Just a reminder to the regulars and an FYI to the new people: there is, in fact, a comment policy here. It’s pretty loose anyway, and it’s sometimes enforced more in the breach than in actual fact. But, you know, stay on topic and if you want to say something, there are 3 open threads as well as the Drinking Liberally and Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza act as open threads that are basically unmoderated (other than spam and copyright violations).
Now, I realize that pointing to the comment policy means that I’m somewhat committing myself to more moderating. Fortunately, the page is loading quicker, so it won’t take as long to do. But try to behave.
And feel free to use this as an open thread.
So Carl, you gonna police Roger Idiot Wabbit for a change? Puddy waits until Roger posts his thread breaching toxic waste in a thread before entering with something uniquely anti-DUMMOCRETIN!
Wait for it… You’ll view the following “nuggets” from The Idiot Wabbit soon:
This is a liberal blog!
I have a right to post crap everywhere!
I am uncensored!
klake is a nazi!
Blah blah blah!
Meanwhile in science… Puddy always turns off his WI-FI on his Android phone!
Meanwhile in politics
So many to choose from.
Puddy glad Nancy Pelosi telling her fellow DUMMOCRETINS to run on the “Affordable” Care Act! Nancy forgets it was Obummer who called it Obummercare!
@04 Affordable Care Act. I still don’t see a credible Republican alternative that insures more American and lower costs.
Anything to have Obama fail.
@3 While some of what they object to is truly troubling, I find it fascinating the stupidity and greed and partisan fear mongering in what that Conservatives feels Obama is doing wrong. They are freaking out over things that are only wrong to conservatives or just plain lies that they keep promoting.
Forcing taxpayers to violate religious conscience by funding abortion through the ACA.
– Corporations do not have the right to pick and choose what legal medical things they cover like Abortion, Birth control, or HIV meds.
Six-month moratorium on deep water drilling in the Gulf.
– Are they still whining about that? We needed a cooling off period.
Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 without legislation.
– Why do republicans hate paying a living wage?
Using the IRS to suppress Tea Party free speech.
– Are they still whining about that? It was proven that was a lie.
Decision not to defend DOMA.
– Are they still whining about that? No conservatives has been able to explain how gay marriage negates their straight marriage.
Barricading the WWII Memorial during the government shutdown.
– The republicans voted to shut down the parks and then whined when the parks they liked, were shut down.
DOJ sues Arizona over immigration enforcement measure.
– It was an unethical law.
Waivers exempting most states from No Child Left Behind Act.
– Are they still whining about that? Why are conservatives for a bad law that doesn’t work.
Failing to enforce federal drug laws prohibiting marijuana.
– Why are conservatives not for states rights when they don’t like what the state votes to do?
FCC attempted power grab over Internet regulation.
– Because net neutrality is a good thing. Net Bias only helps conservatives.
Bailout of the auto industry despite not being “financial institutions.”
– Why are conservative against workers and American industry? Why do they only want manufacturing in Japan and China and Germany?
Rule to make farm chores subject to child labor laws.
– This is even an issue?
I clicked on the link to the official comment policy and was a little surprised to find something other than the unofficial official comment policy, which as I recall starts with “This is a liberal blog” and ends with “Klake is a Nazi”.
Unless I’m mistaken, Klake hasn’t shown up here in years. Is it perhaps time to re-apply the designation to one of our currently participating trolls?
Puddy will just take one of those arguments…
Waivers exempting most states from No Child Left Behind Act
– Are they still whining about that? Why are conservatives for a bad law that doesn’t work.
You hate the late “great” Senator from Massachusetts Ted Kennedy? It was his signature legislative stroke! He wanted this for years. GWBush gave it to him!
Obama derangement System in action
Oh FartyArt,
Puddy realizes that’s another of your underhanded digs at Puddy. LOL! Except you still haven’t answered this question: Why you skipped over Roger Idiot Wabbit’s MH370 plane hijacking commentary earlier this week and attacked Puddy’s response to The Idiot Wabbit?
Maybe you are that troll? Look in the mirror again!
Well Puddy needs to address this one too since “better” didn’t read the appeals court decision…
The FCC tried to regulate broadband. The Court said based on the 1996 Telecommunications Act law they could not. Bill Clinton signed it into law.
Thanks for acting like Fascist Pigsty!
House To Vote On Controversial ‘No More National Parks’ Policy
The bill, H.R. 1459, aims to block presidents from using the Antiquities Act of 1906 to establish new national monuments by putting caps on how many times it can be used, requiring congressional review of proposed monuments, and forcing local communities to engage in an ironic exercise of reviewing the environmental impacts of protecting lands for future generations.
Best of the Comment:
Now this is very interesting as a sys admin…
Puddy realizes this is way over the head of some HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@8. Just because Kennedy was for it, doesn’t make No Child a good law when it was implemented. Same principle as, just because bush was for spying on Americans doesn’t make it right.
@11. So you are saying you support a biased Internet where only those with the deep pockets get throughput? How is that good for start-ups and innovation and the sharing of ideas?
Man you R N ID10T. Where did Puddy ever say that? Go ahead search HA DUMMOCRETINS. Ask for the crazed databaze deala with the bobble head avatar to help you! Puddy gave you the Appeals Court Decision. And how many DUMMOCRETINS sit on that court “better”?
You can’t equate spying to No Child Left behind… Your pal Obummer has taken spying to new heights!
Oh no… First it was the NY times telling everyone about “The Apartheid of Children’s Literature”.. now it’s violent video games…
Since the PuddyHome doesn’t have violent video games, can’t say yes/no to this!
What about you DUMMOCRETINS?
@10 Actually I wasn’t thinking about you. So I’m supposed to be the “Nazi”? Is this just typical right-wing projection (i. e. calling Obama a “fascist”) or am I being silly imagining you’re anywhere near that coherent?
Oh…I’m absolutely with Piper Scott in doing my best to ignore any and all speculations about MH370 because the only thing that’s “known” is that nobody knows anything.
@13 Snowed-In can go blow himself. All he really accomplished was to remind everyone that we’re being screwed-inized (which we’ve known for ages anyway) and cause all of us poor schmucks who work in the belly of the digital beast to be regarded as potential criminals.
This KA played the wondering idiot here:
And how can that be done on a private network you HA genius?
Two term Prez Obama’s NSA can at any time it wants OWN this moron! What a butt-ignorant fool!
Again (because lots of patience is required when schooling little toddlers),
From Luke Harding’s book on the Snowden files.
@17. The “No Child Left Behind” law turned out to be a bad law and should be renamed “Teach to the Test” law or “Punish the schools who teach kids with disabilities” law.
You failed to understand the analogy that just because Kennedy support the law didn’t make it good like just because bush support spying didn’t make it good. Did you go to a “No Child Left Behind” school and so cannot figure that sort of thing out?
LOL! The LWDS patient@18’s favorite nude model put a foot in his mouth yet again..
What a jerk!
(LWDS = Liz Warren Derangement Syndrome)
“Brown called Obamacare a ‘monstrosity’ that members of Congress didn’t even bother to read”
Perhaps Scott should have spoken merely for himself.
Who wants to post in old threads nobody’s reading anymore? If you want us to post in open threads, then put up new open threads every day, dang it!
“A Republican candidate who believes that God dictates weather patterns and that tornadoes, autism and dementia are God’s punishments for marriage equality and abortion access won the GOP nomination to challenge Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) in the Chicago-area 9th Congressional District.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Those voters should have their voter registrations suspended for malpractice.
Notice how DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP Puddy lives in the ind of the crazed databaze deala!
The crazed databaze deala is the marionette and Puddy is the Puppet Master!
Sux to be him.
Man what a moron! Uhhh Nope you Dope. The law was passed way after Puddy graduated! Wait for it… something stooooooooooopid from “better”!
Puddy way older than you leftist twerp! Leftist DUMMOCRETINS don’t pay attention to details.
DAYUM this crazed databaze deala is a moron! This is what the useless pile of biomass highlighted…
Who brought up VIRTUAL except you FOOL? A VPN has external connectivity through some portal
And this moronic twit passes off as someone who knows technology? He can’t even look up previous PUDDYPOSTS correctly! You wouldn’t last 30 minutes in an interview where Puddy works!
Talk about foot in mouth disease? The crazed databaze deala has it in SPADES!
Correctnotbright would call that anecdotal…
See ya crazed databaze deala!
Puddy been
like the crazed databaze deala for almost 9 years now!
Number of posts in this thread by Puddy: 17
Number of posts in this thread by Roger Rabbit: 3
Somebody is littering here, and it ain’t me.
It’s an open thread Roger Idiot Wabbit. Here Idiot Wabbit read again
Sux to be you!
In this thread? Not me reading challenged dope!
Look at it again @22:
That’s what intelligence agencies do – penentrate protected intelligence assets.
Who knows how ancient this fossil is and he still can’t read..
Maybe the goverment should store its secrets in the “air gap” between this dope’s ears. NOTHING can penetrate that dense skull!
or a sysadmin.. the guys that have “the keys” and again you don’t pay attention..
MANY corporate security “devices” are compromised!
$250m-a-year US program works covertly with tech companies to insert weaknesses into products
Here’s another example of modern corporate citizenship:
“A U.S. Senate investigative panel is examining Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) and whether the company improperly avoided U.S. taxes by moving profits outside the country, said three people familiar with the inquiry. …
“In 2009, Daniel Schlicksup, an employee who had worked on tax strategy, alleged in a lawsuit in federal court that Caterpillar used a “Swiss structure” to shift profits to offshore companies and avoid more than $2 billion in U.S. taxes. He also alleged that Caterpillar used a “Bermuda structure” involving shell companies to return profits to the U.S. without paying required taxes.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans tell us we should cut corporate taxes. My question is, how do you cut taxes of corporations not paying taxes?
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Caterpillar stock, but maybe I should look into it. When companies evade taxes, that leaves more for shareholders!)
LOL!! Nothing is anecdotal when a Republican is part of the anecdote..
The law is helping many Republicans and some of them are grateful for the help..
It was pointed out to Ragnar D. at (un)SP that the law is helping her son to stay on her husband’s insurance. That nutcase IS NOT GRATEFUL as would be the case if you were in her shoes.
Sure sucks to be your miserable ass!
Uh dumbass there’s only one of those in existence!
What is a true
clueless crazed databaze deala? Sheeeesh! Apparently the crazed databaze deala doesn’t know when to quit. Proves this crazed databaze dealin moron has no idea of REAL computer networking.
Little primer for the very clueless idiot: Anything behind a company firewall is their enterprise private network. But, you moron, if any enterprise network can access the Internet, it’s NOT a TRUE PRIVATE NETWORK. That’s why border routers have PING capabilities DISABLED! The attacker can’t PING and get MAC Addresses!
A REAL PRIVATE NETWORK HAS NO ROUTING CAPABILITIES you IDIOT! The routing field is a NULL entry like your brain on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Everything is on a single subnet. You can’t attack a network with no routing capabilities without direct human interaction. The NSA can’t touch a true PRIVATE NETWORK without human help.
That’s what PUDDY said earlier. With REAL CRYPTO-KEYS a sysadmin would be busted immediately! So apparently your reading comprehension sucks like your job hunting skills. This moron has no idea of public/private key systems. No single sysadmin is the only key keeper!
Wow! Such stooooooooooooopidity in broad daylight!
Puddy sees this moron would NEVER pass a CCNA or similar exam. For example: Puddy was a certified instructor. Means you have to pass with a 91% or higher! You’ll never attain that rank. The only rank you’ll attain is rank stinking in everyday commentary! Wait a minute… you are at that rank now!
So please regale all of us how you attack as you claim
a TRUE PRIVATE NETWORK with no DNS or routing capabilities and internal human interaction?
This should be really good! Sux to be the clueless databaze deala!
So from the quote proffered by the crazed databaze deala…
How does one attack something with no internet access whatsoever and no illegal sysadmin actions? How would the NSA get access to your system when the sysadmin would be immediately identified breaking in? You see you computer illiterate moron you have no clue of what is what! BTW one of their directors is a friend of Puddy!
You definitely meet Item #4. “Object Reuse is capability and assurance that storage object/device (memory, disk, tape, cartridge/cassette, and CD-ROM) storing sensitive data has been rendered inaccessible before it is used for other purposes.” You were rendered inoperable the day you were conceived and still demonstrate that capability today!
This will be really good!
AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahah! This stupid blog has a comment policy? What? The filthier, and more vile the better??? Hahahahaha!!! I come here maybe once a year because that’s all I can stomach. This blog sort of remainds me of a twisted version of MAD magazine except that MAD magazine is occaisionally funny. Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
Too funny. The fool’s never heard of NMAP? What a dope!
LMAO!!! It’s well documented that 2 term Prez Obama the R-Money Slayer’s NSA knows how to compromise all kinds of networks and bridge any kind of “air gap” and NO..
that’s NOT the black hole between your miserable ears. That shit as I said earlier is IMPENETRABLE.
This DOPE is flailing in despair!
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa.
It needs to be authorized to run on the network you moron!
Specially crafted packets are DETECTABLE! Man you really are an idiot. Hopefully your son doesn’t read these threads because if Puddy were him, it would be a real embarrassment to look over at you at dinner!
So what happened to those private non-routed network arguments you so wrongly offered clueless crazed databaze deala?
@29 I think you are so right Puddy. I love the way you find fault with some insignificant part of the post and go all Holier than Thou on that, and totally ignore the topic of the main post that totally destroys our conservative position. Like when you totally avoided addressing that No child Left Behind has all sorts of unintended consequences that gut it effectiveness teaching kids to think. Not that we want kids to think, we want them blindly obedient so they don’t question the church or Republicans or corporations.