Carla at Premptive Karma has the scoop:
A DC political operative has told me that Brent Wilkes, one of the individuals charged with bribing Republican Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham, has struck a deal with prosecutors to testify.
Wilkes will implicate four more Republicans for possible criminal activity: Richard Pombo,John Doolittle,Duncan Hunter, and Jerry Lewis.
Carla can’t second-source it, but she says it comes from an extremely reliable source who is “highly confident” of the information. She goes on to write:
The same source is also indicating that Republican Congressman Tom DeLay will step down if he wins his primary. This would allow for the RNC to appoint someone new to his seat to run against the Democrat in November.
Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
[Cross-posted at Daily Kos]
It’s not just Duke who needs to be punished.
Randy “Duke”, You acted like a Washington, D. C. Democrat. Kind of like Marion Berry. Or Bill Clinton taking a few million from the U.A.E. to push the port deal. You fucked up, and as a Republican, you must pay.
Ah, jeez, can you imagine that. . .a crooked, convicted Republican. Whodathunkit!
Let’s see now, Bill Clinton, out of office, allegedly takes money to push a Bush initiative, and you criticize Clinton.
Do you enjoy making an ass of yourself?
K, Did Clinton register as an agent for a foreign government? As a lobbist for the UAE, he is required to register, or he has broken the law [again].
Democrats Cynthia McKinney/Maxine Waters 2008!!! If you don’t support this ticket you are racist and the brothers will burn down your neighborhood.
Did Bush Sr. (aka Papa Bush – you know the one who got his ass kicked up one side of the street and down the other by Bill Clinton) register as an agent for a foreign government? As a lobbist for the Saudis he is required to register, or he has broken the law again! Of course his son, Baby Bush broke the law too when he let 200 Osama relatives fly out of the US on 9-11 but who’s counting?
Reports are George Bush Jr. had 50 chances to get Osama before 9.11 but passed since his daddy and Osama’s daddy were in business together. Traitors!
I wouldn’t mind seeing Pombo go to jail! He’s the jackass who has been blocking the Wild Sky Wilderness legislation.
“Randy “Duke”, You acted like a Washington, D. C. Democrat.”
Give it up, JCH! Duke is a REPUBLICAN. You fuckers own this scandal — it’s ALL YOURS, buddy.
It’s great seeing all these republican crooks get what’s coming to em! America will get a good reminder of this long list of traitors when the next election comes around.
Katherine Harris is next. Took $80,000 of bribe money.
No wait, she took $32,000 — the rest of the 80K went to other GOP criminals.
GOP = crime syndicate
I can’t wait for Richard Pombo to be implicated.
I’m too mature to make any Jerry Lewis jokes!
“Whooooo…aaahhh…oooohhh…oooohhhh…. FLAAAAAAAVIN!!!!!!!!!”
IF this is true, and as of now, I still feel this is a big if (Nothing against Carla, I just don’t trust anonymous single source stories, nor do I think the dems have that kind of luck), it would be a major hit to the House GOP, and Duncan Hunter would be a big loss to the wingers. And it could start the flood. The wingnuts and the White House are trying to explain that breaching is not the same as topping (care to explain what the meaning of is is for me Mr. President). They have been exposed for being both morally and intellectually bankrupt. With Abramoff, Libby, Delay and everything else crashing down over the rest of the year, unless Howard Dean marries Ralph Nader (or, to turn on Just another Chicken Hawk, Hillary Clinton does a porn film with Maxine Waters), the Democrats will roll One just has to be amazed at how quickly the GOP went totally and to the core corrupt. Better minds than mind have said that Bush would win two terms but destroy the party. He had some help, but, by the gods, he just might do it.
Which would be fine if the wreckage was not going to be so bad for the whole country. And for what other than personal glory? The republic will survive, but sadly it did not have to be this way.
As for Delay, I doubt that will happen. I have a feeling he will hang on to power until his fingernails are pulled out by the effort. He knows nothing else.
And the best thing is that most of the wingnuts, from those on this board to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to Falafel Bill think it is all a great liberal conspiracy. I’m sure if you continue the video tape, after Bush says “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees,” if you continue the tape he goes on to say “Top? Fuck yeah, we knew that could happen. Shame, too, we were totally prepare for that. But breaching, nope, who could have thought or been prepared for that.”
It would be like if we liberals were arguing “Of course he got an intern to blow him. He’s President, it’s a hard job, how can you be so anti-American to suggest that he should not have a blow job. How can you hate God so much?”
I thought Jerry Lewis died…is he still doin the telethon?
“As for Delay, I doubt that will happen. I have a feeling he will hang on to power until his fingernails are pulled out by the effort. He knows nothing else.”
He is a bug killer by trade. He can always find a job killing bugs when he is in prison.
“He can always find a job killing bugs when he is in prison.”
Too bad the French shut down Devil’s Island. He could have been sent there to eat bugs with Papillon.
I am not a supporter of capital punishment. But considering that cockroaches like Delay and Bush are great advocates (and in Bush’e case executioner) of capital punishment, I just cannot believe that the kinds of crimes these NeoCons are committing do not rise to the level of a capital offense.
You want to stop NeoCon corruption?
Hang ’em. Hang ’em all.
I knew that bastard George W. Bush was complicit in the 9/11 tragedy when I saw the look on his face as he read that story to those children. His look said: “I’ve crossed the Rubicon and I don’t know if I will get away with it. But I hope I do! ’cause I know what’s best!”
Fuck you ‘George. You don’t know your ass from your elbow, and I could see you realized that as Katrina unfolded — you incompetent piece of Texas trailer trash.
Headless Lucy, You need a little “Tookie Williams” love from Don to help relax you. Bend over and take Don’s 3 and one half inches of “love”!!!
Take it from behind, Headless Lucy!!! Nothing like a little Democrat “Tookie Williams” HIV positive to make your Democrat day!!!
[JCH]: If you want to get personal I could put you in a full nelson and make you do the funky chicken — if you know what I mean,,,
[JCH] = skid mark on the undergarment of life
Are you a woman? or are you gay?
The brackets around the initials thing is a feminine trait apparently, I guess it is especially characteristic of a dominatrix. you available?
P.S. Only if yur a women. I’m not into the gay thing
not that ther’s anything wrong with that
The only piece of ass JCH has ever gets is when his finger slips through the toilet paper. I am concerned about him too. This fixation on “Tookie love” seems to have taken over his life. Get some help, JCH.
Just to stay on the subject, the RightWingNuts seem to have trouble reading the writing on the prison walls. Speaking of “Tookie love”, hope Cunningham can relax, if you catch my drift.
OMG I did the thing I hate most. Horrible grammar. It should read:
The only piece of ass JCH ever gets……..
I will punish myself by not speaking ill of RightWingNuts for one minute. la la la laaa laaa la la la…….times up.
JCH, you are the ignoranus of the week. Ignoranus is when you are stupid and an asshole. (I over use this, but it fits so well).
Cunningham was blubbering when he confessed.. he blubbered when he was sentenced.
He will not blubber when he is incarcerated.
ALl the prison cell walls will echo is:
These same cries of pain ill be repeated by DeLay, Frist, Bush, Cheney… and all the NeoCon bastards that sold out our country!
Long Live the USA and its Dream of Freedom and Liberty!
@ 29 “Horrible grammar” is obviously foregiveable.
Selling out our country is a sin never justifiable.
The NeoCons will hang for sins against humanity.
The Hague awaits.
Oddly enough, the rapture will not be what the Evangicals expect.
It will be a “cleansing” of the Death Cult of NeoConservatism.
Light the fires! Prepare the Scaffolds!
I can’t wait for the Rapture to get here! A flash and a bang … and pow, just like that, 144,000 Republicans disappear.
hahaha! That’s good Roger….
Roger Rabbit: Often, you write about initiating sex with an armadillo on this website. Was this one of your relatives humping a pig? Comm College Professor Resigns – When you leave liberals in charge of anything, anything goes!
WoodTV now that’s funny!
Headless Lucy: Full nelson? Isn’t that a wrestling move performed from behind your opponent? Having JCH perfrom the funky chicken…? Does that funky chicken move have anything to do with the Hershey Highway? Is that why you called it the “funky chicken”? As an ex-wrestler, we wore smaller cups in our jocks than we did playing football. Apparently, headless lucy doesn’t wear a cup, but wants to bone JCH for the funky chicken move? Are you demonstrating to all here on this web site your TRUE colors? That’s just sick!
Donnageddon, why do you like making multiple references to The Hague? Are they efficiently prosecuting Slobodon Milosevic? Why do you love foreign courts prosecuting Americans? Why haven’t you called for The Hague to prosecute the killers of Ron Brown, the drug cartel operating out of Mena, Arkansas, or better yet, the killing of Mary Jo Kopechne? Such a silly ass you are!
While I am on the subject of donnageddon, you claim to be a gay marriage proponent. In post #30 you refer to the type of future loving Randy Cummingham will receive as “YOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!! OUUUCH!!!!!” Isn’t that the type of loving one gay does to the other when he inserts is wood into another guy’s hairy ass? Please tell me, what were you trying to say in #30? You claim to be a proponent of gay marriage but you denigrate their only act. You are weird!
I was reading last weeks’ tete-a-tete you had with Puddy. I have to admit after reading post #30 above, you need psychological assistance, immediately!!!
MyLeftFoot@28: Is that something you often do to yourself, so you assume JCH does it too? The imagery was impressive. But when you stimulate your brain, don’t assume others are physically built like you.
Mike Webb posted the last five comments on this board. Sucks huh?
Disgraced former Congressman Duke Cunningham has announced his engagement to Bruno “Big Stick” Inurass. A June ceremony is planned. After a brief honeymoon in the showers of their concrete and bar home, they will reside in Cell 69 A Block. Duke apologizes to those in the nearby cells and wishes to assure everyone that those are screams of pleasure and he is thoroughly enjoying his relationship with Bruno.
Mike Webb Sucks @ 39,
Snappy retort! We are impressed by your mastery of the English language. Your parents must be so proud.
Why do many of these wingers sound soooo familiar? Mr. Cynical, Oink, JCH, Mike Webb Sucks. At least Janet S. has more on her mind than anal sex.
WoodTV now that’s funny!
Commentby Mike Webb Sucks— 3/4/06@ 7:55 am
You know I think that guy that got killed in Enumclaw was a community college proffesor from Seattle. Go figure.
Did Bush Sr. (aka Papa Bush – you know the one who got his ass kicked up one side of the street and down the other by Bill Clinton)
Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 3/3/06@ 6:24 pm
Bill had help from good old boy Ross Perot. You dems need third party help to get into the White House.
Cunningham was blubbering when he confessed.. he blubbered when he was sentenced.
He will not blubber when he is incarcerated.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/3/06@ 11:16 pm
Blubber. Now that is something you donks know about. Remember this…. sniff blubber sniff tear “Let every donk vote count”. That was classic blubbering by Paul Berendt.
RE 43: Yes, Janet S. does have more on her mind. She was publicly dutch-doored last summer br Charlton Heston and Karl Rove at a beer-bash Republican fundraiser held on a large houseboat in the middle of Lake Mead. I’ve seen the videos of it.
Loose lips sink ships , Janet!! Wink! Wink!
RUFUS @ 45
“Bill had help from good old boy Ross Perot. You dems need third party help to get into the White House.”
You’ve got the causality backwards. Perot was taken seriously by a non-trivial fraction of voters because the Republicans had such shit-fer-brains candidates to offer.
Wow, it’s a real fun forest here with MWS and DOOFUS. Just keep make sh*t up guys – while all your beloved Republicans are lining up to go to jail – which is amazing considering they practically run the whole store.
What do you expect from republican wack jobs? Anal sex is all they can think about since so many of them are headed to prison! HE HE!
It is interesting how many posters from both the left and the right think male-male rape is OK.
HO, ho, ho.
Rape is rape. I have had it to the gills with all the sour, vapid and vilely stupid jokes.
And of course, the subtext, go act out your fantasy, see some porn, kiss anther male and propose sex – you will feel better, and better understand male-male rape is a very sick joke.
Had enough to last a lifetime.
You righties need to start comparing apples and oranges.
Seems to me that the Dem example of corruption similar to the Dukester is Dan Rostenkowski.
Rostenkowski kept “ghost” employees on his payroll, used Congressional funds to buy gifts such as chairs and ashtrays., and trading in officially purchased stamps for cash at the House post office.
Compared to Cunningham selling defense contracts for $2.4 M in cash and prizes, Rosti got caught stealing cookies.
Oink! Rufus! Mike Webb Sucks! Please join me at Mr. Cynical’s horse property in Enumclaw. Our Dear Leader is there to inspire us!
Jim West: The horseabuserer was from liberal land, Seattle. How much more do you need to know? He was a liberal! Repeat after me: He was a liberal!
Bob from Boeing: I decry how your lefty friends use anal sex to tease about Duke Cunningham. If these so called your friends of gay marriage use how you and windie do it as jokes, it means your gay sex is the butt-end of all their jokes. See how they use you to further their means?
Jim West – Republican – Child molesting coward – nuff said.
Laura Bush must have gotten out of the house again!
George W. Bush went Awol and his wife Laura says he likes to jerk off horses til they splooge. Talk about a control freak!
headless lucy: Not a good try at humor. Stick to your gay sex jokes.
It’s not humor. It’s reporting.
And who the hell are you to tell me what to say or not say?
Go fuck yourself! And use your real name like the rest of us do, you cowardly gay porn afficionado.
Mike Webb Sucks doesn’t realize that pres. Bush actually WAS outed by his wife, Laura ( not Condi ) for horse jerk off activities. Or maybe MWS approves of that as a presidential hobby?
It’s a long way from bowling. Nixon had a bowling lane installed in the White House. What do you suppose Bush will have installed?
Mike Webb! Sucks!
Dear Leader!
Like I said lucy, poor attempt at humor. Headless Lucy is your real name? I guess your parents had real issues upon your birth!
I am not a gay porn afficionado. That’s you. You write about anal rape, not me. You are going to make JCH perform the funky chicken from a full nelson. You said it so there must be some experience at this activity.
Bob from Boeing: you need to raise your issues with teh person who calls himself Jim West.
Mike Webb Sucks:
Conservative Republicans used to have an eleventh commandment about not speaking ill of another conservative Republican.
Well Karl Rove changed that one in more ways than one but the ultimate gist of the thing was: DON’T GET CAUGHT.
I was too busy earning a living for my family to pay heed.
Reply to 58
DA WO = Dumb Ass Wash Out!
Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! Dumb Ass Wash Out! neener neener
Reply to 58 (continued)
You can lick my marshmallow anytime! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
“Bill had help from good old boy Ross Perot. You dems need third party help to get into the White House. Commentby RUFUS— 3/4/06@ 9:36 am
Hooo-boy … time for a reality check!
Bush Sr.: down 4.9%
Clinton: up 14.5%
Bush Sr.: down 2.2%
Bush Sr.: up 6.5 million
Clinton: down 7.7 million
Bush Jr.: up 1.3 million
Bush Sr.: 2.3 million new jobs
Clinton: 22.9 million new jobs
Bush Jr.: 1.5 million fewer jobs
Bush Sr.: deficit of $290 billion in last year
Clinton: surplus of $236 billion in last year
Bush Jr.: deficit of $423 billion in latest year (excluding off budget war costs)
Bush Sr.: up 1.9%
Clinton: down 3.1%
Bush Sr.: up 1.5%
Bush Sr.: up 1.4%
Clinton: down 0.8%
Bush Jr.: up 0.4%
Give it up. Clinton will forever be known as the “blowjob president”. Well that and elected by only 42% or the popular vote.
“blowjob president”
Rufus!!! We must meet at Mr. Cynical’s ranch!
Our Dear Leader is waiting!
27 Hispanics in van charged, then released
GREG ALTUM, Staff Writer
Coffee County authorities charged 27 suspected illegal aliens with criminal trespassing after the van they were in was stopped on Interstate 24, but they were later released after the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Department refused to deal with them.
According to his report, Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Blackburn stopped a 1995 GMC van for reckless driving at the 100 eastbound exit on I-24 at 11:39 p.m. Tuesday.
When Blackburn walked up to the vehicle, he discovered the driver did not speak English and had no driver’s license and that there were 26 others of Hispanic nationality packed inside.
None of the men spoke English or were U.S. citizens, the report stated, and all were transported to the Coffee County Jail and charged with criminal trespassing.
[New Democrat voters on their way to register to vote in time for 2006!!!!!! Only another 10 million illegals from Mexico to go!!]
Jim West:
I’m warning you for the last time: stay away from my pun.. err. most earnest new acolytes. Again, you have committed the worst crime for a Republican – getting caught. Any conservative who falls from favor is immediately considered a liberal. Face facts – you are a liberal now.
Mr. Cynical’s ranch is off limits to you. It is a place reserved only for the most highest level discussions amongst the elite of the Republican party.
Report immediately to RNC headquarters to assist me in the production of talking points. I dictate and you… you know what you have to do.
Clinton ended his Presidential career with a 65% approval rating, the highest end-of-term approval rating of any President in the post-Eisenhower era.
Clinton won the 1992 election by over 6% of the popular vote
Clinton won the 1996 election by over 8.5 % of the popular vote.
Bush Jr LOST the 2000 election popular vote
Bush Jr. won the 2004 election by 2.4% of the popular vote.
Clinton will be known for
More than 22 million new jobs
Homeownership rate increase from 64.0% to 67.5%
Lowest unemployment rate in 30 years
Higher incomes at all levels
Largest budget deficit in American history converted to the largest surplus of over $200 billion
Lowest government spending as a percentage of GDP since 1974
Higher stock ownership by families than ever before
220% increase in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, 300% increase in the Nasdaq from 1993 to 2001
Bush Jr. will be known as the Worst.President.Ever
Clinton won the 1992 election by over 6% of the popular vote
Clinton beat two conservative and only 42% of Americans wanted him president. Almost all of Perot votes were would be Bush votes. No Perot in 1992 no Clinton elected. Nuff said.
I have got a question. Why do you libs have to be subsidized in you free speech.
If you donks aren’t physically molesting school kids you are mentally molesting them. Geeeeesh.
RUFUS Almost all of Perot votes were would be Bush votes.”
I would ask for evidence, but since it is well established that you just make shit up, I won’t bother.
Yeah. The donks have been champions of the “big business” model of running government for a long time.
Donks vote for big business Texans all the time…. hehehehehhehe
LauraBushKilledAGuy @8
Reports are George Bush Jr. had 50 chances to get Osama before 9.11
So, this blog has a drooling answer to the drooling JCH. Good on ya…
@ 78- 79 That is not evidence, it is just more making shit up.
Donna your common sense amazes me.
RUFUS, Your ability to keep a straight face as you make shit up, disgusts me.
re 64: MWS: “I’ll put you in a choke hold and make you do the funky chicken!” is something street cops say to newly captured perps to make them quiet down.
I truly do not know how you got gay sex out of it. Maybe a little introspection is in order for you.
I dont blame Donna for being a little ticked off. It’s been 30 years since a donk has been elected with over 50% of the vote. On top of that Carter was one of the worst presidents ever.
90% of all child raptists are republicans. Lush Flimbaugh is a drug addict and so are all of Baby Bush’s neices. Laura Bush killed a guy. The Bush twins are lushes, drunks and whores. Papa Bush helped Osama get into the US so he could plot 9.11. Prescott Bush was Hitler’s right hand man. Dickless Cheney ordered the outing of a CIA agent for political gain. Deke Cunningham and 28 other GOP assholes sold their government out for money. Dickless Cheney got drunk and shot a guy. All republicans are chickenhawks, cowards and traitors. Blackjack Billy Bennett gambled his kids’ savings away. And that’s just the first paragraph of my new book, “If you’re a stupid, inbred, traitor and coward, vote GOP.”
90% of all child raptists are republicans. Lush Flimbaugh is a drug addict and so are all of Baby Bush’s neices. Laura Bush killed a guy.
We cant get at the Democratic child moleters. NAMBLA is protected by the ACLU and dont even get me started about the teachers union.
@85, The full nelson hold does not cause one to perform the funky chicken. Using another move does. You are good at it. You are the wrestling coach.
“Give it up. Clinton will forever be known as the “blowjob president”. Well that and elected by only 42% or the popular vote. Commentby RUFUS— 3/4/06@ 5:36 pm”
Electoral Votes …
1992 – 1996 … Clinton 749, Republicans 327
2000 – 2004 … Bush 557, Democrats 517
LauraBushKilledAGuy @(Um, wherever),
Thank you JCH for your heartfelt beliefs, now go fuck yourself.
Clinton will forever be known as one of the 20th century’s best presidents.
Bush will forever be known as the most incompetent and corrupt president since Grant.
1992 – 1996 … Clinton 749, Republicans 327
Not bad for a guy who average 46% of the popular vote in the 90’s. And you donks whine about Gore in 2000.
In two elections, Clinton got 412 more electoral votes* than his Republican opponents.
In two elections, Bush got 40 more electoral votes** than his Democratic opponents.
* Undisputed
** Disputed
re 86: Then why are you always crying that Democrats are the source of all problems when, accoeding to you, Righties have been in control all along?
I shouldn’t complain, though, because as Walt Whitman said: “Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.”
In two elections, Bush got 40 more electoral votes** than his Democratic opponents.
* Undisputed
** Disputed
If you subtract out all the fruadulent donk votes and if the military was given a fair shot to vote Bush would have picked up a couple more states. Big deal. The outcome was right.
re 88: Speaking of the teachers’ union, the Florida Supreme Court just declared school vouchers as being un-constitutional.
That means, Mr. Kickapoo Joy Juice, that it AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!
headless lucy @ 96
“Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.”
And your point regarding anybody else but you?…
RE 99: READ #98 , WISEACRE………… That’s my point!
In 1992, Clinton won the popular vote by 5.6%.
In 1996, Clinton won the popular vote by 8.0%.
In 2000, Bush lost the popular vote by 0.5%.
In 2004, Bush won the popular vote by 4.0%.
“Roger Rabbit: Often, you write about initiating sex with an armadillo on this website. Was this one of your relatives humping a pig?”
Since you’re new here, I’ll explain it to you:
Fuck you, and fuck the armadillo you rode in on.
Nobody killed Ron Brown. He died in a plane crash. Now take your silly-ass conspiracy theories back to the wingnut website you crawled out of.
Uhh, sorry headless lucy, but I fail to see your point even now…
I did see a great movie last night. Walk the Line…Oh, never mind…
In 1992 how many state(s) did Clinton win with over 50% of the popular vote?
“On top of that Carter was one of the worst presidents ever. Commentby RUFUS— 3/4/06@ 6:48 pm”
When future historians speak about Bush, they won’t put the “one of” qualifier in front of “worst president ever.”
Jimmy Carter was a decent man who inherited an economic mess from Nixon and Ford. He took the hit for what they did.
And then as soon as Raygun got in, the country had its worst depression since the 1930s. The official unemployment rate (which understates the true unemployment rate) was above 7% for 6 of 8 years while Raygun ws in office, and was close to 10% for 2 of those years. It was 7.5% in 1992, the last year Bush “41” was in office. Under Clinton, it steadily dropped to 4.0%; under Bush “43” it jumped above 5% where it has remained, and 43’s deficits guarantee high interest rates and high unemployment for years to come.
Republicans like high unemployment because desperate job seekers will accept lower wages and worse working conditions.
In 1992 how many state(s) did Clinton win with over 50% of the popular vote?
Arkansas 1
In fact Bush won more State by 50% or more or the poplar vote in 2004 then Clinton did in both 1992 & 1996.
There’s always more unemployment under Republicans, as shown by this chart:
Job Record of Modern Presidents
(Jobs Created as % of Labor Force)
Jobs Records of Presidents
(as percentage of workforce)
Democrat Roosevelt 5.3%
Democrat Johnson 3.8%
Democrat Carter 3.1%
Democrat Truman 2.5%
Democrat Clinton 2.4%
Democrat Kennedy 2.3%
Republican Nixon 2.2%
Republican Reagan 2.1%
Republican Coolidge 1.1%
Republican Ford 1.1%
Republican Eisenhower 0.9%
Republican Bush Sr. 0.6%
Republican Bush Jr. -0.7%
Republican Hoover -9.0%
OMG – Roger Rabbit you don’t say, do you? @107 you claim Carter was a decent man (I do not dispute that) “who inherited an economic mess from Nixon and Ford.”
Yeah, so did Reagan…after Carter…
marks: Be clear and say what’s on your mind. This feminine sniping and cattiness is annoying.
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003:
–Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net jobs — Republicans 36,440,000.
–Per Year Average — Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Republicans had 9 presidents during the period and 6 had depression or recession.
–The Dow AVerage grew by 52% more under Democrats.
–GDP grew by 43% more under Democrats.
Comparing Clinton to Reagan:
–JOBS grew by 43% more under Clinton.
–GDP grew by 57% more under Clinton.
–The Dow Average grew by 700% more under Clinton..
–The NASDAQ Average grew 18 times as much under Clinton.
–SPENDING grew by 28% under Clinton, 80% under Reagan.
–The NATIONAL DEBT grew 43% under Clinton, 187% under Reagan.
–DEFICITS — Clinton realized a surplus, deficits grew by 112% under Reagan.
–NATIONAL INCOME grew by 100% more under Clinton.
–PERSONAL INCOME grew by 110% more under Clinton.
SOURCES-Bureau of Labor Statistics (
Economic Policy Institute ( & World Almanacs from 1980 to 2003 (annual issues)
Jimmy Carter was a decent man who inherited an economic mess from Nixon and Ford. He took the hit for what they did.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 7:24 pm
Jimmy Carter was as much resposible for the economy under his presidency as Clinton was for the economy of the 90’s.
So much for “supply side” a.k.a. “voodoo” economics.
Reagan would have had a lot better economy if he didnt have to fix Carter’s mess.
You had to drive real fast in late 70’s to the supermarket or else you ran short on money to buy groceries.
The only good things coming out of the Carter era was Billy beer and the pet rock.
“Jimmy Carter was as much resposible for the economy under his presidency as Clinton was for the economy of the 90’s.”
Gee Doofus, if that’s how it works, then Dubya is responsible for the recession that started in March 2001, isn’t he?
You can pet my rocks anytime you want to! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
Reagan would have had a lot better economy if he hadn’t gone on a credit-card sending binge.
Reagan would have had a lot better economy if he hadn’t gone on a credit-card sending binge.
oops — sorry for double post, and “sending” should say “spending”
working this computer mouse with furry paws isn’t the easiest thing in the world
Reagan did his best work when he slept through cabinet meetings.
Roger Rabbit @126
Reagan did his best work when he slept through cabinet meetings.
Apparently, so does Ruth Bader Ginsburg…though it was merely a meeting of the SCOTUS…
Gee Doofus, if that’s how it works, then Dubya is responsible for the recession that started in March 2001, isn’t he?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 7:55 pm
If Dubya is responsible for the recession of 2001 then Bush Sr was responsible for the economy of the 90’s. Clinton just rode the coat tails of Reagan/BushSr.
Doofus @110
Clinton received 14,015,626 more votes than his two GOP opponents, whereas Dubya received only 2,468,683 more votes than his two Democratic opponents, even though the number of people voting increased by 44% between 1992 and 2004.
Clinton is modern history’s most popular president. Bush is one of U.S. history’s least popular presidents.
Apparently, so does Ruth Bader Ginsburg…though it was merely a meeting of the SCOTUS…
Commentby marks— 3/4/06@ 8:05 pm
That not so bad. Hell I would rather her sleep through them then actually use her liberal logic. She probably made some of her best decisions that way.
“Clinton just rode the coat tails of Reagan/BushSr.”
Hardly. Unemployment and interest rates were high when Bush Sr. left office. Clinton won by campaigning on the economy — “it’s the economy, stupid” — remember?
Interesting how wingnut liars give Reagan credit for Clinton’s economy, and blame Clinton for Dubya’s economy.
Seems inconsistent, doesn’t it?
So what’s your reply to #114, Doofus?
The only truthful reply is … REPUBLICAN ECONOMICS SUCK.
Two republican opponents in 1992 accounted for 56% of the popular vote whereas the two democratic opponents accounted for 48% of the vote in 2004.
So what’s your reply to #114, Doofus?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 8:17 pm
Republicans fix democratic messes and donks ride on the repubuplican’s coat tails when it comes to the economy.
The only truthful reply is … REPUBLICAN ECONOMICS SUCK.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 8:18 pm [Karl Marx couldn’t have said it better!! Democrats: communist parasites]
Hardly. Unemployment and interest rates were high when Bush Sr. left office. Clinton won by campaigning on the economy – “it’s the economy, stupid” – remember?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 8:15 pm
The economy turned the corner right before the election. The MSM noise machine was working overtime to create that illusion. Yeah – Them were some bad times in 92…. give me a break.
The Marquette Decision by the Supreme Court in 1978 had a lot to do with subsequent inflationary problems. Presidential politics had nothing to do with infarion in the Carter Administration.
Hardly. Unemployment and interest rates were high when Bush Sr. left office. Clinton won by campaigning on the economy – “it’s the economy, stupid” – remember?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 8:15 pm
I guess that campaign worked a little. He was able to get 42% of the vote on that Mantra. I HATE ROSS PEROT!
“Two republican opponents in 1992 accounted for 56% of the popular vote whereas the two democratic opponents accounted for 48% of the vote in 2004. Commentby RUFUS— 3/4/06@ 8:21 pm”
Perot wasn’t a Republican opponent.
Perot ran as an independent reformer, and many of his votes came from Democrats.
Clinton did more than get 42% of the (popular) vote, he created over 20 million jobs — and was re-elected with over 50% of the vote, even though Perot was on the ballot again.
Doofus just can’t stand it that Clinton is much more popular than Bush, and was much more successful.
Before I forget …
D u m b
A s s
W a s h
O u t
The Marquette Decision by the Supreme Court in 1978 had a lot to do with subsequent inflationary problems. Presidential politics had nothing to do with infarion in the Carter Administration.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/4/06@ 8:29 pm
Actually inflation stopped soon after Reagan and Paul Volker went from a Keynesian to a monetarist based policy in the early 80’s. This dropped inflation from 13% to 3% but not without massive unemployment. The unemployment problem was fixed by a number of new tax policies that increased capital expenditures by business. Big tax breaks were given to automakers as well as other big businesses and deregulation made it easier for business to make money. The combination of low stable inflation, tax breaks and deregulation caused the economy to take off in 1984/1985.
Perot wasn’t a Republican opponent.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 8:35 pm
Perot ran as an independent reformer, and many of his votes came from Democrats.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 8:35 pm
Yeah we all know how fond democrats are of big business types from Texas. There was probably tens, no make that “tens of tens” of democrats that voted for Perot. yeah…
Let see…. democratic politicians calling for government to be run like a business. Let see there is yeah … oh and there is whats his yeah….. er yeah… Cant think of any names but I am sure a democrat lied somewhere to get elected on this premise.. yeah. er
Rufus @147
Outstanding! Somebody paid attention to the course…
headless lucy @140 (or anybody else)
Presidential politics had nothing to do with infarion in the Carter Administration.
I can’t find infarion on MW. What is it? I do not mean to flame, I just like to know the terms…
Perot ran as an independent reformer, and many of his votes came from Democrats.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/4/06@ 8:35 pm
[RR, Are you on drugs? Total bullshit.]
Still no evidence that Perot voters were Republicans.
WHat a fantasy world NeoCons live in.
re 147: What does the word “deregulation” mean to you? To me, it means the laws no longer need to be observed.
When you have deregulation you have corporate lawbreaking on a huge scale.
Reagan NEVER got a grip on inflation. What he did do was have the greatest tax hike in history — via the DOUBLING of the social security withholding — which he used to cover the tax breaks for corporations and the rich.
Republicans lie and suck.
deregulation = lawlessness
Corporations are regarded as “people” now. Psychotic people with now regard for anything but their own profit.
Deregulation of these psychotic “people” is suicide.
“people with now regard” should be – people with no regard
The S&L disaster of the 80s was a result of deregulation.
We are still paying for it.
@158- as was the Enron debacle of recent of recent years. Take the money and run. Leave someone else to clean up the mess.
American citizens should run up huge credit card bills and refuse to pay them until business comes to heel. They will ,you know.
Or we can all wait til they finish their “race to the bottom” and it will happen anyway. At least now it’s a tactic that’s available.
Sorry Lucy, they “fixed” that with the bankrupcy bill. Remember who their primary client is.
If Clinton was so popular and the economy so good when he was president them why were the democrats taken too the wood shed and got their ass beaten in with a sledge hammer in 1994. That was such an overwhelming ass kicking you dems are still realing from it.
I’m talking about civil disobedience.
If Bush is so popular, why does America hate him so much?
Rufus at 76:
Every poll I know of that asked Perot voters who their second choice would have been showed them going heavily Clinton. Can you cite a single poll that says other wise?
Rufus at 97:
“If you subtract out all the fruadulent donk votes and if the military was given a fair shot to vote Bush would have picked up a couple more states.”
Just because you wish it was true, doesn’t make it true. Although I would guess on your more sober days even you would admit that we would have been much better off if the Supreme Court had not prevented Gore from being President. I know it is hard to accept that you have enabled the ruin of this country by supporting the likes of Bush and Delay, but the republic shall survive.
Rufus at 76:
Every poll I know of that asked Perot voters who their second choice would have been showed them going heavily Clinton. Can you cite a single poll that says other wise?
Rufus at 97:
“If you subtract out all the fruadulent donk votes and if the military was given a fair shot to vote Bush would have picked up a couple more states.”
Certainly. Here is a link to the non parisan American Center for Voting Rights.
And here’s a study which indicates Perot didn’t matter:
The results
are that 49.5% of the Perot voters would have voted for Bush; 50.5% would have voted for Clinton.
Leave it to RUFUS to post a non-existant URL @ 167.
RUFUS = Making up shit
The page cannot be found that is RUFUS’s “citation”!!!
RUFUS, why do you just make shit up?
Is your NeoCon world crumbling around you?
RUFUS thinks that if he posts a non-existant URL, that somehow magic will happen, and everyone will believe his lies.
RUFUS = Insanity
Argumentum ad nauseum: Moonbat Moby Trolls Congress approves budgets not the president. Reread the Constitution!
Carter – Donkocratic Congress – Donkocrats problem
Reagan – Donkocratic Congress – Donkocrats problem
Bush – Donkocratic Congress – Donkocrats problem
Clinton – 2 Years Donkocratic Congress – Tax Hikes – Donkocrats lose Congress
Clinton – 6 Years Republican Congress – Forces balanced budget, forces welfare reform, economy takes off
Bush – Republican Congress – Republican problem
I wasn’t going to get on this boring thread, but my reading of the Constitution says Congress approves budgets. Who controlled the Congress during which years?
Oh Mike Webb did the work!
MWS stupidly said “Reagan – Donkocratic Congress – Donkocrats problem”
Uh, no. The Republickfuckers controlled the Senate 1981-1987.
That explains why everything got fucked up.
Give a Republican power… bad shit happens.
Why do you post lies, MWS?
PuddyBud stupidly said “my reading of the Constitution says Congress approves budgets.”
Better read it again. The President signs all Budget Bills. He has the final say. That is how Clinton closed down the Government when the RepublickFuckers passed insane budgets bills.
PuddyBud, why do you post lies?
Oh Mike Webb did the work!
Comment by Puddybud — 3/4/06 @ 11:01 pm
Too bad he was working on lies.
MWS stupidly said “Reagan – Donkocratic Congress – Donkocrats problem”
Uh, no. The Republickfuckers controlled the Senate 1981-1987.
Budgets are approved by the house of reps first and then Senate you dumb donk.. The House of Reps were firmly in control by the dems until the slaughter of 1994.
RUFUS in a fit of stupidity said “Budgets are approved by the house of reps first and then Senate you dumb donk.. The House of Reps were firmly in control by the dems until the slaughter of 1994.”
Yeah the Republican controlled senate was responsible for the Budget Bills that are then signed by the President.
Remember RUFUS, MWS said
“Reagan – Donkocratic Congress – Donkocrats problem”
He lied.
And you supported his lie.
RUFUS, why do you make shit up and post fake URLs?
RUFUS, are you incapable of not lying?
Here is that non partisan site again:
Yeah the Republican controlled senate was responsible for the Budget Bills that are then signed by the President.
Remember RUFUS, MWS said
It got to start in the house before it get to the Senate. Which ever party controls the house controls the purse strings.
RUFUS… Holy shit!
The American Center for Voting Rights is as non-partisan as the RNC.
And nothing there to support your lies concerning Perot.
RUFUS, why do you make shit up?
Donna – remeber the phrase “taxation without representation”. You probably dont so let me fill you in. Taxation (budgets) must be approved by the house (representatives) first before it could ever get to the Senate (law makers). Ah you are a product of the public schools. Talking about how our government works with you is useless.
RUFUS in a fit of stupidity said “It got to start in the house before it get to the Senate. Which ever party controls the house controls the purse strings.”
WTF??? It has to pass the Republican Senate, and then be signed by the PResident, you moron!
How do you think Clinton closed down the government? Because he had the balls to tell the Republican controlled congress to eat shit and die.
RUFUS, why do you make shit up?
RUFUS… Holy shit!
The American Center for Voting Rights is as non-partisan as the RNC.
And nothing there to support your lies concerning Perot.
Donna you dont know which way is up.. I was reffering to democratic voter fraud which has been well documented by this and other groups. Donna you are confuse becasue you cant read.
RUFUS… you idiot. If the Senate does not pass the budget bills, and the President does not sign them…. they die.
You are a true believer… in BULLSHIT!
Moron- What use is there if a donkacratic house blocks all spending bills going to the Senate and president to get signed. Donna doesnt know how our govenment works. Donna thinks that spending bills start in the senate. I am going save this. What a dumbass.
Just think of him as DOOFUS the deluded. Down is up. Black is white. Etc.
Hey everyone Donna thinks that budget spending bills start in the Senate. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.
RUFUS in the foggy world of his imagination said “Hey everyone Donna thinks that budget spending bills start in the Senate.”
Donna do you call your Senator first when tax bill in initiated in congress. Ah you are such a dumbasss… Hehehehehehehehehehe
Yeah the Republican controlled senate was RESPONSIBLE for the Budget Bills that are then signed by the President.
Hey everyone… Govmint Donna 101… The senate is responsible for budget bills.. That must mean that the budgets start in the Senate.. Donna doesnt know what he talking about. I am going to save this post. hehhehhehehehe
It will be easy, RUFUS… just scroll up and copy the citation where I said that Budget Bills start in the Senate.
You will be a hero if you find one!
And if you don’t you’ll just be the dumbass RUFUS you have been everyday of your life.
Donna my left ball sack know more about how government works than you…
Yeah the Republican controlled senate was RESPONSIBLE for the Budget Bills that are then signed by the President.
C’mon RUFUS.. just copy and paste so people can see that you are not a dumbass liar!
The verdict is in. RUFUS is a Dumbass Liar.
Yeah the Republican controlled senate was RESPONSIBLE for the Budget Bills that are then signed by the President.
They are you words Donna. Hey Donna why dont you call Murray up to see if she has any inside scoop on any spending bills being initiated in the Senate. Hehehehehehehehehe
RUFUS said
“Yeah the Republican controlled senate was RESPONSIBLE for the Budget Bills that are then signed by the President.
They are you words Donna.”
RUFUS, the House and the Senate vote on the Budget Bills. Twice actually. Then the President signs them. This is what I have said consistantly. It is a fact.
Now, if you have evidence that I ever said that the budget starts in the Senate, as you have said repeatedly, then provide the post number where I said it.
But you won’t be able to. therefore, you are a dumbass liar.
Keep trying, RUFUS! I know in your deluded mind, you think I said what you claim… but you can’t find it!!!!
What a dumbass loser you are.
Republicans are voted for by dumbass lying losers like RUFUS.
That is the tragedy of our times.
Donnod: You said above: “Uh, no. The Republickfuckers controlled the Senate 1981-1987.
That explains why everything got fucked up.
Give a Republican power… bad shit happens.
Why do you post lies, MWS?
Commentby Donnageddon AKA StuckonStupiddon— 3/4/06@ 11:04 pm”
Donnod, I am using your favorite web site over the objections stated some time ago by your friend the ASShole Tree Fag Flamer!
Next donnod:
So the donks of 1974 passed this law to spend all the money even if there was no need for the program or all the money. I guess Nixon was trying to stop Robert KKK Byrd from some of his pet VW programs!
PuddyBud! Good to see you.
What the hell is your point?
I know asking PuddyBud to make some sense seems unfair, but I thought I would try it.
The budget is assigned by the President in early February, but the Congress finalizes it. The president the agrees to it.
So by donnod logic, the Republican Congress proposed a balanced budget and Clinton signed it so the Republicans are the reason the budget was balanced in 1999, 2000, & 2001. Thanks donnod, your logic is impeccable! The Republican Congress is the reason Clinton had a balanced budget under his presidency!!!!
Oh a month ago I was looking for this link. I found it. And donnod, you recently used the WSJ for an argument so it’s fair game! It explains a lot on the Clinton Recession!
Donnod: The point is you are an IDIOT. Figure it out the Congress legislates or will that nanometer sized brain you claim to possess be shutting down again? Are my URL lies too as you accused RUFUS last week?
No argument so posts like #208 APPEAR ON ASSES!
PuddBud! Thank you! Yes, the President proposes a budget, the congress finalizes it, and if acceptable, the President signs it.
That is what I have said all along.
That is why when the Republican congress attempted to pass disasterous budget bills, Clinton did not sign them. He forced them to be fiscally responsible.
And the start of all this BS with RUFUS was MWS’s statement that under Reagan the “Democratic congress” was responisble for his disasterous deficits.
That was and remains BULLSHIT! The Senate was controlled by Republicans, and the president was a Republican.
Regean’s disasterous deficits where the Republican deficits.
Clinton through the power of his pen, and not signing the Republican congress budget bills, is responsible for the budget surplus.
Thanks, PuddyBud! I couldn’t have finalized this truth without you!
RUFUS, why do you lie all the time?
Thanks again, PuddyBud!
Donnod: Reagan’s disastrous deficits were caused by Jim Wright, speaker of the House! He spend $2 for every $1 Reagan saved in his tax cuts. You do need remedial help.
I am glad you agree the Republican Congress balanced the budget from 1999-2001 and not Clinton. See Donnod when you use the nanometer sized brain, you can comprehend facts!
But this line is a killer: That is why when the Republican congress attempted to pass disasterous budget bills, Clinton did not sign them. He forced them to be fiscally responsible. No, Clinton didn’t allow them to cut too deep. But he swallowed welfare reform which he orginally proposed a budget veto over!
Clinton did not propose balanced budgets. He proposed tax increases. You do remember 1994? You better go back and compare what he submitted to what Congress returned!
Why does Bill Clinton accept money from Dubai and the don’t acknowledge Israel and support the Ports deal:
“Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:10 p.m. EST Dubai’s ‘Boycott Israel’ Sheik Funded Bill Clinton
Former President Bill Clinton has accepted at least $1.6 million from the United Arab Emirates, including $300,000 from a Dubai sheik who adamantly backs the country’s controversial boycott of Israel.
On Jan. 17, 2002, Mr. Clinton was paid $300,000 to address the Science, Technology and Arts Royal Summit in Dubai at the invitation of Crown Prince and U.A.E. Defense Minister Sheik Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Less than three months later, Sheik Mohammad urged the United Nations to approve the use of force against Israel to halt what he called the Jewish state’s “butchery” of Palestinians, according to London’s Financial Times.
Mr. Clinton’s benefactor called for then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to “stand trial before the International War Crimes Tribunal,” where Sheik Mohammad said he would “have a prominent place in the list of world’s killers, terrorists and criminals.”
The Dubai sheik then reminded that “Arabs have a wide room for political, diplomatic and economic moves and have the right, at least, to revive the Arab economic boycott to Israel.”
Mr. Clinton accepted another $300,000 from the Dubai regime for a speech in 2005. And his presidential library in Little Rock has collected seven-figure sums from several Arab governments participating in the anti-Israel boycott, including Dubai.
In September 2005, the New York Sun reported:
“When the library opened last year, a computer display in the exhibit halls included information on some, but not all, donors. The Saudi Royal Family and the governments of Dubai, Kuwait, and Qatar all gave $1 million or more.”
The paper noted that after it published a previous list including Mr. Clinton’s Arab donors, “the computer display was shut off. It has not been restored.”
On Thursday morning, NewsMax called the offices of Mr. Clinton, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Sen. Charles Schumer, Rep. Peter King and the Anti-Defamation League in New York, inquiring about the appropriateness of Mr. Clinton taking so much cash from a country that boycotts Israel.
None of the calls had been returned by press time.
Mania, PuddyBud… I fear you have been infected by RUFUS.
You just spout Bullshit, and expect others to believe.
And who is this “Donnod” you keep talking to?
Is he your God?
Dick Morris thinks Bill Clinton is a punk on the Dubai deal:
“He is a paid agent of the crown prince of Dubai. That in addition to the roughly million dollars they gave his library, in addition to the probably $600,000 in speaking fees he got, and in addition to the scholarships for Dubai children they endowed through his library.
“I have three points about that. First, when Bill Clinton tells us this port deal is kosher, he ought to disclose that he’s being paid by the government. Secondly, he should register as an agent of a foreign principal because he’s giving public relations advice to a foreign company. And thirdly, his wife should disclose how much Clinton is being paid and when he’s been paid, because it goes into a joint bank account and this is in effect a payment to the husband of a senator.
“And then I would raise another question: Didn’t Hillary jump out of the box opposing this port deal because she knew of her husband’s vulnerability and wanted to get out ahead of the story? I was talking to a source of mine who’s very close to the Clintons about seven or eight months ago and the source said that he’s all the time going back and forth to Dubai and getting deeper and deeper into that relationship. She (Hillary) was worried about that and its political impact,” Morris said.”
Donnod is you AKA stuckonstupiddon! Delusional, you say one thing and then try to take it back on another entry. Sorry but your idiocy is apparent every time you post!
“Why does Bill Clinton accept money from Dubai and the don’t acknowledge Israel and support the Ports deal”
Because Clinton is, and always has been a moderate Republican.
Now if only we could get rid of our current problem. The Worst.President.Ever.
PuddyBud, you are in true Freeper “truth denial” Mode tonight.
You must have had an extra helping of Kool Aid.
PuddyBud “you say one thing and then try to take it back on another entry.”
PuddyBud, you keep spinning and spinning, don’t you get dizzy?
RR @ 92, I think you are a little bit near sighted Roger. What makes you think that GWB will not pass Grant as the most inept politician of all time? With 2.5 years to go (if he can last that long) he will comfortably reach that pinnacle of RepubliCON aspiration.
Yeah, non-Partisan (like we would forget):
“After recently reporting that the newly-formed, tax-exempt, “non-partisan”, “voters rights” group, calling themselves the ACVR, is apparently little more than a GOP front group run by Dyke (the 2004 Communications Director for the Republican National Committee), Mark F. (Thor) Hearne, II (the National General Counsel for Bush/Cheney ’04 Inc.) and others, we sought to learn more about them.”
“6: The number of days the American Center for Voting Rights, a new, “non-partisan,” “voting rights” organization, had been in existence before it was called to testify by Republican members of Congress before a House Administration Committee hearing on March 22. The American Center for Voting Rights was formed by a lawyer for the Bush-Cheney campaign and the notoriously anti-voting rights Sen. Kit Bond of Missouri, who described the group as a non-partisan, voting rights advocacy group. He testified and submitted a report on Ohio election irregularities, which highlighted the Mary Poppins Conspiracy in this country. If you haven’t heard about it, the Mary Poppins Conspiracy consists of many, many ineligible voters—using the names Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy and Jive F. Turkey—fraudulently voting in elections.
Unfortunately for advocates of this conspiracy theory, a precinct has yet to report that a citizen by the name of Mary Poppins showed up on Election Day and voted. Searches for Dick Tracy votes and Jive F. Turkey votes have also come up empty.”
Wow, you really can choose them. Why not just directly link to the GOP talking points instead of wasting your time re-typing them?
Let’s gently remind DOOFUS and Foghorn Freephorn that the subject of this thread is the Cunningham briber!
Cunningham. 2.4 million in bribes. Jail. Republican.
The tip of the iceburg. More to come!!!
@205 I see my name was taken in vain by the freeper RancidButtPutty. Yes, the wikipedia should be used with caution and judicious evaluation, something the RancidButtPutty could not. The problem with the Wikipedia is the open form of its editing. . .anyone can at least momentarily gain control of a post and ‘freep’ its contents. Unlike, say, the old style Encyclopedia
Brittanica system of articles signed by universally recognized experts. I use the verb ‘freep’ with particular relish in this instance.
As a side note to our dear friend puddybuddy, I WILL pray for your sorry. deluded soul, which is so very much in jeopardy. Do remember that you are a child of nature, created by God to live in harmony with the rest of His creatures, and certainly not to have dominion over them. Harmony,puddy, harmony, which you seem to have so very little.
I use the verb ‘freep’ with particular relish in this instance.
I thought Wikipedia was the end-all-be-all. Are you saying those particular pages have been “freeped” and thus inconclusive?
Because if you are, shouldn’t those links be red? They ain’t…
marks, as in anything, you need to go to the original sources. Whether it is, the New Republic, Free Republic. wikopedia.
Check the sources.
Wikopedia gets “freeped” by “Freepers”. That is the way it is.
Look at the footnotes, check the sources.
At my destination now in DC. Marks, the freeping occurs with the moonbats, not us who think on the right. There was a recent bruhaha over some moonbat freepers changing the course of history and they were caught.
Regarding, Media Matters, Think Progress, the New Republic, etc.; yes these leftist URL rags do need informational validation.
TFF, you were the one decrying the use of Wikipedia. You said people who used it had issues. Donnod used to quote much stuff from wikipedia. I said I agreed with you donnod has issues!
PuddyBud lies when he said “Donnod used to quote much stuff from wikipedia.”
PuddyBud, you ignorance.
“Freeper” is a reference to wingnuts that quote and read the “Free Republic”. It is a term used to describe NeoCon zombies.
And you do not think right, you just think Bullshit.
Donnod: You know you loved wikipedia:
Comment by Donnageddon — 1/4/06 @ 11:38 pm
That was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!
Fucking dipshit!
How does it feel to be a fucking moonbat dipshit liar and a dull knife?
dj @ 94 thanks for the wikipedia definition. wikipedia fascinates me. It seems to be fairly orderly and informative. I am just amazed it is not abused, and resulting in “edit” flame wars.
Good stuff!
Comment by Donnageddon — 5/25/05 @ 11:58 pm
Such a liar!
Yes, you are, PuddyBud.
By your own posts you make that obvious.
And PuddyBud. I have never denied my fascination with Wikopedia.
I have always been consistant in stating that its sources need to be checked.
And you have absolutely no point.
But if you have one. Make it.
You can’t.
Because the facts are against you.
But keep hitting your head against the wall. I love looking at the bloodstains.