In the comments of this EffU post, our friend Pudge is insisting that AirTran is lying about the Tedd Petruna email. This is an open thread.
by Lee — ,
In the comments of this EffU post, our friend Pudge is insisting that AirTran is lying about the Tedd Petruna email. This is an open thread.
So the guy reporting he single-handedly foiled a terrorist dry run is unsure of the details of the email he sent? Why doesn’t that surprise me?
So the Wall Street Journal is “burying” the phrase ‘death tax’ to refer to the estate tax. I wonder when Frank Blethen will get the memo.
Since its an open thread:
Congressmen To Call For Break-Up Of Biggest Banks
I’ll be rooting for Jay Inslee to succeed with this bill. It will be interesting to watch how Obama and Summers respond. IMO, repealing Glass-Steagall was a huge part of how we got in the current situation.
Pudge is NOT my friend. Pudge is an idiot.
To believe everything Petruna claims, one has to believe that these alleged “terrorists” couldn’t, among them all, scrape together enough brains to surpass that of Jeff Dunham’s dead terrorist, Ahmed. And Pudge is skeptical of AirTran!?
Classic Pudge: Argue the indefensible, call everyone else names and refuse to recognize how ludicrous you are….hey, this is a cxlassic Pudgie boy rant.
I love how cocksure Pudge is of himself, when he is so obviously wrong to anyone with a rational brain.
Go Pudge!
If it weren’t for fools like Pudgie boy, we would have so little to mock.
Classic Schizophrenia symptoms: Failure to follow a logical thought pattern, distrust of fellow humans and assumes conspiracies of everyone around you.
There’s always a special beauty to someone who has absolutely no awareness of how ridiculous they’re being.
Well would you look at that, another terrorist was caught and is being tried in a criminal court in Chicago.
Hmm… I seem to remember all sort of people shouting about how an Obama Admin would be soft of terror.
The gullibility of rightwing fools never ceases to amaze and amuse.
Rightwing blog-o-sphere goes ape shit over new “Muslims caught doing a skyjacking ‘dry-run'” story–this one is complete with brave Texans (passengers) physically kicking the evil-doers off the plane. AirTran posts a point-by-point rebuttal.
(For the official AirTran rebuttal, click here:
In the interest of sober scholarship, or at least truth and justice, let us carefully examine the evidence:
“I was in first class coming home. Eleven muslim men got on the plane in full attire.”
Thank God they were not naked!
“Two sat in first class and the rest peppered themselves throughout the plane all the way to the back.”
They took their assigned seats!
“If this wasn’t a dry run, I don’t know what one is.”
If this is not a crock of shit…
Additional comments:
“I too was wondering what full muslim attire entails. The author no doubt was envisioning turbans, scimitars, and pointy vulcan ears.”
“They also wear very wide red silk belts knotted at the waist (the better to hold the scimitars) and the shoes that curl up at the toes and have a tassel at the end.”
“Many Muslims also travel with little monkeys perched on their shoulders. But only some of the monkeys have eyepatches.”
“On an aircraft, Im not sure who is more dangerous to passenger safety, a ‘terrist’ or a texan who thinks life really is like a die hard movie..”
“Terrorists, obviously… but the jingoist fucks outnumber them a thousand to one and won’t show up on the no-fly list if positively identified.”
haw! haw! haw! haw!
@3 So typical. Whenever some rightwing fools makes himself look absolutely absurd, another rightwing fool tries to change the subject.
Pudge crazier than Griswold? Griswold, yeah, he’s fucking crazy. But I haven’t thought of Pudge as crazy. Pudge’s affliction is more, um, like his skull is so fucking thick there’s just no room for a brain in there.
Wow. Big fucking surprise.
I know Darryl posits that the PuddyBuddy is a “character”…but I think the real guy really believes all his horseshit.
The man is well and truly unhinged.
Snopes has the details: Flight 297
In brief, non-english speaker passenger was looking at pictures on his camera (not a cell phone) and the flight attendant handled the situation poorly. The result was a return to the gate and some passengers taking a later flight.
Geez…PUDDYBUDDY get’s a whole post devoted to HIM!!!!
Wow. Even better that the “Golden Goat” Lifetime achievement Award yer up for.
Proud of ya buddy. Right proud!
correct @ 7
I read that thread on Effin.
I’m a geek and have worked with plenty of geeks. I have a different take on Pudge.
Short answer:
The action is the juice.
Quoting Digby:
Please read Digby’s The Action Is The Juice and Permanent War for background explanations.
To me, this one of the most important insights regarding our opponents.
Longer answer:
I’ve not met Pudge and have only read his writings. My opinion may change if I were to ever meet Pudge.
Pudge is not schizophrenic. I’ve actually seen that and it’s very different.
Pudge is a pedantic contrarian antagonistic partisan.
Geeks tend to be pendantic, so love to argue and debate. The smaller the point, the better. It’s okay when geeks argue fairly. But Pudge injects falsehoods and logical fallacies.
The contrarian part is a little bit like playing the Devil’s Advocate role. If you’re for something, Pudge will be against it. Just because. Done constructively, this geek trait is awesome. I love it when others pick a part my work. Because then my work get better.
Alas, that’s not Pudge’s goal. He’s just picking a fight.
The antagonistic partisan part is easy to understand, hardest to handle.
We progressives think that if we just explain ourselves better, our opponents will eventually see the light, and we’ll all get along happily ever after.
That will never happen.
I used to believe this. That there is an objective reality that we can all agree on. That we’re all on this rock together, sink or swim. That everyone believes “We all do better when we all do better.”
I was naive.
For people like Pudge, who enthusiastically act against their own self-interest, it’s not about the betterment of humanity, about finding peace, about progress.
For Pudge, it’s only about winning. At all costs. Damn the consequences.
So, here, finally, is my take away point.
Pudge’s “victory condition” (geekspeak for ultimate goal) is to keep others from succeeding.
Pudge argues to distract, to deflect, to take his opponents off task.
Any moment spent thinking about Pudge is time you’re not working your cause.
Pudge can only beat you if pay attention to him. Pudge is very clever at drawing attention to himself, so it’s a challenge.
Jason @ 17…
You are absolutely correct. I kinda sussed that out years ago (though not at all as thoroughly and as well as you) and pretty much gave up on arguing with him. It really is quite useless. The PuddyBuddy character is really quite useless.
So I just try to turn the mirror back on him and his fan club; the cyniklown and marvie-poo the cabana boy cum-dumpster. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!!
I just loved the disclaimer that foaming right wing Coulter wannabe added at the bottom:
By the way, Tedd Petruna admits that he is unsure of some details in his e-mail–and e-mail he never intended to be distributed throughout the internet, like that the men were Muslim as opposed to “Arabic.” But how many men speaking Arabic, conducting a dry run of a hijacking are Christian Arabs?
Right wingers have always been driven by mythology and stereotyping. Now, they have made it into a science!