OK, so I think I’ve figured out how to (a) have the House Republicans do their job passing a clean continuing resolution, and (b) let the House Republicans claim victory. Senate Democrats should load up a continuing resolution with some things they’d like. They can have a public option, or lower Medicare age (preferably to birth). Basically, they should negotiate this funding the government thing with the same bad faith as the Republicans.
Then when the Republicans inevitably, eventually do their job and fund the government, they can say to their Tea Party constituency, “Oh hey, we totally stopped the public option. Health care could have been more affordable still, but no.”
Since now the conversation is between the GOP doing their jobs and passing a clean resolution, or the GOP plan to continue their hissy fit for a little longer and demanding delays to the Affordable Care Act, when the Republicans eventually do their job, it will look like they’ve caved. Under the Carl Ballard plan, when they do their job, they can have saved the republic from socialism or whatever.
It won’t work. The Pubbies have already painted themselves into a corner by declaring that Obamacare is “socialism” which must be stopped at all costs. Of course, they don’t have the votes to stop it, so their defeat is inevitable. The only thing Democrats can do is put them out of their misery as expeditiously as possible. Pushing them off a cliff may be an option worth considering.
Ted Cruz: Done. Over. Toast.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z2gcbUjxp4
There is no compromise. The ACA is the law of the land. It’s in place, most of it is working just fine, and even the people who aren’t happy with it don’t have any plans to overturn it. And you don’t take the American people hostage and then complain when the other side wont compromise with you.
Most Republicans don’t even like this, they’re just not willing to break with their party and with John Boehner because it would mean loses at the polls in the next election. But, the reality is that Boehner lost control of his party a long time ago and both he and the 15 or so bomb throwers that took over the Republican side of the house need to go.
Ted Cruz is nothing but a petulant child who needs to be taken in hand.
Hopefully, this will end the delusion that Dave Reichert is a moderate or is willing to buck the TP loons. Just another brick in the wall (and thick as a brick as well).
@4 Correct. Boehner has his hand up Reichert’s ass.
If Democrats give in now, Social Security will be next, followed by Medicare. Their is no choice but to watch the Republicans plunge this economy into chaos. It would be paying a blackmailer. These Republicans will never go away, and giving in will just embolden them.
And by them, I mean the Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife’s of the world. Americans would become their serfs, with no redress for injury, no relief for work, nothing but woe for the 80% of the least wealthy Americans.
This is not a negotiation. This is a putsch.
Can I set fire to your house? How about your 2nd floor? Ok, just the garage. The kitchen?
Why won’t you compromise with me?
The southern teabagging Republican “party” vandals won’t stop coming until the 13th amendment is repealed. There is no compromise with sessionist vandals. You want peace and tranquility? General Sherman demonstrated how to achieve it.
Remember the Bush Tax cuts? Remember How Howard Scream Dean wanted to repeal them? Remember the other blackmail attemps on the tax cuts from Congressional DUMMOCRETINS? No? The tax cuts were signed and passed law! Yet DUMMOCRETINS tried all types of tactics in Congress. You HA mini-cretins are 24 hour memory malady moonbat morons.
You see Puddy remembers this too from last December…
The tax on medical devices is a Republican attack on ObummerCare? This DUMMOCRETIN senate leader is a moron. You see Harry Land Deal Reid doesn’t care about the 400,000 directly affected working folk. Reid don’t care about the 2,000,000 high skilled manufacturing jobs. He won’t let his own colleagues vote on anything. Maybe the Senate DUMMOCRETINS should have read the bill before passing it instead of taking Nancy Stretched Face Pelosi’s suggestion of passing the bill to determine what was in it. Sheesh the other Senate DUMMOCRETINS are stooooooooooopidly following Reid. Even Al Franken[stein] signed the letter!
The real shutdown artist is Reid but HA DUMMOCRETINS march to their left wrong web sites and regurgitate anything on PMSNBC. ekimgoatmaster is the latest to prove that yesterday!
So no compromise from Senate DUMMOCRETINS.
Talk about Compromise? Why did Obummer and gang close the national memorial to old WWII vets? It took more guards to close the memorial than those who were guarding the late Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
Talk about Compromise? When Obummer media shit slingers like Dylan Byers from Politico (leftist pinheads) trying to cover Scary Land Deal Reid’s own words with smell repellent?
Oh no blackmail question from CNN nonetheless. Then Reid attacks CNN’s Dana Bash for asking the question
The heat is on Scary Reid and Senate DUMMOCRETINS for their whiny shutdown tactics.
Dylan Byers, Politico’s DUMMOCRETIN water carrier for Obummer’s Sadministration!
National Hotline to ObummerCare – 1-800-318-2596. Figger out what the 318-2596 numbers spell. That’s what Obummer and Reid are telling the laid off guvmint workers.
Oh yeah here’s the FULL YouTube Video regarding Harry Reid’s not so nice attack on Dana Bash of CNN!
Wow…seems the puddybigot really wants some attention…but the crazy he’s bringing is pretty pedestrian this morning.
Gotta hand it to him, he’ll defend anything from the right. He really does have no low below which he won’t degrade himself…in his pursuit of some abuse.
Can’t really be bothered, though.
You are one of the biggest Obummer DUMMOCRETINS here! Pot calling kettle black as always! You can’t be bothered dealing with facts and truth from PuddyGreat!
No additional asinine accusation PuddyGreat is stealing time from his employer? JackASS!
O. M. G.
You really wrote that?! You really wrote that!
You are desperate for attention this morning – what, left hand aching?
SCHMUCKO-MORON can’t tell when he’s being mocked. He’s so into hisself and his commentary on HA that he can’t understand it when it’s in plain daylight! For the “brains” SCHMUCKO-MORON claims to possess, SCHMUCKO-MORON is so easily manipulated by PuddyGreat, a “so called” whack job!
The only desperate person on the blog is SCHMUCKO-MORON! See ya!
Ah yes, the old “I was joking” rescue line to back out of a revealing faux-pas.
No, ‘PuddyGreat’ **SNORT** *CHORTLE* **SPEW COFFEE**, you weren’t joking or mocking, you were back in that place where you think bragging about the 14-speed car rental you’re allowed to drive is somehow…impressive…and will cow us all into reverential silence.
It’s that frightened, dark place where you tell yourself you’re all right over and over, despite knowing, deep down in your core that you’re not. It’s right next to the spot where you get hard thinking about how your God is going to come in ‘Clouds O’Glory’ ™ to smite all the people you hate.
You know, the rancid core of your hateful and terrified brand of crazy.
The modern Repbulican Party, in a nutshell (nutcase?)….
I’ll bet this is the fantasy the puddybigot keeps in his head when he’s bragging about the cars he’s allowed to rent…
Yet when you claim that it’s dead seriousness SCHMUCKO-MORON?
Did Puddy change his top tag line as you did when Puddy called you the “most vile leftist” on this blog? Can SCHMUCKO-MORON determine Puddy is mocking SCHMUCKO-MORON again? When Puddy posted the Hyundai Genesis car SCHMUCKO-MORON couldn’t figger out Puddy was mocking SCHMUCKO-MORON again? Man, you are as dense as other DUMMOCRETINS on this blog SCHMUCKO-MORON!
Dark place SCHMUCKO-MORON…? That’s the best you have SCHMUCKO-MORON? You have delusions grandeur in that small neanderthal cranial orifice! Puddy happy as can be. Another successful expanded system being completed SCHMUCKO-MORON! It’s able to handle thousands of clients connections unlike the ObummerCare computer systems paid for by our tax $$$!
SCHMUCKO-MORON, you are so puffed up with yerself you can’t see the forest for the trees! It really sux to be you for another day!
bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR.
So who is Puddy mocking now SCHMUCKO-MORON? Sheesh the stoooooooooooopid is strong in this one!
Allowed to rent? bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. Mocking SCHMUCKO-MORON again!
While we’re negotiating to burn down my garage, I assume that means buying me a garage is on the table. Maybe a brand-new house. Once you agree to buy me a brand-new house, with a garage, we can talk about burning it down.
See how that changes the conversation.
Obamacare Inspires Disney World To Give Full Employment To 427 Part-Time Workers
Yet Fascist one… here are 100 unintended consequences of ObummerCare to your one intended one…
Y’all can read the other 98!
Here’s a compromise…
Puddy guesses Iran wasn’t ready to compromise and meet the Great Satan Obummer!
@22 Carl. Well done.
Cause republicans don’t see the point in other people’s kids getting an education. Especially poor ones.
( But there is no class warfare, fox news says so. )
This is priceless
Republicans are upset that their actions caused them bad publicity.
This is going drag on for weeks, there is no reasoning with extremists