Of course, everybody knows that we Democrats are a bunch of terrorist-loving, soft-on-crime pansies, which I suppose explains why in the U.S. Senate race, law enforcement organizations are endorsing Democrat Patty Murray.
Perhaps the 4,500 members of the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs (WACOPS) understand that being tough on crime takes more than just saying that you are tough on crime; perhaps WACOPS members appreciate the millions of dollars of federal money Sen. Murray has brought the state for training and equipment, fighting meth and preventing gang violence (you know, the kinda much needed funds Dino Rossi derides as “earmarks”)? Perhaps Sen. Murray’s hard work giving their members the funding they need helps explain why WACOPS joins the Law Enforcement Administrators of Washington, the Washington State Patrol Troopers Association, the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters and other first responders in endorsing Democrat Sen. Murray over pro-law-and-order-except-when-it-comes-to-paying-for-it Republican Rossi?
As for Rossi, I can’t seem to find his first responder endorsements on his web site. Perhaps that’s because he doesn’t have any?
patty will bring more weapons, surveillance, and cash from the security-state loving democrats to the war on whatever the latest stink tank consensus is. and the charade of democracy continues.
Akers had a full-page ad Sunday in the Seattle Times. He’s advocating a 10% across-the-board reduction in all types of taxes over a minimum of three years. He promises that then the federal budget would be balanced in 2-1/2 years.
Hard to believe that there is still a beliver in the Laffler curve.
akers has a really huge pe— err sign up in bellevue so he’s gonna win.
And that’s why we love her. :-)
Dino Lossi’s first-responder is Mastro.
Do not even go there with these “counsels” and “sheriffs posse” groups. I want to see real cops and responders, not the political groups and unions!
It’s about Government Employee Unions trying to get folks in who will nationally increase the Budget Deficit so the States (which cannot borrow for operations) will have money to give employees raises.
That’s it.
It’s about money.
Why do you hate Americans?
Why do you hate capitalism?
Those groups are made up of cops and firefighters…
Everything that comes out of your mouth is about money!!! Why should it be different for other people?
The good news is that some of the GOP primary winners are so toxic they’ll likely pollute the down-ticket races. This could be a Democratic year!
wow; unions like Patty. What next, telling us draft dodgers like Patty, pot smokers like Patty, illegals like Patty.
Your report is, oh yeah…this is free…
O’ come on, admit it, Dino’s going to go down in flames.
But but but Rossi has the BIAW and the US Chamber of Commerce endorsing him.
I saw a “WACOPS” endorsed add-on to a Steve Litzow sign today. WTF? Republicans are all about cutting taxes, and government. And when they succeed, law enforcement, schools, and other essential services get whacked. Why would they endorse Joe Isuzu…I mean Steve Litzwo… over Randy Gordon, a proven union supporting, law enforcement supporting, good government and public services supporting Democrat?
WTF? Joe Isuzu…I mean Steve Litzow? Are you kidding me?
They were right to support Murray, of course. Every Republican supports lower taxes and less government, which means firing police officers, like in Oakland.
But Litzow? Really? Joe Isuzu?
Clint Didier’s website seems to have more endorsements on it than Dino Rossi’s …
yawn; a city that keeps reelecting McDermott doesn’t have the good sense to recognize the harm this dear clueless woman is doing to our country. You can tar Rossi any which way but he’s hardly the threat she is.
speaking of damage… she jammed thsi health care foolishness on us.
go read now how in Britain their NHS (obamacare after 50 yrs) is moving to privatize (CUZ they are BROKE)
so are we!
@9 “It’s about money.”
Everything is about money. And why shouldn’t government employees try to get the best deal they can? Everyone else does. And it’s not like they’re overpaid. I don’t hear you bitching about bankers or mortgage brokers salaries. Government workers don’t get bonuses or stock options. All they get is a raft of shit from citizens who think the fact you work for the government gives them a license to abuse you, and from jerkoffs like you who think government employees should work for free.
@14 “draft dodgers like Patty”
Time for a reality check:
George W. Bush – went AWOL from National Guard
Dick Cheney – 5 deferments, never served
Phil Gramm – 4 deferments, never served
John Ashcroft – 7 deferments, never served
Jeb Bush – never served
Karl Rove – never served
Dennis Hastert – never served
Bill Frist – never served
Dick Armey – never served
Tom DeLay – never served
Newt Gingrich – never served
Trent Lott – never served
Saxby Chambliss – claimed “bad knee,” never served
Mitch McConnell – never served
Rick Santorum – never served
Roy Blunt – never served
Richard Shelby – never served
Dana Rohrabacher – never served
John M. McHugh – never served
JC Watts – never served
Jack Kemp – never served becaue of “knee problem” that didn’t keep him from playing in NFL for 8 years
Arnold Schwarzenegger – went AWOL from Austrian army
George Pataki – never served
Spencer Abraham – never served
John Engler – never served
Elliott Abrams – never served
Paul Wolfowitz – never served
Vin Weber – never served
Richard Perle – never served
Douglas Feith – never served
Rudy Guiliani – never served
Kenneth Starr – never served
Antonin Scalia – never served
Clarence Thomas – never served
Ralph Reed – never served
Michael Medved – never served
Charlie Daniels – never served
Ted Nugent – never served
Jon Kyl – never served
Tim Hutchison – never served
Christopher Cox – never served
George Will – never served
Chris Matthews – never served
Bill O’Reilly – never served
Sean Hannity – never served
Rush Limbaugh – never served
Michael Savage – never served
Paul Gigot – never served
Bill Bennett – never served
Pat Buchanan – never served
Pat Robertson – never served
Bill Kristol – never served
Ann Coulter – never served
Wabbitt, spoken Like a true retired Gov worker on a lifetime Pension…
This is a thread? We’ve always known that Peppermint Patty has long been in bed with all the public employee’s unions, no shocker there. I suggest you ask some of these employees (if you know any) what they personally think about our very own dumb as a carrot Senator before you get too excited. The many I know all think it’s time for Patty to pack up her tennis shoes and retire.
@23, Id:
Seconded. Being head courthouse janitor is hard work however. :)
I wonder how much Goldy will chuckle when the new Republican majority investigates the Obama administration for political use of the Holder AG’s office, or when they look at Obama’s influence in the Lockerbie bomber scandal, the Obama dawdling of the BP oil spill, the New Black Panther Party case, and last, but not least, a competency hearing for Joe Biden and Patty Murray
Rabbit @ 23: While most of your list is correct, the note on Pat Robertson is in error. He did, in fact, serve in Korea. But what derailed his bid for the Republican presidential nomination was that his father, an influential Republican Senator, had him pulled off the boat in Japan so he could not accompany his unit into combat in Korea. He did go to Korea, but it appears his biggest contribution there was as the junior Lt. in charge of the liquor supply to the officer’s club. I wouldn’t blame him too much for this – it was his father’s doing, not his. But I will at least give him credit for serving.
In contrast, the notation that Karl Rove “never served” is making a bit too little of the situation. Rove had several student deferrments during the Vietnam War, despite only attending college part-time for only a portion of that period. When student deferrments were cancelled in the reform which substituted the lottery, he mysteriously became re-classified as generally “not subject to service” (with no further explanation). This can only be rationalized because he was then head of the College Republicans, and someone was making sure he remained available for that purpose. During that period he was learning politics under the head of the Watergate Plumbers unit (literally). The Watergate prosecutors planned to look into his activities, but that part of the investigation was dropped as they had bigger fish to fry.
# 26: Keep dreaming. It’s all you have left.
Republican Fiscal Responsibility
“BAGHDAD -The U.S. Defense Department is unable to properly account for over 95 percent of $9.1 billion in Iraqi oil money tapped by the U.S. for rebuilding the war ravaged nation, according to an audit released Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You do remember which party was in charge when this $9 billion disappeared, don’t you?
Why would anyone elect any Republican to the U.S. Senate (or any other public office)?
You are a total idiot. Litzow has more experienced as an MI city council member dealing with real police matters. he’s always kept police out in force on the island and made tough financial cuts elsewhere to protect public safety. he deserves the endorsement more than gordon. few cops are union-loving jerks like you…they don’t care for gordon’s tax increases either. So i’m curious… just which of gordon’s campaign/union cronies are you? You have no idea how economics and state budgeting work in the real world. Way to sound like a moron yet hide behind the screen of an anonymous comments section, coward.
Actually informed voter
@30: Litzow has more experience than a sitting Senator that has rewritten part of the constitution, sponsored 7 bills, and co-sponsored 40 others? All this year?
Including, I might add, HB 2617, which eliminates forty-eight statutory boards, commissions, committees, or councils.
He’s a member of the “Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committed” and has been relentless about making government more efficient.
Gordon has done more this year than many senators have done in full terms.
It’s former Councilman and 41st LD loser Litzow that isn’t qualified. Not even close, when compared to Senator Gordon.
And I’m not anonymous, you are. I’m an elected PCO in Newcastle.
Rob Sargent
“When student deferrments were cancelled in the reform which substituted the lottery”
I don’t recall it being that way, RHP. I purposely let my student deferment expire and that was after the draft lottery. I was below 125 in the lottery and likely to be drafted if I did this. But I just didn’t feel right about having the deferment after a best friend was killed over there. As it turned out, although I had a low lottery number, I was never drafted.
I don’t diss Cheney about having student deferments. In this, he was no different than nearly every other male college student of the time, left, right or indifferent. If you went to school for four years, you likely had four student deferments. I’m sure quite a number of young men went to school to avoid the draft. There again, I say both left and right did this. But how would we know this is true of Cheney? I choose not to go there. He has enough faults and terrible deeds since then that offer us far better reasons to condemn the man.
Export business is up out in Grays Harbor & Patty Murray, being one of those city dwelling, small town hating, elitist, liberals, of course couldn’t care less.
Or maybe you righties need new talking points?
Well, Michael, can’t you see the connected dots that all righties see? Senator Murray is adding money for new rail infrastructure, people that work for the railroad are in unions, therefore, OMG, communist! And then the grain is exported to China, our precious grain grown in God’s heartland going to the communists! I can see Glen Beck tearing up already.
The first Vietnam war era draft lottery was in late 1969. The student deferments (except for divinity students) ended in 1971. Graduate student deferments ended earlier, in 1968.
We need an open shop in the police department so we can get rid of the cops that continue to use the labor relations process as a means to escape accountability when it comes to the abuse of citizens.
Okay, I thought the student deferrements ended and the draft lottery started at the same time, in 1971.
I guess that’s because many of the people I knew during that time period would have had student deferrments, so the lottery wasn’t that important to them until the student deferrments ended in 1971. I remember my slightly older friends watching the TV with considerable anxiety in 1971 and 1972 as the birthdates were called out.
If student deferrments had been in place when I graduated from high school, I would have taken advantage of them also. They weren’t, but since the war ended that same year I never had to make the decisions so many of my slightly older friends had to make.
But using a student deferrment to avoid serving, as Cheney did, is a far cry from using a student deferrment for which he was not entitled, as Karl Rove apparantly did. And it is particularly obnoxious to have those who chose to sit out one foreign war question the patriotism of those who questioned the necessity of another foreign war.
Nice to know you’re a Democratic PCO. You don’t matter…As a die-hard democrat, you’re just spewing party talking points…ones that obviously aren’t resonating with voters in our state and nation-wide…and what do you mean former councilman? litzow is a CURRENT councilman and has been since 2003. meanwhile, gordon has been a sleazy personal injury lawyer. no one gives a shit about complicated constitutional law–he’s failed to create jobs, which is all that people care about! guarantee, he’ll lose.
also, litzow lost by 700 votes in an overwhelmingly democratic year. without obama, maxwell wouldn’t have made it. period.
RHP, “it is particularly obnoxious”
Oh, I agree. I haven’t thought about the draft in years. We had a “Pick Steve’s Lotto Number” pool at the office. A couple of distinct impressions I recall having at the time, RHP. I strongly suspected that a good nember of those who were protesting had a yellow streak a mile wide. Another impression was that when the draft ended in 1973, so did most of the protests and marching in the streets, even though the war continued. I believed the war was geopolitical bullshit and that over 50,000 Americans died there for no good reason.
My friend’s name was Donald George Heider. Please let that name register with you for at least a moment. He had no family. He had few friends. Other than for the very few people who still remember him, he’s now an unknown whose name is on a wall honoring those who died in a war that most Americans seemingly still prefer to forget. He didn’t die in some heroic battle. He died of friendly fire, his body ripped apart by a 50 caliber machine gun bullets fired from an American helicopter. I had never heard of the term “friendly fire” before learning of Don’s death. I recall how my mind reeled as I comprehended what those words meant. To my way of thinking, his manner of death does not diminish his sacrifice. To me he is still an American hero.
# 39: The reason for the lack of protests in 1973 was the peace treaty signed about January of that year, which resulted in the withdrawal of just about all U.S. troops. It’s kindof hard to protest the involvement of the U.S. in a war in S.E. Asia when the U.S. troops had, for all intents and purposes, withdrawn. The only ones left were a smattering of advisors to the ARVN, Marine guards, and CIA, etc.
I remember the draft officially ending in the spring of 1975. I registered on my 18th birthday in March of that year, and only a couple of weeks later lost my draft card when my wallet was pick-pocketed. I went to the draft board to ask for a replacement, but they said they weren’t issuing cards any more, as the draft boards were being closed down.
Sorry, RHP, after forty years some memories fade and confusion sets in. I’ve given it more thought, trying to recall events and timelines. I recall now that it was in 1970, following the Cambodian bombing protests, Kent State and Jackson State, that the protests seemed to fade away. The war continued for three more years. There was a GI protest in DC in 1971 and that was about it. Supporting me, if you will, Wikipedia’s timeline for the war’s protests ends in 1970. Two thirds of the nation’s draft age youth were off the hook as of December 1969 when the first lottery took place, far more than that, really, considering age and draft priorities. By the end of 1970, where were all the protesters? And the war went on. Google away, friend. Show me evidence of any major protests following May 1970. I looked and couldn’t find anything. My unforgetable recollection is that the protest movement fizzled out as the war continued. I believe I am correct about that, RHP. And I believe I had reason at the time to view a good many of the war’s protesters as being yellow, calling it quits when they no longer had their own skin in the game. I saw the focus of too many youths turn to partying when the threat of their being drafted into that damned war was gone.
Oops, wrong thread.
I kept Googling a bit, RHP. There were some war protests in April 1972 when bombing was resumed. But I found nothing for late 1970, all of 1971, and nothing after April 1972. I could be wrong, RHP, but you need to provide backup to prove it to me. I still say that the protest movement fizzled out.
How ironic, Senator Murray steals money fron the other 49 and gives to cops. I love cops but they should refuse this unconstitutional money.
I do think 1970 was a turning point in the anti-war protests, peaking with the expansion of the war into Cambodia and Laos, and the Kent State shootings.
After that, it seemed that both sides sort of backed off, saying in effect, “what the hell are we doing?” After that the Vietnamization plan was put into affect, and with U.S. troops being withdrawn there wasn’t as much reason to protest.
I do remember being in Washington D.C. in the spring of 1972 and seeing a rather large, but very peacefull, protest. I was rather aggravated because it prevented me from taking a planned tour of the White House at the time. I couldn’t tell you much about the protest, and I remember that it barely made a blip on TV at that time – by then a peacefull anti-war protest simply wasn’t “news”. That was my second trip to D.C. as a student, the first (in ’69) happened just as Eisenhower died, and most federal buildings were closed in mourning (we did get to see Eisenhower lying in state in the Rotunda of the Capital building, and we caught a brief glimps of DeGaulle as he arrived for the memorials).