At a recent Drinking Liberally, Goldy and I were discussing what the comment threads have become. I think regular open threads have kept most of the things that would otherwise be off topic out of the other threads (although not completely). And while the threads have always been pretty loose, since the 3 regulars are all part time, the enforcement of the comment policy has gone somewhat downhill.
So the question is: do we need a new comment policy now that Goldy isn’t posting, do we need better technology, or is it working fine now? Goldy said he would be willing to work on something with registration, but I’m not sure that he has the time, and I don’t know exactly what it would look like. I can step up enforcement somewhat, but between 8:30 and 4:30 (give or take depending on the day) on weekdays, that’s not going to happen, and I can’t really force the other posters to do anything.
Dunno about changing anything, just seems like the existing rules aren’t being enforced as well as they used to be. One thing I like is leaving it sorta loose just because the teapottier fascisti types always end up demonstrating to the entire forum exactly what sort of psychopathic assholes they really are.
Makes it fun. Sorta like whistling for jackrabbits in northeastern Oregon with a .264 on a bipod.
I think HA needs a new comment policy because things change over time. I think it’s time to say goodbye to the trolls and the back-room brawling and time to have the comment threads be policy centered discussions.
I think that that has been more than proven on here and else where on web-based media. Time to move on.
I’d completely support a registration policy, even if it meant coughing up some respectable dinar. Personally, I avoid HA more and more because of the vacuuousness and predictability of the comment threads; a wingnut posts @ 1 or 2 and the regulars discuss the retard’s foolishness as if it had some merit for the next 80 comments. It’s a microcosm of the national, deluded insanity, whereby Fox, or the fat bastard on the radio makes some ridiculous statement, accusation or complete lie which turns into the national meme which then morphs into the only topic the left can discuss for another two weeks, or until the next inane topic arises from the same rotting, fetid source, and then the whole process starts over.
We need a local source of political news and comment and HA’s got a leg up. Just do it.
@ 4
Man, I’m a full time student. I cant afford FARK much less this place if it was a registration thing.
Is someone complaining? About the threads?
My impression is that the lack of focus of the posts themselves (or in Lee’s case his obsession with marijuana) , determines the content of the comment threads.
The posts (sorry but I miss David) need more news, more substance, and some diversity.
If I can give advice, your own feelings for McGinn, especially since I disagree with you, might be an example of a topic that could provoke discussion.
I also had an exciting talk this week with a mutual colleague who was telling me about school board politics .. none of what I heard there was covered on TA even though I am sure there are folks interested.
HA needs more diversity!
My national gold and silver standards (not sure which applies to which) for comment thread are those on Ta-Nahisi Coates’ blog on the Atlantic Monthly, and those on Barry Ritzholtz’s The Big Picture. The Atlantic ones are always high-minded, maybe too refined for a real political blog. But TBP’s include people (“regulars” even) who obviously have different political orientations, but everybody has something substantive to say, and people are mutually respectful. I would like to read conservative comments on HA that make me think about my own assumptions, and bring new facts to the debate. Somewhat locally (hey I grew up in Portland), there are GOP commenters on Blue Oregon who meet the standard I’d like to see in place here.
HA’s one of the few places that I don’t post using my full name. The trolls and the fame wars scare me off from that. The brawling and such had a purpose, but I think it’s time to move on.
So true above!
Well leftist morons, Puddy contributed big time to this blog a few months ago in front of many DL witnesses. My dues are paid for a while. How about you fools?
#9 is a case in point. This whole Mr. T meets Uncle Remus schtick is getting really old.
And what does #10 bring to the table?
Nothing as I can see for many months!
I think it’s time to say goodbye to the trolls and the back-room brawling and time to have the comment threads be policy centered discussions.
lol..yeah, ban all the trolls so you morons can yuck it up amongst yourselfs. that’ll be fun for about 3 days, then you’ll wish you had us back.
Without the type of active content, frequent posts, and provocative (and lets face it – often inflammatory) postings of Goldy, the comments policy will ultimately be irrelevant, as Horsesass will die on the vine.
Registration would be nice, but even that is not trollproof — e.g., DKos. Although, you might want to consider giving one of the regulars like rhp or Roger “Trusted User” status.
I have yet to see a cogent post from an actual conservative here. The trolls here are inane (e.g., RightStuff) or insane (e.g., Pudpuller) or just plain evil (e.g., girlyman o’ lies). They amount to steaming piles of shit looking for a shoe. The best policy is not to step in the shit (don’t feed the trolls).
Really apt:
I don’t see a need to change comment policy.
I do see a need to adjust the content of the posts which generate comments. There a valuable nuggets for an editor @6 and @13.
Maybe it would be worth while to have a post/comment thread about what people want from a comment thread and what they don’t want.
I’d like dialog about the post. As open as possible.
Zitz does have a small point. Remember the Arcxix post which Markos had to rip down? Full of hatred like almost everything zitz posts? Yep that was a leftist troll trying to make it big. Charles was a BIG TIME TROLL and an idiotic leftist pinhead.
So yes, you never know when a leftist will come on and throw real horseshit on the HA blog and walk away. Many of today’s HA leftist pinheads pull an Arcxix and then cry like babies when the real facts come out.
17 – The moderators should ban this troll who has taken Puddybud’s handle. That’s against the comment policy.
Puddybud was beamed up yesterday at 6pm.
Maybe encouraging some self-discipline among the ones who feel compelled to engage the trolls is the way to make the comment threads more relevant. #4 has valid points about the habit of responding continuously to the ones who are over the top trolls.
Sometimes it is fun to poke at them, but when it becomes the conversation, the thread becomes uninteresting to everyone else besides the ones carrying out their personal flame war.
Post #19 was about you! LMBBAO
LauraMae, when your side has nothing to post as a response, it’s ad hominem attack flame war time. Witness your moronic fiend@18.
He’s P R I C E L E S S!
LMAO @ the impostor @ 20
You’re on your way out troll!
If I was walking down the street, I’d never stop to engage a street corner loon in conversation. I’d be like, “Get the fuck away from me.” I had the realization awhile back that it should be no different here. I now find that trolls are easy enough to ignore. Do I try to cruely slam the stupidity and the evil ideology? Yes. Do I converse with them anymore? I try not to. Not only is it unnecessary and a waste of our time, by doing so we give them what they come here craving most – our direct attention. Do you want to hurt a troll? Do you want to stick it where it really fucking hurts? Ignore the fucker.
Eh, those doomsayer types have a lot of practice coming up with excuses as to why their prophesies have all been proven again and again to be bullshit. Just look at the Seventh Day Adventists. Their Fearless Leader suffered one fucking failure after another to predict the end of the world and, hell, they’re still going strong with the fucking krazy.
What no ad hominem attack now that you were called out by Lauramae?
We’ll see ya moron!
Keep praying to the porcelain god!
Where did Ellen White prophesy the end of the world idiot@23?
Impostor @ 24
Lauramae is entitled to her opinion first ammendment and all..
I don’t think we’ll be seeing you because you’ve violated the comment policy of misappropriating another commenter’s handle.
Ha! I pray to no god. I’m an atheist. Puddybud would know that. You’re sinking your dumb ass with your ignorance.
Simple enforcement of existing rules would keep the comments on topic.
There are plenty of off topic posters from both sides….
With regards to banning trolls?
Hey, it’s your blog, do whatever you want. Personally, I read here to broaden my view of topics. I enjoy reading differing opinions. Generally the opinions and topics are from the opposite side of the political spectrum from mine. Challenging opinions and debate are good. Personal insults, vulgarity etc…are boring..
IMO if you want to have debate, ban the “flamers, yellers, racists and 7th grade acting internet tough guys” There are plenty from both sides who are “regulars” here who fit that bill..
Spending the time to enforce is probably your biggest challenge…
Add a “troll” button that turns on or off troll comments. Tie it to a cookie and browser preference setting to remember between visits to the site. The definition of “troll” to be defined by the community via a rating or voting system of past comments. Anonymous users are de facto trolls and cannot be rated. The way slashdot handles things is fairly effective, IMHO.
Also, also something to manage the username/handles of the posters would be helpful.
I think this could be accomplished without “requiring” registration. The whole concept of “anonymous coward” aka slashdot system seems to work fairly well. Basically don’t discriminate but rather treat unregistered users in a uniform way. Let them comment unrestricted. But let us the users filter as necessary by providing some useful tools.
This is not about differences of opinion for me. As others have mentioned, it is useful and sometimes interesting to read the variety of opinions, even counter opinions. The missing feature is the ability to manage the signal to noise ratio and filter out truly uninspired comments or threads.
Basically allow the unregistered to participate, but incentivize people to put skin in the game but committing to a user handle and reputation system. There has got to be a lot of technical tools around for this.
Enforcement of the comment policy should be fairly efficient and automated and ultimately crowd sourced.
Add a pinhead button that turns on or off leftist pinhead comments. Can you imagine the blog without yelling loser boy and rujax ad hominem attacks?
Keep up the imposter call yelling lost boy.
BTW deborah,
Can you refute any of my Biblical postings?
Didn’t think so!
31 – Deborah seems pretty capable but since Puddybud was beamed up yesterday it would be a waste of time to debate with a fraud commenter like you.
I’d like to have some thoughtful conservatives posting here, but that rarely happens. In lieu of that, I like to bash trolls. I actually think that is an important endeavor. Wingnuts have been bashing the left for over a generation now with craziness (leftwing media, frivolous lawsuits, Yikes! The deficit! Terrorists!) and have made their nuttiness the core of the national conversation. The left fights back with, what? Reasoned arguments? Sorry, it ain’t working. For me, HA serves as an incubator for bashing trolls. We need to do it. Learn how to do it. Get used to it. We need to recapture the national conversation and part of that effort requires stepping up and calling a dumbfuck a dumbfuck. E.g.: Puddy, you are a dumbfuck. E.g.: Paul Ryan, you are a dumbfuck.
How do they do it at Crooked Timber?
Thanks proud leftist… coming from the original goat lover who named the goat award after his likeness!
well yelling lost boy maybe you should “step up yo game” and help her out!
36 – zzzzZZZZzzzzz… It’s enough to me that one conservative regards a right wing nut job like Puddybud a “dope”..
Makes my day.
Why not put together a special sub-committe and then ignore their findings.
Follow the Obama debt reduction planning model!
@38….the referenced committee did not put forth any “findings”. Some model.
Just shut the fuck up already.
28% of the comments by this negative ass who never brings anything of substance to a discussion…
…nothing but constant obfuscation and negativity.
The puddybuddy needs new material. He should start his own blog so we can ignore it.
One of the reasons I don’t comment here as much is because the lax enforcement of off-topic comments.
I would like to see more topics focusing on failed musicians and blogs that nobody reads.
Look who’s jealous…
and who would that be?
I’m all for freedom of speech but I’d say that getting rid of that freak show along with his contrived persona isn’t a freedom of speech issue. It’d just be the blog moderators saying that enough is enough, and that the days of that asswipe hi-jacking every thread and making it all about him and his damned stupid lies has come to an end. It couldn’t happen soon enough as far as I’m concerned.
I don’t think it’s as complicated as it’s being made out to be. I’m glad that Goldy has always taken a “more speech” approach to the comments sections, but that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be limits. Actively policing the threads and banning those abusing the privilege of commenting here is annoying and time-consuming in the short-term, but it pays dividends. After all, we’re dealing with trolls who’ve been compulsively lying here for more than half a decade. If other commenters haven’t learned to ignore them, I think it’s long past time for the front-pagers to step in.
Look in the mirror fool. You are mister negative 24x7x365. Hateful, spiteful, moronic and idiotic. That’s rujaxdipshithead! At least I look out for my people. You don’t even look out for yourself.
Oh and then Stupid Solution Steve arrives… right on time. Another of Cass Sunstein’s Homer Simpson malleable Homer Simpson idiots.
You two are a pair!
Spoken by the one who ALREADY has a blog totally ignored by the WORLD.
How about giving Roger his own “area” to comment and fight with trolls( “R.R.’s Den” ). I personally find multiple comment posts in a row by the same person both boring and distracting.I NEVER read any of posts by the paid or simply crazy trolls and I stop reading other posts that directly refer to them.I’ve also found that when I started using my own name my remarks were less mean and more focused.
I say ban the stupid motherfucking street corner loon and his stupid fucking P-bonics. He brings nothing but hate and stupidity to these threads.
I rest my case.
What does the asshole mean by that, I wonder?
I think Puddy means he looks out for African Americans – although all the people he supports in the tea party/right wing/republican party look out only for thier rich buddies and the corporate thieves.
Paul Ryan is not concerned with people who are sick, poor or can’t work or can’t find jobs. Paul Ryan is busy making sure Insurance company execs, banking execs and others get their fair share of our tax dollars.
Vouchers for health care? Rationing by private industry – all of that is OK – but governemnt boards that promote efficiencies – that is SOCIALISM.
Denying climate change or where Obama was born – that is troll red meat.
“What does the asshole mean by that, I wonder?”
My bet is that the mad ravings of a hate-filled street corner loon have no meaning whatsoever other than that haters gotta hate. He never comes here for meaningful discussion. Ever. Rather, he obviously gets some sick need of his met by posting here. I say it’s time to put an end to the foul hatred, the endless lies, the stupid psycho-laugh and the idiotic third-person P-bonics.
Puddy definitely not the same Puddy as before, whoever fronts them has just did a shift-change or something akin.
@12 You’re right, how can we play a football game without a football?
@35 AT least he’s not a goat molester. All the goat abusers are on your side.
I don’t see any problem with the comments section. Just throw in some lime to keep the smell down.