I was driving my daughter to school this morning when we heard something on KUOW about a “Clown County man.”
Of course, they probably said “Clallam County,” but both my daughter and I heard “Clown,” and it got me thinking… wouldn’t it be cool if Washington state really did have a Clown County? Not just in name, but a county that embraced the entire clown theme the way Leavenworth embraces its faux Bavarian heritage.
Though if we did, I’m guessing it would vote Republican.
Mr. Cynical: King of Clown County.
Rossi has a political future in Washington after all…
I’d be afraid to go to the bank… you would never give money to just any clown! Everyone would be weary of a slapstick-up as well.
The transit system would be easy though, just invest in a bunch of old VW Bugs or Minis and stuff them at every stop. Dino could run for Clown County executive!
I suggest Federal Way. We’re not really using it for much of anything anyway.
You know what Goldstein? FUCK YOU. Is this the change Obama was talking about – never-ending piling on and bashing the other side with non-stop crap like this? Does this bring people together? You shitheads on the left aren’t about coming together or one America or whatever BS you shovel – you are all about lying and intimidation, promoting socialism, and destroying what America stands for. Too bad you jerks didn’t follow up on your promises after the 2000 and 2004 elections to move to Canada. Screw you, asshole.
Why not do what corporations do and consolidate our money-losing operations into a single unit and spin it off?
I’m talking about eastern Washington, of course, for which Seattle perpetually provides financial life support.
We’ll call it Clown County, and it’ll eventually become State of Clowns. Instead of living on state subsidies, it’ll live on federal subsidies, like Alaska.
We can send the Republicans to Clown County who aren’t already there and they can live in their own little Magic Kingdom — or fight among themselves.
@5 So now the defeated righties want us to “bring people together” i.e. give them a piece of the action? This is a joke, right? An attempt to get the Clown County concept off on a jocular note? Something along the lines of “Saturday Night Live”? You’re funny, I’ll give you that.
The best thing to do with a righty is kick him when he’s down so he’ll never get up again.
5 – Could this be Chris that old right wing stooge?
The sins of the right wing are many and aren’t going to be forgiven lightly Chris.
There’s bound to be consequences after the last eight years. All the thieves have to give back what they stole with interest.
It’s called justice.
@5 It looks like we’re getting peace feelers from the right now that we’re calling the shots but their diplomacy needs work.
@9 I think they should do time, too.
Thanks to all of you idiots for making my point for me. You may have won this election, but in the long run, America will never accept you as anything other than intolerant, radical freaks who want to see this country destroyed. Enjoy it while you can, because it won’t last.
Who Needs Assisted Suicide When You’re Got Euthanasia?
“WASHINGTON — The family of a 12-year-old boy who is brain dead is fighting a hospital’s attempt to have him taken off life support …. The boy’s parents … have retained a lawyer who says the boy’s circulatory and respiratory systems are functioning ….
“The hospital is seeking a court order that affirms its plan to disconnect the boy from a ventilator and to discontinue intravenous medications that keep his heart beating. … In court papers, the hospital’s lawyers wrote that … the hospital tried to find other facilities to take the boy but that none would admit him ….”
(Quoted from Fox News under fair use; if they don’t like it, they can fucking sue me!)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if the hospital administrator is a Republican? I don’t know, just askin’. I’d guess what pro-life folks think should apply to us (“sanctity of life,” blah-blah) shouldn’t apply to them when money is involved.
Clown County even has checkpoint’s.
They are looking for terrorists,
Mexicans and testing citizens on their
clown knowledge….and Mexicans.
Did I mention Mexicans?
@12 Optimistic about conservatism’s prospects as a growth industry, are you?
Just what this blog doesn’t need, another wingnut still living in the 1980s — or is it the 1880s?
Shutup @5,
Sounds to me like somebody is a poor loser.
Goldy @16: Coming from an ungracious winner like you, it doesn’t mean much.
GOP Complains To FEC About Obama’s Grandmother Visit
The Washington Post reports that Republicans filed a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission on Monday accusing Obama of “converting” campaign funds to “personal use” by flying to Hawaii on his campaign plane to visit his dying grandmother.
@17 Keep it up, loser! Go ahead, show us what Republican whiners are made of! Chickenshit.
@17: I’m sorry for your loss, I’m not sorry for the state/nation’s gain.
Obama Wins North Carolina
North Carolina has been called for President-Elect Obama, bringing his electoral vote total to 364, with Missouri’s 11 EVs still undecided.
Meanwhile, Oregon GOP Sen. Gordon Smith conceded this morning, bringing the Democrats’ Senate seats to 56, with 3 races still undecided. In Minnesota, Al Franken trails GOP Sen. Norm Coleman by 437 votes; in Georgia, there will be a runoff election on Dec. 2; and Alaska’s Senate race pitting convicted felon Ted Stevens against Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich remains too close to call with ballots still remaining to be counted.
I think we should work with REASONABLE republicans to fix the incredible mess that Bush has left. Unfortunately, what I find is that the trolls here are still busy calling names (socialist) and concern-trolling (what will Obama do NOW?).
This country has lots of real problems and we need to get to work to fix those problems. The trolls on here prefer to catcall and blame before Obama even takes over. Republicans refuse to accept reponsiblility for their failed policies. Saying that the free market will fix things is like trying to fix the fox in the henhouse by putting in more foxes. ain’t gonna work.
Even Greenspan admitted that he and his philosophy were naive to think that greed would not be inherent in the free market system. It is time to fix the system – proper regualtions need to be in place. People who write mortgages need to be responsible for them so they suffer if they write loans that are prone to default. It is time to emphasize personal responsibility and corporate responsibility.
Americans should pay their fair share of taxes – get rid of the overseas tax havens, the oversease job shifts and the loopholes for big corporations and the rich. Time to quit overtaxing the middle class and tilting things towards the rich.
It looks like convicted felon Ted Stevens is still one of the most “popular” elected officials in Alaska. Sure says a lot about popularity in Alaska – remember how Palin was praised for being such a popular governor…
#5’s response is the most fun part of reading yer leetle blog!
Keep up the fine work.
We already have KLOWN Kounty…they also go by King.
22. correctnotright spews:
The fact that you preface every comment putting all the blame on Bush is hardly the way to seriously create a bipartisan spirit cnr. What has the DEM Congress done the past 2 years?? How about Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. The truth is there is plenty of blame to go around and the President is hardly 100% responsible for the entire world economy. That is ludicrous.
If this is the best you can do, I predict Obama is in for a viciously difficult time.
Look…you KLOWNS are in charge.
Grow some gonads and make decisions….and expect plenty of criticism if the decisions are stupid.
Obama has not been accepted very well by Wall Street. He has a ticking timebomb in his hands.
@8 “The best thing to do with a righty is kick him when he’s down so he’ll never get up again.”
Speaking of which, where’s my buddy Pudz?
@26 “Waaaaaaaaaa”
What a loser.
Angry McCain Aide Says Palins ‘Looted’ Nieman-Marcus
An angry McCain aide “described the Palin family shopping spree … as ‘Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast,'” ABC News reports.
Additional revelations are pouring forth from McCain campaign insiders, including:
The McCain campaign expected Palin to spend $20K to $25K on clothing;
The Palins’ actual expenditures exceed the reported $150,000;
Sarah Palin pressured campaign aides to charge her clothing purchases to their personal credit cards, who then asked the campaign to reimburse them.
Besides clothing, other issues are rearing ugly heads:
“Fox News reports that Palin didn’t know Africa was a continent and did not know the member nations of the North American Free Trade Agreement — the United States, Mexico and Canada — when she was picked for vice president.”
“The New York Times reports that McCain aides were outraged when Palin staffers scheduled her to speak with French President Nicholas Sarkozy, a conversation that turned out to be a radio station prank.”
“Several publications say she irked the McCain campaign by asking to make her own concession speech on election night.”
The New York Times says, “The tension is likely to … get worse” and reports that “lawyers for the Republican National Committee are heading to Alaska to try to account for all the … clothing, jewelry and luggage.”
ABC confirms reports of conflict within the McCain-Palin campaign: “Reports of agitation between the two camps bubbled up in the final weeks of the campaign …. But those reports are no longer in the rumor stage as McCain loyalists are now blasting away at the Alaska governor ….”
Newsweek called the clothing allegations the “most dangerous” allegations against Palin. “It’s unclear how much McCain knew about the clothing debacle. Reports suggest that he was kept out of the loop for fear that he would not approve,” ABC reports.
News reports also paint a picture of isolation between the running mates: “Both Newsweek and The New York Times say McCain and Palin had little contact with each other.” ABC says, “Palin rubbed many … McCain aides the wrong way.”
McCain staffers are complaining that Palin refused to prep for her disastrous Couric interview, and “when she did study, she astonished her handlers by her unsophisticated views,” ABC says.
Confronted with reports that she didn’t know Africa was a continent or who the NAFTA countries were, Palin snorted, “If they’re an unnamed source, that says it all. I won’t comment on anyone’s gossip based on anonymous sources. That’s kind of a small of a bitter type of person who anonymously would charge that I didn’t know an answer to a question. So until I know who’s talking about it, I won’t have a comment on a false allegation.” In fact, those reports came from a FOX News reporter.
Palin is rejecting suggestions that she helped bring down the McCain ticket. When asked what went wrong she replied, “I certainly am not one to ever waste time looking backwards,” and proceeded to blame McCain’s defeat on the economic crisis.
(Quotes from ABC website under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This woman is an embarrassment to her state and party. It defies credulity that anyone in the GOP (except those with suicidal intentions) could take her seriously as a potential candidate for 2012. The truth now emerging about this arrogant hick from the Alaska bush will blow her phony “reformer” image to smithereens, and if Alaskans re-elect her two years from now, they’re as big idiots as she is.
@22 “I think we should work with REASONABLE republicans to fix the incredible mess that Bush has left.”
Sure, if we can find any — that might be quite a challenge.
@26 Bipartisan spirit? What’s that, Cynical? Do you guys know anything about “bipartisan spirit”? Do you even know what it is? Nah, we’re not interested. The American people elected us to sweep up your mess and that job includes throwing out the garbage. America is a Democratic country now. There hasn’t been a Democrat-Republican coalition during the last 38 years, and there isn’t gonna be one during the next 4 years. We remember what you guys did to Cleland, Clinton, Kerry, et al. and we’re not interested in sharing power with Republicans. Fuck you.
@5, 26 – Seems some folks are still hungover from their pity party.
Waaah, Waah, fucking Waah!
You right wing ball lickers had your shot and you fucked it up. The country is in a tailspin because of the Fuck Up-in-Chief you put in the White House eight years ago.
Now, you sit back in your BarcoLounger, whining, sniveling, and screaming at the computer because the American people finally broke through your bullshit and put a real leader in charge.
So, guys…Move the fuck on! Change your shorts, move out of Mom’s basement, get a freaking girlfriend for God’s sake and shut the fuck up.
Say Good Riddance to the God Damn Reagan years!
These wingnuts want us to “forgive and forget”?
Fuck no!!!
Here’s a primer on why:
Believe me. That list is going to get a lot bigger if the people on the receiving end of the last 8 years have anything to say about it.
Cynical, you’re such a loser.
For months you were a broken record with that 3.2 billion deficit crap – it didn’t work.
Now you’re trying to pin Wall Street on Obama?
Uh, Cyn, the chimp you voted for twice will be in the White House until Jan 20.
All the shit that goes down until then will be on the monkey’s watch.
@33 Damned straight. If anything was symptomatic of the degradation of today’s Republican party, it is that it became the party of America’s perverts and pedophiles. To be a Republican today is to know no shame what-so-fucking-ever.
I hear by nominate Garfield County for the honor of becoming Clown County. On election day, 70% of the voters in Garfield County cast ballots for the Palin / McClown ticket, the highest percentage in Washington state. The population of Garfield county is a mere 2400, so even with our projected budget deficit we could afford to purchase each resident sufficient clown costumes to wear every day. Hell, they’ve no doubt been suckling at the teat of urban largesse since time began… what’s a few thousand for clown costumes? I’m confident the increased sales tax revenue from tourist activities would pay for the costumes over time. Costs a lot less than out fitting one vice presidential candidate, that’s for sure, ya betcha.
@5 Lighten up, man. What we’ve had to put up with, and will continue to have to put up with, from the right, is much worse than what you see, here.
Since I’m pretty sure that I’m the only regular on ths board who’s lived in Clallam County (my parents still do), the ‘Clown County’ faux pas is actually pretty accurate. Considering that the county has had traditionally the highest rates of teen drug use, pregnancy, and suicide, the fact of the County’s general ignorance of issues concerning children and young adults is crystal clear. The fact that I survived adolescence in Port Angeles without fathering a child or developing a drug habit is a minor miracle. Not to mention the shitty economic development (religion is the only growth industry in the county), poor educational system (I oughta know), and the overall ignorance of the people.
Oh, and shutup?
It’s your turn to be the target, so grow a pair and admit defeat.
Thanks for driving Clallam County even further into obscurity. Oh well, the rain forests, pristine beaches and mountains won’t miss you and your daughter anyway.