Jim Webb (D-VA) is once again showing that he’s in a league of his own in the U.S. Senate. Tomorrow, he’ll be convening a hearing on the drug war and exploring the damage it’s doing to our country.
According to Kamal, US personnel arrested him at his home in Baghdad at approximately 2:00 A.M. on “A very strong explosion took place in my home. American soldiers had put bombs in front of my door, and they exploded my home, the kitchen, the car.” Kamal was then handcuffed and his head was covered with a bag. American soldiers hit his family members and “pulled [me] in a very bad way and started hitting me in front of [my family].” Kamal recalled being taken for a short ride in a humvee. Upon arrival at Abu Ghraib, he was thrown to the ground and his head was stepped on. This attack caused bleeding from his mouth and eyebrow. He stated, “They broke one of my teeth,” which later was extracted by a doctor in the tent area of Abu Ghraib. Kamal noted that he lost consciousness and eventually woke up in a cell block.
During his detention, Kamal described a range of ill-treatment. He recalled initially being taken “directly to a dark room” where he was stripped naked. The next morning “they started questioning me and the torture started… .They knew I was an Imam and they said I was provoking people against Americans.” He stated that he was kept naked in a cold, dark room for the first three weeks at Abu Ghraib, and remained shackled throughout much of this time. He explained: “They were spitting on me, and insulting me — holding me from my beard. They were kicking me in my chest, on my abdomen, and at one time they pulled me on the stairs and I have a scar on my leg [from it]… .I had a bag on my head, so sometimes they made me walk into the wall, because I could not see anything.”
Kamal described several assaults that caused painful injuries. He described one incident in which he was struck with a rifle in the head and right jaw while lying on the ground. On another occasion, a soldier stabbed him in the cheek with a screwdriver, causing intense pain and bleeding. In one instance an interpreter kicked him in the nose, causing bleeding. In one occasion, a soldier jumped from a table onto his right thigh; in another incident a soldier stamped on his right big toe, causing severe pain that continues to this day. Kamal was also placed in “the punishment room” several times, often for hours at a time, and has subsequently developed rashes and “allergies…because there was urine there.”
This morning’s PI is carrying an editorial in which George Will (George Will!) praises the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding habeus corpus rights of the folks held in Gitmo and elsewhere, and slams McCain for whining about it.
“Two Muslim women at Barack Obama’s rally in Detroit on Monday were barred from sitting behind the podium by campaign volunteers seeking to prevent the women’s headscarves from appearing in photographs or on television with the candidate.
In Detroit on Monday, the two different Obama volunteers — in separate incidents — made it clear that headscarves wouldn’t be in the picture. The volunteers gave different explanations for excluding the hijabs, one bluntly political and the other less clear.”
Real bunch of winners you guys got there. Can’t wait to hear how you HA Lefties try to spin your way out of this one.
3 – Indeed Obama won’t help himself aping a geriatric McSame rally.
When men and women in muslim dress appear in the backdrop at a John McFlip-Flop rally then I’m sure the Obama campaign will allow the same.
There is no courage here. He is only 18 months into a 6 year term. He is risking nothing.
But it is still good to talk it up.
it’s too bad those muslim kids think their identity is more important than Obama even becoming president. Since you know, if he loses because stupid people (who vote!) think he is muslim, his views on equality for all will be but a minor footnote in history.
Would these self-absorbed kids rather have McCain showing his love for Muslims?
Campaigns are primarily about MASS APPEAL to easily-misled voters, they are not about your damn clothing. Get out of the picture.
So Mark, when you and your ilk grow up and quit trying to make points by using pictures out of context, we can all stop this silly game of who gets in the picture and who doesn’t.
You wanna bet McCain’s handlers are trying pretty hard to keep some of his more racist supporters from being photographed shaking his hand? Of course they are.
@ 3 & 7:
Bush has been doing this for years. Remember how they were banning people from Bush rally’s if they were spotted getting out of a car with a Kerry bumper sticker? Or for wearing Kerry shirts?
Yeah, RHP is right, the unpatriotic fools on the right would have taken that photo and made a HUGE issue out of it. Using color and religion as a hate wedge tool is all you got, Mark.
Grow up. And, stop being so unpatriotic.
You know what, it just doesn’t matter any more.
Barak wins with 300+ electoral votes. He’s leading by 4% points (outside the margin of error) in Florida. A state he hasn’t even campaigned in yet and a state Bush won TWICE!!
Obama has a 6 point lead in Ohio and a whopping 12 point lead in PA.
Yeah, guess the bitter old white folk don’t like McCain much do they?
It’s a fucking blow out win for Democrats this fall. 2006 will look like a ripple in a pond compared to this year’s election.
Just think the Republicans have filibustered a record number of times in the Senate this year. America is tired of unpatriotic criminals obstructing progress.
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again, the Modern Day Conservative movement is DEAD! 1964 – 2008.
Good riddance!
Do you conservative bozos actually think the citizens of Florida want unsightly oil well derricks off their coast line?
Sure it’s “safer” now to drill, but do you think even a small oil spill or even just the sludge washing up on the beach is going to be good for tourism?
Yeah, just what everybody wants to do, fly to Florida and look at the former white sandy beaches that are now coated in ooze.
Florida in the Democrats column – Check!!
Having the “Maverick” talk about drilling for oil off of Florida’s coast then the next day have Bush make a big huff that congress should allow drilling is, well, much of the same. Isn’t it?
Sure it is.
It may sound like a good idea to a few people in the Republican base, but to the people in the battle ground state of Florida, that’s a deal breaker. It’s fucking with their livelihood, you think they want to end up like the people in Ohio?
Smooth move ExLax
I had a hospital procedure this week and during the history was asked abut rec. drugs .. incl MJ. This made me think of you.
I can see very good reasons t ask about rec drugs and MJ may be a useful leading question if it leads t identifying other more important drugs. BUT, if this is so, I suspect it would be equally rational to ask about dosage of coffee, Nyquill, and other legal pharmaceuticals.
Funny how the right wing turds hate government spending but are happy to see billions spent on keeping Cheech & Chong from getting high!
Bush just vetoed another farm bill. Yeah, that ought to make to good people along the Mighty Mississippi reallllllllllly happy.
There is a God.
Let’s see Gay marriage in California and God punishes the Midwest with tornados and flooding.
Yep, proof positive God is a Liberal. He is smiting all those people who took his name in vein all those years.
#14 – Naw, God just has lousy aim. Remember, the Christians told us that Katrina was gods retribution for New Orleans holding gay pride events. ‘Course the gay district (around the French Quarter) was the only part of New Orleans NOT harmed. It was everything BUT the gay district that was damaged. If anything, these disasters seem to show god is gay and attacking the straight folk of Iowa (flooding), Kansas (tornadoes), and Georgia (drought). Here in gay old Seattle…sunny and 72. Thanks!
Course I’m gay and from Iowa…maybe god just is a few decades slow in his punishment of Iowa? ;-)
Sarcasm and humor aside, it does always scare the shit out of me that people REALLY think like that. They believe and worship a god that kills thousands of random innocents in random retribution for a handful of people violating one of hundreds/thousands of rules. A god that does that is not worthy of worship, and the people who believe in such a god are not worthy of being called human.
I agree with you 100%. Have you ever read the Bible?
I mean, really read it like a novel – cover-to-cover.
Try it some time and then read Thomas Paine’s books The Age of Reason parts 1 & 2. Especially, 2.
Good reading to understand the mindset of the people who were instrumental in founding our nation.
I also recommend the Jefferson Bible as a read afer that.
Then read the Treaty of Tripoli, in particular Art. XI,
After that, you’ll know how much the Conservative Christian movement is the antithesis to our founding principles.
We’d all be better served by our elected officials if we consistently voted for intelligent, thoughtful, people who have core convictions even if they take positions that aren’t 100% in line with our own. Too often we vote for the candidate who tells us what we want to hear. Or worse yet, our “democratic” organizations who vet candidates apply an ideological litmus test, and those who don’t conform don’t get endorsed.
I don’t agree with Sen. Webb on a number of issues, but I respect him as a thoughtful legislator who says what he believes and does what he says. A trait that is unfortunately in short supply with many of our elected officials.
18 The Bible as literature is far too implausible.
The Real Markspews:
calvin @ 6
Calvin, you have hit the nail on the head regarding Obama and his entire campaign. It isn’t WHO or WHAT he is, but what PACKAGE he can present to the American public.
I’m sure you’re one of those “Heinz 57” Lefties who has no idea of your heritage. I applaud those kids for standing up for their heritage. If they had on some radical T-shirts or hats or buttons, I could see it. I could see it if someone chose to wear a black-and-white Keffiyeh because that is a political statement. But nothing those kids were wearing was un-American.
Calvin, I’m glad you clarified your side’s position. One must always work for the good of the SovietcollectiveBorg hive Democrat Party.
The Real Markspews:
GBS @ 8
If they had stopped McCain folks, I would have no problem with it. It is an Obama rally and it would be wrong to try and screw with it like that. But that wasn’t the case here.
Obama’s campaign apologized. Obama’s campaign leadership probably didn’t like what happened. The point is that the Obama rank-and-file STAFFERS are racist. I would bet that they’re even rich, white kids who can afford to spend the time on the trail while Mummy and Daddy pay their bills. These chuckleheads think that if they “pay their dues” supporting Obama, that all of their “white guilt” is washed away.
If you want to support Obama because you think he’s the right person to be President, you’re entitled to your (misguided, uninformed) opinion. If you’re supporting Obama simply because he’s black, you’re nothing but a racist with “good intentions.”
The Real Markspews:
rhp @ 7
So, presentation is more important than principle for the Democrat Party.
And you’re equating someone that wears a Muslim head scarf with a racist? Good one.
No, that wasn’t his point. His point was that it’s true for ALL political parties.
The Real Markspews:
Lee @ 24
But… but… I thought Obama was NEW! IMPROVED! With MORE SUDSING ACTION and a FRESH, CLEAN SCENT!
Guess he’s just the same ol’, same ol’ in fancy new packaging.
Like I said, presentation over principle.
@22 “I would bet that they’re even rich, white kids”
A typical troll, all you do is make shit up, Mark.
I hear that you fascist fringe element-types have a secret handshake, secret decoder rings and a few other trinkets that distinquish the typical fascist traitor from ordinary American citizens. Care to elaborate?
Feel free to point out where I’ve ever written anything even remotely like that.
Not holding my breath…
21 LMAO @ Surreal Mark
Calvin was referring to Jim Webb, you know, the topic of Lee’s post.
And we all know that the Rovians would have shown pictures of people in muslim dress in the background to an Obama speech all over the place. Didn’t you say Obama was a terrorist? Well there would be the proof, Mr. “Perception is reality”, to the wingnut anyway.
When John Flip-Flop McSame abandons Rovian tactics we’ll stop being proactive about them.
And what’s wrong with white kids from well-to-do families supporting Obama? Not only are YOU racist but you’re into “class warfare” to boot. Sad day for you Surreal.
The Real Markspews:
LMAO @ YLB @ 28 Calvin was referring to Jim Webb, you know, the topic of Lee’s post.
Really? There were “Muslim kids” in the Webb story, too? I responded to his post at SIX, not FIVE.
Nothing wrong with rich, white kids supporting Obama. However, if the SOLE reason they’re doing so is that he’s black, they’re racists. The fact that they refused the Muslim kids means that they’re buying into the idea that there is something wrong with being Muslim (not radical or poltical, but simply MUSLIM).
Sad life for you, YLB.
The Real Markspews:
Lee @ 27
What did I attribute to you, personally?
The Real Markspews:
Steve @ 26
Uh-oh! When the truth hurts… bring on the name-calling!
I’ve known a number of highly-active people that have worked for Dem campaigns. They fall into three categories:
1. Paid staffers
2. Hippies with no real life
3. Rich, white kids with lots of liberal guilt
Yet another Republican perv busted. I’m willing to bet that the Real Mark is a perv too.
Former Maleng aide pleads guilty in sex-sting case
By Natalie Singer
Seattle Times staff reporter
The former financial director of the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office pleaded guilty Tuesday to trying to arrange sex and having sexual chats online with someone whom he believed to be two teenage girls.
Larry Corrigan could face a standard sentence of up to 2 ½ years in prison for one count of second-degree attempted child molestation and one count of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes. He is scheduled to be sentenced May 4 and will have to register as a sex offender upon his release.
After entering his plea, Corrigan was handcuffed by King County Jail guards and taken into custody. His attorney, John Wolfe, said Corrigan decided to plead guilty to move on with his life.
“He made a mistake. He needs to move through this and come out the other side,” Wolfe said.
But Corrigan, who also has been accused of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars by King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng’s campaign committee, could soon face additional criminal charges.
Late last year, just after Corrigan was arrested on the attempted molestation charge, the committee announced that Corrigan, who handled bookkeeping duties, had admitted to misappropriating more than $70,000 from campaign funds between May 2004 and early 2005.
@31 “When the truth hurts…”
Speaking of truth hurting, check out post #32.
Truth is, you guys are a bunch of pervs.
demo kidspews:
@29: Apparently, this moron is quite bitter about the fact that his candidate is a geriatric misogynist that has been considered a RINO throughout a good part of his career!
And after eight years of staged scenes by the Bush Administration, this tool is also quite the hypocrite as well.
Obama isn’t the second coming, but after a completely pathetic Republican administration and twelve years of Republicans ascendance in Congress, a ficus would be a better candidate than any Republican you can name.
demo kidspews:
@31: And this differs from the Republicans how? Replace “hippie” with “religious wacko” and you pretty much have all of the Republican pages I’ve met in the past, too.
Actually, I understand that marijuana use recues the amount of gasoline a car requires by 35%!!!!!
However, if the SOLE reason they’re doing so is that he’s black, they’re racists.
Talking out your ass which is nothing new for you and will continue. Keep up the great work.
And life is good. Since 2004, right wingers have been on a runaway train to oblivion with defeat after defeat and it’s going to smash into a wall come this November.
The Real Markspews:
demo kid @ 35
Sadly, I won’t argue that you’re THAT far off… Except that you don’t have “liberal guilt” kids. They’re more likely to be FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) types.
No need to be an ass @ 34.
Daddy Lovespews:
Can’t wait to hear how you HA Lefties try to spin your way out of this one.
This one what?
Daddy Lovespews:
You know, once conservatives figure out that McCain’s going to lose to Obama whether they vote for him or not, a lot of them will just say “fuck it” and Obama may have a landslide on his hands.
The Real Markspews:
The fact that you see nothing wrong with what happened is a HUGE part of your problem. Even other members of the Kool-Aid Krew here saw that it was wrong. They tried to explain it away, but at least implied that it was wrong.
Maybe if the story involved little boys, you’d pay closer attention.
It is so clear from this Airbus deal that John McCain hates America.
The man was tortured by people who had a two hundred year relationship with France.
They programmed McCain to secretly do France’s bidding, while climbing into a position of power in America.
America, I give you….The Parisienne Candidate…..Monsieur John McCain(R-Airbus)
Why does John McCain hate American airplanes?
Because he crashed five of them in the Navy.
The Oriskany exploded right after John McCain “landed”, or whatever you call it when McCain tries to land an airplane. Maybe he was “moving up” in his sabotage efforts.
Could it be the McCain was trying to sabotage a carrier? After all, he had destroyed three airplanes by that time.
Now think about how, recently, McCain tried to have America buy inferior tanker airplanes from his long time buddies the French, and it all makes sense.
John McCain was in cahoots with the French BEFORE he was caught and tortured by the French loving Viet Cong. Now we can deduce why he was tortured less severely and less often than his “fellow” servicemen. Because McCain got to live with his captors in air conditioned slendor at the ACTUAL Hanoi Hilton.
That’s right, McCain lived in the Chateau d’amour Francaise suite at the ACTUAL(4 stars at the time) Hanoi Hilton.
Bet you didn’t know that about John McCain.
And his wife is a cunt. At least her husband said so.
Yep, this election season is going to be fun, fun, fun.
This morning’s PI is carrying an editorial in which George Will (George Will!) praises the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding habeus corpus rights of the folks held in Gitmo and elsewhere, and slams McCain for whining about it.
How about this story of
courageaudacity:Muslims barred from picture at Obama event
Real bunch of winners you guys got there. Can’t wait to hear how you HA Lefties try to spin your way out of this one.
3 – Indeed Obama won’t help himself aping a geriatric McSame rally.
When men and women in muslim dress appear in the backdrop at a John McFlip-Flop rally then I’m sure the Obama campaign will allow the same.
There is no courage here. He is only 18 months into a 6 year term. He is risking nothing.
But it is still good to talk it up.
it’s too bad those muslim kids think their identity is more important than Obama even becoming president. Since you know, if he loses because stupid people (who vote!) think he is muslim, his views on equality for all will be but a minor footnote in history.
Would these self-absorbed kids rather have McCain showing his love for Muslims?
Campaigns are primarily about MASS APPEAL to easily-misled voters, they are not about your damn clothing. Get out of the picture.
So Mark, when you and your ilk grow up and quit trying to make points by using pictures out of context, we can all stop this silly game of who gets in the picture and who doesn’t.
You wanna bet McCain’s handlers are trying pretty hard to keep some of his more racist supporters from being photographed shaking his hand? Of course they are.
@ 3 & 7:
Bush has been doing this for years. Remember how they were banning people from Bush rally’s if they were spotted getting out of a car with a Kerry bumper sticker? Or for wearing Kerry shirts?
Yeah, RHP is right, the unpatriotic fools on the right would have taken that photo and made a HUGE issue out of it. Using color and religion as a hate wedge tool is all you got, Mark.
Grow up. And, stop being so unpatriotic.
You know what, it just doesn’t matter any more.
Barak wins with 300+ electoral votes. He’s leading by 4% points (outside the margin of error) in Florida. A state he hasn’t even campaigned in yet and a state Bush won TWICE!!
Obama has a 6 point lead in Ohio and a whopping 12 point lead in PA.
Yeah, guess the bitter old white folk don’t like McCain much do they?
It’s a fucking blow out win for Democrats this fall. 2006 will look like a ripple in a pond compared to this year’s election.
Just think the Republicans have filibustered a record number of times in the Senate this year. America is tired of unpatriotic criminals obstructing progress.
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again, the Modern Day Conservative movement is DEAD! 1964 – 2008.
Good riddance!
Do you conservative bozos actually think the citizens of Florida want unsightly oil well derricks off their coast line?
Sure it’s “safer” now to drill, but do you think even a small oil spill or even just the sludge washing up on the beach is going to be good for tourism?
Yeah, just what everybody wants to do, fly to Florida and look at the former white sandy beaches that are now coated in ooze.
Florida in the Democrats column – Check!!
Having the “Maverick” talk about drilling for oil off of Florida’s coast then the next day have Bush make a big huff that congress should allow drilling is, well, much of the same. Isn’t it?
Sure it is.
It may sound like a good idea to a few people in the Republican base, but to the people in the battle ground state of Florida, that’s a deal breaker. It’s fucking with their livelihood, you think they want to end up like the people in Ohio?
Smooth move ExLax
I had a hospital procedure this week and during the history was asked abut rec. drugs .. incl MJ. This made me think of you.
I can see very good reasons t ask about rec drugs and MJ may be a useful leading question if it leads t identifying other more important drugs. BUT, if this is so, I suspect it would be equally rational to ask about dosage of coffee, Nyquill, and other legal pharmaceuticals.
Funny how the right wing turds hate government spending but are happy to see billions spent on keeping Cheech & Chong from getting high!
Bush just vetoed another farm bill. Yeah, that ought to make to good people along the Mighty Mississippi reallllllllllly happy.
There is a God.
Let’s see Gay marriage in California and God punishes the Midwest with tornados and flooding.
Yep, proof positive God is a Liberal. He is smiting all those people who took his name in vein all those years.
God’s Karma can be a real bitch.
LMAO!! @ Surreal Mark’s candidate the actor
stalking a “Cindy look-alike”
#14 – Naw, God just has lousy aim. Remember, the Christians told us that Katrina was gods retribution for New Orleans holding gay pride events. ‘Course the gay district (around the French Quarter) was the only part of New Orleans NOT harmed. It was everything BUT the gay district that was damaged. If anything, these disasters seem to show god is gay and attacking the straight folk of Iowa (flooding), Kansas (tornadoes), and Georgia (drought). Here in gay old Seattle…sunny and 72. Thanks!
Course I’m gay and from Iowa…maybe god just is a few decades slow in his punishment of Iowa? ;-)
Sarcasm and humor aside, it does always scare the shit out of me that people REALLY think like that. They believe and worship a god that kills thousands of random innocents in random retribution for a handful of people violating one of hundreds/thousands of rules. A god that does that is not worthy of worship, and the people who believe in such a god are not worthy of being called human.
Steve, you should check out this post:
Now hear this @ 16:
I agree with you 100%. Have you ever read the Bible?
I mean, really read it like a novel – cover-to-cover.
Try it some time and then read Thomas Paine’s books The Age of Reason parts 1 & 2. Especially, 2.
Good reading to understand the mindset of the people who were instrumental in founding our nation.
I also recommend the Jefferson Bible as a read afer that.
Then read the Treaty of Tripoli, in particular Art. XI,
After that, you’ll know how much the Conservative Christian movement is the antithesis to our founding principles.
We’d all be better served by our elected officials if we consistently voted for intelligent, thoughtful, people who have core convictions even if they take positions that aren’t 100% in line with our own. Too often we vote for the candidate who tells us what we want to hear. Or worse yet, our “democratic” organizations who vet candidates apply an ideological litmus test, and those who don’t conform don’t get endorsed.
I don’t agree with Sen. Webb on a number of issues, but I respect him as a thoughtful legislator who says what he believes and does what he says. A trait that is unfortunately in short supply with many of our elected officials.
18 The Bible as literature is far too implausible.
calvin @ 6
Calvin, you have hit the nail on the head regarding Obama and his entire campaign. It isn’t WHO or WHAT he is, but what PACKAGE he can present to the American public.
I’m sure you’re one of those “Heinz 57” Lefties who has no idea of your heritage. I applaud those kids for standing up for their heritage. If they had on some radical T-shirts or hats or buttons, I could see it. I could see it if someone chose to wear a black-and-white Keffiyeh because that is a political statement. But nothing those kids were wearing was un-American.
Calvin, I’m glad you clarified your side’s position. One must always work for the good of the
SovietcollectiveBorg hiveDemocrat Party.GBS @ 8
If they had stopped McCain folks, I would have no problem with it. It is an Obama rally and it would be wrong to try and screw with it like that. But that wasn’t the case here.
Obama’s campaign apologized. Obama’s campaign leadership probably didn’t like what happened. The point is that the Obama rank-and-file STAFFERS are racist. I would bet that they’re even rich, white kids who can afford to spend the time on the trail while Mummy and Daddy pay their bills. These chuckleheads think that if they “pay their dues” supporting Obama, that all of their “white guilt” is washed away.
If you want to support Obama because you think he’s the right person to be President, you’re entitled to your (misguided, uninformed) opinion. If you’re supporting Obama simply because he’s black, you’re nothing but a racist with “good intentions.”
rhp @ 7
So, presentation is more important than principle for the Democrat Party.
And you’re equating someone that wears a Muslim head scarf with a racist? Good one.
Thanks for the clarification.
No, that wasn’t his point. His point was that it’s true for ALL political parties.
Lee @ 24
But… but… I thought Obama was NEW! IMPROVED! With MORE SUDSING ACTION and a FRESH, CLEAN SCENT!
Guess he’s just the same ol’, same ol’ in fancy new packaging.
Like I said, presentation over principle.
@22 “I would bet that they’re even rich, white kids”
A typical troll, all you do is make shit up, Mark.
I hear that you fascist fringe element-types have a secret handshake, secret decoder rings and a few other trinkets that distinquish the typical fascist traitor from ordinary American citizens. Care to elaborate?
Feel free to point out where I’ve ever written anything even remotely like that.
Not holding my breath…
21 LMAO @ Surreal Mark
Calvin was referring to Jim Webb, you know, the topic of Lee’s post.
And we all know that the Rovians would have shown pictures of people in muslim dress in the background to an Obama speech all over the place. Didn’t you say Obama was a terrorist? Well there would be the proof, Mr. “Perception is reality”, to the wingnut anyway.
When John Flip-Flop McSame abandons Rovian tactics we’ll stop being proactive about them.
And what’s wrong with white kids from well-to-do families supporting Obama? Not only are YOU racist but you’re into “class warfare” to boot. Sad day for you Surreal.
LMAO @ YLB @ 28 Calvin was referring to Jim Webb, you know, the topic of Lee’s post.
Really? There were “Muslim kids” in the Webb story, too? I responded to his post at SIX, not FIVE.
Nothing wrong with rich, white kids supporting Obama. However, if the SOLE reason they’re doing so is that he’s black, they’re racists. The fact that they refused the Muslim kids means that they’re buying into the idea that there is something wrong with being Muslim (not radical or poltical, but simply MUSLIM).
Sad life for you, YLB.
Lee @ 27
What did I attribute to you, personally?
Steve @ 26
Uh-oh! When the truth hurts… bring on the name-calling!
I’ve known a number of highly-active people that have worked for Dem campaigns. They fall into three categories:
1. Paid staffers
2. Hippies with no real life
3. Rich, white kids with lots of liberal guilt
Yet another Republican perv busted. I’m willing to bet that the Real Mark is a perv too.
Former Maleng aide pleads guilty in sex-sting case
By Natalie Singer
Seattle Times staff reporter
The former financial director of the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office pleaded guilty Tuesday to trying to arrange sex and having sexual chats online with someone whom he believed to be two teenage girls.
Larry Corrigan could face a standard sentence of up to 2 ½ years in prison for one count of second-degree attempted child molestation and one count of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes. He is scheduled to be sentenced May 4 and will have to register as a sex offender upon his release.
After entering his plea, Corrigan was handcuffed by King County Jail guards and taken into custody. His attorney, John Wolfe, said Corrigan decided to plead guilty to move on with his life.
“He made a mistake. He needs to move through this and come out the other side,” Wolfe said.
But Corrigan, who also has been accused of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars by King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng’s campaign committee, could soon face additional criminal charges.
Late last year, just after Corrigan was arrested on the attempted molestation charge, the committee announced that Corrigan, who handled bookkeeping duties, had admitted to misappropriating more than $70,000 from campaign funds between May 2004 and early 2005.
@31 “When the truth hurts…”
Speaking of truth hurting, check out post #32.
Truth is, you guys are a bunch of pervs.
@29: Apparently, this moron is quite bitter about the fact that his candidate is a geriatric misogynist that has been considered a RINO throughout a good part of his career!
And after eight years of staged scenes by the Bush Administration, this tool is also quite the hypocrite as well.
Obama isn’t the second coming, but after a completely pathetic Republican administration and twelve years of Republicans ascendance in Congress, a ficus would be a better candidate than any Republican you can name.
@31: And this differs from the Republicans how? Replace “hippie” with “religious wacko” and you pretty much have all of the Republican pages I’ve met in the past, too.
Actually, I understand that marijuana use recues the amount of gasoline a car requires by 35%!!!!!
However, if the SOLE reason they’re doing so is that he’s black, they’re racists.
Talking out your ass which is nothing new for you and will continue. Keep up the great work.
And life is good. Since 2004, right wingers have been on a runaway train to oblivion with defeat after defeat and it’s going to smash into a wall come this November.
demo kid @ 35
Sadly, I won’t argue that you’re THAT far off… Except that you don’t have “liberal guilt” kids. They’re more likely to be FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) types.
No need to be an ass @ 34.
Can’t wait to hear how you HA Lefties try to spin your way out of this one.
This one what?
You know, once conservatives figure out that McCain’s going to lose to Obama whether they vote for him or not, a lot of them will just say “fuck it” and Obama may have a landslide on his hands.
The fact that you see nothing wrong with what happened is a HUGE part of your problem. Even other members of the Kool-Aid Krew here saw that it was wrong. They tried to explain it away, but at least implied that it was wrong.
Maybe if the story involved little boys, you’d pay closer attention.
It is so clear from this Airbus deal that John McCain hates America.
The man was tortured by people who had a two hundred year relationship with France.
They programmed McCain to secretly do France’s bidding, while climbing into a position of power in America.
America, I give you….The Parisienne Candidate…..Monsieur John McCain(R-Airbus)
Why does John McCain hate American airplanes?
Because he crashed five of them in the Navy.
The Oriskany exploded right after John McCain “landed”, or whatever you call it when McCain tries to land an airplane. Maybe he was “moving up” in his sabotage efforts.
Could it be the McCain was trying to sabotage a carrier? After all, he had destroyed three airplanes by that time.
Now think about how, recently, McCain tried to have America buy inferior tanker airplanes from his long time buddies the French, and it all makes sense.
John McCain was in cahoots with the French BEFORE he was caught and tortured by the French loving Viet Cong. Now we can deduce why he was tortured less severely and less often than his “fellow” servicemen. Because McCain got to live with his captors in air conditioned slendor at the ACTUAL Hanoi Hilton.
That’s right, McCain lived in the Chateau d’amour Francaise suite at the ACTUAL(4 stars at the time) Hanoi Hilton.
Bet you didn’t know that about John McCain.
And his wife is a cunt. At least her husband said so.
Yep, this election season is going to be fun, fun, fun.