Looks like former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson has just become the undisputed GOP presidential frontrunner:
WASHINGTON – Former Wisconsin governor and Republican presidential hopeful Tommy Thompson told Jewish activists Monday that making money is “part of the Jewish tradition,” and something that he applauded.
Speaking to an audience at the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism in Washington D.C., Thompson said that, “I’m in the private sector and for the first time in my life I’m earning money. You know that’s sort of part of the Jewish tradition and I do not find anything wrong with that.”
Thompson later apologized for the comments that had caused a stir in the audience, saying that he had meant it as a compliment, and had only wanted to highlight the “accomplishments” of the Jewish religion.
[…] “What I was referring to, ladies and gentlemen, is the accomplishments of the Jewish religion. You’ve been outstanding business people and I compliment you for that.”
Gee. Um… thanks. I think.
Atrios follows Thompson’s lead:
I would like to compliment my African-American readers on their dancing abilities and athletic prowess, my Asian-American readers on their studiousness, and of course my female readers for their excellence in homemaking.
…almost forgot to congratulate my white male readers for their astounding successes in the face of unprecedented oppression.
You know what they say in business:
“If you snooze, you lose. . .to the Jews!”
“What I was referring to, ladies and gentlemen, is the accomplishments of the Jewish religion. . . ”
Ahhhhhhhh, yes, Tommy Boy must’ve been referring to the money changers.
Good call.
Oh, brother. I suprised he didn’t say, “You’re a credit to your race.”
And I’ll tell you, Goldy, just like I told Duncan (Atrios): I am excellent at ass-kicking! Now go do some fucking laundry!
(Because that’s what the men in my house do – the fucking laundry!)
Ya know, poor Tommy has had his ‘macaca’ moment already, and there hasn’t even been a primary or caucas yet. Talk about peaking early!
As Jackie Mason once observed: Nobody ever walked to the other side of the street saying, “Watch out! Here comes a gang of Jewish accountants!”
Paging in the Wisconsin Senate in the early ’90s as a Dem, I can honestly say he wasn’t a bad guy. Let’s hope he stays that way if he becomes a front runner and the GOP base starts demanding he lose his mind.
Your gawd of global warming needs to follow the example set by President Bush instead of being a hypocrite arrogant elitist fucking asshole:
Headlice – Lookout !!!!!!!!!!! Here comes a checkerboard !!!!!!!!!
Hey, splain to me how the amount of wealth in the world is fixed amount. I love that one.
Memo to Clay Bennett:
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Well ….
we have done well here, some of us anyhow. Is that something to be ashamed of?
I don;t ee this as any credit to our religion though. May have more to do with surviving the horrors of Europe and experiencing the freedom to do our things here. We share a
lot that way with other immigrants! For that matter, there seems to me to be an awful lot of similarity between the AA middle class and my own immigrant forbears .. is Black a religion too?
@11 Looks like Clay took whining lessons from Dino.
Thompson’s a nice guy (for a Republican) but a lightweight. The White House needs someone tough, like Hillary or Gregoire.
Like Gregoire
She is errr ahhhh “tough”
What in the cabbage patch gives you that idea?
@15 She doesn’t take any shit off Republican whiners and crybabies.
I’m waiting for MTR to start his own blog.
That’d be fun. All of us going over to his place, that he’s responsible
for, and commenting at the MTR blog. Gawd, that’d be hella fun.
You mean the AG who gave up $70,000,000 as UW attorney?
or mayhap the Guv who flubbed the viaduct?
or could be the education leader who yellowed her way out of the recommendations to reform our fucked up schools?
or was it the guv who led a racist sorority nad didn’t see a need to apologize?
or maybe the little lady w/o the courage to propose tax reform?
Ya shure betcha! She is a tuff cholclate chip of cookie .. or maybe toll house?
Sharansky can’t get over the fact the P-I will survive.
The $16.4 Billion Is Only A Down Payment
Never mind the sophistry of his favorite newspaper. Hey Stefan — since you like to rail against the Sounder (pun intended), this should interest you:
“New 520 bridge may mean new taxes
“OLYMPIA — Since 2003, Washington lawmakers have … pumped more than $14 billion into Puget Sound highway projects. In November Puget Sound voters will be asked to approve an additional $16 billion in roads and transit taxes.
“But … even if voters approve the new taxes, $30 billion worth of Puget Sound transportation investments does not provide enough money to complete the $4.4 billion SR 520 bridge replacement.
“Guess what? They’ll likely need another tax increase to finish the job.
“The flood of new transportation money pouring into the region is going to projects on lists that have been crafted to win the broadest support from the broadest possible cross-section of voters and elected leaders. …
“Now lawmakers face the possibility that they’ll have to raise taxes yet again to complete 520 … which most in Olympia would prefer to discuss after the 2008 elections ….
“The regional proposal slated for the fall ballot would provide $4.4 billion for various King County highways. … But even with all that they’ll likely have to ask for more money from taxpayers. Just how far the 520 project falls short remains an open question, but transportation leaders in the House and Senate … anticipate the need for additional funds. Those sources could include … new taxes ….
“The upcoming regional vote would only make a small dent in the $70 billion gap between the transportation projects and programs in the region and current funding ….
“The RTID planning committee’s project manager Kjristine Lund said the panel is not trying to hide the economic realities about 520 from the public. ‘We’ll try to provide as much disclosure as we possibly can,’ Lund said. ‘In a perfect world it would be great if we could say the 520 bridge could be completely built with just the region’s contributions but it’s going to take more than that.’ The revenue sources that RTID has chosen would generate $4.4 billion for an investment plan that is intended to serve the entire county, Lund said. ‘The replacement of the 520 bridge is one of the many priorities in the region,’ Lund said.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2qn2qt
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is the P-I exposing the dishonesty of the politicians who want you to pony up $16.4 billion this fall — without telling you they’ll be back for more later. Isn’t this sort of thing right up Stefan’s alley? But he wouldn’t know about it, would he, because he doesn’t read the P-I.
Let’s see … 70 billion bucks. That’s what the transportation big spenders want from the 3.2 million residents of King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. That’s $21,875 per person or $65,625 for a typical family of 3.4 persons. And that’s before paying any interest on the bonds to finance all those projects.
Where the fuck do they think we peasants are going to get that kind of money; and what makes them imagine we’ll be willing to hand it over to them?
We better stockpile guns in case the transportation boosters try to stage a coup.
re9: Well, first you explain to me how the wealth of the world is any more or less than it is at any given moment.
@17: You’d have to pay me to go to a blog written by MTR. Hey! Iz’zat “building wealth”? Zig Ziglar and I want to know.
There have to be folks out there who hate me enough to pay me to read his drivel–next, the marketing plan to find those ‘customers’. Thence to the bank to borrow some funds to take advantage of the marvelous power of leverage.
Building wealth is so easy. Why, that’s the reason everybody is rich. Hitch your wagon to my plan, yessirree. I’m plannin’ to ride the tide that lifts all boats.
re 17: He’d “ban” you for not agreeing with him. That’s how authoritarian personalities are.
They consider themselves to be strong, right, and inflexible.
And they are — much like a Downs’ syndrome person is.
I love this gal. We need more Lucy’s in the world so more dumbasses like me can get voted into office.
Well, first you explain to me how the wealth of the world is any more or less than it is at any given moment.
Well geee willikers no. I betcha ya Gregoire can explain how democrat votes of a given couty is more then what it is at any given moment.
re 27: But, can you?
18 Yeah, toufh. Tough like in taking on breast cancer and then segue right into running for governor. Let’s see you get your schlong cut off and then run for office.
From, The Wingnut Debate Dictionary
Byrd-baiting (11/10/03) – Proving that “Democrats are the real racists” by the fact that Sen. Byrd was a member of the KKK thirty years before you were born.
Yeah and which republican can you say that about….. oh that is right there isn’t any. hehehehehe Nevermind.
Ok, maybe it wasn’t my best idea. Forget it, MTR. No one would come see you. And we certainly wouldn’t want you to be lonely.
Hey lookee — here’s a fascinating little wingnut blog called “fuckfrance.com” … and check out the 8th comment — one of the knuckledraggers is bragging about STEALING SCREEN NAMES ON HORSESASS:
“True but secondary in this case.
“The real reason is the Presidential elections are nearing.
“This shooting will be shamelessly exploited for political gain by democrats.
“Every Republican will be blamed for failing to renew the completely ineffective gun ban.
“Just what America needed. 26,000 more victims to vote democrat.
“Considering he was Chinese, he was probably a Clinton operative.
“This is how the moonbats like Rev Al and Screwfrance are reacting.
“www.horsesass.org . . .
“(Funny site btw. You don’t have to register, which means you can simply steal regular users screen names and make fake posts. I had them enraged when I made most of them admit they enjoyed the flavor of semen)”
N.B.: About what you expect from rightwing scum, isn’t it?
Let me guess. I can deduce, without looking, that “fuckfrance.com”
(a) requires user registration, and
(b) blocks any liberal who tries to register or post there;
which makes it a good place for cowards to hide.
Maybe we could figure out a way to return the favor?
@32 MTR will never be lonely as long as he has his “invisible hand.”
You know — the one he keeps under his raincoat in the peep show booth.
The screen name stealer calls himself “poupon_le_french” and here’s his profile:
Unfortunately, his ID and e-mail addy are locked, but since he enjoys fucking with us, maybe we can figure out some way to fuck with him.
I’m a rightwing cocksucker and I love sucking rabbit cock!
I’d try posting that on fuckfrance.com but they’d probably block it. You know how rightwing cowards are — they can dish it out, but can’t take it.
Here’s what we’ll do: I hereby proclaim that
is a community name which anyone can use to post derogatory remarks about wingnuts.
I love to drink liberal cum!*
* This is not a spam post! This is the honest-to-god truth about us wingnuts!
See what I mean? Like the above.
How’s is that. Wait, you did say derogatory remarks about moonbats, right? Nevermind.
Hehehe. I have to admit that is a good screen name. High ten.
I have no idea what the fuck it means. All I know is I love to suck rabbit dick!
Rabbits block traffic in Hungary
BUDAPEST, Hungary — Five thousand rabbits blocked a highway Monday, tying up traffic after the truck that was carrying them collided with another vehicle and overturned. Neither driver was hurt, but some 500 rabbits were killed, authorities said.
The M1 highway – the main road between the capitals of Hungary and Austria – was closed for hours while authorities gathered up the animals, Highway Patrol Spokeswoman Viktoria Galik said.
By midday, 4,400 bunnies had been rounded up, but 100 were still roaming the fields surrounding the highway.
“Those 100 are free to go. We will not collect them,” Galik said.
The ending wasn’t so happy for the ones that were recaptured. They were expected to complete the trip to a slaughterhouse, authorities said.
Goldy, would you rather have awkward sounding republicans supporting Israel, or smooth, politically correct Dems in love with Israel’s murderous enemies.
I thought “your people” survived against a lot of odds by being practical. Are you adopted?
re 49: What a crock! The “awkward”,free-tradin’, somewhat bumbling, yet goodhearted big doofus of a Republican __ who only wants to help the Jews (start the Apocalypse)__ versus the oily, smooth, darkskinned, fasttalkin’, “tourist” lovin’ Democrat.
It sounds like this also-ran who will be out of the race by February cannot afford a decent speech writer, or one at all. Sheesh.