Over at Slog, my foster son Will also takes issue with Andrew Garber’s front page I-1033 piece in the Seattle Times today, picking out this particular passage for ridicule (the emphasis is Will’s):
Tim Eyman was asked recently if he could imagine a time when he wouldn’t feel the need to file another anti-tax initiative.
Eyman, in essence, said no. “It’s a tug of war where the other side is always going to be pulling the rope in favor of higher taxes,” he said. “There needs to be a counterweight to that.”
And so Eyman, who makes his living filing initiatives, has put before voters another measure he argues will stifle any urge by lawmakers to increase taxes at least during the next couple of years, and help rein in government spending.
Will encourages journalists to “connect the dots…”
Memo to news media: Tim Eyman gets paid to file initiatives. That’s what he does. It’s his job!
Memo to Will: it’s not their job to connect the dots. Or at least most reporters appear not to think it is.
And that’s what so often bugs me about traditional journalism.
Ironic that Goldy is shrieking and whining about good buddy Tim making a living promoting initiatives, when Goldy himself is continually chronically unemployed. Funny.
Seems I point out basically the same thing about Mr. Eyman a couple of threads down.
Mark1 @1,
Why do you hate America?
Lynn Varner wrote an editorial in the ST today ridiculing Eyman and at one point comparing him to a snake oil salesman.
@3: Agreed.
So much, again, for the J-school/Communications degree. English majors, take heart.
@3 Because he’s an unpatriotic self-hating piece of shit.
Yes, us non-J-School Communication majors agree with the English majors.
There is much more to Communication than J-school or PRSSA.
Initiative filing is Eymans’ dole just like Goldy and his blog trying to be his dole. Global warmers have thier little dole on the roll as do environmentalists. Nobody it seems wants to work and democrats want to tax the living hell out of anything that moves as long as it’s not them paying those taxes i.e. Obamas ENTIRE fucking cabinet and all their “oversights”. I say FUCK democrats with their fucking hand out. GO EYMAN!
And I might add that I-1033 appears to be on track to pass handsomely.
@7 “There is much more to Communication than J-school or PRSSA.”
Yeah, like being able to sort truth from fiction.
@8 “Nobody it seems wants to work”
Why should anyone want to work under a Republican tax system that taxes wages 3 times as much as capital gains and dividends, and gives millionaires 2,500 times as big a deduction on their inheritances as a wage earner gets? Only damned fools would voluntarily work under a system like that.
I-1033 is a wealth transfer scheme, taking tax dollars paid by renters and others without property and using it to help pay the property taxes of the wealthy.
Here are some of the things your tax dollars go for now:
educating our children
providing health care for seniors and children
mental health services
repairing roads and bridges
keeping parks and libraries open
paying for police and fire protection
paying for courts and jails
cleaning up Puget Sound
providing clean water and clean air
sidewalks and bike paths
affordable public transit
emergency services
services for seniors and disabled
and the list goes on.
But here is what your tax dollars above Eyman’s recession level baseline will go for if I-1033 passes:
paying property taxes
That’s all.
1033 can be viewed as Kemper Freeman, Jr.’s plan to pay virtually no property taxes on Bellevue Square or his other downtown Bellevue properties within five years. That’s why he’s one of Eyman’s biggest funders. Sweet deal if you can pull it off.
Did I mention that renters would get nothing under I-1033? Nothing but fewer services.