It’s not too surprising that Rodney Tom’s campaign manager is the sort of person we thought he was. You know with Rodney Tom’s blah blah both sides blah, you would think he could maybe refrain from randomly attacking Tom’s seatmate in the House (Trib link), but that would be too much to ask.
The newly hired campaign manager for Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom, D-Medina, took a few shots at Tom’s district-mate, Democratic Rep. Ross Hunter, on Twitter Saturday during the lawmakers’ district town hall meeting.
Keith Schipper, who recently left his job as communications director of the state Republican Party to run Tom’s reelection campaign, tweeted Saturday:
I mean beyond the fact that Tom is still pretending to be a Democrat, it seems particularly stupefying to do that at a joint meeting. I mean I was following NPI’s and NARAL’s tweets from that meeting in real time, and they were quite interesting. But they aren’t working for one of the people on stage. In any event, it would be nice if at least his criticism could make a lick of damn sense.
Schipper also quoted Hunter as saying, “The House has passed hundreds of bills this year, some of which are important.”
Schipper’s response on Twitter: “The others? Not important I guess.”
Um, what? Does he think that all bills are of exactly equal import? That the WA DREAM Act is exactly the same as a resolution honoring the Apple Queen of Pend Oreille County or whatever. I mean I’m sure it’s nice for her, but probably the resolution isn’t the best bit of being Apple Queen of Pend Oreille County or whatever.
He’s literally making fun of Ross Hunter because Ross Hunter doesn’t think all bills that passed the State House are equally important? Ross Hunter understands literally the most basic level of nuance, let’s make fun of him for that.
Ah yes. That bill, ok resolution, to urge the renaming to Mt. Seahawk they passed was just as important as the court ordered increase in education finding that they passed. Oh. Right. Sorry, carry on.
What do you expect from a Republican campaign manager for a Republican legislator who lies to voters by calling himself a Democrat?
Today’s Republicans don’t do nuance. Either it’s an all-consuming issue to fight over to the last drop of blood, or it’s somebody else’s problem.
Could be where GOATBOY has been hanging out?
GOATBOY might even be the GOAT supplier.