Easily over a thousand people showed up at my North Seattle caucus sites (in the 46th LD), split up between a church and a school near Northgate. Our precinct (46-2280) had 8 delegates, which started out 6 to 2 for Obama and stayed that way after a fairly intense debate between the two sides to woo over the half-dozen or so people who signed in uncommitted. After the first tally, I asked for a clarification on whether or not there were even enough uncommitteds to alter the delegate count, but that failed. For some reason, the precinct captain thought that the uncommitteds would be more interested in trying to convince more people to be uncommitted (so that there would be an uncommitted delegate) than in choosing a side. The uncommitteds were rightfully baffled by this as was everyone else. Anyway, 30 wasted minutes later, the uncommitteds (and maybe one or two others) re-voted and it was still 6 to 2.
At my caucus, one of the three uncommitteds actually did try to convince other people to switch.
Unfortunately, he was basically whispering, and there were lots of people around shouting, so no one heard anything he said. He talked for about twenty minutes though, and the only argument I heard enough of to understand was that we would let the uncommitted delegate “use his or her judgment” at the convention. Huh?@1
Weird. On an unrelated note, it was funny how many of the people in my caucus I recognized from the bus. :)
“…there were lots of people around shouting…”
Doesn’t bode well for future party unity. Grudges that stem from this kind of stuff aren’t easily or quickly forgotten.
The Piper
You’re confusing Democrats for Republicans.
Hey! It’s at the Dem caucuses that reports of shouting are to be heard. Sounds like within the Democratic Party, the blood is boiling and getting bad between its HRC and BHO factions.
At least Mitt Romney went out with some class, and the process of coalescing behind John McCain is taking place. The thought of a Dem Prexy come January 2009 is a unifying factor for Republicans.
The Piper
Crackpiper, at our caucus there was shouting too. And then one person asked that everyone who would be willing to vote for the other candidate in November to stand up. Everyone in the room stood up (all 120 or so).
As always, you have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. Go ahead and look at some of the local right wing blogs. Several have already said they will not be voting for McCain. After the Democratic nomination is settled, I encourage you to send me every link you find of a Washington State Democrat announcing that they will not vote for that person.
They weren’t shouting angrily at each other because they hated the candidates their neighbors were supporting, or because they hated their neighbors, they were shouting because we were in a big room and there were a ton of people there who were really excited about the candidates we have this year, and wanted to show their support. So actually, the shouting does bode well for future party unity. So you were pretty far off the mark with that observation.
He needs to believe that. He held his precinct’s caucus for the Republicans in his own living room. Awesome!
What? You too ashamed of your place to host a caucus?
If Dems end up in a brokered convention, you could have what you had in 1968 where Richard J. Dailey and Abraham Ribicoff cussed each other out, one on the convention floor and one one the dais. Even Howard Dean is hating the division in the Dems right now.
The Piper
Piper Scott, Yes, yes yes at the 1968 Convention. I was just entering those teenage years and we watched the police tackle those who we’d call the NEW Progressives today on our B&W TV. We had one black and white TV then cuz we were a poor working class family. Isn’t that where the Jewish Connecticut Governor Abraham Ribicoff said Richard J. Dailey used Gestapo tactics?
A Jew calling the “boss” a NAZI? Priceless!
Hmmm… no wonder why Dean fears history repeating itself.
Um, no. 130 people can’t fit in my living room.
If Dems end up in a brokered convention, you could have what you had in 1968 where Richard J. Dailey and Abraham Ribicoff cussed each other out, one on the convention floor and one one the dais. Even Howard Dean is hating the division in the Dems right now.
Please keep telling yourself its 1968. Effin Unsound can’t write itself.