Our friend Joan McCarter’s got the scoop at Daily Kos, with new polling data showing the race in WA-08 between Republican Dave Reichert and Democratic challenger Suzan DelBene closing to within the margin of error:
Dave Reichert, for the third election in a row, remains among the most vulnerable Republican House members. This is the swing district where Darcy Burner nipped at Reichert’s heels in both 2006 and 2008. It could be that voters in the 8th have finally decided to stop grading Reichert on a curve, and expect their congressman to start doing more than just showing up….
Most of the public polling in the race has been done by SUSA, which has had some pretty funky numbers in the Seattle Metro area in polls this cycle. Nonetheless, the SUSA numbers have shown an increasingly tight race here, with their latest poll showing a seven-point gap, Reichert leading 52-45. An internal poll released by DelBene last week confirms PPP, with Reichert leading by the skin of his teeth, 48-44.
In other words, we’re off to the races!
And a quick look at the cross-tabs shows that there’s still plenty of upside for DelBene, with 31% of WA-08 voters still having no opinion of her, and plenty of opportunity for her to pick up support with women, who she currently splits 47-47, despite Reichert’s anti-choice record. As far as I know, there’s little or no outside money committed to defending Reichert’s seat, so if DelBene can continue her air assault while perhaps doing a little better job of introducing herself to voters, this one appears winnable.
And, as Joan astutely points out, given the Seattle Times’ primary abandonment of him, “it doesn’t seem likely that Reichert can look forward to another October surprise hatchet job coming from them.” Cross your fingers.
Don’t worry. Karl Rove will spend a few more yuan on Reichert’s campaign.
But, but, but, he caught the Green River Killer, shouldn’t that be enough to let him keep his seat as long as he wants it? What kind of ingrate would suggest he actually should have to do something in the here and now to keep his seat?
And he recently lied about not being asked for a debate by the Delbene campaign. Time to get honest, real leadership in the 8th!
The people of the 8th sure are a patient, forgiving sort…
If they can forgive a serial killer being on the loose for 20 odd years, they can overlook anything.
Including someone representing them with a shrinking brain and probable head trauma to boot.
Wasn’t the DailyKos recently duped by a polling firm? I remember Reading something very embarrassing.
Here is another garbage funfact our Klynical is likely to post & brag about
Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 47% Democrats 39%
Monday, October 11, 2010
Diamond Dave is not drain bamaged.
I have to wonder if initiative 1068 had been on the ballot would that have encouraged younger voters to turn out thus helping DelBene?
Many Democrats gave up on Darcy before the races even started, because they figured she couldn’t win. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If the Democrats get behind DelBene – knock on doors, make phone calls, donated money – she’ll pull this one out. The momentum is with her, and their is a huge pool of undecideds. Those that haven’t made up their mind, won’t vote early.
If we push hard until Nov. 2nd, DelBene will win.
Or, we can just sit on our butts. It’s up to us.
DelBene only loses if rank and file Democrats decide she can’t win. It’s entirely up to us.
Thanks for the pep talk. There are a lot more of us than there are of them. They are just louder.
I love how you Klowns can’t let go of Ditzy Darcy. You miss her so much you’ve invented a clone of her, this time with her own checkbook, and pretend that you’re going to win.
Don’t confuse undecideds with uninterested or unwilling to vote or uninformed about whoever the hell DelBenzene is. Ballots drop in a few days and she’s toast.
Rumor has it that DCCC pulled their reserved ad buys for the 8th district – looks like they gave up on Darcy…….er……..DelBenzene.
What religion lauds guns, dumbfuck? Not Christianity, certainly. The Old Testament talks about turning swords into plowshares, and Christ talked about turning the other cheek. Whatever it is you cling to, it sure as hell is not Christianity.
He’s a ding, dang, muslin!
Exactly my point.
That must be why Reichert is now running as an outsider, he no longer mentions he is a congressman in his ads. Of course he hasn’t done anything for his constituents – so he really isn’t much of a congressman.
thats because they knew ditzy darci didnt stand a snowflakes chance in hell in winning.
why waste the money?
this year’s election question:
is goldy spending late nights looking at Delbene pictures with a can of lube and box of kleenex like he did with ditzy darci photos?
got a sticky keyboard goldy?
Remember the Gulf???
Remember this is what the chickenshit right wing apologists for greed want to perpetuate.
Nothing must stand in the way of more money for the rich.
From the Dept of Corrections:
@17 – no, nothing must stand of the way of YLB’s govt check.
Name: YLBleeder
Location: Basement
Occupation: Basement
Life Goals: Basement
Hobbies: Basement
18 – Right on cue…
Thanks for playing…
…and winning – as usual.
Dept of Corrections, cont..
Name: YLBleeder
Taxes paid: $235.46
Taxes paid by neighbor down the street: $18,422.78
Political Views: My neighbor should pay more taxes, and I deserve a tax cut.
Man the dirt stain ylb is as dumb as ever.
Refer to TEH HA DATABAZE ylb, you’ll find out the FBI didn’t think Gary Ridgway was the person back in the 1980s. Butt don’t let a moronic comment not get placed on HA ylb.
This YLB guy sounds like pretty much a loser.
I’m a new guy. Moderately Liberal and I don’t particularly care for the job Obama has done and I’ve really grown to dislike Patty Murray.
I’m an old line Democrat who believes in a balanced budget and private sector jobs.
Was that after you bathed ylb?
@23 I’m an old Bobby Kennedy Democrat. I’ve been bitterly disappointed in Democrats for over forty years. That said, I can’t stand these extremist, right-wing trolls and their message of selfishness and hate.
You want meet some real losers? Look up the Psycho-KLOWN and Lostinaseaofblue. Those two are the real losers, Greg, not YLB.
Oh, and that Puddy guy? He’s no loser. He’s my friend. But he does need some stronger meds. heh-
Oh my Steve@26,
Such comedy! Selfishness and hate. Apparently you forgot all the hate on Saturday October 2nd on the mall in WA DC! Need to see those wonderful pictures again Steve?
DC? October 2nd? Is that where you were? Hey, were you that guy beating up on defenseless, peace-loving hippies? That was so uncool of you!
As he slips below 50%, trending the wrong way, the only question left is: can he run out the clock before the election bell rings?
why does sarge always shit on darcy burner in his perpetual pro delbene posts? did darcy tell him what a dweeb he is to his face or something?
You’re no liberal. You never were. You’re just another wingnut posting here for wingnut reasons. Looking to Puddy for guidance is like blowing against a gale force wind and figuring you’re going to win. Posing ain’t honorable, Greg.
Anyone see Boardwalk Empire????
Q: What can I do for you?
A: You can vote Republican…
Greg is likely an invention of Puddybud..
Like sue, emily, karen, Alyssa, MWS, Kingbud, Reckless and many other sockpuppets…
Puddybud is always there to chime in.
At passing the smelliest gas???
Not quite in Puddybud’s league – yet..
Anyone who identifies ylb for the fool he is must be Puddybud. Now wonder you are identified as a dirt stain ylb! Goldy knows unlike you ylb.
Too bad Goldy doesn’t wash the dirt stain away!
proud leftist
I am socially Liberal and fiscally pretty Conservative. I believe private sector jobs are a must and that we have created an unsustainable unbalance with proportionately too many public sector jobs. It simply will not be sustainable and something must be done. We have 3 options. Eliminate many public jobs, increase the rate of economic growth by incenting businesses to grow with lower taxes & tax credits or some combination of the 2 I just mentioned. That’s it. It’s not that complicated. I thought President Obama could understand that but he obviously does not.
Things will surely change after the November elections and probably in 2012 too. The Conseratives will likely take control by 2012 and social progress will be changed. We have no one to blame but ourselves.
It really ticks me off to read the hot rhetoric by our side. We need to stick to the issues and say we blew it on a few things, but here is our new plan. On this blog, it’s really indicative of the attitude of people who are much farther left than I am. Basically kicking, screaming and whining which accomplishes absolutely nothing.
President Obama is running around running his mouth, not being the leader we had hoped he would be. The polls show his continued decline. I noticed one guy keeps putting the Rasmussen Poll in our faces. It’s hard to swallow but pretty close to the truth. I looked at it today and here it is
Tuesday, October 12, 2010 Email to a Friend ShareThis.Advertisement
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 29% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 (see trends).
Republicans lead by eight on the Generic Congressional Ballot. New Senate polling shows Kelly Ayotte (R) leading in New Hampshire. In Wisconsin, Republican Ron Johnson continues to hold an advantage over incumbent Senator Russ Feingold.
Not good. We have only ourselves and our lack of effective leadership to blame. I will reluctantly vote for Patty Murray. She has been a huge disappointment too.
@37 Greg – You are not a democrat – you are a republican apologist.
Bush took the largest budget surplus in history and turned it into the largest deific in history. Less percent jobs were created in the 8 years of Bush than in ANY previous Presidency until Hoover.
You may believe that we have an “unsustainable” public sector but the actual facts are that you are totally and completely WRONG.
If you look at the world economies that have been doing well – they ALL have more public sector than we do and have a higher effective tax rate (especially on the rich). Look at Germany, Canada and Australia. They all have government health care, higher tax rates and more public sector funding with an emphasis on public education.
So your simplistic “central belief” is wrong and simply does not hold up.
Oh, and the Rasmussen poll (especially for trend questions and Presidential popularity) has been totally discredited many times for being biased – but you would have to read and think to understand that.
Patty Murray has been great. did you pay attention to her bill that passed recently to tax companies that ship jobs overseas and to use that for education?
Did you see that the republicans voted against it?
Way to go. I suspect your paranoia about anyone who doesn’t cheer the Democrat Party line and comments just shoved greg over to the darkside.
You remind me of President Obama. You have to keep talking and making things worse. greg said he was reluctantly voting for Patty Murray. I suspect there are hundreds of thousands in the questioning category. If someone questions, you tell them they aren’t a Democrat and that is supposed to help? Disappointing you are so closed minded.
Further proof of how far to the right the GOP has moved–it’s running a fucking fascist (actually, it’s probably running a bunch of them, but not all are so blatant):
@41 At least Cantor can draw a line somewhere in today’s Republican hatefest.
“Asked whether it was wrong to wear a Nazi uniform, Iott said: “I don’t see anything wrong about educating the public about events that happened. And that’s the whole purpose of historical re-enacting.””
Christ, Republicans struting and prancing around wearing Waffen SS uniforms in order to educate the public. They didn’t bother to re-enact the Waffen SS murder of millions of Jews. I take it that, in Iott’s mind, that wasn’t worthy of public education and could be excluded from the teaching of “history”.
As the one and only (oxymoron alert!) Jewish Republican in the House, Cantor occasionally has to step away from the party line and pretend to be something near to a mensch.
BTW, there’s also a no-longer-Jewish Republican in the House, Utah wingnut Jason Chaffetz. He is a convert to LDS. Good riddance.
correctnotright is an upset, paranoid fellow who is blinded by partisanship. I’m afraid there are too many folks like that in President Obama’s camp for my liking. I’ll still likely vote for Senator Murray with great reluctance. We desperately need more private sector jobs and it won’t happen until there is a change of attitude by our Party. Because of the stubbornness and anti-business sentiment, we are going to get clobbered in a few weeks. Some people have the ability to take off the blinders and tell our Party they are wrong. Others like this correctnotright chap are pretty hopeless. They are defending the indefensible, just like a lot of Republicans defended Bush.
Where are all the realists? How can we get this country and our party back on track?
Those are the questions. Partisanship will result in a yoyo of gridlock. We had such a great opportunity and then decided pitting poor people against rich people was a good idea. It’s not. The main issue is jobs and the economy. Rich people are refusing to invest so money is stagnating.
greg sounds like an apologist for the Michael Dunmire’s of the world.
This country is in a world of hurt if people listen to the likes of greg.
He chooses doing right by the rich over doing the right thing.
Concern Troll sez, “Because of the stubbornness and anti-business sentiment, we are going to get clobbered in a few weeks.”
Requiring Americans to obtain health insurance from corporations was stubbernly anti-business? WTF? Exactly what track do you want us to get back on, Troll?
Concern Troll sez, “President Obama is running around running his mouth, not being the leader we had hoped he would be. The polls show his continued decline.”
“Presidential Approval Index rating of -14 (see trends).”
So Obama has been in a “continuous decline” from -22 to -14? Nice try, KLOWN.
“greg sounds like an apologist”
Actually, YLB, greg sounds more like a KLOWN sockpuppet.
Now I’m a “troll” because I don’t agree with some of you. It really has gotten sad when on a blog folks can’t be realistic about what is going on and have a difference of opinion.
I live in Snohomish County, Everett area. I see lots of businesses hurting which means unemployment for working people. Seems like most of you just want to try and be right rather than honestly debate what needs to be done next and errors we have made. Your comments resonate likw fingernails on a chalkboard and your paranoia is childish.
Seems like you are becoming more & more typical of the Patty Murray supporters sadly.
48 – Yeah that Rasmussen quote kind of gives him away.
Maybe me counting his Rasmussen compulsion finally got to him.
@50 It must not be easy being a KLOWN with a tired act and, worse, with Rasmussen showing an improvement in Obama’s popularity.
“Now I’m a “troll” because I don’t agree with some of you.”
I don’t agree with everything progressives say here, I’m probably more conservative than most of our progressives, and I even have friends amongst our resident trolls. That said, I know a concern troll when I see one. Drop the act, greg.
You’re a troll because you’re a name-caller and you’re disingenuous.
I bet “greg” is a big fan of that “centrist” leaning Republican Orrin Hatch..
And a stimulus hypocrite (oh what a “mistake” that was!):
Dave will win by 7-8 points. It’s a shoe-in.
I am constantly amazed how the comment thread from every HA post about Reichert-DelBenzene quickly drifts off topic. The reason? Because this race is over. Reichert wins.
Move on……..nothing more to see here……
No… That was after you cashed the check you got from BP.