Ted Cruz, an actual senator who is actually running for president, says gay people are launching a “jihad” by “going after people of faith who respect the Biblical teaching that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
I try to keep an eye on what the conservative fringe is doing, and I’ve been noticing a certain troubling escalation in the Republican vocabulary lately. They are now openly and repeatedly using terms of war, of terrorism, to describe gay marriage. Right Wing Watch, who posted the above video, also posted audio from a radio show hosted by Family Research Council’s Craig James. In the recording, a caller asks James if it’s possible that the Pentagon fired a “gay bomb” on America to make us more gay. “Just a thought,” the caller said. I guess you can’t argue with that!
You might want to dismiss this as laughing at a few stupid Teabaggers, but it’s not that simple. Language matters. Words leave impressions. And if a bunch of people who the media tells us to take seriously start saying that Adam and Steve are terrorists who want to blow up innocent Americans, it’s well within the realm of possibility that some heavily armed loner somewhere might decide to bring the fight to the “terrorists.” The drums of war are not a toy.
Cruz’s platform as senator legitimizes him, endowing upon him a certain responsibility. The fact that he’s shirking his responsibility in such a flagrant way ought to be an actionable offense. You can have your petty little arguments about what your God does and does not believe. That’s your right as an American. But when you’re a public figure and you start accusing innocent Americans of terrorist actions, I believe you’re shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater. This video very could well come back to haunt Ted Cruz one day.
UPDATE 12:40 PM: And just a few minutes ago, Bobby Jindal called the backlash against Indiana and Arkansas an “attack on our Constitution.” Tell me this kind of language isn’t spinning out of control.
Any jackass can run for president if he’s a natural born citizen and over age 35. Running and getting elected are two different things. This yahoo has almost zero chance of being president:
And these antics are hardly new for him:
It takes so much money to run for president the field will quickly narrow. By tapping into financial support from the GOP’s fundie grassroots, Cruz might stay in the ring until the late rounds, but he won’t be the nominee. Barring an asteroid strike, it’s obvious who the Democratic nominee will be, and nearly as obvious who will lead the GOP’s charge (hint: not a fringe candidate like Cruz or a cult figure like Rand). And it’s almost as clear that it doesn’t make a whit of difference who the GOP nominee is, because the 2016 election is already decided.
Yeah the left wrong site alternit [sic] screamed about it in 2007. Did you forget Paul? 24 hour moonbattic moronic memory malady? http://www.alternet.org/story/.....ge_matters
Butt then there is this… http://psychcentral.com/blog/a.....om-others/
Yet this small group DEMANDS the majority of people bend over to their demands!
Or this time article late last month… http://swampland.time.com/2013.....ay-rights/
It’s the progressive FASCIST libtard DUMMOCRETINS whom change the terms from global warming to climate change! Why? Because their global warming readings were called into question with the East Anglia hockey stick!
DUMMOCRETINS are the jackASS party senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Any jackASS can run for president if she’s a natural born citizen and over age 35. We’ll learn about another left wrong jackASS this Sunday. She’s “polarizing,” “calculating,” “disingenuous,” “insincere,” “ambitious,” “inevitable,” “entitled,” “over-confident,” “secretive,” “will do anything to win,” “represents the past,” and “out of touch.”
Definitely “out of touch.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ed-claims/
Yes and Ted Cruz’s use of being a senator will be scrutinized unlike Harry Reid by your libtard press Paul!
Yet you’ll never see Cruz acting like Harry The Liar Reid and then gloating about it. http://newsbusters.org/blogs/s.....-lie-about
“You might want to dismiss this as laughing at a few stupid Teabaggers, but it’s not that simple. Language matters. Words leave impressions. And if a bunch of people who the media tells us to take seriously start saying that Adam and Steve are terrorists who want to blow up innocent Americans, it’s well within the realm of possibility that some heavily armed loner somewhere might decide to bring the fight to the “terrorists.” The drums of war are not a toy.”
I don’t think any of us, straight or gay, has ever considered anti-gay bigotry a laughing matter. We haven’t forgotten Matthew Shepherd and the countless other victims of “gay bashing.” The progress of gay rights was bound to trigger a vicious backlash from the rubes, just as the Civil Rights Movement provoked violence against black people, their churches, and civil rights workers. This is likely to get worse before it gets better, because their side is losing. But eventually the Confederates and their KKK progeny died off, and this iteration of hatred and bigotry also will pass into history someday.
@3 “Yet this small group DEMANDS the majority of people bend over to their demands!”
“Demands” for what? Equal rights under the law? Expecting to be treated like everyone else in society? If there was only one gay person in the entire country those “demands” would be inalienable rights.
Getting married may or may not involve a religious ceremony, at the option of the celebrants. But marriage is a legal status conferred by the state, and as such, is not subject to regulation by any religion or according to any religious precept. At the same time, enforcing the equal protection clause of the Constitution our conservative friends claim to worship interferes with no one’s religious beliefs or ability to believe what they like about marriage. Letting them impose their beliefs on others does interfere with the rights of others, and when attempted with government instrumentalities (such as legislation), is also unconstitutional. Even a Republican-dominated Supreme Court will have no difficulty recognizing that, and that’s why state bans against gay marriage will be struck down.
Really Paul? Really? So these are not shouting “”Fire!” in a crowded theater?
How about
Or this…
Or this… https://youtu.be/kExxqlDZ7rQ – Repubicans on a jihad against health care… Or this
Or this…
Or this…
That’s just a short few from a very long Google list Paul.
You really need to up your argument dude! This is weak Tabasco sauce. You haven’t even reached Sriracha level yet!
Puddy operates at the Trinidad Scorpion Pepper level.
“Cruz’s platform as senator legitimizes him, endowing upon him a certain responsibility.”
Nah, it doesn’t. Too many Senators in our history voted for slavery, against civil rights and voting rights, against female suffrage, and any number of other outrageous things for the Senate to be taken seriously as a responsible institution. It’s merely an instrument of democracy, and democracy is messy at times. Cruz is only the latest in a long line of absurd Senators elected by absurd voters. There’s plenty of precedent for Senators like him or worse.
“It has become commonplace to call the tea party faction in the House ‘hostage takers.’ But they have now become full-blown terrorists,” adding that, “Terrorism is a tough term, but, unfortunately, it describes tea party tactics precisely.” – William Yeomans!
So Paul, you reap what y’all sowed these past five years. Sux being on the other side eh?
Too many Senators in our history voted for slavery, against civil rights and voting rights – Robert 3 Sheets KKK Byrd and Al Gore Sr to name two for the last two in your linear list!
Ted Cruz is way above that senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Ted would spare a seven pound baby about to be born while DUMMOCRETIN senators and Hillary Clinton would abort it.
@9 “Unhinged arsonists” isn’t entirely unfair when describing the current crop of Republican congressmen.
@12 Ted Cruz would invade a woman’s vagina with a metal instrument against her will; Hillary Clinton would allow that same woman to control her own body and destiny. Republicans feed us brave talk about protecting our personal freedoms from overbearing government intrusion, but don’t walk their own talk. It’s all cheap talk.
I don’t have a vagina, so that’s not a highly personal issue for me. Longtime readers of this blog know that I’m personally against abortion based on my personal religious beliefs and moral values, and also know that I don’t believe in forcing others to adhere to my personal beliefs and values on pain of punishment. That’s what makes me different from Republicans and makes Republicans like the Taliban on this issue.
I do have personal issues with Cruz. I’ll sum them up this way. I don’t want to be ruled by a narrow-minded and intolerant bigot bent on imposing his narrow-minded worldview on me. I want my country led by a pragmatic leader capable of solving problems. I’m also unwilling to vote for a warmonger or torturer of any stripe. Did Cruz object to CIA torture? Is he calling out warmongers in his own party like Tom Cotton? Or is he so busy persecuting gay people that he doesn’t have time to worry about the potential slaughter of tens or hundreds of thousands of human beings that some in his own party are pressing for in the name of a security their pursuits, if brought to fruition, would move farther away from attainment?
(Maintaining a strong defense is one thing; I support most of our military budget, and would support expanding it in some areas, although not at the expense of our citizens’ social needs. Looking for trouble is something else again. If someone wants to fight the Russians in Ukraine or bomb Iran, they’ll have to do that on their own time and dime, without my moral, political, or financial support.)
“Yet this small group DEMANDS the majority of people bend over to their demands!”
About this fantasy of yours where you accede to the demands of gays and bend over for them. How much time do you spend indulging in that?
How do these dumb fucks get elected?
Seriously…are people really this stupid?
Puffy needs some meds. Got Bananas?
Let’s see – so what’s the ratio or percentage of population within the black communtiy or within all of the community that is getting killed by police. So, if it is a small percent, like say, less than 3.8% then per Puffy it’s not a problem!
Fucking idiot!
So maybe teh shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad would care to tell the class that since the “gay lifestyle” is a “choice”…when he decided to adopt the “straight lifestyle?”
I generally don’t pay much attention to SpittlePuddles. I’m pretty sure he’s despondent over missing the Great Disappointment.
Straight life style rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears? Out of the womb!
Is that direct enough for you rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla is the effin IDIOT!!!
Puddy places facts from left wrong web sites and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla head explodes!
About this fantasy of yours where you accede to the demands of gays and bend over for them.
Not a fantasy for Puddy Stupid Solution Steve… Puddy not looking to bend over in front of the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla or worser. It’s words that matter and their meanings.
Sorry Stupid Solution Steve if you can’t figger out the PUN!
harpy or harpie… the sadventure never ends with rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Apparently you have senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! You are not focused or have any attention span past 24 hours senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Use the libtard left wrong sites. Used this one before. Early onset senility is getting worse senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....14707.html
It’s so sad to watch the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit become a shell of itself!
So maybe teh shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad would care to answer the question?
Teh shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad can’t make a “choice” until the “age of reason.”
So did little puddyfuckwad (before he bacame teh BIGGGG BADDDD shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad) you know, fools around with litle boys and then decide?
So maybe teh shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad would care to would care totell the class about his ‘choice’ process?
Add @ 27….
I’ll spell ‘harpie’ any fucking way I want to.
Hmmmm, rabbit looks like he’s going strong…
…teh shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad is REALLY losing it (if there was an ‘it’ he ever had).
Piyush “Bobby” Jindal.
Isn’t he a Hindu or something?
Is he even a thing?
About this fantasy of yours where you accede to the demands of gays and bend over for them. How much time do you spend indulging in that?
Steve, we all know that totally heterosexual manly men, totally secure in their own fully-heterosexual masculinities (and you know they are right by the loud voices in which they tell you so) worry constantly about bending over for the gay agenda, or about having said agenda rammed down their throats by big scary gays. These are just normal things totally-secure manly heterosexual men have to worry about, all of the time, every day; you don’t even have to ask them; they’ll tell you.
Wow senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, when you have rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears on your side you have it all dude!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Clearly delusional!
Once again tensor is so tensed up… What did Paul write above?
Cue the horns… Looks like the impressions left by PuddyWords worked perfectly. You are reacting just like Stupid Solution Steve. Glad to view your throat salivates and your arschloch pulsates.
Bingo sucka! So easily led. When Puddy wrote that phrase, Puddy chuckled at how well it rolled. And it rolled all over you and Stupid Solution Steve!
Suckas! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Two more moonbat morons with libtardo disease!
Calling Puddy a winged female? DAYUM rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears you have really lost it. Interesting fantasies you have rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
Looks like another Psych 101 Thang again! Been dreaming about fooling around with litle[sic] boys again rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears?
So no one on the left has ever called right wingers “teahadists” or “The American Taliban” ?
“These are just normal things totally-secure manly heterosexual men have to worry about, all of the time, every day; you don’t even have to ask them; they’ll tell you.”
I’d step up and defend my hetersexual friend Puddy from this vicious attack on his totally-secure manly character, but I can’t seem to come up with anything.
“So no one on the left has ever called right wingers “teahadists” or “The American Taliban” ?”
Of course they call you that. It’s shorthand for “treasonous Christo-Fascist asswipes who hate our country and would replace our constitution with Mosaic Law”.
Remember Stupid Solution Steve… Paul wrote above
You just left the impression
Excellent impression you left Stupid Solution Steve! EPIC FAYLE!
“…worry constantly about bending over for the gay agenda, or about having said agenda rammed down their throats by big scary gays”
I know what you mean. Just today…
“Santorum went on to promote himself as the leader the Republican party is looking for because he was “fighting for the truth and not the perversion that we saw the media try to ram down the public’s throat about what Indiana and Arkansas were doing”
And I’ve noticed they talk about animals a lot too. Of course, odds are, members of a political party whose biggest living legend and hero is a shit-encrusted, draft-dodging, has-been rock star pedophile are going to say some very strange shit now and then.
“You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them. These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people… Their goal, they believed, was worth blowing up the country for, if that’s what it took.” – NY Times
“call you names”
Puddy obviously takes offense at being called “secure” and “manly”, so I take those back. But when I add this to his fantasies of bending over for gays and his statements about gays ramming things down his throat, unless he’s planning on coming out tonight, I don’t see this as heading in the direction Puddy had hoped it would.
@17 “Seriously…are people really this stupid?”
Yes. Trust me on this. As a lawyer, I encountered them almost every day. Yes, they are.
@26 “You are not focused or have any attention span past 24 hours senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!”
So what? Who needs it? What’s attention span good for on this blog?
@32 It could be much worse. What if I had you on my side?
@34 “Calling Puddy a winged female?”
Yes, unless I’m mistaken, I believe he did … on behalf of my friend Rujax, I offer my apologies to winged females everywhere.
@35 That’s just stating facts.
“call you names” = “treasonous Christo-Fascist asswipes”
Excellent try Stupid Solution Steve… Yes Steve, you are still stupid!
@38 At least he name calls in comprehensible English, which is more than we can say for you. It doesn’t require a cereal box decoder ring to figure out he’s insulting you.
Wrong FASCIST facts as always!
@47 That’s all you got?
@49 I’ll accept the correction. That’s just stating fascist facts.
You ever wonder why it’s always the gay men that the harp about and not the lesbian woman
@35 little difference when a political party does it collectively rather than just an individual. And it is just the norm for republicans to cause people of all that they are.
When I was assigned to EOD, I stumbled upon a gay bomb hidden away in a disused ammo dump. It was a nerve-wracking job, the protective suit you wear has to be at least 50% cashmere. On top of that, it had a sensor that would detonate it if you illuminated it with anything other than light from a 19th century candelabra.
Once you’re inside the control cavity, which is only accessible via a 2″ hole in the wall, you’re faced with one hell of a dilemma – do I cut the cerulean wire or the amaranth one? One false move and you’d be covered in glitter and amyl nitrate.
– Stolen from a FB post
For some reason it’s not the women complaining about lesbians or the gays, as much as it is the men. I think we’ve touched upon something, that the men are so insecure you have to wonder how secure they are with thier own sexuality and the fears that they have. Suck a dick, get over it, stop whining with jealousy you big closeted homos.
I used to work with this kid from a little tiny town in eastern Oregon. He was pretty flamboyant and made no bones about telling you that he was “queerer than a soup sandwich”.
He told me once, that out of all the diehard Oregon hillbilly rednecks he grew up with and met over the years before coming to Seattle, it was really only a matter of a few shots of tequila and a few beers and he could sack any one of them.
Unsurprising, really.
@56 some people enjoy adventure and some just are to stubborn to admit to thier true feelings.
@56 I came out late in life, not untill my mid 40’s. But I’m sure if I came out earlier I’d have many stories to tell you, similar to the Oregon kid. I’m sure there are lot of “straight” guys that are more bisexual and enjoying thier sexuality.
God gave the male the libido, it’s his fault.
It’s kind of like some poor people or middle class people angry that they are not rich. They see other people enjoying something that they surpressed and are angry with regret. How else can you explain someone that should be so secure with their own sexuality that they have to be angry with the others.
I don’t like lobster and I don’t want anything to do with lobster but it doesn’t bother me the least with people who do like lobster, but I guess if I did like lobster and just to stubborn to admit it then maybe I would be upset with the people that are eating the lobster! I’d be jealous and envious that I wasn’t getting any lobster.
Remember when Piyush was the great brown hope?
So do I…
…good times.
So teh shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad fucks shrieking winged females?
Does Ms. shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad know about this???
OHHHH….SHE’S the shrieking harpie…and a UNION MEMBER!!!!
Know wonder she shrieks, being around teh shrieking harpie HR nightmare warmongering prick puddyfuckwad and all.
Ewwwww…I think I just squicked myself out.
If Jindal is blaming gay activists and corporate America, does that mean corporate America is unwelcome in Louisiana?
I think I pretty much called it. I posted a couple of days ago that the Bigots would now srtart to attack any straight people that would support the gay people. Right on cue!
If Puffy wasn’t gay he wouldn’t have to try so hard to convince everyone that he isn’t.
He became a republican to run away from the blacks, and i guess he also became a republican to run away from being gay.
Am Ape in denial. And I’m not talking about Egypt.
Of course Puffy doesn’t acknowledge this type of person losing a job.
Gay teachers engaged to marry risk jobs at Catholic schools
He prefers the freedom of hate over justice and fairness.
But I think I’d prefer the love of my partner versus working for the bigots. I’d say good riddance and sue.
Don’t tell Ted, but Hillary plans to lead the jihad as its champion.