Calling him a “transformational figure,” and praising his “steadiness,” “substance,” and “style,” former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell enthusiastically endorsed Barack Obama for President this morning on NBC’s Meet the Press.
It is important to note that throughout his comments, Powell clearly self-identifies as a Republican, roundly criticizing his own party and the McCain campaign, both for their divisive tactics and their dramatic shift to the right. Some will trumpet this endorsement as that of a General and Secretary of State. Some will dismiss it as merely that of a fellow black man. But above all, this is the endorsement of a Democrat by a high ranking, high profile, widely respected Republican.
In other news, the Obama campaign announced today that it raised a record $150 million in September, averaging less than $100 per contribution, and adding over 632,000 new donors. From a simple fundraising perspective, this has been without a doubt the most small “d” democratic campaign in history, clearly changing the rules of the game from here on out.
As a Libertarian who used to vote for Democrats I have to admire the campaign that Obama has run. I don’t think we have ever seen such skilled work in any campaign. I wish him the best, but I also wish we would bring all the troops home from abroad.
It bears noting that Powell blatantly lied about ‘justifications’ for Bush’s lunatic Iraq invasion in his infamous U.N. speech, and this condemns him unequivocally and forever in my book.
Furthermore, touting him as an “important” republican is simply gibberish.
Colin Powell was more loyal to the president than to his country when he went to the UN and made the case for war against Iraq.
But this endorsement speech (since these are clearly prepared remarks) is actually, in many ways, finally, more for the sake of the country than for Obama. Powell deserves credit for what he says about our diversity, and for speaking out so clearly against the exploitation of racial and religious hatred in our politics.
When Obama told Joe the Plumber Obama’s Big Government would “spread Joe’s wealth around”, it reminded me of this famous quote, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” — Karl Marx.
Wikipedia says, “Socialism… a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution which represents the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.”
European Socialist leaders are upfront & honest about these beliefs. Obama & his ilk squeal “personal attack” & “racism” whenever someone calls Obama what he is…a Socialist.
The greed of Wall Street and Corporate America created this opportunity for a Socialist to become President. Are all Democrats Socialist? Absolutely not. Many Democrats who see Obama for what he is…a Socialist…are struggling with this Election decision.
Obama has mesmerized young people across America with promises of an easy life courtesy of Obama taking more from the rich and giving it to them in the form of Tax Credits, free Health Care and lots of other free stuff. Mighty appealing to someone starting out in life. Socialism isn’t sustainable. It’s a shallow power grab…not the answer.
Obama understands the need for “Progressive” steps toward a Socialistic State and the words of 6-time American Socialist Party Candidate, Norman Thomas, “”The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
Colin Powell’s reasons for endorsing O-blah-blah are irrelevant. Interesting the anti-war crowd would embrace Powell after his “role” in the Iraq War.
Think hard. Reject Obama’s Utopian Socialist agenda.
Very eloquent Mr. Powell but..
tainted? Yes you are forever tainted by the U.N. speech.
And can a seven year old muslim kid dream of being President? Not in any universe that wingnuts inhabit.
The endorsement is welcome but I don’t think it will do much either way.
5 – another steaming pile from Mr. C.
Feel better now?
“The greed of Wall Street and Corporate America created this opportunity for a Socialist to become President.”
It’s all part of our Master Plan, you idiot. Your endorsement of our greed enabled us to pick up the loot. You dolts spent all that energy and money during the 50’s in a frenzied battle to stop water flouridization, and this is what you get…The triumph of our Evil Socialist Plan.
Remember, we are ALL POWERFUL and at least three steps ahead of you ALWAYS.
The International Socialist Conspiracy
What do you mean “Crap”
I’m merely quoting O-blah-blah and his like-minded thinkers Marx and Thomas.
Blurting out “Crap” is the standard LEFTIST response to anyone who dares challenge O-blah-blah’s “ideology”.
Please enlighten me with SPECIFICS from my post that you feel are “crap” YLB.
I don’t expect to hear from you.
From a prior thread:
W. Klingon Skousen spews:
“re 7: You know, there was more to Marx and Engels than ideology. They also have a sytematical, mathematical proof that communism will prevail because that is the only system that will afford us an opportunity to survive.
In other words, the economic MECHANISM of communism works as inevitably as you think the free market does.”
I wish O-blah-blah would be as upfront with those beliefs as you are!!
Dear Deluded Cynical,
Your moniker is a misnomer. You are as an easily led child, a fervered dreamer, a mere pimple on the grand Tide of History which we control in every detail.
Here’s one for you: McCain is part of the Plan.
I’d let you in on the details, but your head would explode, and we have other plans for you.
The International Socialist Conspiracy
Remember those dolls our sisters used to play with? The ones with the string and ring coming out of the back of their neck. They had about 10 phrases they could “speak” when the string was pulled. After about 20 minutes you’d memorized every one of their sayings, and after 21 minutes, you wanted to take the thing out in the backyard and smash it with a baseball bat. Remember those?
9 – Obama is CUTTING taxes on the middle class you shithead and yes he’s raising them on people with money because that’s where the money is to:
pay off your shitty wars broadcast on Faux Noise and bail out your wealthy investment banker friends playing games with other people’s money and tanking the economy in the process.
Glad to see that Mr Cynical at least looked up what socialism is. Too bad he did not read what it. Wealth redistribution (which we, and all democracies, have done for over 100 years) is not a ” social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods”. Where is the state ownership? where is the state administration of production and distribution of goods. No one is advocating that. You need to go back to the Attlee British Labour Party government of the 1940s to find anything like that.
Cynical is just bitter because he now knows that his dream of seeing millions of liberals marched into death camps isn’t going to come true. So sad.
YLB spews:
Is that the best you can do to justify O-blah-blah’s “spread the wealth around” Socialist philosophy?????????
You really think the because there were some breakdowns in regulation of the Capitalist system, that it should be tossed out and a Socialist System put into place??
Be careful what you wish for YLB.
Giving more money from “rich folks” to all Obama’s Big Government to “spread the wealth” is not the answer.
YLB–Do you realize 38% of wage-earners is America already do not pay Federal Income Tax??
Yet Obama wants to give them all “TAX CREDITS”.
How can you have a TAX CREDIT to use when you already pay ZERO???
It’s called WELFARE!
Welfare is “aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need b: an agency or program through which such aid is distributed”
Call it what it is…it’s using Tax REBATES for WELFARE.
Mr. Optomist–
Socialism is a “slippery slope” which Obama is accelerating.
Remember, Obama understands the need for “Progressive” steps toward a Socialistic State and the words of 6-time American Socialist Party Candidate, Norman Thomas, “”The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
@13 Should I wait by my mailbox for a check from the great one? You tards are so lost
that its entertaining.
Steve spews:
That’s just plain stupid Steve. Typical LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN response to a legitimate discussion about what Obama’s comments mean and where this Country is headed.
I’d encourage you to grow-up but seems futile.
Look at the responses so far.
Only Mr. Optimist tries to enter into a legitimate discussion.
BTW..I agree we already engage in redistribution of wealth by the government. I would prefer to see individuals be more empowered with lower taxes to help each other 1st. I see groups like the Food Banks get 100 times more bang for the buck than yet another cost ineffective government bureaucracy.
Government Bureaucracy chews an incredible amount of each dollar in overhead…before it gets to it’s intend cause. Government has also turned WELFARE into more of a RIGHT, than the HELPING HAND it was meant to be.
A lot of Government Jobs are WELFARE. Unnecessary, ineffective jobs promoting more WELFARE.
Few of you KLOWNS are capable of engaging in a reasonable discussion where people take opposing views. You KLOWNS sit at your keyboards like BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD giggling about how big of an a$$hole you can make of yourselves.
16 – Sorry Mr. C. not buying what you’re selling. If you make under 250 grand your taxes are either unchanged or going DOWN.
That’s way upwards of 95 percent of all Americans you fool.
And if you’re lucky enough to be getting a tax increase, then your taxes aren’t going to be all that much higher or the SAME as they were under Clinton.
The rich got richer just fine back then.
@17 Are you still hoping that Philly will lose to the Rays in the ALCS game seven, thus breaking Goldy’s heart? Stupid fucktard. Philly already won the NLCS. The Rays are playing Boston.
McCain signs on to a seven hundred billion dollar bail-out of the banking class, and then promptly thereafter proposes a 50% cut in capital gains tax. Let’s talk about wealth redistribution.
Partisan Politics aside:
As a loyal American, Powell’s decision could be simply summed up if he had said, “As much as I admire Senator McCain, it is my duty as an American to vote for Senator Obama.”
A married couple with two kids filing jointly would still owe about $1,000 in taxes unless they own a house. The fact that 38% of wage earners pay no tax is a damnning observation on the state of this nation where rules are enforced that essentially steal from the poor and enable socialism for the rich. Cynical posits the notion that nearly 1/2 of the working population consists of lazy, stupid, unmotivated dolts.
And this fucking idiot dares call himself a “patriot”?
We won’t even get into the crushing nature of the FICA tax which the rich don’t pay in any meaningful amount. This tax funds current federal expenditures so the rich can get tax breaks. This is theft, a scam on a grand scale.
The money the rich have has, in fact, been stolen.
It’s time to get it back.
@20 Cynical needn’t worry about socialism. We have no interest in taking imaginary wealth from minimum wage BIAW trolls.
Government Bureaucracy chews an incredible amount of each dollar in overhead…before it gets to it’s intend cause.
That’s bullshit. Social Security and Medicare have very low overhead.
If you want to attack a wasteful bureaucracy then look at the Pentagon.
A helpful first step to controlling the Pentagon – require it to pass a GAO audit. The Pentagon is the only federal department that cannot do that.
Surely a retired CPA can support that.
There are indeed many dolts in this nation and they show up at Palin rallies.
“Government Bureaucracy chews an incredible amount of each dollar in overhead..”
A totally fact free assertion from a fucking idiot. You expect calm rational discussion when you just pull shit like this out of your ass? You are the KLOWN here.
Fact: Medicare has lower overhead than the vaunted private insurance industry.
Fact: The Social Security Administration has a lower overhead that the currently busted financial services industry that is now begging for government handouts to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.
Oh, wait. They got that already. They probably have their hand out for something else …..
@28 “You are the KLOWN here.”
Check out the Philly thread. Cynical the KLOWN really does think Philly is playing the Rays in the ALCS. Talk about clueless.
@24: Oops. Forgot the part about their income (filing jointly) coming to the magnificent total of $50,000.
Those lucky duckies.
I encourage all here to read “The Conservative Nanny State” by economist Dean Baker. You can download it free on the web.
His blog at American Prospect is pretty good, too.
OMG!!! Actual tax cuts for the Middle Class are socialist, who knew? Having the rich pay their fair share of taxes is socialist, wow!
I always thought doing your American duty was patriotic, but now I guess being a patriot means you’re a socialist…
It’s good that Colin Powell endorsed Obama, but I feel bad for the hate mail and crap he’s going to get from the far right hate machine.
I do support an Audit of our Military Budget…absolutely. Atrocious waste. No argument there.
And while Medicare & SS may have low overhead depending upon how you measure it, there is also serious waste & inefficiency there too…although it has been improving,
YLB, I’m referring more to some of the Social Service Needs. Let me give you an example.
We have an Organization in our community called LOVE, INC….which focuses on the needy, primarily women & kids..often in desperate straits. We give money plus my wife volunteers her time. I just received the 2007 Annual Report. Here are a few of the Service Stats:
Number of Requests Received & Met 5,855;
Referrals to Church Volunteers with Needs Met 3,279
People who had needs met; Adults 4,800 and Children 2,659
This organization accomplished all of this with volunteers and a Budget of $260,000.
Can you imagine what it would cost a Bureaucratic Government Agency to meet these needs?
LOVE, INC. also has a clothes store open every Saturday where folks can come in and help themselves. The people who come in would bring you to tears YLB. The volunteers treat everyone who comes in with respect & dignity,,,and gives them something to eat too.
I see the issue we are debating here is the expanding role of government in WELFARE vs. empowering non-bureaucratic groups like LOVE, INC. and the Food Banks…funded by volunteers & donations.
Government Bureaucracy’s vs. People Helping People.
Interesting Discussion.
Mr. Cynical (above) represents a strongly anti-conservative parasitic view.
By calling for the end of government robbing from the middle class to fund an expansive socialist-kleptocratic government that makes large welfare payments to the rich in an effort to concentrate wealth among an aristocracy of plutocrats, Obama’s traditionally conservative, fiscally responsible approach could begin an attempt to “spread the wealth” much like what we’ve seen a democratic capitalistic society.
Like what America used to be before the racist kleptocratic Dixiecrat Neocon thugs overthrew the Republican Party.
32. David spews:
“OMG!!! Actual tax cuts for the Middle Class are socialist, who knew? Having the rich pay their fair share of taxes is socialist, wow!”
My concern is giving Federal Income Tax credits to folks who do not pay Federal Income Tax. And your comment about the rich paying their “fair share” is what is at debate here.
I believe the role of Federal Government should be restricted to Defense and Infrastructure. Allow the States and Local Governments to deal with the rest as their voters see fit.
I voted for Ross Perot twice David. I believe the 2 Party system needs some serious competition too.
@19 You’re a raving fascist goatfucking freak of nature. As such, your posts are not deserving of considerate response.
Rather un-American of you not to know that it’s Boston playing the Rays in the ALCS instead of Philly, don’t you think?
You might worry less about socialism and more about what you’ll do for a living when the BIAW goes tits up and can no longer pay minimum wage for your insipid trolling.
It’s fitting that powell endorses obama.
After all, powell lied us into war.
Now he’s lying for obama.
Why does powell hate amercia?
Why do america haters flock around obama?
9 Cynincal
Here’s the crap.
That’s not what he told him. Those words in quotes are not his words. That’s the lying crap.
Obama’s words:
“I think when you spread the wealth around, that’s good for everybody.”
First, the truth is that Joe will see his taxes go down in the coming Obama administration, so no one is going to be spreading his wealth around. Second, it is also true that broad-based properity IS good for everyone. Fair, pregressive taxation IS good for everyone.
And it is also true that McCain’s campaign has abandoned both issues adn honor and are solely fear-mongering, straight from the John Birch playbook. Barack Obama is the guy who’s talking about the issues people care about, that that’s why he’s going to win.
36. Steve (aka Roger Rabbit) spews:
“@19 You’re a raving fascist goatfucking freak of nature. As such, your posts are not deserving of considerate response.”
Why must you be so foul???
You are a posterboy for the raving fringe lunatic ATHEIST Left…
Keep spewing ridiculous stuff.
I still can’t understand how a Christian guy like Proud Leftist could stand anywhere near a vulgar, senseless KLOWN like you.
16 CYn
More transparent propaganda. All workers pay payroll tax, from the first dollar they they earn. Of course that is capped so that high-income wage earners pay a LOWER percentage of their income in payroll tax that low-income earners do. Also all wage earners pay federal excise taxes, taxes on phone service, television services, and in fact many, many services. Your observation regarding what is nearly the sole progressive tax in this country, while narrowly correct, is misleading and distorting, and is wholly beside the point you try to make.
If Obama wins, I wonder if Michelle will measure for bars on the windows instead of drapes, you know, so they feel at home.
Air Force One will have spinners and curb feelers. This could be good.
Social Security & Medicare were also brought up. I managed to dig out my 1/14/08 Social Security Statement.
It shows total Social Security Paid in of $247,687 and Total Medicare Paid in of $54,371.
I can’t find my wife’s, but it is probably somewhere around 1/2 of those numbers.
What the Statement doesn’t tell you is what those contributions who be worth TODAY had they been invested @ say 4% when made.
Those numbers would be well over $1 million in Social Security and $250,000 in Medicare. And I won’t start drawing for another 6 years or so. By then, those contributions + 4% interest will be worth well over $1.5 MILLION in Social Security. The “good news” is my retirement benefit is estimated to be $1,712/month or a whopping $20,544.yr.!! That’s a return to me of about 1.3% WITHOUT EVER TOUCHING THE PRINCIPLE! What a great deal, huh??
Now we get to pay in 12.4% of our 1st $102,000 of Salary in Social Security Taxes AND 2.9% of out TOTAL SALARY in Medicare Benefits.
And O-blah-blah wants to raise that.
It’s important to understand what is already paid in in taxes. I believe that is waaaaaaay too much. Social Security has become yet another well-intentioned WELFARE program.
42 Cyn
Your current pauments are not an investment. They are paying current retirees.
The significance of Colin Powell’s endorsement of Barack Obama is that it makes it OK for moderate Reppublicans, if any still exist, to vote for Obama, and it makes it more likely that independent voters will do so.
I notice that Republicans are very concerned about voter fraud, but not at all about vote fraud.
That’s because Republicans engage in vote fraud on a massive scale and part of that is raising concern about a problem that doesn’t exist (voter fraud)which enables them to further engage in vote suppression (vote fraud).
Daddy Love spews:
DL, you are prone to mislead. You refer to “Payroll Taxes” which the majority is Social Security & Medicare. The fact is low wage earners ultimately get back a much higher portion of their contributions when retirement roles around than high wage-earners. Social Security has become yet another WELFARE form. See my example @ 42.
In addition, you refer to Federal Taxes on Phone, TV etc. Pretty disgusting, isn’t it!
But the fact is these are taxes on optional expenditures…much like sales tax. Based on USE. Are you suggesting I should pay a higher tax on my phone & TV because I make more than you do DL??
See the problem. When you use taxes to redistribute wealth, it knows no bounds. It’s a slippery slope…which ultimately leads to an underground economy and more bureaucracy to catch “cheaters”. The underground economy is already massive….communities are now openly involved in trading goods & services, totally ignoring the fact that they must report the FMV of whatever they receive in exchange for services they render as TAXABLE INCOME. If you harvest Free-Range Tofu for a living and trade it for a new bicycle, you MUST REPORT the FMV of that bike. Do people do it?? Hell no! I can think of all kinds of bartering schemes being used to circumvent tax laws.
Do you know any folks participating in the barter economy?? Look on-line at some of these trade groups. Only recently have some of them typed in teeny-tiny disclaimers on their websites after getting busted by the IRS.
Most of these cheaters are “little guys” you are sooooo concerned about.
Here’s that crazy socialist Colin Powell:
Wow. Sorry, but this Powell thing is kind of big.
Does anyone know any other bigshot Rs publicly supporting Obama lately?
Daddy Love spews:
AKA PONZI Scheme. I know that’s what they are doing DL…but is that fair & equitable??
It’s WELFARE…by definition.
It’s yet another form of Wealth Redistribution.
This is where I have the issue.
Where does it stop??
46 Cyn
Those ate taxes these people pay. For those who pay no income taxe, a tax rebate rebates those taxes. The fact that you cna’t admit your errors is troubling.
49 Cyn
You reliably regurgitate the John Birch line.
SS is not a Ponzi scheme, becuase ti is sustainable (by growth in the work force). It is a social program that has a huge current obligation built into it just to keep idiots like you from being able to end it. ANd it works.
@39 I would think that even you could tell the difference between my posts and Roger’s. I guess not. However, it’s not unflattering to be confused with a highly intelligent former attorney, judge and war veteran like Roger, who consistantly writes some of the very best posts here at HA.
Foul? I treat you, the truly foul and rank underbelly of today’s hate-filled Republican beast, far better than you deserve. You goatfuckers have had your day. Come November you KLOWNS will be returned to the backwaters of American society where belong, and where you can wallow in your irrelevance. Good riddance to you.
CAPS are kind of an infantile thing, you know.
You’re wrong, as usual. I’m a Christian. However, to avoid any confusion in your dim-witted mind, I’m not a flat-earther. Unlike right-wing Dominionists and Reconstructionists, science does not threaten my faith.
33 – Cynical, you seem subscribe to the worn out notion that most if not all social needs can be met through religious charity.
Bzzzzt. Wrong. People need to be educated to compete in today’s global economy. That takes money and assistance as most people rarely have the means to go it alone. Workers who find themselves unemployed need unemployment insurance to help them to the next job. The severely disabled need health care and compassionate assisted living aid. The list of social needs go on and on. Religious organizations cannot and have never been able to meet even a slim majority of these needs.
By the way I have little problem with limited public funding of effective programs run by faith based organizations provided the proper lines are drawn and respected. This is Barack Obama’s position as well. And YES, I am an atheist and proud of it. I can’t call myself a humanist and ignore or wish away the religious impluse. I acknowledge it and respect it for the good it can do at times.
Also Obama worked as a community organizer for a Catholic ran organization and he reported to two Jewish guys. Go figure.
Drowning man, meet motherfucking anvil. :)
If Obama wins, I wonder if Michelle will measure for bars on the windows instead of drapes, you know, so they feel at home.
See Cynical, these are some of the people that are on your side. Ugly racists. I hope the next time you’re over at (un)SP making fun of the left-leaning folks here you don’t forget to repudiate the ugly knuckle-draggers who stink up your side.
Naaaah. Not in a million years.
@5 “When Obama told Joe the Plumber Obama’s Big Government would ‘spread Joe’s wealth around’ …”
Cynical — you, McCain, and other Republicans have taken Obama’s comment out of context and misrepresented its meaning.
When you watch actual tapes of the encounter, and listen to Obama’s remark in the actual context, it’s clear what Obama meant.
The “wealth” Obama was talking about is the next round of stimulus tax cuts. McCain wants to give $300 billion to corporations. Obama’s tax cuts will go to the middle class.
The rich got almost all the benefit of Bush’s tax cuts. The middle class got the inflation created by financing these tax cuts with deficits. If we’re going to dig ourselves into an even deeper inflationary deficit hole, then it’s the middle class’ turn to get some of the “wealth” injected into the economy by printing money and handing it out to taxpayers.
But let’s, for the sake of argument, have it your way and assume that Obama’s “tax increases” would take money from people making over $250K and give it to people making less than $200K. Of course, the very premise of this argument is wrong, because Obama won’t raise taxes at all. That’s because the Bush tax cuts are time-limited, not permanent, and will automatically lapse in 2010. Obama would simply let those increases happen for folks earning over $250K. If you want to blame someone for that, then blame the GOP congress that passed it that way, and the GOP president who signed it that way.
But getting back to the main point, at a time when the government is running deep deficits, letting some taxpayers’ rates go up while preserving or extending cuts for other taxpayers does not take money from the first group and give it to the second group. It takes money from the first group and gives it to the government. It doesn’t end up in any other taxpayer’s pocket; it merely helps the government pay its bills.
Now, I know unreconstructed fiscal prodigals like you love to jack up the national debt to give yourselves tax cuts the rest of us don’t get, Cynical. We get the inflation your reckless fiscal policies cause. Therefore, the policies you favor can rightly be called “socialism for the rich.” How come you’re not against that kind of socialism, Cynical? You know damn well there’s no such thing as free money; you can’t print money and put it in circulation without someone paying for it somewhere down the line.
You’re not as stupid as the average Republican, Cynical. You know perfectly well where this inflation we’re experiencing came from. You don’t have a problem with me paying higher prices for bread and milk to give deficit-financed tax breaks to millionaires. And then you have the balls to call Obama’s plan to give the next round of inflation-inducing tax cuts to the people who are getting kicked in the crotch by Bush’s inflation “socialism”? Fuck you, Cynical.
@5 (continued) Here’s a tax plan for you, Cynical. It’s clean, it’s simple, it’s fair. No special privileges for anyone. And you can describe it in two words.
Flat tax.
That’s right, everyone pays the same taxes on the same income. No exemptions. No deductions. No credits. No gimmicks. Capital gains are taxed the same as wages. Inheritances are taxed the same as wages. Corporate profits are taxed the same as wages. CEO bonuses are taxed the same as wages. Everyone’s wages are taxed the same as everyone else’s wages. Real estate and stock flippers pay the same tax rates as wage earners.
How you like them apples?
Mr. Cynical wins the stupid contest. Marvin Stamn comes in a very close second. Troll third.
A couple thoughts on the results. Mr. Cynical’s age gives him a slight advantage over Marvin in that he has been stupid longer. Marvin, has more natural stupid ability and, if his health holds up, will be a viable contender in stupid competitions for years to come.
Troll, although clearly and profoundly stupid, does not know how to effectively utilize his considerable God given stupid talents, and is simply an annoying fourteen year old.
Mr. Cynical, please let us know where to ship your prize-the Goat. Her name is Sarah.
@13 “and yes he’s raising them on people with money”
I hate to contradict any liberal so let’s call this a friendly amendment:
Obama isn’t raising anyone’s taxes. He merely proposes to let the Bush tax cuts expire on those making over $250K. If those individuals’ taxes go up, it’ll be because a Republican congress and a Republican president enacted the Bush tax cuts with an expiration date.
But seriously Cynical and his right wing fellow travelers have some cause to feel some confidence:
@16 Gee, Cynical, why don’t you give away all your assets and reduce your income so you can be one of the privileged 38% who don’t pay income taxes BECAUSE THEY’RE POOR, idiot?
In Cynical’s dingy world, not giving more tax breaks to the superrich is “class warfare” by people too poor to pay taxes against people who have more money than they know how to spend.
But, Roger allowing an existing tax break to expire makes the wealthy pay more taxes so is a “tax increase.” That’s the same reasoning that allowed the Sonics and their supporters to argue that allowing the stadium funding taxes to continue past their expiration date wasn’t a new tax.
If we’re going to give more tax breaks to the rich, then we should also make sure these tax breaks go only to people who deserve to be rich, i.e. people who invented some breakthrough technology or built up a business that created new markets and vast numbers of jobs. Therefore, we will pass laws defining “good” and “bad” wealth, and impose penalties on “bad” wealth accumulation proportionate to the amount of wealth that was stolen by embezzling, fraud, selling tainted milk or other dangerous products, and so on. We’ll establish a matrix in which each rich person will be scored on both a “wealth scale” and “social scale” as follows:
Wealth Scale: 0 to 10 points, depending on person’s wealth from $0 to $1 billion or more
Social Scale: 0 to 10 points, depending on whether a person got his wealth by socially useful means or antisocial means.
For example, a CEO gets paid $20 million a year for running a bank into the ground, making its shares worthless, and creating a liability for the FDIC insurance fund.
Wealth scale: 7 points
Social scale: 10 points
7 x 10 = 70 total points
Social Reward/Punishment Matrix:
0 points = 10% tax credit
1 – 3 points = No tax break, but CEO doesn’t go to jail either
3 – 9 points = No tax increase, but CEO gets 30 days in hoosegow
10 – 15 points = 10% tax increase + 6 months in jail
15 – 20 points = Forfeiture of 25% of assets over $1 million + 1 year in prison
20 – 30 points = Forfeiture of 75% of assets over $1 million + 5 years in prison
30 – 40 points = Forfeiture of all assets + 10 years in prison + branding
40 – 50 points = Forfeiture of all assets + 20 years in prison + branding
50 – 60 points = Forfeiture of all assets + life in prison + branding
60 – 70 points = Forfeiture of all assets + life at hard labor + castration + no prison canteen privileges
70 – 80 points = Forfeiture of all assets + life at hard labor + castration + no prison canteen privileges + “comfort” duty on biker cellblock
80 – 90 points = Death by hanging
90+ points = Burning at stake
Hey, just kidding! This is nothing but ironical wingnut humor.
@63 Yeah, I know, I know — I have a hangup over a thing called “plain English,” that’s all.
@26 If you want to attack a really wasteful bureaucracy, look at private health care. The overhead in Medicare is 1/2 of 1%. In the private health insurance industry, it’s 50 times higher — 25% of all health care dollars go to insurers, not health care providers, and pay the salaries of people whose job function is to find excuses (legal or not) to deny claims so the CEOs can get bonuses and big shareholders can get rich.
Daddy Love spews:
You are wrong again Daddy Love. Social Security Funds are TRUST FUNDS. They are in no way meant to be co-mingled with INCOME TAXES. You know what TRUST FUNDS are, don’t you DL??
The LEFT is so desperate to somehow put a reasonable face on WELFARE that they will resort to giving away TRUST FUNDS from a failing fund! Come on DL, you know the TAX CREDIT against SS & Medicare is NOT a real tax credit. It is another ruse.
Daddy Love spews:
Yeah, it really works. 30 years from now, our kids will be paying 30% of all their income it works so well.
It’s a PONZI scheme that has spiraled out of control. People are receiving SS that never paid in!!
You can call me an idiot..but it doesn’t change the facts.
You need to actually research the origin of SS and it’s history DL……KLOWN!
Back in August, when I was traveling around the state on my Carrot Farm Inspection Tour, I met an elderly woman who supplements her meager Social Security check by working as an itinerant campground worker in exchange for a campsite for her small travel trailer.
She and her husband, a World War 2 veteran, worked hard all their lives. They had good jobs, a nice 4 bedroom suburban home, and raised several kids. He had V.A. health benefits.
Then he had a heart attack.
The ambulance took him to the V.A. hospital but they couldn’t admit him because all their beds were full due to funding cuts for veterans’ health benefits. So the ambulance took him to a Private Hospital.
After he came home from the hospital, she had to quit her job and stay home to care for him until he died because they couldn’t afford private hospice care or in-home attendant care.
Meanwhile, he had racked up $70,000 in unpaid hospital and doctor bills. After he died, the medical creditors took their home.
His widow ended up destitute. She has nothing to her name except her car and her small travel trailer. Her monthly Social Security check only covers food and gas for getting to work. During the camping season, she gets up at 4:30 AM every day, opens the front gate at 6 AM, and spends the next 8 hours collecting fees from campers driving into the campground. When the campground closes at the end of the summer, she hooks her car up to the trailer and goes south, looking for another campground job. She’s too old and frail to do any other kind of work.
This is what our fucked up PRIVATE HEALTH CARE system has made the American Dream look like for too many hard-working, tax-paying, war-fighting, flag-waving, patriotic middle class folks who don’t deserve what CORPORATE GREED has done to them.
Enough of the American Nightmare. We, the middle class, are rising up in REVOLT against the corporate greedheads and their lackeys, the Republican Party. A new day is dawning in which we’re going to put an end to this kind of shit. We’ve had enough.
Any questions, Cynical, you unpatriotic veteran-hating anti-American Republican-voting bum?*
* Hey, don’t take the name-calling personally, Cynical! It’s all in good clean fun! We like “rough play” on this blog.
@67 How much CASH is in the cash drawer at the social security office, Cynical? IOUs don’t count. Debt paper isn’t reliable these days.
Actual Rog, I am perfectly capable of distributing my own wealth. Yes, most of our contributions go to religous-based charities…but only those with proven track records of getting the funds to the people who need it. Government Bureaucracy’s have a proven track record of ineptness relatively speaking when compared to religous-based organizations.
YLB–you, Seattle Jew and several others who have the sack to admit they are ATHEISTS have my headnod for your honesty. The rest of you are too ashamed to admit it. Proud Leftist who I believe when he says he is a Christian, is the only exception….perhaps I am leaving someone out.
I don’t think steve (aka Rog Rabbit), who is chronicly spewing about goat fornication, is likely to go to heaven…but not for me to judge. But steve, trust that you will be judged.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“@67 How much CASH is in the cash drawer at the social security office, Cynical? IOUs don’t count. Debt paper isn’t reliable these days.”
answer: Close to none! Both parties are to blame for that…which is why I believe we need a viable 3rd Party.
@71 You didn’t answer the question, Cynical. Are you, or are you not, willing to support the “flat tax” outlined above?
And, btw, I’m not “steve.” The only name I post under is Roger Rabbit. You can believe that or not, whatever rings your bell, I don’t give a shit either way.
@72 We don’t need three parties, Cynical. Replacing one of the parties we currently have will be sufficient. You know which one I mean. Of course, that by itself won’t solve anything, if we don’t also get rid of the voters who are causing the problem. I’m not suggesting concentration camps or anything like that. Just send ’em all to Alaska, let ’em secede, and they can have their own country up there and run it however they like. Losing national ownership of the relatively small amount of oil up there is a reasonable tradeoff, especially in that we give it to the oil companies for next to nothing, anyway.
We have a system that denies health coverage to nearly a fifth of our population. That doesn’t mean these people don’t get health care. They get very expensive emergency room care, the cost of which is passed on to the rest of us as higher insurance premiums. This is the system Republicans like. How is it not socialism?
And if Republicans want to keep this system, instead of regulating health insurance so everyone can afford it, doesn’t that make them socialists?
@71 “you will be judged”
Be thankful we believe in rule of law and do not share the mob mentality of the far-right. To that you owe your pathetic life.
@74 “send `em all to Alaska, let `em secede”
The cowards would be learning to speak Russian within a month.
@69 Roger Rabbit
Your post illustrates why I-1000 is such a bad idea. As long as we threaten the ill with impoverishment, we can not offer suicide as a means to save money.
@59 “Mr. Cynical wins the stupid contest.”
Did his post this morning on the Philly thread put him over the top? He was trying to make Goldy cry by saying that Philly would lose the seventh game to the Rays in the ALCS.
Isn’t it rather un-American for Mr. Cynical not to know that the Rays are playing Boston in the ALCS and that Philly is in the NL and has already won the NLCS?
I bet Goldy’s still laughing at you, Cynical. I know I am.
re: Flat Tax
“You said everyone pays the same tax on the same income.”
Are you proposing the Marxist dogma that everyone makes the same??
Obviously I would never support that.
But I do support a Flat Tax of 10% on Individual earned income above $30,000….no deductions.
I do not support an inheritance tax…but I would also get rid of any “stepped-up” basis on assets inherited….you must like that part.
79. Steve spews:
Steve spews:
@74 “send `em all to Alaska, let `em secede”
The cowards would be learning to speak Russian within a month
73. Roger Rabbit spews:
@71 You didn’t answer the question, Cynical. Are you, or are you not, willing to support the “flat tax” outlined above?
And, btw, I’m not “steve.” The only name I post under is Roger Rabbit. You can believe that or not, whatever rings your bell, I don’t give a shit either way.
72. Mr. Cynical spews:
Roger Rabbit spews:
“@67 How much CASH is in the cash drawer at the social security office, Cynical? IOUs don’t count. Debt paper isn’t reliable these days.”
answer: Close to none! Both parties are to blame for that…which is why I believe we need a viable 3rd Party.
Hey: Roger Rabbit you are still alive, lucky us! They didn’t raise your price for oxygen by 6% yet, like your taxes?
Mr. Cynical I see you been having a challenging day with the far left wing nuts.
Steve you definitely not related to Joe the Plumber. Just a small update they speak more Russian in this state than Alaska. Beside whom are the cowards you’re now referring to that just past the Yanks leaving Canada?
Hell I better open my ballot and scratch off Barak Hussein Obama and check McCain just to support Mr. Cynical today.
Life a bitch Roger and you can’t take your benefits to hell.
Steve maybe you should change your name to Joe and run for VP.
Proud Leftist who I believe when he says he is a Christian, is the only exception…
Bzzzzt. Wrong. rhp6033 is an evangelical Christian who is pro-life and a staunch left-leaning Dem and one of our sharpest commenters here. John Barelli and Roger Rabbit are also Christian.
Gee some of my fellow travelers here at are Christian and combat veterans (GBS and Roger Rabbit again).
Who knew? Do I have a problem with this? Hell no! I only have a problem with people who try to rob me and my kid’s future blind or infringe on my liberties.
My religious beliefs are none of your fucking business to applaud or condemn or criticize. Who the hell do you think you are you self-righteous pompous arrogant self-aggrandizing windbag goatfucker? For Christ’s sake, you are one fucking annoying hypocritical asshole!
You have no more evidence to support your belief in God than you have to support a belief that the world was created by a fucking rock. You are an annoying fucking asshole. Yes, I know I already said that. Once doesn’t seem quite enough.
You better hope that your religious beliefs are not correct. Jesus doesn’t approve of the behavior of you Republican Christian hypocrites. Every time you speak his name you blaspheme. You support torture and killing and taking from the rich and giving to the poor. You have memorized rightwing talking points but Jesus isn’t buying that shit. You are in big trouble you sorry motherfucker. Indeed if there is a hell-you and Bush and Cheney and the whole fucking lot of war monger greedy ass Republicans are going there.
Question: why would a Montana rancher be posting on a Seattle blog? Has he worn out his welcome in Montana and Idaho and the other goat fucking states? If so-it’s easy to see why?
You make Marvin and the other goat fuckers posting here look brilliant.
Oh my heavens! Klake the nazi has come out of alcohol rehab long enough to vote against the future of good Americans.
Must be a right wing outfit that rehab clinic.
Joe the Plumber is related to Charles Keating-McCain’s former sugar daddy. Don’t believe it? Look it up.
70. Roger Rabbit spews:
@67 How much CASH is in the cash drawer at the social security office, Cynical? IOUs don’t count. Debt paper isn’t reliable these days.
I hate to do it but in fairness I have to stick up for the rabbit. Although I don’t agree with much of what he says his intelligence is far above that of “steve,” it would be hard to believe that rabbit could dumb himself down that much.
When you compare the writings of steve and the no longer seen bibigop and it’s easy to tell where bibigop went. Bibigop also posts under the name Blog Reader.
Marvin did you see #59? You came in second Marvin!! Congratulations. Post you address and we’ll send you a small goat. In a year or two after you’ve both matured…
@89 It looks like cluelessness goes hand in hand with goatfucking.
@90 I wonder how many goats have been named ‘Sarah’ these past six weeks.
Marvin Stamn spews:
71. Mr. Cynical spews:
I don’t think steve (aka Rog Rabbit), who is chronicly spewing about goat fornication, is likely to go to heaven…but not for me to judge. But steve, trust that you will be judged.
What’s wrong with me?
Why do I feel like this?
I’m going crazy now
No more gas in the rear
Can’t even get it started
Nothing heard, nothing said
Can’t even speak about it
Out my life out my head
Don’t want to think about it
Feels like I’m going insane
Folks you finish the song with your postd.
Mike Lunsford, the hero of Stamm and batshit insane wingnuts everywhere:
SJ @78 Yeah, I see the logic of your argument.
Sorry bibigoop, I missed it.
Whatever you say bibigoop, blogreader, steve… whatever sockpuppet name you are using this week.
@80 “‘You said everyone pays the same tax on the same income.’ Are you proposing the Marxist dogma that everyone makes the same??”
Holy shit, you have a hyperactive imagination! Only in Wingnut World does paying the same tax rate mean having the same income. I finally understand what causes your incoherent babbling, Cynical. The wiring of your brain is all fucked up. Did your mother drop you?
@82 Yeah klake, let me explain how the “scratch off” system works. If you want to vote “no” on Obama, fill in the oval next to his name. That way, you’re scratching his name off the ballot and the other guy wins by default.
If any of you other wingnuts need voting instructions, let me know!
@71 The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit only punishes the goat fornicators, Cynical. She doesn’t punish the witnesses.
@97 Sorry Marvin, but blog sockpuppetry has been shown to be purely a Republican affliction.
Speaking of sockpuppetry, where’s Pudz? Is he in therapy or something? I do hope so. His meltdown here a week or so ago seemed to be quite serious.
@84 I find him more comical than annoying.
@87 No.
@88 You’re a glutton for impossible tasks, aren’t you? You’re wasting your time on klake. He’s a hopeless basket case.
@89 I love it when wingnuts fight among themselves! Tickets, anyone?
@90 Millions.
Speaking of affliction, where’s Jane Blalough’s Dog been of late? Hee, hee, roof, roof! You know, trolls, if you guys don’t stop with this exploding head shit, there won’t be any of you left to laugh at come November 5th.
By next summer, every Republican farm kid in the country will be banging “Sarah.”
@108 Oh no, don’t say it! That would be serious! How will we entertain ourselves around here?
Goldy needs to start a new thread! This one is almost full.
@109 So fucking funny! Zing!! Of course, it’s the underlying truth that makes it so humorous.
108 – That smelly cur overdosed on cat feces.
Probably never made it to Vitter’s diaper. Poor mutt. But that’s the fate of all right wing nutjobs – paralysis and failure.
Why do we in the reality based community have to suffer so much waiting for that eventual day?
Blog Reader spews:
I suspect you clearly fall into the ATHEIST category.
And YLB, Rog Rabbit was only kidding about being a Christian…as evidenced by his posts.
Game over shitheads.
We win.
You pompous,arrogant, self-aggrandizing, windbag goatfucker extraordinaire. For Christ’s sake, you are one fucking annoying, hypocritical, hyperbole spewing, goat fucking asshole.
I am Jewish, I believe in the God of David (same God as you purport to believe in).
You have no right to judge anyone or suspect anyone of what God someone, anyone, might believe or not believe in. This is what is wrong with you and your fellow goat fuckers. You think you know the way, the only way.
Guess what? You don’t.
@114 Being a greedy capitalist like you, if I were kidding about being a Christian I would be a Republican like you. You can be a capitalist and a Christian at the same time, but you can’t be a Christian and a Republican at the same time. One of the reasons I decided to be a Christian is that I didn’t want to get you as a roommate in Hell.
I did forget about the reincarnation of the animal fornication addict ByeBye. He is a real sick bastard…using the very same lines as Blog Reader and steve.
Good catch.
Sorry Rog, even though you are a sick old fart, I hope you aren’t that sick.
But I’m sure you can understand why it was so easy to mistake you.
@116 I don’t have to guess at this stuff. The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit told me what’s in store for Republicans like Cynical. He’s expecting the Rapture. Yeah, he’s gonna get a trip, but not exactly in the way he imagines.
My Left Foot spews:
Your Rabbi will be well pleased with you! Actually MLF, I have a lot of Jewish friends and relatives. They view being Jewish as a religion…not a race.
How do you feel about that?
And how do you feel about Israel…the Israel Iran’s kook wants to wipe off the face of the Earth and O-blah-blah wants to talk to about that???
Would you expect our President to support Israel if Iran launches??
Or would you rather he “talk” with them??
@118 See #119.
@120 I doubt that Israel will need our help if Iran “launches.” Bye-bye Iran. The Israelis are more than capable of taking care of themselves.
Rujax! spews:
What does winning look like to you rujax besides a Presidential Election?
What exactly do you think O-blah-blah will actually DO?
O-blah-blah has never accomplished anything besides winning elections and some dubious “community organizing”. He has always been running for something else..
At some point, O-blah-blah is going to have to put up.
Give me a list KLOWNS of what you think O-blah-blah will actually ACCOMPLISH??
PS–Talking about stuff doesn’t count for sh@t.
sorry bibgoober or blogreader or whatever name you’re using today, sockpuppetry was started by liberals/democrats. On this board it was us trolls being sockpuppeted by left-wingnuts.
Good try at lying, but again you’ve been caught.
Get back to the goat sex stuff, you know about it and I don’t have a clue so I can’t point out your inaccuracies.
Roger Rabbit spews:
What if other Islamic Country’s like Syria, also join in the attack. Then what?
Are you saying you would just sit back & watch Iran attack Israel??? Justifying inaction because you think they can take care of themselves??
@117 Hell will come to Cynical on November 5th.
Marvin @ 124–
Excellent advice to ByeBye aka steve & Blog Reader!
None of us has the interest nor obvious expertise on the goat thing that he does.
You see Marvin, EVERYONE (even byebye) has something to offer others.
Perhaps byebye will soon become a sidewalk evangelist preaching to all his fellow KLOWNS about goat fornication in front of Seattle Starbucks.
Steve spews:
Hardly steve…
I already have more than enough thankfully. I live a simple lifestyle.
Do you think O-blah-blah is going to systematically take the assets of people who disagree with him??
That’s why we have the 2nd Amendment.
I don’t need to earn any more money. I have no debt.
I’ve enjoyed the challenge & competition….but if it becomes too problematic, I will live off the fruits of my hardwork and past risk-taking.
Can you get by on zero income steve??
Or do you believe Komrade Barrack Hussein will surely realize because of your posting @, you are worthy of a free-ride??
Hmm, I wonder if Cynical’s bold type and CAPS is a sign that his head will soon explode?
Glad to know you have Jewish friends. I am sure they shake their heads in wonder when you speak.
No American president would hesitate to defend Israel. Can’t happen in the event of an attack.
However, judging by the six day war, Israel can take care of herself quite nicely. Should Iran get close to developing deliverable nookular weapons, Israel has the capability to set them back a couple of decades at a moments notice.
I have NO CONCERNS WHATSOEVER that President Obama will fail to support Israel.
For Republicans to suggest otherwise smacks of the desperation of the campaign. This falls into the category of the Palin selection, the robo calls, the race baiting, the Ayers claims and all the other ugly lies you folks like to toss around like pizza dough.
Just trying to be sensitive to folks like you with obvious learning disabilities.
It’s the politically correct thing to do.
You might want to re-write this one MLF.
I don’t think this is what you meant to say.
Same question to you, substitute McCain for Obama?
Just what will he do? Besides die in office and leave us with Palin. In fact, why don’t you tell me what either of them will do?
@123 “What exactly do you think O-blah-blah will actually DO?”
That’s pretty complicated, Cynical. I don’t think he can explain it in one simple comment. There’s an awful lot of cleanup work to do after you shitheads leave the lavatory.
Jane Blalough’s Dog is really a goat and has eloped with PuddyPud to Montana to live happily ever after on Mr. Cynical,s ranch. If he really lives in Montana and has a ranch and isn’t simply some fucking religious wino tapping out his stupidity on a public library keyboard.
@124 “Get back to the goat sex stuff, … I don’t have a clue so I can’t point out your inaccuracies.”
Wearing a blindfold doesn’t turn the goat into Jessica Simpson, Marvin. It’s still a goat. So, go with what you feel, and you’ll do fine.
Colin Powell is quite likely the most prestigious living Republican. His endorsement of Barack Obama gives cover to the millions of Republicans who are sick of Bush, who believe that McCain is either no better or that his judgement is suspect due to his choice of Sarah the Unready, and who are tired of the Katrina-economic meltdown-corruption-Abramoff-Foley-Gonzales-incompetent Republican party that their beloved party has become. They WILL now leave John McCain in droves.
@125 Why not wait for them to ask for our help?
So what if I do? Does that make you better or smarter than me? No! And anyway, you are delusional if you think a single person on this thread gives a fuck what you think.
Now you can argue with that. But you can’t argue that you are not an annoying asshole.
Yes, it seems likely that Cynical’s head will soon explode.
@128 “Do you think O-blah-blah is going to systematically take the assets of people who disagree with him??”
No. Do you?
“That’s why we have the 2nd Amendment.”
Don’t shoot your foot off, old man. If you can’t see what you’re shooting at, don’t assume it’s a socialist. It might be your big toe.
What’s really hilarious about all these trolls shilling for McSame is they’ve never liked that guy.
Thanks for sharing your life experience old man but I think that was way too much information for you to make public.
@135 Frankly, I think Cynical ran off to Montana and joined one of those doomsday cults that owns a ranch where everyone lives communally in underground bomb shelters. He’s going to be transported into ephemeral regions on a wave of spiked kool-aid any day now.
67 Cyn
The payroll tax is a tax. A refundable tax credit refunds taxes paid. Where the tax money goes after the tax is paid is irrelevant to the conversation. First you tried to claim that working people pay no taxes. That’s a lie. Now that your lie has been exposed, you are trying to argue that the payroll tax and other federal taxes are not “really” a tax. That’s not “really” an argument. But thanks for playing Desperately Shifting Semantics.
10/19/2008 at 1:09 pm
Well HELLO Colin!
Welcome to the underside of the bus…..
Daddy Love–
If you are right in youR wetdream @ 137, we should see McCain at 30% in the polls tomorrow. Do you really think posting nonsense on this Blog is going to change anyone’s vote??
@143 If you’re capable of confusing a rabbit with a “man,” maybe wearing the blindfold is a good move for you, Marvin.
It’s been so obvious none of the horsesass regulars even wanted to mention it.
No doubt bibigoober/steve/blogreader came to this blog expecting pictures of horse asses and then just stayed.”
@146 He’s 68 years old, retired, and gets a pension and social security. They can’t to anything to him.
Daddy Love spews:
Now you are playing games.
Social Security and Medicare are TRUST FUNDS.
Federal Income Tax is a GENERAL FUND.
You are comingling the 2 to justify giving away WELFARE.
If the taxpayer pays NO SOCIAL SECURITY due to the tax credit are you saying they should get ZERO credit for Social Security???
You have checkmated yourself DL.
You are using SS & Medicare as some lame cover for WELFARE.
An excerpt from a short essay by a former Mississippi school teacher:
Read it all at:
68 Cyn
Re: SS
You don’t know that and I don’t know that. Talk to me: how much will the working population grow in 30 years? What will be the size of the benefit-receiving population? SS is a well-managed, solvent social insurance program. Its overhead is low, and in 75 years they’ve never missed a check. They’re looking somewhat better than Lehman Brothers, if you know what I mean.
Yeah, I heard you the fist time. Repeating a lie does not make it true.
If you are going to make claims of fact you should support them. To whom do you refer? Non-working widows of SS contributors? Who?
Have no fear on that score.
Thanks, Mr. “don’t call me names.” I can see that your personal standards are high. But when I see you actually post a fact, I’ll be sure to note it.
@139 He’s wasn’t annoying at all once I realized that it’s Cynical’s feelings of inadequacy that lie at the core of his neurosis. The posts about the ranch, the stock trades – it all falls into place. Roger suggested that his mother dropped him. Possibly. It was certainly an early childhood something-or-other, probably made much worse with peer rejection later on at the age of six or seven. Next thing you know, he’s voting Republican and fucking goats.
Cynical #42:
I call bullshit. I call ABSOLUTE bullshit.
Using Social Security’s tables of historical FICA tax rates and maximum contribution base, I constructed a spreadsheet of both the employee and self-employed Social Security tax totals by year. A self-employed person earning at or above the maximum for every single year between 1937 and 2007 would have contributed a total of $215,686.05 in Social Security taxes. No human being could possibly have contributed the amount you say you did. It’s an out-and-out lie.
As for the Medicare total you allege, that is possible though not plausible. The calculation can’t really be done, because the Medicare tax has been applied to all earnings, without a ceiling, since 1993. If, however, Cynical has been working only since 1993, we can estimate his total earnings over those 15 years. If he was self-employed the whole time, he would have earned $1,874,862.07 between 1993 and 2007; it would have been $3,749,724.14 if he was employed. Thus, his annual earnings would have averaged between $124,990.80 and $249,981.61 during 1993-2007. That’s earnings only, as his precious interest, dividends, and capital gains go completely without taxation for Social Security and Medicare (why?).
So, Cynical, what lies will you spin to cover this bullshit?
@147 If the public schools are as bad as you claim they are, I won’t expect McCain’s share of the vote to fall below 40%.
All that McCain has to offer the country is more divisive hateful Republican 50% plus one vote governance. Witness his robocalls. that’s all the Republicans have left racism and lies and hate. They are incompetent at governing and will soon show themselves, at long last, as unable to win elections. I’m far from a fan of the Democrat party but even a fucking ghoat would make a better president than McCain?Palin.
Maybe his mother dropped him head first into a pile of goat shit.
@153 I think we should assume that since Mr. C feels Social Security is a fraudulent and unAmerican scheme, which is tottering on the brink of bankruptcy, we should assume he is foregoing his own SS checks to help recipients needier than himself and poor taxpayers.
So, Cynical, are you cashing your social security checks?
This needs only a “yes” or “no” answer.
@158 Heh. An early childhood association with goats wouldn’t surpise me.
@154 The root cause of all Republican neuroses is that fucking goats makes them feel like members of a Master Race only the first time they do it. After that, they realize intellectually that it’s nothing more than fucking a goat.
Of course children aren’t being educated in public schools.
The fact that any family that can afford it send their kids to private schools proves it. Are obama’s children in public education? Hell no, he doesn’t hate his children.
But why pick on kids,
Overall, just 18 percent of participants answered all three questions correctly.
Good thing our youth are learning from colbert and the daily show.
Hell, rush has a better informed audience than cnn.
151 Cyn
Not relevant. You are tellng me interesting yet irrelevant things about what happens to various TAXES after they are paid. I don’t really care, and whether you do makes no difference. The payroll tax is a tax.
HEre’s teh deal: nearly forty percent of the workforce pays no net income taxes, but everyone who works pays payroll tax. If you worked, you would. Payroll tax is a tax; therfore, if you work you pay taxes; therefore, if you work you can receive a tax cut. All we’re talking about here is reducing the tax burden on people who pay taxes. We’re offering them a tax cut, in other words. Or as John McCain puts it, “socialism.”
Standard Republican propaganda. If it’s not welfare when it’s for Bill Gates, and it it’s not welfare when it’s for Bear Sterns, then it fucking well isn’t welfare when it’s for a grade-school teacher. Oh, and it’s “commingling,” but that’s not the right word; i assume you mean something more like “confusing” or “conflating.” I always recommend that one should not use words that one does not know.
No. This is another edition of simple answers to idiotic questions.
Damn roger,
Enough with sharing your life experience with us.
@155 I suspect he confused his lifetime earnings with social security taxes paid in.
If you can’t find anyone to play with you make up playmates and play with yourself.
Replying to your own sockpuppets. Sad.
147 Cynical
If I make a prediction about a percentage, whter votes or polling preferences, feel free to note it, and then to compare it to actual outcomes. If I don’t make such a prediction, then don’t try to put fucking words in my mouth.
However, I DO stand by my prediction that Obama’s electoral vote total will exceed John McCain’s by a minimum of 50.
Clueless Marvin and his pet goat, Sarah. LMFAO!!
good one bibigoober
@170 You think that everybody who calls you a goatfucker is a sockpuppet of mine? Indeed, Marvin, you are very much clueless, and more than just a lttle bit paranoid. I bet your therapist writes a book about you someday.
I see you are using steve for this post. Why not one of your other sockpuppets?
You can’t handle the truth-goat fucker.
Nice piece in NY Times magazine about Obama’s goals in this election and after he’s elected. He’s an intelligent man with the energy and plans to fix some of the damage done to this country over the past eight years.
Anyone who votes Republican after what’s been done to this country by Republicans over the past eight years should be charged with treason.
Or goat fucking induced stupidity.
Good one calling that old goat fucker on his lies.
Mr. Cynical how much money in rancher supporting tax payer subsidies have you taken so far? grazing those goats on public land is a subsidy.
155. N in Seattle spews:
You all have it wrong. Obama is going to win hands down. Get ready for a wild ride. The US and Europe will be thrown into a depression. Then a man will arise from a European nation to lead the world into a faux peace and economic boom. You will be required to first receive a card that will allow you to buy and sell internationally but problems will arise with the cards being stolen and forged etc. Then the great idea why not give everyone a computer chip placed in your right hand or in your forehead. There you have it your mark. Life sucks then you have
Armageddon!!!! Big John
@173 Truth is irrelevant to the discussion as Marvin now has only a mere passing acquaintance with reality. I think last month’s meltdown might have been just a little too much for him. Alas, he’s now just a shell of the Marvin we once knew. Not that the old Marvin had anything going for him, mind you. He was a goatfucker long before he had the big breakdown.
Damn You got me…I just looked at my statement again & I added up my employer/employee numbers and must have transposed 2 numbers . I also should have told you I added in my 2007 & 2008 Maximum contributions…
The S.S Number should be $228,687…not $247,687. Sorry.
The Medicare number is correct….$54,371.
You can guesstimate my earnings.
I started working in 1966….OLD FART!
So, is Social Security now a great deal for me?? Hardly.
175 If you spent ten minutes looking up the truth, you would kill yourself out of sheer embarrassment. The producers are about 10
minutes away from not playing the game
anymore. This is gonna get NASTY. I’m rather
looking forward to it.
But he’s still a war criminal. He still lied us into the war in Iraq. He still knew about torture in 2002 and stayed on at Sec of State for another few years.
Typical stupid Marvin stuff: 44% of Hannity viewers got a political quiz right – care to say what was in the quiz? Some real big stumpers like who was the first president? typical stupid Marvin stuff – most thinking people can tell a “fair and balanced” report from total bias. And Fox is total bias.
Is that supposed to show that intelligent people watch Fox? By definition, most intelligent people KNOW that Fox is a biased and even Fox executives have admitted it:
FOX NEWS is #1 beacuse they are the most fair.
You guys are sooo funny. Fox news is fun to watch as the spin-meisters try to explain how out of touch they are….I can’t wait to watch their backstabbing and excuse making on election night.
It’s already started. Here’s Bill Kristol’s Monday column:
I dipped into the free republic and hannity site, to see how the conservatives took the Powell story. There were some seriously pissed off posters. They felt betrayed and called him every name in the book, questioning his sexuality, his parentage, his loyalty, his intellect. After all the republicans did for him, why wasn’t he more grateful?
It got so bad that the hannity site moderator had to edit posts and threatened one poster with banishment if he kept smearing Powell’s military service.
How some of the conservatives think:
Wow. We at HA are calm by comparison, ( except for the goat obsession ).
Powell’s endorsement of Obama does not verify Obama’s judgement, but rather brings Powell’s judgement into question. Powell says that Obama is ready to lead … WHY? … Regardless of Powell’s last minute endorsement, Obama is still the most liberal senator in congress … who accomplished nothing in his meager 3 years in office, except voting present 160 times, and campaigning for President, as well as associating with anti-American racists and domestic terrorists … and, taking America down the road to socialism. I used to respect Colin Powell … but, now that’s history!!!
If you read Colin Powell’s biography (published in the 1990’s), you would know that one of his primary concerns (dating back to the Vietnam era) was that the application of U.S. military force, and it’s accompanying risk of the lives of U.S. servicemen and women, must be a rare and carefully-considered event when all other options had failed. He also insisted that no U.S., forces be used overseas unless their was broad public support throughout their deployment.
After Powell’s sour experience with the Bush administration, it’s really no wonder that Powell would endorse Obama over McCain. The Bushites took Powell’s solid reputation, used it and then threw it away, like a fraternity brat despoiling a virgin co-ed, without even so much as a thank-you afterwards.
Powell knows McCain well, and it’s clear that he sees four years of McCain being not that much better than the past eight years of Bush.
Is Powell correct when he says that the Republican party is shifting to the right.
Here to answer that question is Minnesota Republican Senator Michelle Bachmann
Senator Michelle Bachmann on Hardball
After viewing her interview, tell me if you think Colin Powell was just being overly sensitive