I’m a cynical guy, but even I wouldn’t have imagined this. The following is the report from Conservapedia (the wingnut equivalent to Wikipedia) of their most popular pages (via Balloon Juice):
Main Page [1,906,378]
Homosexuality [1,570,736]
Homosexuality and Hepatitis [517,071]
Homosexuality and Promiscuity [420,676]
Homosexuality and Parasites [388,110]
Gay Bowel Syndrome [377,941]
Homosexuality and Domestic Violence [364,763]
Homosexuality and Gonorrhea [331,548]
Homosexuality and Mental Health [290,437]
Homosexuality and Syphilis [265,317]
Why the surprise Lee… exactly which Republican party have you seen the past 7 years?
It’s pretty obvious – the ones who condemn homosexuality the most are the ones most fascinated by it.
And everywhere you look, wingnuts are doing it behind closed doors in secret – it intensifies the experience. Not only are they doing it in secret, keeping up appearances, hiding the shame, they are in more than a few cases forcing it on others.
Yes, I followed a link off Eschaton to there and was similarly struck by just how intensely interested conservatives clearly are about all things gay and gayer. I wish I had found where meth-snorting and ass-banging fell in that list. Still, Gay Bowel Syndrome was enlightening.
Looks like Conservapedia functions as a medical dictionary for wingnuts with, ahem, afflictions.
I figured that the page on “The Clenis” would be the most viewed. I was mistaken.
Soon the most popular page on the site will be the Statistics page.
not at all suprised
Not surprised either. It’s become obvious what they’re trying to hide
[Deleted – off topic]
[Deleted – off topic]
Most all of those references, Lee, cite scholarly and medical articles and data, so what’s your point? That conservatives are to be condemned because they’re unwilling to willy-nilly accept homosexuality? Well, they’re not alone in an unwillingness to roll over on this issue.
While gays and lesbians are certainly entitled to all the rights of citizenship, they’re not entitled to additional ones because of their sexual orientation.
Mock all you want, but it only shows how little you get out from the cocoon of your decidedly left of center POV. In the mainstream outside the Seattle City Limits, it’s different than you think.
The Piper
So if we compassionate conservatives have a queer problem, you retard libtard mean-spirited misogynistic fat-cat ‘Crats have a rape problem. And he’s tanned, rested, randy, and ready to move back into the White House. Obama’s hacks want to know what you’re going to do about it. So do we.
@9: Just come out of the closet already. No one will judge you here (except on the lies and hypocrisy).
Most all of those references, Lee, cite scholarly and medical articles and data, so what’s your point?
Please, please, please argue that homosexuality is choice. Please do!! C’mon Crackpiper, the world record in idiocy is within reach.
You. Can. Do. It!
That conservatives are to be condemned because they’re unwilling to willy-nilly accept homosexuality?
Yes, conservatives are to be condemned for it. Homosexuality is part of the human condition. A certain percentage of human beings are born homosexual. Saying that you won’t accept homosexuality is not any different than saying that you won’t accept left-handedness.
Well, they’re not alone in an unwillingness to roll over on this issue.
What issue?
While gays and lesbians are certainly entitled to all the rights of citizenship, they’re not entitled to additional ones because of their sexual orientation.
Of course not, no one is saying they are.
Mock all you want, but it only shows how little you get out from the cocoon of your decidedly left of center POV. In the mainstream outside the Seattle City Limits, it’s different than you think.
Whatever Crackpiper. The only people who are bothered by homosexuality are people who are uncomfortable with their own sexuality.
No, the US didn’t fun OBL, who was a rich anti-American Saudi who was funneling Saudi money to the muhajadeen on his own. However, much as we are doing today with the Sunni insurgents today, the US supplied money and arms to the muhajadeen in return for a vaguely general agreement to fight the Soviet invaders but no real accountability or controls.
As for longtime Bush confidante “Kenny Boy” Lay, I love that “some say” waffle. The truth is the some Republicans lie through theri teeth and claim it, and other people tell the truth about it–I’m pretty sure none of them Republican (http://www.spinsanity.org/post.....ml#9990346 — they link to original source material).
But giving “almost as much” money to Democrats as Republicans? He was a Bush Pioneer, for God’s sake! Not that you are sourcing any of your claims. The truth is that from 11/3/99 to 11/6/2000 (that is, when it counted), Ken Lay contributed $300,700 to various campaigns and PACs around the country. Amount of money given to Republicans: $297,700. Amount given to Democrats: $3,000. So he sent 99% of his contributions to Republicans (http://www.fec.gov/finance_reports.html). I guess 1% is “almost as much” as 99% to you. Among other things that Republicans fail miserably (besides governance, and compassion) at is math.
Seems to me that these stats could have been affected by trolling liberal-whackos, searching the site for what conservatively-minded folk think about these topics… I’m sure if there was anything negative published on any of the topics at that site, we’d be reading about it hear.
Keep digging, whackos… Your hole is getting deeper!
11/14 What do y’all think that “piper” moniker is really all about?
I guess it’s possible that it doesn’t have anything to do with a crackpipe, but having read so many of his comments, I find that very hard to believe.
Seems to me that these stats could have been affected by trolling liberal-whackos, searching the site for what conservatively-minded folk think about these topics… I’m sure if there was anything negative published on any of the topics at that site, we’d be reading about it hear.
There’s not that much “negative” published there as there’s stuff that’s “absurd” and “ridiculous”.
Supply the Punchline:
Q — What visual does a Republican get when someone mentions, ‘Log Cabin Syrup’?
A —
It is Scott’s way of connecting with his Scottish heritage:
Of course, it could just be that he likes to wear a skirt. I think those socks make his legs look fat – it isn’t a good look for him.
Piper @ 11: “While gays and lesbians are certainly entitled to all the rights of citizenship, they’re not entitled to additional ones because of their sexual orientation.”
Please enumerate such additional rights. Feel free to use as much space as you need in providing your answer.
Nobody has even proven that anyone is born homosexual. It’s a sexual deviancy, we used to send people to reeducation camps for this, now we celebrate their perversity.
Gays want their lifestyle taught to 1st graders
Gays want full marriage status which is NOT a right.
Gays try to thrust their deviancy in OUR faces and we don’t like it.
Actual straight men or men comfortable with their sexuality don’t spend a lot of time obsessing about homosexuality.
It seems like there are a bunch of repressed dudes trying to convince themselves that what they desperately want is unhealthy, dirty, and dangerous so they’re not missing out. Unfortunately, they’ll just eroticize unhealthy, dirty, dangerous sex and start doing things like trolling for sex in bathrooms. Expect to see a rash of scandals about “straight” Republican men seeking out gay sex that is unhealthy, dirty, and dangerous. And maybe exploitative.
Wait, that sounds familiar…
While gays and lesbians are certainly entitled to all the rights of citizenship, they’re not entitled to additional ones because of their sexual orientation.
I didn’t know that heterosexuals could be fired or not permitted to marry because of their sexual orientation.
Dewey 16
Seems to me that these stats could have been affected by trolling liberal-whackos, searching the site for what conservatively-minded folk think about these topics… I’m sure if there was anything negative published on any of the topics at that site, we’d be reading about it hear.
So somewhere between hundreds of thousands to millions of “liberals” are reading a site created, written, and maintained by conservatives, while no conservatives do. Uh-huh. Seems you’ve grabbed the crack pipe trophy from Piper.
24 LC
Admit it. You’d love to have someone’s “deviancy” shoved in your face. Isn’t that what you kids are calling it now?
Nobody has proven that people are born heterosexual, either.
Christians thrust their deviancy in my face, too, and I don’t like it, but I accept their right to exist and even get special rights like tax-exemption for their churches. Oh, you don’t think it’s deviancy? Well I guess we define things differently. But because this is a free country, that’s okay.
Unfortunately you insist that we craft our laws by your opinion, and those laws harm families.
I can assume you belong to NAMBLA, no?
11 Piper
Recent evidence suggests and supports that,indeed, plenty of Republicans are more than willing to “roll over” on the, ahem, issue.
Loosen up, Piper, plenty of your, uh, peers have.
Go around saying that people aren’t born heterosexual despite the obvious biology, 99.999% of the people will laugh in your face. The rest are the gay deviancy crowd who will nod their crack-addled heads.
re 24: “Gays try to thrust their deviancy in OUR faces and we don’t like it.”
The hits on ‘Conservapaedia’ indicate otherwise.
23 LC
Nobody has even proven that anyone is born homosexual.
Not that you’re up on the scientific literature. But it is as true that no one has proven that no one is.
It’s a sexual deviancy, we used to send people to reeducation camps for this…
You must have missed the endless rehashings of Vetnam recently. From those, I got the impression that conservatives considered re-education camps to be a bad thing. Not if they’re for queers or Muslims, eh?
Nobody has even proven that anyone is born homosexual.
What? Ask a gay person, you buffoon. They know if they’re born homosexual or not.
It’s a sexual deviancy, we used to send people to reeducation camps for this, now we celebrate their perversity.
We used to buy and sell black people as slaves. Now we don’t. It’s called progress.
Gays want their lifestyle taught to 1st graders
Give me a link on this one.
Gays want full marriage status which is NOT a right.
It should be. The fact that heterosexuals can marry their partner while homosexuals can not is discriminatory.
Gays try to thrust their deviancy in OUR faces and we don’t like it.
Sounds like you have issues. Have you considered just coming out of the closet already? Actual heterosexuals are not bothered by those who sexual orientation is different from theirs. Homosexuality tends to only bother people who aren’t comfortable with their own sexuality.
30 LC
Or, I guess ~I~ can assume that you’re just another Republican who changes the subject to ad hominem attack rather than lose face adressing issues about which they are totally ignorant? After all, better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
If you got game, bring it. If you want to get schoolyard, go back yo mama’s house.
‘Deviancy’, in sociological terms, simply means that something deviates from the statistical norm. In that sense, homosexuals do deviate.
The fact that heterosexuals believe they were born that way tends to confirm the view that homosexuals are orn that way, as well.
You are a cultural moron. Skirts are worn by women, kilts by men. A kilt is made to be worn at the waist, while a skirt is worn on the hip.
Facile and niggly comments such as yours succeed only in offending the very large and vocal Celtic community in Seattle and beyond. People of Scottish or Irish ancestry – kilt-wearers all – are both amused at your mockery for its dullard nature, and disgusted by your cultural banality.
Tell you what…why don’t you erase St. Paddy’s day from your calendar since nearly every bar and pub in town hires either a piper or pipe band fully decked out in the garb of ol’ Gaul to entertain the huddled masses yearning to drink free, all of whom claim to be Celtic that day.
I’ll tell you this, however…Kilt wearing men are chick magnets, and even the nastiest of nasty drunken sottish brutes step aside when a man in a kilt stares them down.
Only someone absolutely secure in their manhood can wear one, however, and it’s pretty obvious you’re afraid of the ridicule you’d receive should you be caught in an updrafte while going, as we say, “regulation.”
And I do have strong, musculer calves, the result both of genetics and football. Aside from you, no one has ever complained. To the contrary, mine are regarded as well turned in the Highland community, so blow off!
The Piper
37 CGE
Just know that if you’re going to bring science into it, you’ll be leaving all of the conservtives far behind…
38 PS
You are a fashion moron. There are plenty of skirts worn at the waist.
Uh no, Homosexuals are deviant from God’s chosen path.
Hmmm…I always thought it was because Scots were gay…live and learn, I always say.
41 LC
So now you are the Messenger of God? He talks to you, does he?
That’s known as mental illness.
Isn’t that deviant?
So the government is demanding the return of signing bouses from wounded servicemen? What better illustration could there be of the utter lack of concern Republicans have for “the troops?”
re 41: Just for your information, seminal Psychiatric pioneer, Carl Jung, believed that the possession of strong, non-logical ‘holy beliefs’ were a feminine feature.
Just so you know what educated people are hearing when you talk about your ‘core beliefs’.
Liberal-crusher [what a misnomer–do you realize how ridiculous your moniker is? @ 23:
“Gays want their lifestyle taught to 1st graders
Gays want full marriage status which is NOT a right.
Gays try to thrust their deviancy in OUR faces and we don’t like it.”
Do you even uderstand what a “right” is? You need some basic civic education. People like you are not entitled to have an opinion, and you should most certainly refrain from sharing your misguided mental ramblings with members of the public. You embarrass your cause. By the way, people don’t like it when idiots like you thrust your intellectual and moral deviancy in our faces. Go back to your hole. And, you might ask for God’s forgiveness when you’re down there and repent of your hatefulness.
47 CGE
And here I thought they were just all gay…
The Gospel According to Lee…
In the beginning was Lee, and anything before Lee no longer matters because unless it springs full blown from the forhead of Lee, it is void and of no matter.
All knowledge, foreknowledge, postknowledge, sexuality knowledge, knowledge knowledge, are the exclusive perquisite, prerogotive, and percoset of Lee…
Lee knows all, sees all, smells all…
Because it is an opinion of Lee, all who question or challenge are to be insulted with smarmy nicknames and dismissed out of hand; such is the fate of those who fail to genuflect at the altar of Lee.
The Great and Powerful, Lee, has answers to questions nobody bothers to ask.
Great truths emanate from Lee prefaced by sweeping generaliztions; Lee dismisses anything with which he disagrees as either idiotic, bigoted, or stupid.
That it is an opinion of Lee qualifies it to be regarded as absolute truth applicable to all people for all time; such is the perfection of Lee.
That Lee cannot produce conclusive data to prove an assertion is irrelevent; his opinion is Gospel writ large and eternal.
Let no one dispute Lee for Lee is a legend in his own mind.
The Piper
50 Pipe
Or you could produce a reasoned, properly cited argument of your position. But then, you just wouldn’t be you.
Piper @ 50
Engaging in a little projection today, aren’t we?
Uh no, Homosexuals are deviant from God’s chosen path.
Why is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hanging out in our comment thread?
I told you he/she has a mental illness. It all fits.
What a tremendous comeback! So full of links to data and sober points of wisdom. I’m overwhelmed.
The Gospel According to Lee…
I’m going to enjoy this.
In the beginning was Lee, and anything before Lee no longer matters because unless it springs full blown from the forhead of Lee, it is void and of no matter.
Bow down to me Crackpiper, you are my bitch.
All knowledge, foreknowledge, postknowledge, sexuality knowledge, knowledge knowledge, are the exclusive perquisite, prerogotive, and percoset of Lee…
Not really, but you sure as hell make it seem that way.
Lee knows all, sees all, smells all…
I ride the bus, this is a given.
Because it is an opinion of Lee, all who question or challenge are to be insulted with smarmy nicknames and dismissed out of hand; such is the fate of those who fail to genuflect at the altar of Lee.
Bring it. Explain to me how homosexuality is a choice. Explain to me how we’re on the verge of victory in Iraq. Explain to me how global warming is a giant hoax.
I had recent disagreements with the Sierra Club, and they were able to debate me on the points, especially ‘michael’ and ‘post_meridiem’, who both did an excellent job presenting the other viewpoint. I use forums like this to dig deeper into the issues and put my own beliefs to the test. A lot of people here challenge me (especially SeattleJew) and I respect them for it. You post nonsense and then run away when someone points out how stupid you are. That’s why we make fun of you.
The Great and Powerful, Lee, has answers to questions nobody bothers to ask.
And the ones you do ask.
Great truths emanate from Lee prefaced by sweeping generaliztions; Lee dismisses anything with which he disagrees as either idiotic, bigoted, or stupid.
With explanations, of course…
That it is an opinion of Lee qualifies it to be regarded as absolute truth applicable to all people for all time; such is the perfection of Lee.
I rule.
That Lee cannot produce conclusive data to prove an assertion is irrelevent; his opinion is Gospel writ large and eternal.
Any time you want to start putting money on the table over your claims of the facts, I’m game.
Let no one dispute Lee for Lee is a legend in his own mind.
I love you, man. I have a feeling you’re gonna be giving me good material for a long time.
Republicans aren’t all gay, you know. Some of them have sex with their brother’s wife, or coerce their female children to copulate with them. It just wouldn’t be fair to tar them all with the same brush. There are hundreds of brushes they can be tarred with.
I dare you to come with me to certain sections of Glasgow and repeat that. But please wait until I can put distance between me and the forthcoming thrashing of your ass at the hands of some rather rough and nasty Glaswegians who’d quickly use your head for an impromptu game of football.
Scots don’t take kindly to foppish insults, and the dead on battlefields around the world can attest to it.
But I’m sure you’re just jealous that you hae no clan or tartan o’ your own. But I’m authorized to make an honorary member of the Macstupid’s of Glen Dolt whose hereditary lands are below the slack water mark of the northen most of the Orkney’s. It’s there you can bugger all the sheep you can steal.
The Piper
Lee @ 55
What a gift the Piper has given you on this holiday eve–you plainly have gotten under his skin. You must be feeling buoyant. I’m envious.
It’s funny how so many of the same people who claim that homosexualtiy has no genetic component also claim that women are genetically programmed to seek “security” while men seek, essentially, promiscuity. Weird ideas, and I would say that there is considerably LESS evidence for the latter than for a genetic basis for homosexuality.
I’d like to ask that to which some others have alluded without becoming too specific:
Do any heterosexuals in here believe that their sexual orientation is a choice, and that they could change any time they want?
But there is ACTUAL research out there…
Research on Sexual Orientation and Human Development: A Commentary.
ERIC #: EJ498076
Title: Research on Sexual Orientation and Human Development: A Commentary.
Authors: Strickland, Bonnie R.
Descriptors: Bisexuality; Developmental Psychology; Homosexuality; Individual Development; Lesbianism; Mental Health; Psychological Studies; Research Methodology; Sexual Identity; Sexual Orientation; Sexuality; Well Being
Source: Developmental Psychology, v31 n1 p137-40 Jan 1995
Peer-Reviewed: N/A
Publisher: N/A
Publication Date: 1995-00-00
Pages: N/A
Pub Types: Information Analyses; Journal Articles
Abstract: Reviews the evolution of research over the past 25 years on sexual orientation and its effects on human development, concluding that gay and lesbian interests and behavior appear to result from a complex interplay of genetic, prenatal, and environmental influences. Notes that gender identity develops early, especially for males, and is difficult to change. (MDM)
Research into the genetic component of some complex behaviours often causes controversy, depending on the social meaning and significance of the behaviour under study. Research into sexual orientation – simplistically referred to as ‘gay gene’ research – is an example of this. This research is worrisome for many reasons, including the fact that it has been used to harm lesbians and gay men. Many homosexual people have been forced to undergo ‘treatments’ to change their sexual orientation. Others chose to undergo them to escape discrimination and social disapprobation. But there are other reasons to worry about such research. The very motivation for seeking an ‘origin’ of homosexuality reveals homophobia. Moreover, such research may lead to prenatal tests that claim to predict for homosexuality. For homosexual people who live in countries with no legal protection these dangers are particularly serious.
Genetics of Sexual Orientation
Much of my early work on sexual orientation focused on behavioral genetics. I did several twin and family studies, which suggested that both male and female homosexuality run in families, and that male and female sexual orientation are moderately (but far from completely) heritable. You can download the most recent twin study (http://www.psych.northwestern......s,2000.pdf ). Here is an article about gay brothers (http://www.psych.northwestern......%20et%20al.,%202000.pdf ).
Because identical (monozygotic, or MZ) twins are often discordant for homosexuality, environment must matter. It is important to realize, though, that “environmental” is not equivalent to “social.” There can be biological causes of MZ twin differences. We hope to begin a study of discordant MZ twins (i.e., twin pairs with one homosexual and one heterosexual twin).
With collaborators Alan Sanders, Khytam Dawood, Elliot Gershon, and others, we have begun a genetic linkage study to try to replicate Dean Hamer’s famous finding of linkage on chromosomal site Xq28, and to search for other linkage sites. This study will take several years, but we expect a definitive answer to the question whether there is linkage at Xq28.
Under my skin??? G’won! Gimme a break! Mosquitoes are annoying, but dealt with efficaciously with a rolled up P-I (all it’s good for, BTW).
This is simply another one of the never ending brickbat battles that abound for everyone’s enjoyment; I’m doing my part to keep Lee out of bars and other dens of iniquity.
And you, PL? Making ready to be festive tomorrow? Hope so…You are one of my HA favs, you know…but not in a wide-stance sense of the word.
The Piper
Bibliography for Facts About Sexual Orientation
The Homosexual Brain?
Daddy Love
In addition to the scientific studies you cite, simple common sense defies the ludicrous claim that homosexuality is a matter of choice. Why would anyone choose to be vilified, marginalized, discriminated against, mocked, condemned? Those that claim despite all the evidence that homosexuality is a choice are those who truly refuse to let facts get in the way of believing whatever it is they want to believe.
I dare you to come with me to certain sections of Glasgow and repeat that. But please wait until I can put distance between me and the forthcoming thrashing of your ass at the hands of some rather rough and nasty Glaswegians who’d quickly use your head for an impromptu game of football.
Yes, of course, you and yours confuse violence with masculinity. But literacy is a virtue as well, and you might note that I said myself to be educated by you. But please, don’t let that stand in the way of your frightened, violent response to your own homophobia.
Scots don’t take kindly to foppish insults, and the dead on battlefields around the world can attest to it.
Again, real men are killers. Good one.
But I’m sure you’re just jealous that you hae no clan or tartan o’ your own.
Wrong. Anderson clan, subclan of Ross. It’s mostly blue, if that helps.
It’s there you can bugger all the sheep you can steal.
No, I’ll leave that to you and you “real man” brothers to rape the sheep when the women find your homophobia, misogyny, and violent projection distasteful.
@38: Touched a nerve there did I Scott? Celtic? Puleeeze, spare me your made up fake ethnicity.
I don’t go out on St. Patrick’s eve, I’m not much for amateur night.
Oh, and Piper…
That’s why we Americans are armed, to shoot out the eyeballs of violent Scottish thugs who thank that a properly administered beating is the same thing as winning an argument. Come on down.
As a Democrat, both single and female, I don’t agree with the Piper’s stance on many topics. I do, however, admire both his way of connecting with his Scottish heritage and for standing up for what he believes in. I find it interesting that the first thing many of the “liberals” here wind up attacking, is their conservative counterpart’s masculinity… Why is that? He looks pretty damn good in that kilt!
Oh, just throw in enough aye, nae, ye, dinnae, and canna and the pose is complete.
Why would anyone attack a conservative’s masculinity?
Did you even read the post?
Gay Bowel Syndrome?
Can you you sign up collect SSI for that?
I do…admire…his way of…standing up for what he believes in
Which none of the Democrats in here do, right? Or you admire none of them for that, right? Or you mention Piper but fail to mention your great admiration for Democrats who stand up for what they believe, right?
So, in conclusion, what ~I~ believe (see me standing up for it?) is that you are no Democrat.
OK, that’s just whacked.
Ah, you must be 2nd Amendment Democrat in mufti…But try carrying a firearm in the U.K. and the resulting prison sentence will mean you’ll never see the U.S. again.
The Piper
This is simply another one of the never ending brickbat battles that abound for everyone’s enjoyment; I’m doing my part to keep Lee out of bars and other dens of iniquity.
Dude, bars have Wi-fi. There are a wide variety of heathen places I can humiliate you from.
Ask Larry Craig. Or Ted Haggard. Oh, hell, ask any conservative, they all seem to be reading about it nonstop.
I beg to differ. A licensed vermin gun used to protect my life from a gang of vicious Scottish hoodlums intent on doing me grievous harm? I think I’d be pretty much in the clear.
You should really probably not make claims about me out of your your abysmal ignorance that I can simply prove wrong. Better to remain quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Might I extend on this Thanksgiving Eve my thanks to you for doing battle here. How hollow would music be if all instruments played only the melody?
Best to you and yours for tomorrow.
Your Leeness…
That you can have mild and minor disputes with those who already share fundamental premises with you isn’t something about which you ought to brag. Try taking some of your patent pending tripe where you really have to put it on the line and defend it.
Iraq? Winning? I never said that. What I have said is it looks as though things are improving. I said that I believe the Iraq effort was honestly and honorably entered into, and it’s a fight worth waging, even as my stake in it is two sons higher than yours. I don’t deal in cliches, and I don’t bow to political expediency.
Global Warming? My gut tells me that like the dud population bomb of the late 60’s and early 70’s, this, too, may turn out to be so much bunk. Tons of scientists back then thought the earth would be overpopulated by the mid-80’s and that we’d all be starving to death.
Been to Canlis lately?
Has there been climate change? I’m content to believe there has been. Is it all man-caused? That question is open to debate.
What I’m deeply suspicious of, however, are the players in the game; I’ve seen these birds before, and they’ve all the look of flim-flam artists. Al Gore is first and foremost a political animal in anything he does first and foremost for Al Gore.
Remember when Al was pro-life and pro-tobacco (‘I’ve raised tobacco … I’ve shredded it, spiked it,… and sold it.’)? Al is his father’s son, no two ways about it. See also http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....ction.html
I’ve caught you so many times on points of history and legal analysis that it isn’t funny. That you laugh at me and mock me tells me only you don’t understand nor appreciate something outside of your narrow and quite left of center perspective.
There’s a screamingly funny song by the Swedish accapella jazz group, The Real Group, entitled “Big, Bad World,” and the lyrics offer insight:
“Who’s afraid of the big bad world the big bad world the big bad world
Who’s afraid of the big bad world
Nobody loves a chicken
Who’s afraid of the big bad world the big bad world the big bad world
Who’s afraid of the big bad world get some guts and feel no fear.”
No, Chicken Little, I don’t believe the sky is falling, nor do I believe light rail or any political proposal will solve mankind’s issues. Another line from a show tune (does this along with my kilt prove I’m gay?), “Pal Joey,” and it goes, “life is a two-by-four.”
I’ve yet to see or hear you acknowledge any error of your ways, even when caught red-handed. So, debating with you is like debating the wall: fixed, impenetrable, and brickishly dense.
I admit you are clever and, unlike some, you at least don’t hide behind sock puppet pseudonyms, and I did genuinely feel for your inability to sell the house and move to, of all places, Kent. We shared a yuk over Kent, didn’t we?
My fundamental premise about the difference between conservatives and liberals explains you: you think I’m inferior, stupid, and morally deficient for holding the beliefs, values, and opinions I hold, whereas I just think you’re wrong.
Tell me…which is the more tolerant, respectful, and open-minded?
I do enjoy our tet a tetes. And I don’t take them personally; life’s too short, and politics isn’t the end of the world. But I won’t be bullied, and, as if you haven’t noticed, I don’t back down! If I wanted it easy, I’d stay at Sound Politics or Postman or other places. I come here for the challenge and the sport, and I get that, so I’m satisfied.
I genuinely feel sorry, however, for those who are afraid to venture outside the cloister of HA, et al, and into the Big, Bad World. You bet, it can be a bitch, but with an open mind, you can learn something.
In the meantime, Lee…and in all seriousness and with good cheer, humor, and blogging comraderie…You and yours have a great Thanksgiving. Isn’t it marvy that we live in a country where we free to bicker like cats and dogs all the while revelling in the abundance that overflows all of our cups?
The Piper
Piper: How could I NOT make fun of someone who referred to themselves as a : “Glaswegian”? Glascowan? Glascowcian? Glascowcan?
“Glaswegian”? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for removing all doubt…
Have a great Thanksgiving…
The Piper
Piper wears dresses and fights on behalf of the Glaswegians.
Some one from Glasgow is referred to as a Glaswegian. I, however, never said I had any relationship to Glasgow, though I have visited there and competed there for a world championship in 2001. I didn’t come up with the term, they did…don’t blame me!
The Piper
Piper: Why do you indulge in Glaswegian warfare?
Ditto…you fight fair and honorably…can’t ask for more than that.
Enjoy Thanksgiving…
Fascinating that the U.S. was the first nation on the face of the earth to set aside a national day of thanks. Lest any wonder why we’ve been so blessed, consider that.
The Piper
Let’s hew the line on the topic here! Let’s get back to the fact that Republicans are , by and large, clost, self-loathing homosexuals.
The proof is all those hits about gay info. on Conservapaedia.
Irrefutable as a tartan skirt on a bellicose Glaswegian.
“Come on down?” Sorry…Drew Carey already got the Bob Barker gig on Price is Right, so your audition is a lot of days late and several million dollars short.
Maybe you can go for Howie Mandel’s gig when he hangs it up? Just a thought because I’m lookin’ out for you!
The Piper
My gut tells me that like the dud population bomb of the late 60’s and early 70’s, this, too, may turn out to be so much bunk. Tons of scientists back then thought the earth would be overpopulated by the mid-80’s and that we’d all be starving to death.
Typically anti-science bullshit. First, define “tons of scientists” precisely. You might even want to name a name that isn’t Paul Ehrlich. So your “gut” tells you to ignore the largest cooperative scienfic research consortium in world history. Well, good for your gut. Then again, if all your gut tells you is that it “may” not pan out, then your gut is so vague as to be useless as an indicator, don’t you think?
Is it all man-caused? That question is open to debate.
The IPCC thinks differently. While there is political debate over global anthropocentric climate change, the scientific debate is over. I should not be surprised that you do not know or accept this.
Why don’t you try actually educating yourself on an issue for once? They’ll send you free CDs with all of their research. I have two. http://www.ipcc.ch
Or, here is a simple statement that nonetheless contains big words, so go slow: http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessm.....yr_spm.pdf
@57 Piper
I dare you to come to certain sections of Glasgow and repeat what you wrote this morning about soccer on Crosscut. The Glaswegian nasty boys would rip off your kilt and toss your arse in the Clyde.
That you can have mild and minor disputes with those who already share fundamental premises with you isn’t something about which you ought to brag.
I’m not sure I see your point here. Just because I share certain fundamental premises does not mean I will always agree to particular strategies, and that’s essentially what the debate over Prop 1 was about. Strategy.
Try taking some of your patent pending tripe where you really have to put it on the line and defend it.
Been doing it for years. That’s why it’s so easy to cut through a lot of your BS. I’ve seen it a million times before.
Iraq? Winning? I never said that. What I have said is it looks as though things are improving.
At some point, Iraq was bound to get to a point where it couldn’t get any worse. At that point, many people simply left the country. Iraq is not really improving at this point. It’s just at a dead lull, with an incapacitated government and a largely displaced populace. Iraq will gradually rebuild over the process of the next 20-30 years. None of this can be considered “success” by any stretch of the imagination. The threats to our security and our interests are already far, far worse than if we’d simply let Saddam remain in his neutered state.
I said that I believe the Iraq effort was honestly and honorably entered into, and it’s a fight worth waging, even as my stake in it is two sons higher than yours. I don’t deal in cliches, and I don’t bow to political expediency.
Well, we already know fairly well that the Iraq effort was not entered into honestly. Again, I can refer you to the October 7, 2002 speech, where the President told over a dozen lies about Iraq. Since that time, it has come to light that intelligence agencies both here and abroad had already informed the White House that their claims were false, yet they still went around making them. This isn’t speculation or a conspiracy theory, it’s now a well-known fact. I’ll be more than happy to put together a timeline with links and post it to the front page here if you doubt me. That’s neither honest nor honorable, and I think you can recognize that.
Global Warming? My gut tells me that like the dud population bomb of the late 60’s and early 70’s, this, too, may turn out to be so much bunk. Tons of scientists back then thought the earth would be overpopulated by the mid-80’s and that we’d all be starving to death.
I don’t think you quite grasp the abundance of evidence out there supporting the notion that global warming is a man-made problem. I’ll agree that there’s often unnecessary alarmism in this area, but your gut isn’t supported by the science right now.
Been to Canlis lately?
The restaurant? No, I’ve never been there.
Has there been climate change? I’m content to believe there has been. Is it all man-caused? That question is open to debate.
Not so much in the scientific community. There a consensus at this point among climate scientists that it’s man-made.
What I’m deeply suspicious of, however, are the players in the game; I’ve seen these birds before, and they’ve all the look of flim-flam artists. Al Gore is first and foremost a political animal in anything he does first and foremost for Al Gore.
Then why did he care so much about the issue when it wasn’t politically convenient?
Remember when Al was pro-life and pro-tobacco (’I’ve raised tobacco … I’ve shredded it, spiked it,… and sold it.’)?
Well, that’s simply a lazy argument. Whether or not global warming is occurring, or whether or not its caused by man, are not decided by how honest or dishonest Al Gore is. It’s decided by what scientists discover. It was always possible that Al Gore was wrong all along about global warming. But he wasn’t. Al Gore is not a deity, he’s just someone who listened to scientists and shared their concerns in a political arena. Like all politicians, he’s been wrong about things as well. But that’s embarrassing that your opinion on global warming is affected so much by your personal views of Al Gore.
I’ve caught you so many times on points of history and legal analysis that it isn’t funny. That you laugh at me and mock me tells me only you don’t understand nor appreciate something outside of your narrow and quite left of center perspective.
You’ve corrected me once about something I said about pre-14th Amendment America that was inaccurate and I acknowledged the error. Points of history? I’m not really sure that matters much coming from someone who keeps trying to compare the American Civil War and WWII to what’s happening in Iraq right now.
No, Chicken Little, I don’t believe the sky is falling, nor do I believe light rail or any political proposal will solve mankind’s issues.
Light rail isn’t going to solve mankind’s issues, but it will improve Seattle greatly. I’ve claimed no more than that.
I’ve yet to see or hear you acknowledge any error of your ways, even when caught red-handed. So, debating with you is like debating the wall: fixed, impenetrable, and brickishly dense.
As I said, you caught me red-handed once and I acknowledged it. You’ve claimed (comment #11) that the Conservapedia is providing an accurate portrayal of homosexuality, even though the site claims that it’s a choice. Am I incorrect? Are you going to explain?
My fundamental premise about the difference between conservatives and liberals explains you: you think I’m inferior, stupid, and morally deficient for holding the beliefs, values, and opinions I hold, whereas I just think you’re wrong.
I do think you’re often very stupid, but I don’t think you’re inferior or morally deficient. And I also don’t think that what divides us is solely liberal-conservative. I don’t think all conservatives are stupid, not by a longshot. Where I think you tend to fly off the rails is when you do one of three things: you forget that authority is not an excuse for irresponsibility or extremism, you believe that government has the ability to protect people from their own decisions, or you believe that people who question authority must hold ulterior motives.
Tell me…which is the more tolerant, respectful, and open-minded?
Nothing I’ve ever said to you is more disrespectful than when you’ve accused people here of being “against the troops” for being realistic about the futility of our involvement in Iraq.
I do enjoy our tet a tetes. And I don’t take them personally; life’s too short, and politics isn’t the end of the world. But I won’t be bullied, and, as if you haven’t noticed, I don’t back down! If I wanted it easy, I’d stay at Sound Politics or Postman or other places. I come here for the challenge and the sport, and I get that, so I’m satisfied.
That’s good. And I will continue to post to Effin Unsound whenever you write things worthy enough for that level of scorn. I’ve done it in the past to SeattleJew and now we’re good friends. I don’t personally dislike you, I just find it amusing that you seem to think you’re a whole lot smarter than you really are.
I genuinely feel sorry, however, for those who are afraid to venture outside the cloister of HA, et al, and into the Big, Bad World. You bet, it can be a bitch, but with an open mind, you can learn something.
I think you already know this, but I do comment at right wing sites somewhat regularly (as ‘thehim’, although with a link to my real identity). I actually posted two diaries at RedState before being banned for criticizing Michelle Malkin. So I’ll assume that you weren’t referring to me there. The fact that I have put my views up for scrutiny in various places is why I don’t have problems debating with folks like you.
In the meantime, Lee…and in all seriousness and with good cheer, humor, and blogging comraderie…You and yours have a great Thanksgiving. Isn’t it marvy that we live in a country where we free to bicker like cats and dogs all the while revelling in the abundance that overflows all of our cups?
It certainly is. Have a good holiday.
Yeah, I was gonna respond to that too. When I was in Glasgow, my friends wouldn’t take me to certain bars unless I could do a Scottish accent. Americans are not terribly beloved there…
My fundamental premise about the difference between conservatives and liberals explains you: you think I’m inferior, stupid, and morally deficient for holding the beliefs, values, and opinions I hold, whereas I just think you’re wrong.
You are speaking here for all conservatives, and in doing so you say absolutely, albeit I think stupidly, that conservatives do not accuse liberals of being “inferior, stupid, and morally deficient for holding the beliefs, values, and opinions” they hold. Really? Do you think that will stand up to ANY scrutiny whatsoever?
Don’t you know as you reread your statement that (a) it can be disproved in a trice with any statement by, for example, Pat Robertson, or Ted Haggard, and that (b) it takes just one example to disprove it? maybe you do not think this way, but to claim it for consevatives in general? Don’t you know how many batshit crazy asssholes on your side?
Maybe I should find something in Conservapedia.
What’s even more amazing is that he told me yesterday that I should read some Ann Coulter. Because if there’s anyone who demonstrates how conservatives don’t think liberals are inferior, stupid, and morally deficient, it’s her….
I’ll be more than happy to put together a timeline with links and post it to the front page here if you doubt me. That’s neither honest nor honorable, and I think you can recognize that.
Yeah, when Piper “recognizes” that the Bush administration had been “neither honest nor honorable” will indeed be a red-letter day.
I’m just saying, i’m not holding my breath.
Lee@35: You asked for a link:
“Among the goals were to build more Gay/Straight Alliances in Massachusetts and expand homosexual teaching into the lower grades.”
How low Lee, only your GLAAD friends know!
Lee was that you?
While revisiting this site great anti-gay site:
I found YLB – The Clueless One’s page:
Remember what NAMBLA says:
Is that a Yeaaaaaaaaah Baby or not?
Many homosexuals admit that they are pedophiles: “The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality”
Source – San Francisco Sentinel
“The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights…..To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preferences the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games….At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full ‘appreciation’ or ‘understanding’ of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing…then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won”
“The Overhauling of Straight America.” Guide Magazine. November, 1987.
Pretty soon some liberal will look for their “I was born an idiot” or “I was born a jerk” or “I was born stupid” or maybe “I was born a rabbit” gene.
I forgot to add the liberal inspection for the “I was born a hemorrhoid” gene.
“The teaching that only male-female sexual activity within the bounds and constraints of marriage is the only acceptable form should be reason enough for any homosexual to denounce the Christian religion” – The Advocate 1985
Tom Stoddard (Lambda Legal Defense Fund) said, “We used that figure when most gay people were entirely hidden to try to create an impression of our numerousness” – What was that number? 10% of the population is homo.
Ever heard of the “Lesbian Avengers”? They like to recruit young girls.
Deep breath. Why are you concerned with the sexuality of others? Are you sure you are not somewhat aroused by this subject?
You sure seem excited to me.
Carl@109: It’s a great topic. Someone above accused we whom think right of being the reason. Well, I just posted facts!
Carl, not aroused. Just setting the record straight. Catch the pun?
I seem to remember you promising not to return here. I am somewhat of an intermittent visitor and may not have viewed your excuse for returning. Why have your returned? You never add anything. So, you have not been missed. You do not espouse Christian values, at least not those with which I was raised. God created gay people. I will pray for you, my friend, I will pray that you stop hating.
97 Pud
Your link was a great example of outreach to queer kids so hey can talk honestly about their experience and ask questions.
Your side is just anti-sex. You wouldn’t want straight kids hearing about straight sex either.
107 Pud
No they don’t. They don’t have to.
Daddy Love: First Happy Thanksgiving. Where’s the love? BTW turkey in oven looking good! Now time to converse with you lefty turkeys! Recently I blew you apart with my global warming response about lawmakers trying to tax companies. Nary a peep.
So explosion #2 of your tiny pea brain. From their own handbook: “handing out balloons to school children in an anti-gay district that said “Ask about Lesbian Lives, etc.”” – If that isn’t recruitment WTF is?
Daddy Love – Did you like my picture of Lee?
Outreach – Ohhh, the myspace page from the Mass anti-gay site. Sure was eye-POPping wasn’t it. Catch the pun DADdy love?
I have nothing about someone being gay. It’s when they push their psychobabble I object. Reread my posts from yesteryear.
Proud Leftist: Happy Thanksgiving.
I already stated my reasons. Search the site the answer lies within.
I realize why Daddy Love and Proud Leftist can’t open with a Happy Thanksgiving.
Must be nothing thankful for!
Daddy Love: From a Lesbian Avenger herself:
“The Lesbian Avengers coined the slogan “We Recruit!” and the Washington DC Avengers once set up a table at a Christian Right conventions, offering toasters, haircuts and tofu. I still think recruiting is a fabulous philosophy.”
Google Books Daddy Love. http://books.google.com/books?.....qK-ZYCxXO0
Happy Reading!
For you Daddy Love.
Take an Imitrex for that powerful headache you now have.
Proud Leftist: I will meet you someday to discuss God and His creation. You seem to forget He created man and woman. Then Sin arrived. We’ll talk sometime. I’ll buy you liquid refreshment and it won’t be the leftist kool-aid!
But you being a leftist and admitting God creates will make you an anathema with the most vile non-Christian types on ASSWipes (TM).
Piper @38: One of my best friends is a married retired marine aviator who wears his kilt and emblems proudly, and once you met him you’d immediately admit you met a manly man and his lovely wife.
There are leftist idiots and then there are those leftist idiots still looking for their idiot gene.
It is amazing on how many issues the Christian nationalists and the taliban agree.
Gays don’t need special rights just equal rights.
You said first grade, moron. When talking about “lower grades”, they were talking about freshman in high school.
This is all so GAY!! …in a conservative gray and a seer-suckuh suit!
124: I didn’t say first grade moron. Go back and read who wrote what. You still looking for your idiot gene? And if you read the link, they were moving to middle school in 2000. Who knows where they will be now.
You were defending someone who said first grade. There’s a big difference between teaching first graders sex ed and teaching middle schoolers (I was first taught sex ed in 6th grade, which was probably a good time to learn it). The article mentioned age 14, which is high school freshman age.
Oh I’m sorry Lee, I forgot to post 2nd grade:
Oh Lee:
“A gay Newton first-grade teacher’s decision to “come out” to his class has divided parents over the issue of how much teachers should reveal to students about their lifestyles.”
http://www.boston herald.com June 8th, 2000
I forgot to post this too: