It’s pretty amazing how unified we were as a society on Japanese Interment. Sure, if you’d sampled the Japanese population, you could get some very different results than the general population. And there were deserters among the general population. Individuals, and sometimes whole towns. Still, I was surprised to learn that there was only one newspaper paper that opposed the camps. I hope it’s a call for all of us to do better going forward.
Executive order, signed by a Democrat president.
Exculpatory evidence suppressed by a Solicitor General appointed by the same Democrat president, eventually admitted to by a subsequent SG of the same party:
U.S. official cites misconduct in Japanese American internment cases
Acting Solicitor Gen. Neal Katyal says one of his predecessors, Charles Fahy, deliberately hid from the Supreme Court a military report that Japanese Americans were not a threat in World War II.
Why, it’s enough to lead a man to misspell internment.
It’s probably inevitable that we’ll have to lock up all the Trump voters. At least those that manage to survive the fatty liver disease, yard trampolines, feudin’ with the neighbors, opiate addiction, atv rollovers, bathtub elecrocutions, and daily routine of gun cleaning mishaps.
@ 3
Of course you will lock up those exercising rights of free speech and peaceable assembly.
It’s how
you roll.
Sure. Might have to. But it’ll only affect a very few really bad apples.
It was just a couple of days ago that I
opined that the heat might be off Nunes.
Looks like the heat is going to be on someone else
Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel
for awhile.
Gotta say one thing for Susan Rice: She’s a loyal Dem stoogie and doesn’t seem to care how bad she makes herself look in the process.
“It certainly is the end of bipartisanship on judges” if by “bipartisanship” you mean agreeing to vote yes on a judge whose testimony before the Senate you found evasive, hostile, and uncooperative.
Newspapers always suck up to governments. All the media organs here now favor the statutes authorizing Sound Transit’s governance structure, the ones denying us our 14th Amendment liberty interest in voting for and against local policy-makers.
Of course you will lock up those exercising rights of free speech and peaceable assembly.
Feel the National Security!
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Nick Beaudrot @nbeaudrot
A reminder that even without the filibuster, the minority party has plenty of tools in the Senate
to slow action.54m
It’s good to see that Врач немой ебать may be slowly bringing himself up to speed on the laws surrounding incidental captures in surveillance of suspected foreign espionage agents. Willful ignorance might reduce the shame and humiliation of enthusiastic treason-pimping. But a little awareness can be a useful hedge.
For bonus points Врач немой ебать will now demonstrate any evidence that the former National Security Adviser broke any laws while carrying out the normal routines of her top national security position. #AnotherTrumpDupe
Well, at least Врач немой ебать didn’t have to interrupt his busy schedule of napping and schlep himself all the way over to the WH to get pantsed like Deven Nunes.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Nick Hanauer @NickHanauer
How to “fix” Obamacare. Double taxes on rich and medical devices. Lower premiums for everyone else. … via @voxdotcom
Dude, why stop just there? It could be the way to “fix” EVERYTHING.
Just ask Venezuela.
Venezuela raises taxes on wealthy, big business
The income tax reform targets holders of large capital, not workers or small businesses, Maduro said, adding that the change would affect “about 3,000 taxpayers.”
The top tax rate “for these sectors of great capital” will increase from 34 percent to 40 percent to ensure the government of sufficient revenue to “maintain investment,” he said.
Another aspect of the overhaul is an increase in the tax on major corporate financial transactions to 0.75 percent, the president said.
@ 11
…evidence that the former National Security Adviser broke any laws while carrying out the normal routines of her top national security position.
While the linked Bloomberg piece reported that Stooge-an Rice’s actions were very likely within the law, it also reported that they were far from “normal routines”.
Oh. We still don’t know who leaked the names. That’s the illegal part, and this time there’s no “hateful and offensive video” to blame.
My point, Saturday, was that Nunes isn’t on the hot seat anymore. That point still stands.
What’s “newspaper paper”? Is that different from wrapping paper or toilet paper? (I’m under the impresssion many people use newspaper paper for both wrapping and wiping, or at least, many people claim they do.)
@2 I doubt FDR would have signed the internment order if this country hadn’t been full of racists bigots back then, too. Some of us have learned better the last 75 years. But some still are just as ignorant as their grandfathers and fathers were.
@ 3
Some #CrookedHillary voters can’t even wait for hepatic lipidosis to set in.
College student dies after choking at pancake eating contest
Just what the fuck is a “social work major”? Is it how YLB guarantees his kids will always get gummit money?
@2 (continued) Ya know, Doctor Dumbfuck, if you reach back that many years, you can find plenty of Democrats who were racist segregationists in that era. Some of them wore robes and hoods, and terrorized black people. They were called “Dixiecrats,” and they sure did vote for Democrats in those days, albeit for very conservative ones. But the thing is, they all switched to the Republicans in the 1960s, when Nixon formulated the “Southern Strategy” that turned the GOP into a racist party, and guess what, you’re one of ’em now (i.e., you’re with the racist party). But that doesn’t stop you from posting inane comments containing veiled implications that today’s Democratic Party is the racist party. Wanna know why we call you a dumbfuck? Here’s a hint: It has to do with lacking analytical skills.
Lol@ social work major……christ o mighty.
Just what we need, and SJW degree.
@3 Really, there shouldn’t be any of them still around, given natural (and unnatural) mortality, and all that. That is to say, I’m surprised they’re able to propagate. To do that, you have to figure out where to put it. They don’t come across as being smart enough to do that.
@4 What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.
(If you don’t know what that means, I’d simply ask you what Hillary is guilty of besides free speech? So far, despite countless investigations financed with tens of millions of taxpayers dollars, she hasn’t been convicted of even a parking ticket. But that doesn’t stop the Republican mob and their demagogue from wanting to treat her like Putin treats his political opponents; meanwhile, you’re prattling here about “free speech” … wanna know why we call you a dumbfuck? Think about it for a while, then get back to us if you can’t figure it out.)
@ 15
@2 I doubt FDR would have signed the internment order if this country hadn’t been full of racists bigots back then, too.
You’re free to doubt he would have signed had the 22nd Amendment to the US Constitution been in place at the time, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Anything else is bullshit, or for you, status quo.
It’s because of the excessive length of the FDR presidency that we now have a 22nd Amendment.
It’s because of the behavior of people like Democrat Bull Connor that we now have a Voting Rights Amendment.
US History. Instead of revising it, try owning it once in a while.
@ 17
Wanna know why we call you a dumbfuck?
Because in addition to being a useless excuse for a human being, you are also unoriginal.
@6 “a loyal Dem stoogie”
Is there something wrong with that? After all, you’re a loyal GOP stooge …
@8 Yes, it makes you wonder if the ST board would have stuck the peasants with FIFTY FOUR BILLION DOLLARS of new taxes if they had to answer to the peasants, doesn’t it? Here in King County, we get to vote for all of TWO of the 14 ST board members. About as democratic as the municipal government of, say, Tashkent.
@9 Beat me to it, but worth repeating, it’s so hypocritical.
@13 “were very likely within the law”
That’s usually the end of the story, isn’t it? Nothing to see here, move along, Doctor. You’re holding up traffic.
@16 & 18
A Social Work Major is a public policy and administration employee. So yeah, they probably will end up getting government money by
Being a classroom Aide to a high functioning Autistic student who can socialized to peer interaction. (MS employee health plan pays for this)
Working for DHSH to keep seniors on state services in their homes as long as possible before the state ends up footing the bill for far more expensive assisted living
Working with mental health patients so they don’t harm themselves or others.
Working for the VA as occupational or rehabilitation specialists
Becoming a teacher for special needs students or “regular” schools
I could go on but it’s telling that neither of you see a value there and think of it as just SJW.
-19, 58% total disapprove
@16 “Just what the fuck is a ‘social work major’?”
Someone being trained to rescue kids from abuse, protect vulnerable elderly people from exploitation, find homes for orphaned and abandoned kids, etc.
@18 It’s actually a pretty useful occupation. I suppose you and your pal @16 could conjure up a use for an over-the-hill, bloviating retired x-ray clerk, too, although none immediately comes to my mind.
@21 “It’s because of the excessive length of the FDR presidency that we now have a 22nd Amendment.”
So who would you have replaced him with during his final two terms? Fred Trump? We could have some fun trying to imagine what course history would have taken and what the world would be like today if Orange Jesus’s daddy had been the occupant of the Oval Office on December 7, 1941.
I’m envisioning Portland’s version of Deathfrogg.
Man filming police having coffee is recognized as wanted, and then arrested
A Portland man who decided to film police officers having a cup of coffee Sunday morning in a Northeast Portland Starbucks was recognized by one of the officers as a man featured on a wanted bulletin.
Philip Stan Schaefer, 45, was promptly arrested and taken to jail.
He was accused of second-degree robbery and coercion…
• No job, providing time to waste by filming police having coffee.
• Robbery suspect, ’cause unemployment gigs pay less nowadays than they used to.
• Rudimentary knowledge of technology, enabling use of a camera for filming.
• Misappreciation for the fact that he’s so fucking bizarre, of COURSE he’s going to be recognized for acting fucking bizarre.
Gotta be a ‘froggy, amirite?
While the linked Bloomberg piece reported that Stooge-an Rice’s actions were very likely within the law, it also reported that they were far from “normal routines”.
Piece? It’s an opinion column (Bloomberg View) by a columnist (do hillbillies understand the distinction?) with an established track record of cultivating sources within intelligence agencies by doing political lifting and spin. And the “sources” did not make any such assertion. The opinion columnist did.
It absolutely would be perfectly normal for surveillance reports of suspected foreign espionage agents engaged in highly disturbing negotiations with U.S. political operatives affecting existing foreign policy and national security to be brought to the attention of the National Security Adviser – even if she is a “chick” – and a “black one” at that. Requesting the unmasking is essentially her sworn duty if it would help her to carry out her job and report her analysis to the President. It’s trivial to contemplate a host of scenarios that would drive that decision. Trump traitors negotiating the lowering of sanctions; Trump traitors negotiating support reductions for NATO; Trump traitors negotiating surrendering Ukraine to Putin; Trump traitors negotiating dropping criminal prosecutions against Putin criminal conspirators in the U.S.; Trump traitors engaging in obstruction of justice; etc. etc. ad nauseam.
You fools are being duped like Amway victims. You are certainly welcome to try to cut your losses and lessen your humiliation by recruiting your family and fellow hillbillies. I’m even confident that, being idiot hillbillies, they’ll go along for your clown car ride. The rest of us aren’t interested. It’s easy enough to see what’s going on now, even through the ongoing sock puppetry and fog of bullshit. Your Cheese Emperor has a broken governor. His tweets get him into trouble more than they help. He can’t live with any perception of loss. So he orders a campaign of disinformation surrounding the political treason investigations. Many have been duped. Many more will be.
Hillbillies gonna hillbilly.
Well at least it sounds a bit more useful than a “womxn’s studies” degree….
Hell, I shoulda got a masters in that, with all the women I studied in college….hahahaha
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that Doctor Dumbfuck resents FDR’s last 4 years and 3 months in office. After all, he resents the first 8 years. DD would have preferred that Hoover manage the depression he helped create. Fred Trump would have liked that, too, because it would have extended his opportunity to acquire New York real estate on the cheap. And, who knows, maybe even Trump’s son feels the wrong side won the Cold War.
@33 Bet you don’t even know what “women’s studies” is. I’ll try to help out here. It’s analogous to an academic discipline that tries to figure out what makes stupid white males tick.
Well you would know
@ 32
I expect you to shout down the next Krugman snippet one of your fellow liberals posts. ’cause opinion column.
Columbia Journalism Review’s best of 2016
list ranges far and wide. Tweeted photos, podcasts, and the like.
All described as journalism.
Your response is incredibly weak. Fox is reporting the surveillance of Team Trump went on for more than a year. It will take awhile for all of that to be sorted out by the NSC under the new administration’s direction.
I can wait.
Apparently Nunes had to visit the NSC in order to see the list of communications in which people were unmasked by Rice, because of national security issues.
It makes complete sense, then, that Adam Schiff will make a similar visit so he can see all of the Democrat names unmasked upon request by Rice, amirite?
Or perhaps those are subject to executive privilege claims.
Hey @ 32
Seems a real live NYT reporter, not an opinion columnist, tweeted at your this morning. Check your feed.
Maggie HabermanVerified account
.@EliLake reports that Susan Rice repeatedly requested to unmask Trump aides picked up on intercepts of other people
7:28 AM – 3 Apr 2017
I note, and so should you, that Haberman wrote that Lake “reports”, not “opines”. It’s almost as if Lake reported news in his column, isn’t it?
Oh. And the NYT is denying that Haberman had the Rice story but sat on it for 48 hours prior to Cernovich’s initial report. Probably why she linked to Lake and not to Cernovich, who made that allegation yesterday.
If nothing there, why would Haberman link to a piece by a columnist from another news organization, I wonder?
This Haberman chick, a real live reporter for the NYT, also retweeted a “smoking gun” claim originally from Rand Paul.
Maggie Haberman Retweeted
Mike Warren @MichaelRWarren 1h1 hour ago
Mike Warren Retweeted Senator Rand Paul
Paul spent the weekend w/Trump.Mike Warren added,
Senator Rand PaulVerified account @RandPaul
Smoking gun found! Obama pal and noted dissembler Susan Rice said to have been spying on Trump campaign. …
It looks like our resident racist, Doctor Dumbfuck, wants us to embrace the racist Democratic party Dixiecrats of a half century ago as emblematic of today’s Democratic Party, even as he ignores the Southern Strategy which has given our resident racist and others of his ilk a welcome home in today’s Republican Party. Makes sense, I’m sure. To a dumbfuck.
In the spirit of today’s backwards-spelled thread title, I note that Zags spelled backwards is
Urban Dictionary:
Sgaz is a alternative to “cool” and originated in the Beaverton, OR area.
Person 1: Dude, that is sgaz. Person 2: I know, right?
#cool #awesome #scaz #horrible #amazing
Admit it, HA libbies: Your lives are better because I am here. Would Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have come up with this? No, he would not have. Instead he will tell you how to underperform the market. Repeatedly underperform.
Your response is incredibly weak.
Perhaps not when compared to a straw man:
I expect you to shout down the next Krugman snippet one of your fellow liberals posts. ’cause opinion column.
Whirl, hillbilly Dervish. But at the end of the day anyone, even most of the hillbillies reading these comments (and certainly those educated, progressive, non-hillbillies), will come away persuaded that painstakingly reading reports of surveillance between suspected foreign espionage agents and U.S. political hacks possibly engaging in acts of treason is routine for the National Security Adviser. Summarizing that intel and advising the President too. Probably would help to know who the traitors were just for context. Mwaah, mwaah.
Really? More straw? Get a fuckin’ goat.
I’m absolutely confident that Rice reviewed the reports. I’d be shocked if she didn’t. And I’d be confused if she didn’t request unmasking in order to be able to adequately brief the President and the NSC leadership. Because it is routine. And just as certainly, you are a dupe.
Apparently Nunes had to visit the NSC in order to see the list of communications in which people were unmasked by Rice, because of national security issues.
Nunes had to visit the WH because Ellis and McGahn wanted him to view the computer logs of the unmasking requests entered by Rice. Those logs would reside on compartmentalized systems.
Lots of little details. Hard to fit on a bumper sticker. Врач немой ебать has a sad. Maybe go water those trees now?
I’m certain we’ll be hearing positive spin from Evergreen Railfan about this story very soon.
M.T.A. Shortens L Train Shutdown to 15 Months
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority had good news on Monday for subway riders worried about the shutdown of the L train: The closing will be shorter than expected.
The authority’s board voted to approve a $477 million contract to close the L train tunnel between Brooklyn and Manhattan for 15 months to repair damage caused by Hurricane Sandy — instead of 18 months as originally planned. The work is set to begin in April 2019.
OK, so referring to a 15 month shutdown of an entire train line as “good news” is, in and of itself, positive spin.
I assume that the estimate of 15 months really means it will be 24 months.
Probably why she linked to Lake and not to Cernovich… blah, blah
Linked to Lake because who doesn’t enjoy further humiliating the competition and making them look like tools? Remember, Nunes lied to Lake about his sources and Haberman was one of the reporters who caught it last week.
Cops are human, just like the rest of you. Some do a great job. Sometimes they make judgment errors. And some simply fail to do their job.
“Police video shows officers responding to a call to a Florida home telling a woman to stop calling 911 to complain about her boyfriend hours before she and her son were fatally shot.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I support the police when they do their job. But unlike our president, who has no critical thinking skills (or much of anything else going for him), I don’t hold the police above criticism when they fall short. Instead, I see that as a problem which needs to be rectified. But then, you can’t expect The Orange Ceasar to be as smart as a rabbit. After all, he’s human.
@31 Trump voter for sure. Looks like this one won’t be available to vote for his reelection in 2020, though. I wonder how much more of Trump’s base will bleed off by then, for various reasons … ?
@36 I know more than you do, although that’s not saying much.
@42 What Doctor Dumbruck neglects to mention is that everyone underperforms the market:
“According to the analysis, 99 per cent of actively managed US equity funds sold in Europe have failed to beat the S&P 500 over the past 10 years, while only two in every 100 global equity funds have outperformed the S&P Global 1200 since 2006. Almost 97 per cent of emerging market funds have underperformed.”
The market is smarter than all of us.
Democrats have the 41 votes. It’s not clear Republicans have the votes to go “nuclear,” as some of their senators may be reticent to do that. If they do, of course, Democrats will reciprocate when the tables are turned. It boils down to how badly they want this anti-environment, anti-consumer, anti-worker, pro-corporation judge on the high court. Probably pretty badly, because corporations are people and have free speech rights, too. And, they don’t ask for abortions.
Leahy is in.
Hillbillies all set to go Boom!
It’s really about symbolism and metaphor.
The low info voters that Trump Traitors depend upon are not capable of “cogitatin” in terms of nuance and detailed policy substance. Obviously.
Blowing up the Senate rules and adopting a unitary one-party system will most definitely appeal to the hardcore hillbilly base. But that’s really only about half the vote they need. Shy hillbillies will perceive this as Republicans “owning” the Trump brand and all the failure, corruption, and treason that accompanies it. And blowing up the bi-partisanship rules effectively silences all the pitiful crying about “working with the moderate Democrats”.
@ 56
Yeah, Harry Reid had nothing to do with it.
Elections have consequences. Next time pick a candidate who comes off as human. And honest.
Great to see Heitkamp and Manchin playing their effective roles defending the high ground by concern-trolling the shit out of the Trump Traitor nuclear option.
Not a big stretch that hillbillies can’t work with others. Fucking hillbillies can’t even work with themselves.
Zags rule!
“Next time pick a candidate who comes off as human. And honest.”
The fucking traitor who shilled for Putin’s treasonous stooge to the tune of 3,000+ pro-Putin hashtags now sees fit to give us advise on picking candidates.
Here’s some advise for you, Doctor Dumbfuck. Next time pick a candidate who isn’t a fucking traitor.
@ 60
Only if you wish for a different outcome next time around, Steve.
“Elections have consequences.”
So does treason.
@61 WTF? Please try harder to make some fucking sense.
It’s true that Trump is Treason.
But it may also be true that, at the end of a very long investigation overcoming much obstruction, tampering, concealment, manipulation, and disinformation, that none of the highest ranking Trump Traitors conspired with the election hackers or broke any major laws.
Still, we already know at least a few of them probably committed perjury, and swore false statements on disclosures and other filings, and in testimony before Congress. And we know that there were financial deals between the org and Russian organized crime bosses. So it really does beg the question: why the flailing desperation to misdirect, conceal, confuse, and cover up? If there’s nothing to any of it, if it’s all mere “coincidence”, why go to these lengths? Cohen and Ellis could conceivably be charged with obstruction for using Nunes the way they have. Why take these kinds of risks if there’s nothing to it?
@57 You aren’t implying the winner of last fall’s election is honest, are you? Not really? By any objective standard, Trump is far more dishonest than Hillary.
So why do Trump apologists like Doctor Dumbfuck bleat about “Crooked Hillary”? Umm, because they’re dumbfucks? I think Occam’s Razor applies here.
@63 That’s asking for too much. Dumbfucks by definition can’t make sense.
The Depression was mostly caused by the Federal Reserve. After all, the Fed had only been in existence less that 20 before the Great Depression came about. They hadn’t figured out how to do they jobs just yet and didn’t know how cope.
This guy Gorsuch will be good for Second Amendment voters. He’ll get on the court, regardless of what the Dems do.
A fringe theory of the depression brought to you by World Net Daily and Milton Friedman of failed theories fame. Part of his early work to discredit the successful Keynesian economics that ended the depression.
Having 1/3 of all wealth concentrated among the rich who lost a lot of it in The Crash and then hoarded what they had left was because of the Fed. It totally makes sense.
He’ll get on the court, regardless of what the Dems do.
Reminiscent of “He’ll invade Poland, regardless of what the French and British do”.
Appeasement anyone?
@ 56
And blowing up the bi-partisanship rules effectively silences all the pitiful crying about “working with the moderate Democrats”.
To be accurate, the absence of moderate Democrats silences anything to do with moderate Democrats other than wishing they still existed in Congress.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Cliff Schecter ✔ @cliffschecter
CA done deal, GA, MT & KS winnable. Would send serious ass message.
Perhaps you should look at the messages you just received. Ask Russ Feingold, and maybe Katie McGinty to help you translate.
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @32 is the one of biggest bunch of BULLSHITTIUM ever delivered on a blog!
Rice said: “I know nothing about this,” adding, “I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today.”
Just like the 2012 BULLSHITTIUM of Benghazi and a stooooooooooooopid video!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom @32 is the one of biggest bunch of BULLSHITTIUM ever delivered on a blog!
Rice said: “I know nothing about this,” adding, “I was surprised to see reports from Chairman Nunes on that account today.”
Just like the 2012 BULLSHITTIUM of Benghazi and a stooooooooooooopid video!
DUMMOCRETIN stoogie! Worth a double post!
Eli Lake is a Republican stoogie Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom?
This FOOL has fallen off the deep end!
Love the loon’s double-post head explosions. Chrome wins again!
Chrome wins again!
Chrome wins again!
And again shitstain steve!
It’s because of the excessive length of the FDR presidency that we now have a 22nd Amendment.
The American electorate had a far greater proportion of white males then than it does now, and was far, far more conservative. Your contempt for the choices they made is truly amusing.
It’s because of the excessive Republican embittered whining over the length of the FDR presidency that we now have a 22nd Amendment.”
Ftfy; yr welcome.
“I was urging my former colleagues and, frankly speaking, the people on the Hill; it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can, get as much intelligence as you can, before President Obama leaves the administration.” -Evelyn Farkas, Obummer’s deputy secretary of defense
The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan; essentially, the officials at the top, including former Rice deputy Ben Rhodes.
Yawn. Why on earth would DoD Intelligence or the DNI concern themselves with foreign spies conspiring with US traitors?
ZAGS you bitches!
Daerht Nepo
As minor characters go, he’s alright, but I prefer Illyrio Mopatis or Xaro Xohan Daxos.
It’s because of the behavior of people like Democrat
Bull ConnorLyndon Baines Johnson that we now have a Voting Rights Amendment and Republican majorities in the states of the former Confederacy which oppose it.FTFY, ignorant Dumbfuck.
Fool @84,
Who knows ya moron! It seems Adam Schiff has clammed up BIG TIME! No more screaming about Devin Nunes!
Fool @84,
Who knows ya moron! It seems Adam Schiff has clammed up BIG TIME! No more screaming about Devin Nunes!
@ 81
If Barack Obama had been allowed to run for another term, he’d still be President and we wouldn’t have to deal with any of this bullshit. He’d have won so handily that the GOP probably wouldn’t even be a viable Executive Branch party for generations.
But, the Trumppp isn’t going to be President for more than another 3 months at the most. He’s so deep in shit that his own mother wouldn’t want him dug out.
Looks like Trump was conducting foreign policy before taking office, which if I’m not mistaken, violates the Logan Act.
“Admit it, HA libbies: Your lives are better because I am here.”
I think you are pretty much talking to yourself. I don’t think anyone is listening to you.
And Steve only has time to blow the bully.
@46 rest assured, the MTA will call in Super Heroes Steve and Max. They’ll show up with their blueprints, pulled right from the backs of their trucks, and they’ll get it done in 12 months like #86 Sellen is known to do (with little two story structures).
Steve should wipe that shit off his chin.
@72 Every Democrat in Congress is a moderate compared to any Republican in Congress you care to name. The GOP, not the Democrats, is the party of radicals.
@67 “The Depression was mostly caused by the Federal Reserve. After all, the Fed had only been in existence less that 20 before the Great Depression came about.”
This surely explains the unrelenting parade of crashes, panics, and depressions before 1913, too.
Is it possible to get a troll with half a brain to come here? Maybe we should run an ad in Craigslist.
You can watch the Gonzaga-North Carolina game live on CBS.
1, 39,42,52,54,59,68,69,85
Choked a close game. Final possessions no boxout, no d, desperation shot blocked, turnover.
Not Zags. :(
ABC and NBC chose not to report on the Susan Rice unmasking. Butt they continue to cover the results of the unmasking!
Can you say cover-up?
Disappointing when the real world declines to share your delusions, eh?
And here he is back again….just cant resist can you gman
They didnt play as well as they should have.
But overrated? How you get to the championship game, in a single elimination tourny, and be overrated? They proved they are among the best.
Lolz. You must be a husky fan.
Zags still kick ass….
0-1 against Top 10 teams.
The teams they should have had to beat conveniently cleared the way for them Arizona, Baylor, Villanova, Florida. There is no denying they had the easiest route to the final game with unranked Xavier in the regional and unranked South Carolina.
They got beat by the only quality team they faced in the single elimination tournament. And they lost to totally unranked BYU at home so it wasn’t a surprise that this team was overated.
Move to a real conference. Stop padding, and puffing your chest against Loyola Marymount and Pepperdine and San Diego and University of Pacific….
Adam Morrison, top 10 NBA draft bust. Where did he go to school and play ball? Was Ryan Leaf is role model?
Must be an Eastern Washington thing, giving rise to “Couging it”.
Only one school east of the Cascades that is really worth anything and it isn’t WSU or Gonzaga.
Way to settle for second best just like #86 Sellen.
Max when you leaving? When’s you next snowmobile trip?
98 no better than 86. Poor Zzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaagggss!
Called it!
102 more fun than watching the ZZZZZzzzzzaaaaaaagggggs looooooooooose!
“Lolz. You must be a husky fan.”
Maybe he’s just not a loser like the ZZZZzzzaaggs and you. The overrated had a hard time bullying their way to the top.
A grown man putting a z after lol. Too funny.
Maybe you should starte to post tweets.
Nice hole digger. Maybe the MTA really will call Max, if they need an A-hole bully.
So what’s in the news today, besides the Trump team violating the Logan Act and undermining the incumbent POTUS by secretly conducting foreign policy with Russia before taking office?
Yep..husky fan
You know the zags used to pad their record and against the UW every year, until the UW tapped out and refused to play the team from the little school in spokane…
Notice you didnt say shit until they lost…
Still a great team of kids who should be proud.
Another husky fan…celebrating their 5 wins this season? Lolz
Oh yes….ole gman throws 5 unsolicited bombs, then will go crying because he is getting “bullied”.
A career going nowhere.
Snowmobiling? Maybe next november or december….its almost boating season now…
And no, you cant come along.
Check the record.
Anyone remember UCLA making Adam Morrison cry? Spokane believed it was a great team that year. It wasn’t homers. Playing tough road games gets a team ready for March. Gonzaga never plays tough road games. They didn’t play a road game at all until mighty University if Pacific in late December.
BTW Karnowski is a future NBA bust. He got exposed last night. ONE field goal. No assists. You can look at the shot chart and see Carolina only made 5 shits outside the paint. So much for the defensive power. HE’s got game against the 6-10 West Coast centers but a beast like he’ll find in the show, nothing. He dropped to the second round in a single game.
Im sorry, remind me again who made it to THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME?
I forgot……
and please, remind me again who has made it into the tourny for what…18 or 19 years STRAIGHT….I forgot that one too.
when was the last time the UW got into the tourny? 2012?
Hard to say…..he did have a pretty awful game. Seems like he got spooked and stopped shooting…he should have kept going in strong to the basket…at least it would have drawn fouls.
and speaking of overrated and choking…how about that Husky football team?
they gonna get destroyed next year.
Ha! Not a Husky fan at all. Well that isn’t entirely true, I’m alway happy to see them beat WSU, but that stems more from the dislike of that cow-college than admiration or support for the Huskies.