“The way to continue our fight now, to accomplish the goals for which we stand is to take our energy, our passion, our strength, and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next President of the United States. Today, as I suspend my campaign, I congratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run. I endorse him and throw my full support behind him. And I ask all of you to join me in working as hard for Barack Obama as you have for me.
I have served in the Senate with him for four years, I have been in this campaign with him for sixteen months. I have stood on the stage and gone toe-to-toe with him in twenty-two debates. I’ve had a front row seat to his candidacy and I have seen his strength and determination, his grace and his grit. In his own life, Barack Obama has lived the American Dream. As a community organizer and State Senate and as a United States Senator, he has dedicated himself to insuring the dream is realized and in this campaign, he has inspired so many to become involved in the democratic process, and invested in our common future. Now when I started this race, I intended to win back the White House and make sure we have a President who puts our country back on the path to peace, prosperity and progress. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do by insuring that Barack Obama walks through the doors of the Oval Office on January 20, 2009.”
Ah well, so much for Republican dreams of a divided Democratic Party. I guess Republicans will just have to run on their merits, rather than counting on the Democrats to self-destruct, thus electing McCain by default.
sigh… Here it comes…
Rezko, Ayers, Wright, Pfufi (whatever), the Michelle “why’d he” tape… “Barry” is the racist not any of them no, they’re never racist..
Go Bob Barr!!
“This is not change you can remember…” Grampy McStain
Hillary may have acted like she threw her whole support behind Obama, and you Goldy may have fallen for that, but watch what the Clintons do not what they say.
She and many of her followers are eyeing 2012 and will do everything and anything behind the scenes to make sure that happens. If Obama loses in 2008 he is finished, and she immediately becomes the 2012 frontrunner and I told ya so mama.
The White house still may once again become a hooter’s!
Bring on the Wings!
Hillary treated O-blah-blah with kit gloves.
She lost because she failed to disclose all of the “O-mans” racist relationships timely. Waited waaaaaaaaaay too long.
However she did plant a huge seed of doubt in the minds of most thinking Americans.
Is there more to come about this phoney-baloney candidate O-man??
No doubt.
Okay, Goldy, now remind those of us who backed Hillary why we should take her injunction and support Obama vigorously. Maybe you could reread some of the vicious anti-Clinton remarks on this blog, attacks on her and on her supporters. Then tell me why the bitter taste in my mouth should be washed out by her generosity.
Personally, I will vote for BO. I will do so because he has shown a temperate and open personality, responding from the beginning with a mostly respectable campaign. His supporters, though? The closer you get to his fans by the water cooler, the more offensive they are. You can see this right here on HA, too. The joy of this campaign has been bled dry by the antagonism of the people who weren’t content to root for BO but had to go overboard in their hatred for HRC, too.
SO now it’s time to gather up all the clips from Fox Noise Channel, and all the right wing hate radio hosts when they were brutally attacking FlipFlop McCain – hoping Huckabee would win. We can also gather all the neat things like Huckabee calling McCain a liberal and Coultergiest saying she’d vote for Clinton over FlipFlop McCain. This should be fun.
We’re holding a working session at my house Sunday. 12 people have signed up. We already have 48 clips. Not only will we post to YouTube, et. al., but we’re holding a raffle in an attempt to raise money to put this on the air.
Cannot WAIT!
It remains to be seen if your Democrat Party has really come together or if this is like a divorcing couple trying to “give it one more shot.”
Listening to the audience’s reaction, it sure sounded like about 27% of the people were booing every mention of Obama. Cameras panned to some thumbs-down signs, too.
BBG @ 6 Since you’re organizing and deciding to fundraise, I’d suggest you get your FEC papers in order at the same time. And a raffle… hmmm… Might want to check WA State law on that one, too. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
BBG in an orange jumpsuit… Cannot WAIT!
Hye spike – I was a Clinton supporter until Iowa. At that point she lost me – she would not admit a mistake in supporting the authorization for use of Military Force in Iraq and she acted like her nomination was inevitable. A third place finish in Iowa and the resultant excuses and poor management in her campaign convinced me she was not the best candidate for the GE. I still think highly of Clinton and agree with most of her policies – but the people she had running her campaign were just plain BAD. Penn and Wolfson were jokes – bad jokes. She definitely lost it – and Obama just ran a better campaign and concentrated on every state, caucus or not, big or small and just got too far ahead. I am glad Obama is the candidate because Clinton has proved she can squander a lead. I still think most of the campaign digs came from the Clinton side – Obama rarely had anything bad to say except in retort or on policy. I would not say that I am an Obama “fan” but I support him for President and he is so much better than McCain – it isn’t even close. I think you are a real demcorat – but some of the other Clinton supporters who claim to want to vote for McCain…well, they need to listen to Hillary and think about health care, the war, the economy and the Supreme Court.
5 – No. I could be wrong but I don’t remember anything all that negative on Hillary on THIS blog by either the bloggers or the commenters.
Some of the long time commenters and one of the bloggers preferred Hillary. Nobody ever piled on them – I’m almost 100 percent sure of that.
Now Hillary partisans coming here and bashing Obama? THAT I remember. Talking up the Wright flap and so on.
YLB @ 1 “Rezko, Ayers, Wright, [Pfleger]…”
And the hits just keep on coming!
I’d love to hear you explain away why Obama ran for office in 1996 under the New Party (Marxist) banner. Lemme guess… “That isn’t the Marxism that I’ve known all my life…”
We can save Rashid Khalidi and his Obama and terrorist ties for another thread.
10 – Take your meds Surreal. Obama’s legislative record shows nothing of the sort.
The guy has taken money from Excel Energy and other big outfits. Marxist? Hardly.
You’re trying to call him or his wife racist and you’re failing.
You’re trying to call him a communist and you’re failing.
Someone else has tried to nail him as gay and a drug addict.
So typical of the right wing.
YLB @ 11
Explain his running with the New Party in 1996.
Aww, heck… Go ahead and explain Rashid Khalidi while you’re Googling like mad for Lefty talking points.
Hah! And you’re trying to “divorce” us or divide us and that will fail as well.
Face it. Your candidate is way over the hill, carries baggage of his own and has to drag the ugly legacy of your corrupt, inept party everywhere he goes.
It doesn’t look good for you guys.
@8 I agree with much of what you say here and also think she screwed up much of her campaign. I don’t hold the war vote against her or any of the Dems, and I have no problem with her rejecting criticism for not being prescient on the issue. BO gets full credit, but the others cannot be expected to vote based on the principle that the President is actually LYING to Congress and the World. Only the most cynical of us (like me) didn’t believe him one tiny iota. I do have problem with criticism of her from that angle.
My own worry about her campaign competence came at the caucuses. We went to vote for her and found she was totally out-organized by BO’s people, who came with enthusiasm and simply out-muscled the Clinton people (not very politely, I might add.) From then on I had problems believing she was getting and listening to advice that would let her win.
My reason for doin #5, though, was my daily encounter with Obama people, who would give her no credit at all for her issues, her experience, her passion. Most of my acquaintances from the beginning have taken a messianic attitude about him, making any opposition demonic in impulse. I think it is wonderful that an ethnic minority might be president, but that fact alone does NOT make thoughtful disagreement on issues a sort of treason. I am still waiting for people other than BO himself to reach out to the broader party.
@9 And it seems to me that there is a fundamental political reality that gets forgotten here. It has been clear for some time that Obama was winning the nomination. The winner has to be overwhelmingly gracious and forgiving of the loser. That is a sort of rule. Obama knows it, and he has acted accordingly. You know how his followers have acted, though. Right through last Tuesday’s primaries, his supporters were behaving as though running the race to the end was a vicious evil against the already Annointed. It was a pretty disagreeable sight. And to top it off, they are spewing about WHEN she should concede! It is none of their business when the opposition concedes. They just couldn’t shut up and enjoy the victory.
BBG @ 6
One more thing… I realize you’re a little slow on the uptake, so I’ll clarify for you:
It is a GOOD thing that Ann Coulter said bad things about McCain. It enhances his cred with independents. The Far Right will still vote for McCain — even if they have to hold their noses — because this country will suffer greatly under Jimmy Carter 2.0 (psst… that’s Obama).
PLEASE put up those videos and widen the gap between the Bush Administration (and its Far Right defenders) and McCain.
No Triple Crown
In an unusual horse racing upset, the horse expected to win the Belmont Stakes finished last, and the horse expected to finish last won.
Big Brown, winner of the Kentucky Derby and Preakness, was unable to run on a cracked hoof. The winner was Da’ Tara, the longest shot on the board.
So much for the “Clinton Machine”.
Gore lost an election that he should have won easily.
And The Smartest Woman In The World got her big fat ass kicked by a community rabble rouser with no track record.
You fucking guys are pathetic.
Hussein Obama = Jimmy Carter.
Too many people have forgotten (or never learned) the lesson of 22% interest rates and one in ten people being umemployed. Too many people have forgotten what happens when you try to appease assholes and dictators.
Some people will have to die, and countless others will suffer. Too bad for them, but in the long run, it’s a good thing.
As I understand Jimmy Obama’s tax policy, he wants taxes to be “fair”.
Can any of you give me a definition of “fair”? As I understand it, his definition of “fair” is to fuck the people who make the economy work, and thereby destroy any incentive to excel.
Is that his plan? Or am I confused? Please “educate” me.
So now the big test will be to see if Jimmy Obama can resist putting TSWITW on the ticket and creating a “menage a trois” that he can’t handle. 3 preznits competing for power? HTF would that work? Too bad so many people would have to die. So be it. If we can shitcan marxists for another generation it’s worth it.
If he can’t handle the clintons, how the fuck is he gonna handle ImaDinnerJacket?
Just wondering…?
McCain is like a ’68 Chevy with 3 cracked cylinders.
20 – If you’re in the top 1 percent of household income, you’re going to pay more – period.
Now pay your fucking gambling debt and leave.
@17 It’s not nice to talk that way about your dead crack whore wife. Pay your gambling debt, loser!
Gee the right wing is calling Obama the next Jimmy Carter. Too bad Obama didn’t go to parties at the Playboy Mansion like Harold Ford.
He could have been the next Bill Clinton.
What a bunch of losers.
@18 “Gore lost an election that he should have won easily.”
Gore didn’t lose. The only way you pathetic creeps could “win” was by illegally kicking 60,000 black voters off Florida’s registration roles. Which, by the way, is a federal felony. Which, by the way, makes Bush a felon.
You guys picked Jimmy Carter II for your candidate.
LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will it be 49? or all 50?
@19 Yes, it’s a real shame that Nixon and Ford inflicted 22% interest rates on our country. Now brace yourself for $200 oil, your organ grinder monkey’s legacy to America. Every time we Democrats succeed you fuckwads, we have to clean up the goddamn messes you leave behind. Pay your gambling debt, loser!
@27 “will it be 49? or all 50?”
Would you like to put some money in escrow* on that?
* Your credit is no good here anymore.
Good day for Bubba.
I heard he had a bet with her. If she lost, he gets to fuck her up the ass. Will she scream or moan?
She goes back to the senate with less power than Dimbulb Murray.
Now THAT is fucking funny…
Patty Murray assigning committee action items to The Smartest Woman In The World. Dimbulb checks her work before it goes to full committee for public scrutiny
That is fucking funny.
I can only hope that Hussein puts TSWITW on the ticket. Best thing that could happen to McCain. Be clear, I’m no McCain fan….
But if ya really want to energize the conservatives, put TSWITW on the ticket. It could make a world of difference as to whether Hussein loses 49 states or all 57.
@30: I heard that McInsane bet his wife that if he won he could call her a “c*nt” in public anytime he wanted to. I can hear his Inaugural Address now:
“My friends.. my wife the c*nt was just telling me the other day….(insert wan smile here)…”
Other than that, you are a sick moronic fuck.
Bunny Boy @ 22
Obama is a ZapCar — a feel-good concept put forth by charlatans* that will shatter to smithereens** when confronted by the big, bad real world.
* – See recent Wired Magazine article re: Zap. Also, check Zap website for lots of promises, but no real delivery.
** – If you’ve seen one of the original three-wheeled fiberglass “cars,” you know what I mean.
Still waiting for your
answersexcuses for:1. Obama and the New Party (Marxists) in 1996
2. Obama + Rashid Khalidi + terrorists
YLB @ 23
The top 1%? Keep going… By the time Obama is done with direct and indirect taxes and fees, there won’t be a pocket he and the Dems haven’t picked.
HTR @ 27
No, it’ll be all 57!
Gotta love this remix:
35 – Sounds like some more pathetic right wing bullshit that’s hardly worth commenting on.
You guys are scraping the bottom of the barrel only the shit there is of your own making.
@35: You mean your buddy, Trevor Loudon, known kook and, like you, an absolute nutter?
YLB @ 38
Typical Lefty response: if we don’t have a talking point, it doesn’t exist. Or is it part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?
Facts are stubborn things, huh?
Try this:
Google “Obama” and “New Party” and 1996
you’ll get about 18,000 results
then Google “Obama” and “Rashid Khalidi” and “fundraising”
and you’ll get 7,500+ results
DNC 2008: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
Just an Ass @ 39
No, you idiot, Zap CAR.
See: http://www.wired.com/cars/futu...../ff_zapped
Geez, people, perhaps you should use some of your welfare money to buy at least HALF a clue.
40 – Yeah and they’re probably all right wing nuts.
Full of it like you.
google this:
the real mark + moron
422,000 hits!
Fucking moron.
PTBA @ 43
That flub @ 39 really stings, huh?
Feel like you need to lash out?
YourLiberalBS @ 42 (and avoiding 40)
[cricket-cricket… cricket-cricket…]
Pool Surreal Mark – so full of fears.
Sure sucks to be you and your corrupt losing party.
45 – Well I have good news.
I only get 415,000 hits for “the real mark moron”.
YLB… flopping and flailing like a fish in a boat.
That’s OK. I’ll let you off the hook for now. Hopefully, your nightly “mental download” of MorOn.org talking points will address the issues soon. I’d love to see how Obama tries to wiggle out of these.
No, the party is severely divided, and many Clinton supporters will not follow her lead.
@ #4 – Mr. Cynical – why does racism all of sudden bother you? It is a fact of life, so if Obama doesn’t like white folks so be it.
48 – Come back any time Surreal Mark. The more right wing bullshit you bring here the more foolish your candidate looks.
We appreciate that.
With all due respect, I disagree. It’s a long way till November.
You’re high. There are a handful of folks that don’t like Obama and that handful will shrink at Clinton comes on board. Any division within the party isn’t a gain for McCain, it’s few people that may not vote.
In the states where Obama came in second he still collected way more votes than McCain…
You guys picked Jimmy Carter II for your candidate.
LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will it be 49? or all 50?
WTF. Its 58 or all 59. Get it right. Geeeesh heehehe
I Tommy, The Tommy, Thompson am a racist too, like you. Now we’re one big happy racist family.
So HRC will support BHO? Much like Teddy Kennedy supported Jimmy Carter in 1980???
If BHO accepts all this bootlicking from HRC in her effort to get on the ticket, he will demonstrate that he won’t be wearing the pants in that relationship. And her HeyBoy! Big Bill will come along to ride in the rumble seat when they go up to Lovers’ Peak for a quick smooch.
Anyone who believes the love talk? I have some guaranteed Lotto ticket numbers to sell you.
The Piper
Hillary isn’t on the ticket, you’re behind the times.
In the states where Obama came in second he still collected way more votes than McCain…
06/07/2008 at 6:47 pm
Yeah like in Texas or North Carolina. hahahahaha You guys have no chance in those states. You can run a concrete block as republican and it would still beat the democrat…keep dreaming.
Still have the audacity of hope for the Republicans this fall?
This guy couldn’t even get 10,000 signatures to get on the ballot in MA:
Sure sucks to be you and your party.
Texas primary results
Total D votes: 2,874,986
Total R votes: 1,362,322
HRC: 1,462,734
BHO: 1,362,476
McCain: 697,767
Looks like the good people of Texas already put 2 Democrats ahead of a Republican. Obama in second place has just shy of double what McCain got.
Kinda looks like what I said @53, huh.
I’m just wondering how tight her asshole is. I’ll bet bubba loves it and i’ll bet she screams in XTC at finally being dominated.
Or… maybe she straps it on and he screams. Who fucking knows.?????
Either way Who the fuck cares. She’s done. Shes gone. The threat is gone.
Looks like I hit a sore spot.
So now the question is whether we’re gonna elect a marxist ideologue from Chicago with a resume that fits on the back of a drivers license who was the piano player in the ho’house who claims he dint know what wuz goin on upstairs…
or a war hero married to a beer distributor.
You same assholes who call bush “stupid” and then pull the lever for Dimbulb Murray…. I know what you think… and you America haters who think Baghdad Bob is a “statesman”… I know what you think….
I’m just wondering who the other 300 million will vote for.
I think McCain will win all 57 (SEVEN) states.
You gots to love the Donkey womens when they say:
“I would die and slit my wrist before I’d vote for Obama,” said a Silver Spring woman in the Clinton volunteers section who gave her name only as Edith. She wore a sign pinned to the back of her Hillary T-shirt proposing: “Remember in November: vote present.”
I wonder is ol’ grandma FrickNFrack was taught to think like that about black men when she was a youngun. She still won’t answer the question!
North Carolina results
BHO: 890,723
HRC: 657,997
McCain: 381,146
Feeling stupid yet?
For the time period you claim Obama was a piano player, in truth, he was running the Harvard Law Review.
But, keep up the good work. Every comment like that drives more voters over to our side (not that we need them at this point. See posts 60,65)
Freaking awesome.
You guys oughta be ashamed of yourselves.
Even the likes of ROGER RABBIT had the balls to admit he hates blacks more than he hates women. No wonder he loves former clansman and “concience of the senate” Byrd. Hence his support for TSWITW.
But to RR, it makes no fucking difference. Both Hussein and TSWITW are hate filled marxists. Stalinism, Surrender, and Secularism is all they have to offer. Unless of course, the secular view is one of black oppression, and “getting even” with whites.
Go ahead have at it. You fucking black racists are more than welcome to pursue your hate filled agenda.
He’ll lose all 57 states.
Michael@60&65: Ever heard of Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos where he told Repubs to vote for Heilary? Of course not. You is liberal. Your memory is 24 hours max. Remember how the libtard MSM went apoplectic (so did some lefty morons here) over all the Repubs voting Donkey? Of course not. You is liberal. Your memory is 24 hours max.
Sucks to be you!
HTRCR@68: Remember headless lucy still shilled for Heilary even when it was apparent Barack was on a roll.
I don’t remember seeing anything positive from headless on Barack.
michael @ 65 “Feeling stupid yet?
Why don’t you tell us what it’s like?
Primaries don’t mean squat. For one, nobody cared that you Lefties were stuffing the ballot boxes in your own elections.
How do you reconcile this:
And if your primaries meant anything, Obama should have a MUCH larger lead in many of the other states than he really has.
Heilary “suspended” her campaign. That’s throwing your “full support” behind Barack?
Sorry Puddy,
I do remember that, but Flush doesn’t have that kind of reach. I could post more results like these from all over the country.
Those results were posted to counter Dog Shit’s comment that people in Texas and N.C. would never vote for a Democrat. John Edwards is from N.C. N.C’s governor, Mike Easley, is a Dem and 7 of their congressmen are Dems. So Dog Shit was clearly wrong on that one.
Shall I start in on Texas…
Yep. You don’t end your campaign, you suspend them. Hillary has a couple hundred employees working for her and has a big-old debit she needs to get paid off.
Nobody closes up camp overnight. From CNN:
Michael Michael Michael – You have flawed memory cells.
Look up the WA Post first week of May.
Rush was the lead in Time Magazine.
Barack Obama’s campaign recognized the effect in Indiana when Heilary barely won.
Need mo proofs?
Puddy @ 72
There is no educating these dimwits. Between their I.V. Kool-Aid and the nightly “mental downloads” of MorOn.org talking points, you’d have better luck convincing a mental patient that was off his meds (which, I think, Roger might be anyway).
Note how PTBA skirted his(?) idiotic post @ 39?
Note how YLB tries valiantly to “I… can’t… HEAR… you” any issues about Obama and the Marxist New Party in 1996? (You might be throwing the Marxist label out there just to annoy the Lefties, but he really DID work with them in 1996). Notice how YLB ignores the connection between Obama, Rashid Khalidi, fundraising and terrorism?
They don’t WANT to know. Just like Barack, they want to be able to say, “Really??!! Obama did that??!! That’s not the Obama I knew for many years!”
Note how michael ignores the NC polling data @ 71.
Michael Michael Michael – I remember the Indianapolis Star posting Indiana voter turnout on the Star website and it read “Hardcore Republicans voting Democrat”.
Sucks to be you Michael.
From CNN
Assuming McCain is the Republican presidential nominee, 52 percent of poll respondents said they would vote for him, compared with 44 percent for Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, the current Democratic front-runner.
New York Sen. Hillary Clinton fares slightly worse, with 42 percent, compared with 55 percent for McCain.
The results are not a surprise, said CNN polling director Keating Holland. “Texas is a pretty red state.”
. michael spews:
Feeling stupid yet?
Michael, YLB and others…
I read an interesting quote in a recent Gallup poll:
In other words, the Obama support is more emotional than rational. Considering that a good chunk of Obama’s support is younger (18-29), can they maintain their interest and enthusiasm for another FIVE MONTHS? Or will some other shiny object capture their short attention span?
Actually, I just missed that one @71.
Yay, you brought up something that’s actually relevant. It’s a good question and one I don’t have an answer for at the moment.
And now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go finish my laundry.
The high water mark for the GOP was 2004, 37% of the population identified with them. Currently 46% identify as Domocratic.
Your collective attitudes reflect a shell of noise. I’m sure Barack will be taking as much heat as the good old MSM can pour on him. The number of people who believe them is maybe 10 percentage points over the number of people who identify as Republican today. Those two numbers will be even closer together in November and I don’t either is going to grow in that time frame. He’s handled the pressure pretty good so far, I hope he will continue to do so. Still there’lots that can happen before november. The worst in my opinion is that shrub will suddenly decide,”Constitution, I don’t need no stinking constitution.”
LMAO @ surreal Mark!!!
Puddybud is voting for Obama in November!!!
We ought to start an HA pool on when PSilly goes back home.
It should be soon. Surreal Mark thinks Barack is a terrorist and a communist. Another right wing loon a few threads thinks Barack never gave up cocaine and bats for the other team.
Given PuddyFool’s love for right wing bullshit, I’d be surprised if he isn’t home already.
YLB @ 82
I never explicitly said he was a terrorist or Communist. I asked you to explain away his obvious lack of judgment.
1. re: Communist. EITHER he is a gutless pretty boy panderer who would sell his soul for political office… OR he actually believed in the philosophies and goals of the Marxist New Party in 1996. Which is it? The association is a fact.
2. re: Terrorist. Hmmm… Ayers… Khalidi… He may not be a terrorist, but you’re judged by the company you keep — and his friends ARE terrorists or supporters thereof.
Have you seen the company McCain keeps? I think you’re over playing things a bit, but I also think it’s a case of picking your poison.
michael @ 84
In the cases of kissing Ayers’ ring, associating with Khalidi (who, I believe, did fundraising for Obama) and, most of all, aligning himself with the New Party… all I want to know is WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??!!
One slip-up here or there is understandable… MAYBE the Khalidi thing can be explained away because he’s a prof @ Columbia… but over and over and over Obama associates himself with people whose goal is to tear apart America.
I wouldn’t be surprised if we suddenly hear that these “lapses in judgment” are the fault of not quite kicking his admitted drug problems of his youth. A little pot is stupidity. COCAINE — “a little blow,” in his own words — is a PROBLEM. Yes, I mean for ANY President.
You’re not making a valid argument and you’re comparing apple and oranges. So, there’s not much I can do with what you wrote @71.
But I will do this. Look at post #58 where it says the following:
My posts at 60 and 65 were refuting dog-shits claim that Dems “have no chance” in Texas and North Carolina. But in fact, North Carolina has a Democratic governor, seven out of thirteen house seats are held by Democrats and Obama received more than double the primary votes that McCain did. I’d say that gives Obama more than a likely chance to take the state. It sounds like dog-shit didn’t do his homework.
The polling data you linked to has Clinton wining in one case,McCain winning in one case and all the other cases are within margin of error. They’re tossups. Tossups are the best you’ve got? Weak. They’re also last month. Lets see what happens with Clinton out of the race.
Bet ya Obama gains on McCain in NC.
HAs clueless idiot@82 – Still LYAO even today? Well since you are all ASS there is still some more you can laugh off.
I know why I’m voting for Obama. You joined the bandwagon after your Whhhaaaaambulance chaser was kicked to the curb.
So why not say something worthwhile for a change instead of your continual idiotic mantra? Oh wait a minute… you need to check Kos’ warm white sticky man-made kool-aid before you can post something resembling intelligence.
Michael: All we’re hearing is about the BIG SWEEP cumming in November. So if it’s a tossup…
Can ya figger it out? Do you need the map?
And Michael: Above you said the reach of Rush’s Operation Chaos was minimal. When I posted Operation Chaos and the real deal you shut up. I guess facts are a liberal’s best friend?
michael @ 86
My point was that the primary vote counts in NC look NOTHING like the polling data. You can’t give Obama ANYTHING — least of all GOP strongholds like Texas.
Read the SurveyUSA poll for NC and the segmentation. Does not look good for Obama.
As for the rest… If all of this giddy energy really meant anything, Obama would have statistically significant polling leads in ALL states where there was a primary vote discrepancy. But no such thing is happening. McCain is polling neck-and-neck, regardless of whether you take a national poll or go by the Electoral College.
What would the result be if you took into account the Bradley Effect?
Close polls + Bradley Effect + emphasis on sketchy youth vote = uncertainty for Obama
Ignoring all of the shady Obama associations and sticking JUST to policy… If the GOP can make “Obama = Carter 2.0” stick, that nullifies the whole “third Bush term” chant against McCain.
I missed that post at first and had other stuff to do. Plus, it’s not like I really care what you say.
I am laughing over the attempt to tie BO to President Carter, one of the silliest GOP campaign stupidities. They seem to be unaware who Carter is these days. Carter was in many ways a failure as a president, enough so that I couldn’t vote for his reelection. Even so, he has redeemed himself so completely since his presidency that he has acquired nearly hero status. He has left plenty of evidence that he is a good man, a man of principles and vision. He sees and acts on the actual needs of the people before him, both in his Habitat activities and in his stellar international work for fair elections. Jimmy Carter may not have succeeded in managing the D.C. establishment, but he did bring a moral compass to government, and he did his best. A large part of the electorate know him for his greatness (and have no memory of the seventies). If BO has half the moral vision and personal commitment JC has, he will be a great president indeed. There isn’t a Republican walking around who would fit in his shoes. Think of the putrid GOP scandals in the last year or so, then use Carter’s name as a smear on Obama? There really isn’t any shame in these folks, is there?
The clinton machine is going to unleash so much dirt on obama under the guise of republican 527s that obama won’t have a chance. Then Hillary gets her rightful place in 2012. Had hillary trashed obama then she would have turned off so many democrats that she couldn’t be elected, but using the same vast-right-wing-conspiracy theme that worked so well a decade ago with monica she will get away with it.
Grab some popcorn for the clinton’s swiftboating of obama. The show is about to start.
Stupes @ 87
Yes indeed I’m LMAO at your silliness. Look around you. Your right wing pals are full of nothing but hate.
Go home Stupes. You’ll be welcomed with open arms. Go home to torture. Go home to hypocrisy. Go home to corruption. Go home to endless war. Go home to insanity Hannity, Flush, Murdoch, Scaife and all the rest of the right wing bullshit you so love. Go home to 4 more years of the policies of the chimpanzee YOU voted for TWICE. Make it a threebie.
Surreal Mark is home. DOOFUS is home. Rick D is home. My Goldy Itches is home. Pooper is home. All you gotta do is join them.
Don’t worry Stupes, we’ll do just fine without you.
93 – We can always count on you Stamm for yet another right wing fantasy.
Why? They never have before.
Good luck with that “Jimmy Carter” meme. Maybe you should liken him to William Jennings Bryan, another Democrat who ran so long ago that no one remembers.
There’s a certain demographic that is heavily Republican in this country–I believe it’s white males 30-49. Those who are share your little iconography and believe the same tripe that you do: “Jimmy Carter was bad,” “Ronnie Raygun was God,” and so on. Anyone who’s not doesn’t even know what the heck you mean. It has no effect on them.
I think most people these days remember Jimmy Carter as the man who, after he was president, went around the world building houses for poor people.
That’s the funny part about this year’s election. All of your team’s trademark slime will have no effect. Hilarious.
Maybe you should Google “John McCain 100 years”
Latest electoral college vote based on polling
Obama 287
McCain 227
Exatcly tied 24
270 to win.
I’m just sayin’
90 TRM
Yes, because everyone remembers the Carter administration as clear as day even though it happened over thirty years ago, but the corrupt, incompetent war criminals of the Bush administration are but a distant, faint memory even though they are still in office. I mean, it’s not like Bush started two disastrous wars in which we are still bogged down with thousands of dead Americans coming home in boxes, and it’s not like McCain said he’d stay in Iraq for 100 years or anything. Right?
PuddyPrick for Brains – how’s you Global Cooling philosophy coming along?
DL @ 99
If the primary voting meant ANYTHING, your flavor-of-the-month should have a MUCH wider margin. The fact that they’re running within the margin of error… the fact that a huge segment of Obama’s support is from the ADD Generation… the Bradley Effect… the fact that he seems to have more skeletons in his closet than Halloween… the fact that his favorite word is “ummm” when he doesn’t have a TelePrompTer and a prepared speech… Come January 2009, the only place you’ll find Obama is delivering the evening news on MSNBC.
98. Daddy Love spews: Nothing worthwhile. Pelletizer tried that 100 years John McCain crap too. When I placed the real John McCain comment instead of the Kurse – Moron – Stinky Progress smear Pelletizer dropped it.
Kind of reminds me of the Barack the Magic Negro smear of Rsh you and others used here until Puddy first proved it was from LA Times reporter David Ehrenstein.
Facts destroy libtard arguments.
Tommygunner@101: Wrong again. You are an ignorant ASS. I told you what I thought of Global Warming. If you can’t remember, try pulling your head out of your ASS.
clueless idiot: Go home? You giving me orders? Your idiotic clueless insipid worthless pathetic attacks cause us to laugh all the time. Never a cogent thought, just parrot the left-wing mantra.
Daddy Love: WJ Bryan was against Social Darwinism and Eugenics. Most leading Democratic newspapers rejected his candidacy. Your party destroyed him.
Look it up.
105 – Stay awhile then. Either way I’ll be LMAO at your namecalling, your insanity, your silliness and your corrupt ugly party circling the toilet bowl.
All the way to November…
103 Pud
Oh, Puddy. John McCain said the 100 years thing at least three or four separate occasions. He mean exactly what he said. His subsequent backpedaling that he only meant “if there were no American casualties” does not stand up to even simple logic let alone political acumen, not that you possess either. You see, John McCain also says that we must stay in Iraq until that lack of casualties is achieved, no matter how long that takes. So if it’s 100 years utnil the casualties stop, then we’ll be there for 200 years. Simple Republican logic.
106 Pud
So what? My point was the bringing up Jimmy Carter to smear Obama will not work because that is the distant past for most, as distant in people’s memories as WJB’s candidacy. And I’m right, it won’t work.
God, you gotta love these guys. Republcan 527s are going to go all out to smear Obama, but now they say “These attacks are not really from Republicans, who are upright fair-players who would never do such a thing. No, folks, when this happens, and it will, rest assured that Hillary is behind it.”
It’s like a comic outtake from the Rush Limbaugh show.
Jeeeez! Y’all got an infestation here. What a bunch of diaper slingers – these Re-T*rds are so McLame. Sooo last century. I’m voting for Obama ~catch the wave~ let’s pack the House & Senate with grown-ups for a Change.
Morning News:
Kucinich introduced 35 Articles of Impeachment to an empty Congress last night, but C-Span aired it and WOW! No wonder none of the “R-THUGS” wanted to be there to hear it … all of it very bad for the boy king. I would venture to guess it took about 6 hours for Kucinich to read.
Thanks for letting me SPEW!