Yet another prognosticator has moved the race for Washington’s 8th Congressional District into the toss-up category:
Democrat Darcy Burner’s challenge to freshman Republican Rep. Dave Reichert in Washington’s 8th District has become one of the year’s key battleground races
I gave yet again to Darcy’s campaign. Hope Dave chokes on it.
BTW: Did you notice the picture in the PI today. Which candidate looks more capable and knowledgeable? Just a sec, I know I have the answer in this binder somewhere!!
Now let’s listen to the ramblings of the righties as they try to tell us up is down and down is up and black is white and white is black and low is high and high is low and whatever it is, it’s Bill Clinton’s fault.
I was just commenting that this is a boring post.
re 4: You need to get in touch with your conservative NAGUAL!
After the passage of the Military Commissions Act and the Patriot Act, Reichart must not return to the Reichtstag.
ST. LOUIS – Election officials say hundreds of potentially bogus registration cards, including ones for dead and underage people, were submitted by a branch of a national group that has been criticized in the past for similar offenses. At least 1,500 potentially fraudulent registration cards were turned in by the St. Louis branch of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN……[“Mother Fuck…Hows can that bees? We bees votin Democrat in East St. Louis!”]
How do you think. If I quit using internet… No, CAN I quit?
Mr. Trainwhistle, we got it. Boring.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A California-born convert to Islam, accused of making a series of al Qaeda propaganda videos, became on Wednesday the first American charged with treason since the World War Two era, U.S. Justice Department officials said.
Fugitive Adam Gadahn, 28, who is believed to be in Pakistan, was accused of treason, which carries a maximum punishment of death, and providing material support to al Qaeda, they said.
According to the charges, Gadahn appeared in five videos broadcast between October 2004 and September 11, 2006, giving al Qaeda “aid and comfort … with the intent to betray the United States.”
“Gadahn gave himself to our enemies in al Qaeda for the purpose of being a central part of their propaganda machine,” Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty told a news conference.
“By making this choice, we believe Gadahn committed treason — perhaps the most serious offense for which any person can be tried under our Constitution,” he said.
McNulty acknowledged that Gadahn appeared to be involved only in propaganda for the Islamic militant group, not in planning any attacks.
Gadahn converted to Islam from a Jewish-Christian family when he was 17 and a few years later moved to Pakistan. He was previously known as Adam Pearlman and grew up on a goat ranch outside Los Angeles………..[OK, Carl, Daddy Love, GBS, JDB, Which one of you is related to this Jewish Moooooooooslim Democrat traitor?]
I am watching Dacry destroy Reichert in the debate. (tivo paused) My god I am starting to feel sorry for Davey Hairspray. What can he say? What can he run on other than failure???? Davey Hairspray is still living in the past, and Darcy represents the future. If ol Davey Hairspray wants to play cops, and robbers, he should have been arresting DeLay, and Abramoff’s friends while they were selling our country down the road.
If Davey Hairspray was a “real” cop, he would have been either blind to their crimes (moron) or purposefully looked the other way (accompliace) because he didn’t do anything to expose it, or stop it.
Reichert = more of the same
Darcy = better future
The choice is simple. Help Americans, or help the top 1%.
Did you folks watch the debate. It is sick. Ol Davey Hairspray can only say one thing, over, and over. I was a cop. I was a cop. I was a cop.
My god. I run a corporation. Who gives a shit. It is what I will do, and what I stand for. I stand for all Americans, not just the billionares Reichert has voted to help over, and over, and over, while urinating on our troops.
The Republican congress passed an emergency 1 billion dollars in funding for the VA. (thanks to Patty Murray) The VA NEEDED 5 BILLION!!!!!! And that was last year…..
Cutting funding for the head injury unit? Gimmee a break.
These slimeballs pass 12 billion in breaks for big oil, and can’t give the VA what it needs.
These animals belong behind bars, not in the halls of congress.
I’m watching Darcy in the debate now and sent her a contribution and a victory pray. I love her grit, spunk, intelligence and courage. Go Darcy .. !!!! Kick that elephant in the ass.. !
ST. LOUIS – Election officials say hundreds of potentially bogus registration cards, including ones for dead and underage people, were submitted by a branch of a national group that has been criticized in the past for similar offenses. At least 1,500 potentially fraudulent registration cards were turned in by the St. Louis branch of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN……[………………..”Mother Fuck…Hows can that bees? We bees votin Democrat in East St. Louis! You white devil mother fuckas trying to trick fuck us “progressives”!]
Just look at Reichert. He looks like Bush. His facial expressions and mannerisms. It is undeniable. He can actually complete at least 50% of his sentences without stuttering though. He may be smarter than Bush, or possibly a better speaker, but that still isn’t saying much….
I think if they have any more debates scheduled, he will probably develop flu like symptoms…..
It is too bad all them Republicans want to vote for people stoopid like them, instead of people with enough brains to find a better path for America.
Hehehe. How does it feel getting beat by a bunch of stumbling,bumbling idiots. You know what is even worse is that the dems get all the illegal votes and still come up short. hehehe
re 19: You’re out of character, Dumas.
I know. I have converted form being a lying,leftist,liberal, democrat party hack to actually reporting the truth for a change. Courage headless, courage.
“Fascism is on the march today in America. Millionaires are marching to the tune. It will come in this country unless a strong defense is set up by all liberal and progressive forces… A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government, and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. Aboard ship a prominent executive of one of America’s largest financial corporations told me point blank that if the progressive trend of the Roosevelt administration continued, he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism to America.”
former U.S. ambassador to Germany William Dodd in 1938
Headless Lucy, You have to be a “guvment” union hack. Typical commie leftist “progressive”. You could never make it in the private sector, so you became a taxpayer sucking parasite. Gee, what a fucking surprise.
“Eyes don’t need no mofo ID. I vote Democrat at every poll in Detroit, Broward County, and Gary! I gets smokes. I gets KFC with ma food stamps. I gets King Cobra. I gets Black Velvet, and I gots a mother fucking 42 SONY after Katrina!! You white modda fuckas trying to steal the ‘lection and stop ma Democrat guvment check!!! White devil mofos!!!”
re 24: You know something is wrong, but you don’t have the mental wherewithal to even attempt to understand. You’ve just memorized a little packet of banalities with which you apply your simplistic template.
Here is a great quote from an interesting blog that I ran across:
“Given such severe cognitive deficits,Conservatives are prone to perseveration on a pathological level. Sadly,it’s all too easy to reduce the substance of Conservative arguments to these simple terms:
*Tax and spend Liberals
*You hate America
*Liberal Media
*Bill Clinton lied about a blow job
*Big Government
*Personal Responsibility
*Socialistic Program
*From my cold dead hands
*Gays are destroying the country”
JCH Back to your cave!
Why don’t you ask Jeb Bush about the 90,000 legal voters he had taken off the rolls in Florida in 2000 because they were black….
How about the 2.Million votes cast in 2004 that were never counted? (Armed Madhouse)
The 8 hour lines to vote in Cleveland?
Why did ever single machine error favor Bush?
Facts, that’s right. Darcy will repeal the Bush tax cuts that have our economy humming along well. She will lower the child deduction and will want to reenact the marriage penalty. Yep she’s all for the middle american. And helping the people with money have it to invest in our economy bringing jobs to the middle class and raising their standard of living is stupid.
Do I believe those that are rich should pay a little more in federal taxes…..sure, but if the rich want they can pay as much in taxes as they like by just sending the IRS a check. (An aside, Kerry bitches about giving tax breaks to the rich and he should know since he worked the system to only pay 12%, if he just paid a normal amount that say I end up paying that would be a hell of a lot of money. I don’t begrudge him though for taking advantage of the system, just his BS about being for the poor and hard working.) We shouldn’t force them to pay exhorbenant amounts. Since most give to charities and invest in our economy with money that isn’t taxed. You do know that the more money people have to invest is better than the governement pissing it away don’t you.
After this debate this district will be strong Democrat. Darcy is obviously a better candidate than Reichert.
Heck he is still pretending he is “the man” or something.
All he can say is I wuz a sheriff. I wuz a sheriff. I wuz a sheriff.
I wonder if we had a sheriff as smart as Dacry, if the Green River Killer would have ran free for 19 years taking lives….
Now I can’t wait till someone does a truth check on Reichert’s votes, and his statements.
re 24: What you add to the mix is the most virulent and unreasoning , blind hatred of human life that I’ve ever seen outside of a prison or an institution for the criminally insane.
JCH: Do you know what a trade deficit is? You will probably celebrate the fact that it’s larger than ever.
What a marroon!
also, nice to see that the CQPolitics still is calling her an Executive at Microsoft…..nothing that telling a lie again or wait it’s the truth to them so that’s OK.
I’ll tell you one thing though….I sure as hell would take Darcy over Baghdad Jim. She knows she doesn’t know, but Jimmy boy hasn’t a clue. He doesn’t know he doesn’t know and either do most in this district.
Why shouldn’t they call her an executive? They call Reichert a detective. Did Reichert graduate from Harvard? Darcy Burner did.
She’s a better class of person than ol’ Rubberstamp Dave.
How about the 2.Million votes cast in 2004 that were never counted? (Armed Madhouse)
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 10/11/06@ 9:23 pm
You mean Armed Forces. You got it half right. Yes, there were many military votes left uncounted in 2004 and 2000. Unfortunately a lot of military people are registered in blue counties. Here is some info to enlighten you:
From Navy
By Chad Miles
A recent report issued by the National Defense Committee, a nonprofit organization that supports the U.S. military and encourages veterans to run for elective office, recently found that 25 percent of ballots cast by military personnel in the 2004 presidential election went uncounted. Incredibly, that rate of disenfranchisement could be even higher due to the fact that the study relied on voluntary disclosure of information from local election officials.
Unfortunately, the issue of soldiers being disenfranchised during an election is nothing new. We all remember the 2000 Florida recount fiasco and the events surrounding it. During that election, the rate of uncounted ballots cast by members of the armed forces was even higher at a staggering 29 percent nationwide.
In Florida, which turned out to be the pivotal state in determining the winner of the 2000 election, around 1,400 military absentee votes were left uncounted, largely because of the role of lawyers working for the Democratic Party at local canvassing boards who followed a directive from the party to challenge all military ballots on the premise that they likely were votes for Republican nominee George W. Bush.
Although many lawmakers vowed that the level of disenfranchisement seen in the aftermath of that election would never happen again, it looks like it did.
According to the committee’s study, “Military and Overseas Absentee Voting in the 2004 Election,” the largest problem in managing military absentee ballots is not hostile attorneys, but rather what military historians call “the tyranny of distance” – the unavoidable difficulties inherent in getting ballots to our deployed military people serving overseas.
During the election in 2000, the study found that, 30 percent of military personnel did not receive their ballot in time to cast a vote. When you combine that figure with the number of votes that were tossed out for various reasons – including arriving to the absentee voters via snail mail past voting deadlines – you can see that the scope of the problem is enormous.
The challenge of getting ballots to soldiers was even worse during the 2004 election due to the post-9/11 deployments of military units to Iraq, Afghanistan and dozens of other countries in support of the Global War on Terror, the committee found. Units frequently on the move and mail delays caused by local threats such as the danger of roadside bombs made the task of getting ballots to the troops even more daunting.
However, military absentee voters once again in 2004 found themselves the target of partisan political maneuvering as had happened in Florida four years earlier.
Recognizing the fact that more time would be needed to count all of the military ballots arriving from overseas, the Pennsylvania legislature in 2004 requested that Gov. Edward G. Rendell authorize a two-week extension for the acceptance of military ballots to compensate for the issues surrounding the wartime situation in which our soldiers are now engaged.
However, in Pennsylvania in 2004, as in Florida in 2000, political operatives were motivated by their longstanding knowledge that a strong majority of military voters generally supports Republican candidates.
Rendell, a Democrat, initially refused the request to assist military absentee voters. But it later was discovered that he had launched an aggressive “get out the vote” information campaign within the state’s prison population, informing inmates of voting rights and providing them with absentee ballots for the election. Other studies have shown that a majority of the prison voting population supports Democratic candidates. The adverse publicity prompted Rendell to approve the extension for military overseas voters.
In Washington state, the U.S. Justice Department threatened to sue less than a month before the 2004 election because election officials had yet to even mail out absentee ballots to military personnel overseas. What may have been bureaucratic incompetence may well have altered the outcome of that state’s gubernatorial election.
The Washington state governor’s race between Republican nominee Dino Rossi and Democratic nominee Christine Gregoire turned out to be even tighter than the Florida presidential vote count in 2000. The Republican candidate won the first two re-counts but ultimately lost the third by 128 votes. With a total of 31,910 overseas ballots mailed out for that election, it’s easy to see that even a few lost, late or missing military votes made a huge impact in the election, ultimately deciding the race.
When it was time for Congress to ratify the 2004 election results and electoral vote count for the offices of President and Vice President during a joint session last December, two Democratic legislators challenged the results on the basis of voting irregularities and disenfranchisement. Was someone finally going to raise the issue of one-fourth of our deployed military men and women not having a voice in the democratic process? No.
The challenge concerned votes cast in the state of Ohio, which turned out to be the pivotal state in 2004 with enough electoral votes to swing the election and the Presidency to John Kerry. The challenge centered on disqualification of a newly created provisional ballot, not the military vote, and was nothing more than a symbolic protest by the party that had lost the presidential election.
It appears that once again the rights of military overseas voters are no longer an issue within the political establishment.
We should not have to still be struggling with this issue. Before the 2004 election, the Department of Defense launched an online voting system called the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE), designed to give military personnel deployed around the world the ability to vote instantly online. This would have obviously corrected the problems surrounding the reliance of postal mail for balloting, and put an end to the partisan shenanigans we saw in Florida with Democratic Party lawyers targeting military voters for ballot rejection.
Alas, DoD officials opted to shut down the SERVE program before the election due to security concerns dealing with the sensitive nature of the data and the possibility of illegitimate votes being tabulated. Since DoD manages to send thousands of classified messages daily around the globe, many of them stamped “Top Secret,” it is hard to imagine that these security and privacy concerns cannot be resolved.
It is ridiculous to have our troops filling out paper ballots and placing them in the mail in a day and age when publicly available technology allows you to take a picture and send it to someone on the other side of the world with a small cellphone. The disenfranchisement on the scale that we have seen in recent years is unacceptable, but it is definitely correctible.
If DoD officials take the time to develop a secure and dependable electronic voting system, some election results may be drastically different in the years to come – but unlike the number of contested elections we have seen since 2000, the results will more likely reflect the judgment of all of the voters – including those serving in harm’s way to protect our freedoms.
Contributing Editor Chad Miles is a U.S. Army veteran who served with the 82nd Airborne Division and the 5th Special Forces Group during the 1990s. He founded the website, which tracks the military service of previous and current U.S. government leaders, and is currently pursuing a degree in political science from the University of Michigan – Dearborn. He can be reached at Send Feedback responses to
re 27: They buy bonds with the tax break money. They, in effect, lend you your own money and charge interest. That’s what I mean when I call you a tool. You, literally, are!
It is real simple, not all democrats commit voter fraud but almost all voter fraud is committed by democrats.
Democrats are the party against voter ID at the polls. The republicans are the party for voter IDs. How much more do you need.
she’s still an exec…
yipes, next you’ll tell us she was a much loved Ames Lake president or whatever (NOT)
gosh, what a ditz
Voting 211 for and 218 against, members on May 25 defeated a motion to qualify National Guard and Reserve personnel for TRICARE, the main military health plan, to the extent that active duty troops are covered. The motion was offered to HR 1815 (previous). Present law includes Guard and Reserve personnel in TRICARE for 90 days before and 180 days after mobilization. Full coverage would cost at least $5.8 billion over five years. At $50 billion annually, TRICARE accounts for one-tenth of the defense budget.
Backers noted that the Guard and Reserves are supplying 40 percent of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A yes vote backed the motion.
Voting yes: Inslee, Larsen, Baird, Dicks, McDermott, Smith.
Voting no: McMorris, Reichert.
Not voting: Hastings.
It my job to notify you of the following:
Go fuck yourself! Come November, the rest of the Republicans are fucked too.
Funny how that works.
Dumbshit Loosey-
I tis even easier to narrow down moonbat aguments,
1. BDS.
Wow. I mean, sometimes when it seems that the level of political discussion can’t get any lower in here, you guys really come through. Now I’m sure it can’ get any lower.
Darcy Burner may not win this November. She’s got a huge hill to climb, and Gay Pride Dave has the name recognition and the Big Daddy image of heriff to run on (though very little record of achievement in Congress).
But Republicans all over America will be losing. And Darcy is running even with this big-name incumbent. He’d better worry.
You’d better worry.
So it finally came out: a former House page says he saw Foley grabbing a teenage page’s ass on the House floor.
Proof of seuxal activity with an underage page. THIS is what Hastert and the other Republican leaders have been covering up for years.
Righton, you could probably get the Dems to agree to voter ID’s. As you and your inbred ex majority have lied and cheated yourselves into prosperity these past 6 years I think the Neocons should personally underwrite the costs of said IDs. 150,000,000 @ $50 each would be a drop in the bucket for the likes of you, puddpuller, Mtreddick, jch etc.
More than fifty immigrants were taken into custody Wednesday after a raid at a west side home. Police were called to the home on Senisa Street after they received a tip about stolen cars. When they arrived, they saw four people running from the house. They looked inside the “stash house” and found 51 illegal immigrants – 38 men, 12 women and a teenage girl – all crammed into three bedrooms. […..Just in time for the November elections!! Nancy Pelosi has orders to bus them to where they are needed in a close race!!!]
ADmit i, wingnuts: You NEED Muslim terrorism to be the Big Bad Bogeyman, a super-powerful movement that threatens the lives of every one of the 300 million Americans alive today. If they aren’t, if al Qaeda is only a degraded organization with limited operational capacity that should be mopped up through diligent law enforcement strategies, then where does that leave you in the eyes of history? Previous generations of wingnuts bravely battled “Communism,” and all you’re left with is a struggle against 27 bearded nuts who want white men to leave their lands?
No wonder your every statement reeks of desperation.
35 Dan Rather
Voter ID is being ruled unconstitutional pretty much everywhere. Good luck with that.
You know, we could get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons completely, but THIS ADMINISTRATION is either too war-hungry or too incompetent to get a deal done.
We could be safe. They don’t want us safe. That’s all we need to know.
Carter couldn’t make em give up the nukes, Clinton couldn’t make em give the nukes up and you believe that Bush can?
Daddy, I didn’t know you had such confidence in him!
They are NOT giving up the nukes for any President. They are too valuable, how else will they feed their people and buy more weapons?
Make more conterfeit dollars?
re 39: Information is from blogsite of Paul Krugman. Is he a “moonbat”?
48….Yes, and a communist. Typical New YorK “progressive” Jew.
Paul Krugman is a tenured professor of economics at Princeton Universtiy. He lives in NJ.