I can’t take credit for the observation, but that won’t stop me from being the first to post on it.
We’ve all enjoyed poking fun at Dave Reichert’s ranking as the 401st most powerful member of the US House (though a respectable 73rd in earmarks), but we bloggers are a geeky breed, and HA regular “N in Seattle” (who blogs at Peace Tree Farm) recently observed how apt a metaphor Reichert’s rank rank turns out to be… at least in the parlance of HTTP status codes. For who amongst us (other than John McCain) is not familiar with following common error message…?
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied.
“Access Denied.” What better way to describe Reichert’s status in the corridors of power?
If there’s one thing Darcy Burner has proven over the past few weeks with her astounding success building consensus around the Responsible Plan to end the war in Iraq, it’s that she knows the password to getting things done. (And, I’m betting, she also knows her HTTP status codes inside out.)
Again… here’s a chance for all you Reichert supporters to defend your congressman, and explain why he is qualified to represent the 8th CD, and what exactly he has accomplished in his 3-plus years in Congress.
Another high profile article on the Iraq plan: http://www.politico.com/news/s...../9325.html
Goldy @1 – you’re being harsh, he did manage to sell the film rights to his GRK story. Unfortunately to a cable network few people ever watch, but still, quite an accomplishment nonetheless.
Daniel K @3,
See, that’s what Reichert needs to be a more successful congressman… an agent.
That, plus the casting was off. They should have got Leslie Nielson to play him.
Then again, maybe they can call on Nielson that when they film the equally gripping story about Reichert’s accomplishments in Congress. The age factor would work better.
Nowadays it’s
Go Darcy!
Choose your favorite:
I like:
424 Failed Dependency
Still not one right wing turd tries to defend Big Hair. This has crossed the line and is more than pathetic right now. The righties have me scratching me head for new adjectives to describe how worthless they and their boy Davie really are. It’s also downright funny to see the right wing trolls RUN from this topic as fast as they fucking can. Yeah – that’s you Puddy you punk.
re 10: Careful! Wax™ will blabber you into submission.
Sheriff Hairspray’s irrelevance in the House decreased ever so slightly from last year’s #419 position. Basically, that’s because 17 members of the Class of 2006 came in behind him. Then again, 40 other ’06ers (including three Republicans) are higher in the power rankings than our Dave.
Given that “improvement” in his position in this year’s rank-order, I’ve suggested another means of “branding” Reichert. One could also say that he’s:
#401 with a bullet
“Access Denied” also applies to pretty much most of Reichart’s public functions.
True, I haven’t been trying to find events where I could meet and talk with him. Perhaps he is available, but I am not aware of them. But the big events in which his participation is advertised have all been affairs closed to the public and the media. It’s just him and the folks from whom he’s soliciting money for his re-election campaign.
I’m beginning to think that all republican re-election campaigns first must begin at a private function in Medina.
Crickets from the right – cowards!