Sen. Judd Gregg, R-BIPARTISANHAPPYLAND, has abruptly withdrawn his kind offer to be Secretary of Commerce, after lobbying really really hard for the job.
Cable tee-vee says Gweggy not happy wid stwimulus, taking banky and going home.
Good riddance.
Another victory for bipartisanship!
Pretty easy frame to bury Republicans with honestly… so far the corporate media has played this as a pox on both their houses, but it doesn’t take much to have this turn to Obama keeps reaching out to the Republicans and them slapping the hand away.
My bet is we don’t see it because the media types would lose their false equivalency meme, but there is real danger here for Republicans going forward.
I think this potential change at Commerce said it all…
Why Obama Wants Control of the Census
Good riddance.
Another victory for bipartisanship!
Yea, but that’s two now for this position that have tanked . . . and the last choice was a Dem (who had BIG problems at home). Your assessment is just a little quick. Here’s Chris Cillizza over at the Washington Post:
“This is a cataclysmic shock on what had been the quietest day so far in Washington since Obama took office, and highlights the perils of Obama’s efforts to put Republicans — including a relatively conservative one like Gregg — into high positions in his administration.”
LOL. Brilliant.
Bipartisanship is, after all, a one-way street.
Ok, time to stop screwing around with this position. Find the most qualified person who is clean tax-wise.
YellowPup, suppose you forgot Nancy Pelosi latest missive on bipartisanship.
Look it up and report back…
Grow up already Jon. What a sniveling little asshole you are.
@7 Speaking of sniveling assholes, Mark’s here.
“First term” Gov. Gregoire please accept the call and say YES when Nobama calls and asks you to be the Commerce Secretary or HHS!
Democrats already DO have control of the 2010 census. Get used to it.
Since I no longer have to worry about my position on Roe vs Wade, gosh maybe I’ll apply.
Heck, they never should have made the deal to replace Gregg with a Republican in the first place. Gregg has always been a rightwing Republican, and thus his allegiance to the right wing of that party is more powerful than his commitment to the good of our country.
I guess moronic political decisions are business as usual for Congressional Republicans. 2010 will be another bloody mess on their side.
2010 will be another bloody mess
Speaking of bloody messes, wouldn’t we be better served if your time was being devoted to producing better Microsoft products:
Microsoft Corp. today said it is offering a $250,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for launching the “Conficker” computer worm, a threat that has infected millions of Microsoft Windows PCs over the past two months.
It gets even better. According to WMUR, New Hampshire’s leading (only, actually) TV station:
The leading Democratic contender for that Senate seat is my Dartmouth classmate, Paul Hodes (NH-02).
From Webster’s: bipartisianship; the process whereby spineless leaders of the Democratic party cave in to their moonbat, crazy ass, in-the-monority, prooven-wrong-uncountable-times, corrupt-to-the-core opposition opponents.
Like the puddybitch thinks the Bush administration was “bi-partisan”.
You know it’s really glorious how you can’t keep a truly stupid man from continuing to make a complete ass out of himself.
@ glenno…
Why pluck Gregoire? Why not Gary Locke?
There is something suspicious about this. I wonder if the vetting process didn’t uncover a career ending scandal. Which would explain his hostility to Obama, and why he also isn’t going to seek re-election.
BiPartisanship is a J-O-K-E!!
Sounds good…but means tokens who agree with Obama’s Socialist bullshit.
Fun Facts for the Hole Family:
– Jeff Madrick, New York Review, 12 February 2009
Watergate Fun Facts:
– From Kathryn S. Olmsted’s book, Real Enemies, Oxford University Press, 2009. Olmsted is Professor of History at UC/Davis. Her book is blurbed by hyperliberals Seymour Hersh and Eric Alterman. Wheeler, aka Bolshevik Burt, was the first prominent Democrat to support FDR for president.
Bipartisan Bush: Inviting Ted Kennedy to the White House for movies, Chappaquiddick waterboarding, and spit swapping. That’s how No Child’s Behind Left Behind got going, a bipartisan group hug.
WTF, @ 15? I heard you were shacked up in Hanover with Laura Ingraham. Or maybe it was Dinesh D’Souza.
Ok, Sarge, it does sound suspiciously like Porter Goss, who bailed out in a blinding hurry to “spend more time with his family.”
Cable tee-vee? That’s Barney Frank.
maybe he finally realized the moassad agent rahm emanuel would have him killed like clintons commerce sec ron brown if he didnt play along.
I see it as someone getting off the titanic one port before it hit the iceberg.
Besides, as a taxpayer he felt out of place with the other obama picks.
Apparently he isn’t happy to preside over a census that won’t be rigged to elect Repukians, either.
yeah right, i’m sure the son of an israeli terrorist rahm emanuel is not going to try to rig anything.
So Gregg discovers “principles” and withdraws? Since when has he had any principles? He’s the one who fucking begged for the job.
@27 Taxpayer. noun (1.) Those too poor to be considered rich enough to get a special tax treatment incorporated into the federal tax code; (2.) antonym the not-rich; (3.) those unable to hire a sharp accountant (4.) simile Democrats.
Before you trash “bi-partisanship” put down your bong (can I have some?) and recall how the stimulus bill got a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.
Even bush didn’t rig the census.
Change – doing everything cheney wanted to do but couldn’t.
the census…Dem’s want sampling and R’s want an acutal count. So how would it be that R’s want to cheat? By counting?
Also, if Obambam does this it is unconstitutional. Are folks going do the chant on how Obambam is wrecking the constitution that we heard for the last eight years and the 12 years before Clit’on.
dengle, no, we wont hear the chants. you see, thats the point of dems giving people welfare. they wont have to work, so they can go protest. the people who work, moslty white conservatives,dont have time to protest.
Jesus Marvin…
…finish your scotch and go to bed.
Breaking News — 49 Die In Continental Airlines Crash
A Continental Airlines commuter turboprop crashed into a Buffalo NY home tonight, killing all 48 people aboard and 1 person in the home.
The constitution is only a piece of paper between them and their dreams.
Notice not a single dem on this blog has voiced any concern.
do u liberal losers also count as your own that moron who told obama he’s worked at mcdonalds for 4 years? he looked like a typicsl loser whiny liberal
I thought you had to have been a tax cheat to qualify for the Milk Chocolate Messiah’s team?
Republicans? We don’t need no stinkin republicans!
Like I said…”Marvin”…
…finish your drink (bottle??)…and get to bed before you hurt yourself.
Yeah,He begged for the job and then when Obama hooked him and showed him the game plan.
Sen Judd, said it was a path to nowhere leaning more left than he expected. Why would anyone who didn’t believe in what his boss was doing stay on?
The only exception would be another Democrat.
If you can’t dispute what I say, just insult me.
I consider it an honor that you have to resort to insults.
Speaking of the bottle, how many days do you think teddy kennedy showed up drunk for work?
Dear dross@bonneville:
About your GDP/GNP chart: Check Richard Hofstadter’s old book, The American Political Tradition, chapter on the Hudson River aristocrat as a hayseed farmer. Brookings determined that the gains of the First New Deal years coincided with the prolonged period in which AAA and NRA, twin towers of the New Deal, were invalidated by the Supreme Court.
(A contributor to your blog wrote that CCC was whacked by the Nine Old Men. No, it was AAA, FDR’s lunatic farm plan that destroyed crops and plowed under millions of animals while “one third of a nation” was going hungry and while we were importing ag commodities from abroad, the same commodities FDR paid farmers to destroy.)
And think about “one-third of a nation” in destitution: I see one-third of a nation ill-nourished, said FDR in 1937, almost four years after the 100 Days. Yes, GPD/GNP posted enough gains to re-elect FDR in a landslide in 1936, but most of the gain trickled up to economic royalists such as the fat cat farmers that FDR’s AAA paid not to farm. 1.5 million tenant farmers and sharecroppers, many black, were utterly immiserated or were plowed under by the New Deal.
And before NRA was killed by the Supreme Court, big business conspired with big government to kill competition from small business. An immigrant in New Jersey was famously sent to jail for dry-cleaning a suit for 35 cents. FDR’s NRA had decreed that the logal price must be 40 cents.
Unemployment never got below 14%, officially, during FDR’s eight New Deal years. Some temp workers in CCC, WPA, and PWA were not counted as workers, but almost 10% of Americans, the chronically unemployed, probably weren’t counted at all. That’s whjy we say the New Deal did not end the Depression.
The big public works program called WWII ended the Depression by conscripting surplus labor. About sixteen million Americans were drafted, and many were overworked and underpaid. Tens of thousands were plowed under while millions of Americans left behind at home were building bombs for Stalin. And why did that hyperKeynesianism work after VJ Day? Because most of our competitors’ productive capacity was bounced rubble. For years we had captive markets and an open field.
The marvin…the crackpiper…the puddybitch…the cyciklown…so much stupidity, so little time…actually, NO time.
You dumbasses aren’t worth it.
No surprise you can’t dispute anything we say.
Keep calling us names, it’s the best you can do.
So much for the idiot republicans on here – the real reason has come out for Judd Greggs defection and it is the usual republican problem – corruption and the link to Abramoff. Judd’s former chief of staff was just named as Staffer F in the Todd Boulanger guilty plea and that means Senator Gregg is now named as the unnamed Senator.
It wasn’t the stupid census excuse and it wasn’t the foolish sit out the stimulus bill move – it was plain old republican corruption.