State Attorney General Rob McKenna has ordered his offices on “modified lockdown” today in anticipation of protests against his bullshit lawsuit to block national health care reform. According to spokesperson Janelle Guthrie:
“We understand that a number of groups are going to be rallying tomorrow and bringing petitions over to our office. Some blogs have been encouraging acts of violence toward our office,” Guthrie said, declining to identify which ones caused alarm. “It’s for protection of all the employees here who have nothing to do with this lawsuit.”
Uh-huh. Well, I didn’t make an exhaustive search, but I haven’t seen any of the local blogs I usually read advocating violence, so I can only assume that Guthrie is referring to me. And here’s what I wrote on the subject:
Tomorrow at the AG’s office, let the polite petitioners do their thing, but if you’re pissed off at Rob McKenna for pandering to Teabaggers and threatening health care reform with his cheap political ploy, I encourage you to show up at his office and make a ruckus. Get loud, get angry, get threatening. I don’t particularly want to see any actual violence or property damage, but I’d love to see the genuine fear of it.
So here’s my question to our state’s top law enforcement officer: if saying that “I don’t particularly want to see any actual violence or property damage” can be understood as advocating violence and property damage, then you damn well better send a state trooper to my door and have me arrested, because I’m not backing down.
I mean, Jesus Christ… the teabaggers are faxing nooses and cutting gas lines and flashing their weapons and generally behaving like health care reform is the legislative equivalent of Red Dawn, and you’re locking down your offices because some blogger says he hopes protesters will be loud and angry? Could you be a bigger pussy?
That said, protesters will be gathering at the Tivoli Fountain on the Capitol campus at noon today, and marching to the locked-down AG’s offices at 1125 Washington Street SE to deliver over 18,000 petitions. And yes… I urge you to show up and get loud, angry and disruptive. But you know, not violent per se, because that sort of behavior is apparently only acceptable from the right.
Guthrie confirms via email that yes, she was referring to my post, but claims she was misquoted.
Guthrie elaborates that it was this line that allegedly prompted the need for a lockdown — “… it’s not our fault if some people get out of hand” — a line that parodies the refusal of Republican congressional leaders to forcefully condemn the violent acts and threats from the right that has been spurred on by their party’s incendiary rhetoric during the health care debate.
But, you know, I am a liberal, so you can never be too careful.
To answer your rhetorical question: No, he could not be a bigger pussy.
“the teabaggers are faxing nooses and cutting gas lines and flashing their weapons…”
And yesterday in Nashville, a man and his ten-year-old daughter had their car rammed repeatedly by some guy in an SUV who was enraged by the Obama campaign sticker on the car’s bumper.
Re 3
Umm hmm. I had a friend living in DC for a job. He had to rent a garage because the Bush sticker caused the car to be vandalized 6 times in a year, and his insurance threatened to drop him if he didn’t secure the vehicle.
On ‘This American Life’ a whole hour was dedicated to anti conservative vandalism like this. I know, that is a bastion of right wing thought, but…
Before you ask, each time anti Republican literature was left, or scratched into the car.
Don’t be modest. For basic incivility and disorderly behavior you guys on the left have a lot to teach the right.
Wait a minute, with Goldy now being really angry with part of the government in the form of the AG, and advocating protests, isn’t Goldy now a teabagger himself? Wow, this is ironic. Goldy is now the thing he’s been ridiculing, and he doesn’t even know it!
Goldy is a teabagger!
Hey Goldy–
You’re a CELEBRITY!!
“Celebrity” by Brad Paisley (modified for Goldy!)
Tone it down!
Do you need help in organizing deliberately peaceful, non-violent and effective political protest?
Do you need help in unequivocally condemning violence in the pursuit of political objectives?
If you do, ask.
McKenna is a dunce and a scoundrel for supporting a lawsuit without merit.
Teabaggers and their fellow travelers who either accept violence as a means of political action incite it with outrageous claims, or wink at it are not the model to emulate.
You will be quoted out of context and pointed to when the nut jobs seek retribution. Remember, Shawna Forde? Tone it down, please.
And have fun peacefully and effectively harassing our wingnut AG.
Goldy’s ALWAYS been a teabagger…in know…literal sense.
I find it interesting that self-proclaimed progressives are positioning themselves as shock troops to enforce corporate consolidation of access to health care. FYI – the bill is not ‘health care’ reform, it is at best health insurance ‘reform,’ if by reform you mean forcing people to buy crappy, overpriced products from amoral, monopolistic corporations that many people won’t be able to use anyway because the deductibles will be so high. Yea, that reform.
Mr. Mckenna won’t come and arrest you.
Unlike you Mr McKenna has respect for the basic constitutional freedoms we enjoy. Respecting the ‘press’ (I know, I’m stretching that term beyond all reason) he will leave you to spout your angry childish nonsense, provided you don’t actually engage in violent behavior. Given your evident instability and obsession these past few days regarding an officer of the law doing his job, I wouldn’t put that past you, though.
6. MikeBoyScout spews:
Too late dumbass.
Goldy’s already allowed his fragile ego that is in desperate need of self-flatulation…to be self-jerked off.
While I agree that McKenna is a giant hypocrite and is doing a disservice to Washington State, I do think you could have chosen your words more carefully. Saying “I don’t particularly want to see any actual violence or property damage, but I’d love to see the genuine fear of it.” does leave a — possibly inadvertent — implication that you wouldn’t mind at all if there were actual violence. That may not have been your intention, but in this climate of Republican/Tea Party inspired domestic terrorism, I would think it best for us on the left to be perfectly clear that we fight with words, peaceful activism and the law with truth behind us rather than the Republican weapons of fear, thuggery and lies.
Anyway, keep up the great blogwork, I enjoy the passionate local take on things you provide.
elmlish @11,
The funny thing is, this bullshit lockdown creates the perception of the fear of violence, which should be enough garner quite a bit more media attention to today’s protest than it would have otherwise achieved. So just by posting, I’ve achieved my intended effect, even if nobody at the protest actually makes a scene.
Let’s be clear.
The Teabagger WINGNUTS have not been and are not an effective political force. They undoubtedly garner way more MSM media attention than they deserve, but they should soon be a spent force.
Vocally protesting McKenna’s political shenanigans is a great idea. Loudly protesting is a good idea. Appearing at all like WINGNUT teabaggers is a bad idea.
The objective of the WINGNUT instigators is to move the political discourse out of the political realm and in to the revolutionary realm. They won’t win that either, but we’d do better to point and laugh than in any way egg them on.
The eliminationists want a fight. And they’ll fake it if they can. Remember Shawna Forde.
O’ god, could this get any stupider.
13. MikeBoyScout spews:
Tell that to Coakley in Massa2shits!
She was nearly 30 points ahead for Teddy’s seat…and in a couple of months, it evaporated due to the Tea Party Movement.
Obam-Mao and the Atheist Progressives have gone out of their way to mock & ridicule the Tea Party…while Republicans embraced the principles of Contitutional Conserativism.
Under-estimate like Coakley did.
“I’m mad!” is a 3 year old having a temper tantrum, it isn’t a statement on policy and all the Tea Baggers have is “I’m Mad!”
elmlish sez–
It’s not inadvertent. Goldy fancies himself a wordsmith. It’s more than a veiled threat however. It’s like someone telling a parent..I wouldn’t want to see your child attacked, but I’d love to see him/her in genuine fear of it.
It’s ridiculous.
Goldy has now far surpassed his nemesis Glen Beck.
Mistake Goldy.
From the Olympian:
Except it wasn’t some blogs it was one blog and even that one discouraged the use of violence.
Miss quoted my ass. Got caught in a lie is more like it.
Goldy, you realize you are now a teabagger, right?
McKenna’s offical spokesperson is now saying she was “misquoted”? What an f*ing surprise…
Nope, McKenna can’t be any more of a coward.
16. Michael spews:
That is what the DailyKos & the Obam-Mao Zombies want you to believe Michael.
Not true.
They have a clear platform of Constitutional Conservative ideas….where there is less intrusive government on all levels (Fed, State & local).
Of course folks are mad because the Oba-Mao agenda is the exact opposite.
But to say all they are is mad, is childish Michael. You may be against what they are for. You may be an Oba-Mao Zombie. You are for things that fly in the face of what I am for. This is why we have elections. I think the Atheist Progressives and Oba-Mao Zombies have gone waaaaaay too far to the Socialist/Big Government Left.
We’ll see come November.
Continue to mock, marginalize, ridicule and minimize the Tea Party—just like Coakley did.
I assume you mean November 2010. What will we see in WA in November 2010?
What I see in November 2010 in WA is the Dems winning all of their current congressional seats. They might lose Baird’s open seat. They may win Reichert’s seat.
You see something different in WA in 2010? What do you see?
I also find it interesting that self-proclaimed tea partiers criticize Obama for pursuing what is basically a corporatist agenda. Obama is not trying to socialize the country, if anything the exact opposite is occurring. Obama is working very diligently to transfer power and national treasure into the private coffers of for-profit corporations. Just wait until he sets his sights on ‘reforming’ social security… If you have any misgivings about some elements of his health care/insurance reform, I think you are in for a real treat when he gets to ‘fixing’ social security.
@2: Local news story on the fucktwit brute who rammed his SUV into rear end of a car with Obama sticker:
Most Republicans, and especially most teabaggers wouldn’t know the “principles of Contitutional Conserativism” if they walked up and bit them in the ass.
Face it the ‘baggers are only 13% of voters at most, 21% of Republicans, and 15% of so-called independents. Just because they make a lot of noise doesn’t make them a majority.
Well, yes. In fact, BP is my candidate for Obamacare Czar.
@9 Lost What a funny idiot you are!
McKenna is doing his job? You mean filing a frivolous lawsuit for political reasons? That is doing his job?
Wow, you are getting more stoopid each day.
Goldy, I agree. Tone it down. In fact, I hope McKenna keeps purusing this idiotic lawsuit with no legal basis, because it will just show there is no such thing as a moderate republican in this state.
There are only dumb as dirt reactionist fool republicans (like Lost and McKenna) and people who can actually think for thmsleves (called democrats)..
@14 You had to ask????
Theodore Roosevelt: The Square Deal.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: The New Deal.
Harry S Truman: The Fair Deal
Obama/Biden: This is a Big Fuckin’ Deal.
(And dig the B-F D-R up at the top of the page. Watta joker.)
@15 – Didn’t your mother tell you? Didn’t GBS tell you? The only polls that matter are votes at the polls on election day …
Let’s see: Virginia. New Jersey. MASSACHUSETTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How was that for a poll, GBS, or weren’t you paying attention?
Funny, all I get from the ‘baggers is angry incoherent rants and Palin-style word salads. Hardly a coherent policy platform.
Given the number of ‘baggers who depend on disablity checks, social security, or government pensions for their sole source of income and Medicare, Medicaid, or the VA for their medical care I find the demands for “less government” to be particularly rich with irony.
The number 2 House R, Eric Cantor is a LIAR. He’s one of the professional liars our clumsy, amateur liars plagiarize in their laughable efforts to obfuscate and create false equivalence.
Note: The “office” is unoccupied and not even in his district!
I don’t read KOS. I have read
There’s no there, there.
Yep! You guys got together and put 1 moderate Republican who is pro-choice, pro-gay marriage and voted for the stimulus bill into office. Meanwhile you lost election, after election, after election…
Boooollshiit.. It evaporated due to a lackluster, poorly-motivated Democratic candidate.. And yes, a demoralized and divided Democratic party in MA.
Perfect opening for an opportunist.
The former nude model hustled his ass into office. He had some practice in that regard.
Tea Party Patriots
Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement
This is just a pile of nonsense.
Does the bitched-up bloated pig of a ‘Bamacare bill seem like a Sopranos rerun to anybody else? Does this whole ridiculous Goldycrat cherade and the whole ridiculous rosemary’s baby the cherade spawned, and the (most likely) ginned up cherade of racist epithets and threats seem to anybody else like a David Chase script?
Does Goldy’s slobbering infatuation with McKenna seem to anybody else like Carmella lusting for her priest because she wants to be a better Catholic? More Catholic than the Pope doing a coverup, that’s our Goldy. Rat zingers, indeed.
McKenna/Palin in 2012.
The teabaggers are a rag-tag bunch held together by right-wing hate-talk radio, Faux News and some astro-turf outfits funded by rich right wingers.
A lot of them just can’t stand the fact that a darker-skinned guy is in the White House.
And the guy is looking more and more like a corporate panderer by the day.. Well, that’s how Clinton bought a second term..
Well. I may not like the policies coming out of the White House all that much but I can sure break out the popcorn and watch the right wing idiots tear their hair out by the roots. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.
Dr. Joker was at the top of the page mere moments ago. Here’s a reasonable facsimile.
Denial, Anger, Bargain, Depression, Acceptance.
The 5 steps in the grieving process.
Right now Republicans/Conservatives/Teabaggers are all grieving the death of their beloved Reagan Revolution.
Most moved past denial after the 2008 elections and squarely into ANGER.
Now, yum-yum @ 31 is in the Bargaining stage. Praying to God, wishing, hoping, that things would go back to the way they were.
As Bush 41 said “Not gonna happen.”
After the elections this fall there will be serious Depression on the right.
I mean after all, David Frum said the Republcian Party is OWNED by Fox News.
What kind of a LOSER would be the useful idiot of Rupert Murdoc?
8. screed
No one is forcing anyone to buy anything.
messin’ (what an appropriate term) with rasmussen @31:
For the record, New Jersey has elected a Governor of the opposite party from the just-elected President for six consecutive cycles — every gubernatorial election since 1989.
Which makes it a n00b compared to Virginia, which has done exactly the same thing in the last nine cycles. Every Virginia Governor since 1977 (before many HA readers were born) has been of the party that the incumbent President isn’t.
So those elections were just SOP in those two states. Disappointing, but quite predictable. And you’ll note that I haven’t said a word about how poor a candidate Creigh Deeds was, nor about how Chris Christie is already breaking his campaign promises because the state needs to find revenues somewhere.
Coakley’s a different story, and perhaps the only “success” the Tea Party has had (and, most likely, ever will have). She truly was a monumentally bad candidate, but she still would have been elected had the vote taken place during a regular primary or general election. Brown will be a footnote when his term ends.
laughable efforts to obfuscate and create false equivalence
Glad you’re laughing. And it’s not remotely close to equivalence. Democrats have had a lock on dirty tricks and sabotage going back to FDR. Democrat dirty tricks and destruction are situation normal, so normal they aren’t mainstream news.
But the occasional conservative trickster or vandal, the occasional Tricky Dick, gets play day after day because GOP/conservative badness deviates from the norm.
Two recent teabag cases in point: Last year a black man attending a tea party was beaten down by Obama’s SEIU goons. Little big mouth liberal elitist Dave Ross tried to blame the victim.
Last year an old man attending a tea party was assualted by an Obama goon who bit off the old man’s finger. Goldy’s squeeze Jill Richardson wrote it was the old man’s fault because he was a hypocrite. Why? Because he was an old man, old enough to be a 9/12er eligible for Big Government Medicare.
That’s just lying. Usually you’re better than that.
Yes, if a mugger puts a 38 in my face I have a choice, strictly speaking. But really, who chooses the slug?
That is what Obama, Pelosi and Reid have made the government shift farthur toward being, a common mugger. I have a choice not to purchase. I’ve instructed my agent to cancel my policy effective the day I’m required to have one. But for every one with the means to fight this unconstitutional taking of private property there are 10,000 angry citizens without them.
Don’t lie. For the majority of citizens no choice is actually present.
I’ve never been a proponent of Ronald Reagan, but one thing I will say for him is that he had a very positive and optimistic outlook on everything.
It’s one of the great qualities he had that attracted the public to his message.
Let’s face it, Carter had the “misery index” Ronald Reagan had the “Shinning city on the hill.”
Today, you do NOT see the Reagan optimism among conservatives.
Know why?
They’re losers. Losers do NOT have positive attitudes. When you look at how Rep. John Boehner disgraced the People’s house by repeatedly shouting obscenities during his final remarks on the HCR debate you didn’t sense the embodiment of the American “can do” sprit. HELL NO YOU DIDN’T.
Winners know you cannot win them all, but you keep your chin up. You keep working hard. You learn where you went wrong and strive to correct is so you’ll be prepared to win the next time.
The 180 degree shift in mental posture from the Reagan Republicans is the sure signal they’ve succumbed to defeat.
So here’s some real world advice to our conservative citizens; get your fucking chin off your chest, dry off the tears “Alice”, get your panties out of a wad, stop pawing at the dirt, man up, and get your fucking attitude knobs pointed at positive again.
You fucking pussies are making America look weak to our enemies. Or have you forgotten we’re at war still??? You know the ones you started but couldn’t manage to win!!
It’s fucking health care reform, that’s it. Deal with it. Stop looking like pathetic, weak, pussies — NOW!
Remember when the righties were whining that someone in state government responded to a blog post here? They were all upset that our tax dollars were spent to monitor blogs.
Now, people in McKenna’s office are doing the same thing. The righty response? Crickets…
Sure, I suppose if I chose to quit my job and and reduce my income enough to qualify for medicaid, then ya, you are right, no one is ‘forcing’ me to buy health insurance. Or, I could refuse to buy health insurance and let the IRS tag me as a scofflaw. Nice options. Doesn’t matter either way, the monopolistic for-profit health insurance companies will still be able to raise rates at will, will still be able to buy off state insurance commissions to not enforce already weak regulations, and will continue to laugh at us on their way to the bank. Suckers! Obama and the leadership of the dems are playing the progressives for fools and the sooner progressives realize this, the sooner we can start to work to end this charade.
How convenient. When Goldycrats lose two statehouses in the backwash of Obama’s tidal wave, it’s ho-hum predictable.
But when Democrat Harris Wofford took PA from Thornburgh in 1991 it was the Second Coming of the Liberal Golden Age, an event so propitious and momentous that it was a bigger media event than Michael Jackson’s Dangerous.
Now that you’ve got that figured out, you guys better quit fucking around with fire. In the infamous words of Adm. Yamamoto “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant.”
2010, like 1942 had Democrats in charge of everything. We kicked ass in two war fronts at the same time and did it in about 4 years.
You Republican PUSSIES ignored intel re: terrorist attacks, let our collective guard down, got 3,000 Americans killed and never did finish the FIGHT.
Now, the strong, competent men and women are in charge again. Go to your rooms if you’re just going to embarrass yourselves with your fucking PITY PARTY.
Look out, here comes the Reagan Repubican pathetic panty patrol pussies.
15 Cyn
Really? If your TP is so strong, unseat Patty Murray. And if she wins easily, admit that your TP is not strong.
Point us to it.
Joker’s back on the HA masthead. Question: Why is Goldstein’s HA odious and racist? Why is it purveying an image that twits like Goldstein associate with the wretched excesses of racist teabaggers?
Should, perhaps, WA’s Attorney General launch a hate-crime investigation of his infatuated boy toy?
It’s a tax moron. a Health Care Tax. You pay your fucking taxes all the time.
That’s why McKenna’s participation in this suit is laughable to sue the federal government that they cannot levy a tax.
Read the fucking Constitution some time. Art. 1 covers Congresses authority. They exercised it.
Stop crying like a bitch and man up!
Re 52 and 51
Yeah, Clinton had Osama on the run! And of course, Bin Laden was never a threat while he was president. No Sir.
What is your obsession with Reagan. Granted he was among the greatest of American presidents. Granted looking at the sorry Eurocentric excuse for an American president we have now he seems like the Golden years. But why the obsession?
“Let’s face it, Carter had the “misery index” Ronald Reagan had the “Shinning city on the hill.””
“Shining city on the hill” was killer and perhaps the last time a Republican leader shared a vision of anything other than fear. Indeed, President Reagan had his moments. Challenger was one of them. Like his son, I can admire the man and still vehemently disagree with his policies.
What is it like to be teabagger??
Hangs on every word of Limbaugh and a gaggle of right wing propagandists, eyes glued to Faux News.
Their economic status for the most part isn’t great. And it declined big time under the watch of many right wing Presidents and Congresses.. Yet they blame the liberals for this. What else can they do? They’ve willingly bought into what they’ve been sold.
They’re low-information zombies impoverished from desperate consumption of right wing and in many cases fringe religious propaganda.
If they cry, it’s because their sham world view is crumbling into the dust. The rest of us are trying to move on from the scams of the past and clean up after the right wing con artists who took their profits and ran.
“Granted he was among the greatest of American presidents.”
Well, sure, if our faux-libertarian Lost is into dead nuns, government by astrology and arms for hostages then, yeah, I could see how he could reach such a conclusion.
You can call a poodle a chicken, but don’t plan on an omellette any time soon.
This is a fine for not being a good boy for Daddy Obama which happens to be administered by the IRS and called a tax on a flimsy attempt to shore up an attack on personal liberty.
Who’s this we you’re talking about, white man? FDR stealth-steered us into a two-front war when we were abjectly unprepared to fight a half-front war. Stalin, racking up corpses by the millions (that’s what Stalin was good at) took the heat until we were finally ready (about 1944) to stick in our big toe.
Looks to some of us as if Dr. Obama is similarly (similar to FDR, not Stalin, not yet) trying to stretch a system that mostly works, US health care, into a system that systemically breaks down under blundering bureaucratic federal control. We shall see. What we can see right now is that we can’t afford the entitlements we have right now, at the moment Obama is loading on another one.
Our entitlements are unsustainable. What part of bubble do you and Daddy not understand?
Call it what you want, but what matters is what it is from a legal standpoint.
I think you’ll find that the courts are likely to agree this is a tax and therefore well within Congressional authority.
46 lost
Yeah, well fuck you for caling me a liar.That’s just lying. Usually you’re better than that.
Nice, reasonable, not inciteful at all analogy. How about I say, “Give me your wallet or I’ll charge you a hundred dollars on your taxes, but you don’t have to pay it and I won’t try to collect it.” Maybe you’re just easily intimidated, or maybe you are just ignorant of the actual issue. Or maybe YOU’RE the liar.
There you go! And no .38, or you’d be missing a head, woudln’t you?
What are sying-that 10K “angry citizens” don’t have telephones? Insurance agents? What?
It takes no “means” to opt out of this. Just don’t get insurance, and ust don’t pay your annual fines. And that’s that. Enjoy your little moment of rebellion.
They have the same choice that you just admitted that you have.
I wouldn’t worry too much about the gun brandishers, Goldy — they’re painting cross-hairs on their own feet.
For example, I wonder how many people taking care of elderly parents will show up to protest the provisions of the health care bill that will help people stay out of nursing homes?
We seem afflicted with a contagious national stupidity. Well, some of us, anyway.
“As health care reform became the law of the land this week, a huge bloc of Americans with a unique interest in the outcome sat watching on the sidelines. The 49 million people who care for older family members were … quietly shouldering a burden that so often takes a heavy toll on their finances and their physical and emotional well-being. Many of them — I know a few — are opposed to the new health care law, even though it includes one of the most important steps ever taken to improve caregivers’ lot, especially those of the middle-class persuasion. Of course, hardly any of them are aware of that.
“The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, otherwise known as CLASS, provides for a national insurance program to help cover the cost of long-term care — something 70 percent of people over 65 will need at some point along the way. The premiums will be much lower than those for private plans, and you won’t get screened out because you’ve already had some health problems. Once vested after five years, enrollees unable to care for themselves will be able to claim cash benefits for as long as needed.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Home health care for the aging is one of the most-neglected health needs. The state has had such a program for years, but it’s so woefully underfunded that participants routinely face cutbacks or cutoffs of state funding. It is a huge unfulfilled need that affects a huge number of Americans. Of course, leave it to Republicans to blindly and adamantly oppose any solution. You know, the kind of people who grab their parents’ assets, then put them through bankruptcy so they can qualify for Medicaid. Believe me, it happens; I saw it all the time as an attorney working for the state — you know, those clean-cut white folks from Bellevue that you don’t normally think of as welfare bums and cheats.
Um not really. So the trust funds will soon have to redeem some T-bills. Big deal, it is no different than when a private pension fund does the same thing.
What made Reagan great and fondly remembered still escapes most of you.
It is what Clinton did, to some extent, and Kennedy rather better.
He made Americans feel good about being Americans. He made the people of this country feel as though they were up to challenges and that being a US citizen was something to be proud of. He inspired people to do for themselves, and justly said that ‘government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem.
In the finest traditions of leadership he inspired hope, confidence and independence.
Contrast this with FDR, Johnson and Obama. These men trade on fear. Without it they would be unable to govern in the radical and fundamentally Unamerican way they wish to. They need fear to distract, among other things, from their complete disdain and lack of trust in the American people. They see as incompetent, incapable of running a business or a house or saving for retirement without their help.
So yes, Reagan was among the greatest of American presidents, and Obama already among the worst.
No different, that is, if the pension funds are upside-down under water by multiples of their assets and earnings. At which point there are no Bills to redeem because they were already liquidated under Chapter 7.
Go back a few clicks to the Insolvent Waffen Social Security Disappearing IOU discussion with Daddy.
49. screed
Dude, Medicaid is health insurance. And if you hhad that, then you sure would be exempt from the requirement. But if you have no job and no income, you can have your minimal esential health insurance fully subsidized. Your poverty may cause other problems, but lack of health insurance wouldn’t be one of them.
Honestly, what I think it weird that people wouldn’t want health insurance.
Come on! You’re a rebel! You’re fighting to good fight! Don’t let the bastards grind you down! But no, your constitution is too delicate to handle the stress of thinking about those fines that no one is ever going to try to collect. Ever speed, mr. scofflaw?
Worng, because they will be competing in national exchanges, which is wehre you will get your minimal essential coverage (if you’re not covered by an amployer or something.
Yeah, why ever wouldn’t I accept your charcterization of the situation?
I have a choice, yes. This is because I own most of my properties without loans. I have no interest in borrowing against them, so when leins are placed, I don’t really care. This is because even if my property were at risk the principle is important enough to risk it. Most people have hostages to fortune in jobs, kids, wives etc that make this choice unworkable. For me, I am self employed, my wife supports the decision, and the kids are cared for regardless of it. That is the 1 in 10000 figure.
And make no mistake. The voluntary payment is transitory, just as seatbelt tickets were once secondary. No government with a foot in the door ever refrained from kicking it in. The reason progressives are celebrating this truly awful law has nothing to do with the law. It has to do with their knowledge that this is the first step along the road to National Health.
Otherwise why continually ignore everything wrong with it, including the lack of an enforcement mechanism for funding?
And you are right, a personal attack on your integrity was uncalled for. Mistaken would have been better phrasing. Sorry about that.
Uh, Goldy, even to say “get threatening” is crossing the line. What is the fucking point of that? It can be construed as the left being as violent and idiotic and deranged as the far right. If we are on the right side of the issue, we don’t have to use scare tactics and intimidation.
To expect people to “get threatening” without actually making threats is as stupid as someone asking people to pay Perriello a visit, and not do anything dangerous or life threatening.
I’m confused. Isn’t Goldy now a teabagger for encouraging people to get threatening against government? Goldy is a teabagger, right?
There would be plenty of people who woudl argue with your first point. Employer-based health care is becoming rarer and spottier, and we have nearly 50 million uninsured. As we all know, and until recently Republicans agreed, insurance industry practices such as refusing to cover people for pre-existing conditions, and recission, are insults to Americans. So we passed a bill to better regulate insurers and open them up to more competition in insurance exchanges so that consumers will benefit. It is neither difficult to understand nor radical in its concept.
This is not an entitlement program, though for the purposes of political propaganda I can see why you would like to make it into one. There are subsidies in the program, but we have subsidies for weatherproofing too. Oh noes, federal takeover of insulation!
BTW, our entitlement programs are extremely popular, even among teabaggers. You may remember “Keep your government hands off my Social Security!”
@62 “FDR stealth-steered us into a two-front war when we were abjectly unprepared to fight a half-front war. Stalin, racking up corpses by the millions (that’s what Stalin was good at) took the heat until we were finally ready (about 1944) to stick in our big toe.”
You need some re-education, because you either slept through your history course, or never took one.
The tide of war turned against Germany in 1942, not 1944, and America propped up Stalin, not the other way around. It was Stalin who, while fighting for survival at Stalingrad and all across the eastern front throughout 1942 and 1943, begged the Western Allies to open a second front in the west to take pressure off his own beleaguered forces.
FDR and Churchill accomodated him. American G.I.s and their British allies evicted Rommel from Africa and slugged their way across Sicily and up the boot of Italy, exposing the soft underbelly of the Nazi empire as a prelude to the main invasion through the front door of Fortress Europe that would come in 1944. By July 1943, Mussolini had fallen from power, and a month later Italy was out of the war.
Meanwhile, the U.S. turned the tables on Japan in 1942, and by 1943 was advancing all across the Pacific theater while the U.S. sub fleet decimated Japan’s shipping, and by early 1944 had deployed tens of thousands of bombers against Japan’s forces and the Japanese home islands — and was far along with development of the A-bomb.
So, what the fuck are you talking about? Get your head out of your ass, boy.
“Reagan was among the greatest of American presidents”
Dead nuns and arms for hostages – yeah, great man, that Reagan.
The Lib-er-als’ Protest
(Sung to the tune of The Teddy Bears’ Picnic)
If you go out to the fountain now
You’re sure of a big surprise
If you go out to the fountain now
You’d better go in disguise
For ev’ry lib’ral there ever was
Will gather there for certain because
Today’s the day the lib-er-als have their protest.
Protest time for lib-er-als,
The little lib-er-als finally show some spine today
Watch them, catch them on the news
And see them scoff the early campaign ploy
See the gays and greens dance about.
They love to rant and shout.
But never throw any shoes.
At two o’clock their buses and bikies
Will take them home again
Because they’ve publicized their views.
If you go out to the fountain now
You’d better not go alone
It’s rowdy at the fountain now
So it’s safer to stay at home
For ev’ry lib’ral there ever was
Will vouch for the Interstate Commerce Clause
Today is the day the lib-er-als have their protest.
Unsustainable Entitlements. In the real world, of course, anything absolutely anything can be sustained with creative accounting and creative destruction via Schumpeter.
Yes, despite our Rube Goldberg crumbling entitlement edifice of unfunded liablilities that exceed GNP by multiples of GNP, we can inflate ourselves out of our jam and, up to the point of total crack-up, out of our entitlement debt.
Or we can restore nosebleed levels of confiscatory taxation during a jobless “recovery.”
Or, getting back to the FDR discussion with GBS, we can realize every liberal’s wet dream and revert to a 1930’s military model. That would be FDR’s military model, not Hitler’s or Tojo’s. Hitler was Keynesing his way out of Germany’s depression by building a proscibed military machine that could take on the world.
We, in the 1930s, were stuck in the middle of a 12-year depression with a military that was second only to about 40 other nations.
Pearl Harbor may have awakened a sleeping giant, but the giant was emphatically snoozing during an era of maximum danger, mostly because Army and Navy were being starved for a New Deal that was largely (NIRA and AAA) unconstitutional and ineffective, or worse.
So: To keep entitlements afloat, including GWB’s drugs and Obama’s reform, Obama can gut the guts out of the armed services. Just what you donkeys want.
@73 Do you have a problem with liberals behaving like conservatives? Why?
His ideology we’ve followed under Republican leadership put us $11 trillion in the hole.
Republicans hate American government the way al Qeada does.
I dunno, call me Proud To Be An AMERICAN. I love my country and especially LOVE my government when it isn’t being ruined by the Conservative Culture of Corruption.
What’s your obession with siding with the Terrorists in opposition to
ourmy government?48. don spews:
Someone e-mailed them the link.
Seems like most leftists, you go batshit without the facts.
Why do you hate America? We lost over 400,000 soldiers in WWII. Do you think we didn’t get in the fight until 1944.
Look, you can call me anything and everything. But don’t shit on our fallen heroes by comparing them to the likes of Stalin and saying they didn’t get into the fight until WWII was almost over.
Support Our Troops! Vote Democrat.
Teabaggers, like lost, hate the troops and I cannot understand why.
Re 80
No, conservatives (not Republicans, who are just one half of the problem with government) don’t hate American government. They have the healthy distrust and watchfulness all free men have of government. They don’t want it sharing the breakfast table with them, or telling them how to balance their checkbooks. They know we need government for some basic functions. They trust their fellow citizens to fulfill the rest. They believe their fellow citizens can house, clothe and feed themselves without help.
Thank you for clarifying. The current crop of traitors to the Constitution in Washington are your government. They certainly aren’t representing me.
Thanks for repeating my point.
Sometimes think that sly FDR may indeed have followed the devious strategy old Joe Kennedy, Senator Truman, America First, and Pat Buchanan say or imply he should have followed: letting the two totalitarians bleed each other to death. The weight of evidence, however, is that FDR was genuinely naive about Stalin (he and our ruling class had been witlessly misled by Walter Duranty and the New York Times about Stalin’s benevolence and benignity). Safest to assume that if the US had been strong enough before 1944 to dip more than a big toe into the Euro Theatre, we/FDR would have. Despite Churchill’s misgivings about a Second Front.
“Teabaggers, like lost, hate the troops and I cannot understand why.”
It just goes hand in hand with hating America.
“Have a Teabaggers, like lost, hate the troops and I cannot understand why.”
Well, you simply couldn’t beat that for reductio ad absurdum, so I’ll leave with the chuckle it brought.
Have a good day.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with Goldy being a teabagger because during the Bush presidency, the left always said that protest was patriotic.
I know they haven’t changed their views on that because they are now in power. That would be hypocritical, right?
Boy, you guys really love to go on about how the Social Security trust fund is “nothing but IOUs”. On the other hand you don’t decry all of the private and public funds with substantial bond and promissory note holdings as being “full of IOUs”.
I suppose you’d feel better if the SS trust fund was invested in GM, Chrysler, AIG, Lehman, WaMu, Bear Stearns, Wachovia, Countrywide, United Airlines, US Airways, Global Crossing, Worldcom, and Enron corporate bonds.
It’s also one of the most humane and cost effective.
Typical GBS dihonesty @82, beginning to end, start to finish. GBS follows the liberal playbook to the letter: When you don’t have facts and logic on your side, lie.
Please please please. Charge him with a hate crime in the nth degree.
Wait’ll Kos finds out that Goldy’s running Joker Obama at the top o’ the page. Next he’ll be recycling Hitler Obama from LaRouche.
“They have the healthy distrust and watchfulness all free men have of government. They don’t want it sharing the breakfast table with them, or telling them how to balance their checkbooks. They know we need government for some basic functions.”
Uh-huh, and one of those basic government functions for Lost is the inspection of women’s wombs to make sure any little blastocyst Americans don’t get murdered. But God forbid that the government ever sit at his breakfast table.
There are going to be some mighty disappointed tea gaggers out there when their bosses decide that the HCR tax credits look so good that they’re going to make heath insurance coverage a mandatory part of employment.
71. lostinaseaofblue
Wel, no liens CAN be placed on your property by law for your refusal to pay fines, so WTF are you talking about? It’s utter nonsense.
Most people get insurance through their employers, or the government. We’re talking only about a fairly small percentage who will get insurance through exchanges, and a far smaller percentage still who would not want health isurnace for themselves, their spouses, or their children. However, bringing younger, healthier customers into the risk pool IS one of the chief purposes of the fine.
When you don’t have health insurance, how are your “kids cared for regrdless?”
So if wee get to count “crazy shit you imagine” as valid reasos for stuff, then we should destroy Rob NMcKenna immediately, bvecause I am absolutely certain that he is soon to grow to 300 feet tall and go all Godzilla on Seattle.
As far as I can tell, you don’t know shit about this bill, so it’s hard for me to think that you know anything credible that is “wrong with it.” But the fine will get most people in. Most people want insurance anyway, and most people don’t like to be fined by the IRS. It’s a very mild measure that will work, for the most part.
You bet I’m right. Thank you.
@87: Ah, yes. How could we forget?
79 ld
So you don’t know economics OR history. OK.
Well I certainly hope so. I’m someone who wants to extend Medicare to cover everyone. Would that really be so horrible?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Yes We Can! vs HELL NO YOU CAN’T
Grow up. Reagan, with credit already duly noted for his optimism, had a fundamentally flawed view of why it’s important as a nation to ensure each of use has some basic security and health.
Reagan used fear constantly. Look up what he said regarding Social Security. Are you free today? Or is the governmetn dictating where you are working.
Oh that’s right you own your own business today. But in Reagan’s mind back in ’61-’62 during the Medicare debate he said we’d be telling our children’s children (i.e. today’s generations) what it was like when “America was FREE”
That is fear mongering. We are more free as nation today then when Ronald Reagan said those words.
Unless of course, you’re like Trent Lott and regret Srtom Thurmond didn’t become president because things would be a whole lot better if he had.
Self proclaimed Reagan Republicans said the Feds would be killing our elderly. That’s a lie and that’s fear mongering.
Self proclaimed Reagan Republicans said we’d have Nazi style Death Camps. That’s a lie and that’s fear mongering.
Self proclaimed Reagan Republicans said this is a take over of health insuracne by Big Government. That’s a lie and that’s fear mongering.
I could go on ad nauseam about the lies, fear mongering and fanning the flames of parinoia by
self proclaimed Reagan Republicans.
When did you start hating America?
The Reagan administraion tripled our national debt, and the Bush administration doubled it again. But luckily, because Republicans have the healthy distrust and watchfulness all free men have of government, they were stopped in time. Weren’t they?
Thank you for the polite response. To respond…
Actually, what I want is access to affordable health care. Health insurance is one way to do that. Single-payer is another way, subscriptions for service is a third. Right now the monopolistic, amoral, for-profit health insurance industry has a stranglehold on the ‘insurance’ approach. Allowing ‘we the people’ to organize an alternative insurance program though our elected representative government (i.e. the public option) will not be allowed. Obama has enshrined the rapacious, monopolistic, for-profit health insurance industry as the de-facto gatekeeper to health care. I think this is bad policy – it is immoral, and it weakens our democracy and our economy.
I do not like breaking the law. For ethical reasons mostly, but also, as they say, government may grind slow but it grinds exceedingly fine. So, I don’t like to make myself vulnerable. If there is no intention of enforcing the law, then why enact it?
My understanding is that there will not be national exchanges. Only state exchanges where 1 or 2 corporations often control 90% to 100% of the market. That is why I keep calling them monopolistic, because that is exactly what they are. Even if there were national exchanges, the end result would be a ‘rush to the bottom’ on state laws that sort-of govern insurance practices. Either way, we’re screwed.
Unfortunately, I think my characterization of the situation will bear out in the end, if the past is any indication of the future. Hope I’m wrong. Already the Obama admin is making noises about social security and insolvency of the FICA fund… We’ll see where that goes, but I am not optimistic.
I voted for Obama, I sent him money, I put his sign outside my house, I rallied for him. But right now, I’m not sure I would vote for him again. I don’t trust him. His pro-corporate agenda is scary. I truly believe progressives need to take the blinders off and see what is really going on here.
96 CS
It would certainly be simpler than our centrist president’s plan to prop up the insurers in order to cover more people. But I’ll take what I can get.
Typical GBS exaggeration. The high-side estimate of US losses — soldiers, sailors, air — is 295,000. Soviet losses: 25,000,000+, about 9 million military.
(Good show about Stalingrad: Enemy at the Gates.)
Rube Goldberg Obamacare.
@101 Was that the sniper flick?
This is so true. I will not debate you on this point regarding our goal. Not whether or not this is an awful law.
If you believe this is unconstitutional, if you believe Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and HCR should be repealed then have at it.
Build your case. Talk to your neighbors. Run for office. Support like minded individuals to represent you in office.
If, The People, agree with you, as they have us, they will elect you to fulfill your electorl mandate.
If they reject you, then stop with the TEARS Alice.
Jesus, the fucking whining from the conservatives is truly pathetic. A year of town hall meeting and hyperbole was a lot.
But the fucking crying pussies blathering on and on is over the top.
Man up! And, take your god damn dick out betwen your legs and stop acting like a bitch.
Reagan was right about Social Security. He presided over Social Security’s resuscitation, c. 1982, the bipartisan fix-it that propped up the Ponzi scheme for 30 more years.
Reagan was right about Medicare. It’s built on a bubble, the demographic bubble that is stretched to the popping point now, right now.
Medicare was also built on lies, as Reagan later understood. Projected costs of the program were deliberately low-balled by LBJ, HHH, and EMK to assure bipartisan support.
Liberal Lies about Medicare, via (ahem) NPR:
There are tapes of Johnson showing a different side of how he worked [Medicare’s passage].
Johnson maneuvered every step of the way getting this bill through Congress, and one of the things he did — and this is a little dicey in today’s climate — was suppress the costs. So this young kid gets elected from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy, in 1962, and Johnson is explaining to him [over the phone] how you get a health bill through. And what he tells him is don’t let them get the costs projected too far out because it will scare other people:
“A health program yesterday runs $300 million, but the fools had to go to projecting it down the road five or six years, and when you project it the first year, it runs $900 million. Now I don’t know whether I would approve $900 million second year or not. I might approve 450 or 500. But the first thing Dick Russell comes running in saying, ‘My God, you’ve got a billion-dollar program for next year on health, therefore I’m against any of it now.’ Do you follow me?”
We believe, after looking at the evidence, my co-author [David Blumenthal] and I, that if the true cost of Medicare had been known — if Johnson hadn’t basically hidden them — the program would never have passed.
Mmmm hmmmmm . . . Are they reporting of Faux News how the tempo in the real War on Terror in Afghanistan is going?
How we’re stepping up attacks in Pakistan. How bin Laden’s Lt’s are begging for his leadership because they’re getting KILLED????
How President Obama, as Commander-in-Chief no longer tolerated the Bush/Musharaff peace pact with al Qeada in Pakistan. Notice how Pakistan is now going after the people they installed to govern Afghanistan? They killled 61 militants in airstrikes recently.
You mean that President Obama, the one who will not tolerate peace making with al Qeada like Bush and the Reagan Republicans did?
Really STOP being such a whinny bitch.
Time to walk your tough talk and MAN UP!
@101 Best I can tell, HNMT, unless you both get a little more specific about it, then both of you are kinda correct about the WWII American armed forces casualties.
I love it when you and GBS get into it. It’s always a good read.
Steve: Uh huh. Ed Harris as a German major.
99. screed
I am actually a lovely person. But one so rarely gets to discuss an issue per se in here…
I prefer to think, and do think, that a public option will be added later. But it is a dsiappointment that it’s not in there. However, the makeup of the insurance exchanges and the other regulations in the bill, along with increased clinic funding and other measures, will increase both regulation and competition and provide more affordable health care. CBO was not wrong that most premiums will go down.
So do you want to go back to the -pre-bill level of regulation? It makes things better than they would otherwise be.
You answered it yourself. Most people don’t like breaking the law. So they won’t.
You’re right and I’m wrong on that–the national exchange was in the House bill. However, besides the fact that most people will still be on employment-based insurance, there will also be available for new federally-supprted non-profit, member run insurance cooperatives, and the Office of Personnel Management will supervise the offering by private insurers of multi-state plans, available nationwide. So it is not just state-based, and not just existing insurers.
You’re wrong about teh race to the bottom in a nat’l exchange though. This would not be the “allow insurers to sell across state lines” Republican scheme to purposely create a race to the botom. This would be a tightly regulated competitive market.
Really? You mean you can hear that over the Republican screaming that it is insolvent?
Is it a bug or a feature? His relative business-friendliness also allowed him to run and win (like Clinton). Also, his relative business-friendliness allowed him to get a lot of the big players onto the sidleines during this debate and kept them from killing the measure. Would you rather have Demcratic business friendliness (basically non-hostiltiy and co-option for liberal purposes), or Republican “business friendliness?” I know which I choose.
And also, would you rather have the pre-bill status quo or what we have now?
Steve @107: Well, now. Checked your PDF, having checked several cite sites that put US WWII deaths at 295,000. Will try to get back to your source later to locate the lost 105,000.
All big numbers are almost always suspect, but 60 years should have been sufficient for arriving at consensus re those who served but didn’t come back alive.
I am actually a lovely person … misread it at first as …
Like the Obama who is flipping off Israel, the only functioning democracy in its part of the planet, the only regional counterpoise between Iran and a real bad day?
(65 years should have been sufficient …)
The World War II Memorial honors the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S., the more than 400,000 who died,.
Be a patriot for once in your life and click on the link to the National WWII Memorial.
I get it. Conservatives hate America. Hate the troops. Piss on their sacrafices. And know so little about the deaths of MORE THAN 400,000 “average Joes.”
Most of them, obviously voting Democrat as determined by the make up of our representative form of governement who elected the House, Senate and presidency Democrat.
But no, you’d rather revel in the Pride of Stalin.
Typical, punk ass bitch pussy American hating, troop hating chickehawk Republican.
You have a ready wit. Tell me when it’s ready.
You liberals can spout off all you want, but we know that health care by Oba-mao is a Godless socialist plot by a Kenyan born Muslim who takes his marching orders from Wall Street.
Climb up the thread and you have us baggers who dislike/distrust the president because he’s an anarcho-syndicalist radical liberal neo-communist.
Then you have the Daddy lefties who distrust the president because he’s a corporatist tool who is enriching fat bloated rich big business.
So at last we have something on which we can all agree: We all dislike or distrust the president. Thanks, BO, for being a uniter-not-a-divider. Thanks for bringing us together at last.
(But does this mean that absolutely everyone here is a racist bigot? Isn’t that what you liberals keep telling us, that if we’re wary of this president it’s because we’re racists?)
OK I gotta take a break. There’s only so much Reagan Republican/Conservative/Teabagger/al Qeada peace pact maker/hate America/Hate the troops/lie about WWII deaths/ crying I can handle.
There was study that said snot nosed, whiny brats tended to be Republcians upon reaching adulthood. I used to laugh at that, now, shit it rings so true.
After the HCR debate I cannot believe how many crybabies there are in conservative circles. So many pussies.
112. Whiny Bitch R Us
Oy, where to start. Iran does not have nuclear weapons and is very likley years from acquiring them. In 2005, US intelligence estimated that they were 10 years away. In 2009, the NIE said that Iran will not even be able to produce any weapons-grade material before 2013.
Anyway, to your other mistakes and misstatements. It was Israel who gave US the finger when Bibi Netanyahu announced new settlements in East Jerusalem which our VP was in Israel to jumpstart indirect talks between Israel and the PA, talks that Bibi’s little stunt killed off completely. Obama should ahve slapped his face in public, but instead he just walked out of a meeting in DC during which Bibi refused to make any concessions whatsoever.
Israel cares very deeply about their longstanding and very lucrative relationship with the US, so Bibi made a big mistake. He’s going home empty-handed and much weaker than when he left.
@110 Perhaps this is the source of the confusion. From the linked source:
Total deaths 405,399
Battle deaths 291,557
Until you’re both more specific, you’re both correct with your numbers. But I’m just picking nits for kicks.
If I thought this reform would lead to single payer or to a robust public option, then I’d be for it. But I don’t think it will. How does this lead to single payer? to the PO? The Obama Admin signaled really strongly that they would do pretty much anything, even let the bill die, in order not to pass the public option. (Obama only really actively engaged in selling the ‘reform’ once the PO had safely been killed). If the law had strong federally based regulatory enforcement mechanisms, then I might be for it. But it doesn’t. My concern is that the bill only solidifies the current for-profit health insurance model of providing access to health care, which got us into this mess in the first place. The first rule of getting out of trouble is to stop digging. This reform is like throwing a bigger shovel into the pit and saying, ‘dig faster!’ I’m still waiting for Congress to ‘fix’ NAFTA, never mind the continued bleeding of American jobs oversees. What they passed is what we got, no politician is going to want visit this issue anytime soon. We’ll see if it is better in the future, but I don’t think much will change except health insurance stock will be way up. Insurance rates are gonna keep going up. And up. And up again. Many people who ‘buy’ the insurance may not even be able to use it to access health care because the deductibles will be so high.
As to Obama’s corporate agenda. He didn’t run as a corporate shill, so why is he governing as one? He got them on the sideline by pretty much guaranteeing them that they’ll make out like fat cats. No pharma re-importation, no PO, no federal regulation enforcement mechanisms, no national exchanges, no nothing that would actually help keep costs down and really give people access to affordable, quality health care. Ya, we got all the access we want to crappy, expensive insurance. But as the Wendy’s lady once said, ‘Where’s the beef?’
OK. Here’s one low-ball estimate. Wiki puts the US WWII death toll at 416,000 … meaning that GBS diminished our sacrifice by giving us a niggardly number. Why do you hate America, GBS? Man up and stand up for the redwhiteandblue, courtesy of the red, white, and blue.
(Here’s another low-death site.)
A big-number fallacy footnote: NPR this week had a death-trip story about Desden. Early estimates, based in part on Nazi propaganda, were that hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed by allied air terror at Dresden, but the current best guess is that “only” 25,000 civilians died. Give or take a few hundred thousand.
Anyway, confusion about Dresden deaths makes more sense than a disparity of 100,000+ in the roster of American WWII deaths.
Let’s just call the whole thing off here, and agree to give GBS the free-throw. If 400,000 is on a monument, 400,000 it is.
Giving in to GBS occasionally keeps him from getting too surly while he’s getting his swirlie.
Thanks, Steve. That must be it. Bailed out of your pdf before the fine print, which probably made things clear.
Must have been 100K ancillary deaths that sometimes get folded into the total.
Question: Would the thousands of Spanish flu military deaths from 1918-1919 get folded into WWI death totals?
@118. Daddy Love spews:
Just to clarify …
Does Iran have Nukes … No, but it has delivery vehicles and is likely to be bale to make nukes withing two years.
Is Israel the only democracy in the ME? … well, yes IF you exclude Turkey and Iran.
Is Israel endangering peace by building in E Jerusalem? Well yes, BUT. Before 48 most of this area was the Jewish part of Jerusalem. We were driven out .. ethnically cleansed .. by the invading Jordanians.
Can Palestine be built w/o Jerusalem? Probably not.
Did the Israelis FU here. Yes.
That’s from Rabbit’s favorite neocon, Krauthammer. Of course Rabbit calls them all cons, but that’s probably because neocon is the sensitive liberal way of saying Jeeewwwww.
Strange. Don’t recall Daddy being this credulous about US Intelligence estimates when GBS was using them.
The fact is, none of us has the intelligence to really know what Iran can do or when. We dangerously misunderestimated the ability of Stalin to build the Bomb.
We never knew, after Saddam expelled UNSCOM inspectors while Clinton was preoccupied with the pizza girl, what Iraq was up to. Our intelligence about WMD was in the dark for four dangerous years. Then, alas, some of us got it wrong anyway. (And if you blindly followed Scott Ritter’s belated assurances, you were just as blind as Bush following slam-dunk Tenet.)
Bottom line: we don’t have enough intelligence or Intelligence to blow off Bibi, as Obama did this week. We need Israel, just in case. Even Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States are counting on Israel to ride to the rescue against militant Iran.
Steve, I’ll be as specific as I can. 400,000 men and women died during that conflict in direct combat and support of the war effort. Every death, regardless of how / when it occured helped secure our victory, our freedom, our LIBERTY, our place in history as a super poweer.
No sacrafice is to be belittled by being forgotten, no matter how badly conservatives want to discount the deaths and revel in their hero, Stalin.
“Question: Would the thousands of Spanish flu military deaths from 1918-1919 get folded into WWI death totals?”
The source doesn’t say but looking at the numbers, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.
Total deaths 116,516
Battle Deaths 53,402
Don’t forget Iraq. Bush sent over 4,000 American to their deaths to
remove WMD’s,remove al Qeada,remove Saddam Hussein, I mean spread FREEDOM from the barrel of a gun.Sort of like wanting to hire the handicapped because they’re fun to watch.
I don’t agree. Our NIEs indicate nothing like this (you COULD read my links)> Iran insistes that they are doing nothing but enriching uranium to low levels of enrichment suitable for reactors and we don’t have evidence to the contrary.
M-E democracy …
Come on, gaddammit. I used the modifier functioning. Functional. Something like that.
So back off.
You’re the Man, my man. Thanks for doing our dirty work.
So much easier for us to spit invective than to, you know, get the actual facts. Which is what Steve does very well indeed.
(WWI footnote: Best guess is that the worldwide Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919 began at Ft. Riley, Kansas. Then it went bigtime on troop ships, coming and going.)
“Steve, I’ll be as specific as I can. 400,000 men and women died during that conflict in direct combat and support of the war effort.”
No dispute here, GBS. The best I can tell, what you just stated is absolutely correct. For my part, I was curious about the dispute about the two numbers you and HNMT were using so I checked it out. If HNMT were to state that there were roughly 290,000 battle deaths, then he’d be correct as well.
@127, At a cost to date of one trillion dollars.
Here is an honest question…where was all this outrage from the right when they imposed mandatory drivers insurance, or seatbelts? Seems like the only difference is that the insurance companies were backing those. The mandatory part is the same, the cost to most everyone is the same, both bring lots of new customers. I didn’t see any protests about constitutionality and the government getting into my wallet then? Maybe Goldy can tell me where my logic is going wrong.
“protesters will be gathering at the Tivoli Fountain on the Capitol campus at noon today, and marching to the locked-down AG’s offices at 1125 Washington Street SE to deliver over 18,000 petitions”
So how did it go? It’s not like I can read about it in the Seattle Times. I just checked their website and apparently this protest and our AG’s modified lockdown isn’t newsworthy enough for that rag.
You’d think that our teabagger-pandering AG going into modified lockdown mode in order to protect his employees from a dangerous progressive, er, mob would be front page news.
Didn’t meant to imply you wer disputing. I was just trying to be specific because I donated to the WWII foundation in honor to my father’s brother who died on a bombing run over Europe.
So I know there are 400 stars at that memeorial, each star representing roughly 1,000 deaths during the war.
Yum-yum might want to discount American soliders deaths and go on and on about his fucking almighty Stalin, but I don’t.
The number of Americans who died in service to our nation during WWII is 400,000+.
124. Bibi and the Shiksa Chix
Hey, speaking of a failure of intelligence…
Neverhtless, Netanyahu and his right-wingers know damn good and well that expanding settlements in general and in particular in the envisioned capital of the Palestinian state in East jerusalem would scuttle the very talks that we had just sent our highest-ranking administration official in years to conduct. It was a conscious, deliberate poke in the eye from Netanyahu, and not only does Obama risk losing face in Israel by not respnding strongly, but if the talks break dow to the point that a two-state solution falls apart, the alternative (short of Israel conducting an at elast ironic Palestinian genocide) is a ONE state solution, and Israel as a Jewish state probably disappears. So fuck Bibi.
Theere is a certain segment that equates neocon and Jew, but it’s not sensitive liberals. Ask manoftruth.
Don’t know what your’e talking about, but that’s nothing new for any of us here. But did I forget to mention that in 1990 the CIA ALSO estimated that Iran was ten years away from nuclear weapons (that link will be harder to find, because I didn’t save it, but I read it in the NY TImes)? In general, they err on the side of being too gloomy, not too sunny.
Then again, and much more recently, Rumsfeld and Team B relied on worst-case scenarios, “cherry-picked” intelligence findings, and at times outright lied to create a series of recommendations that wildly overestimated Soviet military capabilities and were larded with doom-saying predictions. Thsose are your guys, right?
When the NIE is able to function correctly it is often very good. Also, nowadays we have one-meter resolution or better in our satellite photos, pretty fair electronig transmission monitoring, and Iran is cooperating with the IAEA, none of which were exactly the case in Stalin’s USSR. The Team B comparison is more recent and thus more apt.
Lordy. Like everyone else who wanted to keep their Bush-era jobs, Tenet told Bush what he wanted to hear, or rather what Cheney wanted to hear. But if you are truly sure that Tenet gave us such bad intel, why did Bush award him the Medal of Freedom? But, and not to rehash the whole thing, your remark is irrelevant bcause we had UN inspectors in the ground up until the invasion, and they had full and unprecedented access which yielded exactly NOTHING (no precursor chemicals, no traces of anything, no bio agents, no radioactive materials not already locked up, NOTHING). So we knew a heck of a lot at that time and we were in no danger and Saddam had no WMD and we knew that.
That’s the way. Conflate the president playing hardball with the recalcitrant head of government of our most expensive and troublesome client state with completely withdrawing supprt for a Jewish state. It’s sleazy and really not worthy of you. Bibi can cooperate or we’ll just lean harder on him. How about we cut our annual $3 billion birthday present to them by 20% and see how long his government lasts? That might be fun. He doesn’t hold the cards in this relationship, we do.
“I don’t particularly want to see any actual violence or property damage, but I’d love to see the genuine fear of it.”
So Goldy wants our AG and his employees to know the fear of violence? Sometimes you lose me, Goldy, you really do.
No Stalin revelry here, unless its from your left-wing lunatic fringe.
Back to you next week, Daddy. Fuck you very much for a semi-rational reply.
@3 “Umm hmm. I had a friend living in DC for a job. He had to rent a garage because the Bush sticker caused the car to be vandalized 6 times in a year, and his insurance threatened to drop him if he didn’t secure the vehicle.”
Bullshit. I don’t believe you.
Not the 1919 portion of the pandemic. The Great War ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918.
Certainly the 1918 deaths at Ft. Riley, on the troop ships, and so forth would be included as non-combat deaths in the war.
Hey, Turkey is a model state.
Oh, reaaaaally?? Is that why you were boasting Stalin was kicking ass until good ol Uncle Sam decided to get involved late in game during WWII?
You discounted the number of brave Americans who willingly gave up their lives so maybe we could win that all out war and someone like you could know peace and security!!
And, what did they get from you? Some gratitude maybe? Some recognition perhaps? Honor them on a memorial? Did you pay them their well earned respect by including their deaths?
You just said “Fuck ’em” they don’t deserve to be mentioned or acknowledged.
Just like the way Mr. Cynical shits on Gold Star mothers of the Iraq War.
Like I said call me every fucking dirty name in the book, I can handle it, but have a modicum of respect for America’s fallen heroes.
“Back to you next week, Daddy.”
Well, I’m not Daddy but it’s always a pleasure. Have yourself a great weekend.
@127: Lebanon?
Tea-bagger violence? Me? I take a sanguine view. The left has been excoriated for 40+ fucking years for the reckless violence of a few weatherman nutcases, so what goes around comes around. The right can throw their hissyfits, too.
However, to be totally fair, they shouldn’t whine too much when called out on it. Forty years from now, we can call it all square.
Death toll, Right wing violence: Oklahoma City, 168 dead.
Death toll, left wing violence, 1960’s-70’s i dunno’, maybe half a dozen? There were some police killed during bank robberies, and a student in Michigan if I recall.
When the National Guard wheels, fires, and takes out some tea-baggers at a peaceful demonstration, give me a call.
PTBAA @ 146:
Ahhh, yes, Lebannon.
Remember 1983 when an Islamic terrorist ran a sucide mission that killed 241 American servicemen?
Then, Ronbald Reagan, as Commander-in-Chief cut-n-run and emboldened the extermists.
Yeah, President Obama orders tells Pakistan to scrap the Bush/Musharaff peace pact with al Qead and get on withe business of killing terrorists contrasted with Reagan’s cut-n-run strategy.
**clap, clap, clap** Nice fuck up Ronnie!!
Why anyone would warmly remember a coward like Ronald Fucking Reagan is beyond me.
Good thing we killed his “revolution” against American government. America’s enemies are truly in our midst and they are Reagan Republicans.
re 148: Don’t you have any respect for the president who personally freed all the prisoners at Buchenwald?
Well, the delegation sent to listen to Reagan seemed surprised about it, too.
@ 149:
Ronald Reagan, another reason why I hate the mother fucker. During his presidency he invited the fucking TALIBAN to the WHITE HOUSE and claimed they were the moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers.
THERE IS NO MORLA EQUIVALANCE to our founding fathers at any point in history before or since then.
NO American, especially a sitting president should wrecklessly and dangerously emoblden radical Islamic Terrorist by inviting them to the White House and calling them the moral equivalence to our AMERICAN founding fathers.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, now I get it; lost believes everything Ronald “Cut-n-Run” Reagan says, so he thinks the Taliban are our founding fathers.
He probalby thinks Shira Law is our Constitution. No fucking wonder the crybaby doesn’t have a clue.
Pick up a history book, ass wipe.
Guthrie doesn’t understand that Goldy is a satirist, and nearly everything posted on this blog (by liberals anyway) is satirical.
Rightwing violence, on the other hand, is a reality.
“RENTON – A local woman claims someone vandalized her car because of a Kerry-Edwards campaign sticker in her back window. Joni Job told KOMO 4 News someone put a confederate flag alongside her sticker. They also used red paint to write ‘Bush in 2004’ on her passenger side door. Job says the vandals also dented her car, causing hundreds of dollars in damage.”
“NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A Nashville man says he and his 10-year-old daughter were victims of road rage Thursday afternoon, all because of a political bumper sticker on his car.
“Mark Duren told News 2 … Harry Weisiger gave him the bird and rammed into his vehicle, after noticing an Obama-Biden sticker on his car bumper.
“Duren had just picked up his 10-year-old daughter from school and had her in the car with him. ‘He pointed at the back of my car,’ Duren said, ‘the bumper, flipped me off, one finger salute.’
“But it didn’t end there. … Once he started driving again, … he said, ‘I looked in the rear view mirror again, and this same SUV was speeding, flying up behind me, bumped me.’ Duren said … the SUV smashed into the back of his car. He then put his car in park to take care of the accident, but Weisiger started pushing the car using his SUV. …
“Police say Harry Weisiger is charged with felony reckless endangerment in the incident.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If the assertion our friend “Lost” posted @3 were true, it would be all over the news — and the rightwing blogosphere. There is no way someone’s car can be vandalized 6 times because of a political bumper sticker and not have it reported. The rightwing bloggers would be all over that one, trumpeting it from the rooftops. So, unless “Lost” can provide links to news coverage verifying his claim, it should be dismissed out of hand is made-up bullshit.
@146 “the reckless violence of a few weatherman nutcases”
… who blew up no one except themselves, when a pipe bomb they were making went off. Their aim was to inflict minor property damage on government buildings to make a “statement” about our government’s extreme violence in Vietnam. That doesn’t excuse it, but those people in no way are in the same league as the rightwing thugs who talk about killing people, and in some cases go out and do it.
Wingnuts love to excoriate Obama’s innocent relationship with Bill Ayers, but even Ayers at his worst never used a car as a battering ram against another vehicle with a child in it (see #151 above). Rightwing haters are in a class by themselves when it comes to violence and threats of violence.
141 RR
Hey Roger. ~I~ knew a guy who supported Bush and had a sticker on his car, and he was KILLED by liberals. Twice.
@151 (and a bottle of rum!)
Nah, she and Robbie were trying to make a little political hay, trying to make themselves the victim, and got caught in a lie.
150 GBS
Without loolking things up, I thought Reagan said that the Nicaraguan Contras were the equivalent fo the Founding Dead White Male Slaveholders.
He probably said both. Reagan repeated himself a lot.
@153 Yeah, and then I ran over him with a grocery cart to make sure. har har har
Daddy Love @ 155:
Here ya go enjoy :
Most American Loving Patriots will view this picture and become visibly upset to see terrorists in the White House. But, it happened.
this link should work to see the Taliban Terrorists with Ronald Reagan in the WHITE HOUSE.
Here’s my take on Reagan:
The character he played as president was a likeable, affable character. I used to say that the GOP tried to create teh perfect monster and screwed up with Nixon but succeeded with Reagan. Of course, I had never heard of George the Idiot Bush yet.
Anyway, he had a likeable persona but I was inalterably opposed to pretty much very one of his policies. He violated federal law with his Iran-contra shenanigans, he invaded Grenada for pretty cheap PR on the thinnest of prestexts, he got in treal trouble in Lebanon and totally turned tail, he gutted the social safety net in pretty mush every way they could. Let me take a moment to tell about the mentally ill people I knew at the time who had a reasonable place to live in group homes and who were turned out into the streets by that bastard.
His HUD was basically looted by the stooges of his real estate backers who he put into posiotions of power. Read up on that one, it’s truly shocking.
In the name of “cutting the budget,” he shifted billions from social safety net programs to the military and electronics industries to pay off his California backers. Mike Lowry, then a Congressman from WA, exposed the scam, which didn’t slow it down particularly.
Reagan deployed MX nuclear missiles in Europe and basically played a “hey, what if we ALL die, or maybe just you” brinksmanship game with the USSR against the will of the people who, you know, lived in Europe at the time. They thought he was one crazy mofo. If you’ve ever danced to or even listened to Nena’s “99 Red Balloons,” that’s what that song is about. They thought Europe was about to be annihilated at our whim.
Here’s a Youtube clip of Reagan and the Terrorist in the White House.
Anyone remember what Reagan declared March 21st to be? Afghanistan Day.
Hooray, Reagan declared a special day for the terrorist.
Reagn was a piece of shit.
His era is now over. Not to be revisited again.
No matter how much Teabag Republicans cry.
We’re not crossing that brdige ever again. Pelosi, Reid, and Obama torched it. Thank God.
Actually it was the Pershing II and the GLCM (Land based nuclear Tomahawks) not the MX. But the point is well taken. During Ray-gun’s first term there was a lot of worry that the crazy mo-fo was going to start WWIII. 99 Luftballons is but one expression of the fear and “launch on warning” environment Uncle Ronnie’s actions were leading to.
On the flip side I do have to give him credit for moving quickly to negotiate arms reduction treaties when he realized Gorby was “someone he could deal with” at Reykjavik. The INF treaty was historic in that it for the first time banned an entire class of nuclear weapon.
Sadly some warmongers long for the time when the rising moon or a flock of geese could possibly trigger a nuclear holocaust and try to gin up enough fear about Iran, North Korea, terrorists, or China to justify going back to the days of the Cold War (including, I’m sure, HUAC hearings).
@162, Yes, you are correct. Reagan’s blooming relationship with Gorbachov had his wingnut underlings in a tizzy. Reagan appears to have taken seriously an honest effort at total nuclear arms stand down viz the Soviet Union.
But….coulda’ been early onset of Altzehimers.
On the whole, he was a standard variety ‘nuke ’em till the glow’ wingnut.
@149: Yeah. That was classic. Reagan believed the movies he made in WWII were, like, REAL. Man, that was pathetic. Was that related to the controversial ceremony at Bitburg?
Nothing like honoring the Waffen SS dead to instill real amerikan values.
@152: When a noted Teabagger leader is shot a few dozen times in his bed (ala Fred Hampton) by the cops/FBI….give me a call. I’ll send Dickkie Armey’s latest astroturf organization, a small donation.
Re 141
I don’t really care what you believe. Mostly what you believe is wrong anyway.
Re 150
Out of curiousity, with whom are you arguing? I’ve been hanging out with my kids, not wasting time on you.
‘Lost’ didn’t say anything about your weird with Ronald Reagan, yet. On that topic, what is it with Leftists and obsessions. Goldy has a love hate thing going with McKenna this past few days for doing his job. You hate Reagan for being an American president who inspired people, as opposed to your Eurocentric fool in office at the moment.
“THERE IS NO MORLA EQUIVALANCE to our founding fathers at any point in history before or since then.” No, the men at Runnymede who made all this possible weren’t. Nor were the Greeks who actually invented democracy. Honestly, before you tell someone else to pick up a history book you might pick one up that isn’t on Oprahs book of the month list.
I don’t believe everything any politician says. You’re projecting from your passion for that snake oil salesman living at the White House.
Reagan in general-
Did he do everything right? Of course not. But he did pull us out of Carters Recession (by most real terms much worse than this one if any one were more interested in truth than hyperbole in the media.) The ‘crazy mofo’ beat Russia with his brinksmanship. I don’t honestly care what the people of Europe thought of him. All they owe us is a check and gratitude for saving their asses in 2 world wars and from the Soviet threat.
Gorbachev would never have risen to power or treated with Reagan had we not had force on our side, idiots. Don’t any of you know even recent history not narrated by Noam Chomskey?
GBS vomits:
The raving lunatic Cindy whatshername??
Where has she been lately?
Obam-Mao & the Dummocrats are in charge?
Did she disappear cuz she’s a partisan hack?
Her concern seems to have wavered with Obam-Mao.
What is Obam-Mao’s policy for Iran???
Seems like NOTHING!
He’s a cowardly idiot.
“what is it with Leftists and obsessions”
This coming from such an obvious narcissist.
Oh, and speaking of wingnut narcissists (what’s up with all the wingnut narcissism??), here comes the KLOWN,
“Her concern seems to have wavered with Obam-Mao”
I’m guessing you don’t realize just how stupid and ignorant that reads.
Sigh! 166 and 167, or as I’ve come to know them, Dumb and Dumber.
Well, steaks are on the BBQ, so I’ll leave you folks to it.
Out of curiousity, do any of you actually understand the term ‘narcissist’? You might try the simple expedient of looking up the definition of a word before using it.
Both left and right engage in hyocrisy. Yes, Sheehan and all the protestors on bridges around here have disappeared. No, the war in Iraq is not over, nor the one in Afganistan. Yes, the right ignores breaches of philosophical continuity on their side. This makes us human, not evil. An honest man admits it, all too rare on either side.
Have a pleasant weekend.
Losty above sez:
But he did pull us out of Carters Recession
False. The “Carter Recession” officially encompassed the period Feb., 1980 to July, 1980. Reagan took office in 1981. The recession was over.
by most real terms much worse than this one if any one were more interested in truth than hyperbole in the media.
Cite? Evidence? None that I see. Intellectual dishonesty at it’s finest. The Volker recession raise unemployment to its highest point since the Great Depression.
Gorbachev would never have risen to power or treated with Reagan had we not had force on our side, idiots…
How Gorby rose to power is an interesting story. He was a true reform “candidate” by any meaningful measure. The “force on our side” is simply a non sequitur, i.e., pure unadulterated bullshit. Gorby rose in the ranks during the Brezhnev reign (’64-’82).
Don’t any of you know even recent history not narrated by Noam Chomskey?
Most of the commenters here have no clue as to the writings of Chomskey. Neither do you. You are a bullshitter, Losty. Tell me, what is Chomskey’s ‘narrative’ of ‘recent history’? You don’t have a fucking clue, do you? You don’t read Chomskey’s writings. You don’t fucking know what you are talking about. Whadda’ putz.
“Out of curiousity, do any of you actually understand the term ‘narcissist’? You might try the simple expedient of looking up the definition of a word before using it.”
Yeah, I seem to recall coming across that one on my way to a degree in psychology. Why do you ask? Need some help with that one, Lost? OK. Here’s the rundown from the Mayo Clinic.
Alas, I practice engineering, not psychology. If you want help with this matter you’ll just have to look elsewhere, although I did try to help the Klynical KLOWN awhile back. You can see for yourself what a failure that little experiment turned out to be.
Lost in narcissism shouts: “Out of curiousity, do any of you actually understand the term ‘narcissist’?”
Why yes, we do, and you fit the bill.
From Wiki: The term narcissism refers to the personality trait of egotism, which includes the set of character traits concerned with self-image ego. The terms narcissism, narcissistic, and narcissist are often used as pejoratives, denoting vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.
But hey, if the shoe fits…like wear it, ya’ know. Are you ashamed of it or something?
It’s not like I expect some idiot like Lost to recognize any of the NPD symptoms he’s been exhibiting in these comment threads.
“Well, steaks are on the BBQ, so I’ll leave you folks to it.”
Like ’em well done? Enjoy.
Losty above: “I don’t really care what you believe.”
Oh, my. Now there is a killer argument. Plato? Socrates? St. Thomas Aquinas? Locke? Rosseau? Kant? Marx? They all pale by comparison.
Awesome, man. Have you sent that in to the Doughy Pantload? He needs help.
@174 It was truly funny how he wrote that line and then went on to his whine about narcissism.
“Awesome, man. Have you sent that in to the Doughy Pantload? He needs help.”
That’s just too funny!
Rare. Wait- does that make me a narcissist? I meant medium rare. But I don’t really care what you think, because my steak is better than yours’ anyway.
I’m taking the kids to the movies. Have a good evening.
@178: “But I don’t really care what you think, because my steak is better than yours’ anyway.”
I would have expected no less a claim from you. But really, medium rare? You gotta’ be kidding.
I just found this blog tonight. Who is Goldy? What is with all the name calling? Where did he come from? What a strange blog.
“I mean, Jesus Christ… the teabaggers are faxing nooses and cutting gas lines and flashing their weapons and generally behaving like health care reform is the legislative equivalent of Red Dawn, and you’re locking down your offices because some blogger says he hopes protesters will be loud and angry? Could you be a bigger pussy?”
Best post EVER~
Please don’t spend my tax dollars on this frivolous lawsuit, Mr. McKenna!
“But, you know, I am a liberal, so you can never be too careful.”
Obviously… or you would have published McKenna’s home address and the school addresses for his four children.
@183 Goldy would never do that. I would never do that. I doubt very much — extremely so — that any of the other liberal posters on this blog would ever do that. But this week we saw a Tea Party website do that, and within 24 hours someone tried to blow up a congressman’s brother’s home by cutting a gas line.
Make no mistake about it, this kind of hatred and violence are a RIGHTWING phenomenon, reflecting the utter lack of respect that ideology has for both basic ethical behavior and the rule of law in civilized society, and it is one of the things that most differentiates liberals from the apes who fraudulently try to pass themselves off as champions of human liberty.
Need to look at all the past assasination attempts. Lets go to 1900 or so. ALL of them were Left-wing Liberals. Now lets look at the current situation. THe Coffin was not a death threat but a prayer vigil, Denver office glass(yep, liberal upset). Instead of automatically condeming one side when You do not have the facts, just conjecture, shows your HorsesAss. Let the investigation continue, tone down the rhetoric and then prosecute as needed. Side Point: Any bets on which side they are from?
171. Steve spews:
Steve’s obsession and obvious over-use of the term narcissist is…narcissistic!
Projecting again Steve?
Psych 101.
Seems like you have “degrees” in almost everything. Educated idiot??