Apparently, I’m a hate-talker. But Ann Coulter? She’s just joking…
These people can’t even wrap up genocide. We’ve been hearing about this slaughter in Darfur forever — and they still haven’t finished. The aggressors are moving like termites across that country. It’s like genocide by committee. Who’s running this holocaust in Darfur, FEMA?
Apparently Coulter is displeased that not enough people died today.
Someone should tell the CoulterBeast that drinking the blood of innocents will no help what ails her. . . . . .
Darfur sounds like something the European nations should take care of. After all, they’re thousands of miles closer to Africa than the US.
Heaven knows BushCo would have us in Sudan up to our armpits if there was oil there.
I actually agree with you on your post @ 4.
Surely we’re both going to hit the lotto tomorrow night!
All of those statements she made are just jaw-dropping. Who supports this woman’s writing? Meaning, who likes it? How can cruelty (not killing fast enough in Darfur), anti-semitism (remarks about Jews) and indirectly critizicing the military (I guess for her our Shock and Awe didn’t work) be supported by anyone, liberal or conservative?
She more like a she-creature, a hound from hell, a bottle-blond nightmare than an actual human being.
I think, inside, she basically hates herself and has to go to these lengths to feel better about herself. Really.
With the Bush Crime Family you just never know. Iraq is cursed with oil. The Horn of Africa is a strategic location. Ethiopia and Somalia are cursed by geopgraphy.
Darfur, not so much. . . .they simply are cursed by their neighbors. . . .
You know, there are several comedians (Go all the way back to Lenny Bruce, and in the present, Sarah Silverman comes to mind) who spin schtick based on angst, prejudice and even hatred, and actually somehow manage to make it funny. Coulter doesn’t pull it off, except in the eyes of a few people who are apparently as twisted as she is.
One thing the “sick” comics have in common is that they’re drawing from a storehouse of pain collected through past experience. Whatever the details of her personal history, Coulter is no doubt very badly damaged, and it must really suck to be her and have to carry all that blackness around inside her.
Please don’t anyone mistake my reference to “blackness” in my post above as having anything to do with ethnicity. I’m referring to the inside of her head as being like a “black hole” in the cosmological sense, a vortex of psychological gravity which consumes and destroys anything good in the vicinity.
ArtFart @ 9:
Of course we didn’t take your use of “blackness” as a racial slur.
However, if your name was Puddybud, then we’d have to assume your comment was racially motivated. Given his track record of using racial slurs then trying to pass it off as a term of endearment, or justifying it by misquoting an official from the ACLU.
So much for the liberal theory of Iraq being about Bush payig off his oil Buddies:
But hey libs, don’t let facts get in the way of your insanity.
ArtFart: Amazingly, no, I didn’t take it that way.
Yeah, right GBS!@10 Hold that thought.
Amazingly you forget about the book on Anazon I identified. I guess the book blows your long nick name! I stand next to the ACLU quote, quite useful. I don’t stand behind them.
PBJ: Speaking of Iraq, if you watched the Commie News Network report of John McCain he had thousands of army guys with him. Hmmm…?
“The Senator thought otherwise, and he made an important point with his visit. Actually, two points: first, that the situation in Baghdad is improving; second, that the news media are more intent on ridiculing rather than reporting the first bits of good news to come out of Iraq in quite a long time.”
It’s no wonder the Publican party is so far behind the Democrats in fund-raising for the 08 race. The AIDS-infested cunt Coultergiest and her ilk are driving decent folk away from the Publican party.
Didya know a single cross-country round trip on a Gulfstream IV owned by Dianne Feinstein’s husband, churns out at least 83,000 pounds of carbon dioxide.
But Puddy, he’s checking on his Milcom investments!
Post the quote right now with the link.
Go on. Prove me wrong. I dare you.
He did not say “white BOY”
Stand behind the truth, Puddybud, prove me wrong.
Didya know if Dianne’s husband takes 100 trips a year Dianne would need to have 180K trees planted for carbon offset!
I guess no new homes for Moonbat!s.
Puddybud, I’m waiting.
I posted the link. He said something more gross and you know it! My white BOY was nice!
“WHITE BOY” quote Puddybud, where did the ACLU say WHITE BOY?!?!?
No, you know you’re lying Puddybud!
Post the link and the quote.
Was it really more gross, Puddybud?
Really, was the ACLU quote more gross, really?
Is that what you believe?
You’re use of White Boy was not NICE.
Shhh… We can’t talk about illegal aliens in America. It would be racist to do dat!
GBS: Produce the quote. I moved on. You continue to DWELL on it!
Which Church do you go to Puddybud, I’d like you to introduce me to the people you attend church with and ask them about the term white boy!
You offered, now I’m taking you up on it.
Plus, it wouldn’t be hard for me to track down the location.
Cypress Forest?
Your quote is in my screen name.
Now you produce a quote.
Ahhh, man I can’t believe you’re fucking lying to me.
When HL use Field Nigger and House Nigger over a year ago you still were dwelling on it at our lunch AND you brought it up afterwards on this blog.
Man you dissapoint me. I thought you were man enough to admit your mistake.
Chris Dodd. Hmmm…?
“Dodd, who opposed a constitutional amendment to limit marriage to man-woman unions, said he supports civil unions but not gay marriage.” And he running for the Moonbat! Nomination and he said that?
Dan Rather – I gots dat quote for See BS News!
BTW Mr Stupid would need to rape a woman to procreate. Five minutes in a bar and the women be runnin away!
Is that it, Pudd,bud?
Are you just going to act like you never saiud white boy?
GBS: Because Headlice never formally apologized! Big difference between lily white boy and FN and HN and YOU KNOW IT!
Even you said it was out of order!
If you said “hey black boy” I’d say Present! And after our lunch conversation YOU KNOW DAT TOO!
GBS: At our age I want to stay young!
What fucking difference does it make if SOMEONE else did something wrong??
That gives you free reign to say white boy?
And you know what, white boy is to white people as nigger is to black.
GBS, who is “fucking lying” to you? I know what I said. We’re talking about the ACLU quote!
@ 28
I know I said HL was out of order, I posted it on this fucking blog.
Now I’m saying you’re fucking out of order and you keep acting like you’ve used some term of endearment. The fuck it was a term of endearment, nor did you intend to use it as such.
Don’t fucking lie to me like the rest of the asshole liars.
And… PacMan said “it was disrespectful to me.” Remember you sat between us.
@ 30
Stand by Puddbybud. I’ll grab your link and the fucking quote.
He said “lily white” not white boy. and you know what else?
If he said something derogatory doesn’t give you the right to do the same.
Wait a few minutes I’ll be right back with your WORDS.
Have you ever noticed that when a wingnut refuses to acknowledge past errors it’s because he or she has “moved on”? Now, I believe in the power of redemption, that people can change. But, first, don’t you have to acknowledge your sins? Your buddy, Puddy, seems incapable of doing that.
Okay GBS just for you.
Clueless if you are out there I APOLOGIZE, sincerely, because even though GBS was saying it’s a racial epithet, I was telling you don’t quote black history to me when you haven’t a clue about it.
So Clueless, I’ll stay on top of your worthless posts but I was wrong to use “lily white boy”!Does that work GBS!
Shall I invite Clueless to a lunch?
BTW the wife saw the lunch bill. She wondered what we ate for lunch!
PL: And… you bring what to this conversation?
Hey, while your preaching, you were being disrespectful. Look at the tone of your words in my screen name.
Puddybud @ 34:
Yeah, that works for me. Now move on, will ya!
Sheez always a life and death struggle with you!
GBS: I’ll move on when Headlice truly apologizes!
Gotta rumble out of here.
I’m getting ready to install a new engine in my Porsche this weekend. $8500 just for the machine work and parts. After I break it in I’ve got an appointment on a Dyno machine so I can chip tune tha’ bad mo’fo’.
We’re estimating 340-380 hp before we chip tune. Hopefully we can squeeze another 10-12% hp. Just might get over 400hp on a 2300lb car!
Looking to put in a limited slip differential next winter and re-do the transmission gearing at the same time. The suspension system is already tricked out with anti roll bars, sway bars and corner balanced.
Then, I’ll have to upgrade the braking system, gotta be able to stop 400 ponies, ya know.
Later, and thanks for apologizing. I hope you were sincere.
Hey GBS: Looks like Nancy Pelosi lied about the words from Israel!
Waaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR AR!
George Bush snorted coke, got arrested for DUI, fathered two daughters who were arrested for illegal drinking, avoided service by going AWOL, lied to America to lead us into a war that not one of his relatives is willing to fight.
What a legacy.
Oh yeah, and Laura Bush killed a guy.
My understanding of the Iraqi oil fields legislation (Shared Production Agreements?) is that future wells yet untapped, some 70% of total Iraq crude, goes specifically to 4 big oil companies, Exxon/Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell, BP & (Texaco?), which did not have access to Iraqi oil previously. The existing oil infrastucture supposedly remains in Iraqi government oversight, but don’t count on it.
CNN deceit. How far the mighty have fallen.
Obama is going to be a great President.
ArtFart @8: Like Sasha Baron Cohen as Borat.
When I see that clip of him in the country bar singing “Throw the Jew Down the Well” it gives me such an odd feeling! Amused and mortified and horrified at the same time. It’s humor that you feel in your bowels, not to sound too crude, but as a way to say one has a very visceral reaction.
Ann Coulter is a Republican babe. Helen Thomas is a Democrat babe. Note the difference!!! hehe, JCH
Funny how the Publican party and the Bush Regime say Speaker Pelosi shouldn’t go to Syria but it’s okay that three Publicans did on the same trip?
JCH @ 52.
Well aren’t you the fucking lying Republcan you’ve always been.
No honor with you is there?
If I had to pick between Helen Thomas and Ann Coulter, I’d take Helen Thomas because she’s a woman. Ann “Andy” Coulter “is a MAN, baby!“
Nancy Pelosi is a “leader”, while the three Republicans are only there as political cover!
Everyone knows this except Mr Stupid!
Puddybud @ 55:
Why are the three Republicans allowing themselves to be hauled half way around the world to be Nancy Pelosi’s “political cover?”
Is there something about your statement that doesn’t quite make sense to you?
You must’ve found your crack pipe.
I love Ann Coulter!
She is so right! I have one word for the Sudanese Government, “ovens”. I mean, what is this, 1920?
This genocide couldn’t be run worse if GW Bush was in charge. When they Sudanese get done, I hope she writes a book called the “Finally Solution”.