The so-called “Coalition of the Willing” was always a load of bullshit, a flimsy cover for President Bush’s unilateral decision to invade Iraq… and it’s getting flimsier every day. Yesterday Poland announced plans to reduce it’s 1,500-weak force by 40 percent, just days after Bulgaria and Ukraine completed their troop withdrawals. And today the South Korea parliament voted to cut it’s deployment by about one-third to 2,300.
The U.S. has always provided over 90 percent of the foreign troops in Iraq, with most of the rest coming from the British. At 3,200 members the South Korean forces currently comprise the third largest contingent in the “coalition.” To put this in perspective, the U.S. still has over 30,000 troops stationed in South Korea.
For his Iraq War, President Bush’s father managed to put together an actual coalition, but all W could ever muster was a phrase. And an overtly Orwellian one at that.
Belltowner spews:
Goldy, don’t put down Trinidad and Tobago, and the three security guards armed with scented bath oils that they sent to fight ‘terror’ in Iraq. I think Romania sent a dozen of half-blind syphilitic auto mechanics to help out. Hell, I think the country of Stankonia helped out.
Left Turn spews:
Expect some 1984-style response from the righties saying that Poland is INCREASING it’s force by 40%!
Another TJ spews:
So we can forget about Poland?
Roger Rabbit spews:
And most of the partners in such coalition as exists were bought, bribed, or bulled into participating.
Roger Rabbit spews:
I suppose Bush can claim a lot of countries support his coalition — if he counts O’Reilly, Hannity, and Limbaugh as “countries.”
Roger Rabbit spews:
Roger Rabbit has posted 50% of the comments on this thread. If you don’t like that, go visit your armadillo. It’s horny again.
Enough_of_this_Bullshit spews:
Hey Goldy,
You made the PI’s top five list with Stephan.
You guys both share a spot on the “five things to forget” list.
Seattle’s liberal rag thinks you’re a piece of shit too.
Roger Rabbit spews:
So Stefan — are you going to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against KCE with the generous contributors to your “legal action fund” or keep all the money for yourself? Is that because you
[ ] a. can’t hold a job and need the money,
[ ] b. are a selfish prick, or
[ ] c. all of the above?
Roger Rabbit spews:
Why are you leaving Stefan out? The P-I thinks he’s a piece of shit, too.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Speaking of Stefan, I wonder why he’s going to keep the loot from his KCE lawsuit for himself, instead of sharing it with the generous donors to his “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit? Is it because he
[ ] a. can’t hold a job and needs the money, or
[ ] b. is a selfish prick, or
[ ] c. all of the above?
sgmmac spews:
Why does the PI want anyone to remember Carolyn Edmonds?
GS spews:
Roger Rabbit has a fat Government Attorney pension, which helps him pay for all his wasted time posting on this site.
Being an Attorney and having a Fat Government pension, you can better understand his need to trash (over and over and over again) anybody and everybody who disagrees with his lame testimony!
Janet S spews:
You can bet that these countries are drawing down troops with our blessing. Heck, we are drawing down our own troops. The iraqis are starting to figure out what form of govt they want, and their police are figuring out how to protect their citizens against the crazees. Now they just need to keep the syrians and iranians at bay, and the iraqis just might have a chance at establishing a democracy.
But, I’m sure most here would prefer that they all just be slaughtered, and saddam reinstalled.
For the Clueless spews:
Janet S – I’m sure you think taking down the scary swarthy guy with the mustache and the non-existent WMD was worth over 2000 Americans coming home in caskets or the many thousands more med-evaced with missing body parts and PTSD warped minds not to mention the thousands of innocent Iraqis caught in the crossfire – small price to pay so you and your friends can chortle about what superior patriotic Americans you are at a right-wing Republican social.
RUFUS spews:
Coalition of the willing = 62 million Americans
Coalition of the unwilling (with thousands of dead people and criminals thrown in as well) = 59 millions
Nuff said.
Belltowner spews:
@ 15
I don’t think all of those 62 million were part of the “willing.” A lot of those vote are from people who lay awake at night, worried that somewhere, two dudes want to get married.
RUFUS spews:
That may have something to do with it. I think more people voted right becasue of terrorism. Another major issue was activist judges.
sgmmac spews:
Non-existant WMD killed thousands of Iraqis after the first Gulf War. Amazing stuff!
Soccer moms with SUV’s worried that the Democrats are weak on defense and they want their kids to grow up safe from Terrorist attacks in the US.
Which way will they swing in 2008?
Belltowner spews:
@ 17
Activist judges are bad, unless they are activist your way, right?
Donnageddon spews:
Actually that WMD was real. We know because we sold it to Saddam.
dj spews:
sgmmac @ 18
“Soccer moms with SUV’s worried that the Democrats are weak on defense and they want their kids to grow up safe from Terrorist attacks in the US.”
Of course, they are far, far more likely to die in their SUV….
If they really wanted to prolong their life, they would never travel in a car or SUV. On the highways, every month is another 9/11….
Dr. E spews:
I see Bush is allegedly planning a strike on Iran in the near future. The reporting is somewhat controversial, but I wouldn’t put anything past the reckless sociopaths running this administration. It’s high time impeachment proceedings start to put an end to all this immoral warmongering.
Roger Rabbit spews:
“Roger Rabbit has a fat Government Attorney pension, which helps him pay for all his wasted time posting on this site.”
It’s the Invisible Hand at work again!
ajroc31 spews:
What an impressive collection of leftist minds. I hope some politicians see this site and realize that public school system in America has failed tragically.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Maybe you’d like to brag about the right’s accomplishments of the last few years?
2,900+ dead in 9-11 because terrorism warnings ignored
2,000+ U.S. troops killed in a war against the wrong country
Body armor fiasco
Katrina fiasco
Record housing costs
$3 gas
Enron fiasco
Corporate scandals
Record budget and trade deficits
Scooter Libby indicted
Tom DeLay indicted
Duke Cunningham bribery scandal
Jack Abramoff corruption scandal
Domestic wiretapping scandal
Job losses
Stagnant stock market
Rising interest rates
High unemployment
Terri Schiavo circus
$223 million bridge to nowhere
35% approval rating
You guys can’t manage a lunch sack, let alone a government.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Oh ya, I fergot to mention, 4 1/3 years after 9-11 (almost as long as U.S. involvement in World War 2), Osama is still running around out there and it appears he’s going to die of old age!!!
Republicans are pathetically incompetent losers.
Dr. E spews:
“You guys can’t manage a lunch sack, let alone a government.”
Reminds me of an old saying that could be applied to the GOP leadership:
If they needed to take a trip on brains, they wouldn’t need to pack a lunch.
Dr. E spews:
“I hope some politicians see this site and realize that public school system in America has failed tragically.”
Judging from the failure of most of the trolls frequenting this site to realize that they’ve been utterly duped by the GOP propaganda machine, I’d say the last part of your sentence is pretty much correct. Add to that the poor grammar, spelling, and lack of logic that many of them employ, I’d say the last part of your sentence is pretty much true as well.
So, with that said, what is the public school system in America supposed to do, indocrtrinate our kids with GOP talking points, or teach them useful skills, like, say, reading, writing, arithmetic, history, logical reasoning, etc.?
Roger Rabbit spews:
I get a feeling they were home schooled.
Voter Advocate spews:
Well, Bush may have lost the willingness of South Korea by 1000 troops, but he did get 120 from Mongolia.
The GOP isn’t so good at arithmetic, either.
Puddybud spews:
Dr E. You said: “So, with that said, what is the public school system in America supposed to do, indocrtrinate our kids with GOP talking points, or teach them useful skills, like, say, reading, writing, arithmetic, history, logical reasoning, etc.?”
No Dr E., the liberally bent public school system indoctrinates our children with, illogical reasoning through hate for the military with teacher sponsored skits, illogical reasoning through hate of the Holiday Season by not being able to sing Christmas carols, illogical reasoning of global warming propoganda when leading scientists have changed their minds, illogical reasoning of no military recruiters on campus because the military keeps us free (especially if you live in San Francisco where their resolution said… Google it!), the attempt to rewrite history that Ronald Wilson Reagan didn’t destroy the Soviet Union (even Gorbachev said this was true), telling students they can’t wear Christian personal statement clothing to school (all ACLU led cases against the students overturned in courts, visit the Thomas More archives), etc. If a student disagrees with the teacher they are publicly castigated in classroom. That happened to my son last month in a mock campaign discussion.
When they arrive at prestigious colleges and universities; their professors continue with the liberal indoctrination, marking down student papers that disagree with their tired and worn out world theories, telling them evil Republicans are bad, telling them social programs will cure all ills, telling them that taxing the public is the ONLY way to solve financial problems. Please Dr. E., tell me you are not a PhD guy like DJ but a REAL doctor practicing the healing arts!
Puddybud spews:
Sorry Dr. E. about the errata. It is indoctrinate in paragraph 1 & propaganda in paragraph 2. Yes I can already see the moonbats commenting on my two misspelled words.
cougar spews:
actually puddybutty, only two spelling mistakes is rather good for a wingnut. Happy New Year to all (you too CynicalIdiot)
Puddybud spews:
Thanks cougar. You are a great moonbat! Keep up the great donk work here on ASSes! Keep up that ASS fetish you displayed in my name. Happy New Year to you.
Daddy Love spews:
Janet S
“You can bet that these countries are drawing down troops with our blessing. Heck, we are drawing down our own troops.”
We’re not drawing down our toops. So far, all that’s happened is that we are talking about bringing back the extra 40K troops we sent over for the recent election. And it looks like events on the ground will make that difficult. You need to pay more attention to what the US does ads opposed to what the Administrion says.
“The iraqis are starting to figure out what form of govt they want, and their police are figuring out how to protect their citizens against the crazees.”
Yep, it looks like they’re forming an Iranian-d0minated Shi’ite-majority Islamist state. The Shi’ite militias are capturing and toruring Sunni Arabs, and the Kurds are infiltrating the Iraqi army with plans to seize Kirkuk (and its oil) and secede from Iraq to form in independent Kurdistan, which may cause Turkey to invade. Glad we could help.
“Now they just need to keep the syrians and iranians at bay, and the iraqis just might have a chance at establishing a democracy.”
Looking good. Of course, the WaPo reported that most of the suicide bombers are Saudi, and MSNBC reports that 55 pecent of all foreign fighters in Iraq are Saudi, but why let on-scene reportage get in the way of the Administration’s fantasy line?
But Janet, reporting the facts is not the same thing as wishing for failure. It’s just that failure is what we re-elected.
Daddy Love spews:
Puddybud @ 31
You make the common right-wing mistake of confusing the right’s Internet story-telling with the real world trends in education. Establishing the truth of an assertio requires a look at large numbers, not isolated and questionably-sourced stories.
Dr. E spews:
“Please Dr. E., tell me you are not a PhD guy like DJ but a REAL doctor practicing the healing arts!”
Sorry, I’m a PhD (i.e. “pile-it-higher-and-deeper”) kinda guy. I don’t indoctrinate my students, however. Aside from the fact that my political views have little, if anything to do with what the subject matter they learn from me, one of my stated policies is that they do not have to agree with me on non-factual matters. In fact, I encourage dissent, as I might learn a thing or two from it — but with the following caveat: they have to support their position with a well-reasoned argument. If the argument is no good, then it gets the mark it deserves, regardless of whether I agree with the thesis or not.
As for what the public school systems actually do, well, that seems to me to be rather a mixed bag: some are good, some are not. A lot, it seems to me, are not, judging from the rate of literacy I see on a yearly basis. Of course, if we made education a national priority, then things might be different; as long as we maintain our nuclear arsenal and continue to wage immoral wars of aggression, I don’t see much real room for change in that direction.
For the Clueless spews:
Janet S and Puddy Freep can surely point with pride to one member of the coalition of the willing, Uzbekistan, whose president is a Stalinist and “interrogates” some of their political opponents by BOILING THEM. Hmmm. Very interesting.
Oh yes, Uzbekistan is one of those place we send “terrorists” (anyone who looks cross-eyed at us) to for “extraordinary rendition”.
Puddybud spews:
CLuelessASS@38, WTF does that have to do with the state of education in America? Oh that’s right, you NEED to see yourself in pixels.
Daddy_Love: The stories I regaled here are from CNN, MSNBC and others. If these URLs are righty web sites I missed the train. Remember I use websites from your side most of the time. I am not like CluelessASS who loves Daily Kos, Media Matters, etc.
Dr. E. Good for you regarding your class structure. You seem to forget when the demos had control of the congress for 40 years they had control of the education purse. What happened to education during this time? It went down!!! We were supplanted by Scandanavian countries in educational prowess. By the early 90s we were down to 15th place. Why did the Supreme Court force busing on Boston school system and other northern cities in the 70s? Try again Dr E.
ajroc31 spews:
It is a terrible thing to say, but I hope that soon there is another major terrorist attack in US. I hope that it happens in San Francisco or Seattle, and you people experience what New Yorkers, the English, the Spanish, numerous Asians, Iraqis, Jordanians and Israelis experienced in the past, or have to deal with continually. There is not much more to say to you liberal dumb asses, as you are so far removed from any form of reality, that it is sickening. While your liberal white guilt precludes you from ever seeing anything outside the Starbucks windows and Ibook screens, you must at some point be punched in the face for you to actually shut up about the injustices of “God†in schools, and the Quaran which supports killing of your white godless asses. Osama and the rest of the world’s scum are not radicals, they are fundamentalists. Bush and CIA had the foresight to fight this thing out on foreign ground, where American casualties would be limited. The same people that would be planning to kill thousands of American civilians are now going to Iraq to get killed by our soldiers. As of oil, I hope that from now on none of you ever drive a freaking car again. I am sure you jackasses would be content living in France paying $5 for a gallon of gas. For crying out loud, I am not even American, but it is so sad for me to look at this nation going from an all powerful force to a freaking godless leftist dictatorship. You people are more concerned with kids learning about God and morality, then sick bestiality porn that is out there. For world’s sake, get your priorities straight. Socialism does not work! Removing God from the people does not work, as we have countless examples of what happens when we do; Nazis, Soviets and communism. Is that you people are striving for? This is a democracy, majority rules, yet you turned the weak governments to put the right of 10% over the right of the remaining 90% because of your twisted thinking. You claim that you are so concerned about the lives lost in Iraq. If you are so concerned about it, why not protest smoking, drinking, and drugs. It is not as sexy, I presume. I guess you want to feel the part of the 60’s, standing up to the evil government. You people are really sick, and you seem to be more concerned with the rights of the people that want to kill you, cut off your heads with rusty knives like they did to Nick Berg two years ago. Yet we should allow for some 16 year old that can’t keep her legs closed kill an innocent baby, and God forbid we actually let her parents know that she is pregnant. What a world would that be, if the parents would have a right to know their kid is pregnant? No, we can’t have that, and we have to make sure that the terrorists that would deny quarters to our soldiers have to be treated as kings. Same people that use Iraq kids with mental handicaps to kill innocent Iraqis that want to have better lives. And how come the Iraqis that live in US are happy about the liberation, yet you keep calling it a great injustice, a war for oil. It is terrible, but perhaps it is the only way for you to wake up, when your husbands, wives, children, parents are killed at work by Muslim fundamentalists, perhaps then you will wake up, and stop destroying this once great nation. Until then, I will see you as same scum as the terrorists, because indirectly you are in alliance with them. You allow for this to happen. When Clinton withdrew your troops from Somalia, Osama said it himself that America is a paper tiger, and it motivated him further to attack you. The USS Cole, embassies, until 9/11, Osama was not afraid knowing that Americans have become a joke. Thankfully not all Americans are as clueless as you are, and some still stand for values that made this nation great. If your life is so empty that new a cause to feel any self worth, find one that benefits us all, and not just your angry, empty and misguided illusions of socialist utopias. Wake up people, before your country dies because of the cancer that you have become. Happy New Year!
ajroc31 spews:
You people are more concerned with kids learning about God and morality, then sick bestiality porn that is out there. For world’s sake, get your priorities straight. Socialism does not work! Removing God from the people does not work, as we have countless examples of what happens when we do; Nazis, Soviets and communism. Is that you people are striving for? This is a democracy, majority rules, yet you turned the weak governments to put the right of 10% over the right of the remaining 90% because of your twisted thinking. You claim that you are so concerned about the lives lost in Iraq. If you are so concerned about it, why not protest smoking, drinking, and drugs. It is not as sexy, I presume. I guess you want to feel the part of the 60’s, standing up to the evil government. You people are really sick, and you seem to be more concerned with the rights of the people that want to kill you, cut off your heads with rusty knives like they did to Nick Berg two years ago. Yet we should allow for some 16 year old that can’t keep her legs closed kill an innocent baby, and God forbid we actually let her parents know that she is pregnant. What a world would that be, if the parents would have a right to know their kid is pregnant? No, we can’t have that, and we have to make sure that the terrorists that would deny quarters to our soldiers have to be treated as kings. Same people that use Iraq kids with mental handicaps to kill innocent Iraqis that want to have better lives. And how come the Iraqis that live in US are happy about the liberation, yet you keep calling it a great injustice, a war for oil. It is terrible, but perhaps it is the only way for you to wake up, when your husbands, wives, children, parents are killed at work by Muslim fundamentalists, perhaps then you will wake up, and stop destroying this once great nation. Until then, I will see you as same scum as the terrorists, because indirectly you are in alliance with them. You allow for this to happen. When Clinton withdrew your troops from Somalia, Osama said it himself that America is a paper tiger, and it motivated him further to attack you. The USS Cole, embassies, until 9/11, Osama was not afraid knowing that Americans have become a joke. Thankfully not all Americans are as clueless as you are, and some still stand for values that made this nation great. If your life is so empty that new a cause to feel any self worth, find one that benefits us all, and not just your angry, empty and misguided illusions of socialist utopias. Wake up people, before your country dies because of the cancer that you have become. Happy New Year!
GS spews:
Roger you forgot to mention 52 million free people, who are now enjoying their new democracy! You are reeeeeaaaaaal sMART! YUP Keep yapping!
Dr. E spews:
“I am not even American, but it is so sad for me to look at this nation going from an all powerful force to a freaking godless leftist dictatorship.”
You shouldn’t be worried then.
Daddy Love spews:
They are “questionably sourced” because you cte no source. That they are isolated anecdotes rather than a wide comparison is unquestionable.
Daddy Love spews:
ajroc31 @ 40
If it’s a “terrible thing to say,” why do you say it? What kind of person are you? I think it’s pretty funny that so many of you guys who accuse “liberals” of “wishing for defeat” in Iraq are at the same time so fervently wishing for terrorist attack against American cities and civilians (see: Bill O’Reilly and SF). I think you would like to see an attack both to punish those with whom you disagree and to fuel your attacks on local civil liberties. It’s a whole lot easier to argue we should put all Muslims in camps if were under direct attack.
“Bush and CIA had the foresight to fight this thing out on foreign ground, where American casualties would be limited. The same people that would be planning to kill thousands of American civilians are now going to Iraq to get killed by our soldiers. ”
Yeah, thank God our president has so much wisdom and foresight.
The only problem is that the people to who you refer, those who “would be planning to kill thousands of American civilians” are apparently mostly our allies the Saudis, and there are only very few of them indeed, because even though you “are so far removed from any form of reality,” the insurgency is overwhelmingly about Iraqis fighting the occupying army (us) and its (our) political stooges (see: Suspected foreign fighters account for less than 2% of captives).
But thank God for our visionary president, because he is so wisely and effectively engaging global terrorism in Iraq that there have been attacks only in England, Spain, Philippines, Afghanistan, Colombia, Egypt, Pakistan, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kashmir, Russia, Kenya, and Israel since the war. (see: Major terror attacks triple in ’04 by U.S. count and Country Reports on Terrorism)
Puddybud spews:
Daddy Love: I gave you the Thomas More link. You are like cluelessASS, you just don’t want to read.
A treasure trove of political correctness getting rejected by the courts on the First Amendment rights!!!
Puddybud spews:
Now Daddy_Love here are the family values issues. – Here are some real weirdos for ya!
“Saturday, the FBI arrested three NAMBLA members at Harbor Island as they waited for a boat that undercover agents told them would sail to Ensenada for a sex retreat over Valentine’s Day with boys as young as 9.”
For the Clueless spews:
Ahhh. Lovely. We have a new wingnut @ 40 who wishes the terrorists would attack people he disagrees with politically. I’m sure that warms Puddy Freep’s heart. And speaking of the freepy one, isn’t the subject of this thread “the coalition of the willing” and isn’t Uzbekistan a member of that coalition? Correct me if I’m wrong.
Of course Puddy Freep would rather talk about pedophiles. Why? Maybe he wants link them to “liberal, progessive democrats” as he tried to do one other time? Or does he like to see himself in pixels?
For the Clueless spews:
Wingnut @ 40
New York state and New York City voted for John Kerry in 2004.
Puddybud spews:
Daddy_Love: CNN did the initial story, but the case went against the librul way so they DIDN’T follow up. Typical.
So how many more URLs do I need to prove to you that I am NOT using Internet anecdotes? Does Daddy_Love just IGNORE these stories or, are you a well read individual?
Puddybud spews:
Once again, cluelessASS doesn’t read the thread.
You need more remedial help cluelessASS. Post 28 is answered by 31 which is answered by 36 & 37 which is answered by 39 which is answered by 41 which is answered by real evidence with my latest entries. Don’t accuse me of thread hijacking just because your pea-sized bain can’t comprehend a tete-a-tete conversation between adults you child!
CluelessASS, every time you write you stick your head up your ASS. Maybe you should retire for 2006, and your royal ASSness title will be passed to another!!!
For the Clueless spews:
I’m sorry to disappoint you TripleP but this “liberal progressive democrat” is not going to go gently into that sweet night. I’m going to stick around till at least November and if things break the best way – I’ll be looking forward to seeing your self-righteous ass roasted – again.
Puddybud spews:
That’s okay cluelessASS. I know you receive some surreal satisfaction seeing your worthless thoughts in pixels. Weren’t you one of the chief ASSchearleaders who said Karl Rove was going down? I predicted otherwise. I still predict DeLay will get off. When the Republicans retain the congress you’ll go away?
Vanderleun spews:
Sad but true for many but however November goes, the Republicans will still retain control of the Administration and the Legislature. And over the next three years they will expand their control over the Court. That’s just the way it is. Today, Washington, DC. Tomorrow, Washington State.
For the Clueless spews:
Karl Rove going down will indeed be a moment of hope for this country – and from what I’m reading it may yet happen.
DeLay might weasel out of his Texas troubles by some point of the compromised law down there but he’s looking finished politically by the Abramoff dustup – and oh what a fun time that will be for you Puddy Freep! I can’t wait!
Again, I hate to disappoint but “going away” is not my style. It’s going to be an interesting ride in 2006 and I’d hate to miss it.
Daddy Love spews:
Puddybud –
You asserted that schools “indoctrinate”
– illogical reasoning through hate for the military with teacher sponsored skits
– illogical reasoning through hate of the Holiday Season by not being able to sing Christmas carols
– illogical reasoning of global warming propoganda when leading scientists have changed their minds
– illogical reasoning of no military recruiters on campus because the military keeps us free
– the attempt to rewrite history that Ronald Wilson Reagan didn’t destroy the Soviet Union
– telling students they can’t wear Christian personal statement clothing to school
– If a student disagrees with the teacher they are publicly castigated in classroom
– [professors] marking down student papers that disagree with their tired and worn out world theories
– [professors] telling them evil Republicans are bad
– [professors] telling them social programs will cure all ills
– [professors] telling them that taxing the public is the ONLY way to solve financial problems
To support this, you link to stries about legal suits on gay marriage, laws against funding scholarships for seminary studies, and FBI arrests of NAMBLA members. I found support for only one of your contentions (re: Xmas carols) ad partial support for another (the prolife shirts were not banned for specifically religious reasons that I can tell, but the TM Center is kind of lax about linking to actual court records). The rest of your assertions are not supported by your links, and your links contain materials about which you made no claims.
As for “anecdotes,” do try to understand what I am talking about. I am not saying that you are telling untrue stories. I was using a hsorthand for “ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE:”
“evidence stemming from a single, often unreliable source which is used in an argument as if it had been scientifically or statistically proven. The person using anecdotal evidence may or may not be aware of the fact that, by doing so, they are generalizing (a logical fallcay). For example, someone who is not a physician or other kind of expert might argue that eating crushed garlic and drinking one glass of red wine per day will prolong your life, just because their own neighbour indulged in that habit and died aged 90. It becomes clear that in this case any form of inductive reasoning lacks a broad empirical basis. Similarly, a politician might publicly demand better teacher training facilities just because their own son or daughter happens to have a spectacularly incompetent teacher.”
You are offering isolated incidents as evidence from which we should draw sweeping general conclusions. Sorry, that won’t cut it. Find a study, not an incident.
Oh, and if you want your kids to sing Christmass carls, sing them with them, don’t force Christianity on non-Christian school children. That’s NOT in the Cosntitution.
Daddy Love spews:
Damn- I hate it when I do that.
Daddy Love spews:
Puddybud –
It’s all about presenting a logical argument. If you want to claim that “schools want to indoctrinate children with hate for the military,” and all you present is a single instance of a school or teacher putting on what you would describe as an anti-military skit, that won’t do. You should really show, at minimum, that activities that would teach children to hate the military take place in a majority of shools. Otherwise, make smarter claims.
PS: I am not even dealing with differences on how different peiople would regard what constitutes “anti-military” or “indoctrination” (which, by the way, is a loaded term and also has no place in reasoned argument.
For the Clueless spews:
58 – DL, all Puddy Freep needs to support his arguments are articles in Newsmax (NewsWhacks) and World Net Daily (WingNutDaily) among other wingnut kool-aid dispensaries frequented by the freepy one. To Puddy Freep, if it’s written there it must be true.
Puddybud spews:
Daddy_Love: I will address your “complaint” and ignore the child posting in 59.
I assuyou ((not assume) you are making an ass out of you and you) as you didn’t look at all the links on the Thomas More page. There are over a hundred links on that page and you blow them off. Typical librul. When confronted with the facts from a concise source; denigrate it as one-sided. Yet, the ACLU is one sided in their attack against Christianity. You can’t have it both ways Daddy_Love.
So to show you how many links there are for “ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE”:
Results 1 – 10 of about 1,080,000 for +CNN +Religious +Student +Cases.
Results 1 – 10 of about 315,000 for +MSNBC +Religious +Student +Cases.
Results 1 – 10 of about 279,000 for +MSNBC +Freedom +of +Speech +Student +Cases.
Results 1 – 10 of about 620,000 for +CNN +Freedom +of +Speech +Student +Cases.
Results 1 – 10 of about 382,000 for +CBS +Freedom +of +Speech +Student +Cases.
Results 1 – 10 of about 469,000 for +CBS +Religious +Student +Cases.
Results 1 – 10 of about 783,000 for +ABC +Religious +Student +Cases.
Results 1 – 10 of about 530,000 for +ABC +Freedom +of +Speech +Student +Cases.
That’s just a start. I can easily think of more searches that are so ANECDOTAL! Yes, so much anecdotal evidence and no time to post all those links!
So the child poster in #59 knows, where is WORLDNETDAILY or NEWSMAX URLs above? You see, the child poster in #59 former known as cluelessASS just doesn’t have a clue. Aptly named by God though! Ya see God also knows he’s clueless. In fact God placed the thought for him to choose clueless. Since he agrees with Goldy almost all the time he too is an ASS, so he’s cluelessASS. He is also a jackASS who lives in his small intellectual prison. There is no rhyme or reason to anything he posts on ASSes for pixelation! The poster of #59 can’t brush his teeth in the morning (assuming he does brush his teeth) without first getting his dose of DK or MM or TP. Hmmm… DKMMTPCASS, now that’s an easy moniker!
Puddybud spews:
Move for your New Years Day viewing
Results 1 – 10 of about 526,000 for +ABC +Military +Denied +School +Access
Results 1 – 10 of about 397,000 for +CBS +Military +Denied +School +Access
Results 1 – 10 of about 869,000 for +CNN +Military +Denied +School +Access
Results 1 – 10 of about 346,000 for +NBC +Military +Denied +School +Access
Wells spews:
President Bush is very good – at lying! Just look at how republicans still believe he’s: 1) christian, 2) concerned about American citizens, 3) not a malevolent crook. Despite Bush’s unmatched record of failure, those who vote for him still can’t admit their mistake. Pride goeth before a fall.
Anybody else see George’s expression at the recent Kennedy Center event when that sexy actress/singer came out on stage? He acted like he was in a strip club, drooling at her sex appeal, like he’d like to hump her right there. Unbelievable.
I take that back; it is believable that President dumbass again makes an ass of himself. Laura could win an Oscar maintaining her loyal wifey act.
Wells spews:
Hey Janet S. What the hell? You think democrats want Iraqi’s slaughtered and Saddam reinstated? You’re insane. You and the snake you rode in on are insane.
For the Clueless spews:
Calm, calm, Puddy Freep! Layer on some more foil on the tin foil hat and pop another soothing med.
Relax with some more NewsWhacks – the same stuff you just quoted to me a day or two ago!
Prep yourself everybody! We’re going to have a wild 2006!
Puddybud spews:
DKMMTPCASS@64: What huh, did you say something worthwhile? Oh, you just farted!
For the Clueless spews:
I got one for you too, TripleP!
FRMRCRNCPPP – nice ring to it huh?
Puddybud spews:
Unfortunately, DKMMTPCASS you are hardly original! You always need someone to give you a clue.
For the Clueless spews:
Hey, I came up with Puddy Freep, then Puddy Freep Koresh and then Puddy Pod Person or TripleP. I’m very creative, FRMRCRNCPPP!