The Seattle Times reports that some in the 43rd Legislative District think the State House seat being vacated by Rep. Ed Murray should go to a gay candidate. And with attorney and activist Jamie Pedersen being the only gay candidate in the race, such sentiments should benefit him.
Hmm. Maybe.
But it should be noted that later today, the Seattle Metropolitan Elections Committee, which rates candidates on issues of importance to the lesbian and gay community, will announce that Lynne Dodson has earned both its highest rating, and a co-endorsement along with Pedersen. Whatever that’s worth.
Will has some further thoughts on this issue.
Believe it or not, The Stranger’s Dan Savage has some thoughts on this as well.
What a put-up job.
“Some think”… Well, who do they quote who actually does think Pedersen deserves the nod simply because he’s gay? I count exactly two of them in the article — Tim Bradbury and Bill Dubay, the latter of whom lives in the 36th District. Every other individual quoted in the article (even Pedersen himself) suggests that being gay isn’t a relevant criterion in the 43rd.
If the big-money interests like the Seattle Times want Jamie Pedersen to represent them in the 43rd — and from the nature and volume of his contributions, one might draw such an inference — they should say so honestly and straightforwardly.
I hardly think the gay rights movement will take a hit if Dick Kelley of some other hetero dude wins this race. I agree with Dan Savage: a hetero rep. representing a powerful gay bloc says more than sending a gay man/ lesbian woman. After all, Jim West was gay, and that didn’t help folks out none.
Six years ago, Florida guv Jeb Bush signed a law repealing that state’s helmet law. Since then, motorcycle deaths there have soared from 20-some a year to 250 a year — a tenfold increase.
Jeb apparently believes people should enjoy the freedom to do stupid things that turn their brains to pulp, kill the lucky ones outright, and stick the taxpayers with a lifetime of Medicaid for the rest.
It’s a good deal for Democrats, too — most of these yahoos probably vote Republican. More precisely, used to vote Republican.
Oops — here’s the correct link.;cid=2194
Flat tax crusader and former GOP presidential hopeful Steve Forbes was glum on Fox News today about his party’s prospects in November:
“Forbes said he thought it was going to be ‘tough’ for Republicans to keep the House of Representatives, because ‘Republicans themselves have done nothing to give the people positive reasons to vote for them.'”
Obviously I’m having some computer problems this morning … that’s because my desktop unit crashed and is in the computer hospital until further notice, and I’m using a backup machine that predates Christ. Here’s the correct link:
While the rest of us wallow in pig shit, the ultra-rich are spending their windfalls like money grows on trees. Ronald S. Lauder just paid $135,000,000.00 for a painting by Gustav Klimt (who I’ve never heard of), breaking the “most expensive painting of all time” record previously held by Pablo Picasso, who at least was famous. And yes, I own Estee Lauder stock — but I’m rethinking that and may call my broker soon.
The Beltway is buzzing with speculation.
Rubberstamp Reichert didn’t hug a rabbit today.
As they are text based, using an old backup machine does not preclude using an a href to prevent breaking the display of the comment thread. Are you just lazy or is the alzhimers particularly bad today?
There are probably more Republicans in the 43rd district, than there are gay Democrats. By similar fallacious reasoning, one could argue that at least 1 of the 3 seats in the 43rd should go to a Republican.
Gee richard, I am not sure if I agree with you or not, since I can only read the first sentence of your post due to rogers off topic URL that he couldnt be bothered with surrounding with just 14 characters to prevent side scrolling.
I really, really, really hate to come CLOSE to agreeing with Pope-A-Dope on ANYTHING but he’s right – in general.
There’s no reason to elect or NOT elect someone because of their sexual orientation. Karl Rove’s being gay hasn’t hurt the GOP one bit.
I don’t know what the background is on Dan Savage’s grudge against Jamie Pedersen. Setting it aside for a moment, and setting aside him being gay, hell, even setting aside his infuriatingly boyish good looks – he’d be a great candidate.
He’s super smart, super articulate, super active in the community; he’s a good liberal, and he’s young. Goldy, weren’t you rallying us to the Darcy Burner cause in part because she’s young and would be around, building experience and influence for a good long time?
This guy kicks ass. We should want him kicking ass for all of our benefit.
Thank you whoever fixed that.
Dan’s issue with Jamie is the fact that Jamie talked absolute shit about Dan’s family in ’04, and also that Jamie Pederson seems to be, if not explicitly, running saying “vote for me, I’m gay. Let’s not lose a gay spot in Olympia.” Which is bullshit.
Republicans who own stocks are evil and greedy and must give all their money to the “guvment” or they are racist. [hehe]
Oil, fast food, tobacco, auto companies are bad and must pay all their profis in taxes. Hollywood stars and black basketball players are good.
Even though Republicans must pay more taxes, they cannot leave the state because to do so would be racist.
Roger and Gang how was father’s day? Well you friend is having fun with her new book and wanted to thank you for your support. Maybe the folks in Seattle will try writing about how godless the Republicans are to the citizens of the Republic of Seattle. Hell the two local fish wrappers could help gather all the pertinent information for the book. Maybe Dan Savage could write the book and Goldie could sell it on Air America.
1) Was Ann Coulter wrong in criticizing four 9/11 widows known as the “Jersey Girls”?
Wrong: 15%
Not wrong: 85%
2) What is your opinion of Ann Coulter?
Favorable: 87%
Unfavorable: 13%
3) Do you agree with Hillary Clinton that Ann’s book is “vicious” and “heartless”?
Yes, agree: 13%
No, don’t agree: 87%
4) Has the media coverage of Ann Coulter and her book been fair?
Fair: 18%
Not fair: 82%
5) Of the three, who would you trust for news and information?
Katie Couric: 10%
Ann Coulter: 86%
Al Franken: 4%
Is Ann Coulter AIDS – infested?
1) Yes – 92%
2) No – 1%
3) Hope so 8%
Has Ann Coulter ever had a meaningful moment in her life?
1) No – 100%
Is Ann Couler an inbred bitch?
1) Yes – 44%
2) No – 0%
3) That’s an insult to dogs – 56%
1. There are probably more Republicans in the 43rd district, than there are gay Democrats. By similar fallacious reasoning, one could argue that at least 1 of the 3 seats in the 43rd should go to a Republican.
Commentby Richard Pope— 6/19/06@ 12:10 pm
Richard you could be right about the numbers, but I bet they (Republicans)get abuse more than the gays living in that neighborhood.
This guy kicks ass. We should want him kicking ass for all of our benefit.
Commentby Poster Child— 6/19/06@ 12:38 pm
Poster Child do you mean “This guy licks ass. We should want him kissing ass for all our benefits.” It sure looks like a type O error on your part.
Hey klake — wanna lick a cute cottontail? For a good time, call 1-800-SUCK-ROG.
Not content to pig up our own country with open pit mines, polluted aquifers, belching smokestakes, chemical plants, Superfund sites, etc., Republicans invaded a foreign country and installed a puppet government that isn’t good at very many things, but does have a talent for creating environmental disasters. Which, of course, is right up the GOP’s alley — in fact, the Republicans probably sent their best technical experts to teach the Iraqis how to create the biggest mess in the shortest possible time!
The New York Times reports,
“BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 18 — An environmental disaster is brewing in the heartland of Iraq’s northern Sunni-led insurgency, where Iraqi officials say that in a desperate move to dispose of millions of barrels of an oil refinery byproduct called ‘black oil,’ the government pumped it into open mountain valleys and leaky reservoirs next to the Tigris River and set it on fire.”
Officious Meddler @10
Have you ever tried typing on a miniature keyboard with paws?
“I can only read the first sentence of your post” Commentby bill— 6/19/06@ 12:16 pm
Coming from a wingnut, that’s probably an inflated claim.
Retard, Im the same bill thats been posting here for a long time, show me where Im a wingnut. So anyone who points out that you are a dickhead is a Rep? Asshole!!!
Hey dumbass Bill — I didn’t do anything to the display. It was like that before I got on the board this morning. Go fuck yourself.
You are the Dancing Queen,
Only Seventeen…
Go ahead, find a post somewhere that I took a conservative point of view.
Flakey klake @20
Where was that poll conducted? At your Montana citizen militia group’s monthly meeting?
31, 32
As a general rule, I only attack wingnuts, but to every rule there are exceptions, and you’ve just made yourself into one. Go fuck yourself, and when you’re done fucking yourself, go fuck your sister.
1. “BAGHDAD, Iraq, June 18 ? An environmental disaster is brewing in the heartland of Iraq’s northern Sunni-led insurgency, where Iraqi officials say that in a desperate move to dispose of millions of barrels of an oil refinery byproduct called ‘black oil,’ the government pumped it into open mountain valleys and leaky reservoirs next to the Tigris River and set it on fire.â€
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 6/19/06 @ 1:40 pm
Roger we have the same problem here in river city, but they add sand and rock and call it asphalt. Every time it rains that bad stuff wash off into the streams and kill all those endangered species call fish. We can clean up that problem by pouring concrete for road ways but that will take years doing the environmental studies.
The side scrolling gets pushed out by long links, like your stupid, also off topic link to the nytimes article about waste oil. Did you notice that the sides of the window are being pushed to the edge of that link? Learn how to use a computer, dickhead.
Ok klake, you just joined the moron club. A link is too long so you are gonna duplicate it? You are a dickhead too.
I see, you fuck up, and anyone who points it out should be attacked? jackass!
1. As a general rule, I only attack wingnuts, but to every rule there are exceptions, and you’ve just made yourself into one. Go fuck yourself, and when you’re done fucking yourself, go fuck your sister.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 6/19/06 @ 1:51 pm
Now, Now, Roger cool your jets, take a deep breath and breathe out really slowly. Hell forget it just drag harder on that Joint my friend, hell take two hits and mellow out. Remember Pease, Love, Sex and Rock Roll. I forgot you chaps don’t have sex anymore do you? That is your real problem mating up with the wrong chaps again Roger?
Wingnuts poo-poo defendants’ rights, diss on defense lawyers, tells us we should “support” the police, and demand immunity against lawsuits for people who commit outrageous torts.
Now visualize a brutal rape and murder of an 11-year-old girl by a convicted sex offender. The police, under pressure to solve the crime, scoop up two boys — ages 7 and 8 — and without the knowledge of their parents or benefit of a defense lawyer, extract confessions from the boys. Needless to say, the case fell apart when a semen stain was found on the victim’s clothing and someone wondered how a 7 or 8 year old boy could produce semen. And eventually the city of Chicago paid multi-million-dollar judgments to the boys and their families for false arrest and defamation. But that outcome would never have occurred if we had wingnut justice in this country, instead of the liberal system of justice that doesn’t allow cops to solve cases with confessions obtained by trickery, torture, or manipulation of child suspects.
And despite the shitpot of money awarded to him, that traumatized 7-year-old kid was never the same again. Now he stands charged with a brutal shooting that videotape evidence and witnesses indicate he actually committed.
How did I fuck up? I posted two incorrect links, and promptly posted corrections? That’s all. You’re accusing me of something I didn’t do. Don’t expect me to like it, jackass.
klake, if and when I need your sex counseling advice, you’ll be the first to know.
klake — I’m horny! Will you lick my cottontail?
The link at 25 to the ny times article is fucked up and too long and is forcing side scroll. You didnt correct it, nor apologize for it. You fucked up the display. Now, klake copied you and its not fixable by either of you, but you should at least recognize that when you post these long links without using an a href, as the box you typed in to submit it requests you do you fuck up other peoples display. Further, you are gonna piss someone off when you do so.
What is there to say about grown-up cops who snatch two little boys off the street, lock them in a room, have a bunch of detectives gang up on them, put words in their mouths, tell them what to think and what to say, and shove a piece of paper in front of them and tell them to sign it?
The police are supposed to protect us. These detectives are a threat to public safety, not protecters. I hope to God they were fired, because nobody is safe as long as they’re on a police force anywhere.
Bullshit. The display is fine on my computer, so it must be in your box. Learn how to operate your own fucking computer, dolt.
I don’t know what the cause of the “side scrolling” you complain about is, but it isn’t happening to me, so stop yer bitchin’ and take care of the problem that is clearly local to you.
I’m getting no side scroll, and that is not a long link. You are full of shit.
And while you’re at it, join the GOP. You’re well qualified to be a Republican. They’re looking for dumb knee-jerks.
Notice you are seeing it break onto two lines? Thats because internet explorer displays differently than browsers that actually follow html guidelines such as Firefox. If a link goes to double lines anyone on Firefox is forced to side scroll.
Oh, and that link is 117 chars long, since the default display is 80, its a long link.
Wrong again, Mr. Bill, I am using firefox. I have read everything in this thread, and followed RR’s links. I have no side scroll.
Update you firefox> Bill. Or use it native under Linux as I do.
NewsMax sent me the notice of the results of their poll, too.
Sheesh, Bill, you ARE a Republican — blaming me for YOUR choice of a browser! Like Mark the Sunburned Neck says, I’m not responsible for your bad choices in life. You owe me an apology. When will it be forthcoming?
The link at 25 works great and Americans didn’t dump the black oil. The Iraqi’s learned that crap from Saddam Hussein, that’s one of his old tricks!
“Jeb apparently believes people should enjoy the freedom to do stupid things,”
Wow, this is without a doubt the most unintentionally hilarious, yet revealing thing I’ve ever seen on a liberal blog anywhere!
Work on your reading comprehension, would you, the article clearly states:
The dumping and burning has embarrassed ministry officials and exposed major gaps in the American-designed reconstruction program…
The United States official who discussed Baiji’s level of oil production said that the black oil could be taken out by truck, and that one of the state-owned marketing companies had undertaken to do so.
But Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloum, who served two stints as oil minister from September 2003 to January 2006, said that plan probably had not been fully worked through. The roads in the Sunni badlands of the north are dangerous and sometimes impassable. And about 150 large tankers would have to leave Baiji fully loaded every day to remove the current production of black oil. Simply finding that number of working vehicles and loading them quickly enough would be challenging under the best of circumstances, Mr. Uloum said.
Of course, the best of circumstances don’t include attacks with IEDs several times a day.
If we can’t protect the roads what are we doing there, what is the mission?