If you haven’t already, check out Crosscut, David Brewster’s new online news thingy. Read their excellent piece on the Seattle Times attempts to fuck over the P-I. Brewster has also enlisted Knute Berger for another go-around of his famous column, Mossback (Density, bad! People who don’t own cars, lazy!). Berger has a great piece about the Seattle School District’s racial insensitivity- against white people!
All in all, it reads just like the Seattle Weekly did circa the 1990s, before the whole thing started going to shit.
Seattle School District will become like Great Britain in the future with Democrat political correctness:
Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims
By LAURA CLARK – London Daily Mail
Last updated at 11:58am on 2nd April 2007
Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Government backed study has revealed.
It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.
There is also resistance to tackling the 11th century Crusades – where Christians fought Muslim armies for control of Jerusalem – because lessons often contradict what is taught in local mosques.
The findings have prompted claims that some schools are using history ‘as a vehicle for promoting political correctness’.
re 2: How are the Muslim demands different in substance from those of the religious right here in America?
Don’t they continually demand that public education kow-tow to their “beliefs” about everything from compulsory prayer to using rubbers?
re 2: The religious right is violent and intolerant, too — just like the Muslims
religious right = Muslims and Christians
Richard, I know there are problems with how western European nations are dealing with their Muslim minorities, but relying on the Daily Mail in the UK for a trustworthy idea of the problems is like relying on Rush Limbaugh for an honest assessment of the news of the day in this country.
Palamedes @ 6
The leftist Democrat (i.e. socialist) rags in the United Kingdom aren’t willing to cover stories about things like this. And they would just as soon silence politically incorrect media outlets, whether it be Rush Limbaugh or the Daily Mail.
So do you think teaching about the Holocaust is a “problem” for western European nations dealing with their Muslim minorities? Do you agree with European liberals that the Holocaust story is offensive to Muslim minorities, because they tend to be anti-Jewish, and the Holocaust story contradicts the religious teachings they receive in their mosques and homes?
Tell you what Richard. Let you and me take a small bet here. No money involved since the trolls around here apparently can not be trusted to pay up….
So here it is… you go looking around the US for every example of governments, schools, and other public institutions bending over backwards to accommodate a religious belief system unsupported by objective scholarly science or its equivalent, and so will I.
Do you have any doubt that America is run amok with Christian “political correctness” where anyone or any institution that dares put forward an idea unsupported by the most radical elements of the religion is attacked and attempted to be shouted down?
Seriously… I have my own religious beliefs and I’ll assume you have yours. You have a reputation as being an honest thinker around here so I am asking an honest question.
But if you honestly think that this country is more influenced by Islamic fundamentalism than it is Christian fundamentalism there really is no point in talking to you at all.
Wow. And every one of these comments is so relevent to the initial subject of Goldy’s post.
@ 9
Or Will’s post, as the case may be…
Crosscut has a very impressive debut, but that dark blue text background has got to go, or everyone will get eyestrain after reading a half page, and move on…
I agree with bj (above) on the readability factor
Mr. Pope:
The story you’re talking about is also well covered by the BBC, and the stories were reported within minutes of each other. (The BBC may have come in first, but only by a few minutes.)
re 9: At least you haven’t been banned from speaking like on that Right Wing submissive/authoritarian electronic rag uSP.
@2 Cheap shot.
@7 Cheap shot.
Want to try for 3 in a row, Richard? C’mon, Richard, I know you can do it!
Sorry Will. No one reads bylines anyway:-)
why is it weird that mossback would question the school dist on its really weird claims of institutional racism? district officials say nutty stuff each time they open their mouths to the point where they begin to sound like institutional racists themselves.
I think everyone is missing the point. So I’ll ask SeattleJew (now Voice of Chalk Scratching): Did the Holocaust really happen?
If it didn’t then rewrite the history books because Whackminojab is correct and Simon Wiesenthal is a cotton-picking liar!
If it did happen why are liberals in Europe so enthused in rewriting the REAL history and Simon Wiesenthal is a great man!
Oops… Not not now…
PelletHead: You are a cheap shot. You are a one trick pony.
It’s so true about Moonbat! papers all over. Why wasn’t the Sandy Burglar case covered in more detail? I would want to know why he has this fetish of placing national security docs by his crotch? What did he know and when did he know it? Where is that anywhere in the liberal MSM?
So back to the Holocaust, did it happen or not.
Headlice, you’re such a joke. When people want to include intelligent design in school as an atlernative to Darwinism, your types go apoplectic!
Wow the Moonbat!s are caught in action here. Watch C-Span, see Moonbat!s hating the American people!
Written by:”Debra Burlingame is sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame, pilot of American Airlines flight 77, which was hijacked and crashed at the Pentagon on 9/11.”
George W. Bush’s Demise: Ronald Wilson Reagan
The debate is over; the era of modern day conservatism made popular by the iconic conservative leader Ronald Reagan, officially came to an end on November 7, 2006.
The Conservative Christian movement got exactly what it wished for; a Republican dominated congress and an Evangelical, born-again Christian as president. The results of which speak for themselves. As the adage goes “Be careful of what you wish for because you just might get it.”
George W. Bush’s true legacy will not be his inability to achieve military victory in Iraq or Afghanistan, or ignoring the warnings about al Qeada and allowing 9/11 to happen on his watch, Katrina, failing to capture bin Laden, falling wages, rising poverty, millions going without health care, outing an undercover CIA operative, abusing the civil liberties of every American, election fraud, doubling the national debt, the emergence of North Korea as a nuclear power on his watch, obstructing justice through the firings of select US Attorney’s, or any other of his numerous failures.
No, the real legacy of George W. Bush will be hidden in the arrogance of Ronald Wilson Reagan. It was Reagan’s “11th Commandment”, and all the connotations behind the word “Commandment” for Conservative Christians of not saying anything ill of a fellow Republican. That led to blind loyalty to party and president over the Constitution, as Reagan had commanded.
No matter how far out of bounds Bush went, the Republican controlled congress remained loyal to Bush and abandoned their loyalty pledge to the Constitution and the Rule of Law as our Founding Fathers envisioned. Had the Republicans found just a modicum of honesty and performed “some” oversight of Bush and restrained him at just two or three critical junctures, policed their own corruption somewhat, and curtailed Rep. Foley’s penchant for young page boys years before it was exposed, the Republicans would surely have remained in control of congress.
The South has lost its political clout as a force to be reckoned with, and will lose more of it’s clout in 2008. Republican voter registration of people under 25 mirror’s Fox News channel demographics in this age category: dismal.
The interior west of the United States is turning bluer; either by Californian’s leaving the Golden State with real estate fortunes that allow them to buy “cheaper” property else where and with it their liberal votes, and/or people have grown tired of being lied to by the conservatives and are looking elsewhere. Remembering what a real booming economy meant and what real peace and stability looked like under President Clinton, Bush and the neocon conservatives are stark reminders that the Democratic Party is the party for growth and stability in the future.
People like Typical Nazi, Richard Pope, YO, Puddybud, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Right On, janet s. and the rest of their ilk are on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of honesty. They are ships without a moral compass navigating through the stormy seas of politics. They, like many other conservatives hooked their wagon to the Bush Administration’s horse; what they don’t realize is that Bush has already gone over the cliff. The longer they hang on to their conservative beliefs the more of them that will follow Bush off the cliff of irrelevance. The landing on this political fallout is going to be a sudden and hard.
As victorious Liberals, we need not bother ourselves in meaningless arguments with immature and failed conservatives rooted in the past. They are of no value to us or America. We are moving forward with purpose and our cause is justified and noble because it is grounded in the principles of Liberalism set forth by our Founding Fathers.
“As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.
~George Washington.
The only thing left for the Republican Party is to redefine who and what they are as a national political organization and move on.
Wow, more good news for Dianne Feinstein.
This was a critique from the left,” Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest group, told Cybercast News Service. “These were left-leaning papers. The fact that she stepped down from the committee lends credibility to the charges.”
Puddybud, you’re floundering in a sea of political mediocrity, desperation, and, quite frankly, dishonesty.
You’re only fooling yourself.
It’s time to stop.
GBS: Thanks for the warning.
GBS: Did the Holocaust happen? Jus checkin
26 Ah…now there’s nothing in the way of all those contracts going to Halliburton instead.
Sounds more like she recused herself from a minor subcommittee position. Something of a contrast to the right-wing blogs who are trying to make it sound like she’s been kicked out of the Senate.
25 I wish I could share in your optimism. The right is on the defensive, but is so corrupt that they’re likely to behave like Bonnie and Clyde making their last stand, and they’ve still got plenty of bullets.
The other ominous possibility is that they’ve done enough damage in the last six years that there’s nothing anyone can do to prevent an impending economic and social meltdown. You think neofacism sucks, try anarchy.
GBS: I’m not desperate. I am sure of my beliefs. I stated Biblical facts that caused you to change your position.
GBS did you know when US population hit 300 million, at that moment 47,282,923 abortions occurred! I guess there was no one to sing happy birthday to them!
Since the Iraq war began 5,221,595 abortions occurred! No birthday cake from the left!
Yet liberals want to take guns away. Exactly the first move of Adolf Hitler in the 30s. Fascist Liberals!
Hi, Puddybud.
You do realize that Cybercast News Service is something like NewsMax, only slower.
This story has been around for days. Somehow they keep saying that Ms. Feinstein was the chairman of this committee for the last seven years. (Amazingly short memories these Republicans.)
Of course, as a minority member of the committee, she had no authority to do much beyond trying to keep track of the Republicans, but now that she’s in the majority, it’s a different situation, and I think she’s right to turn the chair over to someone else, even though nobody on that committee has even hinted that she acted inappropriately.
So, when put into the position of Chairman, where there is an apparent conflict of interest, she resigned the chair.
Oh, and those liberal papers that CNS is quoting. They don’t like Ms. Feinstein. They think she’s a conservative, and want to see her replaced with a liberal.
@19 The only thing bylines are good for is they allow publishers to pay reporters less money.
@23 “PelletHead: You are a cheap shot. You are a one trick pony.”
No, actually, my comments evince profound insight. For example, I was the first poster on this blog to realize the space between your ears is filled with pudding.
@26 Whatever Feinstein is, she’s infinitely preferable to ANY Republican.
Could things be any worse for George W. Bush and the republicans? In the new TIME poll, the President’s job approval rating continues to wallow near his all-time lows, at 33%, while his disapproval rating breaks the 60% barrier for the third consecutive survey.
Actually, things could be worse. The President’s poll numbers could be as bad as the Democratic Congress’s. Voters are already experiencing buyers’ remorse, and Congress’s approval ratings are consistently hovering in the 28% to 31% range.
In poll after poll, including the new TIME poll, why does the so-called shift to the democratic party seem to disappear whenever voters are asked to pick a President in hypothetical head-to-head matchups among front-runners with solid name recognition? In TIMES poll, Hillary Clinton loses to John McCain, 42%-48%, and to Rudy Giuliani 41%-50%. Even though Clinton maintains a 7% edge over Obama among Democratic respondents, Obama fares better in the general election matchups. It’s so close that it’s a statistical dead heat, but Obama still loses: 43%-45% to McCain, 44%-45% to Giuliani.
Events of the last week or two help to explain why the Democratic Congress is viewed more unfavorably by the public than President Bush, and why the Democrats are generally seen as weak on national security. President Bush wants to fund the ongoing war against the terrorists; the Democrats, on the contrary, see war funding as an opportunity to add $20 billion in pork to the federal budget–but only after declaring a preemptive surrender to our enemies. A few days ago the House of Representatives, under Nancy Pelosi’s feckless leadership, refused to consider a resolution expressing support for the British sailors and marines who have been kidnapped by the Iranian mullahs.
@31 “47,282,923 abortions”
Despite all the distress this initially caused the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES, they found a way around it by importing 13 million illegal aliens.
But that’s still a net difference of 34 million workers they can’t hire for $2.13 an hour, which explains why they’re so pissed off about it.
Frankly, I don’t see why ANYONE in this country should do a lick of work! When wages are taxed at 25% and capital gains are taxed at 5%; when workers get an income exemption of $10,000 and heirs who never did a lick of work get a $2.5 million exemption — in short, when the system punishes people for working and rewards them for flipping houses, flipping stocks, or being the idle and irresponsible scions of rich parents — why the fuck should anyone do any work whatsoever? Society is sending a clear message here, folks: Only suckers work! Well, I’m no sucker … I no longer work, I live off the fat of the land! As far as I’m concerned, Republicans can take out their garbage themselves! However, I’ll do it if they pay me $5,000 an hour.
That wage is perfectly reasonable — it’s less than CEOs make for doing nothing, and the work is dirty and hard.
@36 Here’s the plan. The next election is 18 months away. You guys run on your approval ratings, and we’ll run on ours. Deal?
PudWax __ your recycled BS is smelling pretty rancid ____ and for someone who is so sensitive about being called names____ you certainly fling them about pretty carelessly, yourself.
Go back to the reservation —- because you speak with a forked tongue.
John Barelli: Sooooooooo, deals were made and Dianne got her husband big bucks. I realize it’s tough for you to determine it. So because you chose not to read it, here it is from a Moonbat! paper: http://www.metroactive.com/feinstein/ BTW John, Metroactive, a liberal MSM newspaper said she was chairman for the six years. Hmmm…?
“From Metroactive, “SEN. Dianne Feinstein has resigned from the Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee. As previously and extensively reviewed in these pages, Feinstein was chairperson and ranking member of MILCON for six years, during which time she had a conflict of interest due to her husband Richard C. Blum’s ownership of two major defense contractors, who were awarded billions of dollars for military construction projects approved by Feinstein.”
Same story but now it’s credible from the libtard side of view? – Good try John!
BTW, Here is the King of Pork. Somehow he continued at the trough @#4 while the “neocons” were in control as you like to mention.
So when will they house Feinstein next to Randy Cunningham?
Headlice: Recycled BS? Yeah sure, whatever you say; and it’s still too tough for ya! 5+ Million and counting. Need to meet the the Bellevue Cheesecake Factory for that birthday cake those 5+ Million aborted and counting missed out on? You couldn’t hold an intellectual candle in a one on one conversation. It would be racial epithets all from your mouth!
John: Guess who funded the expose on Feinstein? The Nation. Who is The Nation John? It ain’t a “neocon” newspaper.
So what about the culture of corruption. Where is the cry from Scary Reid? Nancy Pelosi?
Brewster blah – the most over rated publisher in Seattle
First day is banal and insipid
The Brewster Weekly was all about who farted at City Hall – pet parades would have been an improvment
headless lucy says: re 2: The religious right is violent and intolerant, too — just like the Muslims
The anarchists of the left are violent and intolerant just like some ASSWipes blogging here. Witness the WTO meetings in Seattle. Witness the Portland demonstrations. Witness the WA, DC demonstrations. Witness the Fascist ASSWipes Mr Pellethead, Mr Stupid and Mr Racist arguing against other lefties who support carrying a weapon for personal safety.
MetroActive and the Metro Group is indeed a rather left-wing organization. So much so that they consider Ms. Feinstein to be a conservative. You know, a Bay-area version of “The Stranger”.
The phrase “chairman and ranking member” is, I believe, deceptive and designed to put Ms. Feinstein in a bad light. Remember, they don’t like her. She’s way too conservative for them. They’re more into folks like Maxine Waters. Think NewsMax and Lincoln Chafee.
We have our folks on the fringes too.
She’s been chairman since January. Before that she was ranking minority member, with almost enough authority to blow her own nose, provided that Ms. Hutchinson (R-TX), who was chairman at the time, didn’t object. I presume that if she actually abused her position, that Ms. Hutchinson and the rest of the Republicans would not only have shut her down, but would have trumpeted it to the press.
She perceived a conflict and voluntarily gave up the chair. Good for her. Beyond that, she’s not my Senator, and I don’t get to vote for or against her.