If you’ve ever wondered why paranoid-delusional righties like the Orb get so angry and/or pants-wetting-frightened at the words of people like me, it might be because they actually believe the hateful demagoguery spewing from the likes of Ann Coulter, who may or may not have been joking when she recently absurdly claimed that “all political violence is committed by the left in this country.”
That’s right, the abortion doctor killer? A lefty. The Holocaust Museum shooter? A lefty. Timothy McVeigh? A lefty. The assassins of President Kennedy, his brother Robert, and Martin Luther King Jr., apparently, lefties all, at least, according to Coulter, who astutely points out that Harvey Milk’s killer was a Democrat. Case closed.
That’s why the same righties who passionately celebrate gun-toting teabaggers as patriotic defenders of the 2nd Amendment, soil their undies at the mere thought of self-avowed liberals publicly displaying firearms. They actually believe we’re dangerous. That’s why they’re arming themselves. To protect themselves against us.
What fucking horseshit.
…Coulter and our moronic fucking trolls who will predictably and vehemently agree with the harridan…NOT Goldy!
Just to clear up any…uhhh…ambiguity.
Coulter, like fat Rabbit, occasionally exaggerates for effect.
Rabbit surely knows that not every Republican is a goatfucking Nazi and that not every Nazi is a Republican goatfucker, but he says it anyway. Coulter surely knows that about one out of every one million acts of political violence is committed by a wayward right-winger trying to vamp as a violent left-winger.
Fat Rabbit and Coulter know these things because they’re totally on the same page. On Friday Coulter affirmed that Hillary, not John McCain, was her candidate in 2008. Just like fat Rabbit.
Rabbit and Coulter were Hillary cheerleaders in sexy little dresses. That figures because, way back in the day, Hillary and Rabbit were Goldwater Girls.
“…way back in the day, Hillary and Rabbit were Goldwater Girls.”
Ah, but Rabbit came to his senses (or realizes the right of today is something Barry wouldn’t have anything to do with).
Oh, yeah…Roger also proudly acknowledges ownership of his bunny schlong.
IF you consider the civil war, the efforts of reactionary racist whites after the civil war to do away with democracy in the confederacy and institute jim crow, the centuries and decades of violence against blacks, this is not only an incorrect statement but a deliberate and knowing lie. In Louisiana they actually threw over a reconstruction legislature thru violence of the right. Add in assassinations of MLK and JFK and RFK and the Chilean diplomat, the use of violence by the CIA in other nations, and certain right wing’s arguments for illegal torture today, and you find that to say violence is evenhanded is also false.
Specifically, to suggest that one of “one million acts of political violence is committed by a wayward right-winger” is historically false; there have been tides and tides of constant violence by right wingers designed to suppress African Americans and unions and other causes, going back centuries. There weren’t 20,000 lynching of right wingers by left wingers in the USA but there were tens of thousands of acts of violence — political violence — against blacks who dared to try to own property or build a business or cast a vote or even walk down the street. Today beating up African Americans is fortunately more rare but we still have beatings of gay folks just for being out, and destruction of Jewish property via swastikas, murders of folks at the JFA offices, and so on.
This is all taken collectively 99.0% right wing violence. It’s been pervasive in our history. Denying that by trying to say it’s rare and it’s been equal, does violence to the truth.
Missed you, Art. And missed the wedding. Meant to crash it and cash in on the buffet, since we’re all sharing socialists now, but had to tend to my teabagging.
Best wishes to bride & groom.
Scratch the surface of the rightwingnuts and you find a coward who is paranoid schizophrenic….scared of tree huggers, other races and those scary “socialists”.
You know, the kind of people from Sweden and France.
@5 Seems you’re trying to put a lot of eggs in the same basket there. At least back in the 60’s when I took high school history they taught us that the Reconstruction made a bad situation worse because of the “carpetbaggers” and general corruption on top of a mindset during Grant’s presidency that southern whites hadn’t yet been adequately punished. The KKK rose largely to combat all that–not unlike what happened in Germany after World War I.
Racism isn’t the only motivation for right-wing excess, and to my mind is being used as a cover for what’s really more generalized class warfare, and an effort to maintain some sort of “American empire”. That’s really what the CIA is all about.
Just to be fair, the left has had some crazies and violent people:
Earth Liberation Front
Black Panthers
Most of those, however, are gone and repudiated. Meanwhile, McVeigh is still a hero to some on the right (instead of being called the murderer that he is).
Edit’s dead. Meant that, because we’re all socialists now, we all share according to our needs and wants.
Reconstruction violence: Reconstruction was a Republican attempt to stop Democrats from lynching blacks, Republicans, and black Republicans. The high-tech lynching of Clarence Thomas by sensitive progressive Democrats was a modern variation on that theme.
Inconvenient truths: Democrat Woodrow Wilson resegregated the executive branch after TR and Taft scrubbed the color line that Democrat Cleveland put in place. Republican Harding’s attempt to pass an anti-lynching bill was beaten back by Democrats. Democrat FDR refused to antagonize his racist party by backing an anti-lynching bill. Republican Eisenhower desegregated Washington D.C. Eisenhower deliberately appointed Earl Warren to the Supreme Court to push through unanimity on Brown v. Board of Education. Eisenhower sidestepped unreconstructed Democrats (who used posse comitatus as a bludgeon against federal interference in Democrat racism) and sent the 101st to Little Rock. Eisenhower pushed through the first civil-rights acts since Reconstruction (although LBJ stripped out enforcement provisions.)
One in a million? HNMT was, as usual, exaggerating for effect.
Gone and repudicated? Hell, they got tenure.
Have heard of no McVeigh lovers, not even in Trochtman’s (sp?) Militia from Montana. Although many of us were as dismayed as McVeigh by Janet Reno’s war on Waco, we hated McVeigh and we’re glad he’s gone.
Note how efficiently the death penalty served justice when McVeigh went from murder to room temperature in only three or four years. No decades-long appeals, fueled by left-wing “activists,” to spare McVeigh’s useless life.
scary socialists … refresh my memory. who recently said that saying s*cial*st is the new improved right-wing way of saying n*gg*r.
McVeigh, Aaron Burr, the confederacy, the KKK, the American BUND, Jim JOnes, the Utah and Texas relgous sects, the anti Nicaragua terrorists, the Cubano liberationists,
yep .. all lefties.
They are actually arming themselves against the dusky hordes of not-pale people whom they believe will rape their daughters and steal their crappy stuff.
Keep hearing (from Stephanie Miller) that Goldwater would not recognize or would repudiate the incivility-right of 2009. Maybe. Barry took a libertarian lurch late in life (told Gingrich to shut up; stood up for military gays who shoot straight), but that was only after he hooked up with a frisky young wife.
Anybody paying attention in 1964 totally knows, though, that 1964 — not 2008/2009 — was the bottom of the cesspool of incivility and defamation. Dan Schorr said Jewish Episcopalian Goldwater liked to pal around with the Waffen SS. No-name shrinks who never met Goldwater said he was too nuts to be president. Most of the left waid Barry was a Bircher. Most of the rest of the left said he was a brain-dead Nazi. Drunk LBJ wiretapped Goldwater’s campaign plane … but nobody dared to call it Watergate.
In fact, 1964 was so uncivil it was almost as bad as 1860 or 1800. Even Al Smith in 1928 was treated with more respect than Goldwater in 1964.
Aaron Burr?!
All hilarity aside, the Carville bit on SNL the other night really zeroed in on how and why the “crazy” has come to be so prominently featured in Republican party politics over the years.
“You ain’t tall, midget! You just clever!”
The elevation of hate mongers, outrageous demagogues and paranoid hysterics like Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, and Savage has an important dual effect. Sure it stirs the hillbillies and angry white males. Gets ’em all whipped up and ready to do some gun tottin’ and teabaggin’. But it also makes fiercely right wing, social program cutting, tax and jail the poor, Reagan/John Birch conservatives like Dave Reichert appear moderate. And just so long as the media continue to embrace and promote the notion of this hysteria being isolated to a small fringe of the far right, it has worked and will continue to work. Guilt by association only works for Democrats. So sayeth the beltway media elites.
In fact, not only do the media elite immunize the leadership of the GOP from any taint by association with this kind of violent craziness and race hatred, they actually grant them a significant benefit from it. See how reasonable they appear, in their custom tailored dark blue suit, red necktie, and flag lapel pin, calmly denouncing any credit given to the idea of government serving the people. But only so long as they are standing next to a guy dressed up like Hitler and armed with an assault rifle.
Check Gregg Easterbrook’s comments re Norman Borlaug, Daddy. Posted excerpts here, but the full-frontal eulogy is at the Rupert Journal, last Wednesday.
Borlaug saved Mexico, India, and Pakistan from the detonation of the population bomb that Paul “bugs” Ehrlich predicted in 1968. Then Borlaug, with Rockefeller Foundatins funding, started to save Africa.
Overfed American left-wing green activists in plush Park Ave offices libbied Rockefeller to defund Borlaug because his agronomy used fertilizer.
Bottom line: Millions of dusky dark Africans starved and starve to death because leftist fanatics like you shrieked that starvation is more sustainable than nitrogenous fertilizer.
I suppose stereotypes of the American left are based on the student movements of 40 years ago, much romanticized by Boomers who can never stop talking about how great they are.
These stereotypes are supported only occasionally by small groups of young anarchists who break shop windows during protests, probably consciously trying to evoke/reenact these same romantic ideas of 40 years ago.
It’s looking-glass time. There’s Art, telling us about right-wing class warfare. And then there’s MADDOCTOR diddling himself with left-wing class warfare. Makes my head spin. Time to fire up the hookah.
This is all taken collectively 99.0% right wing violence. It’s been pervasive in our history. Denying that by trying to say it’s rare and it’s been equal, does violence to the truth.
Good points, Cleve. But it’s not just “our history.” Right wingers across the globe have used violence and intimidation as their primary means of coercion for decades.
But those same overly-armed pussies are the first ones to play victim the second anybody questions their strange obsession with power and domination.
What media is/are MADDOC listening to? ABCCBSNBCMSNBCCNNNPR do a search-and-destroy on right-wing populist activism by searching out the occasional anomaly (such as a Bury Obamacare With Kennedy sign) just so they can smear and destroy a groundswell from the grassroots.
It’s how the left has played its game since about 1948 when Nixon bagged Hiss as a commie spy. The left’s compliant media whitewashed Woodrow Wilson’s war against radical dissent, and began the history meter at a moment when WASP Hiss was inconvenienced by the inconvenient truth.
Then the left backdated McCarthyism, applying the McCarthy epithet to Democrat abridgements of civil rights (1940 Smith Act, Truman’s loyalty oaths) that happened years before McCarthy grabbed his 15 minutes.
Historian Richard Hofstadter, reacting to Goldwater in 1964, started pewling about the right’s paranoid style as if Hiss and the KGB infiltration of the New Deal/Fair Deal never happened. As if only paranoia could explain a growing populist insurgency against the media’s elitist leftist worldview.
Total madness. Terrorism is and was the left’s drug of choice. That’s what anarcho-syndicalist-socialism was all about years ago. It’s what animated America’s New Left … people like Ayers and Dohrn, Friends of Barack.
Woop! There it is! #19!
Almost says it all. Beautiful.
@23: Case in point of @19.
It’s practically the 2010s already, move on Madderman.
10 BC
What a coward that FDR was! That must be why he desegregated the federal civil service.
And Truman was such a weak-kneed sob sister that he desgregated the military.
As Kennedy desgregated federal public Housing, and Johnson muscled through Congress and signed the Kennedy initiatives the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act.
Really, what is true NOW is that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party of one hundred fifty or one hundred years ago are not comparable to the parties of today, and the die-hard segregationists who used to be in the Democoratic Party have now found a welcome home in the Republican Party.
The Republican ‘Southern Strategy’ was to entice as many integrationist Southerners into their ranks as possible.
And thanks to the Father of Civil Rights, Everett Dirksen, that’s exactly what Nixon was able to achieve in 1968. Why do you think that Ben Stein clicks his heels and gives a smart salute every time he hears Nixon’s name?
He knows that Nixon was just kidding when he said he hated Jews.
Thank God that Reagan had the forsight to start his presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Miss., thereby attracting even more white, male, middle-aged Southern Civil Rights activists.
Truman did not desegregate the military. That was done by Eisenhower, as chief of staff for his own service, and later as president when he forced recalcitrant service-branches to follow through. Truman, to his credit, issued a directive. To his discredit he was a weak-kneed sob sister about folowing through.
JFK and housing? You really don’t want to get into JFK’s weakness as a leader. Like Truman he made bold pronouncements (“At the stroke of a pen,” said candidate JFK, he’d do the right thing) but then he totally bled out when the time came. Even being deluged with thousands of pens by angry activists couldn’t get him to follow through. Perhaps that’s why he treid to intimidate MLK into calling off the 1963 March on Washington. And maybe that explains shy JFK approved the wiretapping of MLK.
As for the rest of your nonsense, it’s just more nonsense.
And speaking of dear old fat Rabbit, which way did he go? Off to a Betty Ford Clinic to dry out, or off with YLB to get reassigned?
Miss ‘im. Even miss YLB, whereever he/she/it is.
Edit’s still broken, dammit.
@18 There’s a case to be made for the possibility that Borlaug’s efforts merely staved off the inevitable in a few third-world countries, while being of little benefit in Africa where the logistics didn’t work out as well. Mexico in fact simultaneously developed its own oil fields, which provided both feedstocks for nitrogen fertilizer and fuel for mechanized farming. In any case, producing more food no doubt contributed to continuing population growth and industrialization (freeing more of the population from the constant struggle to feed themselves, so they could do other things). Removal of one set of limits merely allows growth until some other limit gets in the way.
Clobbered Grrrrl: Because of the Eisenhower-Nixon administration of 1953-1961, Nixon’s south in 1968 was very different from, say, Strom’s southern-strategy south of 1948. Nixon in 1960 was more of a civil-rights civil libertarian than was JFK.
As for Nixon and Jews, Nixon’s anti-Semitic comments were just realpolitic. Jews then and now were almost totally in the Democrat tank. Give Nixon credit for getting good work, most of the time, from Kissinger and Ben Stein’s dad.
And don’t forget the Jew jokes that Franklin and Eleanor used to enjoy. Or FDR’s Shylock impersonation. The difference, of course, is that when Nixon said something stupid, it was saved on tape. FDR’s secret taping was more selective.
Two words wingnuts:
Lee Atwater
Easterbrook/Borlaug links here … Easterbrook notes that rates of population increase go down as food production goes up.
There probably are “inevitable” Malthusian limits to growth. So far, thanks mostly to Borlaug (who gave credit to Henry Wallace as the founding father of the green revolution), most of the planet has held limits in abeyance.
Good comments about Mexico. Hesser’s oddball bio of Borlaug fails to mention oil, but does try to make sense of colonialist infrastructure (there was some, but it was built for taking mineral wealth, not transporting food) in Africa.
A “few” third-world countries? Mexico, India, Pakistan, China. That’s only a few. And almost a few billion lives saved by Borlaug agronomy.
The bottom line is that the right has been very busy of late rewriting history to make themselves the heroes and instigators of progressive reforms.
You can see how serious they are by their recent efforts to reform healthcare by doing the one thing no one would expect: Nothing.
@31 “FDR’s secret taping”? Not likely, since magnetic tape was invented in Germany some time during the war. They would have had to use disks or wire.
Ethnic jokes were pretty much wound through everyone’s vernacular during Nixon’s time. I’m old enough to remember George Jessel stating on the Tonight Show that “The problem with hiring the Company Negro is that they have to fire the Company Jew”–and getting a hearty laugh from the audience.
@34 We may end up being grateful if the outcome is “nothing”. If the financier/nutbag coalition is successful at blocking substantive reform at this point, they’re likely to segue right into a full-on assault on Medicare and Social Security. At the very least, it’s a real possibility that we’ll end up with the Baucus bill, whose result will be massive subsidies to the insurance industry combined with a gutless sham attempt at regulation. This would be more of the corporate socialism that’s become so commonplace–saddling the taxpayers with the risk while business gets the reward.
Once again correctnotright shows why we ridicule him every day!
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Let’s see.
The Weathermen… Bill Ayers married Bernadine Dohrn. Bill Ayers teaches in the university. On 9/11/2001 he told the NY Slimes he wished he done more. Jeff Jones Apollo Project. Neither one ever repudiated their past.
The Black Panthers… Some showed up in Philadelphia at polling places last November.
The Earth Liberation Front… Took down radio towers two weeks ago in Snohomish County. Dangerous AM radio waves. Torched some street of dreams houses in 2008. Burned some Oregon SUVs a few years ago.
Once again the BULLSHITTIUM has reached record highs with correctnotright…
Franklin D. Roosevelt secret audiotape links here …
Corp socialism: George Will almost 20 years ago was writing that most welfare in America goes to the middle and upper classes. Conservatives in 1995 were demanding an end to ADM corporate welfare.
Conservatives now demand that Social Security and Medicare be mended, not ended. SS & M are literally unsustainable as they are: ~$50 trillion in unfunded liabilities, promises made that can’t be paid for under current deficits.
Medicare had its place, back before old people became rich and greedy. Now it’s unsustainable larceny: intergenerational theft from the comparatively poor young to the comparitively rich old.
37: And Koo-Laid communard Jim Jones was on the right? Who knew?
28 typo: why RFK approved the wiretapping of MLK …
anti-Nicaragua terrorists? is that inscrutable sj’s way of saying contras?
FDR sings:
@42 Huh? Sort of like an optical version of a SoundScriber.
@41 Ah…Mr. Schwartz has been reading Chomsky.
@39 Nice rendition of a couple of familiar right-wing mantras there. True, the public rhetoric claims that SS and Medicare are “broken” and “going broke”…then the proposed “fix” is to have the Wall Street Shysters take ’em over and run them. Somehow that sounds like a sure-fire recipe for a new Fannie Mae on an even grander scale.
Ah…so “old people” people are “rich and greedy”, are they? The prospect of turning children against their parents is almost biblical in its implications. Who exactly is it who’s going to end up wanting to “pull the plug on Grandma”…or at least drive her out of her home in Ballard to make room to build new condos?
The Ludlow massacre was carried out by lefties?
The real question is, why does the media put someone who’s opinions are completely devoid of facts/reality on the air?
The Weathermen are no longer active and while Billy boy may not have disowned his actions most of the left has never accepted him or the Weathermen and has repudiated him and the Weathermen.
The Black Panthers showing up… Statistical anomaly, you can always find one of those out there for anything-they prove nothing. While the BPs views may put them on the left side of the political spectrum, they’ve never been a part of the larger community on the left.
The ELF WAS a handful of idiots from Eugene Oregon. They never had any power and while they were left wing in their beliefs they were never accepted or welcomed by the larger community. The ELF was taken down by the FBI and good riddance.
The owners of the radio towers that were taken down said they don’t know who did it. That someone left a sign means nothing.
The right follows a very different pattern than this when it comes to violent acts.
Dang, I’ll give credit where it’s due, like for Eisenhower enforcing the Supreme Court ruling to desegretate the Little Rock school system. But I’m not sure this was because he was an ardent supporter of civil rights, then he was pretty adamant during WWII about enforcing segregation within the military. When U.S. forces in Europe were suffering acute manpower shortages during the Battle of the Bulge and they were combing the rear areas for every cook and paper-pusher who could carry a gun (and executing Eddie Slovack as an example to other deserters), Eisenhower refused requests to turn segregated units of black soldiers serving as laborers to be turned into infantrymen. I guess he didn’t think we needed grunts THAT badly.
But don’t dis Truman’s segregation of the military. It was a wildly unpopular move within the military, which was dominated by a corps of southern professional officers. Despite this, Truman moved forward, and made some good initial progress, until Eisenhower took over and continued the work.
My own father was a 2nd Lt. in Korea during the war in the Corps of Engineers, who was assigned to a newly integrated engineer company. Because he was a southern officer from deep Alabama, his commander assumed that he could “make the n*****s work”, which had frustrated previous officers. What my father found was that the black soldiers resented doing the physical labor while their white counterparts watched and “managed”.
My father, however, didn’t fit the mold expected by others. He had worked in construction alongside blacks throughout the depression, and respected anyone that worked hard. During the summer of 1945 he even worked for the Alabama Power and Light Company digging holes for power poles – by hand in the blazing Alabama sun – as the only white kid on an otherwise all-black crew.
So after watching some black soldiers listessly dig at a ditch for about a half-hour, he stripped off his shirt, climbed into a hole, and started swinging a mattock. Then he started singing: “Never get rich….”clink”, “digging a ditch”…”clink”. (I remember that song from him working on projects on our home growing up).
Anyway, long story short, the blacks realized he knew what he was doing, he wasn’t afraid to crack a sweat, and couldn’t be BS’d. The whites realized they weren’t getting any special priviledges, and within the hour they were digging as well.
And that all happened during the Truman administration.
Very good, rhp. rhp sr. was a good man indeed.
Chomsky, Goldy, and Zinn, oh my.
Social Security and Medicare as we know them are broken. Nobody since Bush 2005 has seriously suggested even the modified limited semi-demi-privatization upon which W expended political capital while blowing himself away.
Republicans make suicide look soooo easy.
Don’t have the numbers here in my hand, but have heard often that the aged were our poorest demo cohort during the Great Depression, and are our richest now. Thanks, perhaps, to New Deal socialism.
But the point remains: New Deal/Great Society transfers are trickling up, not down. Gen X and Gen Y, poorer than fanatically voting old people, are giving their labor to disproportionatly enhance the wealth of the wealthy. Medicare is a flipped pyramid: a small sharp point of young workers are working for the benefit of a bloated base of rich old people who want young people to pay more and more for geezer geriatric care.
Eddie Slovik links here …
Was reading Steve Schwartz’ CV. Amazing.
I would have no problem punching Coultergeist in his adam’s-apple. In fact, the only hate-talker I don’t think that I could take in a fight is Hannjob Hannity, because drunken Irishmen are very unpredictable. That, and he’d probably hide behind his favorite girls from the Moonlite Bunny Ranch.
So Michael 47 affirms Puddy’s points about ELF, BPs, and the Weather Underground. Glad Michael came to his senses.
Still trying to find out, tho, how Ludlow got in the mix. What’s your point?
Oswald was totally a leftist. A crypto-commie Castro-loving socialist liberal in a hurry. Jackie said so.
As for Sirhan B. Sirhan, have not a clue where or if he came down on the left-right divide. So we’ll just have to agree with Goldy, just this once: lefties all.
Slovik, the Cliff’s Notes version:
Eek! Eek! That’s how Eisenhower was greeted on a good-will to Japan in the late 50s.
re 37: “The Earth Liberation Front… Took down radio towers two weeks ago in Snohomish County. Dangerous AM radio waves. Torched some street of dreams houses in 2008. Burned some Oregon SUVs a few years ago.”
ELF seems to have a knack for torching housing developments that are not doing well in their market and are well insured.
I’m not saying that ELF hasn’t torched a few things, but far fewer than they’ve been accused of.
Who funded and trained the Honduran and Nicarauguan right wing death squads? Reagan and his minions.
Nixon installed the murderous right wing dictator Pinochet.
Did you hear that click? That was Ben Stein clicking his heels and saluting again.
Eisenhower was a democrat all of his life. He only changed to Republican so he could win the election.
What? Irrelevant argument. Bill Ayers is held in high esteem in Chicago lefty circles. He helped “the messiah” get his political start in Chicago and Illinois Donkey politics. He is in “education”. Jeff Jones is heading the Apollo Alliance. Has nothing to do with these being active in the WU, but keeping the same mind set decades later.
What again? They don’t think they are irrelevant today.
Puddy noticed you only covered the Oregon action and not the street of dreams houses. Also your comment
Proves you’re an idiot! The Earth Liberation Front group took responsibility for the act on its Web site that Friday. Proves to Puddy you’re not well read, probably in the same mold as ylb arschloch. Sad dude sad.
Where are the left wing armies and global corporations?
Michael… let WikiPedia help you on ELF…
Pay speshul attention to “September 4, Everett, Washington: The ELF claims responsibility for the destruction of two broadcasting towers used by the local radio station KRKO.”
Puddy can’t lead you to read Michael!
Puddy, Puddy, Puddy…
Still stupid I see.
Coulter claimed an absolute, “All political violence is commited by the left…”
That’s very nice of you to point out a few left-crazies (who despite your salivating over Ayers never achieved wide spread acceptence among the left), but it’s irrelevent.
The existence of Operation Rescue assasins, Tim McVeigh, Joseph Paul Franklin (Wikipedia that one), Eric Rudolph and on and on makes Coulter’s statment grade-a stupidity. Misinformed, ignorant, moronic, mind numbing stupidity.
Defending it by saying, “Yeah, there are left-wing perpetrators” makes you grade-A stupid.
Prove this statement absolutely, “All Political violence is comitted by the left in this country.” I, and others, have definitively proved that statement false.
One red green czar down, about 5,000 to go. Puddy’s got ’em, over on the open thread. Check it.
No mention of Eric Rudolph or did I miss it?
Why did nobody mention the biggest conservative merchant of violence on American soil…..Osama Bin Laden.
58: Eisenhower was Eisenhower all his life. Totally apolitical. Never voted, until 1952, because he believed in the (ahem) inviolate (that’s a Goldy word) separation of military and state.
Truman offered to step aside so Ike could run for president as a Democrat in 1952, but Ike rejected the dark side and stepped into bright beautiful sunshine of Republican politics.
As for death squads, you must be talking about the Sandinista’s genocidal war on the Moskito Indians. But we’ve discussed that already.
Pinochet? Saved his country from another Castro or a red-diaper baby Chavez.
60: Check Lance Selfa’s socialist history of the Democrat Party, about how the multinationals tilted to Clinton and about how almost every corporate sector gave more to Democrats in 2008 than to Republicans.
Went public weeks ago with weirdness from Coulter’s latest book, in which she wrote that TR, during his third term, was shot by John Shenck in 1920. Then she gave it a footnote.
She’s not stoooopid, so maybe that (and the comment about all-left-wing violence all the time) is just more pumpin’ irony. Or maybe she ran out of brain cells to rub together.
Oh, wait. She’s a lawyer. She’s capable of almost any infamy or stupidity.
58’s probably thinking, or “thinking”, of Ronnie. Reagan was a ‘Crat all his life, at least until about 1960. New Dealer union man all the way.
Wow Oswald was such a lefty, he left the worker’s paradise of the Soviet Union for East Germany? North Korea? North Vietnam? Red China?
No, the U.S.
Hey look, we have a new Savage listening troll.
BTW, that’s Miskito and in addition to killing (conservatively) 2,000 citizens through torture or just plain murder in a few month period after the coup, Pinochet brought his country massive inflation, massive defecit from military spending, surging unemployement and a staggering decline in currency value.
Only a douchebag could look at Pinochet’s time of power and declare it anything but an abject disaster.
70 – Naaaahh.. That’s the HNMT aka the Hating Name Morphing Troll.
He’s claimed that genocide canard of the Miskitos forever. Never once pointed to credible documentation when challenged.
A Pinochet lover? No greater lover of Pinochet than his own stupid self. When he put his rule to a vote, the people voted him out. Must have been a bit of a rude shock for the old international terrorist and authoritarian despot.
Sheep of HA, pull back. Do you see a pattern to the posts on HA? You know you’re being played, right?
He spent much or most of the last year of his life trying to get into Cuba. That’s what his trip to the Mexico City embassies was all about.
Maybe if I spelled Miskito correctly … Mentioned it one time, about two years ago. Gimme a minute to give you something to chew on. But only if you promise to puke yourself back to the reassignment clinic.
Here ya go, asshole. Right off the top. Take your pick. Hundreds more where these came from:
ON 13, SANDINISTAS VS. MISKITOS – New York TimesJul 29, 1986 … The documentary makes specific charges: 49 Miskito villages along the Coco River were burned down by Sandinista soldiers; 65 bombs were …
http://www.nytimes.com/1986/.....kitos.html – Cached – Similar
Warrior Decries Miskito Genocide .He says the Sandinistas probably have killed tens of thousands of Indiana of the Miskito, Sumu and Rama tribes, some 35000 of whom have fled north into …
news.google.com/newspapers?nid=950&dat…id=P… – Similar
Central America: Indians Caught in the Middle – TIMEMeanwhile, the Sandinistas turned on the other major pillar of Miskito society, … on Miskito settlements, unlawful expropriation and cultural genocide. …
http://www.time.com/time/magaz.....-2,00.html – Similar
Understanding Central America – Google Books Resultby John A. Booth, Thomas W. Walker – 1999 – Political Science – 267 pages
“The external conflict created a context in which Miskito demands for … turn world opinion against the Sandinistas through false accusations of “genocide. …
Lobster tales. (Red Lobster restaurants and their Miskito …Sandinista human-rights abuses of the 1980s– against Contra supporters, or Miskito … in which the Miskito Indians were victims of genocidal persecutions, …
The documentary makes specific charges: 49 Miskito villages along the Coco River were burned down by Sandinista soldiers; 65 bombs were dropped on six villages in 11 days. Miskitos, speaking in translation, tell tales of horror: people hanged, machine-gunned and burned. ”Oh my, it is so bad,” says an elderly man on the verge of tears. ”Just like there was no God.” Consider now the possibility that the Miskitos are lying or exaggerating their oppression. A Miskito pastor, presumably a Moravian (the Moravians have a long history among the Miskitos), says, for example, that Sandinista soldiers tied up members of his church and set them on fire. Do we believe an atrocity story like that or not?That’s from the New York Times. The conservative Republican New York Times. So, try this:
He says the Sandinistas probably have killed tens of thousands of Indiana of the Miskito, Sumu and Rama tribes, some 35000 of whom have fled north … That’s from neocon Russel Means.
Shall I go on, YLB? Or can I count on you to do some retraction action?
That’s from the extra-chromosome right-wing batshit Wikipedia. Maybe you’ve heard of it. HA libtards use it all the time.
But it you prefer something more Stalinist, I’m sure you can find it.
Actually, just watch Commanding Heights from PBS, or read the book. Learn something, for a change.
More YLB inanity insanity. Think about it. An old authoritarian despot allowing himself to be voted out.
Think that would ever catch on with old authoritarian despots like Castro or Chavez?
The only good news about leftist authoritarian despotism is that the despots do finally get voted out by death. Then they get to go meet all the good people they killed.
In Castro’s first hundred days he re-educated about 500 good Cubans with a bullet to the brain. That’s why he’s a left-wing wet dream. That’s why you people made a little god of a little monster.
More YLB inanity insanity. Think about it. An old authoritarian despot allowing himself to be voted out.
Think that ever catch on with old authoritarian despots like Castro or Chavez?
The only good news about leftist authoritarian despotism is that the despots do finally get voted out by death. Then they get to go meet all the good people they killed.
In Castro’s first hundred days he re-educated about 500 good Cubans with a bullet to the brain. That’s why he’s a left-wing wet dream. That’s why you people made a little god of a little monster.
Pinochet saved his country from people like YLB. Should have given Augusto a Nobel, just like they did with Arafat, Gore, Carter, and Krugman.
(Economist Krugman does hot air. Pinochet did an economic miracle for a threatened nation. Think about it, Goldycrats.)
Hmmm.. The Means article says the number of Miskito remaining in Nicaragua during the trouble was about 130,000. The Time article says the Miskitos top out at 110,000.
And if you are claiming that Means is a lefty, the old newspaper article has him saying something that would make old Ronnie smile.
These articles date from the age of Raygun. Surely this subject has been examined in better detail at some distance by someone with some better credentials.
And the Times is reporting what some film maker is saying. What is the provenance of the film? Wrong wing with a political axe to grind is quite likely knowing you.
You got a long way to go before you prove your charges.
But I don’t expect convincing proof from you. We’ve gotten nothing but overheated, pseudo-clever phrasing and inchoate rage from you.
And his grateful people voted his murdering ass out. Good riddance.
Wait, Magaret Thatcher praised the implementation of Reagonomics? Shocking!
Also from Wikipedia…
“From an economic point of view, the era can be divided into two periods. The first, from 1973 to 1982, corresponds to the period when most of the reforms were implemented. The period ended with the international debt crisis and the collapse of the Chilean economy. At that point, unemployment was extremely high, above 20 percent, and a large proportion of the banking sector had become bankrupt.”
Cut for fair use…
“Pinochet’s policies eventually led to substantial GDP growth, in contrast to the negative growth seen in the early years of his administration under the advice of the Chicago boys. The upper 20% of income earners ultimately benefitted the most from such growth, receiving 85% of the increase [39]. Foreign debt also grew substantially under Pinochet, rising 300% between 1974 and 1988.
Under these new policies, the rate of inflation grew to twice what it was at the peak of Allende’s presidency[40] It was not until Pinochet reversed these policies and returned to the developmentalist style economy in the mid 1980’s did the economy begin to turn around.”
Hmmm…85% of income increases in the country went to 20% (the oligarchy) of the population. No wonder Thatcher liked that thriving, free-market economy.
33: Borlaug got into China after the glorious genocidal cultural revolution. Under Mao it was a starving nation. After Borlaug, it wasn’t.
Thatcher saved Britain from union-boss oligarchy. Reagan saved America from Carter. Pinochet saved Chile from becoming another utopian paradise like Stalin’s, Mao’s, Pol Pot’s, Kim Il Sung’s, or Castro’s.
The main difference is a difference of degree … Pinochet’s small bodycount vs. the deaths of millions under the leftists. Of the list above, only Castro kept his bodycount in the mere thousands, near Pinochet’s. Yet guess who allowed himself to get voted out and guess who just keeps hanging on, never having to worry about being hauled up on charges before the World Court.
BTW, if you want a real lefty’s take on the Miskitu (Misktito)
I see someone else pointed out your 20 year old sources from publications with little or no on scene reportage. You might learn something. (I guess the Miskitu never heard of the Hmong.)
Left-right taxonomy gets complicated, YLB. But trust me, having been on the rez back when AIM was in session: Russell Means was not a Republican church lady.
But, unlike you, he probably wasn’t a braindead “progressive,” either.
Strange that you keep resetting the bar about ancient history. Suddenly the NYT is a source, or a film reviewer, you don’t like. So show us something better. Bring it, bitch.
Since the Miskito/Miskitu/Misktito genocide was ~20 years ago, that’s why we have 20-year-old sources. Hundreds more to choose from, some more recent. Knock yourself out.
Not much hair left on that scalp is there HNMT?
No love for Castro from these quarters, no sir. I’m a bit skeptical of Chavez as well. Danny Ortega is Prez of Nicaragua last I looked and no I’m not a big fan. The Southern Hemisphere is a bit overrun with lefties these days from Bachelet (a Pinochet torture victim) to whoever is running Ecuador – just shut down a U.S. military outpost there I hear.
Keep it coming though HNMT. All that hate must mean cheap winter heating bills
YLB’s suddenly very picky about sourcing. He challenged me once on the alleged billions of tax dollars going to ACORN, and hnmt quickly conceded that Bachmann’s billions were an unsupportable assertion. ACORN’s take probably didn’t climb out of the mere millions.
And every single one of those millions of dollars was a million too much. Still waiting for YLB to admit it.
For the loyal, sycophantic and well-connected few I’m sure it was just lovely. It usually is under fascist rule.
Nice try. You made the serious charge of genocide. The burden is yours. If you’re so sure of it, file a complaint against the perps in International Court – it might even deflect from the coming indictment of your beloved torture squad led by Sith Lord Cheney.
Will do, little brother/sister. Why don’t we just go to Honduras and call the whole thing off? (But let me bring my scalping knife … sure you look real good in red.)
True confession: Genocide is a neologism. Yes, I used the word because many sources (Google this string: Miskito genocide Sandinista) use the word. Hundreds of sources. Thousands.
Let’s shift the burden of proof to you. Define genocide, then tell me why the Sandinista’s war on the Miskitos wasn’t genocide.
As for Chile’s concentration of wealth among the top 20% … My understanding of leftist Soviet-style nomenklatura oligarchy is that wealth got concentrated among about the top 1%. By that standard, Pinchet was a redistributionist democrat.
“{Pinochet} allowed himself to get voted out and guess who just keeps hanging on, never having to worry about being hauled up on charges before the World Court.”
Dead. Been dead since 2006. Indicted, arrested in London, returned to Chile and placed under house arrest, stripped of his claim to immunity by Chile’s Supreme Court, charged with multiple counts of kidnapping, torture and murder but died before trial.
Whaaa???? A right wing troll’s olfactory sense in working order? Someone wake me up!
No. no.. This can’t be the same HNMT who was as beguiled as the rest of ’em with Hannah Giles’ micro miniskirt and James’ spiffy pimp out to the max.
That holiest of holy exposes itself claimed at the end that most sacrosanct of 8.5 billion dollars. The HNMT BLASPHEMES the most unassailable of right wing “truth”. Say it ain’t so HNMT.
Commanding Heights from PBS is a good reason, the only reason, to keep PBS. It’s a free-market anthem, made in 2002, and would be less triumphalist if made in 2008 or 2009.
Still, it’s useful to remember what a mess Carter and Keynes made of things back in their day.
93 – Ahhhh. I expected as much.. The HNMT goes out with a whimper.
Typed it at the time. About two minutes after typing the Bachmann 8-billion overdrive and about one minute after having you challenge me to provide incontrobertible proof.
Quick check showed no proof. Said so. Minced no words.
Was it slam-dunk genocide like Stalin’s? ~30 million dead? Genocide like Mao’s ~60 million dead? Like Hitler’s 6+ million dead? Pol Pot’s ~2 million dead?
Were there even as many dead Miskitos as there were dead Cubans from Castro or Chileans from Pinchet?
Don’t really know. Neither do you. Yet many sources use the word genocide for what Ortega’s Sandinistas did to his people, so I will too. So can you.
Will remember you in my bedtime prayers, little bro/sis.
Isn’t this the our modern term for folks who try to overthrow a government by terror?
I am a Liberal with a CPL, love shooting .45ACP, .22, 44 magnum, 12 gauge, am a good shot, and take no sh*t.
Put that into the brains of Faux News commentators and watch their heads explode.
“Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh -Liberals with guns! Aaaaaaahh!!”
The Sandinistas attempted to move the Miskitos to what they considered were better and more modern conditions — but the Indians resisted.
There are many articles on the problems these people have faced over hundreds of years of contact with European cultures.
BUT: Only right wing think tanks (like the Heritage Foundation) have attempted to characterize this sort of conflict between the Miskitos and a left wing government as a primary feature of left leaning governments.
Forcibly removing indigeanous native populations is something European cultures have been doing long before Karl Marx was but a gleam in his father’s universally owned eye.
Bad History has an ax to grind and little breadth of view to impart.
Maybe all the Miskitos needed was a tax break?
Did Puddy mention Ann Coulter anywhere or, as always you’re grasping for the bamboo fingernail inserts?
When Puddy mentioned those three groups the first was involved in setting policy recently. Check out Harry Reid’s words; the second was patrolling Philly voting areas; and the third is still going strong!!!!!
And you are still stupid – Absolutely!
ylb arschloch’s funny of the day
Whatamoron; Puddy don’t get frightened by a dumb brick.
N E V E R!
You are too dumb to be unleashed in public!
Hopefully Anne Coulter will continue heading for obscurity. The right-wing people I’m related to consider her to be worthless.
Not to say I’m not armed.
Zorg spews:
I am a Liberal with a CPL,
You may want to look at the posts and thread over at my Blog SeattleJew in this subject.
Is any more proof needed that the rightwing belief system is built on a foundation of lies and delusions?
@105 Puddy isn’t frightened by the talk by gun-toting delusional paranoiacs overthrowing our government, either, although he ought to be. Puddy is too stupid to be afraid of these loons.
I am also a liberal who packs, like the great Bartcop and the late liberal radio host, Mike Webb. Our biggest threat are the Un-American rightwing whack jobs who are running amok trying to make life worst for working people in the USA. I am ready for them.
@37: Puddy
Being ridiculed by an imbecil like Puddy is a compliment.
Why do I have to wait for you to write something stoopid today….wait, I don’t have to.
Here is an idiot making a mountain out of a molehill:
And the black panthers today…..totally irrelevant (like most of Puddy’s posts).
And who supports the ELF today (not me, no one on the htis blog).
Try whipping a dead horse Puddy!
Meantime, your brethren in the republican party of the south are supporting the confederate flag (Joe Wilson) or spouting McCarthyism (Glen “dumb as a wall” Beck).
Yup, you are irrelevant and immaterial.
Roger Rabbit lives in fantasyland. Let Puddy know when the overthrow happens. Notice when anti-liberals hold rallies there isn’t violence. When liberals hold rallies, bandanas are worn, cars are burned, windows are broken, trash cans become missiles, etc.
Puddy is always wary of heat packing liberals.
@62: Puddy does not understand logic.
Coulter said all violence was left wing – she lied or is stoopid. Puddy is trying to defend Coulter by showing a few trivial examples that she was right but he doesn’t understand that a single counter example can refute her stoopid argument (and there are many counter-examples as has been shown).
Puddy is irrelevant and still thinks the democratic party contains the racists (who are now located in the Republican party, along with the ignorant, the anti-communists (still living in the 50’s), the “govenrment is “bad” simpletons (they love the banking crisis) and the just plain bigoted) ….he is living pre-1964 and civil rights act. Nothing in history matter since 1964 according to Puddy (or Puddy has not paid attention since then).
Wow Puddy, you woke up on your usual side of stupid. On a thread decrying the moron that is Coulter, you think just because you don’t type her name you’re off the hook?
So what was the point of bringing up fringe groups?
“When Puddy mentioned those three groups the first was involved in setting policy recently.”
Looking at your post @37 “the first” is Weathermen. Really? Setting policy recently? I’ll just quote Barney Frank. “On what planet do spend most of your time?”
@112: Puddy once again lies outright or is stoopid and ignorant (hard to tell which):
Puddy spews:
Examples of peaceful rallies by liberals:
And many more….why does Puddy have to lie to try and justify his positions…maybe because the truth would conflict with his warped little Faux News, world view.
105 – heh.. Let’s see:
You’ve always been a frightened little man Stupes. So sceeeerred! You can’t leave HA.org alone because you’re so sceeeeered of what the “moonbats” (another word of fear) will say in these comment threads..
Too sad. You gotta laugh at this pathetic mentality..
Where are Coulter’s figures on the people murdered by the Romanoffs and the Chinese Emperors?
I guess those people aren’t important because they weren’t killed by communists.
I am a liberal with martial arts training. Doesn’t make me impermeable, but if you decide to confront, you’re not coming out of it smelling like a rose.
Um, no stupes. We could care less if SJ and some other mentally unstable reprobates gathered in a public setting where carrying their firearm legally is permitted. SJ taking his pea shooter to a private venue where firearms are prohitited and only because a private citizen is speaking which SJ disagrees with politically is the very act of cowardice.
So far, I’ve heard that SJ has had no other recruits to gather with him outside safeco, which speaks volumes about the irrational nature of his “cause”.
@70 “Pinochet brought his country massive inflation, massive defecit from military spending, surging unemployement and a staggering decline in currency value.”
Ah! Sounds like a perfect prototype for the Crawford Caligula and his band of thieves and murderers.
Hey, not all Leftist Pinheaded KLOWNS are violent…some are just stupid criminals like this Democrat Fundraiser just indicted who has ties to Obama!
Once again, in the mind of correctnotright if HE THINKS it’s irrelevant then it’s irrelevant, no matter what is in the public.
Who supports the ELF today? Many people do, some on this blog. When the Street of Dreams homes were torched “people” like ArtFart were writing this…
“people” like Aaron were writing this…
“people” like Tommy Thompson were writing this…
Still Having Mike Rogers flashbacks…?
Ummm king of moronic output, correctnotright brought them up in #9. Here let Puddy help your very sorry ASS…
Idiot doesn’t start to express the problems you face checksaid. Butt, Puddy gotta give you credit… you do uphold the moronic side of HA Libtardos.
Once again correctnotright we laughing at you… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Where is Puddy defending Coulter ASSwipe? Ummm moronic UW graduate… Puddy was one of the first to document every ELF act on HA for years gone by. Puddy was one of the first to bring you Bill Ayers and Jeff Jones. Puddy was late on the Black Panthers cuz Puddy was traveling.
Keep being a moron. You do that exceptionally well.
Nuff SAID Sucka!
ylb arschloch,
First, nothing you publish frightens me. Second, most people will admit Puddy not a little man. Third, you are a dumb unemployed brick laying around the house trying to be useful. Have you learned to cook yet?
Don’t forget! You are a dumb brick.
@122 Well, Pudwax…you seem to be taking it as “support” for the ELF (which it wasn’t) for me to suggest that maybe some people in the construction and development business might have been desperate enough to use them as scapegoats for a “successful fire” or two. Looking back on that point in time, when the wheels were rapidly falling off the economy starting with the real estate sector, I think I’ll stick with my observations.
If that somehow in your mind makes me less than a “person”, I really couldn’t care less. Your opinions about most everything else aren’t worth a tinker’s damn, either.
clabber girl AKA headless lucy,
Oh now you got a martial arts degree. Whudathunkit? Martial arts teaches humility, something you’ve never shown here.
Better check again fool. The number who attended has been reduced. Here is a great estimation method for many gatherings.
@119 ESO
1. The public spaces around SAFECO are .. public, even you should know that.
2. So tell me boobelah, if you think unloaded guns outside safeco are a terrible idea, why do you think reprican radicals shuld birng guns to the tea parties?
@111 Actually, it’s never been proven who torched those Street of Dreams houses. Personally, I suspect the developer. Believe me, there’s plenty of Republican businessmen who aren’t above torching their own property and blaming eco-terrorists when they get behind on their bank loans.
Better check again Puddy…(you throw around the word fool a lot. I would take that as a compliment, see “King Lear.”)
Even if the number was changed, the point was a massive crowd of lefties assembled peacefully.
Relevence, relevence, relevence. Missed it again.
Yep, a crooked fundraiser is probably going to jail. Let me know when anyone here, or any prominant Dem, publicly claims that it’s a miscarriage of justice.
Yep, just like the WA DC 9/12 Tea Party people. You’re dismissed by stupidity @123.
See ya fool!
Whiners Gallery
@121 Have you ever noticed that Democrat crooks get jailed under Democratic administrations, but Republican crooks don’t get jailed under Republican administrations?
The latest dictionaries define “Republican” as a synonym for “crook.”
133. Roger Rabbit spews:
Yes, Steve, I know. It was you that was confused by this as your original post had you promise to buy 2 tickets to THE EVENT to the first 2 that would arm themselves at the Beck event. Then you backtracked when I reminded you that you wouldn’t be let into Safeco armed…then you claimed you didn’t plan to enter safeco, which is a lie because why would you purchase tickets to an event if you had no plans to enter the private grounds?
Would you be peddling your “Beck is Goebells” t-shirts outside as well?
@136 A lot of things fly over your head. Maybe because you spend too much time sniffing goat butts.
137. Roger Rabbit spews:
Your law degree was obviously wasted.
Did you pick up this constant nonsensical drivel while sitting around your guv’mint office waiting for your paycheck?
From: hnmt
Subject: Genocide
-via Wiki There you have it, a definition on which we can agree.
The difinition is so expansive it takes in Ortega’s war on Miskitos, Pinochet’s war on the left, Castro’s war on the right, Clinton’s war on Christian Serbs (Clinton’s bodycount in Serbia probably exceeds Pinochet’s in Chile), Janet Reno’s war on Waco (” …intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group …”, Saddam’s war on Iran, Saddam’s wars on Marsh Arabs and Kurds, Bush-Clinton-Bush wars on Saddam, Lakota wars of extermination against the Crow tribe in northern Wyoming, Indian wars against whites in the Wyoming Valley and Minnesota, white wars of extermination against Indians and bison, the Middle Passage, enrollments at the Carlisle Academy, slavery everywhere (including Sudan and Saudi Arabia today), and …
“Torture” is as strrrrrretchable as “genocide.” Somewhere, in one of the treaties or conventions cited by Darryl, the United States is allegedly bound by language that prevents us from causing discomfort to our guests. That’s why, several years ago, leftists assured us that Gitmo detainees were being tortured with Christina Aguilera tunes.
Question for Darryl: How deeply are we into the violation of Najibullah Zazi’s rights? Did Eric Holder’s DOJ’s FBI invade Zazi’s inviolate (that’s a Goldy word) right to privacy? Was Zazi’s inviolate right to free expression abridged? Did Obama and Holder permit the interception and violation of Zazi’s calls and communications with associates in Pakistan? At a time when Zazi lived in the United States? Inquiring minds want to know. So should you and the ACLU.
Obama has screwed up Afghanistan royally.
He is either inept or evil…neither one is good. Obama wants to be a World Monarch….but the rest of the world looks at him as WEAK and INDECISIVE.
Where is NATO??
Jimmy Carter tried to tell us. See what happens when virulent racism gets out of its bottle and puts on a sheet? The gov is being taken down by racists who don’t like black people. It’s as bad as Carter and Kanye told us it is. Maybe worse.
@140 “That’s why, several years ago, leftists assured us that Gitmo detainees were being tortured with Christina Aguilera tunes.”
Awwwwww….whaddaya talkin’ about, ya wuss? That ain’t torture!
Now Mariah Carey, on the other hand…
hnmt @ 139
What kind of a Dori Monson fan are you? I remember the Oracle of KIRO himself saying the U.N. is the most corrupt organization he knows. (I bet that’s changed to ACORN by now, knowing the right wing mentality.)
Now his disciple, the HNMT, is touting the U.N. definition of genocide.
Doesn’t that beat all!
Is this how you treat me, after I paid you the supreme compliments yesterday of calling you an asshole and a bitch?
I was being Ann-Coulterish (sardonic, sarcastic, snide) in offering a UN definition, but its the only quasi-authoritative definition we’ve got. Without it, you and I would be going back and forth endlessly and uselessly with dueling footnotes and unacceptable citations and more-or-less broken links. (Google has 4400 links to ‘genocide sandinista miskito’, so there’s lots of room for breakage. Maybe that’s why, when I skimmed off the first two, you had your 19th breakdown.)
HNMT doesn’t like definitions so expansive that an elastic UN definition of genocide, for example, can take in James Buchanan’s war against Mormons and the Mormons’ 1858 war against gentiles at Mountain Meadows. But that’s just me, the hnmt who also hates Darryl’s ACLU definition of “torture.”
Right here. That’s YLB (aka Happy Feet) doing the down low dirty dancing that gives me the hots.
137 ESO …..
Duhhh …
so tell me, if you have a gun outside of Safeco, you needa take it in??? I didn’t realize that! WOW!
Tes I will be ther, but now that Herr Beck has unveiled his book cover .. Beck in an EAST German uniform against the flag of Germany???
WTF is that about?
Today his website has the book for sale with the Hebrew word “Schema” written on its face …. or perhaps he is using a wired font where “NOW” is spelled Heh Mem Shin?????
Of course following his bizarre idea that all Americans should do as Jefferson did and fast on yom kippur /// what comes next?
I will be there, after receiving a number of threats from you guys I will only be armed with an orange tipped faux gun. I do paln on bringing some spare guns of the same ilk, come by and I will gift you one .. see if they will let you through with a toy?
@148…could you look like a bigger douchebag?
is this what passes nowdays for a prof at the UW? LMFAO, fuck, what a joke.
Is that an orange tipped spud gun in your pants, SJ, or are you just happy to see us?
YLB is a raisin and Warm Gun
Tell you want children.
I will be there and you know who I am. You have thge courage to come by??? I have cap gun you can take inside if Becky will let you/
It was definitely a LIB who lynched this Census worker in Kin-tuck-ee
I fear Ann Coulter has been trolling HorsessAss to get her opinions…
I figger it’s gotta be lostinhisownasshole