After the bailout bill went down to a surprise defeat, largely due to House Minority Leader John Boehner’s inability to deliver the Republican votes he had promised, Boehner blamed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, claiming that many members withheld their vote after she hurt their feelings by delivering a speech that was “overly partisan.” Um… it wasn’t.
The Republicans are a bunch of crybabies, and so it is fitting that in response, they got such a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.
Republican imitation (and get used to it)
Republican Motto:
You hurt my feelings. Fuck the country coming first!!!
Rechert voted agaisnt the bill, and Darcy Burner has come out against it too. She had better get in front of this and pin some shit on Reichert PDQ.
Statement from her campaign (courtesy Daily Kos):
Still, this was a crappy bill. The Democrats should be out in front on this, explaining what THEY think should be done and why. Then pass the goddamned thing and shove it right up John McCain’s ass.
Nancy was too gutless to put her own Democrats up to the task so she needed Republicans to bail her out? Obama was too busy having dinner with Joe Lieberman of all people. Where’s the leadership HE brings to the table? Nonexistent, I guess.
Some Speaker of The House! She is too busy fondling Barney Frank to see if she can get a “rise” out of him.
Country First? Eh John425?
Bunch of losing whiners!
Barney Frank is Jewish. He believes it’s wrong to convene congress during the high holy days, even during a financial crisis.
America gets spanked.
Ummmm Goldy
And you KLOWNS thought things would be so idyllic when you were in charge of Congress?!!
Now you are in charge–
Less than 20% approval rating for Congress.
Darcy believes we need to do something to strengthen our financial markets but as she said this morning prior to the vote she did not support this current bailout package.
Perhaps another Responsible Plan is in the works?
Darcy Burner didn’t support the plan? She would have voted no??
This was a crappy bill from the word “Bail-out.”
Time to pull Rep. McDermott aside and tell him to actually READ the things he’s voting for.
Because if he actually read it and voted for it, he can pack his bags. I can’t afford to pay CEO salaries and Jim’s both.
@8: If the Democrats wanted to pass a partisan bill, they could have loaded it up with what would have been necessary to have closed the gap on their own side. (Note that most of the opposition on the left was because the bill didn’t go far enough with certain protections that the Republicans nixed.)
No, I’m sorry. The Democrats had to lose a few members to get the Republicans on board… and the Republicans just couldn’t deliver. They were negotiating in bad faith, and the Republican leadership shouldn’t be trusted with running a bake sale, let alone the national government.
“….they got such a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.”
Talk about changing the subject. Frank is knee-deep in this mess.;up_pre
Barney Fag is one of the chief promoters of the failed policies that are responsible for America’s financial crisis.
“….they got such a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.”
Deflect….Deflect Barney, and hurry or NObama will go down with you…..
“….they got such a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.”
Hurry barney, before more voters actually read how the mess happened. Hurry……
“….they got such a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.”
Do not actually read the NYT article from 1999, it is too sickening……Hurry Barney, HURRY!
“Significant details must still be worked out before Congress can approve a bill. Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.
“These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. “The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”
Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.
“I don’t see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,” Mr. Watt said.”
“….they got such a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.”
No, no, no….say it isn’t true.In 2003 GW was bogged down in Iraq. How could this be? GW pushing for more regulation?
…”The Bush administration raised red flags starting in April 2001.
The ’02 budget request declares that the size of mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, is “a potential problem” because financial trouble and either one of them could “cause strong repercussions in financial markets.”
In 2003, the White House warning about Fannie and Freddie was upgraded to a systemic risk that could spread beyond just the housing sector. In fall of ’03, the Bush administration was pushing Congress hard to create a new federal agency to regulate and supervise Fannie and Freddie, both government-sponsored enterprises or GSEs…..”
Pelosi wanted a bailout for ACORN. BoyToy Barney probably wanted a bill for CORNhole capitalists who run Guckert escorts out of Democrat basements.
Dumbfuck @ 14
Has Bush changed parties? Has McCain changed parties? If he hasn’t, then he isn’t a “chief player.” That says a lot for the unprincipled little puke, doesn’t it? You are too goddamned dumb to have the right to vote. I think we should bring literacy tests back when it comes to voting rights.
“….they got such a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.”
This is too much Barney. Please say it isn’t so, or say you did not really say it for real….
FRANK: The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disaster scenarios. And even if there were a problem, the federal government does not bail them out. But the more pressure there is there, then the less I think we see in terms of affordable housing.
BAIER: The legislation was blocked.
In 2005, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan added his voice on Fannie and Freddie, after Fannie leaders admitted major accounting screwups. “Enabling these institutions to increase in size – and they will once the crisis in their judgment passes – we are placing the total financial system of the future at a substantial risk.”
Adding later at another hearing on the topic –
ALAN GREENSPAN, FEDERAL RESERVE CHAIRMAN: If we fail to strengthen GSE regulation, we increase the possibility of insolvency in crisis.
BAIER: But the two mortgage giants had staunch defenders. Democratic Sen. Charles Schumer said, “I think Fannie and Freddie over the years have done an incredibly good job and are an intrinsic part of making America the best-housed people in the world. If you look over the last 20 or whatever years, they’ve done a very, very good job.”
Not John McCain….
And Sen. John McCain co-sponsored legislation pushing for regulation, delivering a speech on the Senate floor in 2006. “For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. And the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market, the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.”
BAIER: That bill made it out of the Senate Banking committee with a party-line vote. All of the Democrats voted against it. But fearing that they didn’t have the votes to pass it, Republicans didn’t even bring it up on the Senate floor. Sen. Obama did not weigh in on that bill.
Such a severe spanking … go here, top of page, center, for 2004 vid of Congressional Dems spanking the party poopers who said Fannie & Freddie were out of control.
Pelosi Party Poopers … Gonna Party Like It’s 1929.
McCain’s reaction to the bailout bill’s failure today, full of blame and self-adulation, reveals that, as happens with age, he is regressing to his infancy. He is not an adult, and is no longer capable of pretending to be one. Obama’s reaction, on the other hand, was steady, reassuring, and mature. John McCain needs to retire to Sedona. Hell, he’s married to an attractive, younger woman who owns a beer distributorship. He’s 72 years old. He could go home and have fun. Yet, he has forfeited every principle he has ever held in his lust to be president. What is wrong with this man?
From the NYTimes article referenced @16:
“The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.”
And in the end it was this manipulation and loss of confidence in the GSEs’ book keeping that did them in. Also see:
How Washington Failed to Rein In Fannie, Freddie
The notion that Democrats had clean hands in the current mess is nonsense.
You all should work to make that a Democratic Party platform. Please.
You guys get mcshame fucking COVERING UP for caribou barbie? How fucking lame is that campaign…they are so fucking toast.
Awwwwww. Poor Republicans got teased by a girl and put their feelings ahead of their country.
November’s pretty close. They must know it’s going to be a rout and NOT in their favor..
Poor babies…
23 “McCain’s reaction to the bailout bill’s failure today, full of blame and self-adulation, reveals that, as happens with age, he is regressing to his infancy.”
It could be ventured that most of the trolls who infest this blog are following him, except most of them probably never stopped wearing diapers and tossing up the occasional glob or two of Similac.
caribou barbie … how fucking droll. how fucking original. and you got only 3 ‘fucking’s in 2 lines and 20 words? you can surely do better than 15%.
21 – Nice try stupid. Republicans were in control then.
Ranking member Barney Frank? LMAO!!!
@7: It is truly great to have a troll on here trying to smear people for:
their religion, their race and any other stupid thing the “troll” can think of.
Meantime, republicans look foolish and McCaion looks like an idiot as he proclaims loudly that:
1. There is no problem – the economy is sound
2. Suddenly there is a HUGE problem
3. He is suspending his campaign to go to Washington and be bipartisan and a leader to get things done. He is the leader NOT Obama.
4. His own party screws it up. They throw him under the bus. He has zero credibility left.
What do the republicans want? More regulation? better protection for taxpayer money? Nope – they want to reduce the capital gains first, hahahahahahah.
What a sad corrupt little party.
On another note, the unreleased portion of the Couric interview with Sarah Palin has some outstanding further nuggets into the brain (or lack thereof) of one Sarah (heart beat away)Palin. Seems she mentioned Roe v Wade and was asked what other supreme court cases she thought were important……and there was …..silence (birds chirping).
Guess Dred Scott, Brown v Board of Education, Gideon, Miranda, Plessy v Ferguson, Hamdan – she never heard of them? Did she not take 9th grade US government class?
We know she is totally unqualified – but she is turning out to be an absolute JOKE.
What parallel universe am I in?
All the Republicans are running from Bush and all the Democrats are falling right in line with his economic proposal.
Call me crazy, but it looks like the Republicans who didn’t vote for Bush’s bailout sham are going to come out of this smelling like roses.
Who knew the Democrats would be backing a big-business bailout? I guess they see this as their opportunity for a big power grab for government, bringing their socialistic dream closer to reality.
@21: We have already hashed this out – the facts are that 2005 legislation would have done NOTHING to limit the banking practices that led to this – so shut up until you get your facts straight. It is so difficult to deal with the constant idiots on here trying to make a case that democrats were for deregulation ….yeah, right. Read your own parties platform for the last 20 years – moron!
You’re calling for the end of the democrat party?
All that will be left are a small section of the country, like billionaires row in san fran and the residents of manhattan. Probably not enough people left voting democrat to even warrant the printing of democrat primary ballots.
32 – What planet are you on? Not all Dems voted for the bailout. Those that did did so out of fear. There’s no crisis. The stupid banks don’t want to lend to one another because the current rate of inflation makes it a losing proposition and the fed is not willing to jack up interest rates right now.
@8: typical cynical
Republicans bolted because they wanted a capital gains tax present. The rest is bullshit. Republicans put their petty concerns over the economic well being of the country. It was a lousy compromise bill – but much better than the crap Bush started with. Unfortunately, republicans have screwed up this country so badly that now we have to bail out (get a stake in) the companies that the free market (unregulated) allowed to gamble away billions.
@34: People like Stamm would not be able to pass the test. Stamm still thinks there are WMDs in Iraq and that al-qaida was there too. What a tool.
@34: Palin could still be a VP – she just would not be able to vote because she clearly has not read any US history.
I guess self-educated means uneducated to a republican.
There’s no such thing as the “democrat party” unless you’re refering to the masturbatory fantasies of Donald Sagretti, Lee Attwater, Karl Rove and .. yeah just about every wingnutter who comes here.
Is it true, @33, that Janet (I’m the Government, Elian, & I’m here to help) Reno pushed Carter-Clinton Community Reinvestment to the point of threatening banks and thrifts that failed to make no-doc no-down no-duh loans in redline neighborhoods?
Why don’t you look into that, and report back.
Speaking of literacy Marvin (with the small mind) – it is the democratic (not democrat) party. You see, democratic is an adjective and modifies the noun party. Guess your “literacy” is really in question – fool!
Wasn’t that one of the daily specials when that prostitution business was run out of barney’s home/office/whatever?
Wasn’t barney having a love connection with herb moss, an executive of fannie mae?
I wonder if herb liked a severe spanking.
@40 – Look into yourself – that is a false, racist, republican talking point – so there won’t be any evidence for it.
Let me explain, it is illegal to not give out loans on the basis of ethnic origin – so red-lining is illegal. That means that if people have the proper loan credentials you cannot deny them a loan based solely on where they live or what they look like. the key here is that lenders cannot deny a loan to QUALIFIED people on the basis of ethnic origin. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the real problem and the subprime mess and the betting on housing stocks and the reselling of them.
Make no mistake, I intend the word as a slur.
Dixiecrats – democrats
liberals – progressives
If your party didn’t have such a bad reputation you wouldn’t need to change your name all the time to distance yourself from your party planks. (planks, also a slur. referring to the planks of communism.)
Don Joe:
Why haven’t you discussed greenlining? Something Barney Fag was for.
You know placing loans in areas where there is no chance in hell of getting the loan paid back.
see #44
I think this is telling.
House Congressional Delegation
Donkey Members 233 and 202 Republicans
Measure was 228 NAY 205 YEA…
So what happened to that vaulted Donkey get ‘er done congress.
You all are in the majority. Pelosi couldn’t get ‘er done.
@44: hahahah: american know the difference betweeen liars and the truth – they favcor the generic democrat over the republican for congress by over 10 points.
The republican reputation is the one that is in the gutter:
Serial liars, Rovian tactics, Abramoff (tainted lobbyist money along with Ralph Redd and Grover Norquist), corruption, injustice (see new special prosecutor for the US Attorneys probe, Vitter, Foley (sexual deviancy) etc.
Yup – even republicans say the republican brand is way beyond repair. Rossi won’t even put republican on his campaign.
I say the chickenshit republicans are afraid of identifying themselves. They are a national embarassment. Only the people who have left the party have any credibility left – poor McCain has no credibility left. All that are left in the sorry loser party are the whiners (like Phil Gramm (McCain’s economic advisor)- remember he said Americans were just whiners and there was no subprime problem), the demogogues and the flat earthers.
If the party is “democratic,” why didn’t the nominee with the most votes win the primary?
Doesn’t sound very democratic to me.
Sounds like democrat.
Democratic-of, relating to, or supporting democracy or its principles
Democracy-control of an organization or group by the majority of its members
@47: Stop pretending to be stupid (or we will have to believe it is really true). Pelosi said she would not guarantee passage unless the republicans stepped up to the plkate tosupport their president. Instead, they threw McCain under the bus as he promised but could not deiver his own part.
@49: Because, idiot, do I have to explain how a primary works to you? The person with the most votes did not win in 2000 either, ofr president. If he had won, we would not be in the mess in Iraq or in this economic mess.
Then why did Pelosi call for a vote when she knew she couldn’t deliver her party?
You are a dunce.
I got emailed this plan today, and although it is a little longwinded, I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if instead of the 85 Billion this individual was talking about, we did this with the whole 700 Billion they are proposing
“Now here’s a bail out plan that works!
I’m against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG.
Instead, I’m in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in “We Deserve It Dividend”.
To make the math simple, let’s assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.
Our population is about 301,000,000 ± counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might b e a fair stab at adults 18 and up..
So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billon that equals $425,000.00.
My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a “We Deserve It Dividend”.
Of course, it would NOT be tax free.
So let’s assume a tax rate of 30%.
Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.
That sends $25,500,000,000 right back to Uncle Sam.
But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.
A husband and wife has $595,000.00.
What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?
Pay off your mortgage – housing crisis solved.
Repay college loans – what a great boost to new grads
Put away money for college – it’ll be there
Save in a bank – create money to loan to entrepreneurs.
Buy a new car – create jobs
Invest in the market – capital drives growth
Pay for your parent’s medical insurance – health care improves
Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.
If we’re going to re-distribute wealth let’s really do it…instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 economic incentive that is being proposed.
If we’re going to do an $85 billion bailout, let’s bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!
As for AIG – liquidate it.
Sell off its parts.
Let American General go back to being American General.
Sell off the real estate.
Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here’s my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn’t.
Sure it’s a crazy idea that can “never work.”
But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!
How do you spell Economic Boom?
I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion “We Deserve It Dividend” more than I do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC .
And remember, this plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.
Ahhh…I feel so much better getting that off my chest.
What do you know about the DNC and the jewish steve cohn in Tennessee.
Don’t you love those shots of the KKK interspersed with the jewish label.
Did you go to school?
Ever have a math class?
Do the math yourself.
43-This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the real problem and the subprime mess and the betting on housing stocks and the reselling of them.
Lie, lie, lie. Fannie and freddie were pushed to increase the number of sub-primes, buy them up and present the facade of a US guarantee. Talk to Raines and Johnson about how proud they were to do just that.
You must not have seen the video that shows the sub-prime influence.
Here is to keeping your eyes wide….shut.
It all boils down to the Democrats did not deliver. Quit blaming the Republicans. The Democrats who voted no were trying to keep their jobs because they knew the Democrat plan was not selling with the American public
fuckhead at 57:
66% of dems voted yes
33% of rethuglicants voted yes
WHO didn’t deliver?
The real problem was obama being a citizen of kenya.
Which explains all the problems with his birth certificate.
In response to rujax, who uses profanity in lieu of logic and common sense, why did 95 Democrats vote against the bill? Maybe the bill was not good. Trying to pin this on the Republicans is rediculous.
what does “rediculous” mean mr. logician?
LOGIC doesn’t work on dumbasses like you ‘else you wouldn’t keep supporting the klownservative rethuglicant failure machine.
Come on, Marv @59- I thought you were better than that, just any lie for effect?
“House Republicans Destroyed $1.1 trillion in wealth today”
hat tip:
Nice goin’ shitheads.
Are you disputing my words about obama being a kenyan citizen?
Then why did Pelosi call for a vote when she knew she couldn’t deliver her party?
You are a dunce.
Come on. The dems have a 9% approval rating. Even if they fall 50% that would only be a 4%. Does it really matter. hahahahaha
Hey Asshole…
“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.
Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”
From Fight The Smears:
Like this really matters to anyone but pinhead jerks like you.
Here is the Ad O-blah-blah and his Chicago thugs are trying to ban about the relationship between O-blah-blah and proud Bomber/Terrorist/Kook—Willam Ayers
Do you really know what O-blah-blah believes??
Obama is an American citizen, Marv. I do not care what the rules elsewhere are. He was born here, and here is his allegiance.
Again, if you want any respect for your positons do not push foolish, pointless talking points.
Sometimes it’s so much fun to place with the mentally challenged.
Even if Pelosi’s speech was overly partisan, the bailout wasn’t defeated by her words but by Republican votes. And the primary blame — in fact, 95% of the blame — belongs not to she who uttered the offending words, but to those who took offense and subordinated the nation’s welfare to their personal feelings.
@71 “Sometimes it’s so much fun to place with the mentally challenged.”
Especially when they don’t know they’re being played with, eh Marvin? (wink-wink)
Leaderless Nation
So where was President Nowhere In Sight when he needed to lobby his own party’s congressmen to pass what was perhaps the most important legislation of his presidency?
It’s a damning testament to the powerlessness of the most toxic president since pre-Civil War days that his best option for bringing along his own party was to not be seen or heard.
I know when you’re being played.
Are you hitting on me with those winks?
Hi all,
I am disappointed in you folks not being civil to each other. Be nice from now on.
This is a complicated issue that has the potential to divide the country along more interesting fault lines than the old Demo/Repub or liberal/conservative one, witness the way left wing Demos and conservative Republicans heroically joined together here to kill this very bad bill.
But I must admit, I am horrendously disappointed that any leftists at all are carrying water for George Bush and Wall Street.
America: It’s time for once to tough out a crisis. Let’s enjoy the fact that CEOs who invested heavily in instruments they didn’t understand are now being punished. Capitalism can be beautiful that way. We don’t need to reach deep in our pockets and hand them 700 billion.
Thanks all and Best wishes,
New Left Conservative #1
I don’t know if the bailout was necessary. I don’t know if it would have worked. I don’t know whether its defeat is a good thing or a bad thing. But I do know — it is painfully clear — that Current Occupant is now the lamest of all ducks, is so powerless that even diehard conservative Republicans no longer listen to their own diehard conservative Republican president.
Bush should put himself and his party out of their agony. He should resign.
Since when is providing an acccurate description of a serial liar an example of being “mentally challenged”?
@76 You must be new here. Let me explain what this blog is. First of all, it’s a liberal blog. But it’s somewhat more than that. It’s a sort of Venus flytrap. We encourage wingnut trolls to come here by letting them post uncensored comments. Then we eviscerate them. Then we eat them.
@75 I would play with you more, Marvin, but it’s hard to get in edgewise when you’re so busy playing with yourself.
We know for damn sure that we do not know what McCain believes, the fundamentals are strong, the economy is in crisis. He takes credit for the bailout bill in Columbus in the morning and denounces it in the afternoon. He denounces Obama for indicating her will follow terrorists into Packistan, then defends Palin for saying the same thing.
What does he believe?
Okay. Now it’s time to see what the grownups say about today’s House vote. Here’s Daniel Gross, a seasoned journalist and D.C. observer, writing in Newsweek. Pay rapt attention, wingnut simpletons, because this analysis has many layers and it’ll all fly past your heads if you don’t focus and keep your eyes on the ball!
“Washington to Wall Street: Drop Dead
“The Republicans killed the bailout bill — and McCain’s chances.
“Well, maybe we don’t need much of a private-sector financial system after all. That’s the conclusion that most House Republicans … seem to have reached in voting down the $700 billion bailout bill ….
“Was the bailout bill killed by malice or by incompetence? It’s hard to argue against incompetence, since it has been so rampant, especially on the Republican side of things in Washington. … ‘I don’t understand why President Bush didn’t go to members of his party and say vote on this,’ Maria Bartiromo wondered on CNBC Monday afternoon. (Maria, if you have to ask, you don’t want to know.)
“Sen. John McCain, who interrupted his campaign to deal with the crisis, claimed … that he wielded great influence in improving the deal …. Then he left town as it collapsed.
“Sure, the bill could have passed if more Democrats had voted for it. But Speaker Nancy Pelosi and co. were able to bring along 60 percent of their caucus.
“Why did so many House Republicans bail? Some say it’s because Pelosi hurt their feelings by pointing out that Republicans were in charge when things went to hell. It also could be that a lot of them got religious on fiscal matters. (Of course, having approved an expansion of Medicare, massive increases in all sorts of spending, and huge tax cuts that led to the addition of trillions of dollars in public debt, this is a strange moment to stand on principle.)
“Obviously, Republicans were motivated in no small part by political calculations — short- and long-term. But it’s really hard to figure out what those calculations might be. … Even in [a] best-case scenario, is there any reason to think that GOP politicians will be rewarded for their intransigence?
“In the meantime, the chaos they’ve created by coming to the table and then throwing a fit works to their disadvantage. … In so doing, they’re turning off whatever base the party had left on Wall Street and likely closing off a huge source of campaign cash. … A Republican congressman who shows up for a fundraiser in Manhattan this week is likely to get tarred and feathered. …
“Finally, it’s clear that the chaos is poison for the top of the ticket. McCain’s poll numbers have eroded throughout September as the financial crisis picked up pace. …
“In general, I’ve found a lot of the analogies between the present situation and the Great Depression to be way off. But there’s one area in which the analogy might hold true. Just as happened in 1932, … the Republicans’ incompetence and bullheadedness in managing a financial crisis could lead to Democrats controlling both the White House and Congress.”
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s review Mr. Gross’ main points:
1. Even though this was a Republican bill, requested by a Republican president to bail out the cowboy capitalists on Wall Street despised by Democrats, the Democrats delivered 60% of their House delegation while the House Republicans killed their own president’s bill.
2. Why did they do that? Mr. Gross uses the phrases “incompetence,” “intransigence,” and “throwing a fit” to describe the character, competence, and temperature of the GOP’s House delegation 4 weeks before an election. It’s damned hard to argue with his characterizations, too.
3. The result? “Chaos.” And a nice demonstration that the GOP’s grandstanding presidential candidate has no influence over his own party’s congressmen, let alone large events. Count among the consequences of this “stunt” the delivery of the White House on a silver platter to President-Elect Obama.
So what if I lost nearly $9,000 today. It’s only a paper loss. After our economy is turned over to responsible management next January, my stocks will come back. But even if they don’t, that’s a small price to pay for the end of Reaganomics, better known as Whack-O-Nomics. Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. Today’s fiasco is a down payment on my financial future — one well worth the relatively small personal price I paid to watch the wingnuts self-immolate. It’s like paying $5 a gallon for the gas you handed to your worst enemy so he could set himself on fire. This is one of those times when $5 gas looks like a great deal.
Love to watch you wingnuts twisting in the wind. Thanks for the show!
You rock Rog…you’re my fluffy, fuzzy (wuzzy) little hero.
Erratum: In #82, Roger Rabbit Commentary, under point 2, the word “temperature” should be “temperature.” Thank you for your patience. (Not you, wingnuts — if you don’t like my typos, go fuck yourselves!)
@84 Thankew thankew – that’s almost as good as getting squeezed by Darcy. Well maybe not “almost” but it still feels good.
@52: Pelosi called for a vote because she had an agreement with Bush and Boehner – do I have to tell you everything or can you actually look up the news events yourself?
The republicans balked – they put personal agendas over the country. they put a capital gains tax cut over market and banking security.
As to your specious arguments over the 2005 proposal that did not even get passed. Read this and weep. this is a careful debunking of factless republican arguments by Bondad:
58. Rujax! spews: Absolutely Nothing Important
Your good friend rhp6033 brags all the time about having control of Congress. Well Pelosi failed, like her Syrian Trip – remember that failure too?
If we switched Palin with Tina Fey on Thursday night do you think the wing-nuts would notice?
Outrageous Yard Sign Vandalism!
KCPQ 13, the local Fox affiliate, reports tonight that a Crown Hill man who supports the McCain/Palin ticket had his yard sign torn down and covered with dog feces. When he put up a new sign, it was set on fire, covered with dog feces, and more dog feces was thrown against the side of his house.
We don’t need this kind of infantile behavior in our community. By either side. Yeah, I know, the Fox station reported it because it happened to a Republican and probably wouldn’t report a similar incident if an Obama supporter was the victim. That’s beside the point. Whoever did this is a sicko. My message to whoever committed this despicable act is: Do the right thing and turn yourself in to the police. But if you won’t do that, then at least seek mental health counseling, because you need it.
Idiot@64: Why did Donkey vote against the “bill”?
@89 “If we switched Palin with Tina Fey on Thursday night do you think the wing-nuts would notice?”
Maybe not, but it would improve the GOP ticket.
see comment 58 fuckwad. damn you’re stupid…just fucking goddamn stupid.
Pelletizer: Wrong as usual. Your own party killed the bill.
See ya!
@88 Uh … this was a Republican bill. Why is passing it Pelosi’s responsibility?
But, for what it’s worth, Democrats delivered 60% of their delegation for this odious Republican legislation. And the Republicans? Only a third of them voted for their own fucking bill!
You rightwing economy-wreckers should kiss Pelosi’s feet for even letting you get a vote on it.
@94 See #95 and kiss my cottontail.
A friend of mine on Mercer Island has her Obama yard sign vandalized regularly…where’s the outrage there?
Pelletizer: Yard sign vandalism is your peeps pal.
@98 see #97 and go fuck yourself.
Puddybud’s punishment for being a Republican will be to have a clanging alarm clock rattle him awake tomorrow morning, have to stagger out of bed, take a cold shower, throw down a few gulps of strong coffee, tumble into his money-chomping SUV and fight his way through commuter traffic to drag his sorry ass to a job.
Me? I’m gonna sleep until noon tomorrow. Again. Like I do every day. Around 12:15 tomorrow, I’ll turn on the TV and watch another trillion dollars of mostly Republican wealth go up in smoke.
Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit that I have a government pension and don’t have to depend on a 401(k) or the fluctuating vagaries of the corporate employment market for my carrots!!
@98 If I were still a government employee, I wouldn’t hesitate to prosecute whoever did that, pal.
Oh and by the way, it was me — not you — who reported it here. You should try reading a newspaper or watching a news show once in a while so you wouldn’t be so ill-informed that you have to find out about a vandalism incident against one of your fellow Republicans from me, of all rabbits!
Unlike Republicans who appoint partisan prosecutors to not investigate or prosecute crimes committed by Republicans, I believe in the rule of law — equally against everyone, and all the time.
But here, I’m just a reporter. What I give you is fair and balanced reporting, even when the reporting makes my side look bad. Especially when it does.
That’s what America needs to return to. That’s what I’m nostalgic for. Objective journalism. Honest political competition. An end to the win-by-any-means mentality that has corroded the once-great Republican Party into a pile of stinking manure and all but destroyed our once-great country.
Well, here’s a news flash for you wingnut America-haters: We’re taking our country back! Only 4 more weeks before you get sent packing …
And yes, when we’re in power, we’re going to prosecute corrupt Democrats and crimes against Republicans! It’s that “rule of law” thing.
Puddy must have awfully thick calluses on his derrier after getting his ass kicked this badly in these comment threads every night.
Hi all, My head is spinning from skimming the last hour of posts and somehow, I feel the attention of the country is not riveted on this HA blog right now.
Please, Don’t let yourselves get partisan and emotional about this, this is a democracy and we can work it out.
But I wanted to take issue with the person who said George Bush is the lamest of lame ducks.
This is not a lame duck if he can still snooker 700 billion out of the taxpayers for his rich friends on Wall Street and get the Democratic leadership to do most of the heavy lifting and risk taking on it.
I amazed that so many Dems and leftists are still making themselves pods for his use.
Thanks all, New Left Conservative #1
Why couldn’t Palin deliver her own party for her president? If she becomes vice president, is she going to let McCain do everything while she sits and twiddles her thumbs? Biden should ask her this Thursday night.
So if this was a republican bill than that must mean that democrats can not lead even if they own the house. Of course dems fail at everything and with a 9% approval rating why not blame it on the repubs.
@105 “Don’t let yourselves get partisan and emotional about this … ”
What are you, some kind of nut? Are you trying to wreck this blog? If you want to read Good Housekeeping, then go to their blog or buy the fucking magazine!
@106 Someone please kick that damn dog. It’s barking again.
Anybody else smell dogshit?
Isn’t that fucking mutt housebroken…cripes!
@104 “I amazed that so many Dems and leftists are still making themselves pods for his use.”
We always get stuck with cleaning up the messes Republicans make. We had to do that in 1933, too.
109, 110 – I just realized who shit on that yard sign …
Stop and think about it. Dogs can’t read, so he wouldn’t know whose sign it was, would he? When a dog is full of shit, and wants to go, he drops it wherever he happens to be, doesn’t he?
Excuse me while I make a call to Animal Control …
Like I said a few years ago…an old fashioned ” Mafia Bust Out” engineered by the Cheney/Bush administration. They’re almost done, and we’ll all have nothing left…holding the bag like the poor guy in the neighborhood hardware store.
york, york…
All Palin will have to say is that this bill failed because of lack of leadership in the democrat controlled congress. She will go over the long history of how we got into this mess and that electing a donk with a 36 year track record is not the answer. Works for me.
Looks like Ass-Whipped Puddy has cut and run — again. Or maybe he went to bed early because he has to get up early tomorrow to go to a job. While he’s still got one.
Me, I’m gonna sleep in again tomorrow, because I don’t work. Why should I? I don’t need a job. I have a government pension! I’m already a member of the Owner Class, but if I feel like it, I might even buy some cheap stock shares tomorrow. But tellin’ ya the truth, I’ll probably wait ‘cuz I think they’re gonna get a whole lot cheaper.
Who knows, it might even become chic to be a mere millionaire again, after the billionaires get wiped out.
This bill failed because of the stench it had on it coming from the white house. No questions asked 700 billion is what the liar in chief demanded. No laws apply either. No wonder the whole country wanted to barf on this bill.
It failed because we have a failure in the white house. No amount of lipstick could pretty it up.
Look at it this way. If Bush wanted it, it had to be bad. Simple logic.
I love it how the GOP call telling the truth a partisan attack.
The Republiconvicts, with their free trade fantasies got us into this mess. What is wrong with telling it like it is? A few dems also bought into this trickle up nightmare too. At least it isn’t the dem’s whole platform….
@114 They can’t ruin us without also ruining themselves.
I hear if palin can remember what she did or said YESTERDAY it’s cause for celebration at the mcshame hq.
McSame’s folks are blaming the Democrats for the poor turnout among Republicans!
Actually, the Republicans voted against it because they thought it looked a lot like socialism.
Okay, fellow Democrats, let’s practice the Titanic Lifeboat Drill.
The most important thing to know is that half the people in the water with you will be Republicans. Don’t let these fuckers drag you under!
Republicans will do anything to stay afloat. So, if you see a piece of flotsam, such as a deck chair leg, grab it and hold onto it; and if a Republican latches onto you, club him with it until he lets go!
If that doesn’t get him off you, then push his head under and hold it under until he stops struggling. Then slowly count to 100 before letting go. If he doesn’t sink, push him under again and count to another 100. Repeat as many times as necessary until the Republican sinks.
There will be limited space in the lifeboats. Republicans will try to hog all this space for themselves. Much will depend on who gets to the lifeboat first. It’s a good idea to keep a small hatchet in your emergency kit so that after you’re aboard the lifeboat, if the lifeboat is in danger of swamping because Republicans are trying to clamber aboard, you can chop off their fingers. If you don’t have a hatchet, them stomp on their fingers with your boots until they let go.
Finally, it may be many hours or even days before you’re rescued, and you will have lost a lot of body heat during your hopefully very brief time in the frigid water, so you and all the other Democrats should huddle together to pool your body warmth. This is not the time to bicker over who our leader should be. The main thing is to have one large warmth-producing mass instead of a bunch of shivering individuals dying of hypothermia one by one. This is necessary for survival. If any Republicans made it aboard, you don’t have to worry about them because they’ll be at the other end of the lifeboat, and huddling is the last thing they’ll do. Just leave these rugged individuals to themselves and they’ll freeze to death without your intervention, trust me on this. Then pitch their bodies overboard so you’ll have more space to stretch out and get comfortable while waiting for the S.S. Obama to show up. It should be here no later than Jan. 19.
Anytime I get down about the fate of our nation, I think about Puddy, and Jane whoever’s dog, and Marvistan, and realize that those of us on the left are simply smarter than those on the right. So, I think democracy and liberty and the fate of the world might be okay. Then, when I get down about the fate of the nation, I think about how these same folks get traction with claiming that Sarah Palin is more fit to be president than Barack Obama. As Roger Rabbit has said, liberals must arm. Reason won’t beat dumbfucks, but firearms might. The more Republicans I meet, the more bullets I need.
It must suck being so intolerant of viewpoints you don’t agree with.
Wanting to arm just because we don’t share the same concept of governing says much more about you than it does us trolls.
When it comes to money, everyone wants to be a republican.
Notice how many times the rabbit talks about making money in stocks but he never talks about doing any charity work.
The rabbit knows it’s all about the benjamins.
You left wing-nuts would do anything to give the human gaffe machine an advantage.
If palin wasn’t such a threat you would be ignoring her. Your fear speaks volumes.
Marvie @ 127
Another night without a gig. That sucks, doesn’t it? I’m not actually serious, at least not for the most part, but people like you don’t quite get humor, do you?
I’m touched you played with me. If I was a couple years younger you would be locked up for it.
At your age, I’m sure playing with yourself doesn’t even do it anymore. Sorry.
Marvie @ 129
As a native Alaskan, I know what harm a moose can do. I have a rational fear of moose. I ran into one in Idaho last week. I like to stay clear of them. They charge without provocation. On the other hand, I am not afraid of people, like Sarah Putin, who shoot moose. Idiocy confuses me, but doesn’t scare me. Sarah is an idiot. And, I don’t use that term lightly. She is truly an idiot, and McCain’s choice of her as his running mate indicates his corresponding idiocy. I feel sorry for her. If she was smart enough for the national stage, she would have rejected McCain’s invitation. She wasn’t smart enough, he wasn’t smart enough, and your ticket smells like entrails rotting in a Fairbanks summer (hot). Of course, entrails get eaten quickly on the plains of Fairbanks.
If it is so odious why did 60% of the democrats sign onto it?
What is wrong with 60% of the democrats to do something like that?
Are the majority of democrats that willing to destroy this country? That was rhetorical, we all know the answer.
Of course the majority of the reps didn’t vote for such an odious bill, do you think they’re as stupid as the majority of the democrats??
Yet 60% of the democrats voted yes.
And you really wonder why obama is going to lose?
Remember, the democrat controlled congress has a lower approval rating than bush.
Obama shouldn’t have pissed off the hillary supporters.
Besides draconian drug laws, what has biden done in his long and misspoken career?
With no billionaires how could obama visit billionaires row to raise $$ and laugh at the bitter people that cling to guns and religion.
Strange that billionaires row is in san francisco and they vote democrat.
Obviously you refuse to watch this video about the mess.
Nothing like watching democrats insist there are no problems with giving subprime home loans.
Actually… My gig is being emailed as I speak.
You’re right, sometimes liberal humor escapes me… Like why did the democrats pick someone so left for president again. Didn’t the clinton years teach you that extreme left presidential nominees don’t get elected. Why do you think clinton was the first democrat president in decades to be re-elected?? Hint- it wasn’t because he was so far left.
The left is the middle, Marvistan. Get used to it. You are on the outer fringes of the American populace. I call myself “proud leftist,” though I understand I’m quite toward the middle with regard to where Americans actually stand on the issues. I guess I’m getting old.
If she’s the idiot why so much hate for her. Wouldn’t an idiot be easy for obama and the guy that was amazed obama was clean to beat. One would think you would be happy she was picked, and instead of exposing her idiocy you would be quiet as a church mouse.
It’s all the hate from you and your fellow lefties that prove you’re scared of her.
You don’t see me or any of the trolls talking hate about biden, we’re laughing at obama for picking him.
I’m more afraid that biden will have health problems or personal issues and drop out of the race, giving obama a second chance to use his superior judgement and pick hillary like he should have the first time.
Obama is too full of himself to admit he screwed up, so laugh with us when we mock obama and his choice for veep.
And I’ll laugh at you lefties as you hate someone you feel is so far beneath you.
Easy to disprove.
Why do democrat nominees ALWAYS have to track towards the middle in the general election.
Meanwhile mcshame goes around cleaning up after caribou barbie like she’s an inconinent shi-tzu. That’s real presidential that is.
Betcha some of those Republicans would enjoy that.
a severe spanking at the hands of Rep. Barney Frank.
Betcha some of those Republicans would enjoy that.
Did I just read what I think I read?
Is one of these tinhat loons trying to resurrect the “hate” meme? Didn’t that frame die when the Repubs dumped Romney for McAngry?
I’m no expert on the bizzaro neo-con Zeitgeist, but it would seem to me that you can’t build your campaign around The Angriest Man in The U.S. Senate® and then turn right around and belly flop onto your fainting couch. McCain’s political career is one long celebration of “hate”. His current campaign has enshrined “hate”. It’s just about the only reason they can offer up to vote for the man.
Don’t be hatin’ on “hate”. Without it, ol’ Abe Simpson might never have made it back from Hanoi to teach us all what a Maverick he is.
Oh, Marvin, we love Sarah and pray to God that McCain keeps her on the ticket. Wait for the next CBS News clips and Thursday’s debate. They’ll be a hoot, I assure you.
142 MS
Democrats don’t tack to the center (way to get that right, BTW) in the general election. We’re ALWAYS in the center. It just LOOKS like the left from where you stand.
I’m pretty sure that the bailout bill failed solely because Republicans wanted to publicly poke Nancy Pelosi in the eye, and for no other reason. I foresee the existing bill passing on Wednesday.
I love all the”when McCain wins” unjustifiable optimism from oour republicans. Get real. Your guy has been behind in this race since Obama became the candidate, with the solitary exception of one week after the GOP convention.
I hate to break the news to ya, but McCain’s behind right now, and he’s falling further behind due to his failure to present a compelling case or diminish Obama’s stature during the debate.
But do keep that sunny outlook. You’re gonna need it for about the next eight years.
I’m guessing you think that obama will win.
If he does we will all need to keep a sunny outlook.
But don’t worry, you can still be the bitter hateful person you are. Obama will lose.
Not even a democrat wants to admit to a pollster on the phone that knows who they are that they are racist, that curtain around the voting booth will give them enough cover to vote their conscious.
Don’t but I got it right. You sound confused.
Why do democrats always earn that flip flop label by having different positions on issues if they don’t have to lie about their true positions.
Of course a poll by mediamatters would find people need more government in their lives.
Republican Rep. pleads no contest to charge of fondling an undercover cop at a park toilet.
What’s up with these freaks and their lewd conduct in public toilets???
This has been another edition of “Puddy’s Heroes”.
The Republicans are a loathsome group. And they stopped that bailout bill for the wrong reasons. But I am grateful to them for doing so.
I agree that the economy is in trouble. But this huge giveaway is not the answer. Congress should treat wall street the same way the government treats an applicant for food stamp: Make them disclose every penny in assets they have and then give them only the bare minimum to survive.
@152 Poor Stamm
Try looking at the polls – McCain’s suspension stunt, lack of leadership, waffling, failure to recognize the economic problem and general ineptness and self-worship have him sinking to new lows. That kool-aid must be tasting mighty good right about now.
Yup – the deregulating republicans have met their Waterloo. I haven’t heard too many arguments lately for the free market solving all problems or for less regulation or letting people invest their retirements in the “better yeild” stock market.
The republican philsophical weak underbelly has bitten the dust.
Barney Franks hands are dirtier than most in this situation.