know Ike modeled the system after the autobahn, but c’mon.
prr @ 32
“Goldy’s kids are going to get online eventually and read all about what an absolute cowardly weasel he is.”
So…are you going to show your kids the part where you spit on Vietnam vets? I’ll help. Puff up your chest with with pride, and show ’em this and this, prr.
Who the hell are you to say? From your posts I’ve read, you seem like a remedial student at best. Get a life, you’re on here too much.
Ahhh, DJ.
Feel free to quote me, but make sure to do it in context.
I will definitely bring up to my kids on what a cowardly, traitorous, piece of shit Roger Rabbit is.
Nindid @ 58…
There were great innovations we took from the nazi, the Freeway system was one of them.
So yes, they are to be given credit for it.
BTW, if your also Anti-Nazi, you may want to think again when you jump on a jet or ride in a VW or Mercedes.
prr @ 61
“I will definitely bring up to my kids on what a cowardly, traitorous, piece of shit Roger Rabbit is. “
Cowardly!??!?!! (*snicker*)
From the “tough guy” who fail to show up at Drinking Liberally last week? In the interest of fairness and balance, I think you need to point out your own cowardly and traitorous nature.
Can’t you just substitute American Nazi Party for Republican Party and vice versa?
Kellyrogan @ 60
“Who the hell are you to say? From your posts I’ve read, you seem like a remedial student at best. Get a life, you’re on here too much.”
Roger Rabbit is busy this afternoon, so I just want to welcome you to HorsesAss and suggest you go fuck yourself! Repeatedly.
I am sure the Rabbit will continue his welcome wagon message to you as soon as he can. In the mean time this message will have to do.
I want to make it clear that My Complaint is about that Mark’s complaint was not about the Nazi story, but about GOLDY’S COMPLAINING about the Nazi story.
Likewise; don’t foget to wipe! You douche bag.
Kellyrogan @ 66
“Likewise; don’t foget to wipe! You douche bag. “
Isn’t that a mixed metaphor?
Thanks…I’ll add that one to my wingnut mixed mataphor collection.
SAT Quiz
prr is to “tough Guy”
Brocolli is to _________
A) Dump Truck
B) Asteroid
C) Plastic Bottle
D) All of the above
DJ @ 62
Not sure where my stopping off an having a beer makes me a coward, but go run with that.
Unlike Rabbit, I served my country and came back with pride in my country and myself.
Rabbit on the other hand went to Vietnam, served as a disgrace and proceeded to come back home and sponge off a governemnt that he hated, now he’s left to waste out his final days, writing hate about his country and having imaginary “online friends” such as yourself.
Ultimately, Rabbit is going to die in the near future of some ailment that attacks the elderly and his wife will be left burdening the state for care in her final days. You and i will carry this burden as he failed to properly support his own family.
prriss, we have been through this. You never served in the military. The closest you have come to a war zone is cheering on the slaughter in Iraq while drinking a beer in the living room and beating your wife.
Cut the charade you cowardly Lie-on. You are just another Soldier Hating unpatriotic Neo-Con asswipe.
No you can’t… Republicans are not Nazis.
Sure both parties came to power based on a coalition of corporate power and a return to family values, operated a ruthlessly efficient political machine that was skilled in propaganda and attacking their political rivals, polarized the country by focusing on hidden internal threats to security, and believed that the military was the best way to settle international disputes.
But as far as I can tell, there is no plan by the Republicans to open secret prisons to house those who they don’t believe belong as citizens of the nation, no plan to undermine the democratic institutions of this country and centralize power in the executive branch, and no plan to invade foreign countries to secure land and resources for our corporations.
And certainly to call Republicans Nazis is to demean the murderous atrocities eventually committed by the Nazis after they consolidated power. Hitler believed with absolute certainty that it was his destiny to lead the German nation into a crusade against the other peoples of the world, and that it was their destiny to triumph. We can never forgive or forget what the fascist belief in the absolute certainty of your own righteousness can lead to.
Yep, and thats a whole lot of justice.
Wish i would have known that I did not serve while I was in Panam and the First Gulf War.
I’ll have to go back and figure what I did with those 4 years
I’m not sure which is worse, leaving your spouse to suffer increased taxes, loss of benefits and a lonely death or being stuck calling DJ & Donna your imaginary friends.
Either way, that pathetic old bastard is now facing his worste fears.
priss @ 73 you were snorting coke, and drinking rum and cokes with GWB. Begining to remember now?
You goddamn traitor!
You got part of the right.
I graduated from HS in the mid 80’s and definitely snorted my share of Coke.
More than likely, I probably fucked your girlfriend at the time as well. BTW, you are welcome for some of those lessons I gave her.
However, I never did it with GWB as I served under his father.
prriss @ 76 “I never did it with GWB.. I served under his father.”
I don’t care to hear about your sexual history, prriss. Just quit spitting on our troops, or just Shut The Fuck Up!
p “cut n run” rr @51
“That’s brilliant Rabbit…. I’m sure that being a pathetic old man, hammering away on your desktop, day after day, is how you always envisioned your retirement.”
Sure beats being a Republican.
“our troops”?
Try supporting them instead of protesting them, Scumbag
As for my Vitnam comments, they only apply to Rabbit
Reply to 55
Zarqawi is my country’s enemy. So are you.
“Everyone here wants the best for the US and are patriots -even if you disagree with them.”
That’s not true. Pudbutt hates America, and is an unpatriotic pachyderm turd.
“Sure beats being a Republican.”
How’s that?
Enjoying a retirement you planned, golfing, skiing and having some hippe chick blow you for her food money?
Reply to 60
Go fuck yourself, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on, too!
Hey kellyrogan, in case I didn’t make myself clear in my last post: Fuck you!
roger ,as usual, your total lack of verbal and writing skills are showing. “f” this and “f” that…what a bore you must be in person.
is that all you’ve got? that and your mindless har har har’s and silly rants where you [like someone else we can all think of] harp about stefan????
scarcity thinking again…the sign of an IQ around room temperature….in a cheap motel on a cold day.
prr @ 79
“As for my Vitnam comments, they only apply to Rabbit “
Sorry, asswipe, but if you wanted to critize the Rabbit, you could have done so in any number of ways. You decided to attack him over his service to the country, accusing him of killing women and small children in Vietnam. That kind of statement disrespects all Vietnam vets.
You are a fucking asshole and a traitor!
Kelly Rogan, please continue to pester Roger Rabbit. His true colors come shining through. Can you say dingleberry?
ChristmasGhost: Sometimes you wonder if Wabbet is at room temperature like the Movie “Weekend at Bernie’s”
Rupert, I hate America, you dickhead rear eschelon type? Wrongoh scumbag! I was traveling the world when you were screwing the poor ladies out of their savings funds with your exorbitant fees. I realize I may have reached there assuming you actually practiced law. You are great at cutting and pasting RCWs. But you get a pass from DJ the link policeman cause you are a lefty poster.
If I hated America, why would I put my money where my mouth is and give to catastrophe victims. Did you send money to Katrina victims? Did you send money to Tsumani victims? Did you give until it hurt? FUCK NO! I read where IGDAF and another righty gave. In fact I gave a link for all you lefties to go help and you all ignored it because it was from Puddy. Well Fuck you all. You didn’t a fucking dime scumbag. And we all know from your wonderful posts of days gone past, you are a lover of dem “zarqawi freedom fighters”! Don’t project your America hatred on me. YOu are part of the Cut & Run Crowd CARC. Have you volunteered to help people relocate? Did you send clothes and appliances you don’t use to help their apartments? You are the lazy sonofabitch who sits behind is keyboard, changes his nick to Truth Teller when the heat rises and acts the fool! I knew a helo pilot in college on the GI plan who spat on rear eschelon types like you.
priss @ 79 “Try supporting them instead of protesting them, Scumbag”
priss, unlike you, I am very supportive of our troops. I do not call them baby killers as you have. I support giving them increased benefits, during wartime and out, not decreasing them like you do. I support increasing VA Hospital support, not decreasing it as you do.
And I support them by wanting to bring them back from a disasterous war, based on lies from a incompetant commander in chief. Not encourage more of them to be slaughtered for no reason, like you do.
There is no “winning in Iraq”. The Bush administration has pushed our troops into war without end. They are sitting ducks in a civil war.
And you just want more of their blood.
Fuck you, prriss. Fuck you.
In other words, you support them by asking them to surrender, and leave the partially trained Iraqi forces to be slaughtered, just as we did in Vietnam?
Big words for a big Rodent, and a huge vocabulary! My heart is bleeding for our favorite little uneducated garden pest.
I am curious…
Are you French?
if so, it would explain why you are so fixated on the honor of surrender.
Here, let me translate for you…
Je suis donnageddon, Faites ce que vous voulez avec mon épouse, les enfants, property, juste ne me frappent pas quoi que vous fassiez !
I saw this at Steve Gilliard’s site:
Who saws it at Daily Kos:
Military Service Records: Us vs. Them
by jgkojak
Mon Nov 21, 2005 at 12:07:50 AM PDT
I am sure this one has been around, but I had never seen everything together in one place:
Service in the Armed Forces
* Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71.
* David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72.
* Tom Daschle: 1st Lt., Air Force SAC 1969-72.
* Al Gore: enlisted Aug. 1969; sent to Vietnam Jan. 1971 as an army journalist in 20th Engineer Brigade.
* Bob Kerrey: Lt. j.g. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam.
* Daniel Inouye: Army 1943-47; Medal of Honor, WWII.
* John Kerry: Lt., Navy 1966-70; Silver Star, Bronze Star with Combat V,Purple Hearts.
* Charles Rangel: Staff Sgt., Army 1948-52; Bronze Star, Korea.
* Max Cleland: Captain, Army 1965-68; Silver Star & Bronze Star, Vietnam. Paraplegic from war injuries. Served in Congress.
* Ted Kennedy: Army, 1951-53.
* Tom Harkin: Lt., Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74.
* Jack Reed: Army Ranger, 1971-1979; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91.
* Fritz Hollings: Army officer in WWII; Bronze Star and seven campaign ribbons.
* Leonard Boswell: Lt. Col., Army 1956-76; Vietnam, DFCs, Bronze Stars,and Soldier’s Medal.
* Pete Peterson: Air Force Captain, POW. Purple Heart, Silver Star and Legion of Merit.
* Mike Thompson: Staff sergeant, 173rd Airborne, Purple Heart.
* Bill McBride: Candidate for Fla. Governor. Marine in Vietnam; Bronze Star with Combat V.
* Gray Davis: Army Captain in Vietnam, Bronze Star.
* Pete Stark: Air Force 1955-57
* Chuck Robb: Vietnam
* Howell Heflin: Silver Star
* George McGovern: Silver Star & DFC during WWII.
* Bill Clinton: Did not serve. Student deferments. Entered draft but received #311.
* Jimmy Carter: Seven years in the Navy.
* Walter Mondale: Army 1951-1953
* John Glenn: WWII and Korea; six DFCs and AirMedal with 18 Clusters.
* Tom Lantos: Served in Hungarian underground in WWII. Saved by Raoul Wallenberg.
* Dick Cheney: did not serve. Several deferments, the last by marriage.
* Dennis Hastert: did not serve.
* Tom Delay: did not serve.
* Roy Blunt: did not serve.
* Bill Frist: did not serve.
* Mitch McConnell: did not serve.
* Rick Santorum: did not serve.
* Trent Lott: did not serve.
* John Ashcroft: did not serve. Seven deferments to teach business.
* Jeb Bush: did not serve.
* Karl Rove: did not serve.
* Saxby Chambliss: did not serve. “Bad knee.” (The man who attacked Max Cleland’s patriotism.)
* Paul Wolfowitz: did not serve.
* Vin Weber: did not serve.
* Richard Perle: did not serve.
* Douglas Feith: did not serve.
* Eliot Abrams: did not serve.
* Richard Shelby: did not serve.
* Jon! Kyl: did not serve.
* Tim Hutchison: did not serve.
* Christopher Cox: did not serve.
* Newt Gingrich: did not serve.
* Don Rumsfeld: served in Navy (1954-57) as flight instructor.
* George W. Bush: failed to complete his six-year National Guard; failed to show up
* B-1 Bob Dornan: enlisted after fighting was over in Korea.
* Phil Gramm: did not serve.
* John McCain: Vietnam POW, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Purple Heart and Distinguished Flying Cross.
* Dana Rohrabacher: did not serve.
* John M. McHugh: did not serve.
* JC Watts: did not serve.
* Jack Kemp: did not serve. “Knee problem, ” although continued in NFL for 8 years as quarterback.
* Dan Quayle: Journalism unit of the Indiana National Guard.
* Rudy Giuliani: did not serve.
* George Pataki: did not serve.
* Spencer Abraham: did not serve.
* John Engler: did not serve.
* Lindsey Graham: National Guard lawyer.
* Arnold Schwarzenegger: AWOL from Austrian army base.
Pundits & Preachers
* Sean Hannity: did not serve.
* Rush Limbaugh: did not serve
* Bill O’Reilly: did not serve.
* Michael Savage: did not serve.
* George Will: did not serve.
* Chris Matthews: did not serve.
* Paul Gigot: did not serve.
* Bill Bennett: did not serve.
* Pat Buchanan: did not serve.
* John Wayne: did not serve.
* Bill Kristol: did not serve.
* Kenneth Starr: did not serve.
* Antonin Scalia: did not serve.
* Clarence Thomas: did not serve.
* Ralph Reed: did not serve.
* Michael Medved: did not serve.
Cut and Run Crowd – ASSes of Goldy!
That other righty poster in #87 is “Enough of this Billshit”. I miss that person. He always told it as it is.
Rupert you have to look inward at whom is a Nazi. Here is a link puts liberals and Arabs in the same vein. David I am surprised you kept this one buried too. So let’s see PacMan gives three links about Arabs and Nazis working together in WWII, the left loves the Arab “Freedom Fighters” in Iraq, so I guess by the Mathematical transitive property it’s the lefties who love the Nazis!
A loves B and
B loves C so
A loves C
Nindid, you are right above in #71, but what do your useful idiot friends care Nindid? This is a Daily Kurse thought so it has to be right.
Rujax, great list, but lets look deeper into this.
You site teddy kenneddy’s service: 1951 – 1953
You failed to mention…
In his sophomore year he was expelled for cheating. He had been failing Spanish and feared it would keep him off the varsity football team.
– He paid a friend to take the exam for him.
– Ted’s friend, however, was recognized when he turned in the exam book.
– After his expulsion from Harvard, Teddy returned to Hyannis Port where he would sit brooding, sometimes for hours.
– Finally, he enlisted in the Army.
– Not surprisingly, he did not bother to read the enlistment papers and signed up for four years instead of two.
– Ted’s father, the US Ambassador to England, was horrofied at the thought of his youngest son spending four years in the service, with a good chance of being sent into combat in Korea.
– “Don’t you ever look at what you’re signing?” he shouted.
– With one phone call Joe contacted a friend who managed to get hold of Teddy’s enlistment papers.
– Ted’s enlistment period was shortened to two years, a maneuver that was nearly impossible for the average enlistee.
– Furthermore, Ted would do his service in Europe, not Korea.
– Teddy never rose above the rank of private, and was discharged in 1952.
– He returned to Harvard in the fall of 1953, as did his test-taking friend, and they graduated together.
priss and PuddyBud, you soldier hating UnPatriotic assholes.
Since when is a troop withdrawl from an insane war that never should have been waged “Surrender” or “Cut and Run”.
You would sacrifice more soldiers so that Bush can save face? Why do you hate American Soldiers so much?
What is up with you chicken shit cowards?
If you think “winning” Iraq is so damned important, then I want BOTH OF YOU to get air flights immedietly to Iraq, and start killing insurgents, you cowardly sacks of shit!
ummm Donnageddon,
I’ve already fought for this country, what have you done?
Je m’apelle Donnageddon. Faites ce que vous voulez aved mon epouse, mes enfants, ou ma maison. Juste, ne me frappe pas.
Rugrat602 forgets Duke Cummingham-R, Medal of Honor winner!
GHWB – Served in WWII – Distinguished Flying Cross
Bob Dole – WWII injured, Purple Heart and Bronze Star, Presidential Medal of Freedom. Do you remember the Clinton Attack machine in 1996 against him and his war record?
Al Franken[stein]?
Bill Mahar?
Randi Rosen?
Keith Olberman?
Chris Matthews?
Cut & Run StuckonStupiddon. We leave, they fill the vacuum. Once the vacuum is filled they are emboldened. AMerica is back to paper tiger status of the 90s. Israel is their immediate target with “emissaries” sent to America to perform destruction. They must be destroyed there not here Cut & Runner!
Je suis donnageddon.
Je pleure pour les poupées de barbie et pleure pour le gi mal compris Gi Joe est réellement fgay et juste agissant l’homme, ainsi il n’est pas ridiculed. Je protesterai ainsi les gens peuvent fumer le chanvre et défendre des molesters d’enfant de sorte que cela aient la liberté pour attaquer des enfants. Nous devons vider les prisons et laissons ces victimes innocentes librement ! Enfant Molestors de La de Viva ! !
Great post – both Vienam and Iraq are wars fought with the bodies of the underclass.
Why did the Bush twins not enlist in such a feel good war, endorsed by their own poppy? Grandma would buy the best body armor, 5th Ave. stuff.
The way to end the war is to talk of the draft. Then the middle class would get scared.
Je m’apelle Pierre. This is an interesting blog. I can say merde ou le fuck, c’est OK, je pense.
arrgh, prr found babelfish!
@ 105…
Ya, babblefish was really well hidden.
God, I hate you arrogant liberals
Question of the day….
Is Goldy actually Gary Glitter?
damn, prr…
Take a valium! You’re way too high strung…
I think its funny that someone who likes to call people ‘baby killer’ is so fragile tho ;)
“A loves B and
B loves C so
A loves C”
“Loves” is not a mathematical operator with the property of transitivity.
Here is a counter example:
Sara loves her husband Joe
Joe loves his mistress Jenny
It does not follow that
Sara loves Jenny.
windie is 30 years old???
In about 10 years, what’s left of your drug-riddled brain MAY actually kick in.
No one on the RIGHT gives a Flying F*CK about when your birthday is asshole. You probably celebrated with your favorite non-animal based hand lotion you pot-smoking crazed HippyCLOWN!
Actually there was a draft during Vietnam. There are also lots of rich kids in the military. Kerry was one of those rich kids, he joined the Navy, he wasn’t drafted.
dj@109 sez:
“Sara loves her husband Joe
Joe loves his mistress Jenny
It does not follow that
Sara loves Jenny.”
In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!
And bi-sexuality is a VIRTUE in your perverted world, isn’t it dj??
rujax206 @95:
I believe Ted Kennedy was in the Navy?? Or was it Bobby Kennedy who was in the Navy?
Anyway, the Republicans don’t seem to have many folks who spent time in the service. I know John McCain was a Navy flyer & POW, and Lindsay Graham was a JAG guy in the AF, but that’s about it. They’re little light on having some veterans.
teddy was a private in the Army
JFK was navy and his older brother Hoe was in the Amry air corps
Rujax @ 95 … thanks for the info. I had never seen it all together at once, either. Emailed it to every Republican friend I know. Most of them are unhappy with Iraq, too. Maybe it will swing some of them from the Dark Side of the Force…
in a way, its not even a Republican thing…
This is about the evil bastards who hijacked one of the ruling parties in the US and turned it into a tool for their greed and… well, their evil.
Alot of ‘normal’ Republicans are waking up to the way they’ve been used. I think its a good sign.
On the other hand, not sure anything can save the party at this point. The leeches have too good a grip
Perhaps you ought to take a good long whiff of the malodorous LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS that have hijacked the Democratic Party of Harry Truman.
Oh, never mind, you are among the smelliest of the CLOWNS!!!
I know a lot of old-fashioned Truman Democrats who feel the same way about CLOWNS like YOU!!
The old-timer Democrats remember that “Progressives” were the Communists of the 1950’s.
They know things haven’t changed a big. Seattle Progressives ===LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS!!!!
echoing my argument back to me is so pathetic, Mr. Irrelelvant.
You’re right tho. Damn those leftists for hijacking the party of segregation and making it the party of civil rights!
beyond that, you’re full of crap, and everyone knows it. …and we’re talking about your party, not the other one :P
Are you in Olympia or out on the road somewhere? You know I didn’t reply for two reasons. First, I am female, second, I rarely drink! Now, I can’t even smoke when I do get inspired to drink.
Mr Cynical @ 112
“In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!
And bi-sexuality is a VIRTUE in your perverted world, isn’t it dj??”
Hmmm…I figured my example would get the Pudster to spray his shorts. Glad to see that it got you worked up into a lather, too.
Yes Donnageddon is really Pierre? Are you revealing yourself? We wouldn’t hit you.
DJ: I did it to see if you would respond and BINGO right on cue!
I know love is not mathematical but I torqued you again DJ. Essentially, my argument stands. Your side calls them freedom fighters. Our side calls them terrorists. Google the NY Times and view how many times they use the word Terrorist and Zarqawi in the same sentence when not attributed to the Bush Administration. He’s and insurgent or freedom fighter. No he isn’t! He’s a fucking terrorist. Just like that new clown in Iran who wants to destroy Israel. Where is the lefty outrage on that?
SGM – No prob. I am currently in Omaha. Coming back for T-giving tomorrow. Looking at a position in Iraq. Will have to wait and see. (the money would have to be right)
Maybe we should meet for a beer, or at least exchange some emails. I have a good friend in Iraq, retired CSM making big money. He works for KBR and since he keeps offering me job there, maybe he could help. He was, of course, in the field, King of Battle!
I will email you…….. I have a friend who could help with a job in KBR.
My brother died in this stupid war defending an oil well.
How about that sacrifice?
Puddybud @ 122
“DJ: I did it to see if you would respond and BINGO right on cue!”
Happy to oblige! :-)
“I know love is not mathematical but I torqued you again DJ. Essentially, my argument stands. Your side calls them freedom fighters. Our …blah…blah…blah.”
Puddybud @ 122
Oh…go change your shorts!
If Harry were here, he would not squander American lives so Exon-Mobile will harvest trillions of dollars of excess profits.
It is oil, Mr. C. — and not the olive type as some have mentined in this most active blog.
Semi-secret proections are that Iraq may have reserves equal to the rest of the world combined. Read- modern technology and acccess by the oil experts in the past two years. Trillions, going to American not French nor English nor Arab.
Please Sir — seek help. Give yourself permission to explore the secret life that haunts you.
Even if you have to pay, get some good oral sex, from either sex, maybe both at the same time. Your head will clear, and this advice is free. An honest therapist would have charged you 100. plus euros.
Pierre de Valois
DJ@126: blah blah blah blah.
Answer this DJ: Is Zarqawi a freedom fighter or a terrorist? His family says he’s a terrorist.
But some of your side say things like this on the Internet:
“You are sadly misinformed. There are no terrorists in Iraq. They are all insurgents fighting for their ‘freedom.'” – They seem to have a civil discussion.
For all you ASSes the link to make Al Jazeera your home page, since your talking points seem to eminate from there.
Hello all.
Is it true there’s some bet welsher around here who compulsively posts wingnut links and other assorted nonsense?
Well this thread is about Nazis…
“when you were screwing the poor ladies out of their savings funds with your exorbitant fees”
Oh Stupid One, hast thou forgotten I’m a guvmint hack attorney?
Having never been in private practice, I’ve never charged a legal fee in my life!
So how is this possible, Prevaricator?
Reply to 54
“when next you make generalities about a group of people try inserting a word like black or jew in place of republican or conservative”
I don’t discriminate against people on the basis of race or creed. Racist wingnuts do that. I only discriminate against stupid assholes, because you chose to be a stupid asshole.
Nice cut and paste job, how about something original, instead of some skid marked democratic underpants talking points. And can you stay on point?
Christmas Ghost@ 54 re: Roger lunatic Rabbit-
He can’t be bothered reading anyone’s truthful posts, he is too busy typing and drooling to pay any attention to reality.
Windie @ 119-
The party of civil rights, yeah. Go read history, Republicans are the party of Civil Rights, we have never given it up. Dumbocrats, however seek to connive minorities into the idea that they cannot be equal without handouts and quotas. They should know that they cannot be successful on their own merit and effort. Just kick it in the ghetto, and we’ll send you a check on the first, you’re ENTITLED, after all.
Pierre @ 127-
Nice idea, monsieur le singe capitulant.
PacMan @55
“Roger Rabbit who calls Republicans Nazis in another thread”
Did you like it? Republicans routinely call liberals “commies,” “traitors,” and other vile names — most recently, “cowards.” I’m only doing what you’re doing. Why should Republicans have a monopoly on name-calling? Besides, I used to be a Republican, which is how I learned to do what you guys do. Sit back, relax, enjoy. It’s the Golden Rule, baby!
“Ha ha ha ha, the party supporting “freedom fighters” like Zarqawi calls Republicans Nazis? Rupert you are a real laugh!”
Of course the Republicans are supporting Zarqawi! You gave him a whole country to fight Americans in! You let him get away countless times! You boosted his popularity by torturing innocent Iraqi civilians!
I have a question: Why do Republicans hate America so much?
“Everyone here wants the best for the US and are patriots -even if you disagree with them.”
That’s not true — Puddy and the other trolls only want what’s best for themselves.
comment on 66
“I am sure the Rabbit will continue his welcome wagon message to you as soon as he can. In the mean time this message will have to do.”
Hey kellyrogan — make sure you wear a condom when you go fuck yourself, so you don’t get AIDs.
prriss @ 99 “I’ve already fought for this country, what have you done?”
Masturbating to Guns ‘n Juggs magazine doesn’t count you Soldier Hating pig!
Want more blood for Bush’s insaane war?
Look at their faces you piece of shit!
I hope you and PuddyBud have your double chinned coke sniffing throats gag and die on a turkey bone, you sick unamerican fucks.
prriss, Wieviele Soldaten müssen für Ihren Führer sterben? Wieviel Blut für Ihre Ölfirmen?
Ah not this crap again. Nothing more irritating then a donk lecturing.
“my stopping off an having a beer”
Now why doesn’t anyone who was there believe you? Hmmmm??
“Unlike Rabbit, I served my country and came back with pride in my country and myself.”
Which country was that? Serbia?
“Ultimately, Rabbit is going to die in the near future of some ailment that attacks the elderly”
This is true — it’s called ‘old age’
Clueless –
First who cares what you think. Clueless thoughts are igno-rants
Second: You are as dumb as windie.
Third: You have problems following a thread. Maybe you should retire from Animal Hind Parts.
Fourth: Did someone say you have a karma?
You “progressives” call us Nazis. Those of us from WA or California are Nazis per Animal Hind Part definitions. The Nazis and the Arabs conspired in WWII to own the middle east. I posted three links proving this. Now you “progressives” call arab terrorists freedom fighters. So if the arabs were nazis sympathizers and you “progressives” are arab sympathizers, are you then nazi sympathizers instead of us Republicans? Some of here think so. Does that help your small clueless mind?
Comment on 73
“But as far as I can tell, there is no plan by the Republicans to open secret prisons to house those who they don’t believe belong as citizens of the nation”
Nindid, haven’t you heard of FEMA’s Rex 84 program? You don’t know that concentration camps have already been built in the U.S.? Check this out:;sid=1062
RUFUS @ 138 “136
Ah not this crap again. Nothing more irritating then a donk lecturing.”
Yes, RUFUS, tell that to their families. You insane, disgusting psychopath.
That’s a mighty big word for a trollfuck like you — it has 2 syllables. You really should stick with simple, 1-syllable words you understand, like this:
Open up your filter, us trolls are looking to speak the truth, can you handle it?
Who’s protesting against our troops? We’re not. We’re only protesting against lying civilian warmongers like Shrub, Cheney, Rummy, and you. It’s our civic duty!
I’m a Vietnam veteran, so if you spit on Roger Rabbit, you’re spitting on a Vietnam veteran.
One thing I’ve learned about people like prr who spit on Vietnam veterans — they become addicted to the thrill. Once they spit on a Vietnam veteran, they keep spitting on Vietnam veterans because they can never get enough. They’re like serial killers.
“Open up your filter, us trolls are looking to speak the truth, can you handle it?”
LOL, this blog is overflowing with the childish spittle of wingnut TROLLS.
Can you handle having to wait to show all your other TROLL friends your stupid, out-of-touch-with-reality comment?
All dead for “Democracy in Iraq”
Danno, Put your support of the war to the test. Join them:
“Enjoying a retirement you planned, golfing, skiing and having some hippe chick blow you for her food money?”
Are you NUTS??? What rabbit in his right mind would waste his retirement on batting a stupid little ball around on the grass when he could be EATING THE GRASS and fucking thousands and thousands of cute fluffy female rabbits?! As for blowjobs, what you stupid humans do is your business; I’m not interested in your perverted sexual practices — all I can say is that sounds like a SENSELESS WASTE of perfectly good sperm that could be used to make MORE RABBITS!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
God, some of these humans are filthy
you’re no John Steinbeck yourself, sweetcheeks, so get over it
Comment on 89
OMG no!!! A trollfuck is gonna “pester” me!!! This is a fate worse than … um, worse than … um, what fate is this worse than? Can someone help me with this? I’m stuck.
Reply to 90
Hey priss, why are you dissing on napalm? It’s a good weapon, man. Saved lots of American lives! And if the drop is done properly, the enemy doesn’t feel a thing. When they breathe in the superheated air inside the fireball, it kills them faster than you can snap your fingers. Very humane, and 100% effective on all enemy troops inside the drop perimeter.
The stuff has quite a stench, but all battlefields stink.
We need to petition Fox to show the people jumping off the world trade center at the beginning of every news cast. That way we can always remember why we fight. Hell if the left can parade the names of our fallen soldiers for their idiotic anti war crap we should be able to parade the names of the 911 victims.
Hey Rupert since you brought us this FEMA Rex 84 program, I had to check it outout.
SAT Quiz
Which president implemented FEMA Rex 84?
1.) Harry Truman
2.) Ronald Reagan
3.) William Clinton
4.) George Bush
If you said Bill Clinton you are CORRECT. Their practice run was WACO with Janet El-Reno.
“In other words, you support them by asking them to surrender”
The only guys using the word “surrender” are you trollfucks.
Declare victory and get out, man. That’s how it’s done.
WHite Phosphorus is good too, unless you are ordered to launch it halphazerdly into civillian populations
“Bogert is a mortar team leader who directed his men to fire round after round of high explosives and white phosphorus charges into the city Friday and Saturday, never knowing what the targets were or what damage the resulting explosions caused.”
It is overdue time for the “Iraqianization of Iraq”
Sgt. Mac, Vietnam was a little before your time, as I recall. During that war, there was a very distinct socioeconomic division between those who went and those who got out of going, which had not been seen in this country since the Civil War.
(If you know your history, you know that in the Civil War both sides used conscription, but well-to-do Yankees bought their way out of military service or hired proxies to serve in their place.)
Vietnam is called “America’s working class war” for a reason — most kids from affluent families went to college, got student deferments, and weren’t drafted. The Vietnam-era military was disproportionately filled with blacks and other minorities, and the death rate among minorities was a much higher percentage than their percentage of the population. Vietnam was fought by inner city kids, small town and rural kids, and kids too poor to go to college. Most of the middle class escaped conscription until late in the war, when most of the hard fighting was over, and they also were far more likely to serve in rear echelon jobs that weren’t nearly as dangerous as front-line combat. The upper middle class and upper class were even less represented in the Vietnam military, and virtually absent from the front-line ranks; most of them were officers, and served in such duties as jet pilots, medical officers, and commanding officers.
Can anyone explain what we’re trying to “win” in Iraq? Oil? Land? Democracy for the Iraqi people? Getting rid of Saddam?
Oil – cheaper and easier to buy it
Land – who wants it, and we’ll never get it anyway
Democracy – who are you kidding? these people don’t want democracy, they want a free hand to kill each other
Saddam – mission accomplished; just hang him, and bring the troops home
Declare victory and get out. – Works in Europe and the Americas. In Arabia, you are branded a loser. Strength is their only view. Rupert did you watch Kingdom of Heaven? Probably not. It would have educated you about Arabic thought.
Hey guys — here’s the ORIGINAL chickenhawk list.
How many of you have received those mass e-mailings circulated by lying right wingers? For example, how many of you saw the one depicting a VFW veteran snubbing Ted Kennedy by wearing cardboard “Bullshit Protectors” over his ears?
Well, I researched on that one, and turned up an amazingly funny fact — the photo is real, and so are the “Bullshit Protectors,” but the VFW veteran is GEORGE W. BUSH!!!
“Claim: Photograph shows a veteran wearing a “bullshit protector” flap over his ear during a speech by Ted Kennedy.
“Status: Real picture; inaccurate description.
“Although the displayed image is indeed a real photograph distributed by the Associated Press, it has no connection to [Democratic] Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. The photo originally accompanied news accounts of a speech delivered by President George W. Bush at the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Salt Lake City on 22 August 2005. War veteran Bill Moyer (pictured above) chose the occasion to display his displeasure with President Bush’s policies by wearing a cardboard flap labeled ‘BULLSHIT PROTECTOR’ over his ear during the President’s speech.”
Snopes also reprints the original photo that accompanied the AP story, which shows a blurred image of Bush on a TV screen to the right of Moyer’s face. The internet version of the photo circulated by the lying right-wingers is cropped to remove Bush’s image from the photo.
The next time somebody e-mails you this particular bullshit e-mail, reply by sending him (her) this link:
An insane person posted @ 161 “Declare victory and get out. – Works in Europe and the Americas. In Arabia, you are branded a loser.”
How many soldiers till you get over some Arabian fundamentalists calling you a “loser”.
Bring the troops home, and have PuddyBud kick their ass and teach tham that we are no “Neinier Niener Neiner Loser!!!”
Holy Christ PuddyBud grow up! We are talking bout lives! And if you think us staying in Iraq is making us more safe, then you trruly are KooKoo!
Support the Troops! Support America! Bring the Troops HOME!
Who in his/her right mind thinks that having more American blood spilled in Iraq is going to win a war against people (fundamentalist terrorists) who are as crazy as the “christian” fundamentalists like PuddyBud?
It makes no diferrence how long we stay or how many American kids get killed… they are not going to stop and surrender… they are by definition.. CRAZY!!!!
Iraq was the least likely place on Earth you would have found Islamic Terrorists before we invaded… now Bush has breeded tens (hundreds) of thousands of them.
Good Job Bush! God job you moronic Bush supporters!
Now do your duty and kill yourselves… you have harmed America enough!
There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of similar hoaxes circulating on the internet — all authored by right-wing liars. A few of the more famous ones are:
Hillary Clinton refused to meet Gold Star Mothers (lie)
Jane Fonda betrayed POWs to North Vietnamese guards (lie)
General “Blackjack” Pershing executed Islamic extremists and buried them with pig entrails (lie)
Rumsfeld rebuked Ted Kennedy at a Senate hearing (lie)
Oliver North warned in 1987 that Osama bin Laden was evil and should be assassinated (lie)
Excuse me everybody.
Is there some poster here who welshes on bets and posts links to Murdoch and Black publications as well as the Moonie Times and expects people to buy this tripe as support for the RNC talking points he’s trying to sell as the truth?
This person’s life is truly a trajedy.
Now, frankly, I don’t have time to debunk all the horseshit posted on blogs by rightwingers. Nor is it necessary. If a trollfuck posts something that looks like a regurgitation from the Freeper Ethersphere, just assume it’s a lie, you won’t go wrong. But if you want to research a particular rightwing lie, here are some helpful “debunker” websites:
Urban Legends Reference Pages (searchable):
E-Mail Junkyard (alphabetical topic list):
SourceWatch (a.k.a. Disinfopedia):
It was Mark the Redneck who welshed on the $100 bet with Goldy that I-912 would win by 15 points. Since MTR hasn’t paid the bet, and wagering contracts are unenforceable in the courts, Goldy’s only recourse is the traditional method of dealing with welshers — i.e., whack him.
Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Mark the Redneck posting here lately. Is he sleeping with the fishes?
Looks like we need bullshit protectors for Yeah that bottom picture looks real authentic.. er yeah right. Of course listening to the swimmer would require one to wear a nose plug unless you like the smell of stale 30 year old booze.
Or maybe he’s in a batch of pre-mix being used for a Nickel project? Way to go, Mark — you’re serving a good cause, freight mobility!
Sorry, Rufus, but you can’t lie your way out of this one. The photo, and the circumstances under which it was taken, are well documented.
errata in 163
should read “the VFW veteran is snubbing GEORGE W. BUSH!!!”
RUFUS – Well, nice to know that you only trust people that confirm what you think you already know. As to that picture, I actually remember when it first came out and it was in fact aimed at Bush. Don’t you think that Republicans would be clever enough to change the caption?
Oh quit yer bellyaching, my stuff is stuck in the filter too
Cripes, what whiners these wingfucks are …
White phosphorus is supposed to be used as a marker round to direct artillery fire and/or airstrikes.
@175 yeah, but it has other, “unintended consequences”. Like burning flesh to the bone… and uh.. indiscriminent death.
Danno @ 144
“Open up your filter, us trolls are looking to speak the truth, can you handle it? “
Please! Be careful what you ask for. If Goldy removed the filter, each and every comment thread would have scores, if not hundreds, of porn site bots and casio bots posting shit, and viagra adds on each and every comment thread. Really.
Goldy is not targeting anybody by political ideology. So get used to having some of your posts held or haul your ass elsewhere, punk. In either case, quit your fucking whining!
From that “liberal media” MSNBC
“there is no way you can use white phosphorus like that without forming a deadly chemical cloud that kills everything within a tenth of a mile in all directions from where it hits. Obviously, the effect of such deadly clouds weren’t just psychological in nature.”
“We need to petition Fox to show the people jumping off the world trade center at the beginning of every news cast. That way we can always remember why we fight.”
Rufus, I think every TV station should do that — ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, whatever. That film is gut-wrenching. One of the worst images I’ve ever seen. I cry every time I see it again.
Then, after they run the tapes of 9/11 victims jumping out of windows, they should tell their viewers this:
Iraq has a smaller and less rugged land area than Afghanistan, and less population. Afghanistan was al Qaeda’s home base, the site of al Qaeda’s training camps, and Osama’s hiding place.
Bush sent 135,000 troops to Iraq, and 11,000 troops to Afghanistan. WHY????
Today, due to lack of forces, the U.S. controls only one-half of one city in Afghanistan — Kabul. The rest of the country is controlled by warlords, most of whom are sympathetic to the Taliban, who are staging a comeback. Opium production (banned by the Taliban) has increased 1,900% since the U.S. invasion, and Afghanistan once again is the world’s largest opiate supplier (accounting for 90% of the heroin reaching the U.S. market). WHY???
Because Bush gave the “war against terrorism” — and against the bastards who attacked us on 9/11 — a lower priority than the neocons’ colonialist aspirations, that’s why.
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.
I am truly not that concerned about him.” – George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
“In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!”
As I recall, the Horse Stud Farm was in Enumclaw, where even the grass is red.
My sincere condolences. Your brother is a hero. I won’t even say the cause was unheroic; Saddam is an evil man, and the world is better off without him. But as he was no threat to Americans, I would have hesitated at spending American blood to get rid of him, bad as he was. I guess it’s easier for Bush, because he’s spending OPC* blood.
* OPC = other people’s children
“Nothing more irritating then a donk lecturing.”
That’s not true — a wingfuck hypocrite lecturing is FAR more irritating.
Still blaming everything on Clinton, are you Pudbutt?
Hey Puddbutt — WHICH president is keeping the FEMA concentration camps open, and is building more of them?
The bounds of the stupidity of the wingnuts is now expanded by “yo” @ 194
Let me parse GOldy’s post a little:
“The American Nazi Party has lost its litter-control sponsorship of a stretch of local road after it failed to clean it up.”
The American Republican Party has lost power after it failed to clean the Neo-Cons from it’s part of the road.
Sounds very prophetic. And apropos.
The Republican Party has littered America with neocons.
I was in high school for Vietnam. I enlisted in 73 at the end of the war and retired in 03. I do understand what you are saying with the differences. The only thing I know about Yankees is that they are going to win the ring in 06! I am a big fan of the “All volunteer” force. Charles Rangle introduced a bill to bring back the draft, because he like you is aggravated at the lack of rich people’s kids in the military. There are still in the military, maybe not in high numbers, but they are there.
Rog sez:
“In the anything goes Freemount District, it’s more likely that all 3 humans love getting it from Mr. Ed the horse!!”
As I recall, the Horse Stud Farm was in Enumclaw, where even the grass is red.”
Ahhhhhhh, BUTT as you well know, the recipient of 23 inches of equine lust was FROM SEATTLE’s FREEMOUNT DISTRICT!!
Fuck you danno…you facsist asshole.
Cynical, you hit the nail on the head.
Some seattle democrat gets fucked to death with a horse dick and the liberals blame the horse.
Possibly the is is the genesis of Windie’s name, due to her enormously large vagina!!!!
Fa-Shizzle wit da’ Pee-Whizzle!
Rujax’ American Encyclopedia:
Facsist Asshole:
Rupert I love your black and white analysis of opium production with the Taliban. The UN report I linked to months ago speculated they took Opium production off the market to get their farmers UN assistance and to drive up the price. Maybe you SHOULD read my links carefully! What you forgot to add like just about every other of your arguments is the UN admitted the Taliban stockpiled many tons for sale. Two pounds of opium worth $35 in 2000 was worth as much as $360 in 2001. As your good friend DJ would say that’s economics. Then what happened Rupert? Another silly argument from the Man-Beast Lawn Dart.
Here are the truth stretching tales of the Wabbet so far:
1.) Malpractice lawsuits costs are not increasing due to greedy lawyers driving up insureance premiums: Lie GAO study
2.) Inflation is running at a double digit rate in September 2005: Lie CBO
3.) FEMA Rex 84 is a Republican Nazi operation – Lie Implemented by Bill Clinton. Do you all care about terrorism. Oh, that’s right, the three hotels blown up was staged and it was fictitional!
4.) Republicans are Nazis whom support Zarqawi – Lie $15MM bounty on his head. Republicans do NOT call Zarqawi a freedom fighter or insurgent. We call him a terrorist.
5.) …Coming to your PC screen soon!
Next you’ll say the economy is sagging right Rupert?
Oooooooh…cold-wack Pudd-Wizzle!
Puddy Welcher,
GOP + Nazi.
Followers of Bush are just being “Good Germans.”
Hello everybody.
I hear there’s a sad, sad person here who loses and welshes on bets and pretends he’s some sort of omnipotent know-it-all. This fellow has a hate fixation on Bill Clinton and has projected that onto liberal posters.
One way this hate fixation presents itself is when the subject accuses his ideological opponents of a hate fixation on George Bush.
Its an unfortunate tragedy that this person is really beyond any kind of help, like a religious zealot who refuses to leave a burning house of worship.
Here is the latest on John Murtha. DJ again, shove this up your ass. It was all staged?
Gatta post twice huh?
You pathetic WELCHER.
Some guy gets poked in the butt by a giant horse and he died? GO FIGURE!
My kids don’t go to public school and I cancelled my cable so I guess the whole family missed this one.
I can just imagine the scene at at Farakahn Elementary School’s 2nd period…”Kids put down your bananas and condoms, Ms. Smith has a special story today.……..
Joe: He was a friend of rugrat602.
What? Huh? Did clueless say anything worthwhile in post #209?
I’m just guessin, but I suspect someone on this blog knows a thing or two about this case.
Still waiting for an original thought from you dumbass.
Like I give a fuck “danno”.
Only from the mind of Rugrat602: One fucks, gets fucked, does some fucking. Yeah why am I here. Time to fuck! How do you give a fuck. “Uhhh, waiter I would like to give a fuck.” Please refer to George Carlin. Your fuck sentence structure needs work.
That’s probably why you never get any, moron.
Rugrat602, wrongoh. I write this as the wife sits next to me. To show her our love the family cooked her Thanksgiving dinner. I suggest you navigate to the Food Network. Maybe you can learn to cook since you suck at blogging.